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Tiabirb February 29th, 2024 12:19 PM

Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Sweetsong of RiverClan

34 Moons

Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

The last feathers fell into the nest, and delicate white paws worked to fix and weave them into place. Small early newleaf blossoms decorated the pristinely crafted nest, and as Sweetsong took a moment to admire, and feel a silly bit of guilt for having to ruin it with sleep, she felt a peaceful feeling wash over her. She glanced toward the starlit sky one last time before she tucked herself into her nest and bowed her head.

"Thank you StarClan for another day," She whispered fervently, her eyes closed, "Thank you for guiding my paws as you always have, and I pray that you always will. May tomorrow bring your grace and love to RiverClan...and to all of the Clans, and I pray each and every one rests peacefully tonight..."
With her prayer completed, Sweetsong settled deeper into her mossy nest, resting her head next to the blossom of a poppy flower. She closed her eyes, welcoming the dreams she would have.

But the sleep she found was one she had never felt before. Never experienced...she was falling. Falling in the dark. She twisted herself around, her instinct to catch herself overwhelming. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't tell if they were open or not. It was that dark. It was like being blind. Panic filled her limbs, and she braced for impact. But when she landed, it wasn't solid ground. A torrential river engulfed her, and Sweetsong felt water fill her nose and ears, her jaws clamped shut tight to stop herself from breathing more in. Her head burst from the water, and she coughed and spit, her eyes wide with terror as the monstrous river swept her away into this nightmare.

When she opened her eyes, she was stricken with some awful feeling that she was in the wrong place. Quite immediately so. She laid on the water's edge, her fur soaked and plastered to her small frame. Her tail and back legs were still submerged in the dark water. Sweetsong coughed and heaved, spewing black water from her lungs and stomach. Her entire body ached.
This wasn't her dream...was it? No...she had never experienced something like this before.
A terrified thought entered her mind. Was she in...the Dark Forest!?! But why!? She had never strayed from StarClan, from the warrior code. Not once! Thorns snagged in her tail, making her jump, but the panicked thoughts persists.
Had she offended StarClan? Was she being punished? Tested?

More thorns seemed to appear, snaring around her paws and catching her ears. Sweetsong shook them away, but it was like the briars were alive! Sweetsong felt them tighten their hold on her left paw, and this was when she truly began to panic. She struggled to free herself, and the moment she could, she ran blindly through the growing brambles and piercing thorns. They scraped and scratched her sodden pelt, and Sweetsong kept running.
Until the trees appeared. The ground was craggy and rocky, but the trees were thick, black and massive. Sweetsong stared with a mixture of awe and fear, approaching one of the towering trees. The roots were bigger than her, and they fed and snaked all over the path. She picked her way cautiously through the roots, breathing a sigh of relief when the brambles seemed to retreat, no longer in pursuit.
She crept her way over the roots until the roots themselves were a solid path, and as she padded along, she did her best to ignore the annoying echoes around her. The wind was speaking, but she didn't recognize any of the voices, nor did she listen. Something had grabbed her attention now, and as she looked down, past her paws, past the roots...

There was no ground below! Only darkness.

Then a new thought occurred; If this wasn't her dream...then whose was it? She looked back after the way she had come. She didn't realize until now, but she had taken a very specific journey to get here, and this realization brought a new concern.
Who was so tormented that their dreams were a literal nightmare? Her face set into one of timid determination, but determination nonetheless. She had been called here. Someone had...drawn her to them. Looking back at the roots, Sweetsong began to tear them away with her claws until an opening in the path was revealed.
Taking a deep breath, she plunged into the darkness as if diving back into the torrential river that had brought her here.
The fall was shorter this time. Her paws touched solid, rocky ground. Faint moonlight poured in from overhead, illuminating a single cavern. A single tree grew in the center of this cavern, the silver light dousing its dark, pitiful branches, bathing it aglow. Sweetsong watched it carefully for a time, and then her eyes adjusted a little more as she walked cautiously toward this tree.

She had a feeling she was about to find the owner of this nightmare...


SpiritedWarrior February 29th, 2024 02:13 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

The swarms of reality had plagued his mind for moons. Ever since Crowpaw could remember, in fact. Well... actually, ever since Quietpaw had died. That day had marked the end of many things for Crowpaw. It marked the end of his happiness. His light in life was his sister. And his mother had died giving birth to his stillborn brothers and Bluekit. Bluekit, unfortunately, was gone too. She had been gone for moons.

Everything that had happened after Quailpaw's return to ThunderClan felt like it was every bit of his doing. He couldn't stop his sister from bleeding. He couldn't stop StarClan or the Dark Forest (really whoever ended up taking her) from taking his mother. But he could've stopped Bluekit's fate... or at least postponed it. She had gone missing as a kit, and after Sootfur disappeared, it was up to Crowpaw to keep his little sister safe.

Losing family was a pain everyone had to deal with, but with Crowpaw, the impact his family had on him made his state of mind much worse than it should be. He hoped his grandpaw, Pondwhisker, was still in RiverClan. Happy as can be. But he really didn't know, nor did he have the energy to show he cared. How could he? Pondwhisker wasn't around him all the time. His parents weren't either.

He sat there, in his nightmare, with his head hung low under the single tree in the cavern. "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry to everyone. I... I failed you all. I was never the son anyone wanted... I was never the brother anyone needed. I was never the protector I should have been." he let silent tears drip from the corners of his eyes. I'm not even a warrior... I'm nearly 20 moons old! Even to the whole of ThunderClan I've failed...

"I wasn't even twelve moons old. And I lost you all..." It had been thirteen moons since he had watched his sister die. And it has been about seven or eight moons since his youngest sister went missing. Lavenderpaw and Fallowkit were still missing too. "H-how... how can I... how can I go on without a single family member left? I can't even forgive you, Thrushstar, for disowning me and being a negligent father. And you- Quailfur... you and Thrushstar never had a proper relationship with any of your kits."

Proper relationship... that was probably the most polite way to describe what that mess was. Crowpaw had raised himself, looked after Quietpaw, and looked after Bluekit until she went missing. He had managed to bring a lot of his problems to light the day he and Bluekit were disowned. But...

"Bluekit you were so innocent to it all... you were disowned by our father... and none of it was your fault." It was all his. All of it! Crowpaw was struggling to stay afloat in life. In ThunderClan, there was nothing for him except his littermates' grave. And he'd remain in ThunderClan no matter how unhappy he was. He couldn't leave his sister behind. But it wasn't just because of his feelings toward the cause of her death. It was because he had promised her he would always be with her. Even if they were in two different places, he knew Quietpaw would be roaming the starry ThunderClan territories.

Besides, Thrushstar had told Crowpaw he could dig up her grave and take that and his less-than-moon old sister to RiverClan. But by doing that, it would be disrespecting her death. Thrushstar could probably never have experienced such a thing, but Crowpaw wasn't going to disrespect his sister's grave after she had sacrificed her life for his. It would be wrong and not warrior-like. Really it would be dishonorable and Crowpaw was not about dishonor, especially when it comes to family members.

With his speaking done, Crowpaw let out a growl and got up from where he sat. His hackles were raised and his teeth were bared. Coming out from behind the tree, he unsheathed his claws and stared at the strange cat that stood before him. "If you've come to gloat about your victory, StarClanner, I suggest you keep it to yourself. You've taken my family and my light in life. What more do you want from me? I've lost everything I've ever had."

It took him a moment, but he then realized this stranger was not of StarClan. There were no stars in her pelt. Nor were there the dark shadows of the Dark Forest warriors. "I've never met you. Why are you walking in my dream?"

Tiabirb February 29th, 2024 02:48 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Sweetsong of RiverClan

34 Moons

Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

She heard whispers in the dark, coming from the other side of the tree. Fervent words, emotional. Sweetsong continued to approach. And then the cat showed themselves.
He was faced with two wide green eyes, warm pools of worry and sadness. Despite his hostility, she simply stared at him in a mixture of awe and thoughtfulness. He thought she was from StarClan? Oh goodness...he seemed to be very angry with them. It didn't take him long to realize she was in fact, just another cat like him. She took in his brown pelt, covered in black tabby stripes, the missing ear, the scars. He was so...young. And he had so many lasting scars.

Inside and out.

"You called me here," She replied, her voice soft and gentle. It was an honest answer, and she had no other explanation. "I'm so sorry to intrude...I mean no harm, I promise." She lowered her gaze down to her paws, "I am not from StarClan...in truth, I did not know I could visit the dreams of others..." The small pale ginger tabby admitted shyly, but then her gaze lifted, that warm, unconditionally calm green gaze, and she smiled, "I am here for a reason, and that reason is you."

