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BEAR. October 3rd, 2016 11:42 PM

RiverClan Leader's Den

BEAR. November 20th, 2016 07:52 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Fortunately, the trek from the territory to camp was uneventful, and Bucknight managed to remain upright long enough to make it to his den. He dragged himself across the enclosed space, paws scuffing the loose soil of his den's floor, and he all but flopped beside his nest - leaving room for Cakeless to join him if he wished.

Blood plastered his fur, clumping along his underbelly and side where the blood had oozed, trickled and dried, and he twisted to lap at the matted fur, smoothing out some of the mass with his tongue. "How's your shoulder?" he asked, distracting himself from the mess that was his fur. "Is it bleeding?" Bucknight didn't have a lot in his den that would stanch blood, but there was some fresh moss stored by the entrance, and they could use that as a substitute for cobwebs.

A thought occurred to him, and he paused. "Will - you be staying?" Bucknight was torn between his desire for Cakeless to stay and his aversion of the thought of his dear friend feeling obligated to stay.

Fawn November 20th, 2016 08:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Trailing after Bucknight into camp, Cakeless paused at the mouth of the leader's den, unaccustomed to going inside on an occasion such as this. Even though Bucknight was his friend and trusted ally, and he was certain that was mutual, it felt like an invasion of privacy to continue on without a second thought. But upon realizing there was nothing to lose in joining him for now, he followed, happening to notice a suspiciously Cakeless-sized space left which he settled into beside his companion.

He got a better view of Bucknight's injury as he started lapping some of the dried blood away. Although he mentally recognized it was healed, it nevertheless caused him to grimace. "Hurts," Cakeless responded dismissively and with a quiet chuckle. "How else would it be?" It wasn't bleeding anymore, but the mess of crimson lingered around the gash. If he wasn't so exhausted, he would devote more attention to his wound, but Cakeless couldn't find the energy to bother with the strenuous chore of cleaning himself or finding out how bad it was. He wasn't hemorrhaging to death, and that was good enough for the moment.

At Bucknight's question, Cakeless' ears flicked forward in a pinch of amused confusion and interest. "Lonely, or do you just like me here? Or maybe you're hoping I'll nuzzle you again," he suggested teasingly but didn't need an answer. "Yeah, I'll stay."

BEAR. November 20th, 2016 10:52 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Well," he started, "it could still be bleeding, for one." Without having a chance to check out his wound, Bucknight also didn't know how severe his wound was, and he carefully began to lap around the gash; forgoing cleaning himself in favor of removing the blood from around Cake's open wound. "Should clean it up," he mumbled. "Less risk of it getting infected."

Grateful that Cakeless agreed to stay, he faintly chuckled, but he refrained from answering. As he finished licking the blood from around his wound, he buried his muzzle in Cakeless's fur. "I'm glad you're okay." He hadn't registered it at the time, but as a result of seeing his friend in the jaws of the fox, he was terrified of the prospect of being alone. In a world without Cakeless, he didn't know what he would do. His life would be meaningless - just a catalyst for Eternalstar and his plans for the clans.

Fawn November 20th, 2016 11:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Again, he winced when Bucknight's tongue rasped over the cut and wished he would leave it alone for the night, almost certain he'd survive at least until morning. "You're doting," he muttered bluntly, wondering if that would get him to stop, not that he truly minded. He just wanted to sleep. Yawning, Cakeless added, "Pretty sure powerful leaders don't dote."

Thankful that he was finished after a couple minutes, he didn't make any movement to pull back as Bucknight's muzzle pushed into his fur and instead allowed the larger tom's warmth to surround him.

"You're right," he snickered, "life wouldn't be nearly as interesting with me dead." Although he yearned to say the same for Bucknight, the fact of it was that he hadn't walked away from the battle in an "alright" state. "You'd have to appoint a new warrior to slack off all day and never doing anything useful for the Clan."

BEAR. November 21st, 2016 02:31 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Satisfied that Cakeless's wound was cleaned, and content with keeping his muzzle burrowed in his fur, Bucknight sighed. "Hardly feel powerful." Dying was draining, and being torn open by a fox left a bitter taste in his mouth. Not being able to protect his C- friend wasn't a thought that improved his mood.

He wasn't wrong. Life without him would be dull. Bland. Colorless. ""Why would I appoint a new warrior in your place if you died?" The concept was absurd to him. "No one could replace you." He'd known him for the majority of their lives. They grew up together; friends since the flooding that destroyed the tunnels and brought Cakeless to Omengaze. It was solidified by their mentor/apprenticeship.

He'd always been there. The one consistency in Bucknight's life. The only cat he wanted in his life. Time wouldn't change that.

Fawn November 21st, 2016 07:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Cakeless guessed that was fair when he'd lost a life, but it'd been to a noble cause: protecting a clanmate from a fox, which he likely would have died to otherwise. "Why not?" he meowed, voice a bit slowed as sleep began to lap at him. A lazy laugh shook his frame, "You sacrificed yourself. If that's not powerful, I don't know what is."

Falling quiet, Cakeless contemplated the question. "Well, it would be very unfulfilling to have a Clan with only hardworking warriors, wouldn't it? Boring." What Bucknight added caused him to falter as a flutter ran through his heart and stomach, then give a chuckle. "No one could ever replace you, either." It was humorous in a way and cliche to admit, but he didn't mind, nor did he think Bucknight would.

"How long was your invitation for?" Cakeless asked after a moment with no intentions to move, regardless of the reply. "Until sunrise? A moon?"

BEAR. November 22nd, 2016 03:30 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Sacrificing himself may have been powerful in the sense it was for a noble cause, but Bucknight couldn't shake the unease that came with the phantom memory of teeth ripping into his flesh. His mind went back to Otterstar, his predecessor, whom had lost all her lives in a similar fashion. If not for each other, they'd both be dead.

Faintly, he chuckled at Cakeless's statement. "It would be, but that's why I have you. Do you honestly think any of those plebeians can out-laze you?" Bucknight was lucky his muzzle was concealed by Cake's fur. He wouldn't have been able to hide how his face lit up at his words.

"Forever," he responded instantly. Bucknight paused, struggling to find the words to proceed. Attempting to express emotion through words was always difficult. It baffled him how some cats seemingly could do it effortlessly. "I want you by my side, always."

Fawn November 22nd, 2016 01:36 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Didn't realize you knew that word," Cakeless teased as he referred to the rest of RiverClan's residents as "plebeians." In reality, he had a feeling there were a pawful of warriors like him, those who stuck around for the prey and dodged patrols whenever possible, but it was true; no cat was able to out-laze him, and surely that was a feat to be proud of.

