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dino. November 2nd, 2020 09:05 AM

🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Event [#event]

[ This event will count toward an apprentices five required training sessions!

As of late, there had been far too many wildfires for Buckstar's taste, and with them, far too many deaths. He'd said at the last meeting he'd be setting up a sort of fire drill for his Clanmates, and he fully intended on following through with that. It had been an idea that he'd had for a while, and he figured it was about time to get things rolling.

It was still early - soft morning light was filtering through the canopy of leaves that covered the forest territory - and it was drizzling slightly, but he figured his Clanmates could deal with a bit of rain. He trotted out into the center of the clearing.

"ThunderClan, I know it's early, but please gather around for an important bit of training!"

Ikoria the Wolf Pup November 2nd, 2020 09:07 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Riverwood was the first to come at Buckstar’s call. “What are we doing, Buckstar?” she asked formally. @Slushie

-Ash- November 2nd, 2020 09:10 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Dawnfern wasn't an apprentice, but she wanted to see what's going on. Half asleep, she walked toward Bukstar.

Arie November 2nd, 2020 09:15 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Fire drills! with Fire! Would she get to play with real fire? Maybe! and she was totally gonna have SO MUCH FUN! Because Swallowkit was gonna bring the HEAT. and maybe scorch a cat or two, but that would be their own fault would it not? She believed so and therefore it would have to be so. Because she was well, Swallowkit the Magnificent and therefore... she was allowed to do things! Probably not but well, she'd yet to be called out for being an idiot. And that was what prompted the large kit to run over, despite her healing leg and yelling, "ME ME ME! FIRE FIRE FIRE!"

JusticeRabbit November 2nd, 2020 09:19 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Sparkpelt shook her self and slid out of the nursery. "Fire?" she asked awkerldly

Fae November 2nd, 2020 09:24 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
~thunder-chaser wanted to know what all the fuss was about so she ran over t her leader who was talking about fire! Fire of all things.. She was not a fan of fire , she thought to herself as she looked at her still burnt tail the burnt part was still there.~ Buck-Star why are we gonna train for with fire?? ~she asked with a stern voice as she looked at her leader , confused ~ { @Slushie }

dino. November 2nd, 2020 09:25 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Event [#event]

[ @Ikoria the Wolf Pup, @Arie ]

Buckstar glanced over at Riverwood as the she-cat approached him. "Going to be working on some fire drills this morning. Figured the Clan could use a bit of practice."

Swallowkit's shrill voice made him perk his ears up, and he turned toward her with a stern look, reaching out to poke her gently in the chest. "As for you, young lady, may only participate if you promise to be careful. I don't want you messing up that leg of yours any more than it already is, all right? And, please, for the love of StarClan, don't scream 'fire' like that. They're going to think camp is burning again."

Ikoria the Wolf Pup November 2nd, 2020 09:28 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
“That sounds like a splendid idea,” the busy she-cat replied. “I’d be happy to assist in any way I can.” Riverwood was always trying to help everyone, so it really wasn’t a surprise she offered.

Pepperkins November 2nd, 2020 09:30 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

The ginger molly padded out of the warriors den with a slight limp from just having woken up, a large yawn escaping her muzzle as she padded towards the gathering crowd. Curiousity sparkled slightly in her eyes as she sat, giving her fur a quick wash as she waited. Training? She couldn't remember any trianin- ohhh that was right, the fire drills Buckstar mentioned. Her thoughts were confirmed by the kit coming running out the den screaming fire. A small purr rumbled in her throat as she glanced around at the rest of her clanmates, wondering if anyone else was quite as excited for this as Swallowkit.

pidgeon November 2nd, 2020 10:22 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
@Creepy Cobra @Mumble @Arie

Littlekit padded out of the nursery at the leader's call, hoping his brother would follow closely behind him as usual. He wanted to know what was going on! A fire? Is there a fire? He felt a small jolt of fear, but upon noticing that nobody else seemed afraid, he relaxed. He noticed Swallowkit excitedly bouncing about and decided to go say hello. He gave the other kit a smile and waved his paw.

