Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80616)

SuspiciousMindz March 23rd, 2024 04:57 PM

Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Event [#event]

Frustration was making his pelt prickle.
He couldn't fill Enforcer roles because cats were unreliable.
They couldn't even find a reliable deputy.

Stars, the clan was getting lazy.
No wonder Dawnstar was mad at them all.
He was getting mad at them now.

Apprentices were slacking.
His classes were failing.
What could he do?

A game?
Morale boost?
A stealth game!

Hide and seek.

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty

"Who thinks they have the skills to hide from the Enforcers?!"

Hawkbite's voice boomed from the center of the clearing. The Commander stood there, pridefully, his eyes were gleaming with challenge. This was for anyone who wanted to take it: kits, apprentices, warriors, queens, anyone.

As cats gathered or listened, he'd continue. "Let's play a game of hide and seek! Apprentices, this will count towards your stealth skill. Those of you interested, gather here!"

He'd note anyone who participated. He had Enforcer roles to fill and those who really strived for that rank needed to be active. This applied to the apprentices too. He was looking for paws to meld into excellence.

This event had more than one goal in mind.


FruitBatz March 23rd, 2024 04:59 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
HP (96/100)

Tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes

A skill?…to get her closer to being a warrior, and not only that but to also be hiding from an enforcer! Wow!

@SuspiciousMindz (sorry if you already have app's bombarding Hawkbite!!!!)

Dolomedes March 23rd, 2024 05:10 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow grinned as they listened to the enforcer's words. A game of hide and seek, hmm? Well, it's been quite some time since the warrior has been able to play a game like this but she was sure that she hasn't lost her stealth in that time. What kind of Shadowclan cat would they be if they had. They shook out their thick, dark fur, as they stood up and padded over to the enforcer, giving the tom a polite dip of the head. Her sickly eyes looked around the camp and watched for any cats that made their way over to join the game. Brilliant handling of a good bonding exercise with fun and training for the young felines of the clan.

The feline grinned in a good spirit, "It'll be some good practice, alright." She spoke with a light tone but one that had the fire of competitiveness. Scratchpaw had yet to be given stealth training, Moonmeadow having prioritized tours and hunting over stealth though that was on her list of upcoming lessons. The lesson was just going to have to come sooner then. Scratchpaw should do well with some good socializing practice, Starclan knows how many shut-ins this clan had, as much as Moonmeadow adored her clan some of the nippiness can get on their nerves sometimes.

"If anyone wants some tips I can give a quick lesson on some basic stealth maneuvers." Balancing weight to keep steps even and light, utilizing the environment as much as you can, and listening out and utilizing your target's movements against them are pretty easy things that Moonmeadow could give a rundown of before the games started. It was a lesson offered to the kits and apprentices that have yet to learn to give them more of an edge against more experienced warriors and enforcers. Sure, Moonmeadow wasn't going to be going easy but she wouldn't give them no chance, that's one easy way to take the fun out of learning.
Moonmeadow gif made by ramen!

[OPEN for those whose characters don't know much or would need a reminder about stealth :]]

Morrigan March 23rd, 2024 05:15 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Shadowclan kit

Curiously looking over from where she was sitting in the clearing, Quietkit tilted her head at the mention of hide and seek. She didn't usually play games but this would be good training and training mattered to her, plus it would be helpful for finding out information from cats who didn't want to tell.

Swiftly padding forward, the young kit seated herself near the back of the crowd. The sooner she could find a hiding space the better, she was determined to win this even iff she wouldn't enjot it. Fixing her gaze onto Hawkbite she waited for the game to start.

Aolani March 23rd, 2024 05:29 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Ah, Finally, something to do besides watch some incompetent apprentices fail to hold a conversation with another. There were way too many of those and he hated sharing a den with them. It was still funny to watch, but it definitely got boring fast.

Yeah, he could hide pretty well. Just because one's called an enforcer doesn't automatically make one good at kit's games. However, Yellowpaw was awesome at everything, so why not kill some time by winning something while also sneaking in an extra stealth lesson. No reason he shouldn't.

Yellowpaw padded over. "Sure, I could hide from a glorified warrior." He mumbled. He half hoped Hawkbite didn't hear that, but he also kind of wanted them to. Well, it wasn't an insult.

Yellowpaw would win this game for sure. He was clever and surprisingly good at hiding, despite his golden coat. "I'm in."

Ladiebugg March 23rd, 2024 06:42 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
LionKit ran over

BileP-Kit ran over

Omari March 23rd, 2024 06:49 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Midnightpaw arrived quietly–the last time she played a game like this, one that she could only assume would be pretty large-scaled, was with her brothers back when they were apprentices. Back when she also managed to miss her chance at becoming an apprentice in the first place–look where that got her, though. Last one standing. She had to be doing something right, huh?

She glanced around–for the most part, kits and apprentices had shown up.. As well as a warrior. She hoped that more of a crowd would gather, it would make matters more exciting after all.

Rani March 23rd, 2024 06:56 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Shadowclan Kit | He/Him | 2 Moons | Just a Scratch

Hide and seek? Well the little kitten had no clue about that game but he didnt know about a lot of games, his birth family was not keen on playing with him and now in a better place in shadowclan he was still new and learning. But that was something he was happy to do! Other kits were joining and so would he and Bleedingkit would learn to be the best side and seeker ever!

Even if he struggled to get there a bit.