The immediate response was surprising, though he couldn't quite pinpoint why when it'd felt as if there was more than friendship when it came to Bucknight, and there had been for a while now. "Forever, huh?" he repeated, a soft laugh hanging on the words. "You know, having such an attractive piece of cat--" the sarcasm bled through his voice, "by your side might prove to be a bit of a distraction, and you already have enough trouble watching where you're going."

With an affectionate purr, he joked, "Or maybe you want me there to make you look bigger." The size difference between them was obvious. "But," he went on, "I guess I'll have to take you up on that. Can't think of any place I'd rather be, after all."

BEAR. November 23rd, 2016 02:28 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Haven't been given the chance to use it," he returned. Outside of Cakeless, there were few cats he conversed with, and fewer he tolerated for a full discussion. Within the clan, there may have been other slacker warriors, but none of them would retain a hold around Bucknight's heart like his more-than-friend did.

Nervousness clung to him like a second pelt, for once uncertain as to how this conversation would play out. The only thing he was confident in was their relationship exceeded that of just friends.. but that didn't mean anything would come of it. "You're already a distraction," he said. "But that's alright. If I fall you'll just pick me back up -- figuratively."

"Could just be stealing you for your warmth," Bucknight mused. "With my superior size, I can smother the heat from you." As if. "Curled up in a warm nest?" he teased. "Can't imagine you being up for late night excursions." Withdrawing from his neck, Bucknight nuzzled Cakeless.

Fawn November 24th, 2016 01:33 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Yeah," he agreed, a scoff in his meow, "that won't be happening literally." Cakeless was fairly sure he couldn't physically move Bucknight at all, much less pick him up if he'd fallen over, though it would be a humorous endeavor.

Stealing him for his heat sounded like the most obvious excuse he'd ever heard, yet he went with it. "Wouldn't you rather have a bigger warrior? Or one with more fluff. In fact, you might have to kick me out, because I think I'm absorbing a larger amount of warmth than what I'm giving you," Cakeless warned. "Might want to considering bringing in someone more suitable for the job.

"This is sufficing," he responded, as it was just as comfortable as his own nest, if not more so given the presence of Bucknight. "My nest isn't as nice as this. I don't have apprentices at my beck and call to reline it with feathers and moss everyday." The idea of late night excursions warranted a questioning glance at him to ask, "You haven't had enough for one evening? No," he snickered, laying his head against Bucknight once again, "I'm not going anywhere unless you're willing to carry me."

BEAR. November 24th, 2016 05:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"I'll just stick to my figurative dreams," Bucknight hummed, brushing his nose against Cakeless's ear. He wasn't a light cat; a trait he attributed due to the near-constant supply of fish RiverClan contained access to, and the most he expected from Cakeless when it came to moving him was maybe being dragged.

"Well," he murmured, "you feel wonderfully cozy right now. I don't think have much body heat to give you at the moment, unfortunately." Dying, even momentarily, had a tendency of robbing one of warmth. It was Cakeless that provided him with welcomed body heat, and he wiggled to wrap his body around his smaller frame. "Nah, you're doing splendidly."

The response merited a chuckle, as normally he didn't waste time by having apprentices make his bed. That was a job better suited for the worthless cats that refused to recognize his rightful leadership. "Nope," he said, "if ThunderClan burns, it can't exactly be done during the day." They'd be spotted instantly. "You're small enough that carrying you shouldn't be an issue. Not that I plan on it anytime soon."

Fawn November 30th, 2016 02:48 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

While he was glad Bucknight was against the idea of removing him from the premises, it wasn't as if he'd honestly believed he would do so to begin with since it'd be an awkward request to make. "Don't want to be the creepy warrior sitting around camp, hoping a fluffy cat will line your nest and keep you warm until sunhigh?" As terrible as it'd be, he came to the realization he really wanted to see that. Dismissively, Cakeless joked, "Been there, done that, and I can guarantee this is a much better approach."

Allowing his tail to intertwine with Bucknight's, he reveled in the warmth of having his larger companion surrounding him and closed his eyes. "Then we're not going anywhere else," Cakeless mumbled in clarification as Bucknight decided he wouldn't be carrying him anytime soon. "If I started walking for myself, I might lose my status as a the laziest member of RiverClan." Couldn't have that happening.

"Shouldn't you be resting after all that?" he asked, not with a lot of conviction. If Bucknight didn't feel the urge to sleep, he wouldn't force him. Sarcastically, he added, "Unless losing a life just fills you with energy."

BEAR. December 1st, 2016 03:01 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Am I not already the creepy warrior sitting around camp, waiting for my next fluffy victim to warm my nest??" Bucknight's expression twisted into something of mock horror. "I must not be trying hard enough." Amused, he responded, "Is it? Apparently you're not on the fluffy side of the spectrum, so I'm not sure this is the best approach to getting a fluffy cat to keep me warm."

Comfortable with the heat of Cake's body, Bucknight rested his chin atop his head. "Wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, we can't have you losing your spot as the laziest RiverClan cat." Or clan cat. He couldn't imagine another cat out-lazing him, and he didn't want to.

"Technically, I am resting," he hummed. "Though, I admittedly do feel exhausted. Losing a life just fills you with fatigue - an' I think I have blood loss to thank for that." Their ancestors couldn't pump the blood he lost back into his body. "Didn't want to cut our discussion short for something I could makeup later." Omitting from sleep now and waking up later in the day was a small price to pay for talking to his partner.

Fawn December 2nd, 2016 02:30 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Cakeless laughed easily, "You are, but I was trying to be generous for once in my life and give you a chance to deny it." Apparently, the statement was too true for even Bucknight to bother protesting, or maybe the RiverClan leader was reaching similar depths of laziness as himself. At least he had an excuse to be tired. "Yeah, right. You make it sound as if you're choosing me from a pool of eager warriors but be honest, I'm the only one who would share a nest with you."

Ears flattening for a second in mock exasperation, he was annoyed but allowed it to slide when Bucknight claimed that he was technically resting. "I would be here when you wake up, you know. I'm not planning to go anywhere." Bucknight should understand that better than anyone. "But if you would rather talk to me until you pass out from exhaustion, we can do that too," Cakeless offered nonchalantly but briefly nuzzled the other tom, resuming his comfortable, intertwined position with him.

Although Cakeless was physically drained from the encounter with the fox, he wasn't quite ready to sleep (though he figured he could), since doing nothing tended to be the majority of his day and didn't leave him with a desire to sleep come moonhigh.

BEAR. December 2nd, 2016 10:47 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"You're not wrong," Bucknight chuckled. "With how villainous I am for succeeding Otterstar at such a young age. Even though she chose me to be her deputy." A shrug disturbed his otherwise still form, and he was happy to reciprocate the nuzzle. How their clanmates pictured him didn't matter; Bucknight knew the truth, and if they weren't willing to listen, so be it. A lack of support didn't mean he couldn't efficiently lead the clan.

