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Jingle October 4th, 2016 10:35 PM

Garden of a New Begining
(A continuation off the last thread on the old Warrior Cats Online!)

A small abandoned area where the two-legs used to roam. This is where the exiled cats from the recent ShadowClan takeover reside.

Jingle October 7th, 2016 10:50 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 126)
(A continuation off the last thread on the old Warrior Cats Online!)

A small abandoned area where the two-legs used to roam. This is where the exiled cats from the recent ShadowClan takeover reside.

*small boop for Nighty*

Octavia November 2nd, 2016 09:20 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

One small time skip later...
Echoheart found himself slowly padding back into the garden, a pair of mice dangling from his maw, it had become a home of sorts, it wasn't anything compared to his favorite spot in the Shadowclan, but it was a place of healing for his mate. That was all that mattered to him, they had no chance of dealing with Blazingash with with Halestorm injured. Biting back a sigh as the tom set down the meal in front of his mate, "How are your wounds doing today? It's starting to get colder, leafbare will be here eventually." he commented, offering a start to a conversation, wanting to have some resemblance of their old-normal life.

Jingle November 2nd, 2016 11:05 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Littlepip (Post 17308)
Echoheart found himself slowly padding back into the garden, a pair of mice dangling from his maw, it had become a home of sorts, it wasn't anything compared to his favorite spot in the Shadowclan, but it was a place of healing for his mate. That was all that mattered to him, they had no chance of dealing with Blazingash with with Halestorm injured. Biting back a sigh as the tom set down the meal in front of his mate, "How are your wounds doing today? It's starting to get colder, leafbare will be here eventually." he commented, offering a start to a conversation, wanting to have some resemblance of their old-normal life.

Halestorm looked up from her nap and yawned as her mate entered the garden. It had been a couple of moons since they were chased out of their clan and home, and her wounds have since healed greatly. She just had to get back into stretching the muscles and gaining all the strength she once had back. The large she-cat stood up and greeted her mate with lick to the shoulder, purring softly into his ear. "Thank you." she grumbled faintly- her voice only changing to a more friendly tone- not like her old one. "They are doing fine. I'll be fine very soon."

Octavia November 2nd, 2016 11:39 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 17436)

Halestorm looked up from her nap and yawned as her mate entered the garden. It had been a couple of moons since they were chased out of their clan and home, and her wounds have since healed greatly. She just had to get back into stretching the muscles and gaining all the strength she once had back. The large she-cat stood up and greeted her mate with lick to the shoulder, purring softly into his ear. "Thank you." she grumbled faintly- her voice only changing to a more friendly tone- not like her old one. "They are doing fine. I'll be fine very soon."

Letting out a breath of relief, he licked her shoulder back, before burrowing his muzzle into her fur, breathing in deeply. Halestorm's scent was all that really reminded him of home still. She was his hope of remaining a Shadowclan cat. "Good , I'm so happy to see that you're almost back to your old self, not sure what I would have done if you had died..." Shaking his head he chuckled softly, trying to displace the dark thoughts clouding his mind. "Nah they couldn't have ever done that, you're too tough. Anywho you could use a little grooming, " winking softly before leaning down to start grooming up and down the she-cat's body.

Jingle November 3rd, 2016 09:01 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Littlepip (Post 17478)
Letting out a breath of relief, he licked her shoulder back, before burrowing his muzzle into her fur, breathing in deeply. Halestorm's scent was all that really reminded him of home still. She was his hope of remaining a Shadowclan cat. "Good , I'm so happy to see that you're almost back to your old self, not sure what I would have done if you had died..." Shaking his head he chuckled softly, trying to displace the dark thoughts clouding his mind. "Nah they couldn't have ever done that, you're too tough. Anywho you could use a little grooming, " winking softly before leaning down to start grooming up and down the she-cat's body.

Halestorm nodded and sighed softly, looking back at her mate. She chuckled faintly as he said she needed a little grooming. Her tail flicked softly as he groomed her thick and fluffy pelt. "Thank you. And I am quite positive that she couldn't have killed me if she tried." she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice and tone. She yawned and placed her head back on her paw- she was getting ready for the rough winter without her clan. Halestorm sighed softly and closed her eyes as her mate continued to groom her. "Thank you." she mewed softly.

goddess of ducks November 3rd, 2016 10:28 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
(Oh gosh I've gotten so bad at not replying to RP's. And I'm not sure if Hale gave Smoke her warrior name so I'll just pretend she did.)
Smokeblossom awoke from her small, sad excuse for a nest. She kept her eyes shut though, listening to the sounds around her. The only sign that she was now awake was the occasional twitch and turn of her smoky gray ears and the flicking of her bushy tail. After a few moments she blinked open her soft yellow eyes and scanned the clearing. After the disappearance of her friend Tess, Smoke had seemed a bit down. She tried her best to not let it get to her, but being here with no one to really talk to was getting rather tiring for her.

