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BEAR. July 19th, 2017 04:13 PM

July Gathering
Do NOT post here with a clan cat until their respective clan leader has arrived.

Leaders can post their entrance here, however they should take their roleplay to this thread.

SuspiciousMindz July 19th, 2017 05:36 PM

Re: July Gathering
Blazingstar was the first to arrive. At the head of the Windclan group, he took them steadily down to the Seastones. It was once again time for the gathering. Thankfully, this time there wasn't much to report to the other clans. Things had been rather peaceful besides his current relationship with Thunderclan. The feud would stay between Snowstar and him and he really hoped the young leader would keep professional in front of the other clans. Blazingstar had given firm orders to his clan that no one start fights during the time of peace, even with Thunderclan. Those who did would know their punishment at the end of the gathering.

The ginger tom, once in the clearing of the Seastones, turned back to his clan and watched them disperse around the beach. The sand under his paws was moist in the nighttime mist, however it wasn't uncomfortable. Once he was content with how his clan mates were, he shifted his attention to the actual Seastones and made his way over, tensing up before jumping to the top.

red_inactive July 19th, 2017 05:45 PM

Re: July Gathering
Breezerunner hesitated before leaping down, the ginger molly following Blazingstar down until the leader made his way to the Seastones. Finding an area to settle down, Breezerunner cast her green-eyed gaze across the clearing as she waited for the other clans to arrive. The warrior was unsure of how the meeting would proceed, especially with the tension between WindClan and ThunderClan- hopefully, things wouldn't escalate and hopefully the meeting will be peaceful. Breezerunner really hated conflict between the clans- actually, she just hated conflict in general.

Starfall July 19th, 2017 05:49 PM

Re: July Gathering

The brawny warrior followed closely behind his leader, his blue optics flickered with unease. Recently the clans had been at each others throats, and he wasnt sure how tonights gathering was going to go. The siberian flicked his tail and watched Blazingstar pad off and climb onto the great rock, unease bubbled in his belly when the leader sat down. Sleepingcloud knew that nothing horrible would happen during the gathering, but that didnt mean anything less wouldnt happen, although he knew fighting wasnt permited during the gathering he still had his doubts. The gray tabby let out a sigh and sat himself down near the front of the clearing, his ears perked as he awaited the arrival of the other clans.

red_inactive July 19th, 2017 05:53 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 326263)

The brawny warrior followed closely behind his leader, his blue optics flickered with unease. Recently the clans had been at each others throats, and he wasnt sure how tonights gathering was going to go. The siberian flicked his tail and watched Blazingstar pad off and climb onto the great rock, unease bubbled in his belly when the leader sat down. Sleepingcloud knew that nothing horrible would happen during the gathering, but that didnt mean anything less wouldnt happen, although he knew fighting wasnt permited during the gathering he still had his doubts. The gray tabby let out a sigh and sat himself down near the front of the clearing, his ears perked as he awaited the arrival of the other clans. After spotting Snowstar, Breezerunner turned her head to look right at Neverwing, her eyes narrowing. She was sure that Neverwing was the one who had killed Stonebird...

"Do you think Snowstar and Blazingstar will quarrel?" Breezerunner asked, nervousness lining her voice as she leaned closer to Sleepingcloud, the British Shorthair flicking her tail with unease as she watched the other cats make their way down the path and into the Gathering.

(Since Random Melody posted in the [Leaders] version of this, I think I can post this.)

Neverwing hesitated from where he stood behind Snowstar, pressing up against Blackstorm. The large black maine coon tom was nervous, and rightfully so- he was the one who had killed Stonebird in cold blood just awhile back, and it only served to increase the tension between the clans. Neverwing couldn't help but feel that someone here knew about his crimes, and when he locked eyes with Breezerunner, a chill ran up his spine. Her eyes were cold, flickering with knowledge. She knew.

Socks July 19th, 2017 07:13 PM

Re: July Gathering
Eveningflight padded down behind his clanmates, watching as his leader went and jumped onto the stones. He was very curious as to what would come from this gathering. He knew there wasn't going to be any fighting, no, the peace would stay no matter what had happened before this moment. All feuds are to be forgotten during the time of a gathering and cats of all the clans were to get along, for the most part. He also knew, at least, if their was a commotion that Windclan would not be the cause of it, he had faith that his clan was better than that.
He sat down among his clan, curling his tail around himself to cover his paws. Grainy sand stuck to his pads and it wasn't the most comfortable of times but he decided to just ignore it as he sat in waiting for the rest of the clans to arrive.

Charmer July 19th, 2017 07:13 PM

Re: July Gathering

Cherrypaw followed closely behind her mentor as they followed their clan mates to seastones, he paws light with a strange nervous excitement. She was glad to be going to her first gathering, but the idea of being around so many unfamiliar cats made her want to shrink out of sight, and the conflict between Windclan and Thunderclan did not help that at all. She gazed around at the warriors from Windclan, breathing in the same grassy scent that Tigerdawn pointed out to her at the border, and watched as Snowstar took her place near Blazingstar.

dino. July 19th, 2017 07:14 PM

Re: July Gathering
Larkcry leaped down into the Gathering site, whiskers quivering in rage. It had been nearly a moon since his friend, Flamescar, had returned to Windclan, but the one-eyed ginger tom still had not explained where he had been. And even though he kept apologizing, and trying to make it up to Larkcry, it simply made the Windclan warrior even angrier

The gray-and-black speckled tom snorted as Flamescar said, "I'm sorry." for the fourteenth-thousand time.
"Yeah, right," he muttered.