There was never any doubt Cakeless wouldn't be by his side when he awoke, but he appreciated the assurance regardless. The fight had left him drained, exhaustion dragging him down, and with his head on his, Bucknight's eyes slipped closed. Being with the other male brought a sense of tranquility, and the young leader knew there was no one else he'd rather spend his life with.

"Mm, would rather talk to you until I'm engulfed." His words were becoming slow, languid as drowsiness crept over his still-bloodied form. "Was - kinda close today." Bucknight was referring to how Cake had been in the fox's grasp, struggling to break free from its jaws. It would've been easy for that fox to puncture a major vein. "I don't know what I'd do if that fox hadn't let you go."

Fawn December 3rd, 2016 04:16 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Maybe you just looked old to her," Cakeless muttered, however he figured Bucknight would know he was teasing since it wasn't as if he truly believed it'd been an error on Otterstar's part to leave RiverClan to Bucknight. He was young, but that didn't mean he wasn't doing well in the position. There seemed to be hushed whispers and quick gripes about his supposed lack of ability circulating around the camp, yet he hadn't demonstrated anything of the sort, instead strengthening RiverClan's power as a whole.

Comforted by the way Bucknight's form relaxed and his breathing slowed, Cakeless let his body conform, melting against his companion's until his sleepy mind didn't know--or care--where he stopped and where Bucknight began.

The drowsiness was endearing, and he found a similar urge to rest seeping into his bones, even though he hadn't done much to warrant exhaustion. "Yeah, it was pretty close," he replied before knowing what he was referring to. "You almost got romantically involved with a lazy, incompetent warrior. Good thing you side-stepped that. ..Oh, wait."

When Bucknight clarified what he was talking about, Cakeless thought for a moment. "Any normal cat would run, but a mouse-brain like you probably would have tried to rescue me."

BEAR. December 3rd, 2016 03:51 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"Nah," he murmured, although he was fully aware of his teasing. "Well. She was gettin' a bit up there, so who knows, maybe her eyesight was going out of whack." There was some affection to his words, a distant memory of the former leader visiting the nursery as deputy. Otterstar's friendship with Wateredge brought along several visits, the brown havana taking on an honorary aunt role. It had been a surprise when she selected him to be her deputy, but he had accepted the private proposition without a second thought. With her demise soon following, he was glad he did. Aukstrike had been a failure of a deputy; abandoning his clan and family, and leaving Otterstar with little cats she could trust.

Faintly chortling at his mate's comment, he nuzzled his head. "You're far from incompetent, dear." Without Cakeless being by his side, Bucknight was aware he wouldn't have survived the fox. The moment he'd been thrown off had been the end. "And you say the rest like it's a bad thing. I already knew you were lazy before -- it doesn't change how I feel."

Weariness was overcoming him, and he could feel himself drifting away to the edges of sleep. ".. wouldn't have done much, would it? .." he sighed into him, voice somewhat slurred from the urge to rest. Try as he might to save Cakeless, there wasn't much he could do if the fox refused to release its grip. Relaxed and content beside Cakeless, Bucknight settled, finally enveloped by the depths of sleep.

Fawn December 3rd, 2016 06:20 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

When Bucknight called him "far from incompetent," Cakeless couldn't help but reflexively retort, "Obviously you haven't spent enough time with me." If Bucknight honestly believed he had an ounce of competence in him, he either walked around with his eyes closed or only chose to see the positive in his more-than-friend. Thinking back to his comment, he supposed there was no set amount of time as "enough" when it came to Bucknight, as it always seemed their conversations were cut short even if they had lasted hours. It was a strange sort of yearning that he lacked the vocabulary describe, but he reminded himself they could carry on where they'd left off later after they'd gotten some much-deserved sleep.

"Oh, thanks," he snickered sarcastically but it was subdued with the desire to nap drifting into him, "I'm so appreciative of how you look past my laziness to cherish the cat I am inside." Already, his focus was wandering aimlessly, and he was becoming less aware of what he was saying by the minute. "Prob'ly not." A tired mind tried to picture the scenario but upon realizing he didn't want to witness that gruesome event, he shifted his attention solely to Bucknight.

But that was proving to be a challenge as drowsiness lapped at him, soon washing over Cakeless completely and dragging him under in its wake. His breathing became deeper, chest rising and falling rhythmically as the young feline succumbed to the increasing urge to rest.

Empress Of Evil January 1st, 2017 10:57 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's
Cloudrain approached the leader's den slowly, hoping Russetstar would be in there. Peering through the entrance, her icy hues searched through the dimness of the den, looking for the tabby cat. She had seen her friend walking into the leaders den earlier and had decided to go have a chat with him. "Hey Russet, you there?", Cloudrain asked, searching for a figure through the darkness. Not being able to spot anything, she decided to just pad forward and sit down, wrapping her tail around her paws neatly. She wondered how long sh would have to wait till her friend came, or maybe he was in the den and just blending in with the dark. Cloudrain planned on congratulating her best friend on his well earnt position. She knew he deserved it and he would lead RiverClan to be the great clan it once was. The clan it was before Bucknight came along and ruined everything. Things seemed more peaceful then it was before and every clan was rising up to the status that they were once at. Cloudrain's mind started to wander off to some thoughts that included the new clan. SkyClan. Was SkyClan new? Or had it been a clan for ages? She had many questions about the new clan, but she wasn't going to get much info on them from her clanmates.

Fel January 10th, 2017 12:07 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 109922)
Cloudrain approached the leader's den slowly, hoping Russetstar would be in there. Peering through the entrance, her icy hues searched through the dimness of the den, looking for the tabby cat. She had seen her friend walking into the leaders den earlier and had decided to go have a chat with him. "Hey Russet, you there?", Cloudrain asked, searching for a figure through the darkness. Not being able to spot anything, she decided to just pad forward and sit down, wrapping her tail around her paws neatly. She wondered how long sh would have to wait till her friend came, or maybe he was in the den and just blending in with the dark. Cloudrain planned on congratulating her best friend on his well earnt position. She knew he deserved it and he would lead RiverClan to be the great clan it once was. The clan it was before Bucknight came along and ruined everything. Things seemed more peaceful then it was before and every clan was rising up to the status that they were once at. Cloudrain's mind started to wander off to some thoughts that included the new clan. SkyClan. Was SkyClan new? Or had it been a clan for ages? She had many questions about the new clan, but she wasn't going to get much info on them from her clanmates.