The disabled kitten hauled himself to his paws after a false start, wobbling involuntarily as he did, before he stumbled his way over sitting (more of tumbling) at Hawkbites paws with a plop. He'd make sure the big cool cat liked him too, like Miss Tiger! Then there was no way they'd throw him away for his disability.

kittycatburmise March 23rd, 2024 07:03 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Hide and seek, huh? Doeflame's ears pricked at Hawkbite's words. A lot of the events ShadowClan held were too work-based for her, but this one was perfect. Doeflame padded over to them. "I'll join," she mewed. "I'm stealthier than anyone else here." She wasn't, but they didn't need to know that.

SeonghwasBunnyEars March 23rd, 2024 07:12 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Yarrowpaw bounded over.

Mothcloud and Fallemoon padded over

@Starphobia. Iceclaw If he wants to join <3

zozelen March 23rd, 2024 07:25 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Brownkit padded over to join in on the game, a little excited smile on her face. She had played hide and seek with other kits before, and the occasional queen going easy on them, but never with warriors and apprentices... She'd have to be extra stealthy if she wanted to hide from an experienced warrior like Hawkbite or Moonmeadow.

Mizu March 23rd, 2024 07:27 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
"Ohh, can I play?" Skykit came up.

Warriorsfan9054.1 March 23rd, 2024 07:50 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Amberfern padded over, "Hiding from the Enforcers. This should be fun."

Katiethewolfchild March 23rd, 2024 08:26 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Spiderpaw arrived next to 'Little'paw.

Flamepaw arrived.

Eaglepaw arrived.

Littlepaw arrived next to Spiderpaw.

Twistedkit arrived. Her twiisted front leg was held just off of the ground, not slowing her down at all.

Fish March 24th, 2024 02:35 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Originally Posted by Dolomedes (Post 1570742)
She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow grinned as they listened to the enforcer's words. A game of hide and seek, hmm? Well, it's been quite some time since the warrior has been able to play a game like this but she was sure that she hasn't lost her stealth in that time. What kind of Shadowclan cat would they be if they had. They shook out their thick, dark fur, as they stood up and padded over to the enforcer, giving the tom a polite dip of the head. Her sickly eyes looked around the camp and watched for any cats that made their way over to join the game. Brilliant handling of a good bonding exercise with fun and training for the young felines of the clan.

The feline grinned in a good spirit, "It'll be some good practice, alright." She spoke with a light tone but one that had the fire of competitiveness. Scratchpaw had yet to be given stealth training, Moonmeadow having prioritized tours and hunting over stealth though that was on her list of upcoming lessons. The lesson was just going to have to come sooner then. Scratchpaw should do well with some good socializing practice, Starclan knows how many shut-ins this clan had, as much as Moonmeadow adored her clan some of the nippiness can get on their nerves sometimes.

"If anyone wants some tips I can give a quick lesson on some basic stealth maneuvers." Balancing weight to keep steps even and light, utilizing the environment as much as you can, and listening out and utilizing your target's movements against them are pretty easy things that Moonmeadow could give a rundown of before the games started. It was a lesson offered to the kits and apprentices that have yet to learn to give them more of an edge against more experienced warriors and enforcers. Sure, Moonmeadow wasn't going to be going easy but she wouldn't give them no chance, that's one easy way to take the fun out of learning.
Moonmeadow gif made by ramen!

[OPEN for those whose characters don't know much or would need a reminder about stealth :]]

So they were playing hide and seek? Shadowpaw questioned why this was so imp—Oh its was stealth training. Well that was quite smart, make it fun and entertaining for the apprentices. So she padded right up to see how this game would work. The one problem though was that Shadowpaw never really played hide and seek with anyone before, she worried her stealth skills would be pitiful!

Then she heard a familiar voice ring out saying they would help apprentices. Looking over to see who it was, Shadowpaw let out a little purr seeing it was Moonmeadow. At some point she was going to have to compliment her name. It was very pretty! "Hello miss Moonmeadow, can you teach me some stealth skills?" She said shyly while looking at her paws. She couldn't help to be embarrassed—She was an all black cat!

Myling March 24th, 2024 02:54 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
| ShadowClan Apprentice | 7 Moons | She/Her, Female |
| Kitty soft paws [inactive] | Heightened Perception [smell] |

I padded over, a stealth game couldn't hurt, could it? It would also count for my training, and i was sorta needing that lately. I wasn't sure if i would be able to hide from an Enforcer, which from what i knew were basically warriors but much more skilled, so I'd have to be extra stealthy. But i doubted I could be more sneaky than a mouse. I began searching the camp with my eyes for a place to hide, if they ended up having to hide in camp, then I wanted to be at least somewhat prepared. I settled for hiding behind the two rocks that shielded the Warrior's Den, if we did end up training stealth in the camp.

I twitched my ear, now that I'd decided on a hiding spot, i perked my ears to the host of the event, who i had yet to learn the name of, incase more info would be said. I looked down at my pelt, ears still pointed. Orange and white against black would stick out like a sore paw, maybe even behind a boulder, and especially if i somehow lost half of my intelligence and hid in the snow. And maybe they'd be hiding somewhere without much cover, where I would be literally doomed to be found. I tried to come up with an idea for what i should do once I'm in a hiding spot. What if I flattened myself to the ground or wall as much as possible? I would probably look a bit silly. I almost dropped the plan, solely because i didn't want to look like some kind of maniac that would die for the literal ground beneath her paws. I flicked my tail worriedly, i was already stressing out, maybe i should make a different plan and choose a new hiding spot?


