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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:41 PM

ShadowClan Territory
A dense canopy of conifer trees block out the light of the sky, creating am eerie darkness within the territory regardless of the time of day. Often cooler and riddled with fog due to the marshlands that surround the territory, the forest flooring is covered in pine needles and pine cones with very little undergrowth.

Hexict October 5th, 2016 06:52 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Iceclaw looked around the territory for a moment as she claimed that she would leave soon, but was enjoying their conversation. He didn't understand how she be doing so, his end of the conversation was short and fairly obvious that he was trying to get her to leave, and yet she wanted to stay and chat. He was hesitant for a moment, unsure what to say to her. He knew he should run her out of Shadowclan territory, but she harmless... and just wanting to talk to him. Fine... but only for a bit, no one better find us, he gingerly sat down, though his tail twitched slightly at the thought of someone seeing the tow and seeing in as disloyal. It wasn't too long ago that he had proven himself as loyal and earned his warrior name back. Iceclaw gave a nod as she called Shadowclan pretty. Being away for some moons, he had learned to miss and love this place, and also hated himself for leaving in the first place, for what he had done and everything he destroyed. He constantly though of Eversong and their kits and even Snow...Snow.... Though that last thought was always quickly pushed back to the darker areas of his mind. "Yes, I guess it really is," he didn't let his ice blue orbs leave Thistlesplash, not wanting to let his guard down at all. "I'm surprised that this is the best conversation that you've had, there should be a lot to talk about back at your camp," he had finally placed the smell - and gave himself a mental note to check all the clans' scent and memorize them. He knew about Marshsnow's death, and believed that many cats would be talking about it, and possibly still talking about Bucknight. Talk about a new leader tends to die down quickly, but some cats were a bit on edge with Bucknight's and Blazingnight's names... and he was as well.

lone October 6th, 2016 03:43 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
~for @Owl- I just started where I could remember we left off, is that ok?~

Winterpaw looked over at her companion, a quick glance to make sure he was following. "You aren't going to back out on me now, are you?" she asked, a mischievous twinkle in her blue orbs. The young she cat smirked, looking up at the trees and swishing her tail as she did so. She loved to come into the territory, even when she wasn't planning on doing much. She looked up at the sky, just barely being able to see it through the canopy of trees and she smiled, her white fangs showing just barely. Her smile faltered suddenly and a strange expression came over her face as she looked back at Turtlepaw. Why hadn't he been playing with his friends? And why had he been all alone like that? Winterpaw shifted her weight a little nervously, a question entering her mind but she wasn't quite sure if she ought to ask it. "Do you mind if I ask you a...a personal question?" she asked, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face. She knew that it wasn't exactly the best thing to do, but the question was nagging at her and practically begging to be asked...and Winterpaw had never been one to shy away from getting to know about somebody.

lio October 7th, 2016 05:02 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
(For anyone who would like to rp!)
A bright eyed she-cat looked around, her usually hyper mood now dull and sorrowful. A sigh escaped her lips. Her twin brother had gotten angry for some reason and is refusing to talk to her, or even glance her way. The she-cat, Ashenberry, let her tail drag along the ground and her head to hang. What did I do wrong? I don't remember doing anything that would make Smokeyface angry.... The white and grey she-cat thought, sniffing and feeling a breeze ruffle her fluffy fur.

patroclus October 7th, 2016 07:59 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Marshfoot padded quickly away from the training ground, his ears still burning from the compliments Octoberwind so purposefully gave. The tom had gained other cats attentions before, of course, though they were rarely reciprocated. However, there was something different about how Octoberwind behaved around him. She gave her full attention to him and seemed to enjoy watching and observing him. Marshfoot often kept to the sides, enjoying the solitude and quiet of his own company. Yet, he couldn’t help the small itch he felt to be closer to the other warrior. She was interesting. She had been to the tom for a while now. He had rarely gotten the opportunity to speak with her, though he rarely allowed himself to speak to anyone outside of his apprenitce. He had put many hours and days into Cedarpaw’s training and it was obviously showing. Marshfoot was determined to help Cedarpaw become the best warrior he can be and provide just as fully to the clan as he himself does. The future of Shadowclan was Marshfoot’s main focus and always has been. How was Octoberwind supposed to fit into it? The tom obviously knew he wished her to, though he hardly knew where to star. He decided hunting was the best he could come up with and led the small group purposefully deeper into the forest. His green eyes shifted from Octoberwind back to Cedarpaw and the warrior flicked his ear slightly, signaling for the apprentice to stop here and scent the air. Marshfoot could already pick up the scent of vole and frog as he parted his jaws. With a small nod towards his apprentice, Marshfoot padded off in search of the vole. The tom’s massive paws made little sound in the soft earth, though they sunk in slightly to the muddied surface. His ears perked forwards slightly as he heard a distant russeling, his broad form falling slowly into a hunter’s crouch. With sure and silent movement, the warrior took two steps forwards before darting forwards into a batch of overgrown grass, disappearing from view. A few moments later revealed the tom once again, a plump vole between his jaws.

FadedShadow October 7th, 2016 08:58 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Risingstorm prowled through Shadowclan territory, looking around for prey, he quietly moved in the shadows. Soon a small mouse scampered almost across his paws, Risingstorm quickly lashed out, killing it instantly and thanking Starclan for it's life. He buried and headed for the Riverclan border.

~Masked~ October 8th, 2016 01:34 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
LeafPaw ran into the territory her eyes were sparkling as the sun hit them, she stopped and waited for VinePool who was only a bit away, "You kept up well! Im usually faster then MaskPaw! he is so clumsy!" she meowed her ears twitching.
"So where do you wanna hunt? we could go to the lake or near the twoleg place or..."she trailed of thinking the place she had been before as a kit hopefully they would not run into that area, LeafPaw stared at her paws her eyes slowly looked at her leg she could still remember when that adder bit her it hadn't been poisonous but OwlBlossom had to drag and pull it off so the scar was always there, "Anyway!" The young molly straightened up.

lilith October 8th, 2016 12:30 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
[ QUOTE=MoonHeart & Friends;3071]LeafPaw ran into the territory her eyes were sparkling as the sun hit them, she stopped and waited for VinePool who was only a bit away, "You kept up well! Im usually faster then MaskPaw! he is so clumsy!" she meowed her ears twitching.
"So where do you wanna hunt? we could go to the lake or near the twoleg place or..."she trailed of thinking the place she had been before as a kit hopefully they would not run into that area, LeafPaw stared at her paws her eyes slowly looked at her leg she could still remember when that adder bit her it hadn't been poisonous but OwlBlossom had to drag and pull it off so the scar was always there, "Anyway!" The young molly straightened up.[/QUOTE]

