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iliri April 19th, 2024 01:44 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
she/her | thunderclan medicine cat | 19 moons
long-furred, scarred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
active purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps
[ @Ladiebugg (it will only just be spring aiding daylight given that omari is currently on a hiatus right now :heartbounce:) ]

The medicine den had been quiet. Almost too quiet. No commotion had been coming around to haunt her inner consciousness. The healer was continuously paranoid even with the lackluster silence, always alert for when the next intruder might enter her domain. It wasn’t often that the den would be filled with a void of silence; a silence that almost felt deafening to her ears. No one was inside the den, and Drizzlecloud was nowhere to be found, making the silence unceremoniously drag on. It was the thing that she hated the most. It made her uncomfortable and anxious, reprimanded by the horrendous events that occurred at the Starcave. Being this jittery wasn’t something that the medicine cat wanted to endure. It had been… so long since she had suffered this initiation. The grisly words from Smallsky had been worse than remaining ignorant. What she had stated provided no comfort, and yet, it just continuously echoed in her head like raging bees.

Her paws moved subconsciously as she paced the cooler depths of the den, her thoughts rummaging freely through her mind faster than lightning could strike. What had she wanted with her? What had she needed? Why had she decided to lie about all things? All the impending questions poured themselves down at her, making her claws strike against the coarse life-rich soil, trying to counter the thought away as uneasiness shredded itself down her spine. So many things arose at once, that it just felt relatively uneasy for her to even handle scenarios like this. Cats were becoming mauled by the cruelty that happened in the territory, and even cannibalized by other cats of other clans. It wasn’t easy for the herbalist to handle on her own, only giving her a thickened feel of incoming dread by incident after incident occurring. She encountered the same, if not worse as a medicine cat apprentice, but she had been lacking the knowledge of a medic. Moons of spending in the medicine den had shown her how awful situations can get if they hadn’t been properly looked upon. She’s seen torn muscles, gouged-out eyeballs, shredded ears, all of it. It’s gruesome, but it’s necessary with her as a medicine cat to look upon those incidents and cure the wounded.

A voice breaks through her thoughts, her head jerking upward as the familiar stench of blood burns into her nostrils, instantly giving the long-furred feline a headache. When was the last time she dealt with a patient like this? A few weeks? She hadn’t been keeping track, but she knew full well that the last time she had interacted with any cat was when she was sending out herb patrols. Other than that, she had been keeping to herself other than occasionally chatting with Orangeblossom in case he came around or Drizzecloud. Bile collected at the back of her throat as whoever stepped in her den had banged themselves up pretty badly, judging from the fact that the voice of whoever had stepped into the crevices of the medicine den had called for both her and Drizzlecloud’s assistance. Unfortunately, given her mentor’s current lack of attendance within the den at the moment, it only seemed that her patient would require her for this critical healing. With some effort, the medicine cat exited the herb storage - a place she rarely left as she kept a close guard, only leaving when pangs of hunger were severe and she found herself forced to go out to the fresh-kill pile to pluck something interesting to give herself strength - and met up with her patient.

She recognized the molly at once. Daylightwing was one of the apprentices who became a warrior during the meeting alongside Sprucejumper. Both warriors weren’t cats that she was familiar with, although she distinctively remembered the tom-cat whose facial expression seemed nonchalant when she was a mere ‘paw treating his injury. Springlight wanted to commit to remembering everyone she had witnessed within the den, either if it were someone who wasn’t in the clan. Ever since she witnessed the grueling deaths of both Tawnykit and Eveningdance, she made it a point to remember everyone. Remember every face and every name. Because they were her clan, and she would always know what ailed every one of them and never let them suffer. Not if she could help it; she wasn’t like her predecessors. How naive she’d been when she’d come to decisions. Bright-eyed, full of pride at her job and her clan. How undeniably gullible she had been when she was just a young ‘paw stepping forth from being named after moons stuck in the nursery. Sometimes she wondered if one of these cats that she helped would eventually be the death of her sooner or later, the fear prickling over her shoulders like sharp talons sinking to her skin.

