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BEAR. September 28th, 2020 02:44 PM

Moonlit Grove
Moonlit Grove is a small circular clearing located
in the cliffs by the Mourning Ruins, surrounded by a forest
so dense it's nearly impossible to see.
At night, the moon shines its light into the clearing,
making all the plants gleam.

Now a place to lay to rest ShadowClan's honored dead,
hunting here is frowned upon without the permission of the Clan leader,
as it can be seen as being disrespectful to those who are buried here.
Herbs often grow abundant over the graves of the deceased,
as they flourish in the nutritious ground.

Undertaker September 29th, 2020 11:05 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove

Dawnstripe's muscles ached and her paw pads were ripped a slightly bloody. It wasn't freezing yet, but leaf-fall was making its presence's known. The ground was still soft enough for digging, but the deeper she dug the more small rocks she found and cuts she gained on her pads. After it was deep enough, she laid Icestar's body to rest and begun burying it.

It was a job that Elders were tasked with, but felt the task to honorable for someone like Owlfeather to handle. She didn't care what blood ties the elder cat thought she had, Dawnstripe wouldn't allow it. Once the body was buried, Dawnstripe let her legs collapse underneath her as she laid down, resting her crossed forepaws on the fresh dirt heap and her chin atop her forepaw.

"How could this had happened?" She muttered to the forest.

"When you finally come to your sense and make me your rightful deputy, damn Hailstorm had to ruin it. We don't understand why you needed to go." Her tail brushed crossed the grass, flattening it with its angry lashes.

"How did I not see it coming?”

She asked herself the same question repeatedly, seeking for the logical part of the answer that she must have missed the first time. The cruel cycle of recalling every recollection and replaying it back begins.

Over time the crisp memories would blur, and the question would remain: “Why?”

It was a question she knew she'd never get the answer to, so she wasn't going to try and find it. This grief surged with every expelled breath, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by her long intakes of the damp spring air. Tears began to spill from her helpless eyes onto the newly growing grass. The emptiness in her heart, the numbness pounding her brain, the sheer nothingness that now took hold of her soul threatened to engulf her. Dawnstripe knew then and there that she was truly alone in this world. Mother had been all she had, and now there was no one.

"Why'd you have to go, mother, we don't want to be alone. They all hate me and want me dead, I don't know what we did wrong, but I don't want to die. It's scary all alone." The she-cat weeps all her worries and insecurities to the dead and the trees until her eyes stung and her nose burned from her paw rubbing at it.

'Don't be blue, we're with you. We'll take a vow, and stay for as long as we allow. Survive we must, to give mother's memories just.'

'If we kiww dem we don't have to wowwy about dead. We won't be sad. We won't be scawed. Piwe up de bodies! piwe! piwe! piwe!'

Dawnstripe growled to herself as she slowly stood up and shook out her pelt. Survive, alright, she could do that. She didn't need anyone but herself to do that. Mother wanted ShadowClan to be strong, considering they got their asses handed to them by WindClan, ShadowClan was far from that. Dawnstripe would have to make the strong again, she'd focus on doing that. Madness needed to be appeased too, the traitors, the rebels, the rats. Madness can play with them. Everyone was happy, everyone. Dawnstripe slowly padded out of the grove, a tear trickling down her face and a manic grin stretched ear to ear. This would be fun.

Madelaine September 30th, 2020 12:38 AM

Re: Moonlit Grove
[ @Willowfern; ]

Ebonyfang lead the apprentice Pumpkinpaw to Moonlit grove. Hee remembered Dawnstripes words when she said not to go near Icestar's grave.Why on earth would he want to anyway? He could care less about visiting her. The only cat he would like to visit would be his mother whereever she may be. "We're looking for cobwebs and some marigold flowers. Oh and possibly some honeycomb, but only if we find some." , he meowed. The medicine cat apprentice lead the apprentice away from the burial place. It looked more promising away from it anyway.