She looked around the cave. It was so empty. Lonely. And yet the feeling in the air was heavy and burdening. It wouldn't do to linger here. "My name is Sweetsong..." She murmured, "Of RiverClan.."
The recent battle came to mind, and she wondered if he had known about it. Would he have lost someone in that awful fight? Had he lost anyone before? She couldn't remember seeing his pelt among the flurry of tails and paws when ThunderClan had raided. Many in her Clan had believed the raid had been injust and unprovoked. But Sweetsong knew that RiverClan had antagonized their neighbors immensely in the last year...and ThunderClan had been the first to respond. She couldn't blame her neighbors for their anger towards her Clan, but she knew that if grudges kept growing deeper, and blood spilled more...

Then how could RiverClan ever hope for peace? In such a time where they need to rebuild so desperately? It broke her heart to see the Clans tear themselves apart...
But not as much as it broke her heart to see this poor cat being utterly torn apart by himself.

"Did you want to take a walk?" Sweetsong asked him suddenly, her ears perking up as she gave him a shy smile, green eyes shining with hope.


SpiritedWarrior February 29th, 2024 04:04 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Crowpaw huffed in disbelief. This cat was not dead. But ShadowClan and RiverClan are ThunderClan's enemies. WindClan could care less about ThunderClan. What did this she-cat mean by "I mean no harm?" Two out of the four Clans hated ThunderClan and picked multiple battles with them as of recent times. "Promises mean nothing to me." Not anymore anyway. Promises could be broken. Vows could be broken. There was not one cat in the world he could trust. "How could I have called you here?" Was his pain too much for StarClan to come console him that they had sent another cat, a living one nonetheless, to him?

There was nothing but anger and hate in his eyes with only a slight bit of curiosity. His widened as this stranger, Sweetsong, introduced herself. RiverClan? A little bit of hope flickered in his chest, defrosting the hardened heart that had formed after many moons. "RiverClan, huh? Do you happen to see a... uh, elder-aged warrior that goes by the name Pondwhisker around your camp?"

If StarClan could do anything to redeem themselves in his eyes, it was making sure his grandpaw was alive and well in his home. The one cat, aside from Quietpaw, who had ever loved him. Who better to ask than the RiverClanner that stood before him? No one else would answer him simply because their Clans were enemies. And if he ever accidentally pulled a stupid stunt, he'd be killed for it by his own leader.

"I suppose I've got no choice beings that you found your way to my dream. Or... whatever you call this chaotic dark void of... of..." His voice trailed off. He felt bad, but he couldn't risk letting this RiverClanner know that he was vulnerable. Not until she shares the news of his grandpaw. Why? Well... he wouldn't be able to contain his emotions if he was told his grandpaw was missing or dead. "Lead the way... Sweetsong."

He rolled his shoulders back and bunched them together once he felt a satisfying pop. Once his muscles were bunched, he leapt down from his spot and padded to the warrior. Now that they were closer together, he could see her tiny frame. She looked much skinnier than he had ever seen a cat look before. "You a new warrior?"

Tiabirb February 29th, 2024 04:29 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Sweetsong of RiverClan

34 Moons

Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

She gazed deep into his hate. But she saw sorrow within. She let out a small chuckle, "I see... you have been hurt by those closest. Trust is so easily broken, and so hard to repair..." She shook her head, "I don't know. I went to sleep, expecting dreams, and I was falling into yours. I thought it was mine, but then I realized I was being led somewhere...and that somewhere is you." She looked around again, then asked, "Have you tried leaving on your own?"
She spoke of the cavern, the heavy feeling that weighed down on them. She turned, gesturing with her fluffy tail for him to walk beside her. She stood a little under his shoulder in height, but she held her chin and tail high, her demeanor friendly and inviting. Sweetsong glanced over upon hearing the question of an elder called Pondwhisker. Someone else dear to Crowpaw, she presumed.
But she did not recall a Pondwhisker in some moons, and so she shook her head slowly, "I am so very sorry to tell you that he walks with StarClan...I did not know him myself..." Green eyes filled with tears looked up at Crowpaw, worried and anxious of how this news would affect him, ready to cry just knowing how this could hurt him.... She hated having to be the one to share the news with him. Why wouldn't Pondwhisker come to Crowpaw himself to tell him he had gone?
How lonely Crowpaw must be. She was surprised to know he was still an apprentice. He was very large for one. Had he been held back?

But just as she was surprised that he was still a 'paw, she was surprised when he asked if she was a new warrior. Sweetsong felt her ears burn. "N-no, I'm not a new warrior..." She admitted sheepishly, "I've been a warrior for at least....two years now? I was born in early newleaf...thirty-four moons ago," Sweetsong whispered. "My size can be a bit...off-putting, I suppose.."


SpiritedWarrior February 29th, 2024 05:31 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

It infuriated Crowpaw at the sight of this rival Clanner laughing at his expense. Then again, what could he have expected? She was merely an enemy who's Clan had fought his. He clenched his jaw in anger, but said nothing for fear of doing or saying something he'd regret.

"How can I? So many parts of my life happened because of me. And none of those parts were good." he looked around at the cavern, he was used to the heavy air of burden now, but knew that it would be good to walk out and just talk.

"N-no... no no no no." The tears that had once dried up began to flow once more, faster than ever. He didn't want to believe it, but the tone of Sweetsong's voice and her expression left him no other choice. He wanted nothing more than to yowl to the stars and curse them for what they had done to him. "I... it..." he struggled to find the words to explain who Pondwhisker was to him. Sweetsong most likely didn't know about their relationship. He turned his head away and buried his nose in his shoulder the best he could to get a hold of himself before facing Sweetsong once more.

"He was my grandpaw..." the mud-brown tabby tom managed to croak. Now he truly was the only living member of his family. His breath came in quick, sharp gasps as the words spewed out of his mouth, no control in what he was saying. "Quietpaw, Fallowkit, Lavenderpaw, Quailfur, Thrushstar, Bluetkit, Bluekit, Archkit... now my grandpaw: Pondwhisker. I'm the last of my family... t-they're all... d-dead..."

Now that he realized what he was saying, he bit his tongue and gulped. "I- I'm sorry... I r-really d-didn't mean to tell you all that. Um... I-I'm Crowpaw, by the way. Crowpaw of miserable, unhelpful ThunderClan." It probably wasn't the best idea to say such things about his birth Clan, but that's how he felt about them. ThunderClan had refused to help him when he's clearly struggling. He ignored most of Sweetsong's last statement. 34 moon old warrior, that's it. "Uh- I'm... I'm coming up on 20 moons."

Tiabirb February 29th, 2024 05:53 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Sweetsong of RiverClan

34 Moons

Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

"Go ahead," Her voice was a whisper, and regardless of Clan, of loyalty, of birth, Sweetsong wanted to take his pain away. Through her own tears, she began speaking, her words hushed and fervent, "Let it out, Crowpaw. It's okay to grieve. You should have known so much sooner..." She said to him. Not knowing what else to do, Sweetsong pressed close to Crowpaw, her eyes closed and her head bowed. Even though she could not fathom the true depths of this stranger's pain, it was tangible, and she wept for him. For Crowpaw, if not for the cats who had left him all alone.

She wept alongside him until the worst had passed, and when he turned to face her again she took a step back, watching him closely while she tried to wipe away her eyes to clear them. "You are so very young to endure so much...how unfortunate...but you are the last one standing of your bloodline; That means you have the power to clean the sins of those before...to take what lessons and hardships are buried within your pain and...do better. That's all we can do when those before us fail."

She went quiet for a time, considering how to respond his comments of his Clan. He was miserable, unhappy and everything from his expression to his words, from posture to tone, practically screamed at her. "I'm so deeply sorry for your agony..." She reached a small white paw up, hesitated, then brought it back down. She wasn't sure what she could say, or do...she didn't want to invade his space more than she already had. If trespassing into a totally random dream wasn't an invasion enough!


SpiritedWarrior February 29th, 2024 07:15 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Crowpaw flinched the moment he registered that Sweetsong had gotten much closer. She, too, was crying. For the first time in his life, he felt like was given mercy. That was the closest he got to a hug in moons, and this action was coming from a complete stranger from an enemy Clan. "You don't know the half of it, Sweetsong. I don't even know why I mourn for Thrushstar or Quailfur. They were... the worst parents." Why did he mourn for Thrushstar and Quailfur? They had neglected him all his life, only acknowledging him when he was trying to get his point across to them or when he got in trouble that one time when he was a kit.

As much as he wanted to believe it, how could he really change the course of events and make all the lives in his family after him better? How could he even get a family? He couldn't trust a single cat alive and the only two he would really trust that are dead would be his sister and grandpaw.

"I... I would tell you all that happened to make me hate my own Clan and parents, but... I don't know if you'd want to. It's a heavy burden and I don't wish to just... pass it on to someone else without knowing they could handle it."