A quick survey of Daylightwing let her know that she was in dire need of being patched up, and the medicine cat could already find her stomach twisting and churning as she noted the audibly shredded foreleg which looked to be nothing more than exposed tissue and battered flesh. Springlight could easily find herself internally grimacing at the fact that this molly’s leg wouldn’t any longer be usable, only just a mere stump to remain. Even if Daylightwing didn’t give her an extensive, well-worded diagnosis, the herbalist was easily able to note the very injury adjacent right in front of her face. The medic wasn’t fairly certain if she held the proper herbs to try to patch up an injury like this, given that she had just recently cleaned out her storages, but she would have to hope that there was enough marigold, moss, and cobwebs to help fix this bloody mess.

“Here,” the tricolored feline swerved her way towards her injured patient’s side, aiding her as she gently pressed herself against her. Her paws stepped over the tainted scarlet that stained the naturally cocoa-brown earthy floors, focusing her attention on the nearest moss-bed before her as she glanced up towards the molly. Given that the herbalist was relatively one of the more smaller cats of the clan, it wouldn’t be easy for her to assist the newly named warrior to one of the nests to have the remains of her leg be patched up. “Lean… against me… I will… take you… towards that… moss-bed… over there… and patch… the leg up…” She explained, her tone careful as she began to lead the molly towards the nest, her tail rested amongst her shoulders. "Mind... explaining... how that... happened... in the... first place?"

Ladiebugg April 19th, 2024 01:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
DaylightKit, DaylightPaw

12 Moons | She/Her | Bisexual

ThunderClan Warrior




DaylightWing smiled, leaning against the other cat.

She flopped down into the moss bed, wincing as the pain really began to set in. She had been running purely on adrenaline to get herself here, and now it was wearing off. Ow..

'I.. was uh.. attacked? And.. I wasn't.. prepared, I guess..'

She chuckled, looking up at the medicine cat.

iliri April 19th, 2024 06:08 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
she/her | thunderclan medicine cat | 19 moons
long-furred, scarred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
active purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps
[ @BEAR. ]

Not a moment after she had been done dismissing patrols after they’d arrived back to the clan, the medicine cat went to work. Rummaging through each indicated piles that the patrols had brought to instinctively place into their respective niches within the indented pits of the back of the medicine den. After her recent cleaning of the wilted herbs, the storage had suddenly looked almost empty again. It always made her feel uncomfortable seeing the storage so pitiful and wasting of herbs, especially with the fact that anyone in the clan could catch a cold or get the most critical of injuries. She floundered a little bit as some marigold went out of place in the indented pits, the medicine cat gingerly placing them back in their small pocket before backing up to briefly examine her work, narrowing down towards a few pits in particular who bore very little items. Cobwebs, marigold… She didn’t have a whole lot to spare in the coming moons - the patrols she released did little to increase the storage after she cleaned any wilted herbs - and she was worried about going empty in case any war were to come towards ThunderClan. Even if that was going to be the case, she would do her best to try to give both the herbs and her clan-mates the best care that she could give them.

Wolfhive’s arrival wasn’t hard for her to catch, the calico overhearing his paw-steps as he had entered the relatively large den. In fair honesty, Springlight hadn’t been too certain how to feel about interacting with him again after having him inside the medicine den confined for moons because of the poison that affected nearly every cat in the clan. Guilt had hoarded itself deep within her gut; her herbal knowledge hadn’t been too adjacent, and she hadn’t known how to properly cure the poison until Bumblestar received that vision about the mysterious flower by the cliffside in Firefly Cove. She still felt irritated by the stars giving the leader a vision of how to fix the poison and not the medics themselves; they were the ones working their paws off unlike their overseeing bloody selves. Her tail lashed instinctively against the memory, only focusing on the sound of Wolfhive asking if she was free at the moment. Admittedly, it caught her off-guard a little bit by his sudden appearance, but she didn’t let it phase her for too long. Thankfully, the molly hadn’t detected any alightment of wounds or illness coming off the tom-cat, so that was a good thing. However, her expression remained mixed with puzzlement and interest as she glanced towards the tom-cat, nodding towards his question.

