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Tavvi February 26th, 2018 09:32 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midgefur (Post 476019)
With a paw against her brow, Snailflower gave a thankful nod and sighed when Gorsebird offered to have the subject changed. She nudged her rear against the evergreen gorse wall of the nursery and sat looking at the queen with her rounded belly.
"We can caterwaul all we want but I do still hope you have a safe kitting. With it as warm as it's been, the birds will hopefully be back soon too, and you and your kits will have full bellies."

"One can only hope." Gorsebird sighed, "Streamkit is outside with another queen if you like to play with her... I doubt you would enjoy spending any more time with me." She conceded, knowing that she had probably made less than a stellar first impression. Not that she cared, she had always thought it was only right to be fake and sugary sweet only when she needed to be.


goddess of ducks February 26th, 2018 09:51 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Opal (Post 474371)
"Well," Nimblewhisker began his eyes shining with glints of pride, "Not to brag but, my sibling and two sisters are some of the best play fighters I've ever seen!" He boasted, knowing full well that he sounded like one of those delusional queens who thought their kits were the literal next leaders of WindClan. Not that he cared much, he wanted his sisters to be well off and, Aspenburr seemed like he would make an upstanding mentor.

Aspenburr smiles with a laugh. “Oh yes of course. Though I’ll take your word in that. Maybe if I go hunting later I could catch something and bring it to the queens just as an excuse to take a look at the kits and hopefully pick one out that looks promising.” He commented. It sounded like a good plan. Plus the queens would see that he was a good hunter, and want their kits to be mentored by him. The kits could see him and go starstruck by his skills of hunting and they would want him to mentor them. It would work. And he would be doing a favor for his clan in the process. “Hmm I think I will actually do that. Though I just went out right after the dawn patrol this morning. I think I should at least rest for a bit since it’s only just around sun high.” He said with a quick glance towards the sky to double check his words.

Tavvi February 26th, 2018 10:08 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 476028)
Aspenburr smiles with a laugh. “Oh yes of course. Though I’ll take your word in that. Maybe if I go hunting later I could catch something and bring it to the queens just as an excuse to take a look at the kits and hopefully pick one out that looks promising.” He commented. It sounded like a good plan. Plus the queens would see that he was a good hunter, and want their kits to be mentored by him. The kits could see him and go starstruck by his skills of hunting and they would want him to mentor them. It would work. And he would be doing a favor for his clan in the process. “Hmm I think I will actually do that. Though I just went out right after the dawn patrol this morning. I think I should at least rest for a bit since it’s only just around sun high.” He said with a quick glance towards the sky to double check his words.

"Only sunhigh!? Dear StarClan, it feels like twilight!" Nimblewhisker groaned, not knowing why he felt so tired and worn-out, "I swear sometimes the days pass so slow!" He whined, pouting as he softly glided his sheaved claws against the ground.

"Hey!" He then added somewhat sadly, "Leaving so soon? We've hardly talked four minutes! Am I that bad of company?" Nimblewhisker mewed giving his paw a nervous lick.

BluBunnie February 27th, 2018 11:25 AM

Re: WindClan Clearings

Originally Posted by Tazzy (Post 475774)
Feathers eyes lit up at the mention of hunting “I’d love to!” She purred, happy for the change of subject. “Well that’s fine, we’ll be back before your mentor misses you” she meowed, laughing abit.

Redpaw smiled and nodded, "Alright! Besides hunting is part of our training anyway and I changed out the elders bedding yesterday and pretty much spent the whole day helping the elders out. " he mewed. He hoped he was talking too much, he tended to ramble. "Sorry I don't mean to talk too much." He mewed.

Midgefur February 27th, 2018 05:21 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Opal (Post 476022)
"One can only hope." Gorsebird sighed, "Streamkit is outside with another queen if you like to play with her... I doubt you would enjoy spending any more time with me." She conceded, knowing that she had probably made less than a stellar first impression. Not that she cared, she had always thought it was only right to be fake and sugary sweet only when she needed to be.