Sweetsong was so... nice compared to his Clanmates. Why were his Clanmates incapable of such care? It felt odd to have spoken about his family and not get chastised because of it. And Crowpaw had never expected the cat to actually care about his emotions to be an enemy warrior. The young tom let out a sigh and began to walk once more, though he didn't know where he'd end up going. The trees? The thorns? Probably the trees... they're a lot less sharp. "I'm sorry... I must be confusing you. I should like ThunderClan. It's where I was born, but... I just can't. I used to, but that was when I was a real young kit. As I got older, I just... my life went downhill. Fast, too. One thing after another, one death, one... one hardship. I get that that's life, but I just felt like it could've been easier. I know it could've been easier. But... no one ever helped me."

He would think StarClan had led Sweetsong to him, to his dream, but he found that hard considering his ancestors brought him nothing but trouble. Crowpaw was a death magnet. Everyone seemed to die around him. How is that normal for anyone...?

Tiabirb February 29th, 2024 07:42 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Sweetsong of RiverClan

34 Moons

Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

While he spoke, she listened. Sometimes that is all that mattered. He wanted to be heard...to be seen and his pain shared. Sweetsong listened, the tears flowing again as they continued on, the cave's floor turning to sand, and from the incline, she could they they were going up. It was still very dark, but as the sky began to show, she could see starlight above, and hear something odd.

It sounded like the river she had been swept up into, and the fur on her spine lifted fearfully. But she had come this far, and she pressed onward. She was not prepared for the sight before her.
A shining expanse of water was before them, the waves lapping hungrily at the sandy shore. She looked behind them, seeing the tunnel they had left. "Interesting," Sweetsong murmured. "Come on," She said to Crowpaw, padding up to the water. She sat just where the water kissed her white paws, and she let out a deep sigh.

Then she began to sing, her voice full and deep, her eyes on the horizon.
"Just when you think, hope is lost; And giving up...is all you've got; Blue turns black; Your confidence is cracked; Seems no going back...from here..."

She turned her gaze back to Crowpaw, those clear green eyes reflecting the stars, the water, him. "Sometimes there isn't an obvious explanation; Why the holiest hearts can feel the strongest palpitations..."

She let her voice trail off, her eyes glowing with emotion. In this moment, his losses were hers. His pain was hers. She let herself feel them, imagining herself in his paws. She wouldn't have been strong enough to stay. RiverClan was in such a state...but his life was one tragedy after another. Sweetsong gazed at Crowpaw, and finally worked up the courage, lifting her paw and placing it over his heart.
"You have experienced more pain that most will ever endure in a lifetime...and you deserved none of it. You are innocent...whatever your mistakes, whatever you may feel you could have done...you need to let go...you need to know that you tried, and sometimes, that is all that truly matters to those we love." Sweetsong whispered. "Those with us in life, and those waiting for us in death..."

"Life is like the river. It flows on and on..., changing its course one pebble, one stream, one current at a time...and one day it will lead out to the sea." She rested her paw once more and looked back over the water. "We will never know when we will reach the sea...but the journey is what makes life worth it." Sweetsong smiled up at Crowpaw then, but her gaze quickly found itself back over the water again, admiring the simple beauty.


SpiritedWarrior March 1st, 2024 12:07 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

It felt so odd to be sharing tears with another. This was the first time he had ever felt such a way. It was... refreshing. For the first time in his life, Crowpaw felt... warm. His heart had hardened in such a way he had hated everyone, and this warrior, this stranger was thawing it. After all the moons of unhappiness, of misery, Crowpaw finally cracked a smile. It was a small one, but a smile nonetheless.

The dark tunnel was turning light, and with it, some warm sand beneath his toe beans. The sounds of lapping waves reached his ears, and for a moment he thought about the rushing river. But this body of water wasn't surrounded by darkness. It was surrounded by light. Moments later, the RiverClanner's fur spiked and he could smell the fear, but none of that stayed for very long. Now out of the tunnel, Crowpaw's eyes blinked a few times.

Before them lay an endless lake with waves that reached out to grab hold of the wet sand beneath to pull it back in. It was... relaxing. Crowpaw wanted to go in, but he didn't know if that was a good idea or not. What if, once he went in, he would wake up? He didn't want to wake up. Not yet. There was still so much he could do. He could get to know Sweetsong, and see what it was like to finally have someone who's compassionate in his life.

The RiverClan she-cat, much like him, was at awe of the sight. She was the first to walk toward the endless lake, with Crowpaw following closely behind after being beckoned. He didn't let his paws touch the water like Sweetsong did, but he sat close to it. Sitting about a tail-length away from the golden tabby, he felt his shoulders droop and the stress of life leave his body. It would return eventually, but not for a bit. At least not until he woke up and had to deal with the frozen-hearted Clan he called home.

He didn't know the proper word he could use to describe himself at the moment. The waves lapping over each other was a little noisy, but it drowned out all his thoughts of the chaos going on. And then... Sweetsong started... doing something with her words. He had never heard a cat speak in such a way, but it was beautiful. There wasn't a word he could speak that could describe how in awe he felt. Every word she spoke described how he felt for what felt like his whole life.

He couldn't help but shed a couple of tears when Sweetsong's attention was turned to him, and shed a few more when he heard the next few words the RiverClanner spoke. She was right. He couldn't explain why he felt such a way. It always felt like he was a lot more dramatic and emotional than his Clanmates. In some respects, that was true, but his feelings for all the losses he had experienced had never really been validated by anyone before.

"You have experienced more pain that most will ever endure in a lifetime...and you deserved none of it." It seemed, when he was younger, losing so many and experiencing that much pain was normal. In truth, it wasn't. It was far from normal, in fact. He never asked for anything like that to ever happen. He wouldn't wish it on a single soul. Losing so much only hardens you. It makes you numb and it makes it even harder to live.

Sweetsong saw his pain, and he knew just by the way she looked at him and the words she spoke. She believes he was innocent, but she didn't know the full story. She said it was okay to let go, but... how could he? She didn't know what Quietpaw was like. She didn't know what Fallowkit or Lavenderpaw was like. Nor did she even know about Bluekit and the hardships that newborn went through within the first moon.

"I didn't just lose my family, y'know. I lost a sense of who I am. W-who I was born to be. The only time I ever loved my parents was when I had no idea what they were like. At the time, I didn't know enough about them. Do you want to know the whole story, Sweetsong? Why I despise my own birth Clan? Why I- why I had that nightmare in the first place?" He felt ready to share his story once more. Although he'd typically be burnt out with having to share the story so many times, Sweetsong and Crowpaw barely knew each other. Sweetsong, even though she hasn't even known the young tom for a whole night, was kind enough and merciful enough that it made him want to share. He didn't feel forced to share his story with her, but he did with his Clan because he tried to change the minds of those he grew up around.

Tiabirb March 1st, 2024 05:09 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Sweetsong of RiverClan

34 Moons

Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

She gazed at him for a long time. In her heart, she knew she needed to hear his story. Someone needed to know how deep his pain went. To hold it and share its burden...but she shook her head, though she smiled with an apology. "You have spent enough time in those dark places." She whispered, "Let's enjoy this," She turned her eyes back to the water, taking a long, deep breath. "I think I was meant to find you, Crowpaw....so I will find you again. I will hear your story then..."

Sweetsong eyed the line where the water met the sky. "Do you think...we will see the sun rise here?" She asked him, "I've never had...a dream like this...so dark and cold..." Sweetsong shivered. "This part of your dream is so much nicer...you should be here more..not in that scary cave..."

She could remember the last nightmare she had had. It was when...she was alive. Her sister, the beast known as Poisonberry. Sweetsong could feel herself shrinking down. Her cave had been a thicket, with tangling thorns and brambles, cutting her pelt and ears, and then they had become...her sister's silver and white paws, her claws tearing at Sweetsong...

"Pathetic," She would hiss. "Weak. You will die, sweet little sister, and no one will remember your stupid name, or your bleeding heart..."

Sweetsong could remember every word, every barb, jab and cutting insult.
But she also remembered finding her sister's body. Broken and stiff...she had died hunting at night...snatched up by an owl. The feathers and blood showed she had put up a fight and had freed herself...but the branches piercing her body had told Sweetsong just how horrible her death had been. She had fallen onto a branch, snapping it off, but it had been stuck inside of her ribs as she kept falling...and she had landed on it a second time, the impact sending more of the broken wood through her silver and black tabby body.

None would know how deeply Sweetsong blamed herself...she and Poisonberry had argued that evening...over Boulderkit, Poisonberry's son. Sweetsong hadn't liked how twisted the young kit had been becoming, seeing troubling signs of cruelty...but Poisonberry had screeched at her, belittling Sweetsong, sneering that she should have had the damn kit herself if she wanted to be a Queen so badly...
But even then her paws were drawn to the medicine den...to herbs and healing. The argument had ended with Poisonberry tossing Boulderkit back into the nursery by his tail and storming out of camp just as the last of the sun's light had faded behind the distant hills and trees. She had stayed with Boulderkit for as long as she could, but when Poisonberry hadn't returned by moonhigh, Sweetsong had set out to find her...