Drawing to a stop from his little run he panted lightly as he listened to what the apprentice had to say. Ears perking he tilt his head to the side slightly saying softly towards the Molly" if it's okay for me to ask who is this Maskpaw? You seem to mention him alot and I'm just wondering who they may be.... Is he a sibling friend or....?" trailing off he felt a pang of guilt erupt in thenpit of his stomach. As he cleared his throat in discomfort. "I mean you don't need to answer that i totally understand! " he squeaked trying to save himself from the rudeness he protain towards the young apprentice. Drawing a pale tongue over his maw he sighed "and how about you decide where we shall go hm?:

FadedShadow October 8th, 2016 03:39 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Risingstorm stepped out of camp, heading quickly through his territory to the Riverclan border, stopping once as he sented a squirrel, he dropped into a hunting crouch, creeping up on the rodent slowly, careful to stay downwind he got within jumping distance and leapt upon the unsuspecting squirrel, sinking his jaws into it's neck, spitting in disgust at the metallic taste of blood, he then picked it up and carried it to the border.

lost October 8th, 2016 03:55 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

There was a rustling as tiny paws stumbled about on the outskirts of ShadowClan territory. A scuffle, a tumble, a thump all occurred in rapid order, one after the other, followed by a squeaked 'oof.' There was silence for a while before a rustling began and a sudden grey head was poked from a bush. A small body stumbled from the bush and the kit finally gave up and sat, sniffing as frustration overcame her tiny body and she struggled to understand why she couldn't see. There was a sudden rush of anger and sadness that overcame the she-kit as words flooded her memory. Ugly, disgusting kit! You are a curse upon this family. Why do you always run into things, are you mouse-brained? Vermin, that's what you are! Leave me! Lift this family of your burden! A sniffle and a sudden wail escaped her, and that's how the gray kit sat in a small clearing. Wailing, but unable to cry. Tears would never fall for her.

Fel October 8th, 2016 04:58 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by toothlost (Post 3848)

There was a rustling as tiny paws stumbled about on the outskirts of ShadowClan territory. A scuffle, a tumble, a thump all occurred in rapid order, one after the other, followed by a squeaked 'oof.' There was silence for a while before a rustling began and a sudden grey head was poked from a bush. A small body stumbled from the bush and the kit finally gave up and sat, sniffing as frustration overcame her tiny body and she struggled to understand why she couldn't see. There was a sudden rush of anger and sadness that overcame the she-kit as words flooded her memory. Ugly, disgusting kit! You are a curse upon this family. Why do you always run into things, are you mouse-brained? Vermin, that's what you are! Leave me! Lift this family of your burden! A sniffle and a sudden wail escaped her, and that's how the gray kit sat in a small clearing. Wailing, but unable to cry. Tears would never fall for her.

Treading around the border quietly, Martenleap didn't like walking alone. It was something that made him feel awkward, like there was something watching him from the shadows on their territory, while he had let his guard down. There wasn't anyone to talk to or anyone to help, and he couldn't confide about his fears to anybody, not even Shrewcall- his one love, a cat he could really talk to about anything. Sure, the tom was shy, but he was also so lovely, kind, and brilliant. Shrew, I wish you were here right now- I just feel lonely. The warrior's ginger fur stood out among the darkened pine forest of Shadowclan, and as he walked, his paws left small prints in the boggy soil, cringing away for a second as he took his first few steps into the marsh. He didn't sink, but it scared him for just a moment- Why am I so scared? I'm never scared! -and then he jumped. A sudden movement left him startled, as he heard whimpering, and he tried to run away- though it sounded helpless. Like one of the kits from their nursery, maybe a wounded piece of prey. Tiptoeing into the small clearing, Martenleap's eyes widened as a small kitten sobbed, but didn't cry- she couldn't cry.

She has no eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked, trying to be theraputic towards the little kit, seeing how lost she was.

lost October 8th, 2016 05:04 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 3980)
Treading around the border quietly, Martenleap didn't like walking alone. It was something that made him feel awkward, like there was something watching him from the shadows on their territory, while he had let his guard down. There wasn't anyone to talk to or anyone to help, and he couldn't confide about his fears to anybody, not even Shrewcall- his one love, a cat he could really talk to about anything. Sure, the tom was shy, but he was also so lovely, kind, and brilliant. Shrew, I wish you were here right now- I just feel lonely. The warrior's ginger fur stood out among the darkened pine forest of Shadowclan, and as he walked, his paws left small prints in the boggy soil, cringing away for a second as he took his first few steps into the marsh. He didn't sink, but it scared him for just a moment- Why am I so scared? I'm never scared! -and then he jumped. A sudden movement left him startled, as he heard whimpering, and he tried to run away- though it sounded helpless. Like one of the kits from their nursery, maybe a wounded piece of prey. Tiptoeing into the small clearing, Martenleap's eyes widened as a small kitten sobbed, but didn't cry- she couldn't cry.

She has no eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked, trying to be theraputic towards the little kit, seeing how lost she was.

Startled as there was a sudden voice to her right, she shut up quickly and bristled, scrambling to her paws and baring her teeth, taking a few steps backwards and tripping over a stick, falling into a seated position and letting out a squeak of alarm. "No, I'm not alright!" She hissed after a moment, letting her frustration out but her tone sounded more as if she wanted to give up. "I don't know where my family is, not that I want to be with them, I've tripped over EVERYTHING in this weird place... I don't know where I am. I don't know why they hated me, why I was a disgrace... Am I really vermin, a curse?" She whimpered the last part as the hateful words her family threw at her rushed through her thoughts again and she flatted her ears, shaking her head violently. "They said I'm not normal and should die! I don't even know why!" She wanted him to explain. She wanted to know what made them hate her, so she could fix the mistake and make everything right with her family. She didn't know they abandoned her on purpose and disappeared.

Fel October 8th, 2016 06:25 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by toothlost (Post 3992)

Startled as there was a sudden voice to her right, she shut up quickly and bristled, scrambling to her paws and baring her teeth, taking a few steps backwards and tripping over a stick, falling into a seated position and letting out a squeak of alarm. "No, I'm not alright!" She hissed after a moment, letting her frustration out but her tone sounded more as if she wanted to give up. "I don't know where my family is, not that I want to be with them, I've tripped over EVERYTHING in this weird place... I don't know where I am. I don't know why they hated me, why I was a disgrace... Am I really vermin, a curse?" She whimpered the last part as the hateful words her family threw at her rushed through her thoughts again and she flatted her ears, shaking her head violently. "They said I'm not normal and should die! I don't even know why!" She wanted him to explain. She wanted to know what made them hate her, so she could fix the mistake and make everything right with her family. She didn't know they abandoned her on purpose and disappeared.

