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graves October 12th, 2017 10:52 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 399948)
"Knock, knock!" A grey Tom said as he entered the den. The strong smell of herbs and sickness hit him instantly, causing him to make a bit of a face, but he sucked it up and got use to it. "I brought you and your patients some prey, Daypaw. I know prey is running pretty low right now with the flood and all...I'm sure it'll be back to normal in no time. I caught these," Wolfpaw placed two grey nice on the floor of the den. "Somewhere around Riverclan territory when everyone was moving. It's not much so you'll all have to share but if you want, I can get some more!" he offered.

Hearing the tom walk into the den Daypaws ears immediately perked, eyes scanning his body for injuries on instinct, and was confused when they found none. they gazed at the apprentice for a moment,confused, hues narrowing. not many cats came into the medcat den willingly, or even at all unless necessary. so having kind guest come bring them lunch was a new gesture. ¨Thank..you. wolfpaw was it?¨ they mewed. usually they would be left to fend for their patients, getting them their food and if there wasnt enough, would take the liberty to hunt for them their self. they them self didnt eat all to much, mainly busing themselves with their own duties or giving prey to cats in need before them. this..was nice.

Originally Posted by SamCats (Post 398767)
Palegleam winced a little but didn't fidget as Daypaw inspected her, knowing better than to question a medicine cat just because of a little pain. She answered the questions almost robotically, just wanting to know what was wrong so that she could get back to her duties. "I was leaving the camp during the flood, but then I realized that Darkpaw was still inside. I went back to get him out and ended up being washed away. I smacked into something under the water and my leg has been like this ever since. I didn't visit sooner because it was bearable up until now; trying to ignore it just made it worse."

they hummed, listening to the molly. they inspected it carefully, not wanting to hurt her or make her uncomfortable. ¨its most likely a sprain. its not broken which is a good thing, but its best to put the least amount of pressure on it as possible. because of this, im going to have you take a break from your warrior duties for at least a few days to see the progress in your paw. if you over work it you could pull a muscle and make it even worse, and the pain possibly permanent.¨ they explained. sitting up more and walking over to their herb wall. they sighed. almost nothing was there. they had recently gotten back from the flood and they had..nothing. well, almost nothing. they managed to salvaged few herbs but even they had sever water damage. picking up a limp poppy flower, few seeds fell. almost little to none. they sighed. pushing over two seeds, they placed them infront of the molly,¨This will help numb your pain a bit. it might make you a bit sleepy, but not too much.¨ they were trying to work with what they had. they wanted to go back to riverclan, a fully stocked freshkill pile and herb wall, a loving mother and friends. they felt alone here. but they shook their head of their thoughts,¨is there any other injuries you havent told me about that i should know about ?¨

Charmer October 12th, 2017 11:21 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by woly (Post 402512)
Daypaw rolled their eyes in a scoff,¨Scary, I think you forget I was almost a warrior once. a moon away from my warrior name.¨ daypaw hadnt always been a medcat, actually. they knew most of the things warriors did and could defend their selves well. it had been so long since theyd even practice any of it, they could sharpen up on their skills. ¨I dont mind taking you to the territory to show you a few things.¨

Nightpaw did indeed remember that Daypaw had trained as a warrior first. The medicine cat had mentioned it before while she was laid up in the medicine den and the black shecat had taken notice of the pride they seemed to show talking about those days and the bitterness of losing their life as a warrior over their current life. Nightpaw had hoped that a little excercise and time spent on something Daypaw enjoyed might put them in better spirits. Plus, she actually was utterly without fighting training, something that bothered her. Really everything about her mentor's apparent lack of time to train her was bothersome. The black she-cat agilely leapt from side to side, her muscles tensing as if they craved the activity as much as she did. "Then let's get going!" She blurted. "What a battle this will be! Day versus Night! Just promise not to beat me up too badly? It would be pretty embarrassing to have to go back to your den after getting thrashed by you," she remarked mrrowing with laughter at the thought.