Willowfern September 30th, 2020 07:01 AM

Re: Moonlit Grove

Originally Posted by Handsome Lion (Post 816112)
[ @Willowfern; ]

Ebonyfang lead the apprentice Pumpkinpaw to Moonlit grove. Hee remembered Dawnstripes words when she said not to go near Icestar's grave.Why on earth would he want to anyway? He could care less about visiting her. The only cat he would like to visit would be his mother whereever she may be. "We're looking for cobwebs and some marigold flowers. Oh and possibly some honeycomb, but only if we find some." , he meowed. The medicine cat apprentice lead the apprentice away from the burial place. It looked more promising away from it anyway.

Pumpkinpaw nodded, suddenly, a kit-like curiosity took over him (he was 6 moons old after all) as he asked,
“So, what do we use Marigold and Honeycomb for anyway? I know what cobwebs are for since I see cats with them on wounds sometimes to stop blood, but never honeycomb and mari-marigold.”

Madelaine September 30th, 2020 10:52 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove

Originally Posted by Willowfern (Post 816131)
Pumpkinpaw nodded, suddenly, a kit-like curiosity took over him (he was 6 moons old after all) as he asked,
“So, what do we use Marigold and Honeycomb for anyway? I know what cobwebs are for since I see cats with them on wounds sometimes to stop blood, but never honeycomb and mari-marigold.”

Ebonyfang listened to all of her questions. He guessed he could give some exclusive lessons on the two herbs. He usually did lessons when looking for herbs with other cats. "Marigold is used to treat infection and honeycomb soothes sore throats." , he meowed. The medicine cat apprentice remembered the lesson. He had an excellent memory. " Marigold is a orange and yellow flower and usually bees leave honey. ", Ebonyfang added.

nocturnal October 5th, 2020 06:24 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
// @Lynxpaw

The trek to the grove was swift, quiet, and quite uneventful. It was strange to be near an apprentice who was capable of keeping their mouths shut, Talonstone noted. Then again, he had also rarely spoken during his apprentice days, so perhaps he wasn't in the position to judge. The large tom believed that he had matured a good amount in the last moon, now that he was looking back.

As the trees thickened before giving way to a hidden clearing, Talonstone flicked an ear and quickly scanned his surroundings. The grass grew curiously high in this area, and the pines blocked out a good part of the daylight. As Ebonyfang had claimed, herbs were overly abundant. Marigolds grew in clusters and small, red-petaled plants were lying sparingly beneath the shade. They were poppies, and the seeds were inside there.

Sensing Russetpaw's presence near him, Talonstone commanded, "Go gather the marigolds. Use your claws to slices at the stems, and do not carry them in your maw - search for a wide-based leaf to place them on if necessary."

He wanted to avoid sending the apprentice near the poppies. The seeds of the plant could prove to be fatal if too many were ingested, especially for kittens, and while Russetpaw wasn't that young, Talonstone was surely older than the red-furred molly.

Confuzzled.Lynx October 5th, 2020 06:43 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove

[ @bmkmb ]


Dark ginger trailed behind the red figure. She stopped to listen, nodded and headed off. She preferred not to talk to strangers. No cat was trust-worthy in her eyes. She had taught herself that no one could be trusted. That there was no such thing as being safe and it was just some stupid fantasy. But being in a clan, brought that fantasy to life. There were cats to protect her and others she needed to protect. It was all so weird. Russetpaw went off to find a big leaf first and returned back to the grove by a patch of marigold. She started to put herself to work, slicing the stems with her claws and putting them onto her big leaf.

nocturnal October 5th, 2020 10:09 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
// @Lynxpaw

Then, there was silence. It was a bit concerning, to be honest. Even the quietest apprentices usually showed some bit of emotion. Russetpaw just did as she was told without giving anything away. (Like him. In the past.) The similarities made the frosty tom's pelt prickle. Was this the stars' way of punishing him for no reason? How come no cats had ever approached him back then? Surely, they would be curious. But unlike Russetpaw's emotionless expression, as an apprentice, Talonstone had the aura of a frigid blast of wind, making cats think twice before stepping a paw near him. Alright. So he had been even less approachable back then. The tom stalked over beneath a tree where poppies grew, prodded at a large, dry leaf that was on the ground, then unsheathed his claws and scraped at the inner bulb of the bright red flower. Little black seeds stuck like burrs to his claws, and he deposited them the best he could onto the leaf.

