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Doodle August 2nd, 2017 08:47 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by The Little Robin (Post 340316)
Hawkfeather quietly took a bite of the hare, savoring the delicious taste of the fresh prey in his mouth and a small smile slipped on the male’s face, his whiskers twitching. His long, skinny tail twitched back and forth behind him as he did this and his mind was running wild in the meantime too. The tan-furred male closed his eyes, silently resting as he laid there, his stomach cooled by the soft, loose dirt underneath the warrior. He might’ve just dozed off right then and there if it had not been for his best friend, Owlspark, who had walked over to him, joining the young warrior and greeting him in a rather cheerful tone that made Hawkfeather’s eyes open and glance at the older, larger tom-cat. “Good morning.” He purred, a relaxed smile placing itself on his maw, knowing that he had his childhood friend’s company now in the peaceful morning hours. “I’m doing good actually, the rain has finally given us a rest and I’ve taken the time to improve my hunting skills out in the grounds.” Hawkfeather knew that his friend and him had not talked in nearly a full moon, but was more delighted to see Owlsparks once again. He was, after all, like a brother to him, deep down. He raised an eyebrow at the brown-striped warrior, eyeing the grin and fidgeting paws. “If I may dare ask, what’s been new with you? You’re as restless as a young hare at the start of newleaf.” Hawkfeather teased him, tilting his head to the side slightly to listen to his friend and what he had been doing in all the time they had been apart.

"Yes, thank Starclan we've finally gotten a break from all this rain," Owlspark agreed, his grin widening as his best friend read him perfectly. Hawkfeather was bound to notice something was up as almost nothing got past the two friends, since they knew each other so well. "Okay, well, let me start with I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to tell you of all this sooner... I really intended to, I promise." Owlspark's green eyes flickered over the tan warrior, slightly worried that his friend would get a bit angry. "So, I know that you introduced me to Caracalspirit, and I have someone to introduce you to as well... only, well," the tom hesitated yet again, torn between a giddy feeling in his stomach and being anxious at his friend's reaction. "I asked her to be my mate yesterday," he finally rushed out in one big breath. "And she said yes."

With what he had intended to say spoken, all the tom could do was wait for Hawkfeather to react. Hopefully it would be in a happy way, rather than an angry one. The two had never been in a fight before, and Owlspark would prefer to keep it that way. Without being able to help himself, the tabby glanced around the clearing to see if he could spot Firesparks, but to his knowledge she was still sleeping. If he knew her, she'd be up soon enough and out on a hunting patrol, or a border one, before she even ate. Just like the first time they had met, when he feared being clawed for suggesting the molly was going to eat before patrolling. A fond smile formed his maw as he thought of the beautiful she-cat, but then he remembered the conversation he was currently in and shook his head to refocus himself.

~Breadsticks~ August 2nd, 2017 08:48 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Socks (Post 340208)
Cocoabush couldn't contain her laughter, as soon as Ebonyflicker had said 'spare me' she had started laughing but by the end of his words she had rolled onto her back and was laughing loudly. "You're so silly." She had said between bouts of laughter, looking over to smile fondly at the tom. She felt the warmth on her pelt from the small bits of sun that peeked through clouds.

The tom pounced forward, pinning Cocoabush gently, "There's one thing I might be best at. Humor." He purred, his tail waving behind him as he flopped down, right beside her. "This is fun." Ebonyflicker said, smiling at her. She drives me wild, I love her so much.. He thought about voicing it but kept quiet, knowing he'd probably said something like that already.

Captain August 2nd, 2017 09:04 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Doodle (Post 340340)
"Yes, thank Starclan we've finally gotten a break from all this rain," Owlspark agreed, his grin widening as his best friend read him perfectly. Hawkfeather was bound to notice something was up as almost nothing got past the two friends, since they knew each other so well. "Okay, well, let me start with I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to tell you of all this sooner... I really intended to, I promise." Owlspark's green eyes flickered over the tan warrior, slightly worried that his friend would get a bit angry. "So, I know that you introduced me to Caracalspirit, and I have someone to introduce you to as well... only, well," the tom hesitated yet again, torn between a giddy feeling in his stomach and being anxious at his friend's reaction. "I asked her to be my mate yesterday," he finally rushed out in one big breath. "And she said yes."

With what he had intended to say spoken, all the tom could do was wait for Hawkfeather to react. Hopefully it would be in a happy way, rather than an angry one. The two had never been in a fight before, and Owlspark would prefer to keep it that way. Without being able to help himself, the tabby glanced around the clearing to see if he could spot Firesparks, but to his knowledge she was still sleeping. If he knew her, she'd be up soon enough and out on a hunting patrol, or a border one, before she even ate. Just like the first time they had met, when he feared being clawed for suggesting the molly was going to eat before patrolling. A fond smile formed his maw as he thought of the beautiful she-cat, but then he remembered the conversation he was currently in and shook his head to refocus himself.