The den still smelled like him- it was driving Russetstar crazy as he sat inside of the leader's den quietly, shuffling his paws in discomfort as he stared up towards the celing bleakly. Sighing to himself, he couldn't believe that it was him who was chosen to take Bucknight's place. Power was a thing that could drive you out of control when you had too much, and being the leader of Riverclan- to him, that was definitely power. He was afraid of letting himself go, of losing his sense of morality like all the leaders of the dark era did. The cat was optimistic and kind, but he was worrying under that facade- with a clan in ruins thanks to a battle which some cats had yet to recover from, he was stressing himself out. He was trying to fix something that had to take time in order to heal, and patience was key here- something that was dwindling by the second as he sat, thinking. He'd do anything to prevent himself from becoming corrupt like that, knowing that he'd been given these nine lives for a reason, and that he had to use them wisely. His brooding was interrupted, however, by the sound of his friend's voice- something that at least relieved some of his anxiety at the moment. "...Cloudrain?" He called, trying to keep his voice firm and powerful- like it was supposed to be. He had to set an example, be a role model to all of the others who resided here. Russetstar had to keep it together.

Empress Of Evil January 10th, 2017 12:31 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 123643)

The den still smelled like him- it was driving Russetstar crazy as he sat inside of the leader's den quietly, shuffling his paws in discomfort as he stared up towards the celing bleakly. Sighing to himself, he couldn't believe that it was him who was chosen to take Bucknight's place. Power was a thing that could drive you out of control when you had too much, and being the leader of Riverclan- to him, that was definitely power. He was afraid of letting himself go, of losing his sense of morality like all the leaders of the dark era did. The cat was optimistic and kind, but he was worrying under that facade- with a clan in ruins thanks to a battle which some cats had yet to recover from, he was stressing himself out. He was trying to fix something that had to take time in order to heal, and patience was key here- something that was dwindling by the second as he sat, thinking. He'd do anything to prevent himself from becoming corrupt like that, knowing that he'd been given these nine lives for a reason, and that he had to use them wisely. His brooding was interrupted, however, by the sound of his friend's voice- something that at least relieved some of his anxiety at the moment. "...Cloudrain?" He called, trying to keep his voice firm and powerful- like it was supposed to be. He had to set an example, be a role model to all of the others who resided here. Russetstar had to keep it together.

Cloudrain jumped when she heard a familiar voice suddenly speak up. Searching through the den, she suddenly spotted her friend. Wow, he's great at hide and seek!, Cloudrain thought, being the optimistic and happy cat she was, that was the first phrase that came to mind, "You scared me. I didn't see you there", Cloudrain said, a wide grin on her face. With Bucknight gone, she didn't have many worries in her life. Now she just concentrated on socialising, training her apprentice Dulcetpaw, and contributing to the clan. It was just lile the way that life had been before the evil leaders took over each clan. Now that they were gone, that meant that gatherings would be back on! The thought excited Cloudrain. The tabby she cat would always be loyal to RiverClan, but she liked to socialise with other cats at the gathering. Of course she kept all the important information secret, but she liked to have a chat. "Congrats on become leader! You really do deserve it!", Cloudrain said in a loud and excited tone. A few cats mighht've heard her from outside the den. She was really happy for Russetstar though, and it was hard for a cat like Cloudrain to contain her support and happiness.

Ripplekit April 30th, 2017 11:37 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den
Whitekit was playing outside with some of the other kits. She ended up, somehow, rolling into the leader's den after misjudging a jump.

Hexict May 10th, 2017 01:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

A molly slowly made her way towards the leader's den. She and Russetstar hadn't had much time to speak since he became leader. Her friend had become swamped with the duties of a leader when he had gotten his nine lives and therefore didn't seem to have much time for friends. Plus, he had to get a deputy shortly after gaining his leader status, which was another factor that must have taken up a lot of his time. Mistfall herself had been busy. Though her personal life seemed to be calming down - with the exception of her younger siblings - she still felt like she had to use all her energy to help Riverclan after the Evil Era and the painful leaf-bare. Due to her... questionable past concerning some things, she also felt like she had to try her hardest for anything that involved the clan, no matter what it was. Mistfall wanted to prove herself and make up for what she did - mostly to herself than anyone else.

She took a deep breath and let her pale orbs watch the ground for a moment. She wished that it wasn't such a sad event that caused her to finally go over to speak to her close friend. Maybe we'd be able to speak someday as just friends? To just spend time by the river or something, aimlessly talking about how we are doing.... The multicolored molly gave a small smile at the thought of just spending some time with Russetstar that didn't involve anything sad like this. But that doesn't seem like the life for me. A frown took over. Her life never seemed calm. She always had an obstacle. When she was a kit she had her father, when she was an apprentice she had Mistyeyes and then became a rogue, when she was old enough to become a warrior she lost the cat she loved, and when she returned it happened to be during the Evil Era.

The warrior felt like sometimes she never got a break form her own life.

"Russetstar? ... May I come in?" He called into the dark den softly. She did not wish to disturb him if he was pre-occupied. It wasn't terribly urgent. She just wanted to see how her friend was doing with the news of Blackgaze's accident. It was an honest shock that something like that could happen, even if the former deputy was blind she would never have expected something like that to happen. Her respected friend is now paralyzed... how could something like that even happen?

Fel June 2nd, 2017 05:45 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 254610)

A molly slowly made her way towards the leader's den. She and Russetstar hadn't had much time to speak since he became leader. Her friend had become swamped with the duties of a leader when he had gotten his nine lives and therefore didn't seem to have much time for friends. Plus, he had to get a deputy shortly after gaining his leader status, which was another factor that must have taken up a lot of his time. Mistfall herself had been busy. Though her personal life seemed to be calming down - with the exception of her younger siblings - she still felt like she had to use all her energy to help Riverclan after the Evil Era and the painful leaf-bare. Due to her... questionable past concerning some things, she also felt like she had to try her hardest for anything that involved the clan, no matter what it was. Mistfall wanted to prove herself and make up for what she did - mostly to herself than anyone else.

She took a deep breath and let her pale orbs watch the ground for a moment. She wished that it wasn't such a sad event that caused her to finally go over to speak to her close friend. Maybe we'd be able to speak someday as just friends? To just spend time by the river or something, aimlessly talking about how we are doing.... The multicolored molly gave a small smile at the thought of just spending some time with Russetstar that didn't involve anything sad like this. But that doesn't seem like the life for me. A frown took over. Her life never seemed calm. She always had an obstacle. When she was a kit she had her father, when she was an apprentice she had Mistyeyes and then became a rogue, when she was old enough to become a warrior she lost the cat she loved, and when she returned it happened to be during the Evil Era.

The warrior felt like sometimes she never got a break form her own life.

"Russetstar? ... May I come in?" He called into the dark den softly. She did not wish to disturb him if he was pre-occupied. It wasn't terribly urgent. She just wanted to see how her friend was doing with the news of Blackgaze's accident. It was an honest shock that something like that could happen, even if the former deputy was blind she would never have expected something like that to happen. Her respected friend is now paralyzed... how could something like that even happen?