Confuzzled.Lynx October 5th, 2020 10:23 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
[ @bmkmb ]


After the molly had finished clawing away at the now flowerless patch where the too joyful yellow used to be, she stood up and moved to another bunch. The sight of the happy yellow color made Russetpaw flinch. She let herself inhale and continued to slice at the plants, depositing them into her big leaf. The apprentice worked in silence, not wanting to talk unless the warrior started up a conversation first. The fox-like cat wasn't in the mood to quickly give in and trust her older companion and strike up some small talk. It was rare for her to be the one to talk first. She just had to get through this, but something had been bugging her since she first joined the clan. Now was probably the best time to ask. A few moments passed as black paws kept slicing the herbs. The she-cat's mouth opened, quiet for an instant. "What is StarClan? Sorry for asking, but a former rouge like me wouldn't know" she questioned, adding an apology. Done. If the tom answered, then that was one less thought irritating her.

nocturnal October 6th, 2020 07:07 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
// @Lynxpaw

He was almost done. The small yellow things that gathered in the center of the flower simply refused to leave his claws, however, and parts of crushed seeds stuck determinedly to them. About half the bounty had been destroyed in the process, yet Talonstone wasn't concerned about that in the slightest. Their supply of poppy seeds would be restored enough to last a moon with what he had already gathered. Perhaps that was an exaggeration, though. He was a warrior, not a medicine cat, and his herbal knowledge wasn't all that reliable.

His ears swiveled around in the direction of her voice as Russetpaw began speaking, and he paused his gathering to allow all his attention onto the young molly. What were the stars? Russetpaw was asking the wrong cat. Talonstone had a rocky relationship with the cats up high, but he would do his best to present unbiased information. Just like he had done for Lionpaw all those moons ago... He had forgotten about that. If he had done it before, then this shouldn't be too difficult.

"Do not apologize," the frosty warrior meowed, his tail sweeping slightly. "Questions are good - and healthy." Now, to answer her inquiry. "StarClan is where clan cats go after they die, assuming that they were not villainous during their lifetime. Medicine cats have a special connection with the stars and are able to communicate with them easily. Cats who are in StarClan are capable of visiting mortals through dreams. The opposite of StarClan is the Dark Forest, where the cruel clan cats stay after death. It takes an extreme fault to be banished to the Dark Forest; murder and abuse will land a feline there. At times, a Dark Forest cat will enter a mortal's dreams and attempt to lure them into performing bad deeds through lies and manipulation. Never believe the words of the deceased unless they have stars in their semi-corporeal pelt, which is the mark of StarClan."

Talonstone would have furrowed his brows had he not had his amount of self-control. That was possibly the longest that he had spoken for in moons. The warrior stayed silent, yet he flicked his tail at Russetpaw, inviting the molly to ask any more questions that she might have.

Confuzzled.Lynx October 6th, 2020 07:54 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
[ @bmkmb ]


The molly stayed silent, listening to Talonstone's speech. It didn't seem real. Stars in their pelt? Visiting living cats through dreams. And the Dark Forest ... that caught Russetpaw's attention. Horrible cats go there. Murderers, abusive cats, liars ... No. That would not be the she-cats goal. The tom flicked his tail, an invite for her to ask more questions. Why did cats want her to talk? Paws shuffled, anxious and scared. Fear was now taking over the cold and unforgiving look in her eyes.

"Can I trust the Clan? I have spent my whole life fighting and stealing to survive. Spending life alone and teaching myself to not trust others. And, can I trust you?" Russetpaw started. She had a few more questions that were irritating her, but she would start out with trust.

nocturnal October 6th, 2020 10:24 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
// @Lynxpaw

The warrior knew the signs of fear. He had been all too familiar with them in the past, and what he had mentioned about the Dark Forest came from personal experience. Talonstone was also aware that it was difficult to believe, the religion of the clans. If he had not seen it for himself, he might not have believed it to be true, either. The blankness that covered Russetpaw was a mask, just as it tended to be. They were strangely similar, and the tomcat was grateful that he was able to help. He understood how apprentices thought and felt. If only he had opened up so easily in the past, all his troubles might have been solved much more quickly.

