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Arie July 11th, 2018 01:29 AM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by IceyGlitch (Post 521975)
Eclipsepaw raced through Windclan territory lost in excitement and thoughts. The young tom thought about what his mentor might teach him today. Suddenly the black apprentice skids to a stop shaking himself from his thoughts. Opening his jet black maw he drinks in the scents around him and catches a faint scent of a Windclan cat. Falconfall! Eclipsepaw thinks and he pads towards where the scent trail was heading. He notices that the scent was closer and he races forwards in excitement not realizing there was a dip in the ground hidden by tall grass. He yelps loudly as he scrabbles around trying to stop his inevitable fate of falling. His attempts were vain but it wasn't dangerous ...this time... but he was still scared.

Falconfall shook his head in amusement as the apprentice stumbled into the dip. He sat up from his lying down position and nudged the apprentice with his muzzle. "Come on, little one. Up and going, this isn't just a falling lesson." The older male curled his tail around Eclipsepaw, helping him up with a gentle nudge. "You've proved that you need to learn a very important lesson. When tracking, fighting, hunting, anything - you need to pay attention to your surroundings as well as the scent if you wanna track. You didn't pay attention to 'where' I was, only that I was there. You need to focus!" He laid extra emphasis on the last sentence by slapping the young apprentice over his ears with his tail.

IceyGlitch July 11th, 2018 01:44 AM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Arié (Post 521977)
Falconfall shook his head in amusement as the apprentice stumbled into the dip. He sat up from his lying down position and nudged the apprentice with his muzzle. "Come on, little one. Up and going, this isn't just a falling lesson." The older male curled his tail around Eclipsepaw, helping him up with a gentle nudge. "You've proved that you need to learn a very important lesson. When tracking, fighting, hunting, anything - you need to pay attention to your surroundings as well as the scent if you wanna track. You didn't pay attention to 'where' I was, only that I was there. You need to focus!" He laid extra emphasis on the last sentence by slapping the young apprentice over his ears with his tail.

The young apprentice looks down embarrassed that he messed up "Well..." he pauses then continues "I tracked your scent here and thats something right?" Eclipsepaw lashed his tail on the ground angry at himself for acting like a fool. He was always really good at fighting but he lacked in the tracking and hunting department. He looks up at his brown mentor thinking that the warrior should just give up on him. He could make a mistake like that what would stop him from making more "Idk why Blazingstar even made me an apprentice. Its clear im no good at this stuff. Im trying really hard Falconfall i really am" He mewls almost sounding a lost kitten. Flicking his ears he buries his black maw into Falconfalls shoulder breathing in his wonderful scent. For a moment Eclipsepaw seemed to forget that he failed. He just wanted to stand there forever with the scent of his mentor pouring into his nostrils warming his body and his heart.

Arie July 11th, 2018 02:12 AM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by IceyGlitch (Post 521979)
The young apprentice looks down embarrassed that he messed up "Well..." he pauses then continues "I tracked your scent here and thats something right?" Eclipsepaw lashed his tail on the ground angry at himself for acting like a fool. He was always really good at fighting but he lacked in the tracking and hunting department. He looks up at his brown mentor thinking that the warrior should just give up on him. He could make a mistake like that what would stop him from making more "Idk why Blazingstar even made me an apprentice. Its clear im no good at this stuff. Im trying really hard Falconfall i really am" He mewls almost sounding a lost kitten. Flicking his ears he buries his black maw into Falconfalls shoulder breathing in his wonderful scent. For a moment Eclipsepaw seemed to forget that he failed. He just wanted to stand there forever with the scent of his mentor pouring into his nostrils warming his body and his heart.

{Gahhh, I'm loving our little gay ship... awh fawning already xD}
Falconfall purred and nudged his apprentice again. "You're learning. Everyone's learning. When I was your age, not too long ago, I had a tendency to run over the borders, cause my sense of smell was so bad. At least you didn't mistake my scent for a badgers." His voice was laced with amusement and he nudged his apprentice a bit more forcefully, "Come on. We're not on a hunting patrol so we can eat what we catch, and I may be a bit hungry. Wanna do some teamwork to catch whatever, tunnel work or should I let you go find something to feed your mentor?" The brown tom tapped his stomach with his tail falling over on his back. "I'm close to just letting you do the work and retire early just for the benefits."

IceyGlitch July 11th, 2018 06:23 AM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Arié (Post 521980)
{Gahhh, I'm loving our little gay ship... awh fawning already xD}
Falconfall purred and nudged his apprentice again. "You're learning. Everyone's learning. When I was your age, not too long ago, I had a tendency to run over the borders, cause my sense of smell was so bad. At least you didn't mistake my scent for a badgers." His voice was laced with amusement and he nudged his apprentice a bit more forcefully, "Come on. We're not on a hunting patrol so we can eat what we catch, and I may be a bit hungry. Wanna do some teamwork to catch whatever, tunnel work or should I let you go find something to feed your mentor?" The brown tom tapped his stomach with his tail falling over on his back. "I'm close to just letting you do the work and retire early just for the benefits."

