Warrior Cats Online

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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:42 PM

WindClan Breezerock

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:42 PM

WindClan Clearing

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:42 PM

WindClan Training Moor

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:43 PM

WindClan Nursery

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:43 PM

WindClan Elders' Den

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:43 PM

WindClan Apprentices' Den

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:44 PM

WindClan Territory

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:44 PM

WindClan Warriors' Den

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:44 PM

WindClan Leader's Den

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:44 PM

WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

sNazzy October 5th, 2016 07:26 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
"Fine" Dovekit said with a roll to his eyes. He cradled Flickerkit for a second, then grabbed the moss. "Here it is... again, I guess." (First post whoop!)

Nightingale October 5th, 2016 09:26 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor
Nightingale paw waited for Jay wind to decide were to go next soot paw could barely keep still the moor sky was starting to get dark so they would have to return soon even if Nightingale paw didn't want to this was her first trip out as an apprentice and there was so much more she wished to see.
(Just trying to continue normally from other sites conversation)

Zero October 5th, 2016 09:31 PM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

lone October 5th, 2016 11:06 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Heartkit grinned at Rainkit, a sort of almost motherly grin as she padded beside him. "Thanks," she mewed as the two began to head back to camp. She hated to have freaked out in front of him, especially after her small outburst about being able to take care of herself, but having scented that unknown smell...well, it made her feel uneasy. When I'm an apprentice, then I'll know what it was...then I'll track it down, she thought confidently. Although, Rainkit would be an apprentice before her...perhaps he would be the one to find out what the scent was. Either way, she would just be glad when she knew what it was. Heartkit suddenly looked more worried again, and she swished her tiny tail back and forth as they padded along. "I'm...I'm really, really sorry that we couldn't find your spy," she mewed in a little bit of a quieter voice as she headed along.

The feel of the territory was reassuring once more, just something about the wonder and hugeness (is that a word? xD) of it all, and the waving grasses that almost enveloped the small she cat. She didn't dare say anything for a while, as she glanced back over towards the flowers once more. Rainkit hadn't seemed that interested in them last time, but to her they were just as pretty as they had been. How could anyone not love the flowers! They were so beautiful, like tiny golden and white specks dotting an ocean of green. Heartkit padded a little quicker, eager to get back to camp as soon as possible.

~I just realized, should have posted this in the territory xD~

stormblaze October 6th, 2016 03:49 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Featherpool padded over to her sister, willowheart," hi"she called over, "can i join? i brought vole!" featherpool added. "sure! how are you? that vole looks nice! sunheart will be here in a moment he's going to bring me some prey so we can all share now your here!" willowheart said happily. featherpool sat down next to her sister, sunheart was not her favorite cat but she could bare him for her sister.

Phoenix Flames October 6th, 2016 05:24 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
((I think everyone is pretty much dead rn. They might be tired or something. XD that's why you are the first person to post on here.))

Splashkit mewed. She started to squirm. She crawled closer to Heatherbird. Splashkit was much younger than Sparrowkit and Patchkit, but she ended up opening her eyes first. Splashkit looked around the nursery. It was huge! Splashkit blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming that the nursery was big.

sNazzy October 6th, 2016 07:22 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
(It's you! Sorry I ignored Splashkit, trying to get holly stream to finally post.) Dovekit flicked his tail. "I'm waiting, Kinkit!":headrub::headrub::headrub:

jaymoon October 6th, 2016 07:51 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
Kinkkit tosses the ball to dove kit " when can I be a aprentes can I be one now" she said

sNazzy October 6th, 2016 10:03 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
"You can't be an apprentice until you're 6 moons old." Dovekit explained. "I'm 3 and a half moons away." He nosed the ball back at his younger sibling.

jaymoon October 6th, 2016 10:09 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
But I whant to be one now " she said nosing the ball back to dovekit

sNazzy October 6th, 2016 01:07 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
Dovekit kicked the moss ball at Kinkit with his back legs. "Then you would be thrown out of the clan for breaking the warrior code." he said simply. "Plus, hawks aren't gonna not eat you. Badgers would snap you up in a second. And you haven't been weaned yet." Actually, I need to be weaned! "That reminds me! Can I have some mouse?"