Snow Fox November 2nd, 2020 10:29 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Timberkit bounced out of the nursery and immediately froze. "Fire? Where?" She questioned. Her ears flicked back and forth as she looked at her clanmates.

gs29513 November 2nd, 2020 11:31 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Shaking off his pelt with a bit of an irritated huff at the rain, Fleetwind emerged from the warriors den, one of the first to appear from it's shadowy depths. Why Buckstar wanted to do it when it was raining he didn't understand, but the early time was reasonable. After all, they wouldn't be notified in advance, they'd probably be half asleep in an actual emergency, so it made sense to practice in the morning.
Fishfing skipped out of the warriors den behind a few others, stopping shortly in front of Buckstar. This might be fun? useful? Probably mostly useful, but there was no sense in being all GROUCHY about it like SOME cats were being. He didn't mind the mist on his fur, the little droplets running down his whiskers and plopping to the ground.
Brightpaw was perfectly happy to awake at Buckstar's call, bounding out into the clearing as one of the first cats out. This was going to be fun! At least she thought so. Unless there was actual fire. That would NOT be fun. She might have only been a few moons old, but she remembered the terror of it all, and the moons at Cattail pond. NOT fun at ALL! Just in case Buckstar DID have a secret wish to kill them all, she sidled up to the nursery, ready to grab Oakkit. She figured the rest of her family could get themselves out.

Wolfgirl8 November 2nd, 2020 11:36 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Forestpaw bounded over as Buckstar called. The russet apprentice winced as she recalled the last fire. It had been truly chaotic. Cats were running around trying to find love ones or escape. She was fairly sure some cats had been screaming....but that could have just been imagined by her panicked mind at the time. Too be fair she had been a kit in the fire. It was scary. Now though they were going to be prepared if their was ever another fire! Suddenly Forestpaw ran straight into a cat.”[B]Aahhhh! I’m so sorry! “ She gushed.
( @Zero )

Cobra November 2nd, 2020 02:32 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
[ poor boi smh ]

The kit flattened his ears back as he emerged from the nursery, wild fright in his eyes. He could feel the drum of footsteps on the ground, and could tell something was happening-something big and dangerous. Tinykit scampered farther into the clearing, looking around for his brother and moms. It was dangerous here, so many cats, too many cats. They were overwhelming him, crushing him, and he couldn't do anything about it. "Lit!" he cried, using the nickname he had come up with for his brother. "Glidymom! Chiccymama!" Tears blanketed Tinykit's muzzle, and he let out a soft cry of helplessness. Nothing would ever be good again, and-he read Buckstar's lips, seeing the word-fire. Fire was dangerous. Fire had destroyed their camp. There was more fire. He ran to Chiccymama and Glidymom, desperately hoping Littlekit would be there too. What was going on?

@Arie @punkscape @Mumble

PEPPERMINT~ November 2nd, 2020 02:39 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Strikepaw emerged from the apprentice's den and yawned. He listened to the leader for a moment and trotted into the clearing.

duCky November 2nd, 2020 03:39 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Fire drills? Berrydust was very confused. Had there been a fire before she had joined? Trying to set those worrysome thoughts aside, she padded into the clearing and looked up at Buckstar.

Mango November 2nd, 2020 04:39 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Frostbreeze narrowed her eyes, she had to practice carrying herbs around that was going to be so irritating. She’d agreed to let Buckbranch speak first then voice the concept of having some cats assigned for helping collect herbs and getting them out of the den and towards the evacuation point.

Zero November 2nd, 2020 06:17 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Originally Posted by Katniss (Post 839125)
Forestpaw bounded over as Buckstar called. The russet apprentice winced as she recalled the last fire. It had been truly chaotic. Cats were running around trying to find love ones or escape. She was fairly sure some cats had been screaming....but that could have just been imagined by her panicked mind at the time. Too be fair she had been a kit in the fire. It was scary. Now though they were going to be prepared if their was ever another fire! Suddenly Forestpaw ran straight into a cat.”[B]Aahhhh! I’m so sorry! “ She gushed.
( @Zero )

Valleypaw padded out of the den at Buckstar's call, a mix of irritated to being subjected to the drizzle outside but also glad to be out of the den. She had already been up for some time, listening to the rain and apprehensibly for any sounds or signs of it worsening into a bigger storm. Val hated storms. Ever since that lightning strike caught their forest on fire just a few moons ago, she has been frightened of thunder and lightning.