Widening his eyes as the kit scrambled away, Martenleap tried to make his voice sound nicer, not trying to scare the strange cat away, the cat who didn't have eyes but could sense he was here- it made him just a little happier to have company, even if they were suspicious, even if they were troubled- he just wanted to help. "I'm not here to hurt you." He mumbled quietly, trying not to let his nerves insert themselves into his voice. Maybe if he tried to be nice, he could make a new friend today- and bring a new kitten into the clan, if she ended up not being able to find her family. Does she even want to find them? They sound like terrible cats. "Hey, they don't sound like family at all- family is supposed to support you. Family means nobody gets left behind." Me and Shrew are a family. She needs a family.

lost October 8th, 2016 06:36 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 4122)
Widening his eyes as the kit scrambled away, Martenleap tried to make his voice sound nicer, not trying to scare the strange cat away, the cat who didn't have eyes but could sense he was here- it made him just a little happier to have company, even if they were suspicious, even if they were troubled- he just wanted to help. "I'm not here to hurt you." He mumbled quietly, trying not to let his nerves insert themselves into his voice. Maybe if he tried to be nice, he could make a new friend today- and bring a new kitten into the clan, if she ended up not being able to find her family. Does she even want to find them? They sound like terrible cats. "Hey, they don't sound like family at all- family is supposed to support you. Family means nobody gets left behind." Me and Shrew are a family.

The young she-cat had her head aimed in a completely different direction from where Martenleap was. She didn't know that, though, how could she, when she was eyeless? Not to mention she was oblivious to the fact she had no eyes. As he stated something about her family not being a family, she spoke up in a quick rush, "THey are family. They're my brothers and sisters, and mother and father." But he continued, stating something she didn't know was possible. Family didn't act they way hers did. they cared for each other, supported one another. It made her freeze and think as a sick happiness overcame her. While she was suffering in silence, things were so much better for others. Granted she suffered, others didn't. It brought her a relief she didn't know would ever exist. Things can be better for her. "So... things are better here?" She questioned after a while of silence, "But... this isn't where I belong, is it? It smells so strange." Se wrinkled her nose to prove a point, the taste of ShadowClan burnt her tongue when she parted her jaws and she was forced to keep it shut unless speaking. "I wish I could live here... Where am I?"

lilith October 8th, 2016 11:51 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
[ QUOTE=Vermin;3909]
A wave of embarrassment lapped in his blue eyes, forgetting what he said before that's a dead giveaway. Continuing their path, paw in front of the other as leaves crunch underneath his pads- the silver warrior didn't give an immediate response. "I was a city cat," he finally said. Instead of saying rogue or loner, he just stated 'city' hoping she doesn't know what that means. "Enough questions...we're here." Slipping a thicket, nude bushes scrapping along his fur the tom made it to the other side where there's a large clearing. This is a nice place to train, he commented, taking another look around for any signs of danger. He keeps forgetting how big the forest is and it always put him on edge. Coldtundra went around to properly scope out the area, sticking his nose in bushes and nose flaring to scent any fox or badgers. All clear, I guess. "Okay," the silver tom trotted back up to her and sat down, blue eyes focused on his apprentice. "You've probably seen how the other apprentices shown off their skills to the others. Show me a hunter's stance."

The small molly frowned slightly as she listened to the toms answer. Unsure on what he meant by 'city' she tilt her head to the side. "What's a ci-" Hearing that her mentor didn't want any further questions she swallowed the rest of her question down growing rather quiet. Letting her gaze wander around the two she let a soft hum about her ears flickering as she heard the leaves crunch underneath. Letting out a restless sigh she looked back at Coldtundra she blinked "But I thought there was a....." trailing off from her sentence she sighed softly sinking her claws into the soft ground below her, her whiskers twitched as she kept her mouth shut, Hearing him say that she rolled her eyes crouching down in a slightly awkward stance she looked ahead of her. Her gaze rested on the outlines of the brushes that lay to rest in front of her. "So. How does it look?" She questioned see keeping her gaze else where.

~Masked~ October 9th, 2016 02:14 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
She almost jumped as she heard the question, "No..he's not that..He's my brother well adopted brother we stayed together with the other kits in nursery, MaskPaw's Mom adopted me just before she went missing.." The Young Molly explained, gently hitting a rock with her paw looking up LeafPaw then said "I like hunting on the edge of forest there is a lot less tree's and easy to run through also a lot of prey run over there" Her brown and white tail twitched silently flipping a leaf over.

Fel October 9th, 2016 03:00 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by toothlost (Post 4143)

The young she-cat had her head aimed in a completely different direction from where Martenleap was. She didn't know that, though, how could she, when she was eyeless? Not to mention she was oblivious to the fact she had no eyes. As he stated something about her family not being a family, she spoke up in a quick rush, "THey are family. They're my brothers and sisters, and mother and father." But he continued, stating something she didn't know was possible. Family didn't act they way hers did. they cared for each other, supported one another. It made her freeze and think as a sick happiness overcame her. While she was suffering in silence, things were so much better for others. Granted she suffered, others didn't. It brought her a relief she didn't know would ever exist. Things can be better for her. "So... things are better here?" She questioned after a while of silence, "But... this isn't where I belong, is it? It smells so strange." Se wrinkled her nose to prove a point, the taste of ShadowClan burnt her tongue when she parted her jaws and she was forced to keep it shut unless speaking. "I wish I could live here... Where am I?"

"..." About to try and respond again to the lost kitten's comment about family, Martenleap held his tounge, trying to be patient. He wanted to help her, he wanted to make sure she was alright- she was so young, and he didn't want to leave her out here, especially if she couldn't find where her caretakers were. Chuckling as she wrinkled up her nose, obviously referring to the strong scent of pine forest which littered the area, though it had thinned now that they were out on the border. "The scent takes a bit of time getting used to, but it's absolutely lovely once you're here for awhile- pine sap, I think." Grinning, the jolly warrior's tail began to thin out, no longer scared of the sound that he knew was only a lost kit, trying to make her way in the world. "And you can live here, if you so wish- I know someone who'd be glad to take you in." Me. Me and Shrew, because we're a family. "Welcome to Shadowclan."

lost October 9th, 2016 03:50 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 5139)
"..." About to try and respond again to the lost kitten's comment about family, Martenleap held his tounge, trying to be patient. He wanted to help her, he wanted to make sure she was alright- she was so young, and he didn't want to leave her out here, especially if she couldn't find where her caretakers were. Chuckling as she wrinkled up her nose, obviously referring to the strong scent of pine forest which littered the area, though it had thinned now that they were out on the border. "The scent takes a bit of time getting used to, but it's absolutely lovely once you're here for awhile- pine sap, I think." Grinning, the jolly warrior's tail began to thin out, no longer scared of the sound that he knew was only a lost kit, trying to make her way in the world. "And you can live here, if you so wish- I know someone who'd be glad to take you in." Me. Me and Shrew, because we're a family. "Welcome to Shadowclan."

"I can live here?! Really?!" She bounced to her paws, skipping in a circle before stumbling over her own paws and falling lat on her face with a small 'ooph.' This didn't damper her mood or hold her back, however, as she got to her paws quickly and stormed up to the tom warrior, tilting her head up to him. "I can have a new family here? Who are they? What's their names? Are they nice?" It was as if everything that haunted her before faded away, and it practically did for the spacey she-kit. Eventually she would forget about the cruelty she suffered her first three moons of life. All she would know is the joy of life with her new family. Of course, there would still be pain once she finally learns why she can't see, but for now she was clueless to the fact. "Let's go, then! I want to meet them!" She kneaded the ground with her tiny claws, unable to stay still and shifting about on her paws happily, her excitement obvious and not contained.