"I know what it is like to have family who loathes you," Sweetsong admitted after a long while of silence. "To see you as lesser...to be unwanted...I know the conflict of relief and...anger...Only one cat has ever made me...angry...and that was my sister..." The small pale ginger she-cat whimpered, her ears falling.
"I was in that dark place too once...after she died...but when I realized she wasn't going to haunt me...that she would never...hurt me again..my nightmares stopped." Sweetsong looked up at the sky. "I want to believe she went to StarClan....but I know deep in my heart she was never meant to go there....the things she's done...said...what she would have done if she were still alive...I know she went to the Dark Forest...that's where cats who are truly wicked and unforgiveable go..."

Sweetsong sniffled, lifting a soggy paw to wipe her nose. "Cats couldn't believe we were related...and sometimes...I couldn't either..." She no idea why she had shared this. It was a not-so-secret secret to Sweetsong. Poisonberry's death had gone on and few had mourned..she hadn't been a likeable cat.


SpiritedWarrior March 1st, 2024 06:06 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

While Sweetsong stared at him, which seemed like a real long time, the young tabby was beginning to think that someone would listen. Unfortuantely that was not the case. All he got was an apology. Of course not. Why do I even try anymore...? There was no hint of surprise in his eyes, but he understood. How could such a nice cat want to be burdened with the mess that is his life? He wanted to cry, but there was no point. Not anymore. All he could do was swallow his emotions, nod in acknowledgement, and look down at his paws.

He felt only a little bit of relief. One night, he'd tell Sweetsong his story. And she'd listen, but tonight was not the night and Sweetsong had made that clear. He didn't pay attention to her until she spoke again, and he had looked up once more. "Can't say I'm surprised... y-you're so nice." And merciful. "I didn't even know this place existed in my dream..."

She hardly knows me... yet she knows me so well. I was unwanted. Loathed. By my own family, too. His pupils went wide in shock. Her own sister? Crowpaw couldn't imagine if Quailpaw, Fallowkit, Lavenderpaw, or Bluekit hated him. They all loved him... at least for the time he knew them. Although she never experienced a nightmare like she had just seen Crowpaw experience, she knew what it was like to have nightmares.

"Wicked and unforgivable? Your sister must've been pretty bad then. My sisters were great... I couldn't imagine if I was hated by them. But I don't doubt for a moment that Thrushstar and Quailfur went to the Dark Forest. I used to hope Quailfur went to StarClan, but... not anymore. But like you said- that's a story for another time. I couldn't believe I was related to them either, much like you and your sister."

He reached his paw up to hug her, to comfort her in the only way he knew how, but he wasn't sure if Sweetsong would want that. Perhaps she needed to talk? No... she's moved on. She probably wouldn't want to talk about it anymore. "I don't know if we'll see the sun rise, but you mentioning the sun reminded me of something I started thinking about two moons ago when I had good days. The moon comes and goes... we'll always have bad times, but... the sun comes and goes too. We'll have good days, even though we may have more bad days. The sun never follows far behind."

When he was a kit, and reprimanded for sneaking out of the nursery (though he only went to the Highledge to be with his father, a warrior at the time, to watch the meeting) by his mother, his sisters had crawled on top of him to comfort their crying brother and pleaded for their mother to forgive him. That was the only memory he had of his littermates being together with him. The only truly good memory of their bond. He wasn't even five moons yet, perhaps he was closer to three or four. Lavenderpaw was a kit at the time, just new to the family. Crowpaw couldn't remember when Quailfur adopted her, but Crowpaw always remembered how he loved his mother for taking in a blind kit.

But all of that happiness was gone now. He was betrayed by his father. Lived without love with both his parents. Watched his sister die. Watched his mother die. His sisters were never looked for nor were they found. It was safe to assume they were dead considering they had never returned to ThunderClan. Pondwhisker was dead now, too. Sweetsong's right. I do have the ability to rewrite my family's story. But I don't know how... I know what love is not, but I hardly ever experienced it. How do I love someone without hurting them like my family did to me?

"H-how... what made you realize she'd never hurt you again?" He was asking for himself, yet he was also taking an interest in Sweetsong's life. Perhaps she could teach him how to move on? It wasn't too far of a stretched thought. Crowsong was genuinely curious and was sick of being in the same, scary, tormenting place every night he went to sleep. He'd do anything to get out of that nightmare if he could.

Tiabirb March 2nd, 2024 07:22 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
34 Moons
Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

She could practically taste his disappointment. She wanted to hear his story, to know every little detail so she could share it all...but she could sense the night moving on as they stayed in this void of time.
Sweetsong's soft gaze were pools of sorrow and self-loathing. With her own pain shared, he seemed to take interest, but he didn't quite understand why.
But she did.

Sweetsong was unlike the typical warrior, and she would never try to say otherwise. She didn't hunt. While she could, she couldn't bring herself to take the lives of the mice and birds she watched with admiration. To be prey but to live on with their lives as though the thought of being struck down and eaten was never a concern in their worlds.
Among her Clan, her Clanmates...Sweetsong knew she was prey. Weak. Useless. Her fate to be devoured by the rage and hatred and venomous words and hearts all around her. Poisonberry's abuse hadn't stopped...it had only changed faces...
The most recent face that had looked at her with disgust...had been Birdsnow. Her own leader. Never had she incurred a response like that before...but her kind ways and gentle nature were displeasing to the cat who she believed would bring RiverClan back from its own destruction. And that simply broke her heart into pieces.

He spoke about the sun, and how its light is never far away from chasing off the darkness. Sweetsong was lost in her thoughts at this point, staring at her faint reflection as the waves pushed and pulled the sand at her paws with the tide. He asked how she knew. Sweetsong didn't look up. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, her ears pinning back to her skull.
"I found her body..." The small ginger she-cat whispered, "And my faith in StarClan prevents her from invading my dreams...She is dead and gone. In all but memory..."

Something silver flickered in the corner of her eye, and Sweetsong let out a soft gasp. Standing three fox-lengths away down the shoreline was a massive ghostly figure. Shadows licked around the feline frame, as if the black tabby stripes were peeling off themselves, wreathing and snaking around...
Dark green eyes flashed knowingly, and within the same heartbeat, claws and teeth came lunging for them. Sweetsong yelped in alarm and stumbled back, slipping in the sand, but when she righted herself..the image of her sister was gone. "D-did you see her?" Sweetsong whimpered, her green eyes wide and horrified, her head swiveling to either side, like an owl. "Oh... I shouldn't have said anything..." Sweetsong panted, feeling herself curl into herself. "Everytime...everytime...she tries...she tries..."

Sweetsong, so calm and comforting before, was now huddled close to Crowpaw like a frightened kit, and her entire body trembled and shook. Her entire thick pelt was fluffed up in her terror. Her voice, once so honey-like and full, was a quivering one.

"She tries...she tries...poison and lies...she never dies...."


SpiritedWarrior March 3rd, 2024 05:12 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Crowpaw had been so engulfed in the flames of his own pain, he hardly ever recognized that there were other warriors- other cats- out there that went through difficult times. In the back of his mind, he knew, but he never thought to recognize that he wasn't the only one with terrible family members. A pang of sympathy lit in his eyes. The only good thing he got out of his disastrous family was the knowledge that siblings were supposed to get along. They were supposed to be supportive and protective of each other.

It was truly a shame that there were more bad than good cats in the Clans. Well... at least that's what Crowpaw experienced. Sparrowstar, Thrushstar, and Bumblestar were all bad in his opinion. Plus all the Clanmates he grew up with. And the whole of ShadowClan. Without having enough knowledge on RiverClan, he couldn't form a proper opinion of them, but he knew that there had been at least two good warriors in RiverClan.

Pondwhisker and now Sweetsong. Whether there was more, Crowpaw truly didn't know. ThunderClan was turning out to be ShadowClan 2.0, whether he wanted to admit it or not. There are times where he understood Bumblestar's reasoning for acting and doing what she does, but he didn't think his own Clanmates should be murdered. Then again... Bumblestar no longer thought exile was a good enough punishment for those who wronged ThunderClan. While she was valid in her feelings toward the traitors, killing was just... wrong. But is it really? Killing was only permitted if the cat was outside the code. And by betraying the Clan... does that make them outside the code?

