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BEAR. October 4th, 2016 12:19 AM

Dark Forest Territory

~Masked~ October 6th, 2016 08:57 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
For @EerieWhispers
Tuxedo padded out of camp, his fur was did not blend in with the darkforest but somehow most cats did not see him, though when they did either being hissed and or Tried to seduce him he found it disgusting, though many of the cats seemed to be to busy training apprentices or something like that, Tuxedo green gaze glowed as he stared at his paws he visioned seeing Moon under his paws blood gushed out of her and she looked so scared his smile was large as he remembered the fear of Moon, The tom swung his head around his eyes narrowed "who's there?" he asked his voice seemed calm but was lined with amusement.

lilith October 7th, 2016 10:50 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
[ QUOTE=MoonHeart & Friends;1368]For @EerieWhispers
Tuxedo padded out of camp, his fur was did not blend in with the darkforest but somehow most cats did not see him, though when they did either being hissed and or Tried to seduce him he found it disgusting, though many of the cats seemed to be to busy training apprentices or something like that, Tuxedo green gaze glowed as he stared at his paws he visioned seeing Moon under his paws blood gushed out of her and she looked so scared his smile was large as he remembered the fear of Moon, The tom swung his head around his eyes narrowed "who's there?" he asked his voice seemed calm but was lined with amusement.[/QUOTE]

A small ragdoll slipped out of the undergrowth of the rainforest her bright blue eyes shined in the pale moonlight a smirk rising in the corner of her mouth "wouldn't you like to know? Ha!" snikering she walked around the Tom her eyes narrowed "I'm guessing you came here to train correct?" she questioned with the flick of her fail she turned and walked a little ways "and if not then why are you here? Since you aren't dead yet" she stated with a hmph sitting down she looked over her shoulder to him.

~Masked~ October 8th, 2016 12:13 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Tuxedo couldn't help but burst out with laughter, "thats hilarious! I guess you could i'm still alive or maybe it because i was forced here." he stood up and flicked his tail at the ragdoll she cat, The tom cats green eyes seemed focused as if he was doing something "Anyway~ my name is Tuxedo.." his voice was smooth as the lean slim black and white cat walked around the small she cat, His eyes gazed upon her like a eagle's eyes as it watched his prey waiting soon the tom stopped and stared at her "Whats yours?" Tuxedo asked smiling This could be useful she seems to know her way around here a bit better then me,and it would mean those disgusting old fleabags of cats would stop bothering me

lilith October 8th, 2016 12:27 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
[ QUOTE=MoonHeart & Friends;3034]Tuxedo couldn't help but burst out with laughter, "thats hilarious! I guess you could i'm still alive or maybe it because i was forced here." he stood up and flicked his tail at the ragdoll she cat, The tom cats green eyes seemed focused as if he was doing something "Anyway~ my name is Tuxedo.." his voice was smooth as the lean slim black and white cat walked around the small she cat, His eyes gazed upon her like a eagle's eyes as it watched his prey waiting soon the tom stopped and stared at her "Whats yours?" Tuxedo asked smiling This could be useful she seems to know her way around here a bit better then me,and it would mean those disgusting old fleabags of cats would stop bothering me[/QUOTE]

Rolling her blue eyes she huffed "Oh? How about we play a little game then since you seem so keen to question me. As for my name you'll have to prove to me that you deserve such knowledge." She stated calmly as her gaze followed the tom. "And it I really wanted too Tuxedo I could just leave you off somewhere and you'll have to find your way out if you think you'll get away with such attitude of yours, you're in my territory honeybunches" she cooed softly standing up from her resting position. Working her claws into the dark soil beneath her she sighed quietly shaking her head sadly with a tsk. Who is this strange fella and why does he seem to act all mighty? Its not like he could really do any damage..... well other then killing her a second time of course.

