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lys.luvbot December 23rd, 2023 12:57 AM

Bellerophon's lion pride.
Howdy! I've recently become obsessed with lions and how their pride works, so here's a new Alternative Warriors roleplay! This is rather complex and somewhat like I'd make the character and you'd pick which one you'd like to roleplay. So let me explain some of the lore. :woot:

Okay, let me explain roles.. so obviously leader means leader, the leader of said pride would not hunt or anything he'd simply order and manage the pride. The leader would also be allowed to eat as soon as something was caught whilst others had to wait. Next up, is Stone, stone would mean deputy or second in command, they'd be lead hunter/huntress and organize patrols like checking scent marks and expanding the territory. The Stone would also get to eat after the leader would finish. Now onto Elite Sentinel, they are the lead fighters and often teach the apprentinces new battle moves. And would get to eat with the Stone. Next up is the hunting chief, who'd be in charge of leading the hunts if given the order by the Stone. They eat with The Stone and Elite Sentinel. Solitary Hunters are lions that choose to hunt alone, but they go out when the other hunting groups go out to ensure safety, Solitary Hunters eat after the hunters and fighters. Cubs, I believe this role is rather obvious Cubs would start training to be apprentices at one year old but would have some other training and watching activities before, cubs eat last. Gladiators are the defenders of the pride, somewhat like the first line of defense before the leader. They eat after The Stone, Elite Sentinel, and the Hunting Chief. Employed lions are lions that just live in the pride and don't do much besides watch cubs sometimes they eat with the Cubs and Pets. Hunters, this role is obvious no further explanation, They eat with the Fighters and Gladiators. Pets, this role is rather useless and they'd mainly serve their leader. Pets eat with the cubs. Apprentices, basically any role in training, whenever a lion proves themself worthy of the role they'd get the role, they train till their 3 years of age. They'd eat with the Cubs. Personal Guard, only about 1-2 lions within a pride would hold this role, it's if someone in the pride is in danger and needs protecting. Fighters this role is obvious no further explanation, They eat with the Hunters and Gladiators.

Okay, so onto the lore, so first off, mate bands! Mate bands are something a lion/lioness would wear to represent their mate, however it's optional. And Cub bands are used to represent your cubs with your mate. the gemstone color matching their eyes or something about them, Will add more to this later on.

Now onto the actual roles! Like I said you'll be picking who you'd like to play.

★Bellerophon ★ Leader ★ An average-sized male lion with a creamish pelt mixed in with tan stripes, he has a whispy white mane that'll never fully grow in. He's a newish dad with his mate Tattions however, he refuses to wear a mate band or a band representing any of his cubs believing it would be bad in battle. Bellerophon is rather bossy and snarky and expects greatness from his pride. ★ role taken by me/@CattleCaller.

★Lucifer ★ Stone ★ A medium-sized barbary lion with a light gray pelt and darker gray stripes matching his darker gray mane, his paws are white and he has a red eye with his left eye missing. Lucifer upholds his role well and is feared by many. He was once in a happy relationship but his mate died in battle since then he's been heartsick. ★ role taken by /@

★Amadeus ★ Elite Sentinel ★ an above average sized lioness who's developed a spikey mane, her coat is mainly white with a darker grayish tan cape that rests underneath her maroon stripes. Amadeus is a skilled fighter explaining how she got her role as Elite Sentinel. She is very open and bold about her life and what she's feeling and has no problem with saying what's on her mind. She is the sister of Rubyaa. ★ role taken by /@

★Rubyaa ★ Hunter ★ an abnormally tall lioness who has a reddish coat with a white underbelly and dark maroon stripes along her face, back, and tail. Rubyaa is a kind and naive soul who is easily taken advantage of and ordered around. However, she is extremely skilled and may one day take the role of hunting chief. She is the sister of Amadeus. ★ role taken by /@

★Keone ★ Pet ★ A small and stubby build-over masked by fluffy hair, and cream fur with deep red leopard spots. He has a very long and fluffy tail that easily gets dirty explaining Keone's great grooming habits. He is a soft soul who listens to what others have to say and considers every side of the story. ★ role taken by /@

★Luca ★ Gladiator ★ A smaller-than-average build that is lean and slim. She has a gray tanish coat with darker gray roseate spots. My personality is undecided I'd just imagine she's badass but it's up to you! Also sister to Maevin. ★ role taken by /@