NightWarrior4Life October 13th, 2017 02:09 AM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by woly (Post 402660)
Hearing the tom walk into the den Daypaws ears immediately perked, eyes scanning his body for injuries on instinct, and was confused when they found none. they gazed at the apprentice for a moment,confused, hues narrowing. not many cats came into the medcat den willingly, or even at all unless necessary. so having kind guest come bring them lunch was a new gesture. ¨Thank..you. wolfpaw was it?¨ they mewed. usually they would be left to fend for their patients, getting them their food and if there wasnt enough, would take the liberty to hunt for them their self. they them self didnt eat all to much, mainly busing themselves with their own duties or giving prey to cats in need before them. this..was nice.

they hummed, listening to the molly. they inspected it carefully, not wanting to hurt her or make her uncomfortable. ¨its most likely a sprain. its not broken which is a good thing, but its best to put the least amount of pressure on it as possible. because of this, im going to have you take a break from your warrior duties for at least a few days to see the progress in your paw. if you over work it you could pull a muscle and make it even worse, and the pain possibly permanent.¨ they explained. sitting up more and walking over to their herb wall. they sighed. almost nothing was there. they had recently gotten back from the flood and they had..nothing. well, almost nothing. they managed to salvaged few herbs but even they had sever water damage. picking up a limp poppy flower, few seeds fell. almost little to none. they sighed. pushing over two seeds, they placed them infront of the molly,¨This will help numb your pain a bit. it might make you a bit sleepy, but not too much.¨ they were trying to work with what they had. they wanted to go back to riverclan, a fully stocked freshkill pile and herb wall, a loving mother and friends. they felt alone here. but they shook their head of their thoughts,¨is there any other injuries you havent told me about that i should know about ?¨

"Uh, yes Daypaw...my pleasure!" Wolfpaw said, entering the den. The scruffy apprentice stumbled a little on his words, not expecting the medicine cat to have such a happy reaction. He smiled, hoping to rescue it. The stench of sickness was stronger now he was fully inside-it wasn't pleasant. While the Tom waited for Daypaw's reply, he couldn't help wondering if there were any kits or queens in here. If so, he wouldn't mind staying a little longer to help out. But I shouldn't overstay my welcome... Wolfpaw told himself.

Jadefall October 13th, 2017 08:58 AM

Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 402249)
Furzeberry flicked his tail at Junipertail meowing camly,” Well... the dens are only half-repaired so we will get wet. Also, not to be rude. But the camp is muddy, we are shy on prey, and Thunderclan’s scent is all over the territory, and we haven’t confirmed on whether there are foxes and badgers in the territory or not. Besides there’s crowfood in the clearing. It’s a good reason to be nervous.” He meowed with a hint of erritation in his meow (Not sure when you joined, but basically, there was a flood and Shadowclan evacuated to Riverclan and just returned home finding half-destroyed dens and stuff)

Junipertail flinched at Furzeberry's comment, a wave of embarrassment swam through her fur. Looking down at her paws, she curled her silver tail over her paws and gave an apologetic mew to anyone who heard her, especially Furzeberry. She noticed multiple cats look at her but she refused to look them back in the eye. Junipertail couldn't tell if it was disgust or anger shining in their expressions.

Looking back up at Furzeberry, Junipertail mewed, "I'm sorry... you're right." She sighed and squeezed herself towards the exit, "I'm going to go hunting Junipertail sniffed and pushed herself the rest of the way through the den without waiting for Furzeberry's reply.

lone October 13th, 2017 09:49 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 402440)
Nettlepaw allowed his intent eyes to flicker around the clearing, looking for his mentor. Ocelotpath... Yes. Okay, there he was. The new apprentice straightened, shaking out his fur, before padding forward. He crossed the clearing in long, confident strides toward the warrior, offering a brilliant smile. "Greetings." The Singapura meowed clearly, ears pricked and his blue eyes wide and attentive. "What are we going to do today?" He questioned, tail twitching as his eyes drifted toward the entrance to the camp. His ears were pricked, curious. Of course he'd seen most of the territory, but just barely. He'd been more intent on getting to safety than exploring.

The calmness of his new apprentice half-calmed Ocelotpath, but at the same time it unnerved him. What if he did something stupid? What if he ended up making a fool of himself in front of Nettlepaw? What if... what if something went wrong? Now you're being stupid. Take a deep breath, this is YOUR apprentice, and take CHARGE. His mental rush calmed after a moment, and he gave the other cat a smile. "I thought we'd start with checking out the territory and then I'll show you the borders. We'll just be getting acquainted - and getting you familiar with the area. Tomorrow we'll be doing some more exciting stuff." From his voice, you could tell that he was at least a little bit nervous. As much as he tried to hide it, he wasn't doing a very good job. No - there was no denying that Ocelotpath was nervous... there was no denying it at all.

Mango October 13th, 2017 10:09 AM

Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Jadefall (Post 402751)
Junipertail flinched at Furzeberry's comment, a wave of embarrassment swam through her fur. Looking down at her paws, she curled her silver tail over her paws and gave an apologetic mew to anyone who heard her, especially Furzeberry. She noticed multiple cats look at her but she refused to look them back in the eye. Junipertail couldn't tell if it was disgust or anger shining in their expressions.