~Masked~ October 8th, 2016 12:56 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Tuxedo also stood up, "Im not dumb you know and I know your not either since you haven't tried to flirt with me or anything." He let out a hiss of disgust thinking about those cats, the sleek tom licked his paw then His chest "Alright what Game do you want to play?" He asked clawing the ground and feeling the loose dark soil in between his claws, Something felt right about it there were no bugs for him to see die under his claws but he felt like it was just good.

lilith October 8th, 2016 01:10 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
[ QUOTE=MoonHeart & Friends;3048]Tuxedo also stood up, "Im not dumb you know and I know your not either since you haven't tried to flirt with me or anything." He let out a hiss of disgust thinking about those cats, the sleek tom licked his paw then His chest "Alright what Game do you want to play?" He asked clawing the ground and feeling the loose dark soil in between his claws, Something felt right about it there were no bugs for him to see die under his claws but he felt like it was just good.[/QUOTE]

Raising a brow she stared at him "Haven't it occurred to you in the ever slightest bit of way that not everyone is a gross fleabag? I really am dead I have been for moons so if you could refrain yourself from assuming things that'll be great" She grumbled a frown inched its way to her face. "Unless you think you're so high and mighty and that everycat you walk by swoon in your 'good looks' then thats not the case here" She stated with a shake. "The game shall be a questioned base thing of course " She said with a hmph turning her head away from the tom. "So you can get a clear picture of who I am. And its for me to know what you did so 'badly' to end up here..."

~Masked~ October 8th, 2016 01:19 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
"Well yes i know some cats are..like..." He started then thinking, "You, well i'm not going to say much but i've been dead for moons too (well since last year XD)" He said calmly, "Alright so you ask me a question and then i ask you one?" Tuxedo gazed at her I can't deny she is quite a pretty she cat, smart too reminds me of.. shaking his head the black and white tom twitched his tail gently sighing as he heard the scream of a cat, He just loved that sound.

lilith October 8th, 2016 01:25 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
[ QUOTE=MoonHeart & Friends;3060]"Well yes i know some cats are..like..." He started then thinking, "You, well i'm not going to say much but i've been dead for moons too (well since last year XD)" He said calmly, "Alright so you ask me a question and then i ask you one?" Tuxedo gazed at her I can't deny she is quite a pretty she cat, smart too reminds me of.. shaking his head the black and white tom twitched his tail gently sighing as he heard the scream of a cat, He just loved that sound.[/QUOTE]

Smirking slightly she shad down wrapping her fail around her paws neatly she raised her head up "That seems fair enough I suppose" letting out a purposeful sigh letting her head lowered a but her pupils turned to slivers as she stared at him. "If you claim to be dead then how did you die?" she questioned her accent seemed apparent as she spoke to the Tom calmly

~Masked~ October 8th, 2016 01:41 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
"well i suppose i can tell you..." He said sitting down, "Well i had gotten two rouges of ThunderClan who were willing to help me to kill a cat, my mate well she was anyway.. but as i attacked i almost killed her she had friends and a new mate who together killed me i was so close to killing her too, i don't understand why i came here i never believed in the mumbo jumbo you cats believed in i assume it for my 'horrible' actions" He sighed annoyed thinking about it, Tuxedo eyes then went to slits "So how did YOU die?"

lilith October 8th, 2016 12:44 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
[ QUOTE=MoonHeart & Friends;3078]"well i suppose i can tell you..." He said sitting down, "Well i had gotten two rouges of ThunderClan who were willing to help me to kill a cat, my mate well she was anyway.. but as i attacked i almost killed her she had friends and a new mate who together killed me i was so close to killing her too, i don't understand why i came here i never believed in the mumbo jumbo you cats believed in i assume it for my 'horrible' actions" He sighed annoyed thinking about it, Tuxedo eyes then went to slits "So how did YOU die?"[/QUOTE]

Her fur bristled as she listen to the tom speak about how he had died. Shuffling her paws from side to side she cleared her throat "well I see to why your here then. Attempting to murder a cat. Well anyways I was killed by my second mate. He was a rather terrible cat but what could I say he was rather good looking" shrugging without a care. "So tell me why haven't I seen you around?" she asked as she began to clean the pads of her Paw.

Redpelt89 October 8th, 2016 12:44 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Blood creep softly through the leaves, her green eyes darting from side to side. she had just gotten back to the dark forest after breaking the realm barrier. the blood of a squirrel she had caught there was still fresh on her paws. i heard talking nearby. she narrowed my eyes, thinking of what mapleshade had taught her when she had been her apprentice, redpaw.