Zero July 19th, 2017 07:27 PM

Re: July Gathering
(OPEN RP :))

Surgestorm padded into the seastone clearing not far behind Blazingstar, his yellow eyes wide and alert for his clanmates. He was silently grateful that they were the first to arrive, and that ThunderClan was not here yet. WindClan was on edge around the other clan since they had a quarrel with ThunderClan at the moment. He wasn't technically allowed to involve himself in such matters, but this definitely didn't help with the tensions between himself and Wheatfur that were already there to begin with. The thought of the other tom made his pelt inch with dislike, causing him to shake out his fur before padding over to where the medicine cat usually sat for gatherings.

When ThunderClan just happened to arrive next, his visibly tensed and began to watch his clanmates more closely. He turned his gaze upwards to the full moon as well, making sure the sky was still clear and that StarClan was happy with the gathering truce. Sighing, he prepared himself to the awkward conversation he'd have to have with Wheatfur once he came over to the medicine cat's spot. He hoped for a second that maybe somebody else were approach him first.

Tundra July 19th, 2017 07:32 PM

Re: July Gathering
Tigerdawn sat down beside her apprentice, Cherrypaw. "Remember, don't say anything stupid to the other apprentices. 'Kay?" She said. Tigerdawn licked her paw and gazed up at the leaders. ShadowClan, RiverClan and SkyClan are Late..." She muttered.

Skypaw flattened his ears nervously. He never liked gatherings, always too many cats. He glanged up at his leader, Blazingstar, then looked around. He spotted an apprentice next to a warrior. Her mentor I assume... He began padding over. I hope a don't make a fool out of myself! Skypaw stopped next to the cats. "H-Hello!" He mewed with a smile.

Splash July 19th, 2017 07:36 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Equinox (Post 326348)
Larkcry leaped down into the Gathering site, whiskers quivering in rage. It had been nearly a moon since his friend, Flamescar, had returned to Windclan, but the one-eyed ginger tom still had not explained where he had been. And even though he kept apologizing, and trying to make it up to Larkcry, it simply made the Windclan warrior even angrier

The gray-and-black speckled tom snorted as Flamescar said, "I'm sorry." for the fourteenth-thousand time.
"Yeah, right," he muttered.


Cottonspark glanced over to where two toms seemed to be quarreling. She narrowed her stunning emerald eyes- they should leave their anger at camp. For StarClan's sake, this was the gathering. They would make WindClan look bad, and the fluffy white she-cat did not want that. WindClan was the best clan, that was for sure, but the other clans didn't believe it. Surely they shouldn't give anyone a reason to doubt it any more than they already did. Cottonspark was tempted to shove her way into the dispute and stop it before the other clans arrived, but she shoved the urge away.

dino. July 19th, 2017 07:42 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Splash (Post 326367)
Cottonspark glanced over to where two toms seemed to be quarreling. She narrowed her stunning emerald eyes- they should leave their anger at camp. For StarClan's sake, this was the gathering. They would make WindClan look bad, and the fluffy white she-cat did not want that. WindClan was the best clan, that was for sure, but the other clans didn't believe it. Surely they shouldn't give anyone a reason to doubt it any more than they already did. Cottonspark was tempted to shove her way into the dispute and stop it before the other clans arrived, but she shoved the urge away.

Larkcry opened his mouth to snap at his friend, but stopped when he saw Cottonspark glaring at them.
He snapped his jaws shut and glanced at the ground, slightly embarrassed that the she-cat had noticed their quarrel.

Flamescar followed the gray tom's gaze and blinked. He saw Cottonspark, and flicked his ears forward. He mouthed, "Sorry, I didn't mean for you to overhear that."

Socks July 19th, 2017 07:45 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 326356)
(OPEN RP :))

Surgestorm padded into the seastone clearing not far behind Blazingstar, his yellow eyes wide and alert for his clanmates. He was silently grateful that they were the first to arrive, and that ThunderClan was not here yet. WindClan was on edge around the other clan since they had a quarrel with ThunderClan at the moment. He wasn't technically allowed to involve himself in such matters, but this definitely didn't help with the tensions between himself and Wheatfur that were already there to begin with. The thought of the other tom made his pelt inch with dislike, causing him to shake out his fur before padding over to where the medicine cat usually sat for gatherings.

Sageheart noticed the medicine cat as she walked with other cats, and broke away from the group she was in to walk over to him with a bounce in her step, sitting down near him. She didn't sit too close, personal space has always been a big thing for her so she didn't want to sit very close to any cat. She didn't plan to stay near the medicine cat long, as she didn't know him well, but she wanted to speak to him briefly. "Hello Surgestorm!" She smiled, trying to make her tone not so excited and more calm. "Its gonna be sort of tense here... Do you think there might be any arguing going on?"

Zero July 19th, 2017 07:55 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Socks (Post 326383)
Sageheart noticed the medicine cat as she walked with other cats, and broke away from the group she was in to walk over to him with a bounce in her step, sitting down near him. She didn't sit too close, personal space has always been a big thing for her so she didn't want to sit very close to any cat. She didn't plan to stay near the medicine cat long, as she didn't know him well, but she wanted to speak to him briefly. "Hello Surgestorm!" She smiled, trying to make her tone not so excited and more calm. "Its gonna be sort of tense here... Do you think there might be any arguing going on?"

Surgestorm smiled at Sageheart as she padded over to him, grateful for the company - even though he figured it would be short-lived as the warrior would definitely want to go do her own thing eventually. "Hello," He meowed, not bothering to mask any of his easily excitable energy. The tom was obviously tense though, and it almost seemed to make him a bit more antsy than usual. At her words, his smiling expression shifted into more of a cautioned look. "I hope not..." He meowed, his gaze moving from the she-cat to his other clanmates for a moment. "Arguing leads to fighting, and StarClan wouldn't like it if we broke the truce." His gaze met her onces more. "Of course, I'd like to think our clanmates are more sensible than others, and know better than to argue."