Octavia November 3rd, 2016 10:40 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 17627)

Halestorm nodded and sighed softly, looking back at her mate. She chuckled faintly as he said she needed a little grooming. Her tail flicked softly as he groomed her thick and fluffy pelt. "Thank you. And I am quite positive that she couldn't have killed me if she tried." she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice and tone. She yawned and placed her head back on her paw- she was getting ready for the rough winter without her clan. Halestorm sighed softly and closed her eyes as her mate continued to groom her. "Thank you." she mewed softly.

Doing his best to bite back a comment of fear about the edge in her tone, he was doing his best to not worry for her safety. Halestorm had been chosen as a deputy for good reason, and eventually... she'd be a leader, which would mean she'd be allowed to die nine times before finally joining Starclan up above. The thought of being there for her to die several times was daunting, but the tom loved her dearly, this much he knew. "Well she'd have to have gotten through me to actually kill you Hale-, " He ended up murmuring through his maw, still feeling ashamed how little he managed to accomplish in the ambush, as he worked his tongue up and down her frame.

Jingle November 3rd, 2016 11:02 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Octavia (Post 17670)
Doing his best to bite back a comment of fear about the edge in her tone, he was doing his best to not worry for her safety. Halestorm had been chosen as a deputy for good reason, and eventually... she'd be a leader, which would mean she'd be allowed to die nine times before finally joining Starclan up above. The thought of being there for her to die several times was daunting, but the tom loved her dearly, this much he knew. "Well she'd have to have gotten through me to actually kill you Hale-, " He ended up murmuring through his maw, still feeling ashamed how little he managed to accomplish in the ambush, as he worked his tongue up and down her frame.

Halestorm sighed and shrugged, "You wouldn't need to do that, love." she grumbled, her tail flicking softly. When the thoughts of her becoming leader one day swirled around her head she scowled faintly. The good Shadowclan deputy didn't like the thought of getting nine lives- just to waste on herself. If she were to become the leader of Shadowclan, Halestar, she would put all the lives towards Shadowclan. She would dedicate herself- 100% to her clan. No other thought would trump the saftey and prosperity of her clan. Shadowclan will become great again- they wont be thought of as the clan that feeds on crows food. Shadowclan will prosper.

Octavia November 4th, 2016 05:31 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 18520)

Halestorm sighed and shrugged, "You wouldn't need to do that, love." she grumbled, her tail flicking softly. When the thoughts of her becoming leader one day swirled around her head she scowled faintly. The good Shadowclan deputy didn't like the thought of getting nine lives- just to waste on herself. If she were to become the leader of Shadowclan, Halestar, she would put all the lives towards Shadowclan. She would dedicate herself- 100% to her clan. No other thought would trump the saftey and prosperity of her clan. Shadowclan will become great again- they wont be thought of as the clan that feeds on crows food. Shadowclan will prosper.

Nodding his head slowly, finishing up the grooming a little while later, "The clan comes first." He commented finally, standing up to stretch out his limber frame. Noticing her preoccupied expression following the scowl, Echoheart bumped his mate's chest playfully, tail swishing back and forth. "Care to go for a walk? Might give your mind some peace for a little bit."

Jingle November 4th, 2016 08:51 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
“Mhm.” Halestorm nodded before glancing at her old apprentice- it had been about a moon since she had received her warrior name and Smokeblossom deserved it so much. She stood up and her tail flicked on top of his before starting to walk, the old deputy cleared her throat and called out to the still new warrior; “Would you like to join us on a patrol?” she asked, green eyes watching the young warrior.

goddess of ducks November 4th, 2016 11:44 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Smokeblossom was just about to fall asleep again when the deputy called. She sat up, a smile growing across her maw. She stood up, her long gray splotched fur clinging to her side where she was laying on it. She trotted over to her old mentor and Echoheart, tail swaying happily behind her. "You bet I would!" She said, a playful, kit like demeanor hinting in her voice.

