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zinfranny December 30th, 2016 12:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Pink Orca! (Post 101197)
(Gyre noticed how dune talks to everyone despite nobody else noticing, bravo)
"Hm." The Tom looked up at the cat, his almost grey eyes looking over the deputy with a hint of curiosity. "Not sure that is a word, but I guess I haven't been very chipper." Dunedrift flicked his ear. "And I know, in the hierarchy, you are above me, but it may seem as if you being all the way up there is rubbing it in my nose a bit. Although I don't particularly care, others are not always as tolerable of such things."
He wrapped his thinly banded sandy-gold tail over his paws and angled his yellowish face upwards to look at the other cat with his green-grey optics. His whiskers twitched slightly as he noticed a breeze carrying the scent of mouse, and he decided on tracking it later. "Although nobody would say to outright," he added, focusing back on Gyrewind.

"Do you let anyone relax around you?" Gyrewind meowed, a brow raised as he leaned towards the golden cat on his branch. If he wasn't mistaken, the tabby would be intelligent enough to realize he had no intentions to "rub it in his face." What he couldn't wrap his head around is why he'd called him down from the tree if he was just going to be a bump on the log. They must have talked together somewhere along the line... StarClan knows Gyrewind couldn't recall a thing after all the ruckus that had swept through them the past few moons.

Ludicrous Lunacy December 30th, 2016 12:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks (Post 104543)
"Do you let anyone relax around you?" Gyrewind meowed, a brow raised as he leaned towards the golden cat on his branch. If he wasn't mistaken, the tabby would be intelligent enough to realize he had no intentions to "rub it in his face." What he couldn't wrap his head around is why he'd called him down from the tree if he was just going to be a bump on the log. They must have talked together somewhere along the line... StarClan knows Gyrewind couldn't recall a thing after all the ruckus that had swept through them the past few moons.

Dune shrugged. "Used to, I s'ppose. You're probably the only one to point it out since--" he cut himself off and shuffled his paws. "Oh, you need to teach me how you stay up there, my balance isn't even close to that good."

zinfranny December 30th, 2016 01:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Pink Orca! (Post 104580)
Dune shrugged. "Used to, I s'ppose. You're probably the only one to point it out since--" he cut himself off and shuffled his paws. "Oh, you need to teach me how you stay up there, my balance isn't even close to that good."

Gyrewind's round ears pricked up, casting again a curious gaze as he watched the warrior's peculiar movements. Before he could fully react, Gyrewind's shameful pride kicked in with a flutter of his chest. He did his best to dismiss himself, and to not carry on with the tabby's distraction. Well, he thought. That sure does explain a lot. Of course the man's hurtin'.
"Of course, it's none of my business. But when did this "since" happen?" Gyrewind meowed coolly, including the first bit when he normally wouldn't because he knew how on-edge the cat would be. He had a brow brow raised once more but with curious empathy.

The Cannibal December 30th, 2016 01:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by toothlost! (Post 104355)

Elmberry nodded in agreement, parting his jaws a moment just to test if anything really was there. He scented nothing, so he looked back to the she-cat as she spoke again, agreeing with his suggestion. This made him smile slightly, but he wiped it from his face as she spoke again, listening intently. At first he thought she was being rude, but then he suddenly started laughing. "I suppose you're right," he agreed, giving a nod. As she started walking towards him, her steps heavy, he chuckled and shook his head, growing more daring. "Though you'll chase just as many off with those steps of yours." He was a bit concerned she'd be angry, but he felt he had to toss a joke as well, If she got angry and tried to fight, he'd just avoid her. He suspected he was faster and could navigate away from her and into a tree. Though he wasn't quite certain what else he could do. There was only so much kindness he could have before he wanted to crack a joke or make a more bold comment. Not wanting to stick around for her reaction, he started off, going faster and weaving around a tree, parting his jaws in hopes to find something. No prey wandered nearby, causing him to huff in annoyance. Leaf-bare always made him a bit grumpy while hunting, as he loved bringing in loads of prey. He took pride in it, possibly too much pride. But he was good at hunting, who would be pleased with that?

To say in the least, the grey tabby was expecting the tom to get upset, just like everyone always did with her jokes. Most cats just didn't get her sense of humor and got offended, but the tom actually started laughing and she stood there in shocked silence for a moment, looking at him with uncertainty.
That's.. The first time anyone's ever laughed at one of my jokes.. She felt a glimmer of happiness well through her, but it wasn't enough to crack her hardened face, though her eyes did seem to soften a bit before she glanced away with a snort. And then the tom actually surprised her more by responding with a joke of his own, her head wiping back to face him, her eyes locking on to him and she almost seemed to get angry for a moment before a huge toothy grin spread across her muzzle. No cat ever joked around with her!
"Look I might not be the best hunter, but I sure as hell can take on any cat or badger!" She practically yowled out, lunging to cuff him on the back of the head, but he was scampering off. Grunting a bit, she made quick work of bounding after him, the smile slowly disappearing as she caught back up with him, parting her jaws so that she could at least attempt at hunting too.