For a moment, the brown she-cat glanced out to the clearing, she couldn't pinpoint Streamkit's voice but could hear cats laughing and making a ruckus outside. There were probably other things to tend to around camp, but Snailflower didn't want to end things on such a sour note.
"Alright, well... Gorsebird, sorry about raising my voice. There's not much to my family so I don't really know how difficult it can be sometimes, and I'm sure it's different for every cat." She held her ears flat like a pair of wings, "don't be afraid to let us know if you need something."
Gingerly, the she-cat stepped around the mossy nests towards the exit.

Cosmo February 27th, 2018 06:08 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 475971)

Surgestorm climbed up the Breezerock behind Blazingstar and watched as he called the clan to a meeting and directed their attention to him. He stood then and came forward to address them, practically quivering with excitement and pride. The medicine cat waited for complete silence, then he began: "Cats of WindClan, as you know, I will not be around forever." His gaze moved around the crowd, addressing them all and clearly searching for someone. "So, it's time I took an apprentice." Finally, he spotted Oriolekit in the crowd, meeting her gaze as he continued. "I have chosen a cat who has shown me so much promise. She has initiative, enthusiasm, and so much strength." The medicine cat smiled to his chosen apprentice. "I'm proud to be having Oriolekit surpass me as medicine cat in the future."

He waited a moment and then laughed. "Though, I may be getting ahead of myself. She has to answer me this first." He continued to smile Oriolekit's way, his yellow gaze showing no doubt. "Oriolekit, do you accept the post of WindClan medicine cat apprentice?"

Oriolekit grinned happily as he spoke so kindly of her. It made her feel like he really wanted her to be his apprentice. She had never doubted it, but now she felt as if she never would in the future. "Of course!" She said happily, making sure her response was loud enough but not too loud. The tortoiseshell kit knew that this was very different than how the normal apprentice ceremonies were like. All the ceremonies she had witnessed were normal. It made her feel special knowing that. Her excitement was uncontrollable. She felt like she had the energy of the entire clan. Oriolekit felt like she could run around the whole territory of clan cats, other clans as well and still not get tired. It was the best moment of her life.

wolfie February 27th, 2018 08:08 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Opal (Post 475209)
Gorsebird blinked her bloodshot eyes softly, wondering who had decided it was a 'good' idea to wake her up when she was in such a fragile condition, "Oh, it's you." She then mewed realizing who it was and, letting out a tiny whimper as a dull pain in her abdomen started, "I thought you said you were going to get me my favorite prey item...and you didn't. Are you still m-mad?" Gorsebird questioned upset by the thought.

"I'm so s-s-sorry." Gorsebird then blubbered, suddenly convinced that the tom was still very angry with her, "You can h-hit me if you need t-to and, I won't cry out!" She promised, remembering her mother saying the same thing whenever her father got livid. It was what a good she-cat did when she upset her mate. "I-I'm sorry about being so difficult. I s-should've known better than to t-think you were g-g-going to visit me when I was in the m-medicine cat's den when you're so busy with y-your warrior duties! There so much more i-important than me!" Gorsebird sputtered, feeling a strong need to apologize for her behavior seeing as that's what Wrenbreeze had taught her to do in order to be a good mate. Teachings that for the most she ignored but, not now,

@Spiral Whirl

Stormglare didn't consider himself a good hunter, he was a good fighter but not a hunter. His skills were rusty and he only really started to focus when Gorsebird became pregnant. "Yeah, i kind of may or may have.. fail at it. " He let out a small chuckle. "I found one which was surprising. Yet, that stupid bird flew off when I was about to catch it! Sorry. " He said, then added. "How are you feeling?" Yet she already had started to assume things. Stormglare blinked, surprised. Hit her? I mean, he knew some toms do that. Not him, he would rather stay with his peaceful ways. [ which weren't really peaceful, actually ] "Gorsebird, I'm not mad with you and I won't ever hit you. I promise and I will keep that promise. " Then guilt prickled at his paw when she mentioned he didn't visit her. Stormglare would never admit that the Medince den horrified him. Nope. Nope. Facing your fears? He would rather not. Which was probably why his wounds were usually left untreated for a long time until someone had to actually drag him there. "Its okay, its okay. I'm not mad, beauty. My duties can hold for you, your more important." He cooed her, trying to make his voice as soft and comforting as possible.