Wingnettle March 24th, 2024 10:18 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Lynxshade approached the clearing wearily. She wasn't feeling good. Nausea and tremors had taken her body a few days prior, and she felt as unhealthy as ever. But she would never miss one of Hawkbite's events. She was an Enforcer, a symbol. No matter how sick she looked or how much she would be able to walk; she was here to show thag strenght could blossom in hard situations, too.
A quixk glance at Hawkbite and she nodded at him, a serious expression filling her face. "I'm ready." She whispered to herself, sitting down with her head hanging low.

Katiethewolfchild March 24th, 2024 11:27 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Salamanderkit joined. Should she really leave the nursery? It was nice and safe in there... Also, she had never left the nursery before.... That was cause it was too scary out there... But... they would be playing hide and seek. She wouldn't be in the sight of the big and scary cats or anything bad that might want to eat her for long... She guessed it was okay to leave the nursery just this once since she wasn't tired for once.

furrensic March 24th, 2024 02:33 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

she/her. 9 moons. small russet molly with brown markings and yellow eyes.

squirrelpaw pads over, sticking near the back of the crowd.

Dolomedes March 24th, 2024 04:54 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Originally Posted by Fish (Post 1570898)

So they were playing hide and seek? Shadowpaw questioned why this was so imp—Oh its was stealth training. Well that was quite smart, make it fun and entertaining for the apprentices. So she padded right up to see how this game would work. The one problem though was that Shadowpaw never really played hide and seek with anyone before, she worried her stealth skills would be pitiful!

Then she heard a familiar voice ring out saying they would help apprentices. Looking over to see who it was, Shadowpaw let out a little purr seeing it was Moonmeadow. At some point she was going to have to compliment her name. It was very pretty! "Hello miss Moonmeadow, can you teach me some stealth skills?" She said shyly while looking at her paws. She couldn't help to be embarrassed—She was an all black cat!

She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow stopped fixing the fur along their paws and looked over with a big smile as a voice that she recognized as Shadowpaw entered her rounded ears. Though with a small twitch as they registered the 'miss' but it was no matter, it was good to have manners. The warrior purred lightly and playfully ruffled the fur on Shadowpaw if the apprentice let her, still grinning, "No need for formalities like that with me, kiddo! Just Moonmeadow is fine." The words were laced with a light tone and a small laugh so hopefully Shadowpaw didn't feel like she was in trouble or that Moonmeadow was upset at all. The feline continued, "Sure thing, gotta give the enforcers a run for their prey. Let's see. I'll explain as best as I can and then you put it to use in the game?"

Moonmeadow leaned back, sickly eyes trailing the blurry figures of cats around her, mainly recognizable by the blob of color, voice, and scent rather than sight today as her eyes were being worse than normal. How to put this in a way that makes sense....hmmm...Then with a thump of her heavy tail against the ground behind her, Moonmeadow spoke up again excitedly, "Alright, first things first, a pretty super thing for basics is you gotta move like your hunting a mouse! Keeping your paws even, irregularities are easier to pick up against the ambiance of the forest, so controlling each step to match the noise around you is a good way to hide. Keeping them even helps them be lighter as well so it makes less noise in general." As they spoke, the warrior dropped into a sort of crouch that wasn't meant for hunting exactly, just lower to the ground and she took a few quick steps forward. Doing her best to exaggerate her movements without ruining the technique that was being showcased. Then they sat up and continued with the next fundamental, "Next, is probably what I should've started with but, no harm, no foul. Blending in! It's pretty logical, hide where you blend in more. You, like your namesake, would do well in shadows because of the darkness of your fur. Next, be aware of your surroundings, have escape routes lined up where you can get away if someone is getting too close to where you are hiding. Don't wait 'till the last moment either, else they'll know right away if you leave."

Well that was pretty easy stuff but it was still quite a bit of info so the feline stopped and looked to Shadowpaw. Tilting their head, "I know that was pretty easy for a cat as smart as you to pick up but did you have any questions so far?"

Bean March 24th, 2024 05:16 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
eveningfade stalked over

Fish March 24th, 2024 09:21 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Originally Posted by Dolomedes (Post 1571028)
She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow stopped fixing the fur along their paws and looked over with a big smile as a voice that she recognized as Shadowpaw entered her rounded ears. Though with a small twitch as they registered the 'miss' but it was no matter, it was good to have manners. The warrior purred lightly and playfully ruffled the fur on Shadowpaw if the apprentice let her, still grinning, "No need for formalities like that with me, kiddo! Just Moonmeadow is fine." The words were laced with a light tone and a small laugh so hopefully Shadowpaw didn't feel like she was in trouble or that Moonmeadow was upset at all. The feline continued, "Sure thing, gotta give the enforcers a run for their prey. Let's see. I'll explain as best as I can and then you put it to use in the game?"

Moonmeadow leaned back, sickly eyes trailing the blurry figures of cats around her, mainly recognizable by the blob of color, voice, and scent rather than sight today as her eyes were being worse than normal. How to put this in a way that makes sense....hmmm...Then with a thump of her heavy tail against the ground behind her, Moonmeadow spoke up again excitedly, "Alright, first things first, a pretty super thing for basics is you gotta move like your hunting a mouse! Keeping your paws even, irregularities are easier to pick up against the ambiance of the forest, so controlling each step to match the noise around you is a good way to hide. Keeping them even helps them be lighter as well so it makes less noise in general." As they spoke, the warrior dropped into a sort of crouch that wasn't meant for hunting exactly, just lower to the ground and she took a few quick steps forward. Doing her best to exaggerate her movements without ruining the technique that was being showcased. Then they sat up and continued with the next fundamental, "Next, is probably what I should've started with but, no harm, no foul. Blending in! It's pretty logical, hide where you blend in more. You, like your namesake, would do well in shadows because of the darkness of your fur. Next, be aware of your surroundings, have escape routes lined up where you can get away if someone is getting too close to where you are hiding. Don't wait 'till the last moment either, else they'll know right away if you leave."