It was certainly a thought, but not a thought that mattered in this very moment. Sweetsong's words brought him out of his thoughts and back to the present. "That's horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through it," Crowpaw murmured in a calm, sympathetic manner. If Sweetsong's faith in StarClan prevented her sister from haunting her dreams anymore than she had, and Sweetsong was in Crowpaw's dream, what did that mean for the RiverClan she-cat? Crowpaw's dream was a nightmare, but now he was staring out at the horizon, watching the endless lake's water lap at his toes.

Crowpaw rested his head on his RiverClan companion's head in comfort and sighed. He momentarily closed his eyes to feel what he had lost long ago: true peace. Unfortunately, that 'true peace' merely lasted a second before it was interrupted by a strange figure. A shadowy one... with a silver-ish pelt and green eyes. Who is that?! Just as soon as the green eyes made an appearance, the figure leapt for the pair. Instinctively, while Sweetsong was terrified to what seemed like her very core, Crowpaw's protectiveness took over and he, too, leapt for the strange figure with claws and teeth ready to sink into the shadow figure's pelt.

Her? Sweetsong's sister... Crowpaw looked at Sweetsong, his kind demeanor returned, and whispered, "You're all right... she won't hurt you. Not while I'm here... I'll make sure of it." When he was younger, he thought he'd take on the whole of StarClan after everything that had happened. And he'd do the same with the Dark Forest if need be. There was not a single cat, living or dead, that'd take away his friends' happiness without having to go through him.

Sweetsong was now huddled against Crowpaw like a kit. It was funny in a way. Here he was, a 19-moon-old apprentice, protecting a 34-moon-old warrior. Then again, her sister had caused her pain. And she sought comfort with me. He wanted to yell out a warning for the Dark Forest warrior, but he didn't want to say something that might hurt Sweetsong's feelings more than they already were. His pupils enlarged and stared into Sweetsong's golden pelt. He let out a comforting purr and smiled at his companion.

"You're okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Tiabirb March 3rd, 2024 09:04 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
34 Moons
Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

Sweetsong was aware that he had sprang forward to defend them. She was frozen in place. Fear rooted her to the spot, and Sweetsong closed her eyes as she tried her best to push her sister from her thoughts. But the apparition was gone, leaving them alone in Crowpaw's dream. Crowpaw's dream.

But the memories persisted. The deaths of her parents. The suspicion behind their deaths. The delay of her training over and over...too scared to even kill a mouse that practically leaped into her paws. Poisonberry's lies and whispers, pushing her to simply sit in the corner, and pretend she was a rock. Worse, a pebble. Insignificant and small. Sweetsong had stayed so quiet...her only reprieve had been her days to herself, singing by the river as she watched the birds fly high above her head. Watching as her first love was swayed away by Poisonberry. Another death shortly after. His death. She had taken his rejection and death as a sign she was not meant to have love...a mate...a family.

And then Boulderkit was born, and Sweetsong had watched her sister bully and abuse her own son...and when she had finally spoken up, finally held her ground...
The tragedies had stopped. The next morning came. But her wicked sister did not come with it.

Crowpaw's soft tones reached her, and her shrunken pupils slowly dilated as she realized how close he was. How gentle he was. So much different than the hostile cat she had met. Sweetsong felt tears spill from her eyes, and she bowed her head. She was so grateful to have someone there...even if it was only a dream. Ashamed too that she was not truly over her own fear and pain.
Aside from her sister, Fallenwish, Crowpaw was the only one who had any idea of how deeply she had been hurt. How deeply she was still hurting. She had learned long ago to wear a mask of patience...over time it had stopped becoming a mask, and a way of life that allowed her to survive the turbulent and violent ways of the Clans. Not that it changed the pain inside of her, but it made it easier to hide it. The perfect camouflage.

The gentle vibrations of purring soothed her tense muscles until Sweetsong practically melted onto her belly in the sand. She looked up at Crowpaw, gazing at him. How could she express her gratitude to him for leaping to her defense? Even if it was only an illusion, and they naught but strangers. She pushed herself up onto her paws and thrust her face into his neck, standing on her toes to rub her cheeks over his fur, a weak, tremoring purr rising inside of her own chest.
"I appreciate your words, Crowpaw...but this is a dream...I wish it weren't...yet I am glad to have met you like this.." Sweetsong pulled away, green eyes shining once more, though this time the warm feeling within was unreadable. "In the waking world...we will be neighbors again..." Neighbors.



She didn't dare say it aloud. How could she? They did not see the borders here. Only each other's pain. Here they could speak like this, openly and honestly. Here they could be this close without fear of being caught, or accused of betrayal. Nor had the wound over her own heart closed. But something told her she needed to see Crowpaw again. That this wouldn't be the last time his broken eyes would look at her with hope and light. He had been so dark, shadowed in his anger and grief...there was something truly beautiful seeing his true soul shine through, to see the kind and brave and...himself. Which was something he probably hadn't had a chance to be in a long time.

"I want to hear your story," She whispered, "Let's meet here again. On the shore. T-tomorrow night?" Sweetsong added hopefully.


SpiritedWarrior March 5th, 2024 04:01 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Seeing Sweetsong in such a vulnerable position, cowering in front of the ghost of her sister, touched Crowpaw's heart in a way he forgot was possible. He lived so long in the shadows of his own thoughts. His own experiences. And here he was, protecting a cat he had just met. I may not have many emotions anymore, but I still have a shred of protective behavior that I'd use on anyone. Cats deserved to be real around each other. Not some sort of emotionless loaf that was criticized by their own Clanmates. That was simply not a good way to live life, and Crowpaw knew that from his own personal experience.

Feeling Sweetsong's fur rub against his own was life-changing. He had never felt such affection before. It was always him initiating such an action. The only cats he was ever protective over were his littermates and Bluekit, and he had only cuddled with Quietpaw for about a moon or two after she returned from being missing for moons. It was a shame to have seen her death at 12 moons old and Quailfur's death shortly after. Deep down, he still had a shred of love for his parents even though they committed unforgivable deeds against him. Perhaps it was because he was related to them by blood? That had to have been it because if he wasn't, he would have zero love for those two felines.

"I'm glad you came into my dream, Sweetsong." He probably- no- he definitely would have struggled to make it another day. Being in such a dark place for so long, he probably would have attracted a Dark Forest warrior and started training, morphing him into something he wasn't born to be. The reason he was here, in this happier place, was because of Sweetsong, and he'd be forever grateful for her accidental dream walking. He put his paw around her shoulders in a hug for a few moments before Sweetsong pulled away.

Excitement flared in his warm chest as the golden she-cat whispered. Her words echoed in his ears and a purr erupted from deep within. "Sure, y-yeah. On the shore. Tomorrow night's good." Everything in him told him to express his joy, but he didn't quite know how. All he did was smile an awkward, toothy smile. "Thank you," he added and touched his forehead to hers. "T-thank you so much."

Tears quietly shed. These tears weren't sad, for once. They were happy tears. Tears that he had only ever shed one time before. He was getting a second chance! He was being rescued from the depths of his despair! The tidal waves of his past would be lurking in his mind no longer, and he couldn't be happier to talk to someone than he did in this very moment. "I'll be here, waiting for you. And I'll tell you everything I can."

//I love them so much :heartbounce:

Tiabirb March 5th, 2024 04:20 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
34 Moons
Herbal Knowledge T1; Flock Together T1; Dreamwalker

The hug was a surprise, but Sweetsong leaned into it. She wasn't sure what the funny feeling in her stomach was when he hugged her, and a part of her was frightened by it. She had felt it before... but not like this. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

She found his toothy smile endearing, though the tears he shed...she smiled back into his eyes, touching her nose to his. Her heart felt so full and warm, as if bathed in honey and blanketed in rose petals. A soft laugh escaped her, "Thank you, Crowpaw...for bringing me to you. Sweet dreams..."

Crowpaw shimmered before her eyes, and Sweetsong glanced down to see her own small white paws fading. She understood what was happening, and she looked up quickly, watching the world around them fade away, and finally, Crowpaw was gone too.

Her eyes opened. Dawn had come, and for once, Sweetsong didn't rise with it to greet the morning songbirds. She stared at her paws, real and flesh, but she could only see the brown and black tabby tom of her dreams.

Nightfall couldn't come swiftly enough...

[FIN! We did it! I absolutely LOVED this roleplay, and I crave MORE! MORE I SAY!! :heartbounce::heartbounce:

SpiritedWarrior March 5th, 2024 05:11 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

The meeting with Sweetsong was the first of many. The sparks in his chest relit the flame that had once distinguished, and he couldn't have wished for a better time in his life. Sweetsong was the missing piece in his life. His sanctuary, the one he could rely on to make him happy when he couldn't find a reason to feel such emotions. The dream had ended, but it would return, and with it, the RiverClanner that saved him from drowning.