Eclipsepaw raises his head high "Let me catch some prey for you and some to bring back to the camp!" he purrs loudly. This young apprentice was determined to prove himself to Falconfall. He could feel something sparking in his heart as he stared up into his mentors yellow green eyes. He wasn't sure what it was but for now he decided it was admiration and respect for this older warrior.

ponyapan July 11th, 2018 01:46 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Mauve (Post 521752)
It was only a second, but Jaypaw was able to spot the hole in Moorfoot's intimidation plan. He wasn't about to doubt his mentor's ability to defend himself, but he had to throw caution to the wind in a situation like this. The adrenaline from just this battle training session alone pumped through the apprentice's veins and he charged at Moorfoot, paws skimming the grass. It was a short distance, and he turned quickly, bouncing away off his hind legs before turning and landing on his forepaws. Now he was facing Moorfoot's side, and he lunged again, aiming for his mentor's side with outstretched paws. He silently prayed to StarClan that he'd been able to complete the move before the older tom turned and faced him - his attack would then be pointless.

Before he got his sense of orientation back, a weight crashing into his side told Moorfoot that Jaypaw had gotten the better of him. Now, Moorfoot was pinned to the ground, a thin cloud of dust rising to the air because of the movement. For a second, he considered trying to force his way out with a push of his back legs or twisting himself free- but Moorfoot had noticed that the apprentice was stronger than he looked, and it would not do Moorfoot any good. Well, unless Jaypaw had his guard down.
In a last attempt to make a final strike to the battle, Moorfoot relaxed his muscles and made himself smaller- like if he had given up the fight and waited for the apprentice's reaction.

Mauve July 11th, 2018 01:52 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by ponyapan (Post 522057)
Before he got his sense of orientation back, a weight crashing into his side told Moorfoot that Jaypaw had gotten the better of him. Now, Moorfoot was pinned to the ground, a thin cloud of dust rising to the air because of the movement. For a second, he considered trying to force his way out with a push of his back legs or twisting himself free- but Moorfoot had noticed that the apprentice was stronger than he looked, and it would not do Moorfoot any good. Well, unless Jaypaw had his guard down.
In a last attempt to make a final strike to the battle, Moorfoot relaxed his muscles and made himself smaller- like if he had given up the fight and waited for the apprentice's reaction.

As he pinned his mentor down with his forepaws, his height an advantage in the situation, Jaypaw felt a prickle of satisfaction. This was a sign to him that he was getting good. He knew his skills lay heavily in hunting and tracking, but his fighting abilities were not to be questioned either. I'll be prepared for the next battle, and I will fight in this one, he thought to himself, his muscles relaxing a bit as if he realized the fight was over. "How was that?" he breathed, his chest and shoulders still expanding to draw in breaths of air. The adrenaline was dying down, though Jaypaw still stood with Moorfoot pinned underneath him, yellow eyes round as he waited for his mentors response, not even considering the idea that with his guard down, his mentor would have the last strike.

Arie July 11th, 2018 02:36 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by IceyGlitch (Post 521994)
Eclipsepaw raises his head high "Let me catch some prey for you and some to bring back to the camp!" he purrs loudly. This young apprentice was determined to prove himself to Falconfall. He could feel something sparking in his heart as he stared up into his mentors yellow green eyes. He wasn't sure what it was but for now he decided it was admiration and respect for this older warrior.

Falconfall shook his head and forced the apprentice down. "Hey, let the hunting patrols do the hunting for the clan. You need to train your tracking - hence we're gonna go hunting for something underground, probably a rabbit that has burrowed, you to know how to work with scent and surroundings." Sitting up, letting Eclipsepaw up, the tom started to lick his brown chest fur, reaching over to give the younger tom some licks too. He felt an attraction toward the tom, but he didn't know whetever it was true, just their working bond or something more serious.

ponyapan July 11th, 2018 04:02 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Mauve (Post 522059)
As he pinned his mentor down with his forepaws, his height an advantage in the situation, Jaypaw felt a prickle of satisfaction. This was a sign to him that he was getting good. He knew his skills lay heavily in hunting and tracking, but his fighting abilities were not to be questioned either. I'll be prepared for the next battle, and I will fight in this one, he thought to himself, his muscles relaxing a bit as if he realized the fight was over. "How was that?" he breathed, his chest and shoulders still expanding to draw in breaths of air. The adrenaline was dying down, though Jaypaw still stood with Moorfoot pinned underneath him, yellow eyes round as he waited for his mentors response, not even considering the idea that with his guard down, his mentor would have the last strike.