The young warrior smiled, listening to his closest friends words and he nodded ever so slightly, affectionately nudging Owlspark’s shoulder. “I’m not mad, don’t worry.” He assured the older male, “We all get a bit busy now and then, that’s just life. Besides, we both have social lives outside of each other - it’s best that you make some friends besides me.” Thought Hawkfeather had missed the possible conversations that two of them could’ve shared in that moon, he was understanding and supportive. He wasn’t one to get angry over something like this, especially if it wasn’t intentional and he believed Owlspark when he had that it wasn’t. Hawkfeather took another bite of his meal, gesturing for his friend to continue and his ears twitched as he listened to his friend speak of meeting someone new and wanting to introduce him to them, however, it took him by surprise when his best friend told him of his successful confession to a she-cat.

He looked down at his paws for a short second or two, realizing that his best friend, the only one that had ever been there for him, besides Caracalspirit, now had a mate. This meant that he would be having a family of his own in the future. Of course, the warrior was worried that he would be forgotten as this happened as he usually did, but of course, he didn’t say this outloud. Hawkfeather smiled brightly, resting a paw lightly on his friend’s shoulder. “That’s wonderful, Owlspark! I’m so glad that you’ve met someone and finally found yourself a mate, I knew that you’d find yourself a loving lady one of these days.” He purred, “I bet she’s a beautiful she-cat and I’d be delighted to meet her, hey, maybe I can babysit your kittens someday, eh?” The young tom joked, true affection and happiness for his friend in his tone. Though out of the corner of his eye, he could see Caracalspirit eating a piece of prey in a shaded spot in the clearing and he sudden remembered something, his muzzle turning hot and he shuffled his paws nervously, turning to his best friend. “How did.. How did you do it?” He asked, his tone shy and curious at the same time, “How did you confess to her yesterday? D-Do you have any tips or advice?” The male gave his full attention to his friend, his heartbeat quickening as he made sure to keep his voice low when talking to him.

goddess of ducks August 2nd, 2017 11:19 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Beam (Post 339841)
Echokit stared at the other cat intently, slightly irritated he had finally mustered enough bravery to go through the wall, then only to be stopped when he was so close to escaping. Although, he was sort of gold.He shook his head and flattered his ears bak to his skull, no, he was supposed to be mad.

Echo kit pure his lips when the other cat apologized to him, he really dint have a response to that. To he just kept watching the cat for signs of...well, something. Echo kit's face went slack as the feline questioned his intentions. Would the cat understand, that he was trying to escape? This cat was definitely older than him, but if she was an apprentice, she'd get where he was coming from. Right? However, if her rank was a warrior, he sure had some scolding to get to. He took a deep breath, guilt taking over his feelings: either way, he'd tell, he would just want to get it over with.

"I was trying to get away from here, of course."he mewed flatly, suddenly hoping that the laugher glimmering in the feline's eyes would fade away. Echo kit had never felt uncomfortable when cats seemed to be joking around him, but for some odd reason, he wanted this cat to understand, "Silly?"he echoed her in disbelief, his head leaning backwards in an offended position, "Its not silly!" he calmed his reedy voice down, "Im almost an apprentice. In a quarter moon, i'll be Echopaw, before you asked me what I was doing. I was trying to get out of the camp through that very tunnel, its about time i got to leave the nursery!"He looked up to the cat, looking for a trace of understanding or an 'ooooh, right'look.

Peachpaw's normally worn smile quickly faded from her face when she saw that this cat did not find it funny in the least. Now she felt even more sorry than she had before. She wasn't exactly fond of cats yelling at her, nor a cat disliking her. Yes she knew she couldn't please everyone, but she preferred it better if the ones who didn't like her just kept that to themselves instead of saying it to her face.

"Oh well, why?" She asked, but if she had held her tongue a moment longer she would have had her question answered. As he lit into her about not being silly, she felt her tail self consciously pulling itself down and closer to being in between her legs. Her ears flattened back in sadness. Why had she gone and screwed this up? She was just joking around... "Oh, I'm really sorry about calling you silly looking." She meowed quietly, not even noting in the least that this cat was indeed a kit and she an apprentice. "I just didn't know you were trying to sneak out, I thought you were trying to like prank someone... To be honest I didn't even know you were a kit..." She meowed, her voice barely more than a whisper in her embarrassment and guilt.

NightWarrior4Life August 3rd, 2017 03:43 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Swiftheart (Post 339728)
Cayotepaw grolwed,annoyed that he was almost beat.He stood up,trying to see,but soon the dust cleared.He lunged at shinepaw,and they both toppled over.

"Alright, fair enough...we all know you're better than me...that was all just a fluke...I got lucky..." But deep down she was celebrating her victory.

Cosmo August 3rd, 2017 07:58 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Mothkit nodded. Her stomach squirmed uncomfortably. Sure she was happy, they were going to let her not yell at Lynxkit! But, she was also sad. What if Nightkit hated her now? She was even more worried when she heard the hint of hurt and upset in their voice. "I don't want to hurt your feelings," the molly started, her voice small. "But he's my friend." Now you've truly done it Mothkit! You've admitted he's your friend! The molly's ears were pinned to her head, waiting for what he would say next.