Fel October 9th, 2016 08:50 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by toothlost (Post 5152)

"I can live here?! Really?!" She bounced to her paws, skipping in a circle before stumbling over her own paws and falling lat on her face with a small 'ooph.' This didn't damper her mood or hold her back, however, as she got to her paws quickly and stormed up to the tom warrior, tilting her head up to him. "I can have a new family here? Who are they? What's their names? Are they nice?" It was as if everything that haunted her before faded away, and it practically did for the spacey she-kit. Eventually she would forget about the cruelty she suffered her first three moons of life. All she would know is the joy of life with her new family. Of course, there would still be pain once she finally learns why she can't see, but for now she was clueless to the fact. "Let's go, then! I want to meet them!" She kneaded the ground with her tiny claws, unable to stay still and shifting about on her paws happily, her excitement obvious and not contained.

"Yeah- we'd be glad to have somebody here with us, y'know? You seem like a really smart kit." Why would anyone want to hurt you, to cast you out and deny you love like this? You're so happy, but it must hurt inside- I don't want to see you hurt. "Their names are Martenleap and Shrewcall, and they're the happiest, nicest, kindest cats in Shadowclan." Grinning to himself as he talked about him and his mate partially in the third person, enjoying the conversation with this kit. Seeing her small claws and the wide smile across her face, Martenleap's heart melted- she was absolutely adorable, and it was a shame she couldn't see- but she would be a great warrior, nonetheless. You didn't have to be the best hunter, or the best fighter- all you had to be was somebody others could look up to. Be a positive role model, and help others in need. "Hey... what's your name?" After this, we can go to Shadowclan, and I can introduce you to the best cat in the world.

lost October 9th, 2016 08:57 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 5665)
"Yeah- we'd be glad to have somebody here with us, y'know? You seem like a really smart kit." Why would anyone want to hurt you, to cast you out and deny you love like this? You're so happy, but it must hurt inside- I don't want to see you hurt. "Their names are Martenleap and Shrewcall, and they're the happiest, nicest, kindest cats in Shadowclan." Grinning to himself as he talked about him and his mate partially in the third person, enjoying the conversation with this kit. Seeing her small claws and the wide smile across her face, Martenleap's heart melted- she was absolutely adorable, and it was a shame she couldn't see- but she would be a great warrior, nonetheless. You didn't have to be the best hunter, or the best fighter- all you had to be was somebody others could look up to. Be a positive role model, and help others in need. "Hey... what's your name?" After this, we can go to Shadowclan, and I can introduce you to the best cat in the world.

The kit's ears perked up as he spoke highly of the family that would take her in. "Their names are funny." She stated, tilting her head to the side and giving a wide grin to the tom that towered over her. As he asked her name, her features fell and she was quiet, turning her head away and staring into the distance, unsure what to reply with. Her name... what was it? "My fami- they called me Disgrace... My brothers didn't, just my parents and sisters." The painful memories overcame her again but as soon as the thought of being in a better place filtered through she perked up and everything was right with the world again, she didn't seem bothered at all. Why would she, when she was in the greatest family ever?

Fel October 9th, 2016 09:10 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
At first chuckling at her comment about his and Shrewcall's names, his face immediately darkened with sadness as the lost kitten talked about what her parents and sisters used to call her, which sounded more like an insult than an actual name itself. "...Oh, that's a terrible name." Martenleap sighed sympathetically, trying to comfort the young kitten quietly. That's a terrible family, I swear to Starclan- she's just a kit! Why would anyone do that, calling her a disgrace when she's barely three moons old. "I'm so sorry- you're in a better place now, I promise you. We don't do that here." His eyes suddenly lit up as he thought of a new name, though it had nothing to do with the she-kit's loss of sight- But how she found her family, how she was lost and then found again. "...How about Lostkit? Because you've gotten lost, and ended up here- the 'kit' part is just part of clan names- they sound really pretty, I promise 'ya."

lost October 9th, 2016 09:19 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 5700)
At first chuckling at her comment about his and Shrewcall's names, his face immediately darkened with sadness as the lost kitten talked about what her parents and sisters used to call her, which sounded more like an insult than an actual name itself. "...Oh, that's a terrible name." Martenleap sighed sympathetically, trying to comfort the young kitten quietly. That's a terrible family, I swear to Starclan- she's just a kit! Why would anyone do that, calling her a disgrace when she's barely three moons old. "I'm so sorry- you're in a better place now, I promise you. We don't do that here." His eyes suddenly lit up as he thought of a new name, though it had nothing to do with the she-kit's loss of sight- But how she found her family, how she was lost and then found again. "...How about Lostkit? Because you've gotten lost, and ended up here- the 'kit' part is just part of clan names- they sound really pretty, I promise 'ya."

The newly named Lostkit lifted her head towards Martenleap. If she had eyes she'd be squinting with confusion at the name he had suggested, but there would be so much excitement in the missing blue orbs. "Lostkit? The -kit part is weird, but I like weird! Hello, I'm Lostkit!" She reintroduced herself, smiling widely and innocently. Then she bounced around on her paws, looking every which way. "I want to go meet my family, now!" She exclaimed, starting to trudge off in the opposite direction of where they were supposed to go. It only took her a few paces before she tripped. It was a miracle she hadn't received an injury with how clumsy she was. Well, her being eyeless could be considered an injury of being a klutz, if she could convince anyone it was a horrible accident. When she finally learns the truth of her blindness. Her upbringing was terrible, she was treated like dirt and she never learned why.

Fel October 9th, 2016 09:26 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
"Well, you've already met one half- I'm Martenleap, and it's nice to meet you... Lostkit." Getting up quickly from where he sat, having talked to the kitten, he made sure to drag his paws across the ground when he began to walk towards camp, so that she'd be able to hear his pawsteps clearly. "Just follow me to camp- I know it well, from having grown up in this place for so many moons. It's been my home for awhile, and I'm sure you'll love it." Looks like I'm adopting a kit- let's hope Shrewcall's cool with it. Oh, how Martenleap loved to make decisions on impulse, never really putting much thought into the idea more than emotion. It was a kit who needed a family, and obviously he had to help give her a home, right? She looked like she was freshly off milk as well, so that was a bonus. Shrew, I bet he loves kits! He's so sensitive and kind, I bet he'll be a great father for Lost- maybe we can even adopt more kits if we can, so she can have siblings! He was really getting into this 'adopting kits' thing- because Martenleap adored being able to take care of kittens.

