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-   -   Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68408)

wolfie September 6th, 2023 09:52 AM

Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
♕The Queen's Justice♕

WindClan invaded RiverClan seeking justice for Twilightstar after RiverClan's previous leader, Beanstar, had taken a life from her! Unaware of the fact Beanstar had already passed on they went to battle. The battle raged on until it was revealed Beanstar had passed.

If your character was involved in the battle and had not been healed in the battlefield by Lightningpaw (which is typically for those who had life-threatening injuries) they should seek healing here. A thread that takes place in WindClan's Medicine Cat Den and WindClan Clearing.

Fill out a healing form here and then posting a starter mentioning either Cowtuft [ @x ghostie ] and/or Lightningpaw [ @Alchemist Kitsune ] and anyone else involved. Do not wait for us to accept your form. Quantity will be favored over quality to help healing be swift which means less detailed descriptions.

Please keep in mind Cowtuft primarily communicates with sign language which will be written in italics. Verbal dialogue with be done in bold. (he may talk verbally to those he's more familiar with and/or is younger than him). Lightningpaw can help translate if involved.

gs29513 September 6th, 2023 12:01 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
Curlyeye was one of the first to make it back to camp, being less grievously injured than many of his clanmates. For that reason he stuck to the edge of the clearing, presuming that Lightningpaw would be the one to take care of him. Cowtuft would probably have to deal with the more serious injuries, and while the clawmarks the Riverclanner had left on his chest had been bleeding pretty profusely, nothing was life-threatening. He hadn't lost enough blood to worry about that, and while the scratches on his front right and left hind leg made walking annoying, they shouldn't cause issues if left alone for a bit, provided he didn't get anything in them.

He winced slightly as he dropped onto his haunches, before ducking his head in order to try and lap at his chest. It was really unsightly, the blood everywhere, and he wanted to look at least decent. It was no good being covered in the blood of your enemies when you were also covered in your own blood, and hadn't run said enemy off. Curlyeye wasn't really aware that cleaning up the wound might be good for something besides not looking like a hot mess, but he was concerned enough about his appearance to brave the disgusting taste and get most of the blood off of his front. @Alchemist Kitsune

elswhere September 6th, 2023 12:30 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
It didn't seem to be too bad, but stars dammit it hurt like hell. Sleethound had hobbled back to camp on only three legs, babying his left leg and shoulder. That RiverClan leader sure could back a punch, and leave it to sting. Gingerfrost had left a gapping wound on the massive cat's left shoulder, blood still slightly oozing out of the gash. Lower on his legs was a couple of claw marks, as well as a nicked ear, but those would heal on their own, the only thing worth looking at was Sleethound's shoulder.

Hobbling to a painful stop by his other clanmate, Curlyeye, pain shooting through his body. "stars be damned, why does it hurt so bad, bro??" He couldn't reach their head around to lick his shoulder at least half-way clean without the muscules in his neck pulling at his shoulder.

Cowtuft - @x ghostie | Curlyeye mention - @gs29513 | Lightingpaw - @Alchemist Kitsune

Morrigan September 6th, 2023 12:35 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Frostpaw quietly and slowly padded into the medicine den blood stained her pelt mostly her's but some from the fierce enemy apprentice she had been fighting that had obviously shown no mercy.

Anyway the point was she was in quite a state her face had been clawed and kicked so that she could hardly open her eyes only slits of ice-blue stared timidly through the pain and her ears had been clawed as well that was quite probably going to leave a few nicks.

Though that was probably the worst of it she did have a bite mark on her bushy tail were her opponent had grabbed it and flung her to the floor also another bite mark was shown on her side but.

@x ghostie @Alchemist Kitsune

ameko September 6th, 2023 03:27 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
he/him | WindClan Apprentice
Kitty Softpaws - always active
Yeowch!!! His shoulder really was smarting. Favoring his left side, Goldenpaw limped into camp. As soon as he made it into the safety of the clearing, he plopped down on his haunches and began to pick bits of fur from his claws, wincing every time his leg moved too much. Ugh, now that he was coming off the high of the battle, he was in paaaain. And mad. Really annoyed at that dumb fishcat.

Though he wasn't actually going to say that he needed to get that shoulder cut looked at, he shuffled a little closer to the medicine cat's den and side-eyed it.

Cornbread1233 September 6th, 2023 05:16 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
The first thing Fogfoot noticed when they woke up was how much their head hurt. Their entire body ached, but in their head it was a searing pain, stemming from above their right eye.
As they sat up their vision swam and the throbbing in their head got worse. Staying horizontal is probably for the best right now. They slowly returned to their laying position. "Did we win the battle?"
[ @x ghostie @Alchemist Kitsune ]

Alchemist Kitsune September 8th, 2023 06:18 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

What a right, bloody mess this was. Not that this chaos was something Lightningpaw wasn't used to. With her introduction to what the life of a medicine cat might entail during the Snow Fever pandemic followed by the inferno that took their home... promptly washed down by a band of rogues attacking them, the lithe calico was no stranger to... well... everything going ballistic in the blink of an eye. It was easier in a way. Her muscles were more used to the movements, her eyes more trained to spot wounds she would have missed during her earlier training moons. Mentally, however... it was taxing. Knowing that someone's life might teeter on your incorrect treatment. On your inability to be fast enough.

Taking a deep breath, herbs in maw, Lightningpaw went up to the clearing, spotting Curlyeye already waiting for treatment, sitting besides a rather chatty Sleethound. While Lightningpaw tended to hold a preference for apprentices, finding them more reliable than the average warrior, Curlyeye and Sleethound had both made her list as some of the rare, dependable warriors of WindClan. By the sounds of it, pain was involved, and by the looks of it, it wasn't hard to see why. The two of them had obviously fought hard for the clan, which considering the cats in question, did not surprise her in the slightest. Still, if all the other warriors were as wounded as these, she would be needing to send more patrols out soon to gather dandelions and marigold, as well as wrappings for the wounds.

Dropping her bundle of herbs on the ground, she looked at both Curlyeye and Sleethound, offering a rare, sympathetic smile. "Alright you lovelies, let's see what I can do you for today!" the medicine cat apprentice chirped, turning an appraising eye on Curleye first, the mess of blood on his chest worrying her.

With his consent, Lightningpaw would begin to clean at his fur with a wad of moist moss, removing blood and debris with care to not reopen the wounds and be able to more accurately assess the damage done. Noticing the wounds on his shoulder and thigh as well as the peppering of claw strikes at his chest, the apprentice took a marigold and a dandelion, proceeding to chew the two into a poultice she would then apply to his wounds, hoping to both combat infection and dull the pain in his wounds. "Is that better, or is your pain still substancial?" she asked, provided the tom had allowed the treatment to go through.