Well that was pretty easy stuff but it was still quite a bit of info so the feline stopped and looked to Shadowpaw. Tilting their head, "I know that was pretty easy for a cat as smart as you to pick up but did you have any questions so far?"

Shadowpaw giggled cheerfully when her fur was ruffled up. She wasn't a fussy cat at all with her fur and it was fun to be playing with someone else despite how brief. "Ok Moonmeadow it is!" She purred happily. Then she flicked her tail in excitement like her favorite prey was right in front of her and ready to be snatched. "I'll sneak up on all the enforcers that they will want to put me as the head! But I'd be too sneaky to be caught in that role, hehe." She giggled mischievously.

Right now its was time to listen. Shadowpaw got herself into a proper sitting position as she listen very intently. Closely the younger cat watched Moonmeadow go over the techniques and couldn't help but to giggle a little when she was referred back to—She wasn't sure if it was embarrassment that made them escape. Don't wait for the last moment. Hm, this made the apprentice think hard on this thought. She wanted to come up with an argument against this but she came up short. Was there every going to be a good time to just sit still and hide.

With all of this in mind Shadowpaw crouched down in a hiding pose, mimicking what Moonmeadow had done. She looked back for a moment to make sure that her hunch was down with her tail before she took the soft steps. Doing the best she could, sneaked around for a little bit—going into the shadows. Once she felt like she had done enough Shadowpaw stood back up and smiled towards Moonmeadow. "How did I do? Oh and uh... None that I can think of!" She beamed.

Fritter March 25th, 2024 05:40 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=49890[Tick Kit]https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=49890
[Purrks- Bewitched/Constant Hunger-no others yet]
[He Him] - [Shadowclan Kit] - [3 Moons]

Hide and seek? Were they playing Hide and seek? That was his favourite game to play, hiding was the best part but he didn't really like seeking that much, bouncing around with excitement Tick Kit bolted over to join, he was sure Mother wouldn't mind him going off to play with all the other kits for a little bit. It was hide and seek right? Even with his awkwardly bright pelt Tick Kit had always found himself particularly keen on being all sneaky and pouncing on people from behind when they least expected it. Although he had been lectured by Mother about doing that, he still liked to pretend he was allowed to. Tick Kit glanced over those gathered round, other kits! He'd not really spoken to anyone other then his siblings even with the nursery being jampacked with 'idiotic fluffballs' as Mother put it, like him! Ooo perhaps he'd even get to make a friend from this event, the very thought! Tick Kit wasn't entirely sure if he was allowed to be this bouncy and excited considering it was a stealth event, but it hadn't started yet so it would be ok! Perhaps he should start picking out hiding spots already!

Morrigan March 25th, 2024 05:45 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Shadowclan warrrior
Purrks: Just a scratch and Shadow fiend(both inactive)

Darkcloud stalked forward at Hawkbite's call and seated herself near the back of the crowd, ears pricked for more details. She wasn't one to play games but this would be a good chance to sharpen her skills so she'd join in...though don't think she wouldn't take it seriously because she definitely would; as always she didn't mess around.

zBlaze March 25th, 2024 06:47 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 3292

Purrks: The Collector
Tags; Closed

Flashpaw perked up from here corner. Her mentor was an enforcer! Silverlark! She got peppy after that, jade-hued eyes bright with excitement and curiosity. She wanted to hide! Very, very badly. She'd participate and show her mentor she could hide well.

MaplestrikeWCUE March 25th, 2024 07:00 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Marshlight looked at the toms facial expression.He didnt trust it. "Sorry, but ill have to decline" Thrushdawn shuffled forward a little bit "I wi-" "and this cat will not be participating either" He said, cutting off Thrushdawn and pulling her backwards

Dolomedes March 25th, 2024 07:07 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Originally Posted by Fish (Post 1571080)

Shadowpaw giggled cheerfully when her fur was ruffled up. She wasn't a fussy cat at all with her fur and it was fun to be playing with someone else despite how brief. "Ok Moonmeadow it is!" She purred happily. Then she flicked her tail in excitement like her favorite prey was right in front of her and ready to be snatched. "I'll sneak up on all the enforcers that they will want to put me as the head! But I'd be too sneaky to be caught in that role, hehe." She giggled mischievously.

Right now its was time to listen. Shadowpaw got herself into a proper sitting position as she listen very intently. Closely the younger cat watched Moonmeadow go over the techniques and couldn't help but to giggle a little when she was referred back to—She wasn't sure if it was embarrassment that made them escape. Don't wait for the last moment. Hm, this made the apprentice think hard on this thought. She wanted to come up with an argument against this but she came up short. Was there every going to be a good time to just sit still and hide.

With all of this in mind Shadowpaw crouched down in a hiding pose, mimicking what Moonmeadow had done. She looked back for a moment to make sure that her hunch was down with her tail before she took the soft steps. Doing the best she could, sneaked around for a little bit—going into the shadows. Once she felt like she had done enough Shadowpaw stood back up and smiled towards Moonmeadow. "How did I do? Oh and uh... None that I can think of!" She beamed.