"That is a difficult question," Talonstone admitted, "and the answer may vary. Clans as a whole are tight-knit groups. Members are loyal; they help and serve each other. Inside a clan, however, there will always be politics involved. Some cats are against Dawnstripe, the current leader of ShadowClan, because she is the former leader's daughter. Dawnstripe is ambitious and does not value the weak - some felines do not respect that. They might plot against Dawnstripe, but not against the clan itself. It is not the leader that makes up the clan, but the individual cats inside of it. Individual cats can become corrupt. I cannot make decisions for you; follow your instincts and continue to suspect others. It is a useful trait."

He paused there, partially to catch his breath and partially to allow the words to sink in. The warrior had been as honest as possible; frankly, ShadowClan was not the most stable clan at the moment. Once he was ready, he continued wryly:

"I would prefer to think that I am trustworthy; however, that ultimately is your decision to make. I have an acquaintance... Lionpaw. He is also a former loner and now resides in ThunderClan. Should you doubt my words, I am confident that he would vouch for me."

He sensed that the questioning wouldn't be over just yet, so he shifted his weight to make it more comfortable for himself. The large tom didn't sit down - he preferred to stand, even if it was more tiring.

Confuzzled.Lynx October 8th, 2020 04:38 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
[ @bmkmb ]


The molly paused to listen, thinking. "Well, you seem trustworthy but it's hard to tell when I have never been able to trust anyone in my life. The Clan ... It's all so scary really but I somehow manage to keep an irritated look on my face instead of fear" Russetpaw started. "Safety ... is that actually real? It's so weird ... I'm not used to being looked after by the clan and helping t look after other cats ..." the apprentice questioned, quite a few pauses this time. She looked down at her big leaf nearly full of marigold. After a few more questions, they would be done.

nocturnal October 8th, 2020 06:52 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
// @Lynxpaw

Those were all valid points. The frosty warrior understood about trust. Despite having been born and raised a clan cat, he did not put his trust into anyone easily. In fact, there was not a single cat alive that he trusted fully and unadulteratedly. Sure, he trusted cats with his life, trusted that they could help and defend him, but that was not complete trust. One could trust an enemy to not murder them in cold blood, but that did not mean that they trusted said enemy with secrets. Talonstone had many secrets. Enough that even he buried them at times.

Unlike Russetpaw, the warrior did not fear. He could feel wary or concerned, but not fear. He had not feared anything since his first day as an apprentice because if he had managed to survive that, then the rest of his life was a nothing but a joke. The mask, though, that still stayed. Away with fear, away with emotion unless used to gain leverage over another. It hadn't been intentional, to loose expression, but it worked out just as well in the long run.

"The clan is not invincible," Talonstone shared. "However, you need not worry about rogues, shelter, or food. Those are provided, as is healing and medical attention should you need it. Training; there are cats who enjoy teaching and would be more than willing to help you learn. Stability; clans rarely switch camps. Once they are settled, it is their home."

Safety was a strange thing. Even then, cats would get hurt. Quite often, actually. Sickness spread with less resistance in populated clans, although having cats to fight alongside one, and the ability to make friends easily was a bonus. Sickness was rare, anyway, even during leafbare.

"There will be cats who are rude and uncaring; those who will take lives for granted and strive to harm others. Speak, and they will be exiled." Although, perhaps not with Dawnstripe around. Survival of the fittest was the aura that the pending leader radiated. Talonstone wasn't saying that such a view was bad - it was simply a bit different. But different could be a good thing, at times.

"The perks of being in a clan rise above if you value safety, stability, education, and companionship. If you value freedom and originality to the point that you will freak if unable to run every day, then perhaps being rooted to a clan is not for you." Talonstone knew very few cats who were like that, however. It wasn't something common at all. "Associate yourself with honorable warriors, and the benefits with greatly outnumbered any negatives that might come with being in a clan."