While she listened to Curlyeye's response, the wiry framed molly turned to the second warrior, attempting to proceed with the same cleaning procedure she'd just attempted moments before. His wounds seemed to be less spread out, but deeper than Curlyeye's. With a frown, Lightningpaw grabbed a marigold, a dandelion, and a sunfuzz, remembering Cowtuft's explanation on how they helped speed up the healing process. The deeper the wound, the quicker she would appreciate it healing. Once more, the Oriental mix chewed at the herbs, applying her poultices if Sleethound so permitted before attempting to wrap up his wounds. "Same question to you, love. Is that feeling better, or are you still in substantial pain?" she asked, with the caveat that the tom had gone through the treatment. Depending on their response, she would look into some extra treatment for the pair.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @gs29513 [Curlyeye] | @elsander [Sleethound]
| Mentioning in case Cow wants to inspect Lightning's work. :lovesquee: |

Rose September 8th, 2023 08:40 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Her throat wound was bleeding so much Berryfrost was afraid she'd pass out. Pass out, faint, fall over, whatever. She was half afraid that she'd not be able to stumble her way back to camp, either, but in the end, she managed, cringing at the blood trickling down her chest and dripping down her legs as she paused long enough for it to pool. She felt so awkward, needing help from someone but not knowing how to ask. Gah, why was life so hard.

elswhere September 8th, 2023 09:11 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
@alchemist kitsune - lightingpaw

"Eh, still hurts a bit but, not much." The herbs sting at the raw open wound, but he knew it would only hurt for a while. "'Course, it'll only be for a while, thanks munchkin., you're good worker. Hope you'll stick around for a while and not end up like others before you." Sleethound really did mean what they said. Even though they were still fairly young, they knew that many of the high ranks were notorious for just up and dissappearing or just dying altogether. Giving the smaller cat a wide grinning, before gritting his teeth in pain. "Oop, yep, that hurts. Do ya have anything to numb the pain for a while, or help me sleep? I'll never be able to fall asleep with my shoulder like this." Placing his left paw very gingerly on the ground, testing his weight and pain tolerance, the massive warrior instantly regretted it as pain shot up his shoulder and down his spine. "Yep, not good."

Alchemist Kitsune September 9th, 2023 12:20 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

Before she turned to her next patient, Lightningpaw took a look at her stores with concern. There was... not a lot of marigold. In fact, there was no marigold left. Where had all the herbs they'd obtained gone? This battle was definitely being more merciless on their stores than she'd first thought. Turning to the clearing, she spotted a few cats who'd remained behind. Whether it had been to guard the camp or because they couldn't be bothered with the battle, she honestly did not care. Only that they weren't wounded, and for now that was enough.

"Asterblink," she mewed, walking over to them with a sterner look on her fact than usual. "I know everything's a bit chaotic right now, but could I trouble you to take a few cats... erm..." Lightningpaw paused, taking a secondary glance across the clearing before resuming. "Take Newtberry and Lichenpaw. We need marigold. The sooner the better. It's a bright flower with yellow petals. I'm sure you've seen it be used. Aside of dandelion, it should be the second most prominent plant out in the plateau. Sunfuzz and dandelions will do in a pinch as well if you can't find any marigold," she added, nose scrunched up in thought. Marigold was essential, but she supposed if worse came to worse, she could always use more of the other yellow herbs around the territory. Flashing an apologetic smile at him, she turned, intent on healing as many cats as she could while the precious herbs arrived. Hopefully, it wouldn't take too long to get them.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @RunningintheHeather [Asterblink] | @Sleek [Newtberry] | @FrostyGalaxy [Lichenpaw]
| This is not an official patrol, but we are running awfully low on marigold and we need more! If I made a mistake and your cat is wounded from the battle, let me know so I can replace you! If you do not have the time for this marigold run please let me know as well. Feel free to VM or PM me with any questions. Also, sorry for the mention, ghostie. Just wanted for you to know Lightning was sending out for emergency herbs. :heartbounce: |

Neptune. September 9th, 2023 01:15 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

she/her | 7moons
small and scruffy calico she-cat with one blinding eye

Lichenpaw totally hadn't been eavesdropping on the medicine apprentice as she requested an emergency herb patrol, delighted to hear her name called too, though she hadn't been directly spoken to. The young calico had never spoken to Asterblink or Newtberry before, so this was equal opportunity to get to know them as well as help the medicine cats. It felt good to be useful and, besides, she was a little bitter about not being able to go to the battle with her lack of any combat training. I mean, come on, she could've taken down five fish cats on her own easy peasy even without a shred of training!! It was so unfair! But there was an herb patrol to get to now, so, stealthily, the apprentice crept up behind Asterblink and popped out behind them, nearly bumping into them on her blind side accidentally before slightly overcorrecting her balance and toppling over. Oops.

"ough..." she mumbled as she got up to her paws and shook out her fur, before turning, eye bright, to look at who would be leading the patrol. "We're on an emergency herb patrol?!" She said excitedly, "that's so cool! I've never been on an emergency patrol before! Should we leave right away? We probably should, right? Where's Newtberry? He's on the patrol too, right? NEWTBERRY!!!" Should she be yelling? Didn't matter to Lichenpaw! They have an emergency patrol they've gotta go, go, go!!!!

[ girl is excited for all the wrong reasons lol ]
[ Asterblink - @KataroAndTheHeather || Newtberry - @Sleek || Lightningpaw mention - @Alchemist Kitsune ]

gs29513 September 9th, 2023 03:58 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
Curlyeye wasn't in his most....friendly form at the moment, but Sleethound plopping down next to him wasn't unwelcome. He chuckled slightly at the dramatic tone of the other tom's voice, whilst wincing as Lightningpaw smeared a paste of herbs onto his wounds. He hissed softly, it was making them tingle and he did not appreciate that, but the initial sting faded relatively quickly, replaced by a numbness. Maybe it hurts because Riverclan was trying to kill us. he mewed, smirking a little at what he evidently thought was a witty response. Normally that would be a bit beyond the sarcasm he was comfortable expressing, but he was a bit testy since, you know, he got clawed all over.

He giggled again a bit when Sleethound called their medicine cat apprentice munchkin, she wasn't THAT small. Although she was quite young, so maybe that was where the term came from. Regardless, he was about to start using it as well. I'm alright, it feels pretty numb. he mewed, before tacking a quick Thanks munchkin! on the end. Whether he'd come to regret his decision to forgo some sort of painkillers remained to be seen, but for now he was alright. His wounds didn't involve any true structural damage, so now that they had stopped bleeding they souldn't be particularly painful unless he stretched or reopened them. Dipping his head quickly to Sleethound he made for the warriors den, not wanting to be a nuisance as Lightningpaw and Cowtuft sought to get everyone else patched up. He wouldn't be any help, so it would be best if he was out of the way. @Alchemist Kitsune @elsander (So y'all know where he's gone off to)

Alchemist Kitsune September 9th, 2023 06:18 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

Patrol sent, Lightningpaw turned to her next patient, noticing Frostpaw pad into the medicine cat's den. Her fur was a mess of blood, and the lithe calico took a deep breath, concern washing over her as she hoped she would be able to make do with the herbs available to her. "Hey there, Frostpaw. Let's take a look at those wound, shall we?" the medicine cat apprentice mewed in a chipper tone as she approached the gray tabby.

To say that Frostpaw looked a right mess was underselling it. Her ears clawed, her face clawed, even her tail seemed to have taken some punishment... A bite on her flank was also prominent, although a proper look at the molly let her know that the wounds looked much worse than they appeared, none of them deep enough to make substantial damage. The bruising, on the other paw, was noticeable. More so than she'd ever seen before. Poor molly could barely open her eyes from the swelling.

