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Undertaker June 10th, 2023 07:38 PM

June Gathering
Please wait for your respective Clan leader or deputy to post before you arrive!



[announcement ] [/announcement ]
Make sure you close the brackets for your post coding!

Roleplayers, feel free to have your cats react to what the leaders are saying!
You can search #announcement in this thread to find all the high rank posts you get to respond to!

[ @Moonraven @Lillian @Dino @valery @vellichor @Estelle ]

Undertaker June 10th, 2023 07:44 PM

Re: June Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

What a lovely night to be an emotionally exhausted mess of a clan leader. Seriously! Why the hell did every gathering they go to as of late it was raining? Was this StarClan's way to tell them they disapproved of something or was the weather just dung? The Queen was off her game, but no one would notice by looking at her. Her struggles were internal and she'd be damn before she let anyone pick up on them. She forced herself to keep her physical health in decent condition, lest it cost her a life. Ha! Emotionally distressed and her first priority was still survival.

The rain fell in a steady pattern, not too hard, not too soft, and very annoying. The ShadowClan leader didn't bother trying to be quiet as she stomped her way through the territory and toward the beach. She was not surprised to find it empty, who the hell wanted to be out here in this weather? If she wasn't so desperate for news on the other clans, it was highly likely that she'd turn tail and return home.

Dawnstar focused on hating the weather as she lashed her tail, not caring if she swatted whoever was walking behind her, their fault for walking so close. She was exceedingly frustrated at absolutely nothing right now. She could only hope that her clan was on their best behavior. Or at least someone else's drama beat out ShadowClan's.

Dawnstar bunched up her rippling muscles and leap up onto the seastones, claws unsheathed and tail centered for better balance, she turned to take a seat. She kept her back straight chin slightly raised while her ears flickered frantically tossing aside the raindrops that fell on them. She had no interest in starting anything with other clans tonight. She wanted to listen and decide about some things that have been bugging her.

ShadowClan's Arrived

dino. June 10th, 2023 07:47 PM

Re: June Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Bumblestar could only imagine the sorts of looks her Clan would be receiving as they arrived not far behind ShadowClan. Four different cats where the others had once stood—with their track record, she knew how it would look.

“Behave yourselves,” she snapped over her shoulder to her Clan as her paws found cool sand. “Remember what I talked about.” If anyone even so much as tested her patience tonight, she was completely prepared to drag them out herself, raining or not.

In a few easy bounds, she claimed her spot on the stone next to Dawnstar and regarded the open space with a cool gaze. It was only mildly ironic that it was now pretty much expected of her to stand here with the rest, when moons ago she had clambered up it completely uninvited in an attempt to get rid of the massive she-cat to her left.

“Evening,” she greeted Dawnstar flatly.

[ @Undertaker ]

ThunderClan has arrived

bubble[error]. June 10th, 2023 07:53 PM

Re: June Gathering
~~ Drippingpelt - She/Her - ShadowClan Warrior ~~

{ Open }

Drippingpelt followed Dawnstar to the Gathering. Let's just get this over with. She thought, growling to herself.

lio June 10th, 2023 07:54 PM

Re: June Gathering
huge, dark grey tabby tom with orange eyes and many scars.

Nighthound's tail lashed as he followed behind Dawnstar. He remained silent, orange eyes focused forward. As Dawnstar went to leap onto the Seastones, he chose to sit close to the center- not too far forward, but not in the back.

messy-furred brown she-cat with heterochromia.

Gentledoe nodded at Bumblestar's words, silent as she walked. The tabby she-cat sat down where she assumed the other Keepers would be sitting, keeping an open space next to her if Asterdance wished to sit there. (Or hoped they would.)

Poprock June 10th, 2023 08:00 PM

Re: June Gathering
"I'm gonna make so many new friends this time! I thought which of my moves are the coolest, and I decided on the Bunny hop to start, and then if they want a real show... I'll show them how good I can climb! Wolfie, did you know that me and Goldenpaw almost snuck out once? I was gonna climb super high to look at all the butterflies, but stinky Flameheart caught us. Oh well, I have a new target in mind now!" She chirped, before a grin most devious spreading across her maw. I'll climb the Seastones if it means I can make new pals! Hehehehehehe.... the little apprentice was going to enjoy her second gathering ever. The first one had been a bit tense. "Do you think climbing rocks and climbing trees are the same thing?" She lowered her voice so only her brothers could hear, yellow eyes shifting over to glance at Bumblestar. The last cat she wanted to hear her devious plan. I'm pretty sure she already hates me...

As the squad arrived, the apprentice couldn't help but deflate a bit when she realized only Shadowclan had arrived. Were... they here? Perhaps she would just hide behind her brothers until the other clans arrived........
@naiad @Quasar

val June 10th, 2023 08:05 PM

Re: June Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Alderstep would rather go home. Hell, he'd rather pretend to be sick and miss this gathering. Showing up as a new deputy and being forced to be near the other clans' deputies (as usual, Shadowclan lacked theirs) had never been on his bucket list, and it sure didn't get added to it when he earned the rank. Plus, it was raining. What would've been a horrible gathering had been made ten times worse because of the weather.

The russet tabby bristled as he threw a warning glance at the ThunderClan cats. If any of them made this even worse, he would vow to bury them in the disgusting wet sand he stood upon. He'd always been embarrassed whenever ThunderClan made a scene at the gatherings (thankfully a somewhat rare occurrence) but he'd be mortified if they did it now.

With a snarl etched onto his features, Alderstep assumed a spot he hadn't seen the other deputies take at previous meetings. Stars, he was not looking forward to this. The tom shook out his sodden pelt, hoping this went fast.

Starfall June 10th, 2023 08:07 PM

Re: June Gathering


The tom followed the group out to the Gathering. It had been a while since one was held...or he was just avoiding them, as he often did. Being around groups of cats, let alone most of them being strangers, wasn't his cup of tea. But, he was apparently a keeper now, something about putting up a good something for ThunderClan. He couldn't remember, he was tired.

Ears twitched as he spotted a familiar face sit down, ah, so that's where they would sit. Why not just sit with everyone else, why did they have to have their own spot? They were just a warrior with extra steps. Letting out a snort as he sat beside the other Keeper, giving her a nod of his head in greeting.


ThunderClan Apprentice

The silver tabby looked around in awe. She hadn't yet been to a gathering, something about it being a good few moons since one had even been held. Oh, she was excited. It felt as though she was buzzing, unable to stand still. Seems as though ShadowClan was here, they sure...they sure did smell like wet dirt honestly. She thought the rumors were all just a little stretched.

poppy June 10th, 2023 08:08 PM

Re: June Gathering

Seeing Dawnstar up on the Seastones as she entered, Dovefluff almost turned tail and fled, but something made her freeze. She needed to be here to support Springpaw, her beloved daughter, so that was what she was going to to. She searched the crowd for two different pelts. Her friend Hawkbite's and... His. Darklight. Maybe she was panicking over nothing. Darklight hated Gatherings, surely he wouldn't be here.

( open)

roo! June 10th, 2023 08:16 PM

Re: June Gathering
"Everything alright, Dovefluff?" Sparrowfur spoke gently, she could sense the panic in her clanmate. "You're not sick are you?" she asked with a slight alarm
[ @jupiter if this is alright!]

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