Russetstar had found himself rather stressed lately. With his previous deputy's injury and resignation and RiverClan's new deputy not exactly being a close friend of his either, he'd found himself burying his heart into his work, desperately trying to avoid the social interactions he was going to have to end up facing sooner or later. His ex-mate had just happened to rejoin the clan at the worst time possible, and his adoptive son had ended up having passed away. Pacing around the leader's den quietly, the russet leader's tail swished across the den floor in stress as he narrowed his eyes, claws absentmindedly digging into the camp floor as he let out a few distressed words under his breath, eyes darting around the den quickly. What do I even do now? If the clan doesn't even trust my deputy, what are they thinking about me?

Thankfully, RiverClan seemed to be one of the only clans staying out of trouble lately, for the most part. There'd been news of skirmishes between SkyClan and the Dusk Syndicate, and he'd heard of tensions between WindClan, an ally of his, and ThunderClan as well. In all honesty, he didn't think much of ShadowClan, but anything between their two clans was simply dirty looks and disdain- nothing more, really. Even though Halestar's the last cat I'd want to talk to right now, thankfully we're not at war. The two clans had always been rivals, and he hadn't expected everything to be sunshine and rainbows once Bucknight's rule had ended.

However, as he was brooding in his den alone, the tom's ears perked in curiosity as he could hear his friend calling in- though he found himself to be quite stressed at the moment, he couldn't simply deny her request. "Yes, yes, of course- come in, it's no problem."

Hexict June 5th, 2017 08:44 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Hearing the stress in her friend's voice caused the warrior to give out a saddened sigh. She didn't like to think of her friend being stressed, but of course he would after everything that's happened. The molly had always wanted to be leader of Riverclan. She had strives to become stronger because she had wanted to protect her clan-mates... and she always thought that she would make a great leader. That she would actually be able to do something if she somehow became the leader of Riverclan. But as she stepped into the leader's den, she could see the stress chipping at Russetstar.

And so early in his reign as well.

Besides, she was too young to hold such a position. And she had to acknowledge that, even if it hurt to see other's becoming deputy right in front of her. She knew that she shouldn't get her hopes up whenever the spot for deputy became open. It made her disgusted in herself. She had hoped to become leader after the Evil Era despite her age and found herself jealous towards one of her close friends after he was chosen instead. Then after Blackgaze was chosen to be his deputy instead of her, she grew jealous towards her as well even though they were friends too. And then when Blackgaze got hurt... Mistfall felt terrible for Blackgaze, but worse she also felt like she had a chance to become Russetstar's deputy and that was sickening even to herself to think of something so selfishly during a terrible time for her friend. Then he chose Fallenstream.... Mistfall had almost felt a bit betrayed every time she was over looked, but Fallenstream? Really? It was almost like a different kind of betrayl. The molly didn't like Fallenstream, in fact she hated his view on deputies and leaders - why would Russetstar choose him?

But she quickly shoved the thought from her head. If she wished to question him about it, that would be another time.

"How are you," she asked softly, even thought it was quite obvious that he wasn't doing all that well. Her fluffy tail swished against the floor of the den. Despite having mostly short fur, Mistfall's neck and tail were surprisingly fluffy and seemed to stand out. The warrior was uncertain how close she should get to her stressed out leader. She decided to just stay towards the entrance of the den unless he seemed to need comfort. "I know that we are at stressful times right now," she began, her voice was still soft - which was quite a surprise for the seemingly cold molly. "But don't worry about it too much. Besides you aren't alone in any fight involving the clan. Geckoleaf is always there if you need guidance, and now you have Fallenstream,"
she was aware that he might be one of the problems, but at least they had a new deputy now and even though she didn't like, she did hope he could help the clan. But she found herself doubting it. "And if you ever need me, I can try to be of assistance," the last part came out awkwardly. Mistfall was too young to be viewed as much of a guide and she hardly even had time to train her new - and first - apprentice. But she loved Riverclan and did wish to help them as well as Russetstar and even Geckoleaf if they need it.

Moldtail June 9th, 2017 03:27 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den
Walks in and bows to leader and says " I am moldtail from the two leg land and I hope I can join the clan...." she said in a frightened tone. She didn't know how the leader would reply

Fel June 9th, 2017 04:35 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Moldtail (Post 282856)
Walks in and bows to leader and says " I am moldtail from the two leg land and I hope I can join the clan...." she said in a frightened tone. She didn't know how the leader would reply

[ Please pm me and ask if you’d like to roleplay with / speak to Russetstar! Posts in the RIverclan Leader’s Den will be ignored if you do not speak to me about it first. ]

Fel June 11th, 2017 11:56 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 277615)

Hearing the stress in her friend's voice caused the warrior to give out a saddened sigh. She didn't like to think of her friend being stressed, but of course he would after everything that's happened. The molly had always wanted to be leader of Riverclan. She had strives to become stronger because she had wanted to protect her clan-mates... and she always thought that she would make a great leader. That she would actually be able to do something if she somehow became the leader of Riverclan. But as she stepped into the leader's den, she could see the stress chipping at Russetstar.

And so early in his reign as well.

Besides, she was too young to hold such a position. And she had to acknowledge that, even if it hurt to see other's becoming deputy right in front of her. She knew that she shouldn't get her hopes up whenever the spot for deputy became open. It made her disgusted in herself. She had hoped to become leader after the Evil Era despite her age and found herself jealous towards one of her close friends after he was chosen instead. Then after Blackgaze was chosen to be his deputy instead of her, she grew jealous towards her as well even though they were friends too. And then when Blackgaze got hurt... Mistfall felt terrible for Blackgaze, but worse she also felt like she had a chance to become Russetstar's deputy and that was sickening even to herself to think of something so selfishly during a terrible time for her friend. Then he chose Fallenstream.... Mistfall had almost felt a bit betrayed every time she was over looked, but Fallenstream? Really? It was almost like a different kind of betrayl. The molly didn't like Fallenstream, in fact she hated his view on deputies and leaders - why would Russetstar choose him?

But she quickly shoved the thought from her head. If she wished to question him about it, that would be another time.

