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Brilliance September 12th, 2017 11:08 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Aquarius (Post 383224)
(oh my gosh sorry it's so long)

The conversation was finally beginning to go to Aquarius's head. Her short fuse was nearly burned out, and she felt a fire beginning to blaze in the pits of her soul. She could feel it's warmth spread through the blood throughout her body, the blood she urged to spill. She could almost imagine the crimson drops spilling out onto the ground, in a pool around her, the darkness of the deed staining her fur scarlet, and the horrid look in her eyes...

But wait. That couldn't be right.
The body she imagined bleeding on the hillside was none but her own.

But the scene seemed to energize her, she realized while a sickening feeling crept into her throat, stopping her from speaking. She felt like she was choking on her imagination, the scene all too vivid in her head. And yet, it somehow seemed like she craved that. Her own death. Like she longed for it to happen.

Horror burned in her eyes and she was determined to hide it from him, although her emotion was anything but subtle. She barely heard Stephanotis's words as he said something snarky to her, and she could just barely register as he began to casually stretch, digging his claws into the dirt as he stood back up, as if that had been nothing but a morning routine. As if he was oblivious to the effect he had on her, or as if this had been his plan all along at the same time. The sheer thought of it terrified Aquarius, right down to her bone, and she felt the fire in her anger die down slightly, only to be replaced by mere horror.

"I'm not s-small," the molly shot back, swallowing the lump in her throat. She bristled her fur so that she was twice her normal size, with her neck and tail bushed up, but even so, the tom still seemed to be larger. He had an ominous look in his eyes, and Aquarius needed to know who this cat was, and why he would even be engaging in a conversation with her. There must have been some ulterior motive, but Aquarius was anything but close to figuring out what it was. She forced herself not to stammer, so she could finally spit out an enraged response. Now, instead of a fiery enragement, she seemed to have a cold fury burning within her. Something icy and slightly more controllable. "Well you're anything but, so you can keep dreaming," she sneered, curling her lip up to expose her fangs. Finally she said something that broke through to him, and felt a shiver go down her spine as he growled in response. If she was honest, she was pleased that she had been able to annoy him, as he showed with his not so subtle growl. It took everything she had not to smirk with delight.

"If I had to be around you for more than five minutes, I would kill myself,"
Aquarius snarled. Even though it had just been a stupid retort the tom had shot at her, she had still felt infuriated by it. By every little thing he said, actually. It seemed to shock her, actually. How worked up she could get over next-to-nothing. But more than that, she was surprised by her own comment. Why had she said such a horrid thing? It made her remember the scene she had conjured up, and she felt another lump rise in her throat as she figured they might be connected.

Aquarius felt like just walking away from the entire situation, and never having to deal with this tom again, but it was as if her paws were rooted to the ground. There was absolutely nothing she was able to do - her words was the only defense she had, and even then they didn't seem strong enough. She felt as if she was falling apart. "I'm violent if I have to. You don't want to see the violent side of me," she warned, remembering how someone had once commented on the death of her old friend. She had clawed them, and they had walked away dripping with blood, and did everything they could to stay out of her way. But she hadn't been able to control herself - she wasn't a fighter by heart, only by influence. "Don't taunt me," she snapped. "You'll regret it. I swear you will."

As a snarl emitted from her oppenent, Aquarius felt that emotion again - that spark of delight, every time she was able to break his confident shell. Unaware if that was a good or bad thing, her tail lashed behind her. Suddenly she saw the tom walking towards her, and she felt the urge to back away, wondering if a fight was about to ensue. But once again, her paws were rooted, and she felt her entire body turn to ice, her fur standing on end. As the tom passed her, she shivered quickly as she felt his muzzle brush her ear. She didn't want this cat anywhere near her. She wanted to be as far away as possible from his presence.

"A head s-start..." repeated Aquarius, trying to figure out what was happening. Maybe today she had to fight. Maybe, maybe this was her chance to prove herself. Maybe a fight would do good for her reputation.

Or, she would die at the claws of this... this monster, disguised as as a lamb. A wolf in lamb's clothing. The worst type of cat.

As the tom spoke again, the molly whipped around, about to take the challenge, an anger sparking in her when he mentioned something about her being a hunter. How dare he use rank to define her - she wasn't about to let him get away with it, but at the same time, what could she do? She felt helplessly trapped, like a kit in a cave with a wolf. No way out.

No way out but death.
Is that what this fight would lead to?

"What are you?" Snarled Aquarius, louder than she meant it. She needed the answer, she craved the answer. There was something deeply, terribly wrong with this cat and his influence.

Something wrong with this situation, horror coursing through her nerves as she watched the tom simply walk away.