Looking back up at Furzeberry, Junipertail mewed, "I'm sorry... you're right." She sighed and squeezed herself towards the exit, "I'm going to go hunting Junipertail sniffed and pushed herself the rest of the way through the den without waiting for Furzeberry's reply.

Furzeberry realized how harsh he was towards the younger warrior,” I’ll come too.” He meowed pitying her, he didn’t mean to be harsh, but he also was awkward towards appologizing.

bobtail October 13th, 2017 10:36 AM

Re: ShadowClan Highbranch

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402327)
Goldenstar leaped up onto the highbranch, how it stayed up with the flood, he had no idea. Either way, he was glad that it hadn’t fallen down. These past couple of days had been a mess, fixing things, adding things, putting Shadowclan back to their former glory, that was all he was trying to do. The small tom couldn’t help but be nervous that he might do something wrong. Pushing those thoughts away, he remembered why he was up here, and the tabby tom looked down at the other cats, his golden and green eyes looking down warmly.

“Shadowclan!” The leader called out, hoping he could get the attention of all the cats. “Even with all that has been happening recently, I would like to preform a few ceremonies!” Golden called out, looking over the clan. “I, Goldenstar, leader of Shadowclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.“ He hoped that was how the words went, though it probably was, so he didn’t feel the need to worry too much. However, there was always that thing in the back of his mind that was telling him he had really screwed up. “Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Darkpaw quivered with excitement from nose to tail tip. This was actually happening. I'm finally going to be a warrior! He tried to keep himself calm, to remain dignified, but he wanted nothing more than to bounce around like a kit and yowl to StarClan that he'd finally done it, that he'd finally caught up to his sister and become a warrior despite every last odd being stacked against him. Fighting to keep his voice steady, he meowed, "I do."

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402327)
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name,” He said, smiling warmly down at the apprentince. “Darkpaw, from this moment, you will be known as Darkheart. Starclan honors your intelligence and spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Shadowclan.” He smiled warmly down at the new warrior, before taking another deep breath. “You will be sitting a silent vigil tonight and watch the clan.” That was how he finished Darkheart’s ceremony, as he knew all new warriors must do that. He could remember his, and how boring it was, but still, it was tradition, and it needed to be honored.

The newly named Darkheart dipped his head respectfully to his leader before stepping back into the ring of cats around the Highbranch. His gaze searched eagerly for the one cat he wanted to make sure knew of this, the beautiful silver she-cat most wouldn't believe a ragged tom like him could be related to. But he was, and she'd promised to meet him after his ceremony, once she'd seen Daypaw about her aching shoulder. But he couldn't see her anywhere. Frowning, he sat down as Goldenstar began to speak again. Wait, am I the first warrior named by Goldenstar? Great StarClan, I am!

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402327)
Now it was time for the next ceremony. “Nettlekit!” He called out, trying not to sound too forceful, though he did want to end the ceremony soon, so he could calm his nerves. “You’ve reached the age of six moons, and now it is time for you to be apprentinced. From this moment, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Nettlepaw, and your mentor will be Ocelotpath.” He took a deep breath, having lost all the air he had for a moment. Hoping he hadn’t forgotten anyone, shifting uneasily on his paws, before he adjourned the meeting.

"Nettlepaw! Nettlepaw!" Darkheart yowled along with his Clanmates, although he couldn't keep the prickle of unease out of his paws. Where in StarClan's name was Palegleam? Why wasn't she here to call his warrior name? He was her brother, for StarClan's sake! She wouldn't break her promise, would she? With one last glance at the new mentor and apprentice, the dark grey tom stood and turned away from the gathered cats, starting instead towards the medicine cat's den.

bobtail October 13th, 2017 10:47 AM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by woly (Post 402660)
they hummed, listening to the molly. they inspected it carefully, not wanting to hurt her or make her uncomfortable. ¨its most likely a sprain. its not broken which is a good thing, but its best to put the least amount of pressure on it as possible. because of this, im going to have you take a break from your warrior duties for at least a few days to see the progress in your paw. if you over work it you could pull a muscle and make it even worse, and the pain possibly permanent.¨ they explained. sitting up more and walking over to their herb wall. they sighed. almost nothing was there. they had recently gotten back from the flood and they had..nothing. well, almost nothing. they managed to salvaged few herbs but even they had sever water damage. picking up a limp poppy flower, few seeds fell. almost little to none. they sighed. pushing over two seeds, they placed them infront of the molly,¨This will help numb your pain a bit. it might make you a bit sleepy, but not too much.¨ they were trying to work with what they had. they wanted to go back to riverclan, a fully stocked freshkill pile and herb wall, a loving mother and friends. they felt alone here. but they shook their head of their thoughts,¨is there any other injuries you havent told me about that i should know about ?¨