Octavia November 5th, 2016 11:07 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Listening silently for the moment, Echoheart busied himself with a quick series of stretches, hunting was one thing; he wanted to be prepared for anything in a patrol. "A patrol would do wonders for the mind" came his quiet murmur as he started for the exit.

goddess of ducks November 5th, 2016 02:10 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Smokeblossom nodded in agreement to the comment. She was glad of something to do, and something to take her thoughts away from the mysterious friend and how he had disappeared. She gave a flick of her long bushy tail and followed Echoheart through the exit.

Jingle November 6th, 2016 11:47 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
(I will reply tomorrow!! <3)

Jingle November 7th, 2016 08:50 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Halestorm nodded, a small smirk on her face as she licked her paw and brushed it past her cheeks. "It does wonders to make it feel even the slightest bit like home." she commented, starting to lead the way down the now familiar trail.

Octavia November 7th, 2016 10:30 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Glancing backwards to spot his mate and her former apprentice following suite, he nodded his head, sighing. "Indeed, we'll be back at home one day. I'm sure the clan doesn't agree with this succession, maybe Timberstar returning would help?" he offered his tail twitching at the thought.

goddess of ducks November 7th, 2016 10:35 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
The young molly's ear twitched at the mention of the lost leader. It had been many moons since she had heard talk of Timberstar. She gave a silent nod and allowed her thoughts to wander off to think what might have happened to the tom. Did Blazingash exile him too? Or did something else happen to him?

Fel November 7th, 2016 10:40 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Finch was immovable, he was drawn away from everybody else- the young tom sat alone, his tail flicking back-and forth as he watched everyone else converse, quietly muttering to himself as the exile's yellow eyes darkened in the shadows of the tree he'd been sitting under, quietly. ...Smokepaw's got her warrior name, huh? Sounds... great. Nice to know that I don't have one either- doesn't really look like I'm needed, anyways. He missed Scorchflake, really- he missed her. And Finch didn't really miss anyone these days, when he was too focused on defeating the cat who took his honor away from him, who exiled him from the clan he'd always called home.

Jingle November 7th, 2016 10:20 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
"Perhaps." Halestorm mewed before starting off on the patrol. She had started to feel much better and much more energized now that her wounds had healed and her fur was growing back. However, she feared for the winter without a clan to call home. It was hard enough living in an area where hunting patrols would go all day and all night, and there would still be no food- but she couldn't imagine surviving with this small group of cats in the depths of winter.

Octavia November 8th, 2016 10:52 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Leading the pair of cats along the imaginary section of land that Halestorm had deemed appropriate given the circumstances, Echoheart sighed quietly, it wasn't anything like patrolling Shadowclan; This was to ensure that the group had at least an idea of who was roaming about around their shelter for now. He wondered if they'd move to another temporary location once Halestorm was all better, somewhere better suited for them. "What's the plan once you're feeling good enough to do normal duties Halestorm?" He asked softly, glancing her way, "Surely we'd want to move somewhere safer from twolegs?"

Jingle November 8th, 2016 08:40 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Octavia (Post 24814)
Leading the pair of cats along the imaginary section of land that Halestorm had deemed appropriate given the circumstances, Echoheart sighed quietly, it wasn't anything like patrolling Shadowclan; This was to ensure that the group had at least an idea of who was roaming about around their shelter for now. He wondered if they'd move to another temporary location once Halestorm was all better, somewhere better suited for them. "What's the plan once you're feeling good enough to do normal duties Halestorm?" He asked softly, glancing her way, "Surely we'd want to move somewhere safer from twolegs?"

The deputy blew some fur out of her face before looking back at her mate, she shrugged and replied gently; "Hopefully back to Shadowclan." she mewed. Halestorm would have to scout Shadowclan nightly until she was sure it was her time to come back- for the safety of everyone in the group. She continued forward in the patrol and looked down at the ground, wishing she could smell the familiar smell of pine tree.

Octavia November 9th, 2016 11:38 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Echoheart stopped his pace for only a few seconds, thinking over what she said. It did make sense to him. "That... sounds perfect. we could maybe find some place that would hide our scent to stay at..." mumbling more to himself that her, but she would have the final say in the end. Bumping into the she-cat deputy, Echoheart couldn't help but purr playfully. "We'll get back there."

Jingle November 11th, 2016 11:14 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Halestorm licked his cheek before nodding, "Yeah, hopefully we can return to ShadowClan- preferably before leafbare is in full swing." she commented, long tail flicking softly with every step. She sighed faintly, green eyes not as full of life as they once were. The Maine Coon she-cat missed her clan dearly, and wanted to do whatever she could to return.

goddess of ducks November 12th, 2016 12:08 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Smokeblossom stayed at the back of the small patrol. Sure doing this reminded her of living in Shadowclan, but it did so painfully. She dragged along, tail drooping and ears lowered. She gazed around, not excited for each day. It also didn't help that as she watched Halestorm and Echoheart, a deep feeling of loneliness crept upon her. She gazed almost wistfully as the two lovers bumped into each other playfully and conversed.

