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~Silverkit~ February 1st, 2019 09:15 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Kiramclome (Post 568624)

Be smiled and climbed clumsily up each branch with huge paws. Once he reached Moonshine's branch, he was trying to catch his breath.
"This his hard!" He gasped.

Yeah, for clumsy cats like you" Moonshine teased. She could do anything, run fast, clmib treese, and other tihngs but water wasn't one of them. She hated it. She shuddered when a drop of water hit her pelt

panchiko February 1st, 2019 09:23 PM

Re: ShadowClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lady Of Whims (Post 567753)
OOC: I'm new. May I post?

you don't need to ask for permission. go for it!

@mythical myik

amazonpaw busily walked around the apprentices' den, feeling abnormally productive today. uncomfortably, she squished between other fellow apprentices. the female felt social at the moment, but she didn't spot anyone she recognized between the crowds of cats inhabiting the apprentices' den. maybe she should chat with a new cat? it would be good to socialize with some new cats for once, since she typically clung to her circle of close friends, but then again, what if she humiliated herself? what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, she thought, which was somewhat unrelated but amazonpaw chose to ignore that fact. she walked up to a random apprentice and decided to start the conversation with an introduction; she wasn't the best at choosing topics for talking about. "hello! i'm amazonpaw, and you're?" she asked, keeping her tone friendly.

judas February 1st, 2019 09:37 PM

Re: ShadowClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 568631)
you don't need to ask for permission. go for it!

@mythical myik

amazonpaw busily walked around the apprentices' den, feeling abnormally productive today. uncomfortably, she squished between other fellow apprentices. the female felt social at the moment, but she didn't spot anyone she recognized between the crowds of cats inhabiting the apprentices' den. maybe she should chat with a new cat? it would be good to socialize with some new cats for once, since she typically clung to her circle of close friends, but then again, what if she humiliated herself? what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, she thought, which was somewhat unrelated but amazonpaw chose to ignore that fact. she walked up to a random apprentice and decided to start the conversation with an introduction; she wasn't the best at choosing topics for talking about. "hello! i'm amazonpaw, and you're?" she asked, keeping her tone friendly.

Acornpaw was busy throwing moss outside the den. It stuck to his spiky, curly pelt, and he struggled to get it off of him. He didn't clean his nest in moons, and his mentor was already screaming at him for the mess. Acorn turned, smiling as he saw Amazonpaw. "Oh hey! Amazonpaw huh? That's a cool name! I'm Acornpaw! Both of our names start with As, that's cool!" He mewed, looking and walking around her for a moment. His fur stuck up even more and his tail fluffed up as he smiled. Acorn's green eyes were larger than most cats. And it showed when he smiled. His nose twitched and his tail flicked back and forth.

panchiko February 1st, 2019 09:47 PM

Re: ShadowClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by mythical myik (Post 568635)

Acornpaw was busy throwing moss outside the den. It stuck to his spiky, curly pelt, and he struggled to get it off of him. He didn't clean his nest in moons, and his mentor was already screaming at him for the mess. Acorn turned, smiling as he saw Amazonpaw. "Oh hey! Amazonpaw huh? That's a cool name! I'm Acornpaw! Both of our names start with As, that's cool!" He mewed, looking and walking around her for a moment. His fur stuck up even more and his tail fluffed up as he smiled. Acorn's green eyes were larger than most cats. And it showed when he smiled. His nose twitched and his tail flicked back and forth.

amazonpaw nodded enthusiastically. "i guess they do!" she agreed, noticing the moss sticking to him defiantly. "do you need help with that?" the female inquired, nodding towards the moss. the apprentice noticed acornpaw's smile and noted how his green eyes were larger than the average cat's. the feature was cute in amazonpaw's opinion. she smiled back at acornpaw, her tail subconsciously sweeping the earthy floor. her ear twitched as she padded closer to acornpaw's nest, noticing how messy it was but taking comfort in knowing that she wasn't the only one who didn't keep her nest nice & tidy. amazonpaw waved her tail around and it lightly touched acornpaw, but she quickly pulled her tail back and displayed a slightly embarrassed facial expression.