“Nothing… too hectic… is happening… at the… moment… just finishing up… sorting out… the herbs… that patrols… had brought… back… so I… am practically… as free… as I can… be for… now,” Springlight retorted, weaving her way through the den to approach the gray-furred tom-cat as she craned her head to glance up towards him. She wasn’t necessarily a large cat, nor was she small, but she wasn’t the biggest cat around to be very intimidating. “Is… something wrong?... Hopefully not… another incident… in the… Kit Corner… again?” The last squirmish that occurred there caused more fuel to the drama than it was needed, but it was better to not jump to conclusions than gradually assume that another incident occurred at the Kit Corner. Only stars would know what would occur if that were to be the case.

BEAR. April 20th, 2024 04:02 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
Oh good, perfect timing then. Wolfhive glanced in the direction of the herb storage - mildly curious as to what it looked like and contained. He'd never been called to one of the herb patrols and had been so focused on other things the existence of the storage felt so .. distant.

"If something was wrong, you'd be the first to hear." Wolfhive couldn't hide the slight smile that tugged at his muzzle. In an emergency situation, he was pretty sure they just screamed in the clearing until Springlight showed up. "Actually, the Kit Corner's been kinda quiet.. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a herb lesson for the kids. Doesn't need to be anything fancy, just some basic dos and don'ts?"

[ @iliri ]

Omari April 21st, 2024 06:23 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud hummed softly. Well, it was certainly beginning to look like the kit had suffered from hearing loss for sure. The kit only seemed to stare in response, and she couldn’t help but recall similar behavior that she showed when she was young, too. She plucked herself up off of the ground, stepping closer to the kit to carefully nose at their ears, trying to catch the scent of infection–because sometimes ear infections could be the culprit, too! But, alas, she smelled no such foul scent. It would have been easy to smell without the close proximity, but, it was worth making a closer assessment nonetheless.

“I’d say your previous assessment would be correct… Whitekit here does show sure signs of being deaf. Not to worry, though. I am deaf myself and completed my warrior training with the help of a patient mentor… I can tell that you are a loving parent already, so there will be no problems with patience coming from your end.” Drizzlecloud offered the queen a smile and a polite nod of her head before she shifted her gaze to Berrykit.

“Hello, young one. Come, would you like to tell me what happened between you and your mother? Only if you are comfortable with it..” Drizzlecloud seated herself again, patting her tail next to her for the kit to draw closer if she so wished.

[ @Artemis apologies! I went on hiatus. ]

Phoenix April 21st, 2024 08:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1581475)

Drizzlecloud hummed softly. Well, it was certainly beginning to look like the kit had suffered from hearing loss for sure. The kit only seemed to stare in response, and she couldn’t help but recall similar behavior that she showed when she was young, too. She plucked herself up off of the ground, stepping closer to the kit to carefully nose at their ears, trying to catch the scent of infection–because sometimes ear infections could be the culprit, too! But, alas, she smelled no such foul scent. It would have been easy to smell without the close proximity, but, it was worth making a closer assessment nonetheless.

“I’d say your previous assessment would be correct… Whitekit here does show sure signs of being deaf. Not to worry, though. I am deaf myself and completed my warrior training with the help of a patient mentor… I can tell that you are a loving parent already, so there will be no problems with patience coming from your end.” Drizzlecloud offered the queen a smile and a polite nod of her head before she shifted her gaze to Berrykit.

“Hello, young one. Come, would you like to tell me what happened between you and your mother? Only if you are comfortable with it..” Drizzlecloud seated herself again, patting her tail next to her for the kit to draw closer if she so wished.

[ @Artemis apologies! I went on hiatus. ]

Nightshine hussled Whitekit out of the med den before saying to Drizzlecloud, "Thank you. I'll leave you and Berrykit alone. She can handle herself, I believe. Call me if you need me." She and Whitekit left.