lone October 6th, 2016 01:16 PM

~for Duskflight~

Pinekit rolled over onto his side in the dust, his tail still twitching around and stirring up a good deal of it as he did so. The young tom's green orbs were fixed on his companion and he had a slight smirk on his maw. He often looked like that; either that, or like he was thinking about some deep, complex matter. The kit stretched out, reaching his tiny limbs as far as they would go in all directions. He felt sore, like he had just run halfway across the territory, and to him the race they had just completed had been a waste of his time. What good is it to race when you don't win? he thought somewhat angrily, although his facial expression remained calm and he was careful not to reveal any of his inner thoughts. "So...do you have a big family?" Pinekit asked suddenly, twisting his head around so that he was able to see Adderkit better. The young tom knew that asking her about something like that could result in his being abandoned or shunned by his companion, but he decided to take that risk. After all, asking about something so close as family would really open up the topics for conversation. Pinekit watched her facial expressions carefully, hoping that the young she cat wouldn't be too offended by his personal question. She should be glad I didn't ask her about something else...ha1 I could've really opened up the possibilities here, Pinekit thought, the smirk still firmly fixed on his maw. The young tom didn't really care about what Adderkit had to say...he was simply doing this for pleasure. A good conversation could open up even the most hard hearted of cats, but Pinekit was good at guarding his emotions and normally his expressions. He wasn't going to let anything that he didn't want her to know slip. He wouldn't allow her access to his own fears and dreams...well, dreams maybe, but certainly not fears.

Pinekit kept his gaze fixed on Adderkit, wondering just how upset she would be. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought. The young tom forgot about her for a moment, feeling the warm rays of the sun seeping through his pelt and giving him a secure feeling. He liked the way the sun felt, although he didn't admit it...comfort was something that the young tom rarely admitted to aloud. He preferred to keep all his emotions to himself, unless they were fake or too large for him to hold back. He imagined that it would always be like that; he would most likely have followers, and a good deal of them would admire him, but he would never show them how he really felt. Pinekit grinned lazily as he imagined a world like that. It was his dream, after all. His dream to rule the Clans, that maybe one day he could take over them all and they could be connected under his iron paw. Either that or wipe the other Clans out. Who needed them, anyway? WindClan could be strong enough...they had been underrated and underappreciated long enough. Pinekit suddenly jumped to his paws as though he were going to go out right then and there and change the way things were. There was a light blazing in his eyes and for a moment, he forgot who and where he was.

Clearstream October 6th, 2016 03:00 PM

For Greykit/heart
For Greykit/heart

Hi Grey! Here is our last two RP posts. Feel free to reply.

Greykit falls asleep easily with her warmth, but the ease doesn't last.
His dreams are full of swift, violent torment. A foul smell, he recognized as fox, was dominating the dark. The screeches of a she-cat fighting it off becoming weaker. It eventually fades. A tabby kit tom was next to Greykit, hissing. "Greykit, don't you worry." He says, "I'm here."
He felt teeth in his scruff, and started screaming and squirming. "Help!"
"Greykit! Don't move, stay there!" His littermate yelled, chasing, but the fox was too fast. Everything grew dark.
The nightmare ends there. He wakes up, panting. The moon has moved from its former place in the sky. He shudders, thinking who was that? A brother?
Clearstream slumbered on, dreaming happily.

"Now THIS, Greypaw, is yarrow. You give it to a cat who ate something poisonous." She picked it up, and showed it to her apprentice. She loved being Medicine Cat.

She rolled and stretched, knocking Greykit to the side.

Greyheart October 6th, 2016 03:09 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Clearstream (Post 678)
For Greykit/heart

Hi Grey! Here is our last two RP posts. Feel free to reply.

Greykit falls asleep easily with her warmth, but the ease doesn't last.
His dreams are full of swift, violent torment. A foul smell, he recognized as fox, was dominating the dark. The screeches of a she-cat fighting it off becoming weaker. It eventually fades. A tabby kit tom was next to Greykit, hissing. "Greykit, don't you worry." He says, "I'm here."
He felt teeth in his scruff, and started screaming and squirming. "Help!"
"Greykit! Don't move, stay there!" His littermate yelled, chasing, but the fox was too fast. Everything grew dark.
The nightmare ends there. He wakes up, panting. The moon has moved from its former place in the sky. He shudders, thinking who was that? A brother?
Clearstream slumbered on, dreaming happily.

"Now THIS, Greypaw, is yarrow. You give it to a cat who ate something poisonous." She picked it up, and showed it to her apprentice. She loved being Medicine Cat.

She rolled and stretched, knocking Greykit to the side.

Greykit squeals, lightly stroking her with his tail, affectionately.

Clearstream October 6th, 2016 03:13 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Greyheart (Post 685)
Greykit squeals, lightly stroking her with his tail, affectionately.