Fel October 9th, 2016 09:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 218)

Iceclaw looked around the territory for a moment as she claimed that she would leave soon, but was enjoying their conversation. He didn't understand how she be doing so, his end of the conversation was short and fairly obvious that he was trying to get her to leave, and yet she wanted to stay and chat. He was hesitant for a moment, unsure what to say to her. He knew he should run her out of Shadowclan territory, but she harmless... and just wanting to talk to him. Fine... but only for a bit, no one better find us, he gingerly sat down, though his tail twitched slightly at the thought of someone seeing the tow and seeing in as disloyal. It wasn't too long ago that he had proven himself as loyal and earned his warrior name back. Iceclaw gave a nod as she called Shadowclan pretty. Being away for some moons, he had learned to miss and love this place, and also hated himself for leaving in the first place, for what he had done and everything he destroyed. He constantly though of Eversong and their kits and even Snow...Snow.... Though that last thought was always quickly pushed back to the darker areas of his mind. "Yes, I guess it really is," he didn't let his ice blue orbs leave Thistlesplash, not wanting to let his guard down at all. "I'm surprised that this is the best conversation that you've had, there should be a lot to talk about back at your camp," he had finally placed the smell - and gave himself a mental note to check all the clans' scent and memorize them. He knew about Marshsnow's death, and believed that many cats would be talking about it, and possibly still talking about Bucknight. Talk about a new leader tends to die down quickly, but some cats were a bit on edge with Bucknight's and Blazingnight's names... and he was as well.

Thistlesplash wasn't the best cat when it came to noticing the little things in life. Really, all she'd done was get lost in a pretty new place, and met a nice cat- who wouldn't want to talk to him? He was a bit blunt, surely, but the molly thought she could make a friend out of anyone, even the coldest cats- so he shouldn't be too hard. The Riverclan cat was spunky and energetic, willing to continue a conversation no matter how one-sided it got. Thistlesplash was more of a hopeless conversationalist than a hopeless romantic, but even she could see that this cat was really handsome- heck, even his voice sounded charming! "Well... everyone's gotten really boring back at Riverclan. They say the same things over and over again, and you're like a whole new opportunity- who wouldn't pass up a chance to talk to you?" Thistle never noticed logical things. She'd pass a fish swimming through the river and deem it a rock, and pass an invader right by with no question if she was already following a friend or two- but she did know a bit about emotion, and she was feeling like there was some sort of connection between them- maybe one-sided, maybe not.

lost October 9th, 2016 09:51 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 5727)
"Well, you've already met one half- I'm Martenleap, and it's nice to meet you... Lostkit." Getting up quickly from where he sat, having talked to the kitten, he made sure to drag his paws across the ground when he began to walk towards camp, so that she'd be able to hear his pawsteps clearly. "Just follow me to camp- I know it well, from having grown up in this place for so many moons. It's been my home for awhile, and I'm sure you'll love it." Looks like I'm adopting a kit- let's hope Shrewcall's cool with it. Oh, how Martenleap loved to make decisions on impulse, never really putting much thought into the idea more than emotion. It was a kit who needed a family, and obviously he had to help give her a home, right? She looked like she was freshly off milk as well, so that was a bonus. Shrew, I bet he loves kits! He's so sensitive and kind, I bet he'll be a great father for Lost- maybe we can even adopt more kits if we can, so she can have siblings! He was really getting into this 'adopting kits' thing- because Martenleap adored being able to take care of kittens.

As soon as he introduced himself as Martenleap, one of the adoptive parents that would take her in, her jaw dropped and her head was turned to stare past him, and her ears perked in such a way to show her amazement. "You're Martenleap? You're awesome! I'm glad you are my father! Shrewcall is going to be cool, too! Oh, I want to meet Shrewcall now!" Lostkit bounded after his dragging paws, ignoring the fact she had headed in a completely different direction. As he explained more on ShadowClan and how it has been his home for a while, she listened intently, eagerly downing the information. "Oh, this is going to be so great! I can't wait!" There was a skip in her step, which caused her to stumble over a rock and almost fall into the tom, but she managed to catch herself. "If I make it there alive, with all the stumbling I do!" She joked, laughing joyfully.

Owl October 9th, 2016 10:37 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 732)
~for @Owl- I just started where I could remember we left off, is that ok?~

Winterpaw looked over at her companion, a quick glance to make sure he was following. "You aren't going to back out on me now, are you?" she asked, a mischievous twinkle in her blue orbs. The young she cat smirked, looking up at the trees and swishing her tail as she did so. She loved to come into the territory, even when she wasn't planning on doing much. She looked up at the sky, just barely being able to see it through the canopy of trees and she smiled, her white fangs showing just barely. Her smile faltered suddenly and a strange expression came over her face as she looked back at Turtlepaw. Why hadn't he been playing with his friends? And why had he been all alone like that? Winterpaw shifted her weight a little nervously, a question entering her mind but she wasn't quite sure if she ought to ask it. "Do you mind if I ask you a...a personal question?" she asked, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face. She knew that it wasn't exactly the best thing to do, but the question was nagging at her and practically begging to be asked...and Winterpaw had never been one to shy away from getting to know about somebody.

[ To be honest I'm thinking of just getting rid of Turtlepaw.. I dont have enough time to roleplay him or really keep up with a lot of my roleplays! I'm sorry but CedarpawxAshpaw are still a go for sure! I love my Cedarpaw :heartbounce::heartbounce: ]

The Cannibal October 10th, 2016 08:32 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
{For @LuciPie}

Ibispaw glanced over his shoulder a moment as he heard the sound of approaching pawsteps and to say in the least, he was a bit surprised to see that Stormpaw had decided to tag along considering that he had seemed overly bored of him, as well as made to feel awkward by him, but deciding not to make a comment on it, the black and white patched tom looked back ahead as they padded further into the territory, making sure that his pawsteps were heard so that any little creature could go scurrying off way before he and Stormpaw got to them, he didn't want to see any of them hurt, knowing full well that the other apprentice would likely want to hunt. I kind of wish he hadn't come... Thought the bob-tailed tom as the two trekked through the marshy territory, Ibispaws' yellow eyes glancing at the ground as he thought this. It's a lot nicer when I'm alone, then I don't have to worry about talking, or paying attention to the other cat, I can just walk with my thoughts. Glancing over at Stormpaw a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke. "S-So um, how old.. Are you again?" His voice was a bit shaky, a bit quiet, hardly making an echo in the marshy forest as they padded along. Ibispaw didn't recall asking the tom this before and decided that it might be a good.. Icebreaker? He's heard cats say that word when they were talking about statements that made other cats feel less awkward in conversation, things that sort of lightened the mood. Not that Ibispaw really cared about conversation at all, but he more or less wanted to seem polite, so that he wouldn't make another cat hate him. He couldn't stand up for himself and he'd rather not deal with another.. Another bully. Another mean cat. He didn't want to give himself a reason to hate other cats more than he already did.