Octavia November 12th, 2016 08:31 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Giving a brave smile to his mate, Echoheart couldn't help but admire his mate. She was staying very strong in face..of all that had happened. He'd never have made it this far. Happening to glance back over to Smoke the tom gave a friendly wave of his tail,unsure what she could be moping over.

Jingle November 14th, 2016 11:01 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Almost as though Halestorm knew her past apprentice was upset, she turned and looked at Smokeblossom, tilting her head slightly to the side. "Is something troubling you, Smokeblossom?" she asked, green eyes looking into the new warrior's eyes. She wondered what was going on, and she wanted to help her dearly.

The deputy stopped for a moment, biting her lip. "If you'd like to talk in private we can." she said, almost as if she were a mother.

goddess of ducks November 14th, 2016 11:12 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Smokeblossom appreciated the concern that Halestorm showed and proved it by offering a faint smile. "I'm doing just as well as I can be." She replied forcing the sadness out of her voice. She forced herself to look Halestorm in the eye hoping it was believable. She didn't want to get in the way of her mentors time with her mate. "I'll be fine, I promise Halestorm." She said gently.

Octavia November 15th, 2016 09:01 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Concern mirrored on the tom's face shortly after Halestorm voiced her worries, there were only a few cats that had gone into exile with her. It probably got lonely, or he really couldn't think of much else that he could attribute to the She-cat's sudden abysmal personality. The tom himself didn't have all that much experience when it came to interpersonal things; it was different for Halestorm however, she was easier... to talk to. The tom mentally smacked himself for getting sidetracked, glancing back over to Smokeblossom, he collected his thoughts. "That means however that you are not fine right now, if you will be fine Smokeblossom. If you need some time I can... go ahead and start hunting for us." His voice faltering as he couldn't help but wonder if she was jealous of how much time he spent with her former mentor.

Jingle November 15th, 2016 08:49 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Halestorm stopped and padded over to Smokeblossom, "Well if you'd like to talk I'll be open." she mewed, turning and licking the younger she-cat's head before starting walking again. She wanted to comfort the other cat but she just knew if she insisted it would just make the other she-cat mad or even more upset. She looked back at her mate and nodded, giving the signal that if Smokeblossom wanted to talk he should leave.

goddess of ducks November 16th, 2016 10:35 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Smokeblossom smiled at the loving touch from her old mentor. Still she shook her head indignantly. "No, I'm fine Halestorm. And you don't have to leave Echoheart." She added with a soft smile to Echoheart. She pulled away a bit from Halestorm. "Maybe some hunting will help clear my mind." She suggested. Even though she knew it probably wouldn't, she didn't want Halestorm to be completely concerned over herself that she missed her time with her mate. She loved Halestorm and wanted the best for her, just like Halestorm probably did for her.

Jingle November 17th, 2016 09:19 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 36680)
Smokeblossom smiled at the loving touch from her old mentor. Still she shook her head indignantly. "No, I'm fine Halestorm. And you don't have to leave Echoheart." She added with a soft smile to Echoheart. She pulled away a bit from Halestorm. "Maybe some hunting will help clear my mind." She suggested. Even though she knew it probably wouldn't, she didn't want Halestorm to be completely concerned over herself that she missed her time with her mate. She loved Halestorm and wanted the best for her, just like Halestorm probably did for her.

Halestorm nodded, green eyes watching the past apprentice. She licked her shoulder and sighed, "Alright but I want you to come to me if you are ever troubled." she mewed softly. With that said, she started forward again, stalking the ground like an expert hunter- looking for prey. She cared about Smokeblossom, but didn't want to push it.

Octavia November 17th, 2016 09:30 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Tilting his head, trying not to read into the reaction that the younger she-cat gave. She had given away a set emotions that he couldn't identify, yet he knew that she wasn't telling the whole truth at least. Some experience with Halestorm taught him that perhaps he shouldn't push much further. "If you're certain, just don't feel like... I'm cause for you to have to act differently.." the tom ended up half despondently replying, starting to wonder if she'd have opened up to Halestorm had he been out distracting himself from thinking like he had been the last moon it felt like. "A-any how, we should probably keep patrolling for now, right Halestorm?"