{Lol, it's alright ^^ }

She wasn't happy. The molly wasn't happy at all. Stephanotis was feeding off her negative emotions. Which oddly satisfied him. While her blood blazed like a volcano ready to erupt, Stephanotis' felt as light as a snowflake. Yet, cold as the tundra. His blood stream cooled remarkably, and stayed calm. His pelt wasn't heated up in an exaggerated manner. Instead, he happily stared the she cat in her eye. Challenging her because she started everything with him first.

There was no way Stephanotis could know what she was thinking. But, if he were to guess; it would be him. The way she appeared to want him rip him to shred with those sharp teeth or claw him to death with her hunter's claws. It made a small smile etch on the corners of his face. Filled with twisted desire. He awaited her to speak, every moment sending into a whirlwind of suspense. What was going on in that mind of hers? Was she ready to blow? Seemed like it.

Then, she spoke. More like stammered. Ruffling her pelt to make the illusion that she was bigger than she was meant to be. Stephanotis gave her a curious look, but an entertained expression stayed on his maw as his eyes gloated at the she cat. Teasing her in a way that made her insides boil than the hottest temperatures. The tom's ears flicked, but he didn't reply to her words. Ruffling up her fur definitely did not make her any bigger than she already was. Just a little puffball. Stephanotis had to refrain himself from laughing at her. She could hardly keep herself from stammering. But, she had guts. To stare into his brilliant gaze. To slick talk him like she was in his rank. It made Stephanotis interested. Whether he could break her. Well, not break her. He wanted to bend her. Yes...that sounded like something he could do. Bend her until she broke herself. Glazed in misery, and he would be on the sidelines laughing at her pain. Stephanotis glanced at his paws for a moment, hiding the evident smirk that was etching on his face until it turned into a genuine smile as he looked up at her once more. Humorous. Yes, she was. ''You know, I have a way of turning dreams into a reality - my dreams, specifically.'' If she wanted to play that game, he could play that game. Not only could he play it, but he could win it. He would finish.

This molly thought she was so great. Filled on anger like it was the sweetest treat. The water that quenched the thirstiest of throats. But, she was starting to make his claws itch. He needed to take a break from her before he allowed his own anger to flare up - that was not something she wanted to get a taste of.

''That can be arranged,'' He curled back his lip to display his own fangs. She wanted to die so badly, he could make that happen as soon as possible. He would be sure she got the most satisfying of desire when it came to death. ''You don't even have to waste your own blood on your paws.'' He purred deeply, intending his pleasure to annoy the molly in front of him. ''I have a way of making death appear clean.'' No blood would be spill. Surely not how she hunted with her sloppy kills.

Why did she have to think she was so strong? Like he was scared of her? Stephanotis shook his head. More so out of amusement than anything. His mood had been tainted to feel annoyed, but as well entertained. She was a pawn with an unbalanced sense. She didn't know what she wanted. Stephanotis saw through her facade. She was a wannabe fighter. She wanted to be violent. Which, the next moment she did tell him she was violent, he let out a musical laugh. Filling the air with a comical glow that wasn't meant for anything positive. Snapping his bright gaze back to her, he offered a small smile, ''Oh no, don't you dare taunt me. Remember what I told you?'' His voice was soft, still having its deep edge to it. ''I'll be your worst nightmare. Only I'm living. And, it'll be a thrill.'' He half-purred, half-growled at her.

Then, he had walked up to her, putting his muzzle against her ear to whisper harsh words of reality. She clearly didn't want him close to her, but Stephanotis didn't care. Her anger was tangible. He did it to get a rise out of her, but she hadn't objected to him. She didn't yell at him to step away from her. She didn't snap. Once he began walking away, he huffed at her words. Sure, she could talk it. But, even the tom knew she wouldn't act on it. To him, she was weak. She was winded. Out of place. She had echoed his words, and he waited. He wanted to know what she would do. And, as he waited - he realized she wasn't worth his time. So, he began walking away.

His ears flicked at her words. What was he? How rude! Stephanotis didn't think he was an object. As far as he was concerned, she did't need to know. So, he didn't answer her. He didn't even look back. The tom didn't want to appear - well, maybe he did. Want to appear rude. That's just how Stephanotis brushed off on others. A face within the crowd that was always observing the side lines.

The molly didn't know him. And, after today she would be wishing she never encountered him. The question was right; what was he? Who was he?

The flamed pelted tom certainly wasn't anyone special. He was another face within the sea of exaggerated killers. But specifically - this molly was gonna get a hint of the side that was wild. The side that would bring out her unstable side. The side that would make her words come true; She would kill herself. It was possible that she had been joking with him. A sick, sick joke. She didn't want to die. She just wanted to be played with.