She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow watched the apprentice replicate the warrior's previous example with a careful eye despite the haziness, and rather knew how well the young feline was doing by her ears. The paw steps could still be heard but it was pretty quiet for being relatively new and in a forest there would be more ambient noise that could help cover up. The warrior said as much to the younger apprentice before continuing with what else she thought was important for Shadowpaw to know before the hide and seek game started. "Alright, kiddo, lookin' pretty good! You'll only be getting better and soon you'll be out sneaking even Dawnstar. Before that though, we've gone over backups but let's go over finding a hiding spot so good you could chill all evening there." The warrior paused and let the apprentice return to sitting beside them so that they could continue the lesson without having to worry about needing to repeat things too much. Though she is sure that Shadowpaw could listen just fine while practicing, it was easier for Moonmeadow to focus this way as well.

"Alrighty, tell me where you would hide?" The warrior starting, nodding when they listen to Shadowpaw's response. Then followed up with another question, "Where do you think these cats would hide?" The feline motioned to the gathering cats around them with a grin, once more waiting for Shadowpaw's response before continuing and getting to the point.

"You see kid, you tend to already have an idea of where other cats would hide, based on what you know of them, and they will likely do the same to you. That's why you gotta think about where you think your target will look for you and you can even throw them off.

You see, if I were to guess, folks would think I'll hide in the dark...in a bigger space because of my size....but...would they look for me in more cramped spaces, probably not, would they think to look up into trees, probably not. So that's where I can aim to throw cats off my tail. Think of a place where you would least expect a cat to show up and then you have to be careful of your scent trail while getting there.

Then on second thought, Moonmeadow decided to add a little not to the end of that little lecture, "Also, don't be going anywhere dangerous, in this case its just a game so it ain't worth getting hurt over." She dropped her smile and made sure that it was clear that they were very serious about this point, "If I find out you're being a bit too reckless, I'll be making sure you clean out the nursery's nests for at least a moon." Moonmeadow let that linger for a few moments and then watched Shadowpaw's reaction before grinning again and ruffling her fur, "I'm only half joking about the cleaning, I just care about ya' so I don't want to be hearing about any hurt shadows, got it?" They hoped that Shadowpaw didn't feel like they were being too strict, Moonmeadow thought the ask was reasonable. The apprentice meant a lot to the warrior, though they've been told that they can mother hen even other warriors at times. Time to get back on track with the lesson, "Scent trails, things like potent herbs and plants, mud, and the likes can help hide your scent pretty well but don't be touching plants you don't recognize. Hmm....what else...first, any questions on this stuff?"

Fish March 26th, 2024 01:11 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Originally Posted by Dolomedes (Post 1571357)
She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow watched the apprentice replicate the warrior's previous example with a careful eye despite the haziness, and rather knew how well the young feline was doing by her ears. The paw steps could still be heard but it was pretty quiet for being relatively new and in a forest there would be more ambient noise that could help cover up. The warrior said as much to the younger apprentice before continuing with what else she thought was important for Shadowpaw to know before the hide and seek game started. "Alright, kiddo, lookin' pretty good! You'll only be getting better and soon you'll be out sneaking even Dawnstar. Before that though, we've gone over backups but let's go over finding a hiding spot so good you could chill all evening there." The warrior paused and let the apprentice return to sitting beside them so that they could continue the lesson without having to worry about needing to repeat things too much. Though she is sure that Shadowpaw could listen just fine while practicing, it was easier for Moonmeadow to focus this way as well.

"Alrighty, tell me where you would hide?" The warrior starting, nodding when they listen to Shadowpaw's response. Then followed up with another question, "Where do you think these cats would hide?" The feline motioned to the gathering cats around them with a grin, once more waiting for Shadowpaw's response before continuing and getting to the point.

"You see kid, you tend to already have an idea of where other cats would hide, based on what you know of them, and they will likely do the same to you. That's why you gotta think about where you think your target will look for you and you can even throw them off.

You see, if I were to guess, folks would think I'll hide in the dark...in a bigger space because of my size....but...would they look for me in more cramped spaces, probably not, would they think to look up into trees, probably not. So that's where I can aim to throw cats off my tail. Think of a place where you would least expect a cat to show up and then you have to be careful of your scent trail while getting there.

Then on second thought, Moonmeadow decided to add a little not to the end of that little lecture, "Also, don't be going anywhere dangerous, in this case its just a game so it ain't worth getting hurt over." She dropped her smile and made sure that it was clear that they were very serious about this point, "If I find out you're being a bit too reckless, I'll be making sure you clean out the nursery's nests for at least a moon." Moonmeadow let that linger for a few moments and then watched Shadowpaw's reaction before grinning again and ruffling her fur, "I'm only half joking about the cleaning, I just care about ya' so I don't want to be hearing about any hurt shadows, got it?" They hoped that Shadowpaw didn't feel like they were being too strict, Moonmeadow thought the ask was reasonable. The apprentice meant a lot to the warrior, though they've been told that they can mother hen even other warriors at times. Time to get back on track with the lesson, "Scent trails, things like potent herbs and plants, mud, and the likes can help hide your scent pretty well but don't be touching plants you don't recognize. Hmm....what else...first, any questions on this stuff?"

Shadowpaw chuckled at the thought of being able to sneak up on Dawnstar. Oh would it be fun to try and spook her with a loud 'Boo!'—How high could she make the leader jump?

Where would she hide? Shadowpaw tried to think about good spots to hide but before she could squeak one out Moonmeadow spoke—To be fair she was going to say something random to not leave the air open. "Where would others hide? Hm... Maybe in logs or under roots that they can squeeze themselves into. That sounds all like good places to look first so... Oh you are trying to make me think of bad spots to hide since many would go there!" Shadowpaw said as a light came to her eyes in understanding. Miss Moonmeadow was so smart!