She padded closer as Buckstar explained that they were doing the fire drill today, only to be bumped into by another cat. "Watch it!" She immediately snapped, turning to glare at the offender... only to see it was another apprentice that she didn't know. Forestpaw, if she remembered correctly. She was irritated at the moment but, still, she didn't need to be taking it out on other people and making more enemies than she already had. And the other had immediately apologized. A moment passed and then she sighed, making space for Forestpaw to enter the circle forming around Buckstar as they awaited instructions. "Sorry, this whole situation just has me on edge... I didn't mean to snap at you." It was a bit of a half-assed apology but she didn't like being reminded of the fire and the current weather certainly wasn't helping things.

ThePuzzlerThree November 2nd, 2020 06:38 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
darkkit bolted over and sat down, exited that he was a part of a clan wide event.

Roseleader November 2nd, 2020 06:43 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Dogkit walks over while Quailkit sees Sheepkit not replying and nudges her in the right way and Quailkit and Sheepkit walk up and sit down together. @Slushie

Wolfgirl8 November 2nd, 2020 06:45 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Forestpaw flushed embarresed to bump into someone. Again. Her ears lowered as the other cat....Valleypaw was it? Yes that seemed right. As Valleypaw snapped at her. For a half second the russet apprentice was sure Valleypaw would continue shouting at her....or maybe swat her ear but she didn't instead she....aplogized....sort of? That was odd. Forestpaw could swear she remembered (vaguely) that Valleypaw wasn't the type to apologize. Perhaps she was thinking about a different cat.

"It's alright!" Forestpaw replied allowing a nervous smile onto her face. She shifted into the spot Valleypaw had opened up for her and shot the other apprentice a grateful glance. "How are you?" Forestpaw asked after an awkward moment of silence.
( @Zero )

Madelaine November 2nd, 2020 06:50 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Thrusheart padded out of the warriors den after hearing about a fire drill. He piped right up, glancing around to see if he could find his friend Nightshade. If he was going anywhere he wanted to make sure his friend got out. He didn't have very many friends so.

[ @Whitewillow; ]

Confuzzled.Lynx November 2nd, 2020 08:00 PM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
[ Open ]


The white Bengal tom headed over to Buckstar. Fire drills? Didn't sound boring. Leopardpaw glanced around for someone to chat to while waiting for his leader to explain more.

Starfall November 3rd, 2020 12:17 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥


She let out a yawn as she ducked out of the Warriors den, getting a little chuckle out of how many Cats froze at the word fire. It was a little interesting...the sheer ammount of times their camp and territory had caught on fire was astounding. As if Starclan themselves really just liked the way their trees smelled burnt.

A little drowsy, Sageflurry sat herself down and attempted to compose herself. Fur was a little bit of a mess but nothing that couldn't be fixed. She perked her ears and awaited additional orders.

Whitewillow November 3rd, 2020 12:24 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Nightshade quickly padded up to his friend Thrushheart."Hey Thrushheart! Whats going on?" The calico tom asked his friend.
@The Ink Demon - Thrushheart

Whitewillow looked around for her apprentice Stirkepaw. She thought to herself where could he be. "Strikepaw where are you?" The white she cat called out for her apprentice.
@Daunting Drago0n - Strikepaw

Ziera November 3rd, 2020 04:02 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
// @Lynxpaw
Ember didn't know if she was late or not. A lot of cats already gathered at Buckstar's call. Even so, the small calico weaved through them to reach the front, her eyes gleaming with interest. Fire drills? That would be interesting! Turning to the side, she happened to make eye contact with a white tom who had interesting markings on his pelt. Ember smiled brightly, dipping her head. "I'm Ember! Er... Emberpaw. What's your name?" She skipped a bit of small talk that might more smoothly lead into name introductions, but whatever. Buckstar was about to speak anyway; they didn't have time for much small talk.