gemini February 2nd, 2019 08:51 AM

Re: ShadowClan Training Ground

Originally Posted by oats (Post 567103)
The molly's expression switched to something more impassive, but she couldn't not let something leak into her eyes. Pity, perhaps; something better than the unease that rocked through her stomach. She wouldn't let it show. She'd become awfully good at hiding things. Raineyes’ stormwater gaze held her apprentice's for a moment, assessing the she-cat, but she looked away, tail twitching. “Looks like none of us are up for a good catfight,” she said, one side of her mouth flicking upwards. “So we'll probably go over the basics of stealth training. All that stereotypical Shadowclan stuff— you're light enough to have an advantage on me.” She was light enough to slink away unnoticed, but in the thick of battles they saw often, Moonpaw would be… pitiful, at best. It wasn't an insult, just fact: she wasn't made for combat. They'd have to remedy that, but she didn't seem excessively trusting of anyone. Even if Raineyes had guided her through a panic attack, they were still— surprise, surprise— strangers.

Pausing to measure her words, Raineyes continued, “I'd hope your mentors tried to teach you to keep downwind, to hide your scent. Your territory must have some good air currents, to circulate smells, but in Shadowclan you might find yourself in… close quarters, so to speak.” Sitting back on her haunches, Raineyes brought a paw to her mouth. “You can make yourself comfy, for now. I'm gonna be talking at you for a couple of minutes. This stuff's better actually taught before it's experienced. You'll be crap at it when you start off, so I'm gonna try and teach you to… Not suck.” She rolled her shoulders as she blinked, rearing into her lecture. The roar of guilt-fear-apathy began to lull, quieting in her ears. It was easier to focus on passing on pure knowledge than trying to assure the wellbeing of her apprentice in a more direct way.

“There are a lot of smells around here, most of them stronger than the last. Some of your people might say Shadowclanners stink. I won't lie, we do. But when we're on our home turf, becoming one with these mires and forests is what we do best. If you're quiet and unscentable, getting the edge over other warriors becomes easy as hunting… I think. I don't like to fight too much, I'm afraid, but I think we have that in common. How do you think we do it? Mask our scents, I mean?”

At the announcement that there would be no battle training her body instantly softened. Her blue eyes shifted around ‘shadowclan stuff?’ The molly couldn’t say she knew what that would entail but she did want to say, this whole session was going so well the ragdoll didnt want to mess it up even though she was still shaking quite a bit and she couldn’t say that she had exapected her mentor to well... be there. All of the warriors in her life had thought so... so little of her they all told her that she was little to nothing and yes, Moonpaw had believed them. She nodded though swiftclaw had been crazy about her hunting, it was the only thing he had believed that she could do. He had told her that she would only ever be a hunter and not much else in her life she found it hard to explain. How she felt that she wanted to be a warrior yet she was afraid to fight at some levle.

As the air currents were mentioned she couldn’t help but miss the moore that surrounded where she had met her best friend and played with her sister the two cats that had made her feel at home, that she was allowed to see on a daily basis anyways. She sat down slowly wrapping her tail around her gray paws in a calm manor although she continued to shake in a way that at this point was a lot... even for Moonpaw. We she looked over at rainyeyes she couldn’t help but be surprised in the way that revealed itself in her blue eyes, yet the surprisement was simply from the blunt kindness she was being shown.

She cocked her head at the question as her mind swirled with assorted answers that could come from the question she tried to land in one that she liked thinking about the smells that surrounded her territory the pine needles smelled so beautiful in her mind she opened her jaw thinking she had the correct answer on the tip of her tongue “rolling in the pine needles?” she quietly asked her eyes wide.

oats February 2nd, 2019 09:57 AM

Re: ShadowClan Training Ground

Originally Posted by Gemini (Post 568668)

At the announcement that there would be no battle training her body instantly softened. Her blue eyes shifted around ‘shadowclan stuff?’ The molly couldn’t say she knew what that would entail but she did want to say, this whole session was going so well the ragdoll didnt want to mess it up even though she was still shaking quite a bit and she couldn’t say that she had exapected her mentor to well... be there. All of the warriors in her life had thought so... so little of her they all told her that she was little to nothing and yes, Moonpaw had believed them. She nodded though swiftclaw had been crazy about her hunting, it was the only thing he had believed that she could do. He had told her that she would only ever be a hunter and not much else in her life she found it hard to explain. How she felt that she wanted to be a warrior yet she was afraid to fight at some levle.