~Masked~ October 9th, 2016 02:21 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Tuxedo rolled his green eyes, "I don't feel like being annoyed by cats the around here, i sit tree's sometimes i see StarClan.. they seem so much happier than us.. i mean yes we have done things but surely we deserve a second chance right?" his voice was smooth as he stated the words they flowed out like water, "What Clan did you belong too?" the tall tom said shrugging tuxedo looked at his paws unsheathing and sheathing his claws.

lilith October 12th, 2016 08:21 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
She nodded slowly as he spoke her tail whisked from side to side rather quickly. Sighing she shrugged "I'm pretty sure I was in Shadowclan after joinning the ranks... Though I'm not sure I never really cared so I mereily just forgotten about it. Sorry" shrugging she rolled her head from side to side. "And you? What clan were you from?" She questioned calmly

~Masked~ October 13th, 2016 02:43 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
His tail twitched and Tuxedo then licked his chest fur "Well, I had been part of a group of loners and rouges it worked similar to a clan there were kits a leader queens you know that type of stuff soon after i met a she cat and became mates with her, Though while she wa heavily pregnant we decided to leave we did without any other cat knowing and went to shadowclan soon we had two kits one died a day later while the other survived my mate also adopted a kit due to her grief, Then...i woke up one day and i felt nothing... so i tried to kill my mate in the forest our kit had followed and i just left her to die after that though..she survived and well..you know" The tom shrugged then sighed "Sometimes i regret it but still it was the only thing that felt good to me to kill anyway, did you ever have a mate?" Tuxedo then asked swiping his tongue over his muzzle.

Ghostly Cristalline November 14th, 2016 08:29 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Shadowgaze walked through the trees with a long growl. "Where is my son when you need him." he growled.

goddess of ducks November 26th, 2016 11:23 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
(I figured this could be like a last trip aiming session sort of thing, like they've done this many times before)
Acornprick entered the territory. He gazed around, pale orange eyes scanning his surrounds, they never changed, so he often wondered why he still looked anymore. The worst thing that would get him was another cat, but that did not bother him at all. Acornprick finally returned his gaze to the path ahead where he watched the muggy ground before him. As he neared the usual meeting spot for him and Tigerfrost he slowed, checking the air to see if his apprentice was already here.

FlashFanatic November 27th, 2016 06:33 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Tigerfrost quickly appeared out of nowhere. She thought that mastering the appearing ad disappearing thing was easy. The hard part was gaining the appreciation of her nighttime mentor. Now, fully apprehensible, she slowly trudged through the muddy pathway. She always wondered why it rained so often. It was probably to make it seem like no one was ever there. Now, in the meeting spot, she saw Acornprick with his back turned. She knew better than to scare him, however she knew it was worth the shot. But, she then decided otherwise. "I'm here." She announced.

goddess of ducks November 27th, 2016 09:16 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by TehDerpyShoelace (Post 52729)
Tigerfrost quickly appeared out of nowhere. She thought that mastering the appearing ad disappearing thing was easy. The hard part was gaining the appreciation of her nighttime mentor. Now, fully apprehensible, she slowly trudged through the muddy pathway. She always wondered why it rained so often. It was probably to make it seem like no one was ever there. Now, in the meeting spot, she saw Acornprick with his back turned. She knew better than to scare him, however she knew it was worth the shot. But, she then decided otherwise. "I'm here." She announced.

Just when he was getting concerned about her not sowing up, he heard the squish of pads in the thick mud behind him. He stood there waiting as she addressed him, and then slowly turned around, his pale eyes boring into those of Tigerfrost. "Welcome back." He meowed with a serious tone. "Such wonderful things are happening in the Clans these days, don't you agree?" He questioned in a playful like tone, padding steadily closer. He stopped a tail length away from her, and stared at her, all joking lost. "You do know what tonight is, don't you? Or shall I have to explain?"

FlashFanatic November 29th, 2016 05:16 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Tigerfrost, being as emotionless as a rock, she just nodded her head. "The final night." She droned, not taking her ice-cold eyes off of her mentor, "Waterstreak will be no more." The female took a step forward. "I swear, these days are not good ones to be living in." Crouching down, she got ready to fight.

goddess of ducks November 29th, 2016 10:41 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by TehDerpyShoelace (Post 56282)
Tigerfrost, being as emotionless as a rock, she just nodded her head. "The final night." She droned, not taking her ice-cold eyes off of her mentor, "Waterstreak will be no more." The female took a step forward. "I swear, these days are not good ones to be living in." Crouching down, she got ready to fight.