"How are you," she asked softly, even thought it was quite obvious that he wasn't doing all that well. Her fluffy tail swished against the floor of the den. Despite having mostly short fur, Mistfall's neck and tail were surprisingly fluffy and seemed to stand out. The warrior was uncertain how close she should get to her stressed out leader. She decided to just stay towards the entrance of the den unless he seemed to need comfort. "I know that we are at stressful times right now," she began, her voice was still soft - which was quite a surprise for the seemingly cold molly. "But don't worry about it too much. Besides you aren't alone in any fight involving the clan. Geckoleaf is always there if you need guidance, and now you have Fallenstream,"
she was aware that he might be one of the problems, but at least they had a new deputy now and even though she didn't like, she did hope he could help the clan. But she found herself doubting it. "And if you ever need me, I can try to be of assistance," the last part came out awkwardly. Mistfall was too young to be viewed as much of a guide and she hardly even had time to train her new - and first - apprentice. But she loved Riverclan and did wish to help them as well as Russetstar and even Geckoleaf if they need it.

Russetstar had known exactly why he'd 'overlooked' Mistfall- she was too young for the position, and he'd needed someone with experience training an apprentice as well- she hadn't exactly finished with her first, and with Blackgaze's departure from her position, he figured he might want a deputy who he wasn't as close with. Of course he cared about Fallenstream's well-being, but if he had to resign or even leave RiverClan for the hunting grounds of StarClan, the russet tom wouldn't be nearly as heartbroken as the first time his deputy had to resign from their position. Him and the dark-furred warrior certainly didn't agree on everything, but he'd needed a new perspective as well- and there he had one. "I'm doing alright- though it's rather... disappointing that things seem to be falling apart as of late." With Shellfeather and all- Of course she had to come back to the clan now, when he was in the middle of all this current turmoil already.

"...I know I have Geckoleaf, and that I have Cricketpaw as well. I wouldn't call Fallenstream and myself very close yet, but I feel he was the right decision as deputy- I need a different perspective on things, and perhaps he would be the one to change all of that." He huffed, his voice sounding strained in itself as he replied to his close friend. He was worried about his clan's well-being, though he was glad that they weren't in bigger troubles- he didn't care for ShadowClan, but they weren't at war, and the tensions between the two had no possibility to turn hostile, in his opinion.

"With that said, how is Rabbitpaw doing?"
The leader inquired rather softly, his tail flicking across the den floor as he sat down against the moss-covered stone, the feathers in his nest brushing against his shorter fur as he let out a rather deep sigh. "If she's misbehaving, let me know- I can take care of it." His daughter was a rather excitable apprentice, and she seemed the least affected by Shellfeather's return- though he could sense she was a bit lonely, vying for some kind of friend to help her through what she was trying to process. The apprentice presented herself like an open book, easy to read- though Russetstar didn't exactly know how to solve her problems now when so many more were presented to him.

Hexict June 13th, 2017 10:54 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Ears flicked slightly at his words. The molly turned her head to look towards the side of Russetstar. She wasn't entirely sure what to really say to him about everything that has been happening lately. It seemed like Starclan was really testing Riverclan. Why did they have to lose a deputy right now? She fluffed out her pelt as she thought about the rising tensions that grew in the other clans. Skyclan had recently fought the Dusk Syndicate, and Thunderclan and Windclan seemed to be testing each other and waiting for a battle to start up. It seemed that the dangerous waters that were the Evil Era were frozen over, yet everyone now tred that thin ice and risked falling into more violence. Why could they just relax? Had there not been enough fighting already? Enough innocent cats killed? Although she did have a secret love for fighting - a love that made her fear herself a bit - she still found the clans mouse-brained to fight so thoughtlessly.

But she also found his words to be a bit... insensitive. Perhaps it had simply been the way he put it, but she believed he should say something along the lines of "it's saddening that things are turning out this way" instead of stating that he was simply disappointed with the outcome. She was sure that he friend hadn't meant for it to come across in such a way. Mistfall viewed her friend as kind and he seemed to know others - something that she lacked. The warrior shrugged away her thoughts and blinked as Russetstar as he continued, pulling her from her current thoughts.

Shifting awkwardly, Mistfall wasn't sure how to respond to his reasoning on choosing Fallenstream. If you really need a new perspective, then I'm sure that Starclan wouldn't have chosen you themselves, she retorted silently. "I'm glad that you have some faith in Fallenstream," the warrior mewed, faking a content voice. She so far was not a fan of the new deputy and didn't understand why Russetstar believes that he needed a new perspective - and one like Fallenstream's!? The dark tom seemed to hate anyone with power, so what was there to gain by giving him some? Maybe he won't abuse his power due to his beliefs, but there are plenty of cats that are loyal and good. White tail unintentionally flicked as she silently questioned her leader's decisions. The grey warrior was sure that Fallenstream was one of the least eligible cats within the clan to succeed Blackgaze, and she wasn't sure he would be able to handle leadership due to his hate for those with power. Though the reason she mostly stayed silent, was so she didn't cause the spotted tom to question himself too.

It was a terrible thing to doubt yourself and worry about the decisions you've made - and Mist knew that all too well.

"I'm not particularly close to Cricketpaw, but I would trust Geckoleaf with my life and I'm sure that she's mentor Cricketpaw to the best of her abilities," Mistfall relaxed slightly as she thought about Geckoleaf. Though the two hadn't been friends for too long, they did seem to form a strong friendship. Mistfall had become almost like a sister to the medicine cat and would gladly become the tabby's shoulder to cry on if she ever needed one. Since she trusted Geckoleaf, she also found herself trusting her apprentice. The medicine cat seemed to care for the young molly and seemed to have hope for her in the future. Mistfall wondered if Cricketpaw would be as good as Geckoleaf. She seemed to return to an uncomfortable statue as she thought about the clan without Geckoleaf, and wished her friend would be able to be their medicine cat for many more moons to come.

Blushing slightly as he began to question her about how his other daughter's training is coming along. "We have had little time to train," she embarrassedly admitted. "I do wish to get around to train her soon," she quickly added. The molly never had an apprentice before, and was honored that Russestar had trusted her with his daughter despite her young age age and inexperience training other cats. She hoped that she could prove herself to him and train Rabbitpaw to become a great warrior. Though she had come conflicting mentors in her own past and didn't want to mess the young molly up. Mistfall gave a smile at his offer to speak to Rabbitpaw if she was ever causing any trouble. "I must thank you for the offer, Russetstar, but no thanks. This is my first apprentice, and I must learn how to be in charge of someone on my own or else I won't truly be able to learn," calmly pointing that out, the warrior hoped that he understood and didn't take any offense since none was intended. Besides, she knew she would have to

Even now... my thought are consumed by the ambition and hopes for power.... She found herself disappointed that she was still thinking of such things.