As the air currents were mentioned she couldn’t help but miss the moore that surrounded where she had met her best friend and played with her sister the two cats that had made her feel at home, that she was allowed to see on a daily basis anyways. She sat down slowly wrapping her tail around her gray paws in a calm manor although she continued to shake in a way that at this point was a lot... even for Moonpaw. We she looked over at rainyeyes she couldn’t help but be surprised in the way that revealed itself in her blue eyes, yet the surprisement was simply from the blunt kindness she was being shown.

She cocked her head at the question as her mind swirled with assorted answers that could come from the question she tried to land in one that she liked thinking about the smells that surrounded her territory the pine needles smelled so beautiful in her mind she opened her jaw thinking she had the correct answer on the tip of her tongue “rolling in the pine needles?” she quietly asked her eyes wide.

Moonpaw still seemed a little edgy— nothing Raineyes would blame her for. The apprentice had just waded through a panic attack, but she was doing better than the molly would have expected. Raineyes would treat her no more gently as she would any other Shadowclan kitten— that was to say, with the utmost care. She was lucky enough to have been given the blessing of having a mentor who actually cared, something strangely uncommon of late. If Moonpaw wasn’t a fighter, she wasn’t a fighter. Starclan made all warriors different for a reason, a decision that made clear sense, unlike most things they chose to do. The fur on Raineyes’ back prickled for a moment, but she raised her head ever so slightly. ”Yeah,” she said. “That.”

Standing and stretching, trying to really emphasise her nonchalance, Raineyes kicked up some dirt. “Amongst other things, anyway. Pine is good for a quick fix, but if you can help it, use it with other stuff. Like mushrooms, or strong scents. Try and see what stands out for you most, now?”

Branch of Life February 2nd, 2019 03:25 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
A brown cat was sat on the ground after a patrol. He looked up and his green eyes glittered. Forestshade looked around still energized. He figured he would grab a bite just before he would hunt. He grabbed a scrawny frog and started to eat it gingerly. His floof was getting in the way of him eating so he laid down and slowly ate it. He flicked his ear wondering if a cat would chat with him.

(Pretty short I know) @Okapi

Mango February 2nd, 2019 04:37 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Branch of Life (Post 568775)
A brown cat was sat on the ground after a patrol. He looked up and his green eyes glittered. Forestshade looked around still energized. He figured he would grab a bite just before he would hunt. He grabbed a scrawny frog and started to eat it gingerly. His floof was getting in the way of him eating so he laid down and slowly ate it. He flicked his ear wondering if a cat would chat with him.

(Pretty short I know) @Okapi

(Seems fine to me)

Butternutsun padded out to the clearing her brown fur neatly groomed and her bright yellow eyes the color of butternut squash twinkling in the sunlight. She glanced around before settling onto Forestshade. She saw him eating,” Hello Forestshade, how are you?” She asked

Branch of Life February 2nd, 2019 05:02 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 568792)
(Seems fine to me)

Butternutsun padded out to the clearing her brown fur neatly groomed and her bright yellow eyes the color of butternut squash twinkling in the sunlight. She glanced around before settling onto Forestshade. She saw him eating,” Hello Forestshade, how are you?” She asked

Forestshades’ ears perked up as soon as the molly spoke. “I am doing well, Butternutsun. How have you been?” He didn’t feel like talking to anybody just hunting. The brown cats fur blew in a cold breeze making him look like a hare. He didn’t trust Butternutsun but he was an aquantince with her. He finished the frog and discarded the bones to the side of the clearing by the entrance,quickly burying them and trotting over to Butternutsun to ask if she wanted to hunt with a no funny business look on his face. “Would you like to hunt?” He asked stretching quickly.

Crystalwhisker February 2nd, 2019 09:03 PM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
(If its okay with you I am going to skip to where she just had the kits @Blissy)
Nightfall looked down at the kits and then looked at her mate. He was outside the Nursery. "Dovetalon." She said his name hoping he heard her. "You can come in now." She said not taking her eyes off the 3 bundles of joy.

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