Stephanotis would play. Play until she was bent. Play until she was broke.

Clover September 13th, 2017 09:03 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 378263)
As the fiery feline stepped in front of him, the tom blinked in confusion. Was everything alright? Did Skipper need something from him? His suspicions were not as strong, because he would never give himself false hope - false dreams - that she might actually want to pursue a relationship with him. Testing out the ground was sort of what he did, just getting a sense of where they were at, but that clearly wasn't her thing. Her words made his throat constrict with emotion. A thing for him? So, she meant... Oh. My. Gosh. Gavin's eyes widened slightly and he tried to speak, opening his maw and closing it again without a word coming out. How did he react? "Oh wow, Skipper, I... wow." His throat felt tight still and he wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to speak to her without losing his cool altogether. "I, um, I really... I, really like you, so I g - guess you could say I have a thing for you too..." The sandy tom stopped and watched her. Him and Skipper... who would have thought that?

When he was younger, Gavin had always seen himself falling in love with a cat who was just like him. They would always be joking around, and bringing happiness to the Dusk Syndicate. But she, she was fiery and when they had first met he had never thought they would end up friends. It had seemed as though they were too different. And yet opposites attracted, he had always been told, and here was the proof of that statement. Opposites attracting in the strangest manner. He never would have thought of himself as being romantically attracted to the fiery feline, yet here they were now. His throat unconstricted and he breathed a shaky sigh of relief. Well, this had happened almost too quickly, but he was glad now. At least he knew. At least now everything was out in the open. And now... what did he do next? This was something that Gavin wasn't used to, and he was nervous.

Skipper wasn't too terribly surprised, believe it or not; she had seen his stuttering around her, the way he seemed to shake internally around her. But the feeling that the confirmation of her suspicions soared through her chest, a sudden explosion of bright confident and searing joy. Her face visibly lit up, eyebrows drifting upwards, a smile stretching her lips, and a sudden brightness turning her eyes lime. "R-really?"she mewed, quietly, staring at him intently, her jaw hanging open slightly.

With a swallow, she calmed herself; she assumed that this had to be a bit overwhelming to Gavin, and she was being overbearing to boot. Skipper took in a deep breath, the cool night air wooshing into her lungs and taking the edge off of her excitement. "I don't want to push it... at all... b-but... Gavin.... c-could we be i-in a relationship? e-ever?" Skipper mewed, eyes darting away from his face, as she felt mentally unable to receive his answer. She bit harshly at her lip, now nervous, as she awaited the answer that could determine the course of the rest of her life.

Vesper September 13th, 2017 10:31 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 383310)
Thrush blushed and looked away. "Yes..." He admitted.
Nah, I refuse

She pressed her muzzle against his shoulder. "I know its hard to admit it, ut its life and im sure everything will be ok." She purred. She hopped around the tom, "Bleh, Bleeehhhh"
{Dog attack? :3)

Tundra September 13th, 2017 10:50 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
[Nah. Fox, It's more realistic]

Thrush smiled and bounced next to Feather. "Bleh! Bleeeeeeeeeeh!" He purred.

Vesper September 13th, 2017 11:07 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 384103)
[Nah. Fox, It's more realistic]

Thrush smiled and bounced next to Feather. "Bleh! Bleeeeeeeeeeh!" He purred.

The bushes rustled and a small animal came out.

"Blehh... Ble-" She looked at the fox, her tail fluffed up and her back arched.

Tundra September 13th, 2017 11:28 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Thrush leaper and skidded to a halt in front of the Fox. "Egg back!" He snarled as his fur fluffed up, causing him to look twice his size.

Vesper September 14th, 2017 07:30 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 384126)
Thrush leaper and skidded to a halt in front of the Fox. "Egg back!" He snarled as his fur fluffed up, causing him to look twice his size.

The fox growled, jumping to Feather.
Feather yelped and felt teeth in her sidy. SHe kicked the fox off and snarled.

Tundra September 14th, 2017 07:41 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
[I meant get back! XD!]

Thrush snarled and leaped onto the foxes back. "Leave her alone, Flea-Pelt!" The tom wrapped his paws around the foxes eyes and bit its scruff. "Go away!"

Vesper September 14th, 2017 08:03 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 384548)
[I meant get back! XD!]

Thrush snarled and leaped onto the foxes back. "Leave her alone, Flea-Pelt!" The tom wrapped his paws around the foxes eyes and bit its scruff. "Go away!"

The fox kicked him off.

Feather biy its neck, snarling

Tundra September 15th, 2017 12:08 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Thrush flew across the small clearing and slammed into a tree. "Ah-!" He mewed as he fell to the floor.

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