Questions formed in her head, but they didn't seem appropriate to ask. She wished to ask about how the tensions with Windclan and Thunderclan were, about how bad it had become and where they were now on the subject. She wanted to ask about how Whisperblaze was. Ask about how he believed that clan was doing with Fallenstream as their deputy, whether the clan was pleased with the choice or not. But Mistfall was sure that any of those would just bring him to more stressful thoughts and she wished to avoid causing him stress. He needed to relax, and she wanted to simply have a conversation with him. After a moment of allowing a short awkward silence to fall between them, the molly decided to speak more about Rabbitpaw. "Can you tell me more about Rabbitpaw? I would like a heads-up before we get into some training. You've already informed me that she can be an excited molly," she believed that this was a safe subject to talk about. Something that could help Russetstar avoid stress for the moment.

Fel July 12th, 2017 01:44 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den
Sitting in his den rather nonchalantly, Russetstar let out a quiet huff of boredom as he flicked his tail, narrowing his eyes as the leader stared towards his den's walls carefully. There hadn't been much going on recently, and with how things went in this forest, he figured he'd have to be prepared for anything. He'd heard of tensions between SkyClan and the Dusk Syndicate as well as between ThunderClan and WindClan, but he'd figured that his clan and ShadowClan didn't have any reason to dislike each other aside from quick glances during the Gatherings and such.

If I'm correct, where will we stand if something greater than just tensions breaks out?

Jingle July 14th, 2017 11:14 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 318270)
Sitting in his den rather nonchalantly, Russetstar let out a quiet huff of boredom as he flicked his tail, narrowing his eyes as the leader stared towards his den's walls carefully. There hadn't been much going on recently, and with how things went in this forest, he figured he'd have to be prepared for anything. He'd heard of tensions between SkyClan and the Dusk Syndicate as well as between ThunderClan and WindClan, but he'd figured that his clan and ShadowClan didn't have any reason to dislike each other aside from quick glances during the Gatherings and such.

If I'm correct, where will we stand if something greater than just tensions breaks out?

Halestar burst into his den, her fur soaked and wet and her emerald green eyes shining as she was angry and upset with the recent events. "Russetstar, I apologize for the abrupt meeting but... the storm as washed away ShadowClan's land... We need some place to stay, for our kits to grow. My deputy is taking the clan members out but I need confirmation that we have a place to stay. Please, Russetstar, I beg of you."

Fel July 16th, 2017 06:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 320764)

Halestar burst into his den, her fur soaked and wet and her emerald green eyes shining as she was angry and upset with the recent events. "Russetstar, I apologize for the abrupt meeting but... the storm as washed away ShadowClan's land... We need some place to stay, for our kits to grow. My deputy is taking the clan members out but I need confirmation that we have a place to stay. Please, Russetstar, I beg of you."

Russetstar's ears immediately perked in surprise at Halestar's sudden entrance, his fur bristling in hostility until he'd found that her words were anything but that. "...Halestar." He breathed, still shocked at how she'd managed to get past RiverClan camp before anyone had come to tell him of her arrival. However, he wasn't one to reject clans in need, especially when they had no real rivalry with his clan. "Your clan is welcome to stay here as long as they need, but they'll need to abide by my own leadership if they choose to do so." It was his territory, and so they would logically have to follow his own rules.

Jingle July 17th, 2017 12:35 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 322772)
Russetstar's ears immediately perked in surprise at Halestar's sudden entrance, his fur bristling in hostility until he'd found that her words were anything but that. "...Halestar." He breathed, still shocked at how she'd managed to get past RiverClan camp before anyone had come to tell him of her arrival. However, he wasn't one to reject clans in need, especially when they had no real rivalry with his clan. "Your clan is welcome to stay here as long as they need, but they'll need to abide by my own leadership if they choose to do so." It was his territory, and so they would logically have to follow his own rules.

"Thank you, Russetstar." Halestar said, dread seeping into her wet and matted pelt as she made the agreement with him. The leader of ShadowClan was not looking forward to stay with another clan for however long it took to rebuild their home and camp. "However, I would still like to have say in my clan's activities when necessary."

Fel July 22nd, 2017 06:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 323442)

"Thank you, Russetstar." Halestar said, dread seeping into her wet and matted pelt as she made the agreement with him. The leader of ShadowClan was not looking forward to stay with another clan for however long it took to rebuild their home and camp. "However, I would still like to have say in my clan's activities when necessary."

"...It's no problem." Russetstar replied quickly, though he would've swiftly rejected Halestar's request if he'd known what her intentions had been before the flooding started. He wasn't a cruel leader, but he would never let hostile cats fill their own territory and possibly target RiverClan's own members. "And that can surely be arranged- both our clans will have to get used to sharing territories for awhile."

Jingle July 26th, 2017 11:06 AM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 329245)
"...It's no problem." Russetstar replied quickly, though he would've swiftly rejected Halestar's request if he'd known what her intentions had been before the flooding started. He wasn't a cruel leader, but he would never let hostile cats fill their own territory and possibly target RiverClan's own members. "And that can surely be arranged- both our clans will have to get used to sharing territories for awhile."

Halestar nodded, sighing softly. "They will, thank you- once again for your kindness in letting us stay here for the time being." She said, looking at Russetstar. The leader still wasn't sure about the RiverClan leader, but she would have to deal with it for the rest of her clan's sake.

"I will go and try to get the rest of the clan out. We will be back soon." She mewed, looking away and walking out of the den.

graves August 7th, 2017 08:21 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Daypaw padded-well more like limped into the den. Being in Riverclan was new to them. The smells, the new herbs, the cats. While they werent involved in clan rivalry, they could still feel the tension easily. Daypaw didnt care about it though, they would talk to Russetstar as bluntly as they would their own leader. It may come off as rude, but oh well. Normally they wouldve just kept ut of this but they couldnt. They knew Cricketpaw was Russetstars daughter and he had a right to know that Daypaw saw her. And could tell him that she was fine and well. The thoughts of the flood came back to them. The water in their lungs. The coldness. Seeing Cricketpaw. Her reaching out her paw to save them. While Cricketpaw saved them they still took a major hit from the fall, herbs plastered to the sides of their body which was concerning skinny, water still dripped from their mouth from time to time from left over water. They put that aside for now. Amber hues scanned the den for the spotted leader. Once seeing him it took them a moment to say anything. Cricketpaw looked just like him.
¨Russetstar, can I speak to you?¨

Fel August 18th, 2017 05:05 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by woly (Post 345914)

Daypaw padded-well more like limped into the den. Being in Riverclan was new to them. The smells, the new herbs, the cats. While they werent involved in clan rivalry, they could still feel the tension easily. Daypaw didnt care about it though, they would talk to Russetstar as bluntly as they would their own leader. It may come off as rude, but oh well. Normally they wouldve just kept ut of this but they couldnt. They knew Cricketpaw was Russetstars daughter and he had a right to know that Daypaw saw her. And could tell him that she was fine and well. The thoughts of the flood came back to them. The water in their lungs. The coldness. Seeing Cricketpaw. Her reaching out her paw to save them. While Cricketpaw saved them they still took a major hit from the fall, herbs plastered to the sides of their body which was concerning skinny, water still dripped from their mouth from time to time from left over water. They put that aside for now. Amber hues scanned the den for the spotted leader. Once seeing him it took them a moment to say anything. Cricketpaw looked just like him.
¨Russetstar, can I speak to you?¨