Right now Shadowpaw had to wrack her brain thinking about a good spot for herself to hide. Moonshadow was very smart with hiding where others wouldn't think. "Right, so cats would think I would be hiding in the shadows from my pure black fur.. So I think I got an idea of where to be hiding. No one will think of this spot.. And I don't think its too dangerous. I hope?" Shadowpaw added the last part in wondering if her spot could be dangerous at all. Maybe she could catch a cold but that was only what queen said to their kits to make them behave, no way she would catch one. Maybe she should tell Moonshadow her idea first.. A part of what she said was what she was going to do.

So Shadowpaw poked the warrior and motioned for her to lean down so she could whisper to her. No one could hear her plans other than Moonmeadow. Shadowpaw doubted that she would use this information against her. "I was thinking of rolling in the mucky mud! Not to just hide my scent but to bury myself a little into. Next to a rock, just so other cats think I'm just a muddy rock! No cat would think another cat would willingly cover themselves completely in mud and I like playing in the mud so its no skin off my teeth! I think that's pretty smart." Shadowpaw said with a smug grin on her face. She was going to win this event hands down!

Mica March 27th, 2024 06:36 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
ShadowClan Enforcer
she/her| 38 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye, (left gouged out)]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker slipped through the crowd, the large molly somehow managing to blend in while being much taller than most of the cats gathered. The part oriental stopped by Hawkbite, giving her commander a nod before casting her one-eyed gaze over the crowd. Some cats were already giving pointers to one another... good. Events like these were important for fostering respect. Though, Mistlewhisker certainly hoped to see some good competitive spirit this time around.

SuspiciousMindz March 27th, 2024 11:22 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Event [#event]

There was more interest than he expected.
This was a good thing.
Very good.

Green eyes scanned the crowd, noting familiar faces.
It was good to be noticed lately.
Meant you did something.

Some cats were more eager than others to be here.
They were here, that's all that mattered.

Let the games begin.

***This will be the last clan mention for the event!***
Last chance to join! Hawk will not be allowing anyone to join after his next post!

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty

The most notable feline to show up was Bleedingkit. The young cat had taken a spot super close to him, pretty much plopping right onto his paws. He'd lift his forepaw and pat him gently on the head for a moment while taking the distraction as a chance to sidestep away. A little breathing room. He was already being stared at by the crowd, a kitten breathing on him wasn't ideal.

His ears would twitch at Yellowpaw's comment. He'd note that statement. Clearly, this one didn't want the enforcer rank with thoughts like that, shame really. He was really hoping to suggest this one to Dawnstar when he was a warrior.

The next faces to catch his attention was Marshlight and Thrushdawn. His eyes would narrow in their direction and Hawkbite would quickly cut them off. "She can participate if she wishes. If you've a problem with that, take it up with me. Thrushdawn, stick around if you wish. Marshlight, you best run off before I make you," his tone was brash. Hawkbite wasn't one to put up with those types of shenanigans.

"There's enough of you gathered now, let's go over the basic rules to this!" Hawkbite turned his attention back towards the group of cats.

"First things first, stay within the camp. There's plenty of places to hide, even for the larger warriors. Dens are off limits, stay in the clearing.

Secondly, don't rat each other out! Work together if you want, but I won't be putting up with temper tantrums if you lose.

This leads me to rule three. If you're found, you're out of the game completely. No if, ands, or buts about it!

Now, there will be three rounds to this. If you're able to stick around all three rounds, you'll get a prize. Apprentices, you'll also get your stealth training completed."
Hawkbite paused, looking for anyone who wants chime in or ask questions.

"If there's no questions, you best get to hiding. You got about one minute," Hawkbite whisked his tail at everyone, sitting down, and closing his eyes. He even hummed to himself to block out the movements he might hear. It wasn't 100% effective, but it was better than hearing everything.


→ This event will be determined by dice rolls! I will be rolling to see if Hawkbite finds your cat. Explained below.
→ You must respond by the given date or fail the event.
→ Apprentices who successfully complete all three rounds with posts of 50 words or more will be counted for stealth training completion.
→ You're allowed to post more than once between Hawk's posts. Have fun with it!

Dice Rolls
ROUND ONE: D20 rolls!
→ For every 50 words you type, you get a bonus roll if your first one fails!
Shadow Fiend purrk automatically gets you a bonus roll! You must state shadow fiend is active in each post to be eligible.
→ Kits need to roll at least a 5 [small cat advantage] to pass.
→ Apprentices need to roll at least a 10 to pass.
→ Warriors need to roll at least a 15 to pass.