Moorfoot winced inwardly at the proud and happy face of Jaypaw. He really didn't want to destroy the victory of the young apprentice, but this could be his chance to show something that warriors always should have in mind when they were in a battle. "Greay, really great actually! But-" Moorfoot acted as he had planned, pushing his legs upwards with all his might, and twisted as smoothly as he could muster with the energy he had left. Trying to take advantage of the surprise, he also tried reversing their positions- aiming to pin down Jaypaw as he had been pinned down before. "-you should make sure the fight is really over before you move, or you'll just get attacked again. You can never trust the opponent to play fair if they're in a pinch!"

SuspiciousMindz July 11th, 2018 10:26 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the Breezerock for a clan meeting!" The familiar voice echoed across the clearing as he awaited his clan mates to show up.

@Doodle @Bendy The Demon
"Rowankit!" The ginger tabby called from the Breezerock, beckoning the young feline to come forward. His eyes were bright with encouragement. "Rowankit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed!" He paused to let the kitten get prepared. "From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rowanpaw! Your mentor will be Junipersplash. I hope Junipersplash will pass down all he/she knows on to you." he concluded, looking between the new mentor and the new apprentice before moving on to a few more ceremonies.

@Mauve @RedHead @Ghost Galaxy
"Wishpaw, Quailpaw, and Jaypaw," he started with these three, knowing very well who else needed their names. He beckoned the apprentices forward now. His eyes alight with excitement for them. This was a big step for apprentices and very beneficial to the clan. "I, Blazingstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." he paused as his gaze lifted to the sky. He momentarily closed his eyes before opening them to look down on the three apprentices, a bright smile on his face. "Wishpaw, Quailpaw, and Jaypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!"

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Wishpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Wishfern. StarClan honors your curiosity and love of adventure. Quailpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Quailsparks! StarClan honors your cleverness and diligence. Jaypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Jaybreeze! StarClan honors your loyalty and perseverance. We welcome all of you as full warriors of WindClan!" he concluded, before looking at the last three apprentices who needed their names.

@mompaws @Sage @spring
The next three had a little more meaning behind them. While Blazingstar had been rather absent from their lives, he couldn't help but feel a little pride towards the three apprentices before him. He may have disowned them, but he still watched them from afar. Right now, his kits needed their warrior names. "Rowanpaw, Brightpaw, and Larkpaw," he spoke, starting the next batch of ceremonies. "I, Blazingstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn," he paused, doing the same movements as before towards the sky. "Rowanpaw, Brightpaw, and Larkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!"

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Rowanpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Rowanspring. StarClan honors your commitment, loyalty, and curiosity. Brightpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Brightstorm. StarClan honors your hard-work and loyalty. Larkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Larkhowl! StarClan honors your determination and courage. We welcome all of you as full warriors of WindClan!" He finished speaking, a visible light of pride shone in his eyes for the three apprentices despite how he'd always treated them. He wanted them to know that he was proud of them, but knew this was much too late. Blazingstar concluded the ceremonies, leaping down from the Breezerock to end the meeting and congratulate all the new named felines.

Barnabas July 13th, 2018 12:15 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Felinefresh (Post 521584)
(Howdy I'm new so i hope i dont step on anyone's toes, this isn't my first rp but i hope you will enjoy my characters. if anyone wants to reply to this feel free to)

Ambergaze stretched his forelegs as he looked over the moor and his clanmates. The orange tabby tom sat up with a grin on his muzzle as his gaze landed on his clanmates in the clearing. The tom smiled fondly and took a deep breath of the crisp air. The sun was out and warmed the crest of the hills and the petals of moor flowers. As Bee's buzzed about from one flower to the next and a beetle crawled on a nearby stone Ambergaze stood and took in the sights of his clan, off into the distance he could see the trees marking the end of his territory.

The young tom padded down from his spot on the hill and leisurely made his way into the main part of camp. His gaze again flew to the distance, to the trees marking the border and Ambergaze's eyes narrowed briefly before he turned to the cat's in his vicinity. Pineneedle and Addeheart were talking together and the tom decided to leave them alone. Just then Ambergaze's stomach growled and the lanky tom made his way to the fresh kill pile and decided to see Buttercupbreeze about going on a hunting patrol as the pile was getting a little low. Ambergaze quickly picked up a mouse and looked at his clanmates for a place to eat.

(Mind if my Blind Kitten Rushingkit joins?)

Rushingkit walked out of the nursery, using his whiskers to feel his path as to not run into anything. He sniffed the air, scenting to make sure that he didn't run into anyone. The young tom kept walking. He forgot to sniff the air, so he then ran into the warrior named Ambergaze. He looked up at the tom with his blind eyes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were there." apologized the kit. Rushingkit backed up a bit, scenting the cat for any sign that he was angry.

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