Yes, that is correct. Tomorrow when you wake, will hold the final test for you apprenticeship with me." He stated evenly. "And yes, they are different, but they are for the better Tigerfrost." He corrected the she cat. He too crouched down, unsheathed his claws and made the first attack. He leaped forwards aiming straight for the chest, claws outstretched, ready to rip fur and shed blood.

FlashFanatic November 30th, 2016 04:22 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Saying no more, she only nodded, and unsheathed her claws. Battle was a time for silence. It should be done quietly and quickly, not wasting any time. Seeing her mentor lunge at her chest, she quickly rolled under, but the blow landed on her back. Now under the dead cat, she swiped at his stomach. I could do this all day.The molly thought, sort of aiming it at her mentor. Not like he could read minds. If he could that would be pretty shocking. But once again, she doesn't really feel emotion.

goddess of ducks November 30th, 2016 11:51 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Acornprick fell into a summersault as he rolled away from the apprentice. He winced indicating pain, that he could not feel, but let her know it would have been a good hit. He had begun with a blatant and obvious move, beautiful he would hopefully get more complex and harder on the apprentice. He bounced back to his paws and whipped around facing Tigerfrost. He lashed out with one of his front paws aiming for her face, and then with a back paw, he tried swiping it at her feet to off balance her.

toriel December 1st, 2016 03:02 AM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Marceline pounced on a mouse. She was currently having flashbacks from when she was younger. She remembered being stolen as a kit. But that did not matter. At least she had a home.

toriel December 2nd, 2016 09:53 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
(Oh im so sorry,i meant to post in the dusk syndicate)

Moonwhisker December 8th, 2016 10:09 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by MoonHeart & Friends (Post 1368)
For @EerieWhispers
Tuxedo padded out of camp, his fur was did not blend in with the darkforest but somehow most cats did not see him, though when they did either being hissed and or Tried to seduce him he found it disgusting, though many of the cats seemed to be to busy training apprentices or something like that, Tuxedo green gaze glowed as he stared at his paws he visioned seeing Moon under his paws blood gushed out of her and she looked so scared his smile was large as he remembered the fear of Moon, The tom swung his head around his eyes narrowed "who's there?" he asked his voice seemed calm but was lined with amusement.


Casual Scribbles December 11th, 2016 01:11 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Burrpaw woke up suddenly, and looked around in surprise. This isn't ShadowClan! He thought in alarm. "Where am I?" He wondered aloud, standing up and looking around, quickly alert. The brown tabby apprentice pricked his ears, listening for the presence of another cat.

Moonwhisker December 11th, 2016 03:10 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD (Post 73297)
Burrpaw woke up suddenly, and looked around in surprise. This isn't ShadowClan! He thought in alarm. "Where am I?" He wondered aloud, standing up and looking around, quickly alert. The brown tabby apprentice pricked his ears, listening for the presence of another cat.

She walks out of the darkness, her midnight black fur ruffled in the breeze, and her glowing yellow eyes being the only thing that shows where she is. "Hello there! What's your name?" Her eyes sparkle with curiosity at this cat and she wraps her tail around herself. "My name is Moonwhisker! I belong to Thunderclan and I don't actually know where I am... but we should stick together! I was just made a warrior after the gathering!" She looks proudly at him. "What clan are you from, and can you step closer so I can see you better?" She looks kindly at him and beckons him forward with her tail. :heartbounce::hug:

Casual Scribbles December 11th, 2016 03:27 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by Moonwhisker (Post 73519)
She walks out of the darkness, her midnight black fur ruffled in the breeze, and her glowing yellow eyes being the only thing that shows where she is. "Hello there! What's your name?" Her eyes sparkle with curiosity at this cat and she wraps her tail around herself. "My name is Moonwhisker! I belong to Thunderclan and I don't actually know where I am... but we should stick together! I was just made a warrior after the gathering!" She looks proudly at him. "What clan are you from, and can you step closer so I can see you better?" She looks kindly at him and beckons him forward with her tail. :heartbounce::hug:

Burrpaw jumped at the seemingly-floating yellow eyes. The she-cat seemed friendly enough, but what would Swiftfang want Burrpaw to do? Since she was from ThunderClan, he'd answer her and regard her with suspicion, never taking his amber eyes off her. "My name is Burrpaw, and I am a proud aoorentice of ShadowClan," he stepped closer to her, revealing his brown tabby coat, matted and full of burrs and leaves. He sat in front of her, keeping his amber eyes training on her yellow ones with suspicion, making it clear that the apprentice would not be easily tricked. He was surprised when he realized his right paw had not hurt when he took a step forward. Burrpaw sat down and licked his paw, flexing his claws to show her how sharp they were before sheathing them again.