Zero February 27th, 2018 08:09 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 476213)

Oriolekit grinned happily as he spoke so kindly of her. It made her feel like he really wanted her to be his apprentice. She had never doubted it, but now she felt as if she never would in the future. "Of course!" She said happily, making sure her response was loud enough but not too loud. The tortoiseshell kit knew that this was very different than how the normal apprentice ceremonies were like. All the ceremonies she had witnessed were normal. It made her feel special knowing that. Her excitement was uncontrollable. She felt like she had the energy of the entire clan. Oriolekit felt like she could run around the whole territory of clan cats, other clans as well and still not get tired. It was the best moment of her life.

"Then, from now on... until you earn your full name, you shall be known as Oriolepaw." Surgestorm relished the moment, letting a few seconds tick by for the clan to absorb all of what was going on and because he knew that this would be his last and probably only time hearing and speaking the words of a medicine cat apprentice ceremony. His gaze returned to Oriolekit after observing the expressions of those who stood below him. "Tonight, we must travel to the moonstone so that you can be accepted by StarClan." With those words, and one last smile to a newly named 'paw that was now under his guidance, he turned his gaze back to Blazingstar.


Tazzy February 27th, 2018 08:23 PM

Re: WindClan Clearings

Originally Posted by BluBunnie (Post 476108)
Redpaw smiled and nodded, "Alright! Besides hunting is part of our training anyway and I changed out the elders bedding yesterday and pretty much spent the whole day helping the elders out. " he mewed. He hoped he was talking too much, he tended to ramble. "Sorry I don't mean to talk too much." He mewed.

“Your fine!” She mewed with laughter “Talk as much as you want! Are you ready?” Featherpaw pointed her tail towards the entrance. If he wasn’t ready she would wait patiently tell he was.

Tavvi February 27th, 2018 08:25 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl (Post 476253)
Stormglare didn't consider himself a good hunter, he was a good fighter but not a hunter. His skills were rusty and he only really started to focus when Gorsebird became pregnant. "Yeah, i kind of may or may have.. fail at it. " He let out a small chuckle. "I found one which was surprising. Yet, that stupid bird flew off when I was about to catch it! Sorry. " He said, then added. "How are you feeling?" Yet she already had started to assume things. Stormglare blinked, surprised. Hit her? I mean, he knew some toms do that. Not him, he would rather stay with his peaceful ways. [ which weren't really peaceful, actually ] "Gorsebird, I'm not mad with you and I won't ever hit you. I promise and I will keep that promise. " Then guilt prickled at his paw when she mentioned he didn't visit her. Stormglare would never admit that the Medince den horrified him. Nope. Nope. Facing your fears? He would rather not. Which was probably why his wounds were usually left untreated for a long time until someone had to actually drag him there. "Its okay, its okay. I'm not mad, beauty. My duties can hold for you, your more important." He cooed at her, trying to make his voice as soft and comforting as possible.

"D-did you h-hear about T-tawnykit?" Gorsebird rasped, her mind wandering to her poor kitten. It had all happened so quickly. Her tail instinctively wrapping her slightly swollen stomach silently cursing herself for not even being able to protect her own kits from danger, "She l-l-look so l-l-little when the e-elders took her out of c-c-camp." She wept, shaking as memories of the morning and how the tom-cat had been nowhere in sight, "It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair..." She wailed, as her pelt twitched rather violently and she covered her eyes with her paws not wanting to make eye contact with Stormglare when he put two and two together.

@Spiral Whirl

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