Ludicrous Lunacy December 30th, 2016 01:28 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks (Post 104614)
Gyrewind's round ears pricked up, casting again a curious gaze as he watched the warrior's peculiar movements. Before he could fully react, Gyrewind's shameful pride kicked in with a flutter of his chest. He did his best to dismiss himself, and to not carry on with the tabby's distraction. Well, he thought. That sure does explain a lot. Of course the man's hurtin'.
"Of course, it's none of my business. But when did this "since" happen?" Gyrewind meowed coolly, including the first bit when he normally wouldn't because he knew how on-edge the cat would be. He had a brow brow raised once more but with curious empathy.

Dunedrift sighed. "I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said it.." He glanced at the ground and back at Gyrewind. "My apprentice--my daughter, I mean--got killed in the Liberation. She got in a fight with one of the..." He hesitated, trying to pick the right word-- "Evil cats." And this is where you have to fib, Dune. "I found her after the battle ended." He stared at his paws, which were growing cold from the snow, feeling guilt gnaw at his stomach. You glorified it for her. Why is that a bad thing? You told the truth, just not all of it...

zinfranny December 30th, 2016 01:44 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Pink Orca! (Post 104645)
Dunedrift sighed. "I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said it.." He glanced at the ground and back at Gyrewind. "My apprentice--my daughter, I mean--got killed in the Liberation. She got in a fight with one of the..." He hesitated, trying to pick the right word-- "Evil cats." And this is where you have to fib, Dune. "I found her after the battle ended." He stared at his paws, which were growing cold from the snow, feeling guilt gnaw at his stomach. You glorified it for her. Why is that a bad thing? You told the truth, just not all of it...

His ears, once tall on his head with interest, slowly fell. They fell down, behind his head, as he watched the tabby. Even the mentioning of the word "Liberation..." It was horrible. He remembered watching the kits fight. It was one thing to watch, but another to see the results on their loved ones. Things like that couldn't really hit Gyrewind, even though he made an effort to force an imprint in his brain. But the golden cat was a living specimen for him to "imprint."
"You had no control... Over the battle." Gyrewind meowed in a less then casual voice. He really didn't know how to respond, but his eyes drew away and stared at the branch he was on. How he hated leaving silence... it was an abrupt raven swooping in to smother them with its black wings.

Ludicrous Lunacy December 30th, 2016 02:28 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks (Post 104678)
His ears, once tall on his head with interest, slowly fell. They fell down, behind his head, as he watched the tabby. Even the mentioning of the word "Liberation..." It was horrible. He remembered watching the kits fight. It was one thing to watch, but another to see the results on their loved ones. Things like that couldn't really hit Gyrewind, even though he made an effort to force an imprint in his brain. But the golden cat was a living specimen for him to "imprint."
"You had no control... Over the battle." Gyrewind meowed in a less then casual voice. He really didn't know how to respond, but his eyes drew away and stared at the branch he was on. How he hated leaving silence... it was an abrupt raven swooping in to smother them with its black wings.

Dunedrift sank his claws into the cold hard earth. You have no idea. He shook himself, rumpling his short fur in the process. "I could have and should have been with her. She was deaf; I shouldn't have left Sandpaw alone," he pointed out sullenly, frowning. ((sry it's short =[ ))

Leaf December 30th, 2016 04:23 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
@Grimshadow ) Spotcloud raced after Stormspirit. "I've got a lot of energy. It's just I thought I'd join you in becoming a piece of prey," he teased, light green eyes glittering with playfulness.

Grimshadow December 30th, 2016 04:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
( @Leaf )

"Well, well, the flatterer did in fact catch up. And he can bite back, too. I'm pleasantly surprised." Stormspirit slowed down to a simple pad after reaching a few dozen meters out of the Camp. She hadn't even come close to a single pant. "So, we're prey now, are we? Is it the mice that are hunting us? We'd better get off the ground then," she mewed snarkily and started her climb up a tree. Birds tended be more common than shrews, voles and the like in Leaf-bare, when all the land animals were burrowed underground.

Leaf December 30th, 2016 04:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
@Grimshadow ) Spotcloud snorted and opened his jaws to taste the air. He preferred to hunt on the ground. He caught a faint scent of squirrel and started creeping towards where the scent was from. He spotted a squirrel around the side of a bush and dropped into a hunters crouch. It turned its head the other way and he lunged forwards, trapping it in his paws before delivering a swift bite to the neck to kill it.

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