Socks July 19th, 2017 08:10 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 326397)

Surgestorm smiled at Sageheart as she padded over to him, grateful for the company - even though he figured it would be short-lived as the warrior would definitely want to go do her own thing eventually. "Hello," He meowed, not bothering to mask any of his easily excitable energy. The tom was obviously tense though, and it almost seemed to make him a bit more antsy than usual. At her words, his smiling expression shifted into more of a cautioned look. "I hope not..." He meowed, his gaze moving from the she-cat to his other clanmates for a moment. "Arguing leads to fighting, and StarClan wouldn't like it if we broke the truce." His gaze met her onces more. "Of course, I'd like to think our clanmates are more sensible than others, and know better than to argue."

Sageheart knew that if starclan wasn't pleased, nothing good could come from it and just the thought of what would happen if any fighting happened made her fur prickle slightly. She pushed the thought out of her mind quickly, not wanting to think of it. "I am positive that all warriors are smart enough to keep their claws to themselves, but younger apprentices are sometimes known to cause some sort of trouble their first gathering." Her eyes focused on a nearby group of younger cats, feeling glad when she only saw happy faces and relaxed postures. "But hopefully they listen to their mentors and keep peace."

Zero July 19th, 2017 08:15 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Socks (Post 326414)
Sageheart knew that if starclan wasn't pleased, nothing good could come from it and just the thought of what would happen if any fighting happened made her fur prickle slightly. She pushed the thought out of her mind quickly, not wanting to think of it. "I am positive that all warriors are smart enough to keep their claws to themselves, but younger apprentices are sometimes known to cause some sort of trouble their first gathering." Her eyes focused on a nearby group of younger cats, feeling glad when she only saw happy faces and relaxed postures. "But hopefully they listen to their mentors and keep peace."

Surgestorm nodded to her words, following her gaze to the group of young cats. "I'm sure that's why Blazingstar only brought along a small number of our apprentices," He meowed. "One's that are calmer and have watchful mentors." The tom could see a few older warriors keeping their gazes on most of the apprentices, making sure that they stayed out of trouble. "Hopefully, I don't have to patch up stratched tonight." He laughed a little to himself. "I don't really want to stay up later than I have to for this gathering, to be honest." Almost as if it was on cue, his jaws parted in a huge yawn. He quickly shook his head though, and refocused on keeping a watchful eye out for any trouble. "Do you have an apprentice to yourself yet?"

wickedvirtues July 19th, 2017 08:35 PM

Re: July Gathering
Caracalspirit glanced around the gathering area, eyes wide with awe as the young warrior grinned. It was her first gathering, after all. She took a deep breath, the WindClan warrior slightly tensing at the sight of ThunderClan. Relax she thought to herself, it's a gathering, the true is here for a reason. Still, Caracalspirit couldn't stoop a feeling of dread from gathering in the pit of her stomach as she sat in a nice spot, shaded and cool, and gazed at the moon just to make sure it wasn't covered with clouds. It was the one thing keeping the two feuding Clans at peace, after all.

Tealeaf followed Blazingstar, taking a look around with amazement. The warrior seated herself by Caracalspirit, who turned to her. "You don't think the leaders will fight, do you?" She asked, Tealeaf shook her head. "They wouldn't dare be mouse-brained enough to break the truce!" She replied, cuffing her friend playfully over the ear. "Right.." Caracalspirit replied, a smile appearing on her face. "They're smarter than that." She reassured herself, glancing at the two leaders.
(Both are open!)
Ivorypaw and Ebonypaw walked in with completely different attitudes towards the Gathering. Ebonypaw, distaste and annoyance. Ivorypaw, excitement and joy. "Aren't you excited, Ebonypaw?" The white-furred sibling asked, to which Ebonypaw snorted. "Excited? For what? To see the cats we're basically at war with and have to pretend to like? Yes, Ivorypaw, i'm excited." He replied sarcastically, making Ivorypaw roll her eyes. "Can you be pleasant for one moment?" She playfully teased her brother, making him scoff. "Yeah, but I don't want too." He replied, a smile on his face. @The Little Robin

Socks July 19th, 2017 08:39 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 326422)

Surgestorm nodded to her words, following her gaze to the group of young cats. "I'm sure that's why Blazingstar only brought along a small number of our apprentices," He meowed. "One's that are calmer and have watchful mentors." The tom could see a few older warriors keeping their gazes on most of the apprentices, making sure that they stayed out of trouble. "Hopefully, I don't have to patch up stratches tonight." He laughed a little to himself. "I don't really want to stay up later than I have to for this gathering, to be honest." Almost as if it was on cue, his jaws parted in a huge yawn. He quickly shook his head though and refocused on keeping a watchful eye out for any trouble. "Do you have an apprentice to yourself yet?"

Sageheart found the timing of the medicine cat's yawn humorous, and it made her smile. At the other's question, she shook her head with a slightly longing look in her eyes. "No, not yet. I do hope I get one soon, it seems like it would be quite fun to pass on my knowledge." She thought of what it would be like, having a young cat look up to her and listen to her words and teachings. She then thought of all the ungrateful apprentices who'd be a pain to train. "Then again, maybe it would be better to be older before getting one." She laughed slightly.

Barnabas July 19th, 2017 09:17 PM

Re: July Gathering
Tallstep walked into the clearing with a smile. He usually didn't go to any gathering, only stay in camp, because he was a little too frighten to meet other cats from other clans. "My first gathering since I became a warrior. Wow it's been many moons." he meowed. Tallstep gave his chest fur a few licks before looking around for either a familiar face or someone new to talk to.