Berrykit trembled at the mention of her mother. She huddled closer to the med cat. "M-mama was mean. She hurt me... my new mama says that she's gone. I don't know where. I h-hope she's not in Starclan. She was real mean."

iliri April 23rd, 2024 07:46 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
she/her | thunderclan medicine cat | 19 moons
long-furred, scarred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
active purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps
[ @Ladiebugg ]

The answer she received wasn’t all that Springlight was wanting, the calico had been hoping to perceive in some sort of more complex answer than the one that she received. Frowning, the calico assisted as she carefully laid the injured molly onto the moss-bed, whiskers twitching dutifully against the acrid stench of blood invading her nostrils. It wasn’t that she wasn’t used to the smell - far from it, in fact. She hadn’t just been around anyone with any critical injuries as of late, and this was her first patient in days to come rushing back with a shredded leg and somehow remain stable after countering such blood loss. She would say that she was surprised, but she found herself refusing to blatantly state the obvious, further noting the fact that she’d need to go into the herb storage and see if she could snatch up some marigold and cobwebs to keep the wound at bay. Forming a grimace, she silently cursed at the fact that she hadn’t sent any warriors to search for poppyseeds, making her incapable of helping the warrior with her pain. She would go out herself and bring a bunch of cats with her to forage out for any poppy flowers, but that was just leaving Daylightwing unattended and that was something she wasn’t going to risk.

“That’s one… nasty looking… leg… you have there…” Springlight explained, not bothering to start much of a conversation as she began approaching the herb storage, digging a paw through her recently restocked piles to snag up the requirements she needed. “I… will try… to patch… you up… the best… that I… can of… my advantage… however… I am… afraid that… you may… not be… able to… walk on… all fours… again… given that… the leg was… shredded… completely off… and will be… left with… a stump.” The mentioning of a stump brought back a disheartening memory that she didn’t want to think much about. Drizzlecloud and herself had no clear knowledge of how to properly amputate a limb, and her cousin was the mere victim of that slander. Leafpaw hadn’t been around for a while, and Springlight found her chest swirling achingly at the thought of her little cousins. They all haven’t been around, and she found herself questioning where they may have gone. It was too reminiscent of the day of the sinkholes and when her siblings left and never came back. Springlight temporarily paused at her scrummaging as her thoughts invaded her mind, but quickly overcame and grabbed her requirements for the healing of her waiting patient.

Approaching the molly, the calico took a moment to gander at her leg, taking a moment to begin organizing the herbs she gathered for this occasion. That leg wound was pretty nasty. Bad enough that she would need to wrap it tight. Thankfully, she didn’t need any sticks given that the wound wasn’t a broken limb, so that was reassuring for the pastel calico. However, she wasn’t assured by the thought that she held enough cobwebs to properly wrap around the wound and staunch the blood flow. Maybe she did, but she didn’t want to hold any grudges in herself if she didn’t. The leg was in critical condition, and truth be told, she held doubt that it would be normal again and would just turn into a stump similar to how Mudhound has one. With a sharp exhale through her nostrils, the calico braced herself as she attempted to remove any excess blood and debris with moistened moss from the injury. “I’m afraid… with a… wound like… this… it’ll… remain… a… stump… and be… lasting damage… towards… the inner tissue… and muscle… but I… will patch you… up… the best… I can… so it… can heal… to a… certain degree.” It was better to try to keep her entertained if she couldn’t offer anything to help distract her from the pain. It was better to keep up a small conversation, after all. She hadn't realized that she may have unintentionally repeated herself, but her mind was running bullets, and it wasn't like she was in the mood to be differing different points of thought.

Ladiebugg April 24th, 2024 01:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
DaylightKit, DaylightPaw

12 Moons | She/Her | Bisexual

ThunderClan Warrior




DaylightWing's eyes widened
'A.. stump? It's just.. gonna be a stump?'