Next post: April 1st


@Dust @SuspiciousMindz @Dark @vellichor @wolfie @naiad @Madelaine @furrensic @Dirtfur @Undertaker @Estelle @nykyrian @Silverware @Abyssopelagic @Willowfern @Rani @gs29513 @Fading @JackHunt_17 @iliri @Willie Warf @LostInTheOrchids @Frozen Reign @elaif @Poprock @poppy @Fritter @Wintersun @Levi 99 @starry @staurn @carmen @Nixey @Pitou @Swiftheart <3 @nyx @Galaxy_ @Lillith @talle @bubble[error]. @Bean @Tecumori @SpiritWolf_yt @sol. @MockingRabbit @Wingnettle @Alchemist Kitsune @Ashwing @Rose @Caspian @Faith. @Streamtail @Red Dawn @Sakura. @lem~ @wendigo @hermeswind @Spookez. @SeonghwasBunnyEars @Scourge2346 @Ymir @FruitBatz @Cinnamon~ @Eden @Morrigan @Snowyfeathr @Omari @Katiethewolfchild @roo! @Spider-in-the-corner @Cubeisdagoat @Carrot @Zorua @Ladiebugg @ChaosBringer. @hades. @R0ttenC4ndy @Neptune. @lane @Wyv3rn @peachfuzz~ @RavensCall @Sleek @Snips @Theodore_510 @silas @paris @Fish @Mica @hawkboi @JenxyMoo99 @Starphobia @*_Athena_* @spoon_ @Blueberry^^^Galaxy @Woody @ThePrettyPurpleDemon @lunartranquility @Kuwu @endlesshax @Samantha @Desert Rain Frog @Firestar512 @.Sunshine. @Fealixx_SIO @Moon Shark @Kieran. @lys.luvbot @lesbianism @Naila @chickadee @Collieheart @MangofDoom @arrow. @Artemis @StormyDays @ShadeCosmic @Myling @f0rg0tt3n_v0id @Beanz @Epiales @alec @IntrovertIRL @Never @Fawn<3 @MoonCat @kittycatburmise @MaplestrikeWCUE @ashstar1 @RoboPrism @Dolomedes @Littlesun0112 @zozelen @Moondapple @bramblemask @Blazing @JuniperSeed @20874 @ramen @Alpine @DaffodilFlight @Cubehadtomakeanotherone

_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ March 27th, 2024 11:25 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
(Sorry for late) Lightkit exists. So does Brightfur, and Silvershadow. They want to play. (One, this format I used is bad rn, two, is joining still open?)

MaplestrikeWCUE March 28th, 2024 07:12 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Thrushdawn looked at Hawkbite, then back at Marshlight. She realized why he did not want her to participate "Actually, i think i'll sit this one out" She said

Estelle March 28th, 2024 08:26 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

They were a little late, yes, but perhaps it wasn't too late to join. At least, that is what she told young Sleepykit when she had noticed the little kit staring out the nursery's entrance, seemingly interested. Nightshiver had to admit, when she briefly introduced this as what must be a sort of game, Sleepykit's response was a little... Concerning, in some ways, stating that she didn't play. Or at least, that her first game would be held with Dawnstar and not someone else. Even so, the practice side of things still clearly interested Sleepykit and in an attempt to encourage her to participate, Nightshiver suggested they go together -- something that seemed to put the white flecked kitten a little more at ease with leaving the nursery without her mama or grandmama's permission; there wasn't much else Nightshiver could do about that. As the pair left the den, Sleepykit at Nightshiver's heels, the forever queen offered Hawkbite a soft smile as he finished explaining - holding back a little giggle at the cute side of sweet Bleedingkit at his paws - before leaning down to whisper to the kit at her side:
"Go and... hi..hide."
Sleepykit gave a subtle nod, remaining still only momentarily before she ushered off, slowly picking up a little pace. This was practice. She was practicing for when she would become a warrior. Mama and Grandmama were surely good at this - being stealthy - she had to be good at it too. That said, Sleepykit never had participated in this kind of training before (she did not want to call it a game, as her first game is reserved for Miss Grandmama). She wasn't sure where to hide within this stony area. She briefly glanced back at Nightshiver - her kitsitter - who was looking around as well. After several moments of consideration, uncertain of ideal hiding places just yet, she decided to hide among the shadows of a den - not inside, mind you, it was said to be off-limits - but at its side, in the shadows, hoping her mostly dark fur would help her blend in, if she remembered to close her whenever anyone might look her way; after all, they did quite stand out against her dark fur. As for Nightshiver, pale as she was, it was often a little harder to use the shadows as a coat; even so, it was one of the few skills besides hunting the forever queen had manages to properly acquire, stealth. Soft, quiet steps led her to a corner of camp, one where she had slight sight on some of the kits in this event, leaning low beside the stone wall. With slight overcast shadow and holding herself rigid, perhaps she wouldn't be noticed as fast - though she was mainly here to watch and accompany, participating a small game once in a while couldn't hurt.

FruitBatz March 28th, 2024 10:45 AM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
HP (96/100)

Tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes

(Rolled 8)
Her tail flicked as she listened, then it’s go time. Her paws scrapped the moist dirt as she scrambled to a spot, so the rules were no dens, once found leave and don’t snitch. That’s easy o peas-y, Turtlepaw has played hide-n-seek before and has always won so this was in her lane. Her bright idea was to roll in the wet part of the soil to cover her body, as she hid in the mud near a rock. Hopefully it’s enough to not get seen.

(Over 50 words so additional roll 14!!)

Omari March 28th, 2024 07:04 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

It had been a while since Midnightpaw played hide and seek, so she wondered… Where would she hide? In the camp that they all knew so well, no less? With a huff to herself, Midnightpaw scampered off as soon as Hawkbite gave them the go ahead. Hopefully her black fur would give her a bit of an advantage here–she could only hope so, hiding from an enforcer and all.

After a few long seconds of weighing her options, she found herself being pulled towards the comfort of the apprentice’s den. The den itself was easily overlooked on an average day, so maybe, by actually going out of her way to hide in this area, she’d be overlooked too. Hopefully, hopefully! Quietly, she stepped past the ferns that hid the apprentice’s den from view, lowered herself to the ground and curled her tail around her body. With her head resting on her paws and her ears pressed flat against her head, she simply decided to wait. Hope for the best. It was all she could do!