"The good news I have for you is, with a proper cleaning, and a nice, sunfuzz poultice, the cuts shouldn't be bothering you too terribly. I'll add some lavender to the mix, the scent is nice and relaxing and it should help soothe the area and hopefully prevent some infection. The bad news is... I'm afraid there's precious little I can do about the swelling. I'll give you a poppy seed for the pain and hopefully you'll be able to sleep the worst of it away, but I want you to come see me if there is anything bothering you at all, a'ight? Otherwise I'm going to keep you in medicine den duty until your assessment day," Lightningpaw purred, trying to keep a light mood as to not stress out her fellow apprentice.

Truth be told, she couldn't work miracles. There was a potential for heavy scarring on the molly, specifically on her ears, but perhaps with the healing properties the sunnyfuzzies tended to offer they would heal sufficiently quick enough to avoid nicks. For now, avoiding infection was her priority, however, and with Frostpaw's permission, she would clean the wounds with her moist moss, padding away dirt and blood gently as to not reopen wounds or cause further pain. This done, the apprentice would get to work on a poultice, mixing both a sunfuzz bloom alongside one of the lavenders found during the big, prebattle patrol she had led. Thank goodness for that half moon meeting. Springpaw's knowledge on lavender would come in handy here today.

With the lack of current bleeding in mind and the fact that there was really more bruising doing damage than anything else, Lightningpaw opted to grab some moss for the bandaging over cobwebs, hoping the plusher nature of the herb would keep the apprentice more comfortable as she rested. All this done - had Frostpaw permitted as such - the Oriental mix dug around a poppy bloom for a single seed, refusing to offer more to an apprentice, remembering her mentor's warnings well. "Here. Eat this and rest. I'll want to see you tomorrow, just to see how that swelling is doing, but as long as you rest, I'm certain you'll be fine." Offering a smile and a small, encouraging pat on her unwounded side, Lightningpaw let Frostpaw know that barring any questions, she was free to go to her den now.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @The Doctor [Frostpaw]

Alchemist Kitsune September 9th, 2023 09:31 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

Moving on to the next patient, Lightningpaw spotted Dapplebreeze standing guard by one of the patient burrows. Which could only mean one thing. Fogfoot was there. Dismissing the molly so she could go rest after a quick thanks, the young medicine cat apprentice padded inside. She had been able to patch up the tortie's wounds in the battlefield, but had not made helping them regain consciousness a priority until now. Gratefully, it seemed she hadn't need worry, as the warrior's eyes fluttered open. The wiry apprentice's ears flattened at their question, knowing it would be a hard truth to hear after having fought so hard for the clan.

"'Fraid not, love. Twilightstar arrived and stopped the battle before we could make much leeway. Don't matter none, though. Beanstar's dead. The important thing right now, though, is that you are most definitely not. I think it's a proper good plan to keep it that way, innit? Here," she mewed, picking up the poppy bloom she'd brought along and removing two seeds from within. With Fogfoot's permission, Lightningpaw would help the warrior ingest the seeds before trying to make her comfortable within the nest once more, attempting to clean the wound above her eye to avoid infection. "Those should help with the pain. Get some rest, love. You've earned it. I'll come check up on you again once I've done a round and checked a few more patients. If you need for anything, don't hesitate to ask. That's what Cowtuft and me are here for, eh?"

Keeping her voice soft as to not disturb one of the more heavily injured cats, she lingered for a moment, making sure Fogfoot was not wanting for anything. She considered other herbs to give the warrior to help, but decided against feeding them anything else. Burnet was an easy pick due to the boost of strength and energy the herb provided, but with the tortie in such obvious pain, she felt it might go at odds with the drowsy effects of the poppy seeds. Besides, rest was a must. The last thing she needed was for the WindClan warrior to decide she wanted to start leaping off the burrow walls out of boredom.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @Cornbread1233 [Fogfoot]

Morrigan September 10th, 2023 06:13 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Frostpaw gave a very tiny nod of greeting to Lightningpaw as she approached her not wanting to move much but still being polite as always it was just part of her character to always have good manners.

The young she-cat listened carefully to what the medicine cat apprentice was saying she did find it pretty interesting all the herbs talk and stuff and it seemed that Lightningpaw knew a lot which impressed her a great deal.

Anyways back to her wounds and...the bad news...so there wasn’t much to do for her bruising and swelling which was...a shame to say the least but what really struck her was that she wouldn't be training for her assessment day...oh no...she wouldn't be ready!..S-She'd be a kit again...?!

Trying her best not to cry, Frostpaw dipped her head in acceptance lowering her wet gaze not wanting to look anyone in eye "O-Ok..." she meowed quietly though it sounded more like a croak gosh why couldn't she be strong...?

Silently sitting still for the rest of Lightningpaw's treatment she just let the medicine cat apprentice do what she wanted to her wincing slightly at every touch but not making a sound...well she didn't think she could anyway...

Turning her sad ice-blue eyes towards the poppy seed the medicine cat apprentice had nudged toward her the gray tabby point obediently lapped it up and straightened herself a little bit not wanting to look weaker than she already was.

And Lightningpaw's attempted reassurance didn't help her current mood though she did appreciate the effort even if it was in vain...

Rising slowly to her paws Frostpaw tried to give the tinest, vaguest smile of thanks and managed to squeak a few measly words out "T-Thanks Lightningpaw..." she whispered drowsily and started to, not very quickly but did try to be fast, limp out of the medicine cat den.

@Alchemist Kitsune

Sleek September 10th, 2023 06:40 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by FrostyGalaxy (Post 1466135)

she/her | 7moons
small and scruffy calico she-cat with one blinding eye

Lichenpaw totally hadn't been eavesdropping on the medicine apprentice as she requested an emergency herb patrol, delighted to hear her name called too, though she hadn't been directly spoken to. The young calico had never spoken to Asterblink or Newtberry before, so this was equal opportunity to get to know them as well as help the medicine cats. It felt good to be useful and, besides, she was a little bitter about not being able to go to the battle with her lack of any combat training. I mean, come on, she could've taken down five fish cats on her own easy peasy even without a shred of training!! It was so unfair! But there was an herb patrol to get to now, so, stealthily, the apprentice crept up behind Asterblink and popped out behind them, nearly bumping into them on her blind side accidentally before slightly overcorrecting her balance and toppling over. Oops.

"ough..." she mumbled as she got up to her paws and shook out her fur, before turning, eye bright, to look at who would be leading the patrol. "We're on an emergency herb patrol?!" She said excitedly, "that's so cool! I've never been on an emergency patrol before! Should we leave right away? We probably should, right? Where's Newtberry? He's on the patrol too, right? NEWTBERRY!!!" Should she be yelling? Didn't matter to Lichenpaw! They have an emergency patrol they've gotta go, go, go!!!!

[ girl is excited for all the wrong reasons lol ]
[ Asterblink - @RunningintheHeather; || Newtberry - @Sleek || Lightningpaw mention - @Alchemist Kitsune ]

Newtberry's ears perked up at the sound of his name. An herb patrol? But then who would guard the camp? He had stayed back to help guard the camp. Oh well. If he was needed, he would go. He heaved himself to his paws from his sitting position. "Alright. Let's go," he announced, his gruff voice resonant across the clearing. He scanned the clearing for the cats who'd go on the patrol with him. He had never met the cats before, because he liked to keep to himself.

Newtberry's ears perked up when he heard his name. An herb patrol? But then who would guard the camp? He was forced to be left behind to guard the camp. Oh well, if he was needed, he'd go. Newtberry heaved his body to a sitting position, stretching. Alright then, let's go." Newtberry was not the oldest cat in the patrol, as Asterblink was older than him. He trotted up towards Lichenpaw. "Come on, where's Asterblink?" he asked, looking around, scanning the clearing.