Her voice slurred slightly from the pain as her adrenaline wore off. She looked down at her leg and gasped.

'Wait.. that's all that's left?'
She looked away from her leg, her ears pinned against her head

'Well.. if you can patch it up..'

iliri April 25th, 2024 08:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
she/her | thunderclan medicine cat | 19 moons
long-furred, scarred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
active purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps
[ @BEAR. ]

It hadn’t been hard for the medicine cat to notice the look of curiosity on Wolfhive’s face when he peered over toward the direction of the herb storage. Frankly, it wasn’t anything far too fancy given that she had recently restocked the herb storage not so long ago after cleaning it out. It felt rather barren more than anything, and that wasn’t something that Springlight necessarily liked. At some point, she'll collect a group of cats together to go collect some herbs to help replenish the storage itself to keep it at a good vantage point. Other than that, it looked relatively fine for the most part even with the lack of herbs that she necessarily wanted. Wolfhive’s words couldn’t help but make the calico crack a small smile on her face, knowing that at least she was trustworthy enough to go see if there was a problem at Kit Corner to figure out. Although, she would probably overhear it since the medicine den wasn’t that far off from the place itself. His offer wasn’t anything that Springlight would be against doing, finding her head tilting quizzically as she thought for a quick moment. It would do good for the kits to learn a few herbs, especially with the immense dangers of poisons that there was. It wasn’t like she was ever going to bring any poison back after the whole incident with the clan becoming ill. There was no way she was having something like that occur again.

“I’d… be completely… fine with… teaching the… kits… some few… herbal… remedies… and maybe… a few poisons… for them… to keep… an eye out… for when… they are older… stars above… knows that… we don’t… want… anyone collecting… any poisonous… herbs by accident.” Springlight felt a shiver draw up her spine the moment she expressed herself, momentarily allowing her words the slip into Wolfhive’s mind before making her way back towards the herb storage, gesturing with her tail for him to follow if he had wanted to come along. “You… can see… what I am… going to… teach the… kits if… you want… there’s nothing… too fancy… in here… to really… look at… unfortunately… just to give… yourself an… idea of… what the… storage… looked like.” She trusted the hornet enough that he wouldn’t try to sabotage the herb storage, given his rank and status. Plus, he was Bumbles’ son, and Springlight knew how deeply interconnected their bond was together, just like hers was with Dovefluff, even if the molly hadn’t really been around all that often.

iliri April 29th, 2024 08:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
she/her | thunderclan medicine cat | 19 moons
long-furred, scarred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
active purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps
[ @Ladiebugg ( all finished! springlight is going to want daylightwing to rest before doing anything that would risk opening the bandaged area :heartbounce: ) ]

Hearing the agony in her patient's voice destroyed her on the inside, even if she had heard it more than once before in her whole career of taking care of the sick and wounded. It would always hurt her deeply within her chest to hear how horrified her patients were the moment that they realized that they may not have a limb anymore. Given that Springlight never truly dealt with a situation like this other than once, it wasn’t something that she was fundamentally experienced with, and it wasn’t ever a pretty thing to even commit herself to in the first place. Serving as one of ThunderClan’s medics was hard, undoubtedly earned work, and Springlight couldn’t be more than thankful to fill in the void that her predecessors had left behind. Even if the hard, burdensome truth from her mother still left a stinging sensation in her chest, she still wanted to try to stay on her oath as a medicine cat and help any cat, whether they were in her clan or not. If she managed to prove herself to Sootkit saying that while she was still a ‘paw, she’d prove it to anyone else until they finally got it through their thick skulls. She hadn’t held a clue if Bumblestar would approve of that action, but she wasn’t risking her life going to find out nonetheless while no one was in crucial condition.