Clearstream woke up, and quickly rolled off of him. "SORRY! Are you okay?" She sniffed him and looked all over his body for any signs of injury.

(Yay! RP!! :squee:)

The Cannibal October 6th, 2016 03:14 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 629)
~for Duskflight~

Pinekit rolled over onto his side in the dust, his tail still twitching around and stirring up a good deal of it as he did so. The young tom's green orbs were fixed on his companion and he had a slight smirk on his maw. He often looked like that; either that, or like he was thinking about some deep, complex matter. The kit stretched out, reaching his tiny limbs as far as they would go in all directions. He felt sore, like he had just run halfway across the territory, and to him the race they had just completed had been a waste of his time. What good is it to race when you don't win? he thought somewhat angrily, although his facial expression remained calm and he was careful not to reveal any of his inner thoughts. "So...do you have a big family?" Pinekit asked suddenly, twisting his head around so that he was able to see Adderkit better. The young tom knew that asking her about something like that could result in his being abandoned or shunned by his companion, but he decided to take that risk. After all, asking about something so close as family would really open up the topics for conversation. Pinekit watched her facial expressions carefully, hoping that the young she cat wouldn't be too offended by his personal question. She should be glad I didn't ask her about something else...ha1 I could've really opened up the possibilities here, Pinekit thought, the smirk still firmly fixed on his maw. The young tom didn't really care about what Adderkit had to say...he was simply doing this for pleasure. A good conversation could open up even the most hard hearted of cats, but Pinekit was good at guarding his emotions and normally his expressions. He wasn't going to let anything that he didn't want her to know slip. He wouldn't allow her access to his own fears and dreams...well, dreams maybe, but certainly not fears.

Pinekit kept his gaze fixed on Adderkit, wondering just how upset she would be. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought. The young tom forgot about her for a moment, feeling the warm rays of the sun seeping through his pelt and giving him a secure feeling. He liked the way the sun felt, although he didn't admit it...comfort was something that the young tom rarely admitted to aloud. He preferred to keep all his emotions to himself, unless they were fake or too large for him to hold back. He imagined that it would always be like that; he would most likely have followers, and a good deal of them would admire him, but he would never show them how he really felt. Pinekit grinned lazily as he imagined a world like that. It was his dream, after all. His dream to rule the Clans, that maybe one day he could take over them all and they could be connected under his iron paw. Either that or wipe the other Clans out. Who needed them, anyway? WindClan could be strong enough...they had been underrated and underappreciated long enough. Pinekit suddenly jumped to his paws as though he were going to go out right then and there and change the way things were. There was a light blazing in his eyes and for a moment, he forgot who and where he was.

With a final huff of her breath, the young she-kit studied the face of her companion, a sense of confusion sweeping over as she took notice of his smirk, there wasn't really anything to smirk about was there? A tiny feeling in her gut was trying to scream at her, tell her that this kit was up to something, something no good, that he was using her in some sort of way, or had plans to do something to her, but the feeling was so tiny, so minuscule that Adderkit paid no attention to it and ignored it. Flexing her paws against the grassy ground, the yellow tabby curled her tail to her side, happy that her limbs were just as limber as usual, she didn't feel an ounce of aching or pain, she's ran more than that before anyways! Sometimes she just ran for the fun of it, sometimes she ran because she didn't want to get in trouble for being some place in the camp she wasn't supposed to be in, sometimes she raced with her friends, or just other kits in general, it didn't really matter, when Adderkit wanted to run, she would and she ran very well too, always careful to not tire herself out in the beginning if she was running for distance, and making sure to not hold back if it was a short sprint. One could say that Adderkit was made for running. She was born to be a warrior. And they would be completely correct. "Huh? Oh I guess so, I have a mom and a dad and like four other siblings, but then again that's a pretty normal sized family." What the little tabby didn't know was that those cats weren't actually her family, they were an adoptive family, her real family, or rather her mother and father, were loners. They had left her within the territory in hopes that she would be raised up in a better lifestyle than what they were leading, and really, they made a good choice. This kit is to make a fine warrior one day. "What about yours?" She purred in a friendly manner, laying her chin on her forepaws and fixating her yellow gaze upon Pinekit, curious to hear if he had a big or small family.