Alchemist Kitsune September 10th, 2023 10:29 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

Leaving the den in favor of the clearing once again, Lightningpaw spotted a golden pelt sitting not too far off, albeit not necessarily looking like he was... waiting to have his wounds tended to? A small shuffle and a side-eye soon contradicted that first impression, however, and a small smirk crossed the apprentice's maw. This one might be close to being a warrior, what with that by now familiar stubbornness she saw the full named cats in the clan display. Either that or he had been born with it, just like her brothers had. Bundle of herbs in maw, the lithe calico padded forward, approaching the battered orange tabby.

"Let's take a look at those scrapes you got there, eh, brave lad?" Lightningpaw chirped as she dropped her bundle of herbs, scooting as close as Goldenpaw permitted for her to properly inspect his shoulder.

It wasn't the worst cut she'd seen that day, nor the deepest, but it was definitely still in need of medical attention. With the older apprentice permitting it, the Oriental shorthaired mix grabbed her moistened, clean moss to carefully clean away any excess debris and dirt on the wound. The gash did not seem to be bleeding anymore, which was certainly a silver lining, but it would be getting wrapped all the same. A questioning look crossed her features as she attempted to pad at his leg, ensuring that the pain and limp were caused by the evident injury and not a broken bone or sprained muscle. Grabbing at a sunfuzz, she tsked. She was running out of those as well, and it was clear that Cowtuft would be needing more, both to deal with any injuries that got worse as well as... well... everything going on right about now. Making a mental note to send proper patrols out later, she turned to the tom, tilting her head in query.

"Tell me, love. Does it hurt lower in your leg? Or is it your shoulder wound specifically that hurts? I know there is no swelling, but I would prefer to not take any chances if it's all the same," she mewed, popping the sunfuzz into her maw, beginning a poultice with herbs she knew would be required as she awaited his response.


@ameko [Goldenpaw]

wendigo September 10th, 2023 10:35 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by Sleek (Post 1466616)
Newtberry's ears perked up at the sound of his name. An herb patrol? But then who would guard the camp? He had stayed back to help guard the camp. Oh well. If he was needed, he would go. He heaved himself to his paws from his sitting position. "Alright. Let's go," he announced, his gruff voice resonant across the clearing. He scanned the clearing for the cats who'd go on the patrol with him. He had never met the cats before, because he liked to keep to himself.

Newtberry's ears perked up when he heard his name. An herb patrol? But then who would guard the camp? He was forced to be left behind to guard the camp. Oh well, if he was needed, he'd go. Newtberry heaved his body to a sitting position, stretching. Alright then, let's go." Newtberry was not the oldest cat in the patrol, as Asterblink was older than him. He trotted up towards Lichenpaw. "Come on, where's Asterblink?" he asked, looking around, scanning the clearing.

A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green/blue heterochromia

Asterblink perked their ears up. Oh, dear. They had to go for an emergency herb patrol, now, to get marigold.

"Not a problem, Lightningpaw."

Asterblink got up, and shook out their fur. They were starting to trot towards Lichenpaw, when they heard Newtberry. Asterblink sighed. Didn't Newtberry see them heading right towards him? Oh well. Asterblink started to pace towards him, and- oh dear. Now their stomach was hurting once more- gah! Asterblink froze for a moment, eyes closed. Come on... not now.

Asterblink breathed out, and . . . now the stomach ache was gone. It better not happen during the herb patrol!

They rubbed their tail against Newtberry. "I'm here, don't you worry." Asterblink then turned to Lichenpaw.

"Alright, you little chipmunk. We can leave now."

Asterblink turned towards the exit, and... oh boy. The nausea was coming back. They took a deep breath. They can't not go now. There's an emergency patrol that they had to lead. But, then... what about Leopardpaw?

He'll be okay.

Asterblink turned towards Leopardpaw. "Make sure to continue practicing that move while I'm gone. Once I come back, I'll like to see how you're doing!"

Asterblink then turned towards the 2 cats. "Let's go."

@absles , @Alchemist Kitsune , @Sleek , & @FrostyGalaxy

Sleek September 10th, 2023 11:00 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by KataroAndTheHeather (Post 1466696)

A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green/blue heterochromia

Asterblink perked their ears up. Oh, dear. They had to go for an emergency herb patrol, now, to get marigold.

"Not a problem, Lightningpaw."

Asterblink got up, and shook out their fur. They were starting to trot towards Lichenpaw, when they heard Newtberry. Asterblink sighed. Didn't Newtberry see them heading right towards him? Oh well. Asterblink started to pace towards him, and- oh dear. Now their stomach was hurting once more- gah! Asterblink froze for a moment, eyes closed. Come on... not now.

Asterblink breathed out, and . . . now the stomach ache was gone. It better not happen during the herb patrol!

They rubbed their tail against Newtberry. "I'm here, don't you worry." Asterblink then turned to Lichenpaw.

"Alright, you little chipmunk. We can leave now."

Asterblink turned towards the exit, and... oh boy. The nausea was coming back. They took a deep breath. They can't not go now. There's an emergency patrol that they had to lead. But, then... what about Leopardpaw?

He'll be okay.

Asterblink turned towards Leopardpaw. "Make sure to continue practicing that move while I'm gone. Once I come back, I'll like to see how you're doing!"

Asterblink then turned towards the 2 cats. "Let's go."

@absles , @Alchemist Kitsune , @Sleek , & @FrostyGalaxy

Even though Newtberry didn't like Asterblink rubbing their tail against his, he kept his mouth shut. He kept to himself for a reason. But when he saw Asterblink stopping every couple of steps and their pained breathing, he stopped."Hey, are you okay? You don't have to go. We'll...manage." Newtberry had never led a patrol before, let alone an herb patrol, as he was still fairly young, being 19 moons old, but he couldn't force Asterblink to go if they were experiencing pain like this. It would be pointless anyways, because they wouldn't be able to help, focusing only on whatever pain was bothering them. "We'll be fine, right Lichenpaw?" he sternly looked at the apprentice, trying to show that they should agree.


wendigo September 10th, 2023 11:10 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by Sleek (Post 1466715)
Even though Newtberry didn't like Asterblink rubbing their tail against his, he kept his mouth shut. He kept to himself for a reason. But when he saw Asterblink stopping every couple of steps and their pained breathing, he stopped."Hey, are you okay? You don't have to go. We'll...manage." Newtberry had never led a patrol before, let alone an herb patrol, as he was still fairly young, being 19 moons old, but he couldn't force Asterblink to go if they were experiencing pain like this. It would be pointless anyways, because they wouldn't be able to help, focusing only on whatever pain was bothering them. "We'll be fine, right Lichenpaw?" he sternly looked at the apprentice, trying to show that they should agree.


A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green/blue heterochromia

Asterblink took a deep breath in and out. They had to ease the pain in their stomach. They had to help. What use would Asterblink be if they couldn't handle a small stomach bug?

"I'll be okay. Don't worry." Asterblink glanced at Lichenpaw. Oh dear. They left already.

"C'mon, let's go. We shouldn't leave such a small apprentice by themself!"