★Meavin ★ Gladiator ★ A tall and muscular lion with a light gray coat that's masked by darker gray leopard spots and a large white underbelly. Personality is undecided I'd just imagine he's calm and mellow but it's up to you! Also brother to Luca. ★ role taken by /@

★Nouvel ★ Appretince ★ A below-average sized lioness who has a stunning white coat with a pinkish undertone stripe following through her head to her back to her tail. She has stunning purple eyes and a light pink nose. Nouvel is a bold, flirtatious lioness who isn't scared to take what she wants and wants to one day be the leader. Her mentor is Lucifer and her future mate is Waod. ★ role taken by /@CattleCaller.

★Waod ★ Appretince ★ A slightly tall dark gray coated lion with a furry coat and a long fluffy tail, he has dips along his back that make up a cool pattern. He has long ears and a stripe of red on his head tuft. He is playful and welcoming. ★ role taken by /@

★Judus ★ Hunting Cheif ★ A lean and toned body build with a dark brown coat and small black spots with a white underbelly, tail, and flank. Personality is undecided but I'd imagine he's fierce. ★ role taken by /@

★Epimetheus ★ Fighter ★ A WAY bigger than average barbary lion that is somewhat fluffy and has a dark brown and black coat, with a cloud-looking mane. He has various battle scars across his body. Despite his harsh-looking nature, he's a softie at heart.★ role taken by /@

★Tattions ★ Solitary Hunter ★ An average-sized lioness who has a white underbelly overmasked by a deep blue and a deep red. Tattions is a rather rude and snappy lioness who often gets on everyone within the pride's nerves, believing she's better than everyone. She often thinks her mate, Bellerophon disrespects her and the cubs they have together by not wearing any bands to show he has a mate or cubs. She is a new mother to Requin, Cadmus, and Benedict. ★ role taken by /@

★Wasp ★ Cub ★ A below-average-sized cub who has a white face and a white underbelly with a fluffy and black mane. Personality is undecided, so it is up to you. Daughter to Lux and Zoya, sister to Carrion and Venture. ★ role taken by /@

★Requin ★ Cub ★ A large lion cub who has a mix of different browns across his coat with leopard spots on his flank and shoulders. He has a partial mane and deep watered-down eyes. He is extremely playful and friendly. Son of Bellerophon and Tattions, and brother to Cadmus and Benedict. ★ role taken by /@

★Mace ★ Gladiator ★ A large African lion who has a white coat with a scar across the right side of his forehead, and a scar across his flank. Personality is undecided. ★ role taken by /@

★Monst ★ Employed ★ A very small lioness with a white underbelly masked with a blueish gray and brown. Personality is undecided. ★ role taken by /@

★Carrion ★ Cub ★ A WAY above average sized lion with a white underbelly with a red mixed with a black coat that includes swirls around his back. A fierce and snappy lion who isn't afraid to take what he wants and is always trying to train. Son to Lux and Zoya, brother to Wasp and Carrion. ★ role taken by /@

★Venture ★ Cub ★ A below-average lioness who has a cream coat with white rose spots and a curly tail. Personality is undecied but I'd imagine she'd be a sweetheart. The adopted daughter of Zoya and Lux, sister to Wasp and Carrion. ★ role taken by /@

★Zoya ★ Hunter ★ A above average Barbary lioness with a dark gray massive mane. She is the mate to Lux and the mother to Venture, Wasp, and Carrion. She is never seen without her mate band or her band representing all of her cubs, she has various scars along her body. ★ role taken by /@

★Lux ★ Personal Guard ★ A lioness with a white underbelly and a white mane, including orange/reddish stripes. Personality is undecided. She is the mate to Zoya and the mother to Venture, Wasp, and Carrion. ★ role taken by /@

★Benedict ★ Appretince ★ A below-average-sized lion with a gray coat over masked by black and white stripes. Personality is undecided, gay. Son of Bellerophon and Tattions, and brother to Cadmus and Requin. ★ role taken by /@

★Cadmus ★ Cub ★ An above-average-sized lioness with a white underbelly including a white stripe leading down her back, tail, and mane tuft. Personality is undecided ★ role taken by /@