Moonwhisker December 11th, 2016 03:30 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD (Post 73532)

Burrpaw jumped at the seemingly-floating yellow eyes. The she-cat seemed friendly enough, but what would Swiftfang want Burrpaw to do? Since she was from ThunderClan, he'd answer her and regard her with suspicion, never taking his amber eyes off her. "My name is Burrpaw, and I am a proud aoorentice of ShadowClan," he stepped closer to her, revealing his brown tabby coat, matted and full of burrs and leaves. He sat in front of her, keeping his amber eyes training on her yellow ones with suspicion, making it clear that the apprentice would not be easily tricked. He was surprised when he realized his right paw had not hurt when he took a step forward. Burrpaw sat down and licked his paw, flexing his claws to show her how sharp they were before sheathing them again.



Sees the suspicion in his eyes but keeps talking. Was she falling for an apprentice in a different clan?! She didn't know, but all she knew was that she liked this cat and wanted to get to know him better. "How long have you been an apprentice?"

Moonwhisker December 11th, 2016 03:37 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD (Post 73532)

Burrpaw jumped at the seemingly-floating yellow eyes. The she-cat seemed friendly enough, but what would Swiftfang want Burrpaw to do? Since she was from ThunderClan, he'd answer her and regard her with suspicion, never taking his amber eyes off her. "My name is Burrpaw, and I am a proud aoorentice of ShadowClan," he stepped closer to her, revealing his brown tabby coat, matted and full of burrs and leaves. He sat in front of her, keeping his amber eyes training on her yellow ones with suspicion, making it clear that the apprentice would not be easily tricked. He was surprised when he realized his right paw had not hurt when he took a step forward. Burrpaw sat down and licked his paw, flexing his claws to show her how sharp they were before sheathing them again.



"Trust me Burrpaw, the last thing I want is a fight, plus I would enjoy a friend!" She stepped toward him revealing her sleek black fur so he could see her better and not think that she's floating.

FlashFanatic December 11th, 2016 03:41 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 58084)
Acornprick fell into a summersault as he rolled away from the apprentice. He winced indicating pain, that he could not feel, but let her know it would have been a good hit. He had begun with a blatant and obvious move, beautiful he would hopefully get more complex and harder on the apprentice. He bounced back to his paws and whipped around facing Tigerfrost. He lashed out with one of his front paws aiming for her face, and then with a back paw, he tried swiping it at her feet to off balance her.

Tigerfrost tried to dodge out of the way, but it was too late. The she-cat got hit hard to the face. Feeling that searing pain, she tried her best not to wince. Wincing, she felt the blow to the leg, and fell over, really embrarrassed. She had never gotten hit like that. Now having a scar on her forehead, she got up, trying to endure the pain. Taking a deep breath in, the lithe she-cat leaped in the air, and aimed right for her mentor's back. @Nighty

Casual Scribbles December 11th, 2016 03:49 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by Moonwhisker (Post 73542)
"Trust me Burrpaw, the last thing I want is a fight, plus I would enjoy a friend!" She stepped toward him revealing her sleek black fur so he could see her better and not think that she's floating.

"Mmhmm," Burrpaw looked at the warrior as she stepped out of the shadows. "I guess a friend in ThunderClan wouldn't be bad," he acknowledged, letting his paw to the ground. He still ramained ready for any surprise attack, despite any of her words. It was just a precaution, and Swiftfang would hate it if Burrpaw was beaten in a fight because he wasn't ready.



Casual Scribbles December 11th, 2016 03:52 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by Moonwhisker (Post 73535)
Sees the suspicion in his eyes but keeps talking. Was she falling for an apprentice in a different clan?! She didn't know, but all she knew was that she liked this cat and wanted to get to know him better. "How long have you been an apprentice?"


Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD (Post 73554)

"Mmhmm," Burrpaw looked at the warrior as she stepped out of the shadows. "I guess a friend in ThunderClan wouldn't be bad," he acknowledged, letting his paw to the ground. He still ramained ready for any surprise attack, despite any of her words. It was just a precaution, and Swiftfang would hate it if Burrpaw was beaten in a fight because he wasn't ready.