Fel October 10th, 2016 07:26 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by toothlost (Post 5776)

As soon as he introduced himself as Martenleap, one of the adoptive parents that would take her in, her jaw dropped and her head was turned to stare past him, and her ears perked in such a way to show her amazement. "You're Martenleap? You're awesome! I'm glad you are my father! Shrewcall is going to be cool, too! Oh, I want to meet Shrewcall now!" Lostkit bounded after his dragging paws, ignoring the fact she had headed in a completely different direction. As he explained more on ShadowClan and how it has been his home for a while, she listened intently, eagerly downing the information. "Oh, this is going to be so great! I can't wait!" There was a skip in her step, which caused her to stumble over a rock and almost fall into the tom, but she managed to catch herself. "If I make it there alive, with all the stumbling I do!" She joked, laughing joyfully.

Smiling as the newly-named Lostkit called him awesome, saying she was glad he'd be her father- Martenleap felt happy about his decision to stop by and find the little kitten, and as he noticed her going the wrong way, he took it lightly, just like her joke about getting back to Shadowclan alive and in one piece. "Hey, just follow my voice, alright? We're not too far away, and the scent gets stronger the closer you get to camp!" Should I tell Blazingnight about this? He thought about it for a second, thinking of the leader's harsh tone, though she wasn't too bad for the head of Shadowclan, a place that seemed to make Thunderclan kits shake in their paws at just the name. ...Probably not. If she asks about it, I'll just say that another queen had her and then died- that her mother was lost- just like she was. "Shrewcall's even nicer than me- he's the nicest cat I know when it comes to helping out kits like you."

lost October 10th, 2016 07:33 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 6772)
Smiling as the newly-named Lostkit called him awesome, saying she was glad he'd be her father- Martenleap felt happy about his decision to stop by and find the little kitten, and as he noticed her going the wrong way, he took it lightly, just like her joke about getting back to Shadowclan alive and in one piece. "Hey, just follow my voice, alright? We're not too far away, and the scent gets stronger the closer you get to camp!" Should I tell Blazingnight about this? He thought about it for a second, thinking of the leader's harsh tone, though she wasn't too bad for the head of Shadowclan, a place that seemed to make Thunderclan kits shake in their paws at just the name. ...Probably not. If she asks about it, I'll just say that another queen had her and then died- that her mother was lost- just like she was. "Shrewcall's even nicer than me- he's the nicest cat I know when it comes to helping out kits like you."

Lostkit bounced after Martenleap, tripping a few times but never falling over. She refused to stumble and lose her pace beside the wonderful tom that towered over her. "I can't wait to see camp, I bet it looks amazing!" She grinned up at him, her head actually aimed in the direction it should be, and then she turned it away to face forward as she marched on beside him. "Shrewcall sounds wonderful, and I can't believe he is nicer than you! Can a cat be this nice?" She questioned aloud, flattening her ears in thought for a few moments before she bounced right back into her excited, happy mood. "Like, how is it possible? I thought being nice was a rarity that cats only felt when good things happened to them, like enough prey to feed everyone for many days instead of one prey for the entire family. Or when you finally catch a break and are free of some burdens for a while, though it comes back and you are unhappy and mean again..." She drew off, falling silent before she turned her head towards Martenleap once more, showing her signature smile.

Hexict October 11th, 2016 11:57 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 5756)
Thistlesplash wasn't the best cat when it came to noticing the little things in life. Really, all she'd done was get lost in a pretty new place, and met a nice cat- who wouldn't want to talk to him? He was a bit blunt, surely, but the molly thought she could make a friend out of anyone, even the coldest cats- so he shouldn't be too hard. The Riverclan cat was spunky and energetic, willing to continue a conversation no matter how one-sided it got. Thistlesplash was more of a hopeless conversationalist than a hopeless romantic, but even she could see that this cat was really handsome- heck, even his voice sounded charming! "Well... everyone's gotten really boring back at Riverclan. They say the same things over and over again, and you're like a whole new opportunity- who wouldn't pass up a chance to talk to you?" Thistle never noticed logical things. She'd pass a fish swimming through the river and deem it a rock, and pass an invader right by with no question if she was already following a friend or two- but she did know a bit about emotion, and she was feeling like there was some sort of connection between them- maybe one-sided, maybe not.

The tuxedo blinked in surprised as she asked who would pass up the opportunities to talk to him. Eversong... actually, Eversong, Marbledface, Silentpaw and whoever Baycloud's kit is, he answered silently, having not met Leo yet. He did find himself turning a bit red at this, but he tried his best to hide it. "There is a lot going on lately in your clan... I am sorry to hear about Marshsnow," as soon as he said it, he realized that that was what Thistlesplash was talking about, that talk of Marshsnow and even Bucknight, and quickly decided to change the subject. "You seem extremely relaxed despite being on Shadowclan territory, but why? It could be dangerous f the wrong cat had found you instead of me," Iceclaw started to show actual concern for the molly. He truly didn't want someone to attack her, mostly due to her not being a threat and was clearly harmless.

LuciPie October 11th, 2016 01:47 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 6066)
{For @LuciPie}

Ibispaw glanced over his shoulder a moment as he heard the sound of approaching pawsteps and to say in the least, he was a bit surprised to see that Stormpaw had decided to tag along considering that he had seemed overly bored of him, as well as made to feel awkward by him, but deciding not to make a comment on it, the black and white patched tom looked back ahead as they padded further into the territory, making sure that his pawsteps were heard so that any little creature could go scurrying off way before he and Stormpaw got to them, he didn't want to see any of them hurt, knowing full well that the other apprentice would likely want to hunt. I kind of wish he hadn't come... Thought the bob-tailed tom as the two trekked through the marshy territory, Ibispaws' yellow eyes glancing at the ground as he thought this. It's a lot nicer when I'm alone, then I don't have to worry about talking, or paying attention to the other cat, I can just walk with my thoughts. Glancing over at Stormpaw a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke. "S-So um, how old.. Are you again?" His voice was a bit shaky, a bit quiet, hardly making an echo in the marshy forest as they padded along. Ibispaw didn't recall asking the tom this before and decided that it might be a good.. Icebreaker? He's heard cats say that word when they were talking about statements that made other cats feel less awkward in conversation, things that sort of lightened the mood. Not that Ibispaw really cared about conversation at all, but he more or less wanted to seem polite, so that he wouldn't make another cat hate him. He couldn't stand up for himself and he'd rather not deal with another.. Another bully. Another mean cat. He didn't want to give himself a reason to hate other cats more than he already did.

Stormpaw looked at Ibispaw as the other apprentice looked at him. The grey cat padded slightly behind his fellow apprentice as they hardly knew each other yet, and Stormpaw could sometimes feel quite awkward when having a normal chat with another apprentice. "Huh? Oh! I'm 6 moons. And you?" Stormpaw cast the patchy cat a strange look as he noticed his paw steps were louder than needed. "Are you alright?" The apprentice didn't really feel any concern for Ibispaw, as did he also not feel concern for any other cat, but the way this cat was acting was weird. Stormpaw was very curious as to why he was acting like so.