@Sleek & @FrostyGalaxy

Neptune. September 10th, 2023 11:10 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by Sleek (Post 1466715)
Even though Newtberry didn't like Asterblink rubbing their tail against his, he kept his mouth shut. He kept to himself for a reason. But when he saw Asterblink stopping every couple of steps and their pained breathing, he stopped."Hey, are you okay? You don't have to go. We'll...manage." Newtberry had never led a patrol before, let alone an herb patrol, as he was still fairly young, being 19 moons old, but he couldn't force Asterblink to go if they were experiencing pain like this. It would be pointless anyways, because they wouldn't be able to help, focusing only on whatever pain was bothering them. "We'll be fine, right Lichenpaw?" he sternly looked at the apprentice, trying to show that they should agree.



Lichenpaw just shot a grin behind her, already running to leave.

Sleek September 10th, 2023 11:15 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by KataroAndTheHeather (Post 1466727)

A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green/blue heterochromia

Asterblink took a deep breath in and out. They had to ease the pain in their stomach. They had to help. What use would Asterblink be if they couldn't handle a small stomach bug?

"I'll be okay. Don't worry." Asterblink glanced at Lichenpaw. Oh dear. They left already.

"C'mon, let's go. We shouldn't leave such a small apprentice by themself!"

@Sleek & @FrostyGalaxy

"Well...okay." he finally conceded. He shrugged and followed the cat, who was already running to catch up to the naughty apprentice.


Cornbread1233 September 10th, 2023 11:39 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
Windclan lost? Fogfoot couldn't focus on that now, not while they were healing. At least that fishface Beanstar was dead. He must have been under non-stop siege to lose all of his lives so quickly. They battle wasn't for nothing. Fogfoot allowed Lightningpaw to clean their wound and help them with the poppy seeds. They felt their eyes close as they slipped back asleep.

[ @Alchemist Kitsune ]

wolfie September 11th, 2023 02:10 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge ₊˚੭
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────

⌦ .。.:* ✮ @Alchemist Kitsune @Rose

Goodness. His heart hurt like a kitten with the case of zoomies. Rapid and painful. Lightningpaw was already on the scene when Cowtuft was ready. Of course, he taught her well. It was so unnatural to see it in action. In his heart she was still wet behind her ears (not to say she still didn't have some kitten fluff on her) but it was starting to settle in his mind that her training was coming to a close. Originally, he had predicted he would do a proper Final Assessment. Quiz her on everything she knew. Trials. Something. Cowtuft's opinion shifted in a spur of the moment.

On a strange sense of pace, Cowtuft kept his distance. This was not too say he didn't kept watch. Keeping a soft smile on his face despite the possible confusion on what WindClan's medicine cat was doing. None of the injuries he could see were fatal. Not to say they were light, some of his clanmates definitely was in pain at the moment but it was nothing Lightningpaw couldn't handle. Cowtuft only saw to step in when it came to Berryfrost. She was bleeding on the floor. Heavily.

He approached his cousin swiftly with his bundle of herbs, offering a quick smile before setting to work. Unfortunately he had no a clue where there moss was. Thank the stars Cowtuft had sent out an emergency patrol for mushrooms prior to the battle. He gestured for her to take a seat, spreading his herbs out on the ground.

He had begun to chew a mixture of marigold and sunnyfuzzies while he stomped the mushrooms into the ground. He focused on chewing it to a pulp while he pressed the bits of mushroom and cobwebs against the large wound. He kept pressure, discarding the cobwebs once the bleeding had slowed enough. Cowtuft lathered her wounds in the flower poultice before wrapping them in cobwebs. His main focus was on her neck wound.

After he was finished he pushed burnet leaves and two poppy seeds towards her. "Eat.. pretty please..? Then you can rest..! It should heal.. in a couple of weeks.. we'll have to keep an eye on it.. for infection or reopening.." Floppy ears perked up as he listened to Lightningpaw quickly gather together an emergency patrol. Oh golly. She was correct. Good thinking really. They had at least one more marigold left from what he saw but he always got rather fixated on healing.

Cowtuft smiled, turning back to Berryfrost. After he was done, he could go check on Lightningpaw.

[ -1 mushroom, -2 cobwebs, -1 marigold, -1 sunnyfuzz, -2 poppy seeds, -1 burnet ]

Alchemist Kitsune September 11th, 2023 04:03 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

A small giggle bubbled from within as Lightningpaw covered her mouth, shaking her head humorously at Sleethound's words. "We all wind up the same sooner or later, love. But I'll definitely try to outrun death for a while," she mewed, a teasing smirk tugging at her lips as she read the warrior's body language.

The young calico saw the wince before he spoke and instinctually dipped her head as she rummaged through her herbs, picking two poppy seeds from the flower she'd brought with her. Handing them to Sleethound, she managed a more sympathetic smile at their admission. She was afraid the dandelion's numbing properties wouldn't be enough with a gash that deep. Gratefully, poppy seeds were plentiful in the stockades still - seriously, what had drained their resources so badly before the battle - so pain would be the one thing the medicine cat apprentice shouldn't have too much problems helping her patients with. "'Fraid as much would happen. Here. Take these two and nest rest. I want to see you tomorrow if you feel there has been a reopening of the wound and for clean bandages if needed. Other than that, I want you off patrols for at least a few days. That shoulder needs the rest."

Turning to Curlyeye, she noticed the tom just about ready to leave. His wounds gratefully nowhere nearly as bad as Sleethound's deeper gash, he forsought the poppy seeds as he stood up. Lightningpaw figured the dandelion might be working better on his more surface level wounds and nodded, offering a mock annoyed eye roll and grin as he decided to adopt Sleethound's earlier nickname. "Alright Curls. Just remember to stop on by if you change your mind, love," the younger molly called out, tapping her tail against the ground as she organized her herb bundle, getting ready to turn to the next patient.


@elsander [Sleethound] | @gs29513 [Curlyeye]
| No need to actually have Sleethound come back for a follow up unless wanted, but try to keep him off heavier roleplays for a few days at least while they heal. :heartbounce: |

Sleek September 11th, 2023 10:32 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
Newtberry exploded into the makeshift temporary medicine den, knowing Lichenpaw and Asterblink were hot on his heels. "Vwe bwot yuu da errrbs," he said, herbs muffling his speech. He dropped his load of 3 marigold leaves and 2 dandelions. "We brought you the herbs," he repeated.

(sorry for the short reply, i need to sleep)

@FrostyGalaxy @KataroAndTheHeather @Alchemist Kitsune

Neptune. September 11th, 2023 10:42 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

she/her | 7moons
small and scruffy calico she-cat with one blinding eye

True to what he thought, Lichenpaw was into the makeshift den almost right after Newtberry dropped his herbs, skidding to an almost disastrous halt behind him. Regaining her wits remarkably quickly, she trotted over to where the herbs were apparently being deposited, tail raised high, proud of her accomplishment with this direly urgent task, and deposited her own load down too.

"We got what you needed, Lightningpaw!!" She chirped happily, a prideful purr in her voice and a wide smile on her face.

[ +1 dandelion, +2 marigold ]


[ newtberry - @Sleek || asterblink - @KataroAndTheHeather || lightningpaw - @Alchemist Kitsune ]

wendigo September 12th, 2023 05:10 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green/blue heterochromia

Asterblink entered the medicine cat den, alongside the patrol.

"Yup. We have what you need!"

(3 dandelion.)