Slowly, the medicine cat nodded her head solemnly, working her paws conscientiously as she used her handy dandy piece of moss to cleanse away the debris and excess blood. After she was finished with this, she would need to change out the bedding, but she was already used to that sort of job. After having been committing herself to work on the duties of a medicine cat for so long, she grew used to seeing the moss-bed all covered by blood and debris due to the tremendous number of patients that she witnesses each moon. Every grisly, gnarly injury that she faced was nothing that she couldn’t handle; it had been something she was used to witnessing. Yes, it was irksome, but it was nothing compatible with anything that she hadn’t ever seen before in her life. Furrowing her brows, the calico gandered at the gaping leg for a moment longer before placing the bloodied piece of moss to the side, keeping it afar for her to dispose of once she was finished. Scarlet stained itself onto her naturally alabaster-colored paws, a tingle of unease rushing down her spine. The feeling itself wasn’t comforting, but it was something that she had dealt with a long time before during her role as medicine cat.

With zero hesitation, the oriental-shaped feline snatched the broom of marigold and swiftly dipped it into the stream, being careful to not soak it down entirely as it wouldn’t be useful to make into a proper poultice for the wound itself. Springlight wasn’t certain that it would properly stick due to the exposed flesh and bone, but it would have to be good enough to try to keep itself covered for the time being. Dragging a lone leaf towards her direction, she placed the dripping piece of marigold into the leaf and instinctively began chewing, ignoring the bitter taste that savored her taste buds. It had been a little bit since she dealt with this, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t used to the taste. She’d been a medic for as long as she could prominently remember, and she wasn't going to allow herself to dive into a darkened path all because she couldn't handle the taste of a herb. Her chewing came to a stop, and the molly lifted a paw to slather the poultice onto her paw pads, bringing it towards the remaining limb to carefully rub it into the battered flesh. “This… may sting… a little bit… but I promise… that you… will feel better… soon.” Springlight explained, her tone gentle as she tried to distract Daylightwing from the fact that she’d remain as a tripod. It was gruesome and bitter, but it was reality.

More blood smeared onto her fur, creeping up halfway through her forelegs and seeming down into the skin. A bevy of birds and bats flailed their wings in Springlight’s stomach, bouncing between ribs and spine in a swelling frenzy of tautness. Her head spun and her vision grew fuzzy, her stomach feeling as if it were carousing with her kidneys. Blood was always tricky to clean off, and she knew fully well that the tangible, metallic stench had always been even more problematic to get off her fur without it seeming that she decided to murder someone in the cold depths of the night. But, over time, she had gotten used to it; it wasn't as horrible as it had been when she was just getting started with the position, but it was still difficult to get through throughout the days. Whiskers twitching, Springlight thickly swallowed down the bile collecting at her throat, her senses strengthening as another strong wave of blood poured into her nostrils. She could already feel herself forming a pounding headache, and she’d definitely go for taking a poppyseed or two after she was finished. Maybe even find some rosemary since if she recalled, it helped ease pounding headaches if swallowed. Either one works, she supposed. As long as the headache went away, that's for sure.

Her paws finished rubbing the remaining limb, observing her work carefully to make sure that she covered every aspect of the limb. She didn't want to turn sloppy, and that would be the last thing that she’d ever want on her list. Satisfaction preaching her veins, the calico snatched her wads of cobwebs and carefully began to unfold as she wrapped around the limb, forming a tight cast as she wrapped the first layer of cobwebs on before adding in the second layer. Scarlet leaked through and showed through the silver lining of bandaging, but thankfully, it should be enough to last for a couple of days or so before needing to be redressed. Observing the tightly woven cast, the calico gently patted the area with a bloodied paw as she focused once more toward Daylightwing. “You… are all… finished… however… I highly… recommend that… you stay… in camp… for a few… weeks… or longer… until that leg… heals… come around… the medicine den… after… a couple of… days… so I can… redress the… wound and… see how it… is healing… do not… do anything… reckless while… it is… healing.” Her instructions were quick and cohesive, the molly already preparing to gather her used essentials to go dispose of them within the territory. There was already enough trouble as it is, they didn't need anymore. While she was at it, she could also go for a quick bath to wash off the blood staining her fur.

[ -2 cobweb | -1 marigold | -1 moss ]

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