All of this activity had been taking a toll on Russetstar's ability to lead- ShadowClan was staying in their camp and their territory, and though he felt like he'd made the right desicion, it still seemed like too much. It had been moons and he still wasn't able to get over his own daughter's death, and now this- it just worried him. Is StarClan angry with me for something? Why has everything seemed to go south? Out of all the clans, it had to be ShadowClan. He never hated them, but he could tell Halestar wasn't their biggest fan- and yet she came to him in a time of such need. Taking in a ragged breath as he lay down to himself in the leader's den, his ears perked up at the rusting sound of footsteps just outside. Taking a moment to register the stranger, he soon recognized the cat as ShadowClan's resident healer- Daypaw.
"...Yes, please, go ahead."
He murmured softly, his voice strained from all he worrying he'd been doing recently. Aren't they... weren't they her friend? Cricketpaw.

graves August 18th, 2017 06:29 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 357632)
All of this activity had been taking a toll on Russetstar's ability to lead- ShadowClan was staying in their camp and their territory, and though he felt like he'd made the right desicion, it still seemed like too much. It had been moons and he still wasn't able to get over his own daughter's death, and now this- it just worried him. Is StarClan angry with me for something? Why has everything seemed to go south? Out of all the clans, it had to be ShadowClan. He never hated them, but he could tell Halestar wasn't their biggest fan- and yet she came to him in a time of such need. Taking in a ragged breath as he lay down to himself in the leader's den, his ears perked up at the rusting sound of footsteps just outside. Taking a moment to register the stranger, he soon recognized the cat as ShadowClan's resident healer- Daypaw.
"...Yes, please, go ahead."
He murmured softly, his voice strained from all he worrying he'd been doing recently. Aren't they... weren't they her friend? Cricketpaw.

Every minute Daypaw looked towards Russetstar they could see Cricketpaw. Cricketpaw was their best friend. Possibly the only cat that really got through to them. The only cat to push past their grumpy extterior and blunt out look, Cricketpaw was there. But she wasnt anymore. Right now Dayaw had just arrived in Shadowclan, their fur still dripped with water. But they held a firm gaze, taking a shaky step forward,¨I know Shadowclan isnt your number one fan,¨ they mewed bluntly. Daypaw was one to see right through cats, and Russetstar was no exception,¨and I know youre hesitant to let us step paws in your territory,¨ they didnt care if their words came off as disrespectful to a leader. Theyd treat Russetstar like any other cat, with honest words. They gave a small sigh, sitting down. ¨During the flood, I thought I was going to die.¨ Their gaze was directly towards Russetstar, their tone firm. They looked much older then they were at the moment. Amber hues dark, multiple places in their side dripping with water and blood, they didnt care. ¨I wanted to die. I fell down a mudslide. So many of our warriors died, well have no home to return to.¨ they looked towards the ground now. Thoughts went over what had happened moments before. The thunder. The rain. The lightning. The water filling their lungs. Cricketpaw. ¨Water filled my lungs and I thought I was going to die. But your daughter, my best friend, saved me.¨
They looked up at him again, tone softer. To Daypaws knowlege, Cricketpaw had not visited anyone since her death. Leaving everycat to wonder if she was okay. Daypaw started to shake. They had nothing now. Nothing. She started to shake, feeling water edge their eyes as they struggled to keep eyecontact, everything was becoming blurry with water. ¨I miss Cricketpaw so much.¨ their voice was quieter, cracking in several places. They had never cried infront of anybody before, they felt weak. But they couldnt help it.

Fel August 20th, 2017 06:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by woly (Post 357738)
Every minute Daypaw looked towards Russetstar they could see Cricketpaw. Cricketpaw was their best friend. Possibly the only cat that really got through to them. The only cat to push past their grumpy extterior and blunt out look, Cricketpaw was there. But she wasnt anymore. Right now Dayaw had just arrived in Shadowclan, their fur still dripped with water. But they held a firm gaze, taking a shaky step forward,¨I know Shadowclan isnt your number one fan,¨ they mewed bluntly. Daypaw was one to see right through cats, and Russetstar was no exception,¨and I know youre hesitant to let us step paws in your territory,¨ they didnt care if their words came off as disrespectful to a leader. Theyd treat Russetstar like any other cat, with honest words. They gave a small sigh, sitting down. ¨During the flood, I thought I was going to die.¨ Their gaze was directly towards Russetstar, their tone firm. They looked much older then they were at the moment. Amber hues dark, multiple places in their side dripping with water and blood, they didnt care. ¨I wanted to die. I fell down a mudslide. So many of our warriors died, well have no home to return to.¨ they looked towards the ground now. Thoughts went over what had happened moments before. The thunder. The rain. The lightning. The water filling their lungs. Cricketpaw. ¨Water filled my lungs and I thought I was going to die. But your daughter, my best friend, saved me.¨
They looked up at him again, tone softer. To Daypaws knowlege, Cricketpaw had not visited anyone since her death. Leaving everycat to wonder if she was okay. Daypaw started to shake. They had nothing now. Nothing. She started to shake, feeling water edge their eyes as they struggled to keep eyecontact, everything was becoming blurry with water. ¨I miss Cricketpaw so much.¨ their voice was quieter, cracking in several places. They had never cried infront of anybody before, they felt weak. But they couldnt help it.

At first, Daypaw had been saying exactly what Russetstar had on his mind- that of all clans, it was so strange that ShadowClan had chosen to stay with them in danger of a storm. At first, when the other clan's medicine cat started talking about they were in danger of death, he expected it to be some kind of 'thank you', from saving their clan from the flood- which he would've humbly accepted, to be honest- with having to share their entire territory with another clan, a bit of thankfulness was something he needed right now. However, the RiverClan leader wasn't at all prepared for this- because they mentioned his daughter, the one he'd been mourning for moons, the one whose death he hadn't gotten over because he'd just rescued her, and then she slipped away from him again. Of course Cricketpaw would've known the fellow medicine cat, right? He hadn't known much of them being this close, but it was a bit of a relief to know there was someone who missed his daughter just as much as he did. "...I... I don't even know where to start- I miss her too, I miss her just as much as you do." He murmured softly as he flicked his tail towards Daypaw's shoulder, trying to comfort the younger cat the best he could. "...She was the kindest soul in RiverClan- I'm not surprised she's still the same after her death." He mewed softly- his daughter was a hero.

She'd always been a hero.

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