@Sleek , @FrostyGalaxy & @Alchemist Kitsune

Sleek September 12th, 2023 08:56 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
"So, need us to do anything else?" Newtberry asked, pushing his herbs forward with a paw.
@FrostyGalaxy @KataroAndTheHeather @Alchemist Kitsune

Alchemist Kitsune September 12th, 2023 08:28 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

She was rushing back and forth, going from patient to patient as they arrived. She seemed to be almost done... no, scratch that. She seemed to be done. Her mentor had just gotten to the last patient brought. Berryfrost looked a right mess, although no worse than Fogfoot, thankfully. Of course, Cowtuft had taken care of her with what materials they had left. This singular battle had chewed through their herb stores like a ravenous beast. It would take quite a few patrols to place them back at the comfortable spot they were once in.

Choosing to ignore what she could not control for now - the one patrol she had sent would be here soon, regardless - she approached her mentor, a concerned look on her youthful features. "We took a serious banging there. Gonna have to cheer morale at some point, methinks. Good thing we managed to save everyone who got injured though... well... almost everyone, in any case," she mewed, her voice turning bitter at the memory of Puddleburr's corpse upon the battlefield. Mentally shaking the image out of her mind for now, she turned to face the black and white tom, her tail giving a light twitch before she spoke. "And you? Doin' alright, love?"

Lightningpaw didn't like to pry as a rule. Yes, she was a curious individual. Yes, she loved the gaining of knowledge more than anything else in the world. Facts, how the world worked, the mysteries of nature at her toetips. It was all fascinating to her. Idle gossip and forcing secrets out of individuals? Much less so. And yet she knew she couldn't be the only one exhausted. True, the medicine cats did not fight. Normally. But they were the ones left at the edge of calamity, sorting the pieces together and trying to make a whole out of the chaos that lingered behind. That merited at least a check up, as far as she was concerned. She wouldn't push the subject, but hopefully he would know she was here to talk if ever he needed to. Just like he'd always been there for her.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft]

The response for the emergency patrol is on my priority list, no worries.

Omari September 14th, 2023 03:41 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Mousefern came hobbling into the medicine den, wedged between Deadmoon and Hollyfang who were helping her stay up on her own paws. She probably could have walked here herself, but it wouldn’t have done her any good. She knew that there was something wrong inside, she just wasn’t sure what.

Sorry, we… Hope we aren’t interrupting too much…” Leave it to Mousefern to apologize for… Getting injured. Since they had left the battlefield, she had been resisting the urge to collapse and weep. Sing her apologies to the stars above and pray that the warrior that had fallen to that beast on the battlefield would grace her with forgiveness.

[ @gs29513 @~'Atlas-The-Lemon'~ @x ghostie @Alchemist Kitsune ,,, sorry that this is so late, i almost forgot that mousefern got roughed up oops]

Alchemist Kitsune September 15th, 2023 11:51 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

The young molly took a breather, her constant going from one patient to the next exhausting, especially when one considered just how many had been wounded and their rapidly depleting stock of herbs. Gratefully, before she could begin worrying anew, three familiar faces popped at the camp's entrance, coaxing a wide grin from the limber apprentice. Newtberry seemed to be leading the group, and was evidently... not the most patient of toms about it. Lightningpaw quirked an unimpressed brow at the tom, sparing him only a glance before turning to Asterblink. Hopefully the silver furred warrior hadn't provided too much of a hassle for the patrol lead. Still, he'd come back with the herbs, which was all she cared for at the time being.

"Ace! You guys earned your rest! And a good amount for the currently wounded cats, too. If things weren't so chaotic, I'd give you all a treat," Lightningpaw chirped amicably, friendly eyes on the marbled feline. A small giggle of amusement escaped her at Lichenpaw's excitability, and she provided the calico a mischievous wink. "Never doubted you, gorgeous. Had to send the best out for these, that's why you were a quick pick. I need to get back to my patients now. Ta, loves. Feel free to drop on by if you need anything," the molly mewed as she began picking up the herbs, turning a small, knowing look on the vitiligo for only a moment before running off to the recently arrived patient.


@RunningintheHeather [Asterblink] | @Sleek [Newtberry] | @FrostyGalaxy [Lichenpaw]

Sleek September 15th, 2023 01:33 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune (Post 1470914)
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

The young molly took a breather, her constant going from one patient to the next exhausting, especially when one considered just how many had been wounded and their rapidly depleting stock of herbs. Gratefully, before she could begin worrying anew, three familiar faces popped at the camp's entrance, coaxing a wide grin from the limber apprentice. Newtberry seemed to be leading the group, and was evidently... not the most patient of toms about it. Lightningpaw quirked an unimpressed brow at the tom, sparing him only a glance before turning to Asterblink. Hopefully the silver furred warrior hadn't provided too much of a hassle for the patrol lead. Still, he'd come back with the herbs, which was all she cared for at the time being.

"Ace! You guys earned your rest! And a good amount for the currently wounded cats, too. If things weren't so chaotic, I'd give you all a treat," Lightningpaw chirped amicably, friendly eyes on the marbled feline. A small giggle of amusement escaped her at Lichenpaw's excitability, and she provided the calico a mischievous wink. "Never doubted you, gorgeous. Had to send the best out for these, that's why you were a quick pick. I need to get back to my patients now. Ta, loves. Feel free to drop on by if you need anything," the molly mewed as she began picking up the herbs, turning a small, knowing look on the vitiligo for only a moment before running off to the recently arrived patient.


@RunningintheHeather [Asterblink] | @Sleek [Newtberry] | @FrostyGalaxy [Lichenpaw]

Newtberry dipped his head to the medicine cat apprentice and walked out of the area, settling down in the sun. He wasn't in the mood for conversation. He had just gotten back from the herb patrol, where he had stretched his legs. Now he wanted to relax in the sun and fresh air and think about things for a bit. He just wanted to settle down and relax. He lay down his head into the soft grass and closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would come.

@KataroAndTheHeather @FrostyGalaxy

wendigo September 15th, 2023 03:19 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune (Post 1470914)
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

The young molly took a breather, her constant going from one patient to the next exhausting, especially when one considered just how many had been wounded and their rapidly depleting stock of herbs. Gratefully, before she could begin worrying anew, three familiar faces popped at the camp's entrance, coaxing a wide grin from the limber apprentice. Newtberry seemed to be leading the group, and was evidently... not the most patient of toms about it. Lightningpaw quirked an unimpressed brow at the tom, sparing him only a glance before turning to Asterblink. Hopefully the silver furred warrior hadn't provided too much of a hassle for the patrol lead. Still, he'd come back with the herbs, which was all she cared for at the time being.

"Ace! You guys earned your rest! And a good amount for the currently wounded cats, too. If things weren't so chaotic, I'd give you all a treat," Lightningpaw chirped amicably, friendly eyes on the marbled feline. A small giggle of amusement escaped her at Lichenpaw's excitability, and she provided the calico a mischievous wink. "Never doubted you, gorgeous. Had to send the best out for these, that's why you were a quick pick. I need to get back to my patients now. Ta, loves. Feel free to drop on by if you need anything," the molly mewed as she began picking up the herbs, turning a small, knowing look on the vitiligo for only a moment before running off to the recently arrived patient.