[ if someone wants to slip in beside mid get all snuggly teehee feel free ]

Mica March 28th, 2024 07:15 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
ShadowClan Enforcer
she/her | 38 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and pale green eye (left gouged out)]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker grinned as Hawkbite set everyone loose, the Enforcer quickly disappearing off to the side. Ever since Hawkbite began to explain the rules, the large molly had been subtly casting her gaze around the clearing to find good hiding spots. Being her size, hiding would not be easy. It would require more skill, more thought. The rocky outcroppings surrounding camp closed them in, and her options dwindled down to the meager shrubs sticking up where the rock met the sand, around the dens, or... perfect.

Mistlewhisker wasted no time slipping towards the thick tree roots that lined the rocky cliffs, melting into the shadows they provided. Mistlewhisker twisted herself like a snake into the deep winding roots, finding an alcove big enough for her to hide in and tucking her tail close around her body. Hopefully, this would do.

[Mistlewhisker used: Shadow Fiend!]

Mica March 28th, 2024 07:21 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
she/her | 5 moons
[Blue-grey tabby with dark blue overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby [PERMANENTLY ACTIVE]
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Birdkit scrambled to the group just as Hawkbite finished explaining the rules, having been occupied with munching on a leaf at the edge of the clearing. She hadn't realized how much fun this sounded like until the cats scattered across the clearing, Birdkit getting caught up in the fray. Oh how fun! Hide and Seek! Birdkit had never played it before, sure, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

Birdkit whirled around, looking for places to hide. Uh oh, uh oh, uh, uh--panic! Birdkit fluffed up as she realized all the good hiding spaces were being taken, and did the only thing she could think of. She skittered around Hawkbite, plopping herself down right behind him and remaining really really uber quiet so maybe he couldn't hear her. If she just... stayed behind him, moved when he moved, maybe she would be safe.

_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ March 28th, 2024 07:24 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Lightkit immediately sprints to the best hiding spot he knows, no cat had ever found him there. Lightkit crouches in his spot, making him less able to be seen. His heart is pounding with excitement and the anticipation is killing him. He doesn't think he'll ever be seen in his spot.
(Barely over 50 words, I got 12 and 13 respectively.)

Morrigan March 28th, 2024 07:28 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Shadowclan kit

Swiftly scanning the clearing for a hiding place, Quietkit's cyan eyes soon landed or a twisted thorn bush near the edge of camp. There was a risk of getting stabbed by thorns but it was a risk she was willing to take is she was to become further on reach of victory, besides, she wasn't too concerned by some tiny thorns getting tangled in her pelt.

Shooting towards the bush, the young she-kit gingerly made her way over, under and, perhaps, through the branches of the prickly plant, making sure every step she took to avoid touching the spikes was made with the utmost care. Sleek pelt brushing the tendrils of the bush slightly, she managed to place herself almost at the center of the plant where she curled herself tightly into a ball, hoping that her dark fur would give her some extra protection. Narrowed eyes glaring from inside her hiding place, Quiet hoped her family's stealth would've been passed onto her.

(OPEN for someone to hide with and extremely annoy Quiet!)

Rani March 28th, 2024 08:55 PM

Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]
Shadowclan Kit | He/Him | 2 Moons | Just a Scratch

Oh! So hide and seek was basically what it was called! You hid and someone went after you! Makes sense Bleedingkit was pleased and no longer confused about what to do. Plus by swiveling around and listening (read, blatantly staring as kits who did not quite understand tact were wont to do) to Moonmoose and Shadowpaws conversation he picked up tips!
Be smelly but not your smelly, and hide with your color in an unexpected place! Which wasnt easy for a golden bengal however the little tom wasnt going to give up, looking around to find a spot.

He was confused by the pat though.

This tom wasnt Miss Tiger who was just usually nice to this odd disabled kitten or New Mama who was like a Mama should be and so also nice. So why was he getting headpats from this warrior? He hadnt done anything to be good and get a pat, thats when you got pats from the cats who didnt have to be kind to you right? The guy was breaking the rules (that Bleedingkit had arbitrarily decided were how the world definitely worked)!

Maybe he expected something in return?

A paw golden paw reached out, wobbling in the air as the kitten tried to pat Hawkbites shin and instead kinda got a toe. Good enough, pat pat right back at you big man, Bleedingkit totally understood this interaction and was nailing it.

Onto the hiding now and Bleedingkit scrambled away, tumbling over as he was wont to do, and b-lining it to..... A bird carcass. Gross kid why did you choose that to roll in and cover your scent someone had just been eating that! At least with his shakey disability it was a pretty even coating given he'd fallen over in it, and was soon moving on to the next issue.

How was he supposed to get up on top of the warriors den where he'd been intending to hide? There was a lovely sandy yellow sun dappled rock that looked like Bleedingkit and he was planning to blend in with and hope Hawkbite was too busy looking down into crevices for cats to look up into the sun.
But with his disability getting up there was a pipe dream, he'd need help.

Hmmmm..... "Pssst! Miss, can you put me up there please?" The little bengal whispered to Darkcloud, trying to stay quiet so Hawkbite couldnt hear. There'd be no guarantee that she'd help him, and should that fail he'd simply go find another warrior to place him on top of their den, but whoever got him up there would get a greatful "Thank you!" before the kitten scurried off, trying to blend into his hiding spot.

@SuspiciousMindz (hawkbite mention) @Morrigan (darkcloud interaction)

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