Confuzzled.Lynx October 9th, 2020 04:29 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
[ @bmkmb ]


She listened quietly, occasionally nodding in agreement. "Clans cannot be invincible. If all three were to attack one together, then that one clan would perish, except for a few escapees of course ... Horrible cats that manipulate others aren't very rare so I would know of that" Russetpaw started.

"Dawnstar ... I'm not sure what to make of her yet. I can't tell if she's a horrible leader or not. Freedom ... no. Stability and education is what I value but companionship and safety ..." The fox-like apprentice paused at this, thinking. While she was thinking, her expression changed back to a cold and untrusting look. Dawnstar's method of running a clan was ... different to Icestar's way.

"I have never once in my life had a friend or someone close to me ... and I honestly don't know what a friend is. Safety ... I have never been or felt safe before I joined the clan and I'm not sure if I will ever feel safe" she finished. Safety ... wasn't is just some made-up, dumb fantasy? Who knew. Well, Maybe Talonstone might but she couldn't count on it. The molly fell silent, letting the tom comment on her replies.

nocturnal October 12th, 2020 10:25 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
// @Lynxpaw

It was disappointing to hear the apprentice state that corrupt cats weren't rare, but it was the truth. Felines were easily manipulated. Give them what they want, and for the most part, they would follow a fake leader even beyond the forest. Birds of a feather flocked together; there was that, too. Standing out was frowned upon within a clan, yet when one cat performed a mousebrained action, then it was inevitable that the rest would follow.

Take the most recent meeting, for example. Some cat decided to attack Dawnstar, and soon enough, there was a small battalion of warriors trying to strike her down. Fools. The brown molly hadn't been appointed as deputy for being weak. In the end, it got them nowhere. All they earned were injuries, self-exile, and one imprisoned queen.

Not all cats had bees for brains, but those that did tended to be the most memorable, which was rarely good for a clan's overall reputation. The clan of shadows contained many kind cats, yet it was known for ruthlessness. Talonstone was confident that not every riverdweller loved fish and water, and not all windrunners were weak battlers. No, they definitely weren't weak. Otherwise, it would be a massive embarrassment to say that they had been chased out by rabbit-hunters out of all cats.

His stance on Dawnstar was his own, not something that he would force onto sensible cats. As for the non-sensible cats, there was no point of even trying. The large feline was a worthy leader. Her harshness was nothing; once again, the shadowcats needed it. They were growing weak; this was a way to remedy that. Not that her predecessor had been lenient in the slightest. It was this next generation of fools that were the problem. Talonstone believed that felines his age hsd the will to fight. Below was questionable, above was mostly balanced. The shadows had once been a passive clan, or so the frosty warrior had been told. It was strange even thinking that way - the clan of shadows without ambition was like a cat without fur. It was unnatural, strange. Yet, it was fully possible.

"Once again, I may influence your thoughts; however, your decisions are yours to make. First, I will warn you that quite a few cats are not in favor of Dawnstar. They see her as a tyrant due to her stricter nature, though I assure you that she does hold the well-being of the clan within her mind. Whatever your stance may be on the matter, it would be best to keep those thoughts to yourself in order to prevent a target from landing on your back." Of course, Russetpaw likely already knew all this. He simply felt the need to remind the apprentice again.

"Second, I have been told that a friend is someone that is always there. A friend should be supportive and trusting; someone that willingly assists in carrying your troubles. However, if that is the definition of 'friend,' then I must admit that I have never had one before." It wasn't a surprise; Lionpaw and Nightshiver, he wasn't comfortable with speaking his mind to them. As for Doetuft, she was a bit more than a friend, and therefore, could not fit that role. "I believe that a friend is someone that you know well. A friend should understand how you feel, should watch out for you, and is someone that you would not mind spending more time with." His improvised definition of a friend kept in mind those who did not open up easily. In his opinion, the original definition was describing more of a parent figure.

"Lastly, safety is a trick of the mind. Asking 'am I safe' is similar to asking 'am I content.' Inquire to yourself what you need to be safe. If you have those, then you are, by your own standards, safe. If not, what can you do to earn what you need? Do you need to feel protected while you rest? Reposition your nest so that your back is facing the wall. Do you need to share your thoughts, or someone who you can ask questions to?" Talonstone's voice quieted slightly, with a difference that one could hear, but not so that it was glaringly obvious. "I am always open. Whether it be to rant, train, or the need to escape camp for a time, I will be willing to assist in any way possible."