@RunningintheHeather [Asterblink] | @Sleek [Newtberry] | @FrostyGalaxy [Lichenpaw]

A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green/blue heterochromia

Asterblink froze up as Lightningpaw turned towards them, giving them that look. Oh no. Did everyone know? Dah. It must be obvious! Well... everyone would find out eventually, since, um, they'd have to go through the actual kitting process, and... oh, dear. This was awkward. Asterblink was just standing in the den.

"Um, yes. Thank you, Lightningpaw." Asterblink dipped their head, before stepping out of the den, into the clearing.

@Sleek & @FrostyGalaxy

Alchemist Kitsune September 16th, 2023 10:03 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

The medicine cat apprentice had noticed her as she'd received the newest batch of marigold and dandelions. Stars above, it seemed that Asterblink and their patrol had gotten back in the nick of time. Guilt bubbled momentarily in the pit of the lithe molly's stomach as she assessed the wounded warrior's injuries upon her approach. It was true that Lightningpaw had no battle training, a fact Leechscar had properly screeched at her for after she'd gone in to get Puddleburr's corpse from the battlefield, so there was no way for her to have helped her. Mousefern had essentially been on her own fighting against that... murderous feline. And yet a part of the apprentice felt as if she'd used her. Taken advantage of the distraction and left Mousefern as little more than bait.

At the time it had seemed like the right thing to do. Mousefern had seemed to be able to take on the RiverClan beast, but... The warrior had killed Puddleburr in one hit. There were no defensive wounds on the downed warrior. She should have noticed that. She should have acted and helped in some way! How, she did not know, but the feeling still gnawed unpleasantly at her, like a dog with an old, meatless bone who just refused to let go, certain there was still some marrow to be had if only it dug far enough to its core. Because the molly had paid for Lightningpaw's lack of knowledge, for her blunder... and that was entirely on her.

Heading straight to the herb stores with the new batch of marigold and dandelion, the molly emerged with poppy, marigold, dandelion, sunfuzz, and some burnet. The warrior was obviously weakened if she needed two cats to help carry her here, and Lightningpaw was sparing no herbs to ensure her safety. The wounds on her seemed substantial, however, and she tsked, knowing full well there were no wrappings left. Turning to look at Deadmoon and Hollyfang in turn, she flattened her ears, knowing the warriors were probably exhausted but needing the help as quickly as possible. If she couldn't wrap the molly's wounds, she feared the worst.

"I know you two just got back from the battle, but I need a favor of you both. Could you head to Twilight Falls and gather up some cobwebs and moss for Mousefern here? I'm afraid our supply dwindled heavily as soon as we got back. A lot of injured," the apprentice admitted, blue eyes on the two accompanying mollies before she turned to Mousefern with a stern look on her face. "Let's get you to one of the burrows. You're going to be on nest rest for a while if I have anything to say about it. Here. Lean on me," Lightningpaw mewed, dipping her head to grab her herbs as she assessed the warrior's gait.

She had a slice down her side and nasty cuts, particularly on her muzzle, but nothing that could at a glance suggest such a weakened state. Worried about moving the older molly once she was done treating her wounds, she would ask Cowtuft if they could keep her for observation overnight. Or perhaps her mentor would prefer to take lead on this patient. There was certainly something going on beneath the surface, and Lightningpaw would prefer her inexperience to not be the end of Mousefern, especially after she hadn't lifted a single paw against the cat that had done this to her in the first place. She just hoped that Deadmoon and Hollyfang were up for her request. It wasn't a hard patrol, but moral and fatigue would definitely take dips after such a battle.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @Omari [Mousefern] | @gs29513 [Deadmoon] | .lemons~ [Hollyfang]

lem~ September 16th, 2023 10:25 AM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune (Post 1471602)
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

The medicine cat apprentice had noticed her as she'd received the newest batch of marigold and dandelions. Stars above, it seemed that Asterblink and their patrol had gotten back in the nick of time. Guilt bubbled momentarily in the pit of the lithe molly's stomach as she assessed the wounded warrior's injuries upon her approach. It was true that Lightningpaw had no battle training, a fact Leechscar had properly screeched at her for after she'd gone in to get Puddleburr's corpse from the battlefield, so there was no way for her to have helped her. Mousefern had essentially been on her own fighting against that... murderous feline. And yet a part of the apprentice felt as if she'd used her. Taken advantage of the distraction and left Mousefern as little more than bait.

At the time it had seemed like the right thing to do. Mousefern had seemed to be able to take on the RiverClan beast, but... The warrior had killed Puddleburr in one hit. There were no defensive wounds on the downed warrior. She should have noticed that. She should have acted and helped in some way! How, she did not know, but the feeling still gnawed unpleasantly at her, like a dog with an old, meatless bone who just refused to let go, certain there was still some marrow to be had if only it dug far enough to its core. Because the molly had paid for Lightningpaw's lack of knowledge, for her blunder... and that was entirely on her.

Heading straight to the herb stores with the new batch of marigold and dandelion, the molly emerged with poppy, marigold, dandelion, sunfuzz, and some burnet. The warrior was obviously weakened if she needed two cats to help carry her here, and Lightningpaw was sparing no herbs to ensure her safety. The wounds on her seemed substantial, however, and she tsked, knowing full well there were no wrappings left. Turning to look at Deadmoon and Hollyfang in turn, she flattened her ears, knowing the warriors were probably exhausted but needing the help as quickly as possible. If she couldn't wrap the molly's wounds, she feared the worst.

"I know you two just got back from the battle, but I need a favor of you both. Could you head to Twilight Falls and gather up some cobwebs and moss for Mousefern here? I'm afraid our supply dwindled heavily as soon as we got back. A lot of injured," the apprentice admitted, blue eyes on the two accompanying mollies before she turned to Mousefern with a stern look on her face. "Let's get you to one of the burrows. You're going to be on nest rest for a while if I have anything to say about it. Here. Lean on me," Lightningpaw mewed, dipping her head to grab her herbs as she assessed the warrior's gait.

She had a slice down her side and nasty cuts, particularly on her muzzle, but nothing that could at a glance suggest such a weakened state. Worried about moving the older molly once she was done treating her wounds, she would ask Cowtuft if they could keep her for observation overnight. Or perhaps her mentor would prefer to take lead on this patient. There was certainly something going on beneath the surface, and Lightningpaw would prefer her inexperience to not be the end of Mousefern, especially after she hadn't lifted a single paw against the cat that had done this to her in the first place. She just hoped that Deadmoon and Hollyfang were up for her request. It wasn't a hard patrol, but moral and fatigue would definitely take dips after such a battle.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @Omari [Mousefern] | @gs29513 [Deadmoon] | .lemons~ [Hollyfang]

[She/They|Lesbian|Demigirl|A cream mackerel tabby tom, with long fur, and green eyes]
HollyFang glanced at MouseFern, not wanting to leave the she-cat. She nodded at LightningPaw, she'd go. She didn't want to leave MouseFern though, she felt so guilty for no reason. "I'll do it LightningPaw..." She said reluctantly.

gs29513 September 16th, 2023 06:28 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
They'd made it back, shockingly. Deadmoon now looked as bloody as one might expect, except it was all Mousefern's. Apparently they were slow enough that Lightningpaw could attend to the other warrior immediately, at least to the extent her supplies allowed, which were apparently running out. And, well, who was she to say she couldn't go. She wasn't at her most energetic of course, but she also wasn't run into the ground like many of the other cats were. Of course. It wasn't a warm response so much as a professional one, a task to be completed. With this said, she cast a small smile at Hollyfang, before turning to head out of camp at a slow run, not wanting to push her companion to sprint but also aware that Twilight Falls was almost at the edge of their territory. @Omari @Alchemist Kitsune @spooky.lemons~

ameko September 16th, 2023 08:24 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
he/him | WindClan Apprentice
Kitty Softpaws - always active
His worst enemy, socialization! Goldenpaw fought back a grimace only partially caused by the pain of his wound, inclining his head in acknowledgement of Lightningpaw's presence. "Yeah," he replied simply. Then, almost struggling to get the words out, added, "I. Appreciate it."