He awoke, or at least thought he did, in an unfamiliar den within a dark atmosphere. Had he returned to his darkened and plague-filled thoughts that haunted him for moons? No, that's i-impossible. Sweetsong took me out of there. So then... where was he? It wasn't ThunderClan, that's for sure. None of the dens in his camp had herbs on them. And it was never as dark as this.

Where was he? And why was he here? Had another cat attracted him, just as he had attracted Sweetsong? Crowpaw blinked and looked around in the den he laid in. There was only one nest. Weird... It didn't feel like he was in another's nightmare. Everything was hard to look at because it was just that dark. He would think of the Dark Forest or StarClan, but he never got a dream sent to him by his ancestors, so he couldn't know what the afterlife looked like.

It was so... cold and lonely. Everything was... lonesome, to put it nicely. Crowpaw's green eyes looked outside of the den he was in and squinted. What was it that he was staring at? If I weren't partly blind in one eye it'd be easier to tell... "Someone out there?" he more so asked himself, but was open to hearing another's voice. Would he really want to though? It wasn't as scary being here as it was in his nightmare, but he couldn't help but feel chills going down his spine. Something was off, and he wanted to know what it was.

Tiabirb March 5th, 2024 05:26 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

It worked. The link had been so sudden, but faint. Barred from the dreams of her pathetic little sister...the 'golden' child with her lovely eyes and voice. If only her sweet little sister knew how much power she held within. But a new prey had entered her sights. A scrappy young thing, that had disgustingly fallen over himself for Sweetsong.

She had slipped in through the link. Seen them practically spilling their guts to each other. It had been revolting. But now...

He was where she wanted him. Pulled him into her own waking nightmare. Clawing briars and thorny leaves brushing aside, a massive white paw planted inside of the mouth of the den, silver fur and black stripes winding up the dark warrior's leg. She leered into the den, and for a brief second, Crowpaw would get the sensation of what prey felt like, as hungry, deadly eyes locked onto him in the darkness, the rest of the feline's face shadowed.

"My, are you lost, little one?" The voice that slid out was almost identical to Sweetsong's, but there was a deeper sound, and the tone was cold and chilling. "Welcome to my home, Crowpaw..." The rest of the she-cat slipped into the den, and Poisonberry revealed herself fully.

"I have to thank you." She cooed gently, "Pulling my little sister into your dreams was so very helpful...I was trying for so long to see my precious sister again...I don't understand why...but she blocked me from her dreams...I have something to tell her, to tell my son..." Poisonberry's dark green gaze filled with tears, and she looked positively distressed. "I died so...suddenly...I never got the chance to apologize."

She of course, had never intended to apologize to her sister or her son. But this was such an excellent opportunity, and Poisonberry found herself thinking of all the possibilities that this could open for her....


SpiritedWarrior March 5th, 2024 06:51 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Oh, what fresh nightmare was this? Crowpaw's spine did not release the chills he felt much to his displeasure. One bit at a time, a figure arose from the depths of the thorny entanglement that this den was. Crowpaw didn't want to, but he recognized the figure from his dream that he had shared with Sweetsong. This was his RiverClan friend's sister. The one Sweetsong had nightmares about. The one... that had bullied her. I'm in the Dark Forest!

Her presence was terrifying. The chills that ran down his spine were now running all over his legs. His belly was as solid as a rock, churning in discomfort. As she appeared closer, in her fullest form, the young tom backed away until the base of his tail hit the back wall of the den. Despite the fear that hardened his belly and dried his mouth out, he scrunched his nose and straightened up to face off to defend his friend.

"Oh, cut that fox-dung. You can't go all nice and acting lovey-dovey one second and cry the next when you and I both know you had the opportunity to apologize to your sister when you saw us together." he let out a hiss and added, "You and I both know exactly why she blocked you from her dreams, so don't you try lying to me."

That might have been a mistake, but he didn't care one bit. Poisonberry was in the Dark Forest for a reason, and he knew that she had a great opportunity to apologize to Sweetsong. She didn't take that opportunity. Instead, she scared her sister, and that kind of action did not mean anything would come of whatever 'pity me' tales Poisonberry decided to weave together.

Crowpaw didn't and wouldn't believe any of it. Poisonberry was not good, and he intended to find out why he was brought to the Dark Forest. What was it that Poisonberry really wanted to do to him? Sweetsong confided in me. She told me how Poisonberry died. I'm not about to ruin that trust by believing the dead, clearly evil warrior, over a warrior that gave me a second chance.

Tiabirb March 6th, 2024 02:05 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Poisonberry lifted her chin, listening to this youngster's outburst. "She said such awful things about me?" Poisonberry looked wounded, "And here I thought she was the nice one..."

"I guess you can never truly know one based on first impressions...and dreams can be so...misleading." Poisonberry's tone was that of a disappointed mother, and indeed she was disappointed by his quick defense of Sweetsong. "You've never met her in your life. Not your waking one at least..." She chuckled softly, "How naive are you to take a stranger's word so easily? Anyone can talk fox-dung about the dead; The dead cannot defend themselves so easily, can they? But how do you know what is the truth and what is a lie when you look at the world so plainly?"

Poisonberry sighed, her broad shoulders sagging. "Was I truly meant to be here in this wretched place? What have I done that was so wrong? To deserve never to see my son in StarClan?" Poisonberry's tone became sharp and angry, "Siblings fight, they happen." She frowned, "Sometimes I've wondered if it was Sweetsong's belief that sent me here...She was always such an extreme believer when someone was too aggressive or violent that they belonged here...not you of course. Deep down your anger is a result of your distress..."

Her frown turned upward, and she let out another slow laugh, "You have to watch the ones who act too nicely...always out to smooth the pelts of others...they always hide something...they hold so many secrets. Do you plan to ask Sweetsong what her secrets are when you see her again?" Poisonberry smiled, showing an interest in his response.


SpiritedWarrior March 6th, 2024 03:00 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

He could tell something was off about Poisonberry by the way she looked at him while he told her off. There were many red flags: first, the Dark Forest. Second? What Sweetsong had said about her sister. And third? Poisonberry didn't take the chance she could have to redeem herself in her sister's eyes. "Sweetsong's secrets are hers to share. If she won't tell me, that's fine. I respect her privacy. If she is who you say she is, I'll deal with her myself. I fought a fox without much help and survived. I can take a warrior on." The one thing Crowpaw has never doubted was his ability to fight. Sure, the day he fought that fox, he lost his sister and gained the scars on his face, but he managed to survive and have enough energy in his body to climb up and down a tree and walk back to camp hauling a body. Crowpaw will never doubt the strength he was born with.

"I may not know the difference between a truth and a lie..." He shot an icy glare at Poisonberry and smirked. "... But I know the difference between right and wrong." Deep down, he was trying desperately to find out what it was that Poisonberry wanted. I'll ask her in a bit...

The silver and black she-cat's question brought an amused glint into his eyes. He was amused in the way that all the other residents in the Dark Forest probably asked themselves that same question. "I think you should ask yourself that question, though I doubt you'd have the right answer." he muttered under his breath and looked at his paws, listening to the she-cat's next words carefully. "Siblings fight, yes... but do they loathe each other? No. At least they shouldn't." Crowpaw knew what it was like to have family members that loathed him and it was a horrible feeling. Whatever secrets Sweetsong was hiding would reveal themselves in time. He'd just have to keep a better eye on her during their conversations. "You hurt her. Haunted her dreams through the experiences you gave her. She hoped the best for you... hoped you went to StarClan after your death, and yet here you are: the Dark Forest."

Crowpaw scrunched his nose, regaining his confidence. "You've done things. Horrible things. And she hoped the best for you because you were her sister. Her family. Her blood. Now- I don't know what you did, but I know what it's like to have a family member that's done absolutely horrible deeds. I know where they ended up... And you? I know the type of cat you are. You're here for a reason... I don't believe it was Sweetsong's doing." He smiled fondly at the thought of the sweet ginger she-cat that pulled him out of the darkness. If she was who Poisonberry said who she was, Crowpaw would've probably already gotten a feeling about the RiverClanner, but like he promised himself, it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on her. After all: RiverClan and ThunderClan are enemies right now.

"Cats go to either the Dark Forest or StarClan because of what they've done in life. You chose to not apologize to your sister when you had the chance... which only proves my point. Instead of apologizing to her like you say you want, you lunged at her. Terrified her. I lunged at you to protect her and to get you out of my dream. Your son? He deserved a better mother than I know you were." Quietpaw, I don't know if you can hear me from here, but please watch after Poisonberry's son.

Tiabirb March 6th, 2024 03:36 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

"Did she tell you how I died? I wasn't off murdering innocents. I was calming down, when an owl came upon me." Poisonberry recalled her death with a sorrowful look, "I fought to free myself, desperate to return to my kit...wanting to see him become a fine warrior...but when it released me..my death came regardless."