With that said, Talonstone spun around, his tail sweeping the air and startling the dust around it. "Gather your bounty and we will head back to camp," he meowed abruptly, as if the recent interrogation had not occured. Hopefully, Russetpaw wouldn't question it. He hoped that the apprentice would take him up on the offer, or at least that he had given her something to gnaw on.. Was it an extension of friendship? Perhaps, something like that.

Confuzzled.Lynx October 20th, 2020 07:20 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
[ @bmkmb ]


The molly was silent, listening to the tom. Dawnstar ... yes. She knew this already. "I have no opinion of Dawnstar. In my eyes, she has done nothing good, yet nothing bad during her leadership. I doubt she would make a horrible leader, but not perfect. All cats, including our the new ShadowClan leader will take somthing for granted, whatever it is. Until then, I must have every reason not to hate her" Russetpaw commented. She fell silent again to listen.

"How are you to know what friends are when you have never had one?" the apprentice asked, voice and gaze emotionless. This caught the fox-like she-cat's attention. He has an idea of what a friend is, but has never had one ... this information surely couldn't be trusted but ... Talonstone seemed nice. Seemed trustworthy. But so did most of the clan.

Safety ... trick of the mind. Who would of known I was right. I have never once been content, so then safety must be some made up dumb fantasy. Her thoughts were quickly ended when the warrior ordered her to collect her finding. She did as she was told in silence, grabbing her leaf of marigold and followed the tom back to camp. She kept her eyes trained on the figure ahead of her, the yellow of the herbs threatening to show joy. No. She wouldn't. Couldn't.

[ I'm soooooooooooo sorry. I have been so busy with all my homework and studying for upcoming tests that my brain kid of died. ]

jayfeather21 December 23rd, 2020 07:57 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
@Mia Oakkit made it but he thought he say a warrior look up as he slipped out
"now to wait for Dovekit" he sighed what if she was caught he thought what if her apprentice ceremony because of him then what would she hate him?!

LostInTheOrchids December 23rd, 2020 07:59 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Snakepaw was walking toward the grove, when he scented a kit, he just wanted some peace, now he had to deal with a kit.

Mia December 23rd, 2020 08:08 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Dovekit made it out without anyone noticing. She ran to the grove and spotted Oakkit at once. "You made it out, Oakkit!" she meowed happily. "Did you get spotted?"

jayfeather21 December 23rd, 2020 08:09 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
nooo not an apprentice he thought Oakkit sliped around and sat downwind presed against the bramble
@Christmassy Kipo

jayfeather21 December 23rd, 2020 08:10 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"get over here " he told her "there's a snoopy apprentice" he told her then he smiled her pelt shone in the moonlight @Mia

Mia December 23rd, 2020 08:26 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Dovekit ran over to Oakkit and crouched down, pressed up against his pelt. She did a small smile in return. "An apprentice is already in our business," she whispered to Oakkit. Please don't let us get caught StarClan, she thought.

jayfeather21 December 23rd, 2020 08:58 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"I know but, I guess this will work," he said grinning at dovekit "we'll just be quiet" he wispered looking down at her. @Mia

LostInTheOrchids December 24th, 2020 05:59 AM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Snakepaw padded around, looking where the kits scent was strongest. "I know you're there." he called "Just give up now and go back to camp."
@Mia @jayfeather21

jayfeather21 December 24th, 2020 01:09 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Oakkit hissed why did snoopy, braging apprentices always have to come barging in?! He pressed closer to Dovekit "let's go back to camp" he wispered "you run, I'll destract snoopy, here" he wispered to her "when I say go run," he told her "NOW" he flung himself at the aprentice biting his tail then running in the opposite direction @Mia @Christmassy Kipo

LostInTheOrchids December 24th, 2020 01:50 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
He put his paw down, hopefully on the kit, he caught a glimpse of the kit, not enough to tell who it was, but the scent gave it away. "Oakkit." he said in his famous flat tone