Charmer July 19th, 2017 09:43 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 326360)
Tigerdawn sat down beside her apprentice, Cherrypaw. "Remember, don't say anything stupid to the other apprentices. 'Kay?" She said. Tigerdawn licked her paw and gazed up at the leaders. ShadowClan, RiverClan and SkyClan are Late..." She muttered.

Skypaw flattened his ears nervously. He never liked gatherings, always too many cats. He glanged up at his leader, Blazingstar, then looked around. He spotted an apprentice next to a warrior. Her mentor I assume... He began padding over. I hope a don't make a fool out of myself! Skypaw stopped next to the cats. "H-Hello!" He mewed with a smile.

"Yes, Tigerdawn," the little shecat replied meekly, flinching slightly at her mentor's tone. The powerful warrior seemed stiff with tension as cats began to file around seastones. Her whiskers twitched as she noticed a young, Windclan tom, an apprentice from the looks of him, approach them and meow a greeting.
"Hi," Cherrypaw replied shyly, she fought her instinct to slink away. Just be polite, and careful what you say. "I'm Cherrypaw. What's your name?"

Dust July 19th, 2017 09:47 PM

Re: July Gathering

This was it. Her first gathering. The apprentice was another moon older, and although she hadn't been able to attend a gathering during her sixth moon, Badgerpaw was prepared to attend this one. She had no idea what to expect and as she followed behind her clanmates, the young apprentice began to feel herself shaking in his pelt with anticipation and a little bit of fear. There were already cats here, though not as many as she thought there would be. Maybe not everyone is here yet? To confirm her suspicions, Badgerpaw directed her gaze onto Snowstar, managing to capture a glimpse of a large ginger tom. Who is that?

Letting her gaze settle back onto the collection of cats, Badgerpaw awkwardly shuffled her way next to a smaller group of cats.

RedHead July 19th, 2017 09:58 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Duststorm (Post 326506)

This was it. Her first gathering. The apprentice was another moon older, and although she hadn't been able to attend a gathering during her sixth moon, Badgerpaw was prepared to attend this one. She had no idea what to expect and as she followed behind her clanmates, the young apprentice began to feel herself shaking in his pelt with anticipation and a little bit of fear. There were already cats here, though not as many as she thought there would be. Maybe not everyone is here yet? To confirm her suspicions, Badgerpaw directed her gaze onto Snowstar, managing to capture a glimpse of a large ginger tom. Who is that?

Letting her gaze settle back onto the collection of cats, Badgerpaw awkwardly shuffled her way next to a smaller group of cats.

Rainpaw had followed his leader closely as Windclan had headed towards the Seastones. The young tom was determined to make the best of his first gathering, he wanted it to be fun and exciting, but he knew he would have to be respectful as well. The young tom spotted a white feline with black splotches, and he cocked his head slightly. He was debating whether or not in approaching her. He could smell she was from Thunderclan, and the white-furred apprentice knew about the tensions between their two clans as of right now. He didn't know exactly why there were tensions, but honestly he didn't care about the why. Only about the what. And the "what" was that cats were angry at each other, and Rainpaw belived that to not be right. Maybe if I go and talk to her, and be nice, it might make a small difference? She looked alone, and Rainpaw knew that he hated to be alone. So of course he supposed age did to. Bounding over, the young tom broke into a wide grin as he addressed her. "Hi! My name is Rainpaw! What's yours?" His blue eyes sparkled kindly as he awaited her response.

Dust July 19th, 2017 10:30 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 326518)
Rainpaw had followed his leader closely as Windclan had headed towards the Seastones. The young tom was determined to make the best of his first gathering, he wanted it to be fun and exciting, but he knew he would have to be respectful as well. The young tom spotted a white feline with black splotches, and he cocked his head slightly. He was debating whether or not in approaching her. He could smell she was from Thunderclan, and the white-furred apprentice knew about the tensions between their two clans as of right now. He didn't know exactly why there were tensions, but honestly he didn't care about the why. Only about the what. And the "what" was that cats were angry at each other, and Rainpaw belived that to not be right. Maybe if I go and talk to her, and be nice, it might make a small difference? She looked alone, and Rainpaw knew that he hated to be alone. So of course he supposed age did to. Bounding over, the young tom broke into a wide grin as he addressed her. "Hi! My name is Rainpaw! What's yours?" His blue eyes sparkled kindly as he awaited her response.

She had been questioning whether to find a clan-mate or someone she recognized. It was a bit overwhelming to be surrounded by so many smells, and she hadn't been to the Windclan border yet, so she was confused as to which clan was surrounding her. She couldn't help but feel tension rising in the clearing, so perhaps it was Windclan? She knew that there had been some trouble between them, and while she was loyal to her clan, she didn't quite understand what was going on. Pulled from her thoughts, the apprentice glanced over as a peppy apprentice greeted her. This must be normal for gatherings.

"Badgerpaw." It was a short and assertive answer. Giving her paws an awkward shuffle, she hastily continued, "Sorry, I don't know what to do really at a gathering, this is my first one."

RedHead July 19th, 2017 10:45 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Duststorm (Post 326554)
She had been questioning whether to find a clan-mate or someone she recognized. It was a bit overwhelming to be surrounded by so many smells, and she hadn't been to the Windclan border yet, so she was confused as to which clan was surrounding her. She couldn't help but feel tension rising in the clearing, so perhaps it was Windclan? She knew that there had been some trouble between them, and while she was loyal to her clan, she didn't quite understand what was going on. Pulled from her thoughts, the apprentice glanced over as a peppy apprentice greeted her. This must be normal for gatherings.

"Badgerpaw." It was a short and assertive answer. Giving her paws an awkward shuffle, she hastily continued, "Sorry, I don't know what to do really at a gathering, this is my first one."