The Cannibal October 11th, 2016 04:19 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by LuciPie (Post 7520)
Stormpaw looked at Ibispaw as the other apprentice looked at him. The grey cat padded slightly behind his fellow apprentice as they hardly knew each other yet, and Stormpaw could sometimes feel quite awkward when having a normal chat with another apprentice. "Huh? Oh! I'm 6 moons. And you?" Stormpaw cast the patchy cat a strange look as he noticed his paw steps were louder than needed. "Are you alright?" The apprentice didn't really feel any concern for Ibispaw, as did he also not feel concern for any other cat, but the way this cat was acting was weird. Stormpaw was very curious as to why he was acting like so.

As soon as their eyes met, Ibispaw immediately looked away, his stump of a tail quivering with nervousness, he didn't enjoy eye-contact much, he always felt like other cats were trying to dig through and read his emotions, trying to read his thoughts, prying. And he felt like that in conversation too, or sometimes that the other cat just really didn't care at all and he was simply wasting breath in continuing the conversation, thus why he didn't enjoy speaking to others either. Overall he just didn't like being around others, he always saw the worst in cats, and really, Stormpaw hadn't changed his view in the slightest, but luckily enough he was good at hiding his opinions and views of other cats and how he felt about them, knowing that it would only make things worse, then well, no cat would like him.. Not.. That he would mind. It's complicated. "Oh I'm uh, 10 moons." His voice came out as a sort of resigned sigh, his gaze fixing back ahead. Ibispaw was looking forward to the day he would be given his warrior name, then the only time he would really have to be near others was during patrols, but he could go out hunting all by himself, walking, no one would question him.. It would be nice. Blinking at the other apprentice's question, Ibispaw's yellow gaze glanced over at Stormpaw for a moment before looking back ahead. "H-Huh? Oh.. Yeah, I'm fine.. Are you alright?" The question was empty, it was clear that Ibispaw wasn't much interested in the answer to it, and he wasn't trying to hide the fact either.

LuciPie October 12th, 2016 11:59 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 7695)
As soon as their eyes met, Ibispaw immediately looked away, his stump of a tail quivering with nervousness, he didn't enjoy eye-contact much, he always felt like other cats were trying to dig through and read his emotions, trying to read his thoughts, prying. And he felt like that in conversation too, or sometimes that the other cat just really didn't care at all and he was simply wasting breath in continuing the conversation, thus why he didn't enjoy speaking to others either. Overall he just didn't like being around others, he always saw the worst in cats, and really, Stormpaw hadn't changed his view in the slightest, but luckily enough he was good at hiding his opinions and views of other cats and how he felt about them, knowing that it would only make things worse, then well, no cat would like him.. Not.. That he would mind. It's complicated. "Oh I'm uh, 10 moons." His voice came out as a sort of resigned sigh, his gaze fixing back ahead. Ibispaw was looking forward to the day he would be given his warrior name, then the only time he would really have to be near others was during patrols, but he could go out hunting all by himself, walking, no one would question him.. It would be nice. Blinking at the other apprentice's question, Ibispaw's yellow gaze glanced over at Stormpaw for a moment before looking back ahead. "H-Huh? Oh.. Yeah, I'm fine.. Are you alright?" The question was empty, it was clear that Ibispaw wasn't much interested in the answer to it, and he wasn't trying to hide the fact either.

As Ibispaw looked away from him, Stormpaw decided to just look straight ahead at the trees in front of them, occasionally looking to his side at branches or leaves on the ground. "Oh right..." he said in reply to how old the other cat was. The grey cat completely didn't realise that he was talking to a much older apprentice. Being bored, he didn't notice many things hat didn't matter when he finally had something to do. He didn't even care so much about the fact Ibispaw clearly wasn't interested in an answer to his question, but he couldn't help feeling annoyed at him slightly. Nonetheless, he replied anyway, "I'm fine, but you seem to be acting a bit weird which is why I asked..."

The Cannibal October 12th, 2016 02:19 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by LuciPie (Post 8747)
As Ibispaw looked away from him, Stormpaw decided to just look straight ahead at the trees in front of them, occasionally looking to his side at branches or leaves on the ground. "Oh right..." he said in reply to how old the other cat was. The grey cat completely didn't realise that he was talking to a much older apprentice. Being bored, he didn't notice many things hat didn't matter when he finally had something to do. He didn't even care so much about the fact Ibispaw clearly wasn't interested in an answer to his question, but he couldn't help feeling annoyed at him slightly. Nonetheless, he replied anyway, "I'm fine, but you seem to be acting a bit weird which is why I asked..."

Teeth clicking as he continuously clenched his jaws together, relaxed them, and clenched again, the tail-less apprentice did not focus his gaze on the other apprentice, not now, and he likely wouldn't make much eye-contact with him in general. Flicking his ears in an almost sort of dismissive way, Ibispaw said nothing in response to Stormpaw's reply to his age. Really, the black and white apprentice really never thought about age, it was almost sort of irrelevant to him and it confused him when some cats seemed to rely on it heavily. What did it matter how old you were? Did it, for some reason you were more powerful? Did it mean you were better? Something to marvel at? He just couldn't understand other cats sometimes. Perhaps that's why he didn't like to be around other cats, they simply confused him to the point of making him angry or irritable. "Well I'm just a weird cat okay?" Meowed Ibispaw sharply, his yellow gaze flitting over to look at the other, both pain and anger flaring in his eyes like a confused fire before he looked back ahead, clenching his jaws shut tighter. It was very easy to hurt this apprentice, he always seemed to take things the wrong way, misinterpret things, make it seem like other cats were out to get him, to bully him, to put him down. Snorting, Ibispaw flattened his ears and began to pad a bit faster, no longer wanting to pad alongside the other apprentice, his head lowered slightly and his shoulders sagging a bit.

lone October 12th, 2016 08:25 PM

~for @mirefern~

Clawpaw padded into the territory, the young apprentice flicking her tail in slight disgust as she did so. She was done with dealing with other cats, done with their ignorant personalities, all she wanted was absolute peace and quiet where she could at least be herself without being judged, or laughed at. The she cat flicked her ear as she heard the rustling of leaves, instinctively dropping into a hunting crouch that was near to perfect and smiling to herself at the way she had reacted. She was glad of it, merely because she prided herself on her hunting skills. Clawpaw slowly crept towards the source of the noise, suddenly stopping and giving a slight, sharp mew as she felt a sudden tug on her tail. She turned around to find it caught in a thorn bush, and she hissed angrily, muttering under her breath as she tugged, trying to pull it free of the thorns that were entangling it. When she could not succeed, the apprentice hissed once more...she would have liked to lash her tail in frustration, but it was currently stuck. Clawpaw thought for a moment, hoping that no other cats would come along...or if they did, that they would be smart enough and polite enough to help her instead of standing and looking at her or laughing like most idiots did. She waited, getting tired of standing and wishing that she could sit down, if not for the thorns that were keeping her from doing so.