Static August 3rd, 2017 12:02 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 340483)
"Alright, fair enough...we all know you're better than me...that was all just a fluke...I got lucky..." But deep down she was celebrating her victory.

Cayote paw nodded. "I'm not good with dust." He grumbled,shaking it out of his fur.

sNazzy August 3rd, 2017 12:14 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Swiftheart (Post 339584)
Flight kit watched silent kit confused,because she didn't know she was one of the first to open her eyes."What's wrong?Why don't you talk any?" She asked,sitting down infront of silentkit.

Silentkit calmed down and started to judge the situation. There's a chance that this "Flightkit" isn't trying to hurt me, but I can't take that chance. Too risky. If I want to remain unharmed, my best option would be to trick Flightkt into leaving me alone. But how? We can't communicate. That had already been proven impossible. Then she had an idea. Flightkit seems interested in me, so maybe they will follow me. I'll make myself hard to sense. Then they won't be able to find me! She started to move away from Flightkit. Please, please, please follow me!

Static August 3rd, 2017 12:19 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Oshawott King (Post 340703)
Silentkit calmed down and started to judge the situation. There's a chance that this "Flightkit" isn't trying to hurt me, but I can't take that chance. Too risky. If I want to remain unharmed, my best option would be to trick Flightkt into leaving me alone. But how? We can't communicate. That had already been proven impossible. Then she had an idea. Flightkit seems interested in me, so maybe they will follow me. I'll make myself hard to sense. Then they won't be able to find me! She started to move away from Flightkit. Please, please, please follow me!

Flighkit started following her sibling,having no idea she thought that she was a enemy.She hit silent kits tail every know and then playfully,hoping that she would Finnaly react the way she wanted her to.

Brilliance August 3rd, 2017 01:01 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Random Melchester (Post 340292)

Sorrelkit as laying on her side just outside the nest, eyes shut, ears pricked, focusing on the ringing. It grew louder and louder until a deafening screech filled her ears - All in her head of course. The ringing disappeared and was replaced by the whispering voices, and Sorrelkit's claws dug into the ground.

Let us out.
You want it.
You want us to help you.
Let us out.
Do it.
You want it.
Kill them.
All of them.
You want it.
You need it.
You know how to get it.
Do it.
Do it now.

A shiver ran up Sorrelkit's spine, and her ears stayed pricked. The voices often said these things, and Sorrelkit was honestly surprised they were speaking to her directly now. But she loved it. She loved the things they said. If only she wasnt a kit... But soon. After all, she was five moons old now. A little over actually. And she couldnt wait to become an apprentice. Honestly, she hoped she was apprenticed to a cat as sadistic as her. If not, well.... Too bad for them. They'd have to deal with an insane apprentice.

Shifting a little, Sorrelkit kept her eyes closed to continue listening, but the voices seemed to have stopped. Still, the Toyger remained silent, ears pricked, waiting to hear them again. Because if she was patient enough.. It would come.

Lynxkit happily padded around the den, humming a soft tune, and perhaps even lost in his own world. He was in such an upbeat mood, which really was no surprise. Anyone who would look at the kit, knew he always had something to be happy about. Lemonspotted was there, albeit asleep in her nest, snoring softly. One thing the tom knew? He was finally happy to even be in the presence of his mother. Finally being able to cuddle into her warm fur, sleek fur. It was a nice feeling. To know he had a family. Even if they were messed up. Breezepaw still kit sat them every now and then, but she was busy with almost becoming a warrior along with Hunterpaw.

Hunterpaw...his idol. Lynxkit wanted to be just like his older half brother because he felt he was cool. A lost smarter than Cavestorm and a lot understandable than Curlypaw. Even if Lynxkit wasn't the smartest kit out there, he also wasn't the dumbest kit out there. However, having fun was always on his mind. He began aimlessly wondering around, and for a moment wondered where his new friend-- Mothkit was. She was awesome. A lot of fun.

"A whole lot of fun." He muttered as his eyes stared at his litter mate and sister. Sorrelkit had to be strangest cat he ever laid his eyes on. Sometimes he wondered how they were even siblings, but they did have the same coat pattern, looking like two twins of their mother, and nothing of their father. But he still loved his sister. She was there to listen to him constantly ramble on about this or that. Even when he mind would be elsewhere and her back would be turned. So, he padded up to his sister, identical they were with their striped printed pelt.

"Sorrel, guess what!?" He hopped around her in an excited manner, his tail bobbing behind him. "We're about to be apprentices!" Indeed, he was excited about finally leaving the nursery den. Even though He would miss playing with Mothkit, but becoming an apprentice was an exciting thing. "Oh, Sorrel! It'll be so much fun! What if-- what if...Hunterpaw was my mentor?" Now, that thought intrigued him. Being mentored by his own brother. Lynxkit wanted that. He wanted that badly. He could envision many of the little moments they would have together. It was all too wonderful! "And, best of all? We don't have to worry about being watched anymore. We'll be apprentices and we can take care of ourselves!" He bellowed, sitting on his haunches and giving an indignant huff as he puffed out his chest. Oh, yes...that is a thought that would keep the heart beating.

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