Arie November 3rd, 2020 04:56 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
-- @Slushie @punkscape --

Why did he always have to ruin her fun? Couldn't she just have fun without interrupts? All she wanted was to have fun, to yell fire and help out and like... Buckstar wasn't making it easy for her! It was either no fun or it was get in trouble. He should've just made her an apprentice before, would've saved him a whole load of trouble and she was ready! She was totally prepped and ready but now he had to monitor her every single step. "My leg is FINE! I can climb a tree again if I want to!" Not that she was fully sure her leg was ready but like... she presumed it would be. Hopefully. It couldn't not be good could it? Oh Well, she'd either just lied or just said the truth and she didn't know which was which. "Fire fire fire fire fire," she repeated stubbornly, and then smiled brightly, as she saw a tiny kit come over to her. "YES! come over to me! Let me corrupt you!" And looking stubbornly back at the leader, "thanks for the souvenir, I'm keeping this." With that she smiled brightly at the kit and said, "We're going to play with fire fire fire!"

shaae_26 November 3rd, 2020 05:10 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Jaykit popped his head out of the nursery to listen.

pidgeon November 3rd, 2020 07:14 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Littlekit's eyes widened in shock when the other kit kept repeating "fire" over and over. Was there a fire or wasn't there?? And corrupt him? What did that even mean? His fur was bristled out like a pinecone and he took a few pawsteps back from Swallowkit, nervous. He didn't want to play with fire!

ThePuzzlerThree November 3rd, 2020 07:27 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Darkkit slowly backed away.. What was with this wierd kit? "Let's play with fire" was wierd and scary enough to hear, but the kit slowly repeated the word fire over and over as he listened. Darkkit bolted to the other side of the clearing and hid behind some other cats.

nocturnal November 3rd, 2020 08:07 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Fire drill: that was the first thought that raced through the golden tom's mind at the call, and the assumption was proved to be correct when he heard Swallowkit's incessant chanting. After having been burnt twice in his lifetime, the apprentice supposed that a drill would be a seriously good idea. The only way to make things even better was if they could come up with a reliable way to predict such natutal disasters.

Despite his obvious interest and will to participate, Lionpaw padded over to the gathering group of felines with a bit less enthusiasm than usual. Frankly, he was tired, not to mention a bit grumpy. He hadn't seen Frosty in over two moons, and he would be lying if he said that it wasn't irking him. Perhaps this drill would help take his mind of off things.


dino. November 3rd, 2020 08:48 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Event [#event]

[ @Arie ]

"Swallowkit." He said her name with more force this time, his stern expression shifting into more of a frustrated look. "If you're going to be here, please sit down and hush so you're not scaring the wits out of the other kits." He had to close his eyes and take another deep and lengthy breath to calm himself down. He'd been doing that a lot lately, and it was just getting... exhausting.

He offered a nod to Frostbreeze, for once thankful for her doing something other than talking, and turned to address the rest of the arrivals. "For those of you willing to listen and be quiet. I know it's early, but I appreciate you, you know, getting up. And stuff." He coughed, cleared his throat awkwardly, before moving on. "These past seasons haven't exactly been the kindest. There's been a lot of destruction, and a lot of loss. But hopefully, with what I've set up here, we can prevent at least some of the death. So, to start things off, I'm going to separate you all into pairs." And then give them time to find those pairs, because there were a lot of cats here.

"Riverwood [ @Ikoria the Wolf Pup ] and Sparkpelt [ @The Curious ], you two are a pair."

"Dawnfern [ @Trouble ] and Thunderchaser [ @~Fox~ ]."

"Rosewood [ @Pepperkins ] and Tinykit [ @Creepy Cobra ]."

"Littlekit [ @punkscape ] and Fishfin [ gs29513 ]."

"Berrydust [ @Spoopy Eclipse ] and Strikepaw [ @Daunting Drago0n ]."