Surprisingly enough Adderkit didn't mind at all sharing the fact about her family, she really saw no harm in talking about it and she loved her family anyways, she was more than happy to share it in conversation. While she waited for the other kit to respond to her, the young she-cat rolled onto her side and stretched a bit with a big yawn, her eyes clenching shut momentarily. Along with the feeling of accomplishing something, the feeling of the warm sun soaking into her very being was something that Adderkit absolutely loved, it made her feel happy and sleepy at the same time, but she forced her eyes back open to look at Pinekit, jumping a bit in surprise as he suddenly jumped up, his thoughts having caused him to do so. And she couldn't help to wonder, just what exactly, was Pinekit thinking about that caused him to do that?

Greyheart October 6th, 2016 03:27 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Clearstream (Post 692)
Clearstream woke up, and quickly rolled off of him. "SORRY! Are you okay?" She sniffed him and looked all over his body for any signs of injury.

(Yay! RP!! :squee:)

"All's good!" Greykit mews,"I had no chance of sleeping again anyway!"

Clearstream October 6th, 2016 03:31 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Greyheart (Post 709)
"All's good!" Greykit mews,"I had no chance of sleeping again anyway!"

Clearstream breathed a sigh of relief. "Pheeeewww....anyway, it is still pretty early, but whatever. Wanna go an-" She realized that Greykit was not old enough to go hunting, no matter how much she wanted him to be. "Uh...wanna go see if there is any freshkill left?" She shifted awkwardly.

Greyheart October 6th, 2016 03:37 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Clearstream (Post 715)
Clearstream breathed a sigh of relief. "Pheeeewww....anyway, it is still pretty early, but whatever. Wanna go an-" She realized that Greykit was not old enough to go hunting, no matter how much she wanted him to be. "Uh...wanna go see if there is any freshkill left?" She shifted awkwardly.

"Sure, I guess." he shrugs, and races over to the pile.

lone October 6th, 2016 04:05 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 695)
With a final huff of her breath, the young she-kit studied the face of her companion, a sense of confusion sweeping over as she took notice of his smirk, there wasn't really anything to smirk about was there? A tiny feeling in her gut was trying to scream at her, tell her that this kit was up to something, something no good, that he was using her in some sort of way, or had plans to do something to her, but the feeling was so tiny, so minuscule that Adderkit paid no attention to it and ignored it. Flexing her paws against the grassy ground, the yellow tabby curled her tail to her side, happy that her limbs were just as limber as usual, she didn't feel an ounce of aching or pain, she's ran more than that before anyways! Sometimes she just ran for the fun of it, sometimes she ran because she didn't want to get in trouble for being some place in the camp she wasn't supposed to be in, sometimes she raced with her friends, or just other kits in general, it didn't really matter, when Adderkit wanted to run, she would and she ran very well too, always careful to not tire herself out in the beginning if she was running for distance, and making sure to not hold back if it was a short sprint. One could say that Adderkit was made for running. She was born to be a warrior. And they would be completely correct. "Huh? Oh I guess so, I have a mom and a dad and like four other siblings, but then again that's a pretty normal sized family." What the little tabby didn't know was that those cats weren't actually her family, they were an adoptive family, her real family, or rather her mother and father, were loners. They had left her within the territory in hopes that she would be raised up in a better lifestyle than what they were leading, and really, they made a good choice. This kit is to make a fine warrior one day. "What about yours?" She purred in a friendly manner, laying her chin on her forepaws and fixating her yellow gaze upon Pinekit, curious to hear if he had a big or small family.

Surprisingly enough Adderkit didn't mind at all sharing the fact about her family, she really saw no harm in talking about it and she loved her family anyways, she was more than happy to share it in conversation. While she waited for the other kit to respond to her, the young she-cat rolled onto her side and stretched a bit with a big yawn, her eyes clenching shut momentarily. Along with the feeling of accomplishing something, the feeling of the warm sun soaking into her very being was something that Adderkit absolutely loved, it made her feel happy and sleepy at the same time, but she forced her eyes back open to look at Pinekit, jumping a bit in surprise as he suddenly jumped up, his thoughts having caused him to do so. And she couldn't help to wonder, just what exactly, was Pinekit thinking about that caused him to do that?

