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spade January 24th, 2021 12:32 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
♠ Cricketpaw ♠
It wasn't too often that the young molly heard other voices in her vicinity - at least ones that were directed at her. Ever since her only close friend in StarClan had somewhat disappeared out of the blue, she'd taken to keeping to herself for the most part. Now though, there was a voice directed at her, a rather unfamiliar one, and Cricketpaw turned her head to catch a glimpse of an equally unfamiliar black she-cat. She couldn't place a paw on who this was, but from the fishy scent that lingered around them both she could safely guess this was a fellow RiverClan ancestor.

A smile broke across her maw - she was less cautious of strangers now being in StarClan - and she dipped her head. "My name is Cricketpaw. My dad - I mean, Russetstar - was the leader during my time, many many moons ago." Had it really been three years? It felt like ages ago that she had roamed the earth. "I've been here for quite some time now... Though, I did disappear for a bit... The cat who guided me here at my death, he was a close friend of mine, and he's since vanished, so I haven't really been around lately..." Briefly, an image of Northpath's kind smile flashed in her mind. She dearly missed the tom, and felt a hole in her heart where he had once been.

Tipping her head now as she studied the cat in front of her, curiosity tugged at her pelt. "And what about you? I can tell from your scent that you're RiverClan - and the fact that no other StarClanners hang out by the water otherwise." A light chuckle, like air, floated on her words. "Though I can't say I recognize you by name..."

Jade13 January 28th, 2021 03:15 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
featherkit got up and looked around scared. she just sat there where am i she said to herself

nocturnal January 28th, 2021 03:24 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
// @feather lily

More cats. More dead cats.

She grimaced. Even worse, it was a kit.

Approaching the feline, Ravenpaw replied in the most reassuring tone she could muster, "Sorry to break it to you... Featherkit? But you're dead. In StarClan."

Nice going, Raven, she chided herself. Now to see how traumatized it is.

Jade13 January 28th, 2021 03:27 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by bmkmb (Post 910470)
// @feather lily

More cats. More dead cats.

She grimaced. Even worse, it was a kit.

Approaching the feline, Ravenpaw replied in the most reassuring tone she could muster, "Sorry to break it to you... Featherkit? But you're dead. In StarClan."

Nice going, Raven, she chided herself. Now to see how traumatized it is.

h-how? i cant be dead i was just chasing a bug right? she said stund. she was taking it well at least she thought she was. what happened she thought

nocturnal January 28th, 2021 03:31 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
// @feather lily

"Yes, you were chasing a bug. But you left the camp, which is a very dangerous thing to do, and a rogue found you and killed you for it," Ravenpaw explained.

When had she received the "official StarClan greeter of unimportant cats" rank again? There hadn't been an announcement. It'd just... happened. But being dead was weird; she could place all the blame on that.

Jade13 January 28th, 2021 03:37 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by bmkmb (Post 910479)
// @feather lily

"Yes, you were chasing a bug. But you left the camp, which is a very dangerous thing to do, and a rogue found you and killed you for it," Ravenpaw explained.

When had she received the "official StarClan greeter of unimportant cats" rank again? There hadn't been an announcement. It'd just... happened. But being dead was weird; she could place all the blame on that.

Oh... well can you tell me about starclan? featherkit said upset her eyes full of tears

nocturnal January 28th, 2021 03:50 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
// @feather lily

She wasn't going to groom her, actively try to calm the kit down, or whatever else queens did back in the living world. "Well, we're living, quite literally, in the stars," Ravenpaw began. She briefly wondered whether the kit would find that "cool" or not. "And you can watch what's happening in the clans any time you want. Most cats are happy up here—it's basically paradise. And you won't get lonely because there's a ton of other kits living up here." Sort of sad to think about, really, but what else could you expect from life? "The leaders and the medicine cats visit occasionally, so if you're lucky, you'll get to see them."

Jade13 January 28th, 2021 04:10 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by bmkmb (Post 910495)
// @feather lily

She wasn't going to groom her, actively try to calm the kit down, or whatever else queens did back in the living world. "Well, we're living, quite literally, in the stars," Ravenpaw began. She briefly wondered whether the kit would find that "cool" or not. "And you can watch what's happening in the clans any time you want. Most cats are happy up here—it's basically paradise. And you won't get lonely because there's a ton of other kits living up here." Sort of sad to think about, really, but what else could you expect from life? "The leaders and the medicine cats visit occasionally, so if you're lucky, you'll get to see them."

Oh that’s cool, well thank you... what’s your name? featherkit asked. It would take her time to get used to being dead but from what she heard it wasn’t that bad. Right?

nocturnal January 28th, 2021 04:19 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
// @feather lily

"Ravenpaw," the black-furred feline replied, "-but you can drop the suffix if you're not a fan of formalities." It didn't define her, anyway. She'd been this close to becoming a warrior when that featherbrained crow—

"You'll get used to the whole 'being dead' thing eventually," the molly said nonchalantly. "Look at yourself—you already have little stars in your pelt!"

It wasn't as exciting as she'd made it sound, but Featherkit was still young. It would seem interesting to her... maybe. Ravenpaw wasn't a kitten expert. Not even close.

"If you ever need help, just ask around. Everyone's pretty nice here. I mean, that's sort of the point."

Jade13 January 28th, 2021 04:43 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by bmkmb (Post 910518)
// @feather lily

"Ravenpaw," the black-furred feline replied, "-but you can drop the suffix if you're not a fan of formalities." It didn't define her, anyway. She'd been this close to becoming a warrior when that featherbrained crow—

"You'll get used to the whole 'being dead' thing eventually," the molly said nonchalantly. "Look at yourself—you already have little stars in your pelt!"

It wasn't as exciting as she'd made it sound, but Featherkit was still young. It would seem interesting to her... maybe. Ravenpaw wasn't a kitten expert. Not even close.

"If you ever need help, just ask around. Everyone's pretty nice here. I mean, that's sort of the point."

I’m thanks ravenpaw! featherkit saod looking at her pelt it is! she thought she started to look around it was pretty she was said that she couldn’t live longer but she would make the best of it

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