"Fleetwind [ @gs29513 ] and Forestpaw [ @Katniss ]."

"Thrushheart [ @The Ink Demon ] and Valleypaw [ @Zero ]."

"Sageflurry [ @Starfall ] and Brightpaw [ @gs29513 ]."

"Whitewillow [ @Whitewillow ] and Darkkit [ @ThePuzzlerThree ]."

"Nightshade [ @Whitewillow ] and Sheepkit [ @Roseleader ]."

"Leopardpaw [ @Lynxpaw ] and Jaykit [ @StarSpirit2009 ]."

"Emberpaw [ @Redtalon ] and Quailkit [ @Roseleader ]."

"Lionpaw [ @bmkmb ] and Dogkit [ @Roseleader ], you'll be sticking with Frostbreeze [ @Zesty Mango ]. Follow her instructions, but if she tells you to do something absurd, just... don't do that and come tell me, all right?"

"And, Swallowkit, you're with me."

JusticeRabbit November 3rd, 2020 08:49 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
"Riverwood?" Sparkpelt called padding up to her.
@Ikoria the Wolf Pup

Snow Fox November 3rd, 2020 08:55 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Timberkit flicked her ears. She hadn't heard her name called and walked over to Buckstar. "Where should I go?" The brown kit questioned. This was annoying, Timberkit had been froze for a few seconds because another kit had been shouting fire and she had been spooked. @Slushie

ThePuzzlerThree November 3rd, 2020 08:59 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
Darkkit bounded over to whitewillow, exited he was going to do something with the clan. "Hiya Whitewillow! Are you exited? I'm exited! We can learn what to do in case of a fire! Now we'll all be safe! Oh wow this is like being an apprentice! Do we do this stuff as apprentices? Do we do even cooler things as apprentices? Am I talking too much? This is gonna be so cool!!!"

Fae November 3rd, 2020 09:10 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
{ @Trouble } ~Thunder-chaser didnt know DawnFern that well so she walked over to the crowd more to try to find her ~ DAWN-FERN , Get your ass over here! Stop wasting my time. ~Thunder-chaser giggled a little hoping Dawn-Fern would get stared at as well as her , she had a smile on her face~

dino. November 3rd, 2020 09:13 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Originally Posted by Mal (Post 839705)
Timberkit flicked her ears. She hadn't heard her name called and walked over to Buckstar. "Where should I go?" The brown kit questioned. This was annoying, Timberkit had been froze for a few seconds because another kit had been shouting fire and she had been spooked. @Slushie

Buckstar glanced over at Timberkit, brows furrowed, and then shook his head as if to clear it. "Yeah, sorry, uh, you can... you know what, you can partner up with Swallowkit and I. Sorry about that."

-Ash- November 3rd, 2020 09:18 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥

Originally Posted by ~Fox~ (Post 839717)
{ @Trouble } ~Thunder-chaser didnt know DawnFern that well so she walked over to the crowd more to try to find her ~ DAWN-FERN , Get your ass over here! Stop wasting my time. ~Thunder-chaser giggled a little hoping Dawn-Fern would get stared at as well as her , she had a smile on her face~

Dawnfern let out a hiss. "Why don't you come here, ThunderAss?" Who put thorns in her fresh kill? The young molly just sat there, waiting. She certainly wasn't moving. "Or are you just too lazy? Do you need some help coming over here?"

pidgeon November 3rd, 2020 09:23 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
@Pepperkins @gs29513 @Creepy Cobra @Slushie

Littlekit breathed a sigh of relief when the leader saved him from that...rather confusing kit. But his relief didn't last long, as he heard he would not be assigned with his brother. He couldn't make a sound, but his eyes widened in dismay and he hurried over to his brother anyways, huddling close to him, nearly in tears. If there was a fire, he didn't want to lose Tinykit!

PEPPERMINT~ November 3rd, 2020 09:24 AM

Re: 🔥 Fire Drills 🔥
@Spoopy Eclipse Strikepaw looked around for his partner, casting an apologetic glance at Whitewillow. It was too late to come over to her now.

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