Pinekit sat back down, calming more and curling his brown tail around his paws, his green eyes going back to their original polite, but cold and distant gaze. The young tom listened intently as Adderkit spoke, his head turned in her direction and his gaze fixed directly upon her, a warmer light entering it as he did so. "Mm, they sound wonderful...what are they like?" Pinekit asked, sounding drowsy. Whenever Pinekit took on a part, he really studied his character and made sure that they were perfect in every way. And at the moment, he was playing the perfect part of an ordinary, polite, friendly kit. Pinekit lay down and rolled over on his back lazily, looking up at the sky and swiping a paw at the clouds, his eyes half closed in a lazy, forgetful manner. They opened wide with alarm and surprise as Adderkit asked him about his own family. The tom grinned, not quite sure how to answer the question in a way that would allow him to keep his own emotions hidden but at the same time, seem polite and like he actually cared about what she had to say. He rolled over onto his side and studied her for a moment, as though he couldn't believe what she just said...which, he really couldn't, and a thoughtful, half conscious expression entered his eyes. He didn't say anything for a moment, not quite ready to speak, and bit his lip slightly before he finally began to answer. "I have two sisters and a Mom. Oh, and a Dad..." Pinekit's voice trailed off and he finished the sentence in his head. Somewhere, he thought grimly. It was true; Pinekit wasn't quite sure who or where his Father was. It was one of those "awkward topics" that he avoided, and he tended to be a little more touchy on the subject. He didn't know what to say after that, and he wasn't going to say anything quite yet anyway. Let her believe that he had a Dad, and that he was just relaxing now. It wouldn't do her any harm, unlike his ultimate lie, the one that he was playing at the moment. Besides, he hadn't really lied to her. I do have a Dad somewhere, Pinekit thought with a slight shrug. The tom got to his paws once more, stretching out as far as his little limbs would go and yawning as he did so, making him look almost comical with his small limbs stretched out, green eyes squeezed shut and his maw open wide. He flicked his tail as though to rid it of some unseen dust, and flicked his ear as well. He chuckled mirthlessly, although grinned to cover up his current unhappy state. No, he wasn't going to let this kit through any more than he would let anyone else through. He kept his disguise on until the very end, hiding his true emotions from the outside world. Besides, what good were emotions in the long run? They didn't help win a battle, unless it was anger or spite.

Pinekit looked at Adderkit suddenly, his green eyes almost pleading with her not to ask any further questions, his whole small body quivering with unseen nervousness and even anger. He was angry with himself for asking the question, and angry with her for turning it back on him. Why did cats have to be like that? They would ask you the same question that you had just asked them, "getting to know you better." Although that was Pinekit's little game, he hated it when anyone besides himself did it. Pinekit licked his maw nervously, turning his head away from Adderkit. He was done pleading...let her do whatever she saw fit to. It wouldn't hurt him too badly...it couldn't! No, he would be perfectly alright. Pinekit nodded, which must have looked strange since Adderkit couldn't read his thoughts and know what he was doing.

Clearstream October 6th, 2016 05:01 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Greyheart (Post 724)
"Sure, I guess." he shrugs, and races over to the pile.

Clearstream ran after him. To her dismay, there was nothing left. "Oh...uh..." She didn't know why, but she suddenly didn't care if she shouldn't take him hunting. She hesitated a moment longer, and then spoke. "Greykit..wanna go hunting?"

judas October 6th, 2016 05:06 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Featherheart walked out of the nursery."Dovekit can watch those 3 on his own."She said,streaching out.Its been a while sense I came out side She thought,she let out a sigh. Featherheart groomed her self,her long white fur was filled with moss.

Greyheart October 6th, 2016 05:12 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Clearstream (Post 884)
Clearstream ran after him. To her dismay, there was nothing left. "Oh...uh..." She didn't know why, but she suddenly didn't care if she shouldn't take him hunting. She hesitated a moment longer, and then spoke. "Greykit..wanna go hunting?"

"Yes!" He screeched, "let's go!"

Mango October 6th, 2016 05:56 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Monsterpaw smiled at her new friend Dewpaw," Okay..Let's hunt!"

Phoenix Flames October 6th, 2016 07:20 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by man132435 (Post 512)
(It's you! Sorry I ignored Splashkit, trying to get holly stream to finally post.) Dovekit flicked his tail. "I'm waiting, Kinkit!":headrub::headrub::headrub:


lone October 6th, 2016 08:16 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 763)
Pinekit sat back down, calming more and curling his brown tail around his paws, his green eyes going back to their original polite, but cold and distant gaze. The young tom listened intently as Adderkit spoke, his head turned in her direction and his gaze fixed directly upon her, a warmer light entering it as he did so. "Mm, they sound wonderful...what are they like?" Pinekit asked, sounding drowsy. Whenever Pinekit took on a part, he really studied his character and made sure that they were perfect in every way. And at the moment, he was playing the perfect part of an ordinary, polite, friendly kit. Pinekit lay down and rolled over on his back lazily, looking up at the sky and swiping a paw at the clouds, his eyes half closed in a lazy, forgetful manner. They opened wide with alarm and surprise as Adderkit asked him about his own family. The tom grinned, not quite sure how to answer the question in a way that would allow him to keep his own emotions hidden but at the same time, seem polite and like he actually cared about what she had to say. He rolled over onto his side and studied her for a moment, as though he couldn't believe what she just said...which, he really couldn't, and a thoughtful, half conscious expression entered his eyes. He didn't say anything for a moment, not quite ready to speak, and bit his lip slightly before he finally began to answer. "I have two sisters and a Mom. Oh, and a Dad..." Pinekit's voice trailed off and he finished the sentence in his head. Somewhere, he thought grimly. It was true; Pinekit wasn't quite sure who or where his Father was. It was one of those "awkward topics" that he avoided, and he tended to be a little more touchy on the subject. He didn't know what to say after that, and he wasn't going to say anything quite yet anyway. Let her believe that he had a Dad, and that he was just relaxing now. It wouldn't do her any harm, unlike his ultimate lie, the one that he was playing at the moment. Besides, he hadn't really lied to her. I do have a Dad somewhere, Pinekit thought with a slight shrug. The tom got to his paws once more, stretching out as far as his little limbs would go and yawning as he did so, making him look almost comical with his small limbs stretched out, green eyes squeezed shut and his maw open wide. He flicked his tail as though to rid it of some unseen dust, and flicked his ear as well. He chuckled mirthlessly, although grinned to cover up his current unhappy state. No, he wasn't going to let this kit through any more than he would let anyone else through. He kept his disguise on until the very end, hiding his true emotions from the outside world. Besides, what good were emotions in the long run? They didn't help win a battle, unless it was anger or spite.

Pinekit looked at Adderkit suddenly, his green eyes almost pleading with her not to ask any further questions, his whole small body quivering with unseen nervousness and even anger. He was angry with himself for asking the question, and angry with her for turning it back on him. Why did cats have to be like that? They would ask you the same question that you had just asked them, "getting to know you better." Although that was Pinekit's little game, he hated it when anyone besides himself did it. Pinekit licked his maw nervously, turning his head away from Adderkit. He was done pleading...let her do whatever she saw fit to. It wouldn't hurt him too badly...it couldn't! No, he would be perfectly alright. Pinekit nodded, which must have looked strange since Adderkit couldn't read his thoughts and know what he was doing.

~bumpie for Duskflight~

Abstracted Dog October 6th, 2016 08:22 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
The curious she sniffed around the borders of the camp, her tail twitching. Perhaps she.. no. I cannot. I will not. She thought, her ears flicked around to the sound of burrowing rabbits. Just maybe I can walk in.. She brushed passed the gorse bushes and smelled the air. Fresh prey made her almost drool, while the scent of calm cats was even better. She slicked in, hoping nobody would notice her sudden appearance. She walked towards the prey-pile and took a rabiit quickly, her eyes darting around.

Clearstream October 6th, 2016 08:45 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Greyheart (Post 916)
"Yes!" He screeched, "let's go!"

Clearstream smiled. She couldn't hunt very well, but she could still have fun. "Let's go then!!" She ran to the edge of the camp eagerly, not caring who she woke up. (Go to territory?:hug:)

Raiini October 6th, 2016 09:34 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
Stormkit scampered over to her denmates. She was bigger than them, at 5 moons, but liked to play still. "I want to be an apprentice too!" she meowed.

stormblaze October 7th, 2016 02:12 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
[ QUOTE=stormblaze;477]Featherpool padded over to her sister, willowheart," hi"she called over, "can i join? i brought vole!" featherpool added. "sure! how are you? that vole looks nice! sunheart will be here in a moment he's going to bring me some prey so we can all share now your here!" willowheart said happily. featherpool sat down next to her sister, sunheart was not her favorite cat but she could bare him for her sister.[/QUOTE]
featherpool got up from the meal she was sharing with her sister as sunheart walked to them. " hi, whats up featherpool?" he said. " i'm good thanks." featherpool replied coldly. " so um.... nice vole, did you catch this willowheart?" sunheart asked, seeeming to ignore featherpool. " urrr.... well..." willowheart was cut of by featherpools cross reply." no actually i did, so in joy." she said to sunheart. " he has feelings to you know! just because you guys had differences as kits.... your not kits now and you have to accept him!" willowheart cut of featherpools sarcastic remark.

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