Goldenpaw tensed at the feeling of the damp moss on his shoulder, gritting his teeth in an attempt to distract himself from both the uncomfortable wetness of the moss, and the sting of his wound.

"I think it's just my shoulder." Thoughtfully, he pressed his paw into the ground, wincing at the pain that movement brought with it. Yeah, no, just his shoulder, didn't need to test that out at all. "The rest of my leg's fine." He eyed the herbs she munched on with a look of discomfort, opting to glance away instead lest he get himself too grossed out for treatment. Just. As long as he didn't think about all those mushed up herbs going on his body, he'd be fine.

Alchemist Kitsune September 19th, 2023 01:42 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

With a nod, the medicine cat apprentice popped in the marigold she had brought along, as well as a dandelion, chewing the herbs into a blended poultice that should disinfect, numb the wound, and help it heal faster. The shoulder was an area of movement, and unless Goldenpaw was going to be resting until it was fully healed, the quicker it was sealed, the better. Her tongue by now numb due to the many dandelions she had chewed up at this point, the molly approached the golden furred tom, with his permission placing the poultice on his wound, ensuring to cover it up with the cobweb she had brought along at the sight of him. They would be needing more cobwebs soon... hopefully there wouldn't be too many more wounded approaching after this. At the very least cobwebs should be easy enough to find, she supposed.

With her task completed - assuming Goldenpaw permitted such - Lightningpaw noticed the older apprentice's grimace, and she couldn't help but grin. "Trust me love, if you think the poultice is bad, you do not want to picture the infection that could form if it gets no treatment. Best deal with the discomfort of the herbs than the potential to lose a limb... or worse yet, your life. Now, how does it feel? Better, or is the pain still significant?" she asked, tilting her head with curiosity. She preferred not giving too many poppy seeds to her patients if it could be avoided. Best to know when the pain left naturally if possible to ensure they were getting better... and to remind them that maybe they shouldn't be pushing themselves too hard while wounded.


@ameko [Goldenpaw]

wolfie September 19th, 2023 02:24 PM

Re: Justice Has Been Served [ WindClan Battle Healing ]

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge ₊˚੭
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────
⌦ .。.:* ✮ @Alchemist Kitsune
The medicine cat's ears perked up at the quiet sound of pitter-patter approaching him. He shifted around to see someone small. They didn't seem injured and his gaze lingered on their rather large ears. A concerned look on their expression. Cowtuft just couldn't place a name. Of course, until Lightningpaw spoke. Heterochromia eyes widened slightly. A subtle motion. It wasn't as if she wasn't aware of his uhm, tendency. Probably wasn't a nice feeling though. (To know your mentor will not recognize you in your death. Cowtuft hoped he died before her. Maybe that was selfish.) He tried to not dwell on that sudden shift. He was being talked to after all.

"Mmhm.. That .. that we did.. Maybe I will .. spruce up the camp with some petals.. though, some cats do not take well to .. pollen and things.. Can talk to the kits too, involve them in some schemes.." He cracked a smile at the idea of that. Mischievous little sprouts. His ears perked up at a particular statement Lightningpaw said. Eyebrows furrowing together as it simmered in his mind. "Almost ,, everyone..?" Cowtuft inquired, smile swiftly fading.

He thought there were no fatalities. A sick feeling churned in his stomach. "Nevermind that,,I,, will find out at the meeting.." The bitter tone in her voice made him worry. Ironically, she proceeded to ask if he was alright. The gentle giant tried his best to not stare blankly. He hadn't even been there. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, shifting the weight from one leg to another.

"You do not .. need to worry about me .. this uhm,, " He's seen worse. ShadowClan used to line their border with pelts of their clanmates. "you get used to,, " Cowtuft made a vague gesture to their surroundings. It really is only the smaller ones. The apprentices. The newly made warriors. The deaths that are slow and painful that you can do nothing to stop. That kinda stuff that really messes him up. (thinking about it makes his vision begin to blur with tears beginning to form in his waterline. he does not fight them. he let it sits before blinking them away. they disperse. they do not roll down his face. his expression doesn't shift. )

He tries to not think about the RiverClanner.

"I do apologize that.. I wasn't.. there. During it. That was completely not my intention.. Even I have not been near or on the battlefield -- always after. I thought,, you have been handling everything great -- I have .. no doubt in your teachings .. but goodness.. You shouldn't have had to done that on your own.. So,, I think,, I might redirect your question.. onto yourself.." He tilted his head to the side. Voice as hushed as snowflakes falling. "Are you doing alright..?"

∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────
⌦ .。.:* ✮ @Alchemist Kitsune @Omari @gs29513 @~'Atlas-The-Lemon'~
Cowtuft was debating on heading out to search for herbs himself. The moment they got herbs they simply got used. They couldn't do much about this. He didn't want to leave Lightningpaw all alone. Again. Another part of himself chewed that he was now just being over-protective because of his own guilt. All the splotched medicine cat had on the younger was experience. Useful. His wrappings might be cleaner and he might have a clearer guesses on some things. His thoughts were trialed away when someone entered with two cats on their side, supporting them. Lightningpaw beat him in getting the herbs.

The medicine cat took the chance to approach his injured clanmate, sniffing their wounds curiously. "No need.. to apologize.. dear.. just glad you are here.." Cowtuft gestured, he doubted the other would understand him but it was the effort that mattered. They had a large gash on their right flank, deep. Bleeding. He already knew they were out of wrappings. Then there was a slice down their muzzle. The wounds didn't quite translate to the warrior's physical state. Perhaps, tired? That wasn't unusual. After adrenaline left the crash was always imminent. Never fun. "Uhm,, how is your breathing..? Do you feel.. any pain.. that is not.. from ,, " he made a small gesture towards the bleeding wounds. "not those?"

He shook his head. Right. Bleeding. Actually, he did have an idea. Sometimes sacrifices had to be made. After Lightningpaw padded out of her storage with unfortunately, no wrappings, Cowtuft rose to his paws. (And aha, it was MOUSEFERN!!) He made a quick trot towards the sleeping chambers, ducking into the entrance. He walked to his nest and made a quick move of removing what trinkets he had in there and started to. Well.

His nest had moss. Old, but could do in a pinch. He started to tear off the chunks of moss and while it made a mess, he was able to ball up a bit. He took what he had and padded back out, offering it to Lightningpaw with a small, tentative smile. Cowtuft had a few concerns about Mousefern but he didn't think there was a risk of fatality. "Most nests have ..moss in them if we truly are in desperate need.. but I think we will be alright.. until the patrol returns. Are they any other.. specific herbs we are .. low on..? After Mousefern is treated.. I will go out and search. Most of the injured should.. have stopped by .. at this point.. And if there are still some lingering, doubt it is severe.." He gestured, nodding his head in agreement. "Observation seems best.."

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