"Oh don't worry, I don't know what to do either. But I suppose it's just like talking with others in your own camp clearing. Except with cats from other clans as well." Rainpaw waved his tail excitedly in the air as he took in the Seastones. "Isn't this place absolutley amazing? And the sand!" Raibpaw dug his claws into the small grains underneath his paws. "It's like nothing I've ever felt before. But I like it!" Rainpaw was in complete wonderment of the Seastones. But, the apprentice really was amazed by anything, even the smallest of surprises.

ShiningFern July 19th, 2017 10:55 PM

Re: July Gathering
Ravenwind entered the clearing slowly, hanging behind most of her fellow Thunderclan warriors. She never really liked Gathering. Sure you got to meet other cats, but that meant talking in front of others. The jet black warrior saw Cherrypaw, one of her few friends on the other side of the Gathering site by her mentor. She wanted to go over but saw some other clan cats around them. The fifteen moon old warrior slid into a spot on where she would be behind everyone, where she could just watch and not embarrass herself. Especially in front of other warriors.

goddess of ducks July 19th, 2017 11:03 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by CandyFlossCat (Post 326452)
Caracalspirit glanced around the gathering area, eyes wide with awe as the young warrior grinned. It was her first gathering, after all. She took a deep breath, the WindClan warrior slightly tensing at the sight of ThunderClan. Relax she thought to herself, it's a gathering, the true is here for a reason. Still, Caracalspirit couldn't stoop a feeling of dread from gathering in the pit of her stomach as she sat in a nice spot, shaded and cool, and gazed at the moon just to make sure it wasn't covered with clouds. It was the one thing keeping the two feuding Clans at peace, after all.

Tealeaf followed Blazingstar, taking a look around with amazement. The warrior seated herself by Caracalspirit, who turned to her. "You don't think the leaders will fight, do you?" She asked, Tealeaf shook her head. "They wouldn't dare be mouse-brained enough to break the truce!" She replied, cuffing her friend playfully over the ear. "Right.." Caracalspirit replied, a smile appearing on her face. "They're smarter than that." She reassured herself, glancing at the two leaders.

The Bengal warrior padded in behind his leader. He noticed Windclan, already picking spots in the clearing. Sighing, he knew that this was the worst possible thing to happen for the two Clans, but hey, it was the gathering. They were supposed to be under a truce, they were supposed to like each other for this one evening. So, despite Windclan's reluctance on talking to Thinderclan, Storkflight made a move. The fighting wouldn't last forever. Nothing lasted forever. Things would settle in time, but why hate them constantly through the process? Storkflight applied his kind, and most welcoming smile. He approached two warriors, sitting by themself, both smelling of moors. He stuck his tail up, waving high with confidence. His crystal blue eyes sparkled brightly under the moonlight that shone down on the rock strewn beach. With the soft sound of crashing waves in the distance, the night was perfect. Perfect weather, hardly a cloud in the sky. He waved his tail in a sort of greeting to the two warriors, then his black and white striped tail hung low, as to not appear prideful or boastful. "Hello there." He meowed, trying to sound polite and kind. "I don't believe I have met you two yet. My name is Storkflight." His voice was confident, though he was putting himself out there.

That was one thing the warrior knew how to do. He knew how to take lead like that. He didn't care if someone struck him down, because if they did then it was normally for good reason. But someone had to try and be kind. If not, then what was the purpose of the gathering? Gatherings were held to share news between the Clans, not to boast, or hide secrets. So, with the Clans at war, and no one else around, Storkflight figured he could actually make the time worthwhile.

Charmer July 19th, 2017 11:04 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Fern (Post 326565)
Ravenwind entered the clearing slowly, hanging behind most of her fellow Thunderclan warriors. She never really liked Gathering. Sure you got to meet other cats, but that meant talking in front of others. The jet black warrior saw Cherrypaw, one of her few friends on the other side of the Gathering site by her mentor. She wanted to go over but saw some other clan cats around them. The fifteen moon old warrior slid into a spot on where she would be behind everyone, where she could just watch and not embarrass herself. Especially in front of other warriors.

Cherrypaw noticed Ravenwind among the cats and raised her tail in greeting, but the warrior seemed to rethink joining her when she took in the size of the thickening crowd in which the apprentice had found herself. Ravenwind went to sit down in a near the rear. I suppose I can always see her later. We're clanmates afterall she thought to herself, still a little disappointed not to sharing her first gathering with her friend.

The Cannibal July 19th, 2017 11:16 PM

Re: July Gathering
As calm and relaxed as ever, Grousestar lead Skyclan into the clearing a minute or two after Snowstar had made her entrance with Thunderclan. With a flick of his tail, the brown tom would allow his warriors, apprentices and elders to disperse among the others, trusting that they would behave themselves as they always do while he himself looked towards the stones where the other leaders met.
Pausing to stretch for a moment, he would promptly begin his approach to the stones, occasionally nodding to a cat as he passed them in order to get to where he needed.
As much as he'd love to stay down here and converse with anyone and everyone he could, he knew he couldn't and that as a clan leader, he must sit with the others. But for that reason, he wanted his clan to enjoy themselves here with the other clans. This was Skyclan's third gathering since they had arrived and he believes, just like himself, that his cats were getting fairly used to the smell of the other clans and relatively used to the format of the gatherings in general. Skyclan was finally, truly settling in and Grousestar couldn't be happier.

fresh July 19th, 2017 11:19 PM

Re: July Gathering
Flickerheart, being the snappy cat she was, could normally be found in a corner glaring at the other Clans, fiercely loyal to her own and staying among only them. So it was quite a rare sight to see her mingling about with the other Clan cats, talking and even making a friend or two. Yet that was exactly what the she-cat was doing. She was in a surprisingly good mood today, though you could say she woke up on the right side of the nest (It would be a good idiom, except that would mean she wakes up on the wrong side every other day). Flickerheart sat towards the front of the Gathering, putting in effort to keep a friendly face on.

