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Madelaine May 10th, 2020 10:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
[ @Greenleap; ]

Cottonpaw padded put of the apprentices den making his way over to a nice sunny spot. The tom laid down on his stomach and placed his paws underneath him. It was truly a nice day today. Cottonpaw glanced around the clearing, feeling vibrations of other cats paws on the ground.

vellichor May 10th, 2020 10:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Beankit was bored. He was so, so bored. In fact, he was so bored, he began counting how many clouds drifted across the sky. The small cat was laying on his back, belly exposed. However, he wasn’t thinking about that. He was searching for cloud number 43, to get one closer to his goal of 50. Hey, that one looked like a fish! Well, if you squinted and ticketed you’re head... whatever. That one looked like a paw with claws sticking out. Oh. That dampened his spirits a bit. Hmm.

[kind of a throwaway post, but open for interaction with anyone!]

BEAR. May 11th, 2020 03:34 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports

Originally Posted by Spiderfrost (Post 691902)

The pale furred tom nodded. "Owlflight suffered a head wound and where the fox picked him up he's got some nasty tearing across his back. But he was regaining consciousness when I left the medicine cats den." Brightwhisker informed.

"And yes, Lampreypaw and I are fine, just a bit shaken, I was going to check on them after reporting to you."


"Thank you for letting me know," Lionstar spoke with a glance toward the medicine cat den. At least Fawn was there... "Go ahead and check on them, get some rest yourself."


Originally Posted by Clover'Wish_101 (Post 691866)
" Hm? Okay, then. " Snowcry padded over to the leader.

"Fuzzy, eh? Alright then: from this moment, you'll be Fuzzypaw. Snowcry, Fuzzypaw is an outsider joining us and he'll need to learn all the ropes." Lionstar was relieved one of the cats he called came forward.. he wasn't very happy with Streamsong.

Spinning on his paws with his attention back to Cricketchirp, he continued. "Since Streamsong has decided to be a no-show, I'll be assigning Doefeather [ @TeamRiverRipple] to oversee your training." He rose his voice loud enough for the other warrior to hear. "You'll need to be taught hunting and fighting alongside Clan traditions and our boundaries. I trust Doefeather can handle that."

[ @Rainquail ]

BEAR. May 11th, 2020 04:05 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
"Stay away from me!" Lionstar angrily hissed as Frozenpaw began to touch him, of all things-- "You're stinky! Get your stinky away from me!"

It didn't help matters when the ShadowClan apprentice DID NOT TAKE HIM BACK. "I said he wasn't mine!" AND THEN MOTHER--



"I didn't take him to the raid!" He objected, even angrier now that he'd been struck in the head. "Weh! He snuck out of camp again, stupid babypaw!" His mood was permanently soured by this, and he shot a glare in Fellconepaw's direction as the ShadowClanner made a quiet departure.


Falcondive wanted no part in this, and was planning on leaving it that way. With a nod to Iceflower, he slipped out of camp-- with any luck, he would not be seeing any of them anytime soon.

[ @Dipper ]

Fawn May 11th, 2020 04:18 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Shimm (Post 687573)
Fawnsqueak was right, Lionstar always thought about his actions. He wasn't one to ruin lives in Riverclan much less he always thought about clan's future. Nodding the molly felt somewhat better about Berrypaw.

The awkwardness was so thick that Shimmeringpool could cut it with her claws. Clearing her throat the silver and white molly felt guilty for questioning his best friend's choice and then she had to add his past on the list. Closing her eyes a short sigh escaped her maw as she let out her frustrations. "I'm sorry I just want to be a good mentor for Berrypaw. So my real question is do you have any advice for me? Tips, things that you've seen work and not work?" The question blurted out of her maw.

This whole mentor-apprentice ship thing was thrown at her not even a moon after her own warrior ceremony. When it came down to the fact that she was put in charge of Berrypaw's training Shimmeringpool was terrified.

[[sorry tryin to catch up on everything ;0; ]]

Fawnsqueak didn't follow her reasoning, why she would apologize for wanting to be a good mentor, but that was swept aside for the more loaded question that came next and had him stammering through an "I really don't know." But deciding that probably was insufficient, he puffed a sigh. "I seriously have no idea how to mentor anything, I'm not.. good at the teaching part, I guess? Last time I had an apprentice, she got upset during a training session and stormed off, and after that..." His eyebrows knitted. "I'm not sure where she went off to. That is.. pretty much my only mentoring experience." The conclusion ended in a strained exhale of a laugh, bittersweet.

[b]"And.. and my mentor--um, the first one, I mean--he was completely insane, looking back on it. So.. don't take your apprentice to the twolegplace and try to get them to help you 'civilize the savages', meaning... outsiders. Forcing outsiders to try to think like us. That's... already a mentor-trap that you're dodging though, I'd bet." Fawnsqueak imagined Shimmeringpool as going the traditional route: exploring the territory, learning to fight and hunt. Basic stuff. "Look," he moved on to try to brighten the subject, "I might not be able to do it, but that doesn't mean you're a.. a lousy mentor, or anything. If Berrypaw makes it to being a warrior, you did amazing."


Abyssopelagic May 11th, 2020 05:49 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports
The newly named Kricketchirp nodded vigorously. He wasn't sure how else to react. He wasn't sure what to say, or if he even should.
He dipped his head in acknowledgment when assigning a cat to show him the territory. @BILL.

Greenleap May 11th, 2020 07:01 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Sparkling Bliss (Post 693213)
[ @Greenleap; ]

Cottonpaw padded put of the apprentices den making his way over to a nice sunny spot. The tom laid down on his stomach and placed his paws underneath him. It was truly a nice day today. Cottonpaw glanced around the clearing, feeling vibrations of other cats paws on the ground.

"Hey Cottonpaw!" She meowed slower than normal. "Mind if I lay with you?"

MEAT ANGELS May 11th, 2020 09:54 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports
@BILL. @Rainquail

Doefeather perked her ears, the sound of Lionstar calling her name ringing across her ear fur. Listening intently, there was some speak of receiving an outsider for a apprentice. Lionstar really trusted her with that? Maybe she had done well, after all.
Padding cheerfully to the others, she dipped her head in respect to Lionstar, before turning to her new apprentice. At least, she thought so. "Hi! I'm.. uh.. Doefeather.. Ya.. uh.. you ready to uh.. learn how to be a clan..clan cat?" Was it just her.. or did this tom seem too big to be an apprentice?

Abyssopelagic May 11th, 2020 11:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports
[Oh no I love Doefeather]
Kricketchirp gave a curious glance to the cat that stollrd over. Doefeather, he thinks. She seemed baffled by something. Or rather she was baffled by some aspect of him.
If Luonstar himself hadn't said his was an odd case, he likely wouldn't have noticed or cared about the odd look.
"I suppose," he clarified. "If it helps Sunpetal settle in." He physicallycringed as he uttered his mate's new name. Her clan name.
He closed his eyes for a solid few seconds before opening them again. "Yeah, ok. Whenever you're ready, I suppose." If he got done soon enough, he could spend time with his mate before it became night.

Spiderfrost May 11th, 2020 01:57 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports

Originally Posted by BILL. (Post 693385)


"Thank you for letting me know," Lionstar spoke with a glance toward the medicine cat den. At least Fawn was there... "Go ahead and check on them, get some rest yourself."

Brightwhisker nodded. "Thank you." he sighed before getting up and going on his way.

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