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TeamFlowstream! April 22nd, 2020 02:25 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moon Lily (Post 670866)

@Flowstream @Slushie
[Yarrowkit can only be resurrected with a resurrection token, which I think you can request from the support hotline. But, they are very, very rare and extremely hard to get. Ask BILL. for any more info!]

Irisflame nodded at each of his favours, surprised that he had so little. Was there no cat back in Shadowclan he wanted her to say goodbye to, or send his love to? She tilted her head, she'd thought that There would be at least one...cat... She slowed her thoughts. She mustn't force it upon him. After all, there might not be anyone.
"Tell the clan you're sorry, and tell Barkprowl you're sorry, and bury you in the herb gathering spot. Is that it?" She asked, running over the short list once nore. She wanted to be sure she had everything, after all, this was no laughing matter.

Yarrowkit nodded slowly. "Yes, that's it. Thank you very much!" He purred, happy to have Irisflame around. He wanted to spend as much time as he wanted with her, but he knew that she probably had things to do; collect herbs, treat any sick or injured cats... maybe he could visit again sometime. Maybe he could do favors for her. Maybe, if I could see her in her dreams, maybe I can see Icestar in her dreams and tell her multiple things that I'm against... Nah, that wouldn't be possible. (and I would have to ask for Casper's permission!) @Slushie

Willowfern April 22nd, 2020 09:01 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
Runningkit looked around, sadness in his eyes, where was he, then, he noticed the frosty light on his fur, he jumped back,
“N-n-no!” He yowled,”I-I do-don’t w-w-wan-nna b-be dead!”
He raced around in circles, where was he?! Why was he in Starclan!? Did he die?!

Willowfern April 22nd, 2020 06:56 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Runningkit looked around, nothing was familiar, he was in Starclan!
He curled into a ball and whimpered in fear and sadness.

CheetahPelt April 23rd, 2020 10:06 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
@SilentLamb @Moon Lily @wren

Otterstone has stood silently for a moment, just watching the tender moment. All of the cats here were standing at their pique health.

When Lionwhisker spoke to her, she looked up, her eyes held a trace of sadness, but she smiled.

"Starclan had faded to the back of my mind, not really a place or a group of cats. It had turned to an idea. And no that I'm here..." she motioned around with one paw. "Now that I see this, it's all so real."

wren April 23rd, 2020 05:05 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Coyotesnarl shared in the she cats warmth for a brief moment. He appreciated the silence and the sounds of the trickling water. Now he really wanted to go home. This was worse than.. Well his nightmares here. The tabby flicked his tail and stared longingly for a moment "its a whole bunch of stupid mousedung if you ask me" the tom suddenly spat. Starclan gave you these wonderful memories.. this healing only to fill you with hope and dump you back into the real world. He felt himself cringe at the idea.

He pulled away from Irisflame standing and stalking back off. that baracade that had been broekn down was built back up just as fast. He was over the bliss now. "can we go home now. Im sick of this place already"

(short i'm sorrry)

@Silent Lamb @Moon Lily @CheetahPelt

Moon Lily April 23rd, 2020 05:24 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

@SilentLamb @CheetahPelt @wren

Irisflame felt her pelt bush out in surprise at his words. They'd been so abrupt, and broke the silence they shared. She could feel the other two medicine cat's eyes on her, and her pelt flushed with the feeling of it. She and Coyotesnarl had nothing between them, and they were simply reassuring each other. The fact that Flirty and Maddie kept staring at them made her uncomfortable. She nodded at his words, laughing a bit.
"It sure is." She agreed.

As he pulled away, demanding they go home, she did the same. This place was giving her the chills.
"What do you two think?"

CheetahPelt April 23rd, 2020 05:28 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
@Moon Lily @wren @SilentLamb

Otterstone's gaze flashed back to the pair of medicine cats as Coyotesnarl demanded to go home. Watching, she frowned a little. "This place is real pretty, sure. But we aren't gonna get any cool omens? Or even see any Starclan cats?"

Leucos April 23rd, 2020 06:11 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
@Moon Lily @wren @CheetahPelt

Ears flicking at the three . He looked back at otterstone and gave a hum..ok enough with the feels...it's making my stomach feel funny ...but...I guess that's good in a way for you
"I'm fine with heading home. " he meowed then gave a light chuckle "I don't think so darling, not yet anyways .."

wren April 23rd, 2020 06:21 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

“They’re not talking to us yet. They don’t wanna. We don’t wanna see them either.” The tom said with a grunt before padding out of the sheltered area of the small creek and towards where they’d been materialized. He wouldn’t live that moment of weakness down... all these medicine cats would remember that far into the future and the thought made him sick. With an annoyed flick of his tail he laid down in the grass again. “Wake up.. wake up..” he whispered under his breath.

@SilentLamb @Moon Lily @CheetahPelt

Moon Lily April 24th, 2020 05:40 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

[ @SilentLamb @CheetahPelt @wren ]

Irisflame looked at the pair, Otterstone's desperate eyes. Lionwhisker was trying to be diplomatic about it, she could tell, but it was his first time coming to Starclan. And it was pretty disappointing when no cats showed up to poop your party. She glanced in Coyotesnarl's direction, eyes shifting nervously. Some tension would occur if this whole thing went on. She desperately followed the cats as they padded back towards their meeting place, eyes searching for any signs that a cat could be watching. What about her mother? She hasn't decided to show up. And that was quite disappointing.
"Coyotesnarl, just slow down. I'm sure some cat is going to show up. After all, the world isn't fading. We're not done." She pleaded, smiling reassuringly at the other two medicine cats, "Besides, these two deserve it."

[So, so we want some Starclan cats, or should we scrap that idea?]

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