Palegleam watched, a little nervous, as Daypaw padded over to the meagre store of herbs and retrieved a poppy head. Am I really going to have to skip my warrior duties? I suppose it wouldn't help to complain; it wouldn't change the pain in my shoulder. I just want to be able to leave this den quickly, so I can find Darkpaw. Is he still Darkpaw? Has he had his warrior ceremony yet? She tried not to look worried as her medicine cat returned with a couple of poppy seeds and asked about any other injuries. "I don't think I've any serious injuries." She meowed with a brief shake of her head. The light she-cat spared a glance for the few remaining herbs; she wasn't going to ask for something for her chest pain when there was this little supplies left. Hopefully the poppy seeds would work for that as well. "I've taken up enough of your time now, Daypaw." Palegleam dipped her head respectfully to the younger cat. "I'll let you get back to your work." She leaned down and lapped up the tiny black seeds before lowering herself into the nest, stretching out her injured leg slightly so she was comfortable.

:blue: October 13th, 2017 04:05 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 402570)
Halfgaze could see that Goldenstar was nervous, and recalled noticing that anxiety seemed to be a part of his personality earlier. However, he managed to keep his cool and Halfgaze silently commended the older tom for that. Goldenstar's advice was welcomed with open ears and a few nods. It made a lot of sense to the she-cat and she gave another nod and a smile along with the words, "You're right, thank you. I'll try to keep that in mind and not stress too much." Halfgaze added in a little chuckle, knowing fully well that she tended to take things too seriously. Goldenstar's praise made the new deputy beam and Halfgaze purred, "Thank you!" It felt good to already be doing well with her duties, especially since she had been worried that she wasn't succeeding.

Goldenstar calmly watched, waiting for a response from Halfgaze. “Good to know,” he said after a second, smiling. It was nice he had someone next to him who would hopefully be calmer than he was. They could learn through this together, hopefully, as he really hadn’t been leader for very long, before Halestar just vanished. Halestar. Wow, Golden hadn’t thought about her in awhile. Thinking of her once again made him wonder if he was cut out for all of this, though he now knew that he probably was. He would just have to make sure he didn’t do insane in the process. That was when he had no idea what to say anymore, making everything awkward. It made him want to punch himself in the face with something, but, well, he couldn’t really do that. It wasn’t exactly good for him after all. Now he was just hoping that Halfgaze would have some way to continue the conversation, since he already knew he was horrible conversationalist.

dionysus October 13th, 2017 04:36 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402840)

Goldenstar calmly watched, waiting for a response from Halfgaze. “Good to know,” he said after a second, smiling. It was nice he had someone next to him who would hopefully be calmer than he was. They could learn through this together, hopefully, as he really hadn’t been leader for very long, before Halestar just vanished. Halestar. Wow, Golden hadn’t thought about her in awhile. Thinking of her once again made him wonder if he was cut out for all of this, though he now knew that he probably was. He would just have to make sure he didn’t do insane in the process. That was when he had no idea what to say anymore, making everything awkward. It made him want to punch himself in the face with something, but, well, he couldn’t really do that. It wasn’t exactly good for him after all. Now he was just hoping that Halfgaze would have some way to continue the conversation, since he already knew he was horrible conversationalist.

Halfgaze gave a nod and a smile and turned her gaze onto the clearing. Cats were waking up and starting to mill about and Halfgaze felt a surge of pride in her clan as she saw her clanmates walking among the remnants of such a horrid event with their heads held high and their pride undiminished. It would take a lot more than some water to hurt Shadowclan. However, Halfgaze knew that the flood wasn't just 'some water,' it was a genuine concern that killed some Shadowclanners. Now that she was deputy, it was her job to help make decisions on how to keep the clan safe. She wasn't just a warrior, defending the clan with tooth and claw, anymore. She had to defend the clan with her brain and with ideas. Returning her blue and green eyes to Goldenstar, Halfgaze asked solemnly, "Do you know if anyone was lost in the flood? Should we start thinking about precautions against future floods?" The tortoiseshell was aware that the recent flood wasn't the cheeriest of topics for conversation, but she had a reputation for taking any job she was assigned very seriously, occasionally too seriously. Therefore, the molly felt it had to be addressed.

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