[Open Post]

Tundra July 19th, 2017 11:22 PM

Re: July Gathering
Skypaw blinked. "Cherrypaw..." He repeated. "That's a nice name. Im Skypaw." He mewed shyly. He was afraid he might embarrass himself. "Who's that?" He asked,
pointing with his tail to the brown warrior.

Jingle July 19th, 2017 11:24 PM

Re: July Gathering
Halestar padded into the gathering, leading her clan behind her. The leader of ShadowClan wasn't quite sure how everything would pan out this gathering- and hoped to StarClan that everything would go smoothly between the clans this time.

What she also hoped is that she could strengthen the bond with SkyClan, the newest of the forest clans. She nodded in greeting to the other leaders before sitting at her place, looking down at the gathering group of cats.

goddess of ducks July 19th, 2017 11:26 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Stormfeather {Foxxi} (Post 326586)
Flickerheart, being the snappy cat she was, could normally be found in a corner glaring at the other Clans, fiercely loyal to her own and staying among only them. So it was quite a rare sight to see her mingling about with the other Clan cats, talking and even making a friend or two. Yet that was exactly what the she-cat was doing. She was in a surprisingly good mood today, though you could say she woke up on the right side of the nest (It would be a good idiom, except that would mean she wakes up on the wrong side every other day). Flickerheart sat towards the front of the Gathering, putting in effort to keep a friendly face on.

[Open Post]

The Abyssinian limped in slowly behind Grousestar. The dusty colored tom scanned the beach with his pale green hues. He released a sigh. Why had he even come? He should have stayed at camp with Redkit, Sagekit, and Strikerkit. Then especially with Scorchedpetal and Beachkit in the nursery? What an idiot he was. His family seemed to be falling apart, yet here he was at the gathering. But it's what Scorchedoetal would have wanted. She would want him to come, to have a good time, to forget about his worries and doubts and just have some fun. But how could he knowing three of his kits were sleeping in the nursery alone, while their mother and brother slept in the medicine den? Stumbling over towards the front, Cliffheart spotted a clan cat, not entirely sure of her Ckan. He hadn't grown accustomed to their scents yet, and couldn't remember which scent belonged to which clan. He said nothing, instead just sat down semi close to the feline. His mind was elsewhere, how was he supposed to focus on what was right in front of him?

bright ! July 19th, 2017 11:30 PM

Re: July Gathering

A pair of tiny paws led a pair of hind tiny paws into the crowd of cats of all clans mixed in there, though most in their own organized sections. The owner of the tiny paws, Tinypaw. Now, this apprentice wasn't the best cat to bring to this gathering, especially with all this tension between his clan and another, Thunderclan. He had.. "anger issues" if you'd like to call it that. He most likely wouldn't hesitate to bite back and rise up if he found something unfair, offending, etc. Most of the apprentices here were calm, mature. Chosen specifically by the leaders to not be immature and start something, like an unnecessary fight. To not be a bad representation of the clan. Not to mention their mentors and other warriors keeping watch. Either Blazingstar didn't know him too well, or he didn't know what he was doing. His mentor wasn't here to watch him, either. But there sure were other warriors that would stop him if they noticed anything coming from him. He found himself a comfortable spot and sat on his haunches, tail curling neatly around him and over his paws. His hazel, slitted gaze lifted to the large rocks where only Snowstar and Blazingstar sat. Awkward. He didn't know what to expect tonight. All he knew, was that he was tired. A tired Tiny is a grumpy Tiny. At least, more grumpy than usual. You probably know what that means by now. He didn't attend the last gathering, so didn't get to see what went down. But he heard from word going around the clan. He watched the Skyclan leader join, sitting beside the Windclan leader. He assumed the first two were relieved the tension had been broken by the tom's friendly presence.

He went back to looking around the crowd, the chattering of cats around him all he could hear. The tip of his tail twitched, noticing most of the cats were talking about the same thing. He wondered, what would happen tonight? Would he say anything? Would he go back to camp the same? He wasn't patient with things like this, and he certainly wouldn't put up with any cats who thought they could get away with doing something they know would tick him off.

fresh July 19th, 2017 11:37 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 326589)
The Abyssinian limped in slowly behind Grousestar. The dusty colored tom scanned the beach with his pale green hues. He released a sigh. Why had he even come? He should have stayed at camp with Redkit, Sagekit, and Strikerkit. Then especially with Scorchedpetal and Beachkit in the nursery? What an idiot he was. His family seemed to be falling apart, yet here he was at the gathering. But it's what Scorchedoetal would have wanted. She would want him to come, to have a good time, to forget about his worries and doubts and just have some fun. But how could he knowing three of his kits were sleeping in the nursery alone, while their mother and brother slept in the medicine den? Stumbling over towards the front, Cliffheart spotted a clan cat, not entirely sure of her Ckan. He hadn't grown accustomed to their scents yet, and couldn't remember which scent belonged to which clan. He said nothing, instead just sat down semi close to the feline. His mind was elsewhere, how was he supposed to focus on what was right in front of him?