The silver and black tabby turned to her right, showing the signs of her death, the scarred punctures where the branch had impaled her; Throat, ribs, and flank."I think it's quite rude to assume I had the chance to apologize, when my death was unexpected, to say the very least." Her eyes narrowed dangerously, "She didn't tell you how I died...I find that odd...very odd."

"When one does not clarify the cause of death, that can leave so much room for gossip and rumor, and those are very dangerous." Poisonberry looked at the scars on her body, "Did I deserve to come here just because I never apologized? Don't be ridiculous." She snorted, "Cats come to this place if they are honorless and codeless..." She raised a paw, examining the long, silver talons with a smile. "Murderers and their ilk...and who have I killed?"

Poisonberry gave Crowpaw a serious look. "You can't answer that, can you? You don't know who I am. And you don't know my sister as deeply as I do...trusting her is putting your faith in a cat who would watch your life leave your eyes and say 'thank StarClan'....like she did to me. How could I apologize to her when she stood there as I'm choking, unable to speak with a branch in my throat?" Poisonberry's dark eyes flashed, and her lips curled back.
"You'd be astonished what her religious little heart will believe of someone...how strong her convictions truly are...how dark her secrets are..." Poisonberry growled low and deep, "But I have secrets too, Crowpaw...and I can teach you some that will make you an unstoppable force for all the foxhearts that hide behind kind faces and sweet eyes..."


SpiritedWarrior March 25th, 2024 04:23 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

"You know... I think you would have lived had you not been an idiot and went to your warrior den instead of... oh, I don't know... going out in the middle of the night when predators roam the skies." Crowpaw couldn't help but think exactly what he said. What smart warrior would go wandering the forest at night when there are plenty of predators to snatch you off the ground?

Despite the annoyance he felt toward the idiocy, Crowpaw did feel bad for her kit. Boulderkit had lost his mother, and having lost his own mother at a young age he could sympathize with the little tom. As the Dark warrior turned to show off the scars she earned upon her death, the mud-brown tabby couldn't help but grimace in disgust. Was it really necessary for him to see the scars? Poisonberry wants me to trust her. Why?

"You may not be a murderer... but you are here for a reason. I find it hard to belief a single cat could send another to the Dark Forest. You have one chance to tell me why you ended up here. What exactly was it that you did in your life to merit an afterlife as horrible as my own nightmares?" Crowpaw wanted to find out more. Poisonberry was a lot more hostile than Sweetsong, and to be able to go from one emotion to the next with a twitch of a whisker? Something was not adding up here.

He thought back to what his father had done. Thrushstar never killed anyone, but he was codeless and his honor was either buried deep under that tan feathery fur or nonexistent. "I know my father's here. I know my mother's here. They never killed anyone, but yet... they were codeless. You don't have to be a murderer to be codeless and I find that a foolish thought to entertain as much as you have."

Perhaps he was foolish in thinking speaking his mind in front of a dead and clearly dangerous warrior was a great idea. "You think I'm worthy to keep these secrets of yours... but why should I think you worthy of sharing them? All the cats that have wronged me disappeared."

Tiabirb March 25th, 2024 04:45 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

She thrust her face into his, but the cold, chilling smile never left. "If I didn't think you worthy of sharing secrets, little one, I'd have killed you and left your soul to ROT in this desolate place for such disrespect." Her tone never changed from it's deep, seductive purr. "I know you have daddy issues, darling, so don't give me so much guff just because you heard a few nasty things about ol' Poisonberry. That doesn't mean you know me, dear."

She pulled back, chuckling softly, "I have no idea why I am here. I was hoping you could help me, but since you are so combative, I think it's only fair we start with our first lesson..."

Like a viper, Poisonberry lunged for Crowpaw, long, curved claws slashing toward his blind side, aiming for his shoulder, though she would miss this first slashing blow. However, she would bring her other massive paw up from below, claws aimed for the soft parts of his throat.
It was an anticipation counter, one she had created, and her first of many secret battle techniques she had mastered...


SpiritedWarrior March 25th, 2024 07:09 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Fear did not show in his eyes as Poisonberry got nose to nose with the young tom. Instead, Crowpaw's eyes shown great annoyance. He didn't necessarily think getting up in someone's face was a good intimidation tactic, but it was funny to think that that's what was going on in the other's head.

The dead she-cat did have an excellent point, but on flaw that could be used to his advantage. Poisonberry was an intolerable warrior. It was astonishing to think this cat was Sweetsong's sister. All of this was making him wonder what their parents were like. Were they like Sweetsong? Or Poisonberry? "You're right... it doesn't mean I know you. However, it means I know some things about you, just like you do me."

Help her? Yeah... not happening. Not happening at all. She'd be a fool to think I would after what she did during this conversation. The older, and much more dead, warrior's actions were quick, but thankfully Crowpaw wasn't completely blind in his one lacking eye. He had managed to get just out of reach of the she-cat, only to have his neck cut by her other paw. The smell of fresh blood worried him. He was still dreaming, would his fellow Clanmates suspect him of training in the Dark Forest, when that was not the case (even though Poisonberry seemed to not think he wasn't training)?

Or would they just think he kicked himself in his sleep? That's not a pretty bad excuse, actually. The tom rose up to his hind legs and fell backward, tossing his legs up in the air in an attempt to mimic the attack she had done as well as create some distance between the two. Crowpaw's heart was racing. Not from adrenaline, but from the flashbacks from the fox attack he was trying his best to keep out of his mind.

Tiabirb March 28th, 2024 04:21 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

He was a quick study! Which was good, and Poisonberry felt his claws score over her cheek. But within the same heartbeat of his claws coming into contact with her face, her head jerked and jaws clamped around his foreleg, and the massive silver tabby would pull Crowpaw off-balance, then with her hind legs, she struck out at his back paws, intending to send him to the ground.

She released his leg with a sneer, "You pick up fast, but like all cats of the forest, you fight like a tree; You root yourself and lash out with your branches." Poisonberry grinned and lashed her tail, "But a smart warrior learns to fight like all of the elements. Fast and striking like wind, smooth and flowing like water, strong and sturdy like trees, clever and cunning like the shadows." Poisonberry stalked around Crowpaw slowly, purring, no, growling, deep in her chest.

"I can teach you how to fight like all of them...to be the best there can be for any Clan. Skills worthy of a promising young leader..." She narrowed her gaze, her sneer changing into a soft smile. "Forget my silly dispute with my sister; I can teach you how to protect her. You've seen how tiny she is...she was the runt of our litter...our mother always told me to protect her. Perhaps I grew resentful of such a burden when I was so young. But nonetheless, my sister has never lifted so much as a claw to defend herself since she was born...she needs someone to keep her safe."

Poisonberry was quiet for a time, and then she lowered her head, her eyes gleaming, "I want you to keep her safe, Crowpaw..but to do that, you need to learn more than what those lazy ThunderClanners can teach you..."


SpiritedWarrior March 28th, 2024 05:45 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

Fighting with a Dark Forest warrior was not an event Crowpaw would have ever imagined himself doing. It was scary fighting with a dead cat, and it was even more scary knowing that he was getting his blood spilt. What would he tell ThunderClan? He couldn't just go with a 'scratched self in sleep' excuse anymore. He rose up to his paws, noticing he had scratched Poisonberry. For a fraction of a second, he carried a smirk, half-proud of himself, the other half was simply because he was an ass sometimes.

He felt teeth latch themselves onto his leg, and he tried to shake himself free of Poisonberry's fangs, desperate to have all four paws on the dark and muddy ground. In a way, he got his wish, just... not the way he expected it. Before he knew it, his hip and shoulder stung from the impact they had made with the ground.

His whole arm stung from the pain. Teeth marks, blood, and a sore shoulder. How will I ever explain this to ThunderClan... I can't just tell them I slept on thorns or scratched myself. I might have to tell them the truth! Oh, gosh... what will they do to me? Think I'm a traitor?! If he was thought of as a traitor, that would mean he'd be murdered. I... I can't... I can't leave Sweetsong! StarClan, I don't know if you can hear me- I don't even know if you'll answer... but please, please don't let me die.

Were these the thoughts Quietpaw had when she was dying? She was certainly not thinking about execution or what ThunderClan thought, but she was scared to die, just like Crowpaw is. He felt his leg thump on the ground, taking him out of his thoughts. He looked up at her, maintaining eye contact with the warrior as she walked around him, returning her sneer with a sneer of his own. "I'm a ThunderClanner. What did you expect from me? That I fight like a Clan I've never lived in?"

It was quite idiotic to him. What exactly was Poisonberry trying to do? She spoke of him becoming a young leader... he thought of what type of leader Thrushstar was and internally grimaced. He had never thought of himself as a Clan leader before, but he wasn't entirely sure if he even had the full capability to take care of an entire Clan when he had failed to take care of his sisters. Thrushstar didn't take care of his kits, and look at the type of leader it made him!