Fel November 17th, 2016 10:05 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Flicking his tail across the soft, bright green grass, Finch had noticed something quite peculiar- it was beginning to get colder and colder in the sanctuary, as if the seasons had been changing already. He couldn't believe he'd been there for so long, after being exiled by Blazingnight off into the twolegplace with his sister, her mate, and her apprentice as well. "...Leaf-fall's probably already here by now, huh?" The tom mumbled to himself, looking up into the frigid sky as his fur bristled in an attempt to keep his body warm. "We've got to be heading back soon, to take back Shadowclan." His leg was still scarred from Scorchflake- the cat he once loved, though they'd been rather distant lately. It was still scarred, but at least the wound had mostly healed, and he could walk and hunt again just fine. "...If we're going back, I guess I could call myself Finchpaw again." Chucking to himself, he was still angry at the cats who casted him away from his birthplace, his livelihood- but Finch- no, Finchpaw's attitude was beginning to get better. He was almost fifteen moons now, but had never gotten his warrior name.

goddess of ducks November 17th, 2016 12:48 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
(Aww poor Finch)
Smokeblossom padded forwards spreading out to the side and taking in deep breaths. She pushed the thoughts of Tess, Halestorm and Echoheart away to focus. She lowered her nose to the ground hoping for some signs of prey. As a semi stale scent of squirrel washed over her nose she paused. It had been here a few moments ago, they had probably frightened it off in their conversation. Still she followed it, weaving through the forest and undergrowth. The place they had found seemed to remind her more of Thunderclan territory than anything.

Octavia November 17th, 2016 01:25 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Smokeblossom's almost abrupt departure from their group nagged at Echoheart for a few seconds, him doing his best to fight the forlorn feeling off as he shook his head a few times. It couldn't have been just the three of them that fled from Shadowclan? He wasn't the best at keeping his eyes out but he knew that his mate was. Turning to look over at the beautiful emerald eyed maine-coon that he was happy to call his love, Echoheart slowed down his pace to paw at the ground, "How many others fled Shadowclan with us?" Echoheart was doing his best to keep the needling thoughts of tearing at Halestorm's relationship with her former apprentice.

Jingle November 18th, 2016 08:47 AM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
"I'm assuming several others." Halestorm mewed, flicking her tail and looking at her younger brother. She sighed after noticing how old he was getting- it has been rough and long since they were away from her homes. The former deputy blinked and looked at the slightly smaller cat, "I suppose I should give you your warrior name as well since you are back to being Finchpaw." she said with a faint smile.

(what is finchpaws warrior name again)

Fel November 18th, 2016 12:56 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 37928)
"I'm assuming several others." Halestorm mewed, flicking her tail and looking at her younger brother. She sighed after noticing how old he was getting- it has been rough and long since they were away from her homes. The former deputy blinked and looked at the slightly smaller cat, "I suppose I should give you your warrior name as well since you are back to being Finchpaw." she said with a faint smile.

(what is finchpaws warrior name again)


It wasn't exactly like he was close to Halestorm, but she was his sister- and though they'd fought, it might be time for the tom to think about apologizing to the she-cat- she was busy, after all. She couldn't possibly spend all her time with him, could she? Especially with this... this drama. "I thought I should use it again- hopefully, we'll be going home soon." Sighing with a smile himself, the idea of his sister giving him his warrior name, it was strange. Finchpaw still couldn't believe she'd been the deputy of Shadowclan, and their rightful leader once their patrol was exiled by Blazingash- was she called Blazingstar now? Starclan wouldn't possibly give her nine lives- they'd strip her of the one she had!

Octavia November 21st, 2016 02:56 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining

"Hopefully we will, without losing a lot of good warriors.." Echoheart commented gravely before shaking his head a few times, trying to rid himself of the doubt in his mind. "I mean we are one of the strongest clans in the forest, it'll take a lot to take one of us down.." the second comment lacked a lot of conviction and emotion, he was forcing himself to say it, he couldn't show doubt to his mate, not like this.

Jingle November 23rd, 2016 04:44 PM

Re: Garden of a New Begining
Halestorm quickly nodded at her mate, licking his shoulder before glancing back at Finchpaw. She smiled ever so softly and jumped on a large stone that was at the garden. "I, Halestorm, the true deputy of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." she started, smiling faintly as she spoke- voice powerful and booming. She was proud of her younger sibling, he finally was growing up. "Finchpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" the true deputy of ShadowClan asked.

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