Mia December 24th, 2020 02:13 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
@jayfeather21 @Christmassy Kipo
Dovekit nodded, a bit scared if she were to get caught. Hopefully I won't get caught so I can still have my apprentice ceremony, she thought. "Ok," she meowed. Dovekit ran as hard as she could to get back to camp. Leaving the Moonlit Grove behind her she looked back to see if Oakkit got caught. "Please don't get caught," Dovekit mewed to herself, still running to camp. She looked forwards only to stop and look back at Oakkit. She hid behind a tree outside of the Moonlit Grove, watching Oakkit and Snakepaw. She was trying to pull herself to run back to camp. But her claws dug into the dirt telling her to stay. "Snakepaw knows Oakkit's identity," she whispered. The pale gray she cat knew she had to run back to camp and tell Mintkit and Amberkit. "Be careful," she meowed, barely a normal meow. She started to run back to camp as hard as she could and not look back.

jayfeather21 December 24th, 2020 05:48 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
" Snakepaw," he growled though he was younger he was almost as tall "snooping around?" he asked
@Christmassy Kipo

LostInTheOrchids December 24th, 2020 05:53 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"The question is, what are you doing here?" he said

jayfeather21 December 24th, 2020 05:55 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"why would I tell you?" Oakkit asked him "and might i ask you the same question"
@Christmassy Kipo

LostInTheOrchids December 24th, 2020 06:13 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"This is a grave yard, why would you want to come here?" he asked calmly

jayfeather21 December 24th, 2020 06:20 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Oakkit flattened his ears, he didnt know this was the shadowclan graveyard
"I, uh" he looked down "I have dreams about here. my mom she," he looked away "she lived in shadowclan before she . . . joined starclan and this is were i remeber her best" this was all true but he had never told anyone "Why are you here?" He asked again loosing all sadness.

@Christmassy Kipo

LostInTheOrchids December 24th, 2020 08:38 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Snakepaw nodded "I just come here to cool myself." he just came here to cool down, like he said, "Now go back to camp."

jayfeather21 December 24th, 2020 09:31 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"you won't tell, will you?" he asked Snakepaw
@Christmassy Kipo

LostInTheOrchids December 25th, 2020 06:02 AM

Re: Moonlit Grove
"I'll think about it." Snakepaw wasn't mean, he just seemed mean cause he's always, him.

Jade13 December 29th, 2020 11:22 AM

Re: Moonlit Grove
Ashfur started looking around for the herb they where getting. “ hey do you see any?” He said looking a doetuft he thought he saw some but wanted to make sure he was right.

Arie December 29th, 2020 10:25 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
-- @feather lily --

It hadn't been long but at that comment from her clanmate, Doetuft felt like she could disappear from the face of the earth or whoop his ass. No. She was blind. She did not.. see, anything. Could never see anything... had never tried to see anything and she was quite sure she was known enough in Shadowclan to avoid being asked such dumb questions. "No... Ashfur. I do not... see anything. Because... I cannot... see."
They were looking for dandelions though and they had a very distinctive smell and shape and so the blind tabby molly just felt around, slowly before finding them. "Here... these are Dandelions."

jayfeather21 December 29th, 2020 10:53 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove
. . .

Jade13 December 29th, 2020 11:54 PM

Re: Moonlit Grove

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 883943)
-- @feather lily --

It hadn't been long but at that comment from her clanmate, Doetuft felt like she could disappear from the face of the earth or whoop his ass. No. She was blind. She did not.. see, anything. Could never see anything... had never tried to see anything and she was quite sure she was known enough in Shadowclan to avoid being asked such dumb questions. "No... Ashfur. I do not... see anything. Because... I cannot... see."
They were looking for dandelions though and they had a very distinctive smell and shape and so the blind tabby molly just felt around, slowly before finding them. "Here... these are Dandelions."

“ right sorry” ashfur hadn’t done pretty much anything with doetuft “ yes I think so” he said feeling and sniffing the flower “ let’s get as many as we can and then head back.” He felt awkward how was he so stupid to ask if she saw anything

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