Flickerheart glanced over at the tom as he walked slowly over to where the shorthair was sitting. His mind seemed elsewhere.. Did he even know where he was going? Mouse-brain! But the cat had waves of worry and regret coming off of him- he least the she-cat could do was ask what was wrong.
Flickerheart cleared her throat and said, "Hey. I'm Flickerheart." It was a really dumb conversation starter, but she hoped it was enough to get the SkyClan tom's head out of the clouds and- hopefully, but not likely- make a new friend, or, acquaintance.

fresh July 19th, 2017 11:47 PM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Bright (Post 326592)

A pair of tiny paws led a pair of hind tiny paws into the crowd of cats of all clans mixed in there, though most in their own organized sections. The owner of the tiny paws, Tinypaw. Now, this apprentice wasn't the best cat to bring to this gathering, especially with all this tension between his clan and another, Thunderclan. He had.. "anger issues" if you'd like to call it that. He most likely wouldn't hesitate to bite back and rise up if he found something unfair, offending, etc. Most of the apprentices here were calm, mature. Chosen specifically by the leaders to not be immature and start something, like an unnecessary fight. To not be a bad representation of the clan. Not to mention their mentors and other warriors keeping watch. Either Blazingstar didn't know him too well, or he didn't know what he was doing. His mentor wasn't here to watch him, either. But there sure were other warriors that would stop him if they noticed anything coming from him. He found himself a comfortable spot and sat on his haunches, tail curling neatly around him and over his paws. His hazel, slitted gaze lifted to the large rocks where only Snowstar and Blazingstar sat. Awkward. He didn't know what to expect tonight. All he knew, was that he was tired. A tired Tiny is a grumpy Tiny. At least, more grumpy than usual. You probably know what that means by now. He didn't attend the last gathering, so didn't get to see what went down. But he heard from word going around the clan. He watched the Skyclan leader join, sitting beside the Windclan leader. He assumed the first two were relieved the tension had been broken by the tom's friendly presence.

He went back to looking around the crowd, the chattering of cats around him all he could hear. The tip of his tail twitched, noticing most of the cats were talking about the same thing. He wondered, what would happen tonight? Would he say anything? Would he go back to camp the same? He wasn't patient with things like this, and he certainly wouldn't put up with any cats who thought they could get away with doing something they know would tick him off.

Grasspaw walked slowly, ever so slowly, onto the beach where the Gathering was held. Her head was low and her eyes were down at her paws, slightly embarrassed to be chosen by Grousestar to go to the Gathering. A slight tingle in her paws made her realize how excited she was to be attending. I can't wait to meet all the other apprentices! Grass started to dash down onto the beach before remembering that she was supposed to be setting the example for SkyClan. She walked shyly down to one apprentice who looked like he was ready to bite everyones head off; then she realized how bad of an idea this was and hesitated slightly. Her mind urged her paws onwards until she reached the WindClan tom. "Isn't it exciting? To be chosen for the Gathering, I mean. What do you think will happen? Will a battle break out?" Grasspaw realized she was bombarding him with questions and shut her jaws, embarrassed.

Brilliance July 19th, 2017 11:57 PM

Re: July Gathering
Springwind padded into the gathering, looking around with a friendly face at every cat. The tom enjoyed going to gatherings. A time where the clans can be in peace. He knew that all the clans had finally come, as he was just sitting there, his tail wrapped around him, and he sought out others to talk to. Springwind loved to have conversations with others. He carried a laid back attitude, was approachable, and seemed friendly enough. The tom tilted his head for a moment, analyzing the scene in front of him. His apprentice was nearby. He knew Hunterpaw wouldn't miss this chance. However, he didn't know if Breezepaw--or, any other of Hunterpaw's siblings were there. Alunapaw was there, finding a soft group to throw herself in at a chance at making new friends.

Springwind was content, allowing the soft wind to ruffle his sleek pelt. He got up to enter into a nice long stretch, before he turned to look at his apprentice. Hunterpaw was growing up well, and Springwind knew he would be an awesome warrior when the time came. Springwind was proud. But, he had his limits. Springwind knew he was playing ''strict mentor'' too long, and he was quite ready to pursue a fun doing. Causing pranks, mischief, or doing anything fun to make a gleam appear in his eyes. Hunterpaw had been working hard, he had deserved a break, and Springwind wondered how he would repay the black and white tom. ''Ah, the gathering...it's always a great time to be where no riots will be caused. Right, Hunterpaw?'' The tom gently flicked his tail upon Hunterpaw's shoulder.
@Random Winchester

bright ! July 20th, 2017 12:06 AM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Stormfeather {Foxxi} (Post 326604)
Grasspaw walked slowly, ever so slowly, onto the beach where the Gathering was held. Her head was low and her eyes were down at her paws, slightly embarrassed to be chosen by Grousestar to go to the Gathering. A slight tingle in her paws made her realize how excited she was to be attending. I can't wait to meet all the other apprentices! Grass started to dash down onto the beach before remembering that she was supposed to be setting the example for SkyClan. She walked shyly down to one apprentice who looked like he was ready to bite everyones head off; then she realized how bad of an idea this was and hesitated slightly. Her mind urged her paws onwards until she reached the WindClan tom. "Isn't it exciting? To be chosen for the Gathering, I mean. What do you think will happen? Will a battle break out?" Grasspaw realized she was bombarding him with questions and shut her jaws, embarrassed.

Tinypaw's ear twitched at the sound of apprentice-sized paws making their way towards him, and craned his neck to the side to see a she-cat coming up to him only to start off a conversation by coughing up questions like a hairball thats been waiting to be let out. He gave her a sniff. Skyclan. She was given a not-so-amused look though, a brow raised. Since most of what she said was too much for him to just take in, he only heard the last two questions clearly. "I don't know, but there probably will be a battle if anyone's mouse-brained enough to start up any more tension with Windclan and say something they know they'll regret." He hissed, sand-colored fur bristling just a little, though you could tell it was a not-so-direct threat towards Thunderclan, even if they couldn't hear it. But he was shooting a glare towards the direction of their clan. It may be too soon for it, but he was always ready for a fight. He licked the fur on his back to keep it looking flat, just to hide it from any nearby warriors that could be watching. He knew Thudnerclan and Skyclan were more at peace than they were with Windclan, but that didn't give him any more of a reason to not speak his mind.