Missed the first one, sorry) "I've been an apprentice for about a moon, but my mentor teaches me well," he said this so she would know he was nit untrained. He was very much prepared to fight if it came to that.

~Breadsticks~ December 11th, 2016 06:42 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Fleetclaw padded out of the shadows, flanked by a younger tom and an older she-cat. The warrior gave a small smile, "Hello young ones, welcome to our home." He purred in a friendly tone, waving his tail. "I am Fleetclaw, this is Adder." He said, motioning to the she-cat, "And this is Ebonypaw, he belongs to Windclan. He purred, motioning to the speckled tom beside him. "What brings you here?"

Casual Scribbles December 11th, 2016 07:44 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Burrpaw looked over at the three strangers. "My name is Burrpaw, proud apprentice of ShadowClan. This is Moonwhisker," he flicked his tail at the black she-cat next to him, "she's from ThunderClan." He looked around at the forest surrounding him. "I'm not sure why we're here really," he answered Fleetclaw.

Moonwhisker December 11th, 2016 07:58 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD (Post 73941)
Burrpaw looked over at the three strangers. "My name is Burrpaw, proud apprentice of ShadowClan. This is Moonwhisker," he flicked his tail at the black she-cat next to him, "she's from ThunderClan." He looked around at the forest surrounding him. "I'm not sure why we're here really," he answered Fleetclaw.

She looks around and shivers at how dark it was here. She inched closer to Burrpaw for protection just in case. "I-I- I was just going to sleep, and I woke up here instead of in my nest." Her yellow eyes glow in suspicion at the overly nice cats. "W-where are we anyways? It's way too dark to be Starclan..." She inches even closer to Burrpaw till she can feel his fur against her pelt. She feels more secure around him...:heartbounce:

~Breadsticks~ December 11th, 2016 08:13 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory
Fleetclaw shook his head, "Sadly it is, there is something wrong. Ever since these new leaders rose to power Starclan has gotten cold and dark, it's changed seasons and we don't know how to fix it." He said, frowning then a look of hope flickered in his eyes, "We were told we would be getting recruits, they could train here with us and be unstoppable in battle after enough training, maybe you are the ones?"
Adder smiled kindly, "They might just be the ones. They can help us win.."
Ebonypaw smiled, his head high, "We should get to training then."

Moonwhisker December 11th, 2016 08:37 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by TheBread (Post 73986)
Fleetclaw shook his head, "Sadly it is, there is something wrong. Ever since these new leaders rose to power Starclan has gotten cold and dark, it's changed seasons and we don't know how to fix it." He said, frowning then a look of hope flickered in his eyes, "We were told we would be getting recruits, they could train here with us and be unstoppable in battle after enough training, maybe you are the ones?"
Adder smiled kindly, "They might just be the ones. They can help us win.."
Ebonypaw smiled, his head high, "We should get to training then."

She shook her head in disbelief. "Woah woah woah! Hold up! Are you sure it's us? I mean, I'm nothing special, I can't possibly be!" She frowns and her eyes go dull with sadness and her ears droop down. She gives her head a firm shake and all evidence of sadness is gone. "Iguess I could use a little more training... I mean, it couldn't hurt!" She looked at Burrpaw with enthusiasm and hope. She desperately wanted to train with him, but she didn't understand why... She only just met him... Oh well!v:woot:v:heartbounce:

~Breadsticks~ December 11th, 2016 08:42 PM

Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by Moonwhisker (Post 74029)
She shook her head in disbelief. "Woah woah woah! Hold up! Are you sure it's us? I mean, I'm nothing special, I can't possibly be!" She frowns and her eyes go dull with sadness and her ears droop down. She gives her head a firm shake and all evidence of sadness is gone. "Iguess I could use a little more training... I mean, it couldn't hurt!" She looked at Burrpaw with enthusiasm and hope. She desperately wanted to train with him, but she didn't understand why... She only just met him... Oh well!v:woot:v:heartbounce:

(Does she already have a DF mentor or does she still need one?)
Adder purred, "You are something special, it was told that two cats would be unstoppable if trained correctly. You will both be apprentices here and shall train as true warriors. But being unstoppable comes at a price."
Fleetclaw nodded, "To be unstoppable, you must train with unsheathed claws and grow immune to clan cat claws. But, you will be faster than any Windclan cat, quieter then any Shadowclan cat, stronger than any Thunderclan cat, and able to swim better than any Riverclan cat."

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