"Your 'silly' dispute with your sister hurt her... it still does, in case you didn't notice how she reacted in my dream. I have protected her... I protect anyone I consider myself close with. I fought a fox in an attempt to save my sister's life, I sacrificed my image in the Clan in an effort to give my sister a life I could never have! And I was willing to fight you to protect Sweetsong! I'd be willing to fight the whole Dark Forest off for her, too. And the whole of StarClan, if that's what it took to keep her safe. I didn't need your permission then, I don't need it now."

For Sweetsong never having lifted a claw to defend herself, Crowpaw was astonished that she had made it so far in Clan life. At least one of his questions was answered... Poisonberry got her issues from herself, not from her parents. "ThunderClan may be lazy, and they may have questionable motives... but they're not idiots. Whatever they can teach, they do. Of course... what can I expect you, a dead RiverClanner, to know? Especially if you've been in this dump since the day you died." He brought his hind legs under him and ran for the exit, only to turn on his heels and jump for Poisonberry's throat. If he couldn't beat her, he'd try and incapacitate her to give him time to wake up from this nightmare.

Tiabirb March 28th, 2024 07:10 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]

Oh good grief. She saw this one coming all the way from StarClan. Crowpaw tried to fake her out, and his lunge left him landing in empty space, and Poisonberry reared back. Bringing her full weight down onto the center of his back, Poisonberry pinned the young ThunderClan tom beneath her, and she leaned down, her teeth bared as she hissed soft and slow into his ear.

"I'd be careful, Crowpaw," She chided him like a scolding mother, pressing a large paw onto his shoulder, "Attacking cats in this place? A less merciful cat would have killed you...and did you know that if you die here in your dreams, your soul becomes trapped here?" She looked genuinely disappointed as she pulled back, "Don't bring us to that. It would break my sister's heart in so many ways...and it'd be entirely your mistake. And you wouldn't be able to see her again....her belief in StarClan, her love for them, would make her blind to you, Crowpaw....so if I truly did not care...why would I warn you of such a fate?" She tipped her head to one side, those dark green eyes narrowed and thoughtful. "I'll give you some time to think...you must be tired..."


SpiritedWarrior March 29th, 2024 12:02 AM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

As his paws touched the rather nasty-feeling ground, Crowpaw felt his back suddenly fall from the impact of two heavy paws coming down on top. His eyes widened with shock and he turned his head to stare up at Poisonberry as he landed, her paw on his shoulder. He couldn’t do anything but listen to the chilling voice that was his friend’s sister.

Crowpaw hated to admit it, but Poisonberry did have an excellent point. She could have easily killed him, but she didn’t. She could kill him now, and she wasn’t. “Except I didn’t attack you. I was defending myself… you shed the first blood. My blood. All I did was give you a scratch… you’re the one pinning me down.” Jeez… if she was going to pawn the blame off to him, she could have at least gotten her facts straight. I said it once. I’ll say it again: idiot.

Though… he is learning a lot from Poisonberry already. He never knew he could be trapped in the Dark Forest forever if he ended up dying in his dream. And I don’t want to spend any time as her prisoner, nor do I want to spend time in the same afterlife as my asshole of a father.

If what Poisonberry was saying about Sweetsong was true, that her heart would be shattered to discover Crowpaw was trapped in the Dark Forest, then… perhaps he needed to talk to her about this. About his fears. She’s the only one who’d listen, and if she could give him any advice that’d help him go against the Dark warrior, he’d take it. She lived with Poisonberry longer than I’ve known either of them. She’s the only chance I’ve got.

’...so if I truly did not care...why would I warn you of such a fate?’ Crowpaw wanted to roll his eyes. He wanted to showcase his annoyance and bubbling anger. But… she could snap at any moment and all the life force would be drained. And he’d be lost in the Dark Forest forever with no way to contact the one who truly cared for him.

“Damn right I’m tired. You beat the crap outta me and all I was trying to do was talk.” And find out more information about you. Okay, perhaps he did deserve the beating. But it was more than that. She was as sour as they could come… no wonder she ended up in the Dark Forest. Her violent tendencies… makes sense why she’s here now.

Tiabirb March 29th, 2024 09:01 AM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]


"Mmno..." Poisonberry shook her head and tapped a long claw against her chin, "You see Crowpaw, there are ways to fight without lifting a claw. Sweetsong knows this, I know this. And now I share our secret with you; Words are just as powerful and impactful as any sharpened claw. You did attack me first- Your words and their delivery were nothing short of...what do the youngsters call them now? Oh! Those were fighting words, no?"

The silver and black tabby laughed at the notion, "I may have drawn first blood, but the first attack came from you." She moved her tail around to touch the tip to his nose playfully. The tabby twin chuckled softly once more, "Think about my offer, Crowpaw. I can teach you how to make this world yours. Yours to give to Sweetsong, if that is what you wish." She moved close to Crowpaw, looming over him and sighing, "Sadly I don't think you will get the same honesty from Sweetsong. If she failed to tell you how I died, or to specify exactly what I said or did that was so bad that I was forsaken here, I wouldn't be so willing to trust someone like that. I can truly tell you this; I do not know why I am here. But I know my sister's convictions are stronger than either you or I know."

Poisonberry's eyes closed, and for a moment, a look of genuine sadness came over her as she looked down at Crowpaw. "She will never turn her eyes from StarClan. Mother filled her head with tales of brave and wise and all-knowing spirits who love and look after us..." Those dark green eyes opened, and Poisonberry shook her head. "But you are disillusioned; I was too, long before I died. I trusted myself, not some dead cats, to look after me. I guess StarClan does not accept those without faith anymore...maybe its just a preference treatment..." She shrugged, "It doesn't do any good to dwell or wonder. But it's not fair for you to compete with her one true love; StarClan."

"So, Crowpaw, whom has heard barely half of one side of the story..." Poisonberry rumbled, the shadows growing around the two of them, "Try not to take it too hard when she doesn't reciprocate your heartfelt declarations." With a last chuckle, Poisonberry turned and stalked off, vanishing into the briars, thorns and shadows of her Dark Forest lair.


SpiritedWarrior March 29th, 2024 01:50 PM

Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]
Purrks: Heightened Perception and Agatha Kitty

There was a lot to learn from the dead warrior. Some lessons were bound to not be great, but others were. Poisonberry proved that twice now with her little lectures. She was correct... he fought to give Quietpaw a life he never had. A relationship with Quailfur and Thrushstar. He argued again and again, shedded tears more times than he could count, and in the end... he lost everyone close to him all while gaining the respect he needed from his Clanmates.

The silver and black tabby's laugh brought him out of his rather depressing thoughts, causing his hackles to raise. She had a point, but he knew she was bad news. That's why he was aggressive toward her in the first place. He twitched his nose as the she-cat's tail touched it and wrinkled his nose in distaste. He did not like his nose being touched... by Dark Forest warriors anyway. The only cat he'd ever allow to touch his nose was Sweetsong and his sisters and brothers (if they ever decide to visit his dreams).

"She chose to listen to me about my past. If she chooses to tell me about her's, I'm sure she'd mention her relationship with you. And I'd give her the same respect she gave me. I'll let you know my answer the next time our paths cross." He was sure they would. A cat like Poisonberry, who beckoned him to her den after seeing him with Sweetsong? He needed to know more. For his sake, and for the small she-cat he was so willing to protect.

The news about Sweetsong believing wholeheartedly into StarClan brought of mixture of feelings, ones he didn't exactly know how to process. Sweetsong believed in the warriors that took everything from him... and Poisonberry knew how he felt about StarClan. Being 'disillusioned' and all that. It brought a question, one that he did not wish to find the answer to: would he go to the Dark Forest when he ends up dying? I don't want to... I'd be forever away from my sisters. I'd be stuck in the same land as my father. A father I grew to hate.

"I'm not trying... to compete with StarClan. She'll love who she wants. I won't stop her nor will I convince her otherwise. I can't stop a thought that's been in her head since her nursery days." Convincing the she-cat (a she-cat who had such a positive outlook on life by the way) otherwise would just be cruel. It wasn't who Crowpaw was and it was something he'd never imagine nor hope to do.

'Try not to take it too hard when she doesn't reciprocate your heartfelt declarations' Crowpaw's eyes widened in... fear. Fear of not being cared about by Sweetsong. He protected her, and she has tried to help him... but would she protect him as he had her? Tears were at the corners of his eyes, waiting to drop on command, as he watched Poisonberry disappear within the darkness of her den. With a heavy sigh, he felt the ground beneath him disappear and heard the birds begin to chirp. Oh, Sweetsong... I'm trying, I really am...

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