LuciPie October 13th, 2016 02:36 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 8849)
Teeth clicking as he continuously clenched his jaws together, relaxed them, and clenched again, the tail-less apprentice did not focus his gaze on the other apprentice, not now, and he likely wouldn't make much eye-contact with him in general. Flicking his ears in an almost sort of dismissive way, Ibispaw said nothing in response to Stormpaw's reply to his age. Really, the black and white apprentice really never thought about age, it was almost sort of irrelevant to him and it confused him when some cats seemed to rely on it heavily. What did it matter how old you were? Did it, for some reason you were more powerful? Did it mean you were better? Something to marvel at? He just couldn't understand other cats sometimes. Perhaps that's why he didn't like to be around other cats, they simply confused him to the point of making him angry or irritable. "Well I'm just a weird cat okay?" Meowed Ibispaw sharply, his yellow gaze flitting over to look at the other, both pain and anger flaring in his eyes like a confused fire before he looked back ahead, clenching his jaws shut tighter. It was very easy to hurt this apprentice, he always seemed to take things the wrong way, misinterpret things, make it seem like other cats were out to get him, to bully him, to put him down. Snorting, Ibispaw flattened his ears and began to pad a bit faster, no longer wanting to pad alongside the other apprentice, his head lowered slightly and his shoulders sagging a bit.

(This is going to be short...)
"I don't really know anything much about you." Brief anger flared up in Stormpaw at how the other apprentice seemed to be reacting. What did I ever do to him!? Of course, being as young as he still was, with hardly any life experience, he didn't understand that it's just how some were and there was not really any changing that. As Ibispaw seemingly began quacking his pace, the grey cat had no idea what to do. Should he quicken his pace too, or just let the black and white apprentice go ahead? "Hey! Where you off too so quick?"

FadedShadow October 14th, 2016 10:23 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Risingstorm slowed as the distance from the border grew, he paused, it would be suspicious if he went back empty-pawed, I should get some prey, maybe there are a few mice around here. He lifted his nose into the air, scenting a squirrel almost instantly, It could have been right under my paws and I wouldn't have noticed it! Melodysong is beautiful but can't you take your mind off of her for one minute to do your warrior duties? Risingstorm shook his head as he berated himself. Then dropped int oa crouch and stalked up to the unsuspecting squirrel, his tail twitching in anticipation. He flashed out, hooking it's neck with his long sharp claws, flinging it up into the air, and pouncing on it when it landed. Satisfied, he turned and trotted to camp.

Hexict October 27th, 2016 08:24 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 7430)
The tuxedo blinked in surprised as she asked who would pass up the opportunities to talk to him. Eversong... actually, Eversong, Marbledface, Silentpaw and whoever Baycloud's kit is, he answered silently, having not met Leo yet. He did find himself turning a bit red at this, but he tried his best to hide it. "There is a lot going on lately in your clan... I am sorry to hear about Marshsnow," as soon as he said it, he realized that that was what Thistlesplash was talking about, that talk of Marshsnow and even Bucknight, and quickly decided to change the subject. "You seem extremely relaxed despite being on Shadowclan territory, but why? It could be dangerous f the wrong cat had found you instead of me," Iceclaw started to show actual concern for the molly. He truly didn't want someone to attack her, mostly due to her not being a threat and was clearly harmless.

(bump for @fenic!)

Fel October 28th, 2016 08:04 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 10450)
The tuxedo blinked in surprised as she asked who would pass up the opportunities to talk to him. Eversong... actually, Eversong, Marbledface, Silentpaw and whoever Baycloud's kit is, he answered silently, having not met Leo yet. He did find himself turning a bit red at this, but he tried his best to hide it. "There is a lot going on lately in your clan... I am sorry to hear about Marshsnow," as soon as he said it, he realized that that was what Thistlesplash was talking about, that talk of Marshsnow and even Bucknight, and quickly decided to change the subject. "You seem extremely relaxed despite being on Shadowclan territory, but why? It could be dangerous f the wrong cat had found you instead of me," Iceclaw started to show actual concern for the molly. He truly didn't want someone to attack her, mostly due to her not being a threat and was clearly harmless.

Standing beside Iceclaw, Thistlesplash's mottled fur rippled slightly in a few rogue breezes, not having realized that wind could be present in a forest territory like Shadowclan's as well, and completely ignoring the dangers of the land to focus on the beauty. She was a cat able to take risks, because she appreciated the result once they were done. She didn't know who he knew, who he thought wouldn't talk to him... because I know that I want to, and that this cat- he's really interesting. It's just that I want to know more about him, specifically him. He's a quest of my own, huh? A goal to complete, a task to figure out. I want to know more about you- Iceclaw. "...It's alright. Geckoleaf's quite the kind medicine cat, though she's quite young!" Grinning loudly, she didn't exactly like to focus on the negatives of life, though everyone in her clan had seemed quite down lately due to some of the deaths of the cats they admired most. As Iceclaw asked why she was comfortable here, however, her ears perked up, her blue eyes lighting up in excitement. "I... I like taking risks, and I like to visit new places, y'know- because everything has the capacity to be beautiful. If I confine myself to somewhere specific for too long, I get... bored, I guess. This place is lovely, and it's worth being caught to view it. It's not the same look you get when you're standing on the border.

Hexict October 29th, 2016 06:16 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
He looked taken aback when Thistlesplash stated that she liked Geckoleaf, and believed the young medicine cat to be kind. Now that I think of it, I've heard that Marshsnow had been young when she first became a medicine cat as well, the tom thought, noting the coincidence - though they weren't connected. Iceclaw did notice how positive the molly was being, and wondered what it felt like to be that way. He had felt too much actually happiness ever since he left Eversong and their kits, which he's regretted ever since. And even before that it wasn't like Claw had been very father to him, but he had taught him to survive in a way that doesn't involve a lot of positivity. The black and white tom shook his head as he thought about Claw and even Eversong. He wish that there was a way to forget all that - he still wanted desperately to be with his first mate, whom he loved more than Shrew and did feel bad for what he was making Shrew go through; having him as a mate though he doesn't love her back, and then having his kits when he wasn't around to be with them. He hardly even tried to cheer her up when they lost two of their kits during the birth though he had never met them because Shrew told him about her pregnancy and had given birth while he was out. But Iceclaw didn't want to think about that either. He wished that he could start all over before everything seemed to fall apart. When the angora started to answer his question he perked his ears and looked at her. His ice blue orbs widened when she claimed that everything could be beautiful and it was worth getting caught. It was like the first time in their conversation he didn't see her as a cat from another cat, but rather someone that he actually could socialize with. Eversong was somewhat like that, having places just for the two of them that were nice and that she loves - but she never seemed at happy and care-free as Thistlesplash does and it was... refreshing. "Is a lot of cats from Riverclan like you?" He question,knowing that a lot of Shadowclan cats tended to be close-minded, a terrible stereotype that wasn't far from the truth.

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