Random Melody July 20th, 2017 12:17 AM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 326610)
Springwind padded into the gathering, looking around with a friendly face at every cat. The tom enjoyed going to gatherings. A time where the clans can be in peace. He knew that all the clans had finally come, as he was just sitting there, his tail wrapped around him, and he sought out others to talk to. Springwind loved to have conversations with others. He carried a laid back attitude, was approachable, and seemed friendly enough. The tom tilted his head for a moment, analyzing the scene in front of him. His apprentice was nearby. He knew Hunterpaw wouldn't miss this chance. However, he didn't know if Breezepaw--or, any other of Hunterpaw's siblings were there. Alunapaw was there, finding a soft group to throw herself in at a chance at making new friends.

Springwind was content, allowing the soft wind to ruffle his sleek pelt. He got up to enter into a nice long stretch, before he turned to look at his apprentice. Hunterpaw was growing up well, and Springwind knew he would be an awesome warrior when the time came. Springwind was proud. But, he had his limits. Springwind knew he was playing ''strict mentor'' too long, and he was quite ready to pursue a fun doing. Causing pranks, mischief, or doing anything fun to make a gleam appear in his eyes. Hunterpaw had been working hard, he had deserved a break, and Springwind wondered how he would repay the black and white tom. ''Ah, the gathering...it's always a great time to be where no riots will be caused. Right, Hunterpaw?'' The tom gently flicked his tail upon Hunterpaw's shoulder.
@Random Winchester

Hunterpaw was looking around the gathering with curious brown eyes, head tipped. The scent of the Clans all mingled. ThunderClan stood out to him the most, somewhat familiar, bringing back memories. Then there was ShadowClan. That Clan brought memories back, too, but not the good kind. Hunterpaw blinked, lost in thought, and jumped when he felt a tail on his shoulder, quickly looking up.

"Uh, yeah!" The Tom mewed quickly, returning his gaze to scan the clearing. "Gatherings are always fun." He said, almost vaguely. He was glad Ratheart had decided not to come, and couldnt help but wonder when his father would take off again. So far, he seemed content where he was. Hunter didnt know whether to be worried or not, but he shook it off and turned his attention back to the other Clans, keeping close to his mentor. His eyes flickered lightly across each pelt. Orange, black, white, gray, mixed colors. Different colored eyes too.

Hunterpaw felt his fur prickle suddenly, like he was being watched, and frowned, continuing his search around until his eyes rested on a group of cats near the edge of the Seastones, watching the leaders. All except one. One cat stood out, bright blue eyes piercing into Hunterpaw's brown ones, light gray pelt nearly hidden by shadows. It was unmistakable, but Hunterpaw had to blink a few times to ensure his eyes werent playing tricks on him, suddenly speechless, but he didnt move, just met the cat's eyes in silence. No way.

fresh July 20th, 2017 12:20 AM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by Bright (Post 326617)
Tinypaw's ear twitched at the sound of apprentice-sized paws making their way towards him, and craned his neck to the side to see a she-cat coming up to him only to start off a conversation by coughing up questions like a hairball thats been waiting to be let out. He gave her a sniff. Skyclan. She was given a not-so-amused look though, a brow raised. Since most of what she said was too much for him to just take in, he only heard the last two questions clearly. "I don't know, but there probably will be a battle if anyone's mouse-brained enough to start up any more tension with Windclan and say something they know they'll regret." He hissed, sand-colored fur bristling just a little, though you could tell it was a not-so-direct threat towards Thunderclan, even if they couldn't hear it. But he was shooting a glare towards the direction of their clan. It may be too soon for it, but he was always ready for a fight. He licked the fur on his back to keep it looking flat, just to hide it from any nearby warriors that could be watching. He knew Thudnerclan and Skyclan were more at peace than they were with Windclan, but that didn't give him any more of a reason to not speak his mind.

Grasspaw blinked, a little annoyed by this cat's attitude. StarClan, does he have any friends? "Yeah, I suppose you're right," the she-cat murmured in reply. "Keep your fur down.." Why in StarClan would this irritable cat act lime he was at war with the world? As far as she knew, nothing was really wrong with his life. Not that she knew anything about him.. But news traveled quickly around the Clans, especially at a Gathering.

Clans. Maybe I should've stuck with my own.

But no. Her mother said that Grass needed to start socializing with not just cats from her Clan, but from the other Clans, too. She normally stuck to herself and shared little words with her Clanmates, but that ended today. Grasspaw had never shared tongues with a cat from another Clan!

Dust July 20th, 2017 12:34 AM

Re: July Gathering

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 326558)
"Oh don't worry, I don't know what to do either. But I suppose it's just like talking with others in your own camp clearing. Except with cats from other clans as well." Rainpaw waved his tail excitedly in the air as he took in the Seastones. "Isn't this place absolutley amazing? And the sand!" Raibpaw dug his claws into the small grains underneath his paws. "It's like nothing I've ever felt before. But I like it!" Rainpaw was in complete wonderment of the Seastones. But, the apprentice really was amazed by anything, even the smallest of surprises.

Badgerpaw couldn't help but laugh slightly at the other apprentices enthusiasm. It wasn't often that she met a peppy cat like this, especially with all the stress floating around the clan, but it was refreshing. Letting her own claws dig into the sand, the apprentice finally let her gaze wander around the seastones. It really was magnificent, why were they only allowed here during gatherings? Quietly murmuring in agreement, Badgerpaw glanced back at Rainpaw. "What clan are you from by the way?"

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