No forms just tell me who you want and why and any changes or things you want to add to your lion.

lys.luvbot December 23rd, 2023 04:16 PM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.
You know you wanna apply. :soloballoon:

jaguar !! ^^ December 23rd, 2023 11:48 PM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.
``★Venture ★ Cub ★ A below-average lioness who has a cream coat with white rose spots and a curly tail. Personality is undecied but I'd imagine she'd be a sweetheart. The adopted daughter of Zoya and Lux, sister to Wasp and Carrion. ★ ``

i'd like to apply for her !! she seems like a complete, serene little thing that i'd enjoy roleplaying as.

i'd only like to change her size. maybe very small, very below-average sized? runt of her bio mother's litter?

curly fur >>>>>>> any other fur texture (imo)

and, if it's fine, maybe make her have cataracts or be blind? i've never really rped as anything with a particular disability and looking for ways to make my rping ways more diverse.


lys.luvbot December 24th, 2023 12:00 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Originally Posted by raggedstalagmite. (Post 1525476)
``★Venture ★ Cub ★ A below-average lioness who has a cream coat with white rose spots and a curly tail. Personality is undecied but I'd imagine she'd be a sweetheart. The adopted daughter of Zoya and Lux, sister to Wasp and Carrion. ★ ``

i'd like to apply for her !! she seems like a complete, serene little thing that i'd enjoy roleplaying as.

i'd only like to change her size. maybe very small, very below-average sized? runt of her bio mother's litter?

curly fur >>>>>>> any other fur texture (imo)

and, if it's fine, maybe make her have cataracts or be blind? i've never really rped as anything with a particular disability and looking for ways to make my rping ways more diverse.


Accepted, I'll set up a main roleplay thread once 2-3 more people join, but until then we could do a 1 v 1 private roleplay between Nouvel x Venture? Maybe for training?

jaguar !! ^^ December 24th, 2023 12:04 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Originally Posted by CattleCaller. (Post 1525480)
Accepted, I'll set up a main roleplay thread once 2-3 more people join, but until then we could do a 1 v 1 private roleplay between Nouvel x Venture? Maybe for training?

sure we can ! although i'm a little confused, you're still fine with venture being blind, right?

arrow. December 24th, 2023 12:18 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.
I would like to possibly and kindly ask ofc lol for Zoya ^^ because I like her haha- I may give her that snarky personality to any lion or lioness that messes with her precious babies and mate. Other than that, I shall make her fluffy and happy :0


lys.luvbot December 24th, 2023 12:35 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Originally Posted by raggedstalagmite. (Post 1525481)
sure we can ! although i'm a little confused, you're still fine with venture being blind, right?


lys.luvbot December 24th, 2023 12:35 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Originally Posted by christmassharkie (Post 1525484)
I would like to possibly and kindly ask ofc lol for Zoya ^^ because I like her haha- I may give her that snarky personality to any lion or lioness that messes with her precious babies and mate. Other than that, I shall make her fluffy and happy :0


hehhe, Accepted!

jaguar !! ^^ December 24th, 2023 12:41 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Originally Posted by christmassharkie (Post 1525484)
I would like to possibly and kindly ask ofc lol for Zoya ^^ because I like her haha- I may give her that snarky personality to any lion or lioness that messes with her precious babies and mate. Other than that, I shall make her fluffy and happy :0



/j, /lh

arrow. December 24th, 2023 12:46 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Originally Posted by raggedstalagmite. (Post 1525492)

/j, /lh


mother will protect you lol/silly

jaguar !! ^^ December 24th, 2023 12:47 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.
finally, one of my characters have a living parental figure

Originally Posted by christmassharkie (Post 1525496)

mother will protect you lol/silly

lys.luvbot December 24th, 2023 02:53 PM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.
bump. <3

lys.luvbot December 24th, 2023 05:19 PM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

lys.luvbot December 25th, 2023 03:34 PM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

lys.luvbot December 26th, 2023 07:11 PM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.

Lunalis December 31st, 2023 11:55 AM

Re: Bellerophon's lion pride.
Is it okay if i have Cadmus because I know she doesn't have a personality but I think that she would sound like the rebellious type and I feel like she would probably try to boss people around but she only does that to seem tough and I think she could be nice when she wants to be.

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