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Empress Of Evil November 25th, 2016 04:07 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 49135)
Singenight stood there for a moment thinking on how to word what he was about to explain. "Since I am now the leader, I wanted to set up change. This Change, will make our daily Clan life better, strengthen our Clan so that the others do not perceive us as weak." He stated, his voice beginning to rise. "We have gone far too long in letting yet he other Clans pick on us, or think nothing of us. They think we do nothing special and that we are pathetic. Now is the time to Change that viewpoint." He concluded, his Black and Tan ringed tail flicking behind him. "In our change, we will not communicate with Starclan. They only hinder us, hold us back. Without them we will move forwards. Also, Inter Clan relationships are looked down upon. This is only the other Clans viewing us as weak, so they mate with us to make us feel better. We must keep Windclan strong and pure." He finished his brief speech and gazed across the Clan, his eyes slightly narrowed and his nostrils flared, hoping to receive a positive reaction from the Clan.

Kestrelglide suddenly felt a flash of anger flaring up in him. How dare Singenight say that interclan relationships are 'stupid'!, Kestrelglide thought in pure rage. He walked forward confidently, not caring about any consequences that could come if he defied the new leader. "Interclan relationship are not stupid", Kestrelglide said firmly, making sure his voice could be heard by the rest of the clan. "Interclan relationships do not make us seem weak! In fact they can sometimes make us stronger", Kestrelglide spat. Now that Singenight had crossed the line in his list of changes Kestrelglide was filled with rage and anger. He wanted to yell his head off at Singenight, yet the thought of him being killed for this never onced crossed his mind. "There are lots of wonderful cats who make fine mates for those who come from different clans. You know how I know that?", Kestrelglide asked the leader. "Because I have a mate from another clan", he declared. There. He had said it. He had finally revealed to his clan that he had a mate from another clan and he honestly did not care if they judged. He was proud of his relationship with Silveroak and he wasn't afraid to show it. His head was raised with a defiant expression on his face.

Empress Of Evil November 25th, 2016 04:10 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by S A G I E (Post 49169)
@Junco @Empress Of Evil
Gorsefeather dipped his head to Spderstrike as he padded away. "Great, Lilypelt." He purred, smiling. Gorsefeather placed his muzzle on hers, supportively. "You'll be a great supporter." The calico tom murmured. He switched his ears began to purr loudly. Maybe...just maybe.....

Lilypelt's eye widened slightly as Gorsefeather placed his muzzle on hers but then she relaxed. "Thank you", Lilypelt purred in response. A new warm type of feeling filled her. One she hadn't felt much before. Was it happiness? She couldn't really describe it. it just felt warm and fuzzy. Like a teddy bear!

Sage November 25th, 2016 06:15 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 49274)
Lilypelt's eye widened slightly as Gorsefeather placed his muzzle on hers but then she relaxed. "Thank you", Lilypelt purred in response. A new warm type of feeling filled her. One she hadn't felt much before. Was it happiness? She couldn't really describe it. it just felt warm and fuzzy. Like a teddy bear!

Gorsefeather relaxed, as well. "Your Welcome." He smiled fondly. "Lilypelt, do you want to do something? We could do something later, but...." He asked. His paws shifted slightly, he hadn't been in an awkward situation like this in a while. Gorsefeather curled his tail around his paws and let himself relax beside Lilypelt

Dont tell Singe, but he's just a big teddy bear on the inside XD

Mango November 25th, 2016 09:43 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 49273)
Kestrelglide suddenly felt a flash of anger flaring up in him. How dare Singenight say that interclan relationships are 'stupid'!, Kestrelglide thought in pure rage. He walked forward confidently, not caring about any consequences that could come if he defied the new leader. "Interclan relationship are not stupid", Kestrelglide said firmly, making sure his voice could be heard by the rest of the clan. "Interclan relationships do not make us seem weak! In fact they can sometimes make us stronger", Kestrelglide spat. Now that Singenight had crossed the line in his list of changes Kestrelglide was filled with rage and anger. He wanted to yell his head off at Singenight, yet the thought of him being killed for this never onced crossed his mind. "There are lots of wonderful cats who make fine mates for those who come from different clans. You know how I know that?", Kestrelglide asked the leader. "Because I have a mate from another clan", he declared. There. He had said it. He had finally revealed to his clan that he had a mate from another clan and he honestly did not care if they judged. He was proud of his relationship with Silveroak and he wasn't afraid to show it. His head was raised with a defiant expression on his face.

Monsterpaw gulped speaking up a little bit, her voice heard, but not as much as Kesterelglider's," I left Shadowclan because of a leader like Singenight, but now I've got one is there anywhere I can go safe from the evilness raging around me!?" she prayed there was," STARCLAN HELPS THE WEAK AND THE STRONG THE WEAK TO SURVIVE THE STRONG TO REMAIN STRONG, SINGENIGHT," she stared dead in his eyes," I Support YOU FOR THE WARRIOR CODE DEMANDS ME TO, BUT I'VE HEARD TALES OF EMERALDSTAR'S RULING AND YES THEY WERE POWERFUL AND FEARED, BUT NOT RESPECTED AND LISTENED TO AT THE GATHERING, COME ON WINDCLAN, LET'S OVERRIDE HIM, SEND HIM OUT FOR GOOD!!!" She yowled at the tops of her lungs," I've seen things like this, for I was kicked out for this exact reason in Shadowclan, kicking me out just sends me running to Ashstar the greatest leader alive!"

Yewkit stood with admiration towards Singenight before chanting loudly," Singenight! SINGENIGHT, SINGENIGHT!!!"

lone November 25th, 2016 09:59 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
~for @Duskflight~

Pinekit sat in the clearing, the sleek chocolate furred tom's tail curled neatly around his paws, the tip twitching ever so slightly as it did when he was thinking about something. Truth be told, he didn't often have too deep of thoughts...at least, not before these unusual feelings of guilt and confusion had set in. They had given him a lot to think about, and he wasn't quite sure he liked all of it. Sure, maybe it was kind of nice to have someone care about him...and maybe it was kind of nice to care about someone else for once, but that was entirely beside the point. Wasn't it? Wasn't the original point of all this so that he could get some benefits from Adderpaw? And now that she was an apprentice, he could really begin his work. Forget about the fire, and how she had stuck close to him the whole time like a real friend...forget about how he hadn't wanted to leave her because he had been nervous to go off on his own...and if only I could forget how I was being so dang friendly to her. That's one thing that I won't ever be able to forget, is how stupidly nice I was. Ugh, why can't I be stronger about these things? He thought, his tail twitching a little faster and his ears tilting backwards. A sure sign of aggravation on him. I may as well look for Adderpaw. If I'm going to do this thing, I might as well do it right. Because she's just another cat. Right? He thought to himself, a glimmer of hope spreading through him at the thought. That was true; she was just another cat. There were dozens like her in the Clan. Actually...that last part may not have been true. Right, there were dozens of other cats. But like Adderpaw? No, there was only one Adderpaw, and she was his friend. His...friend. He wasn't quite sure how to react at the words that he was thinking at the moment.

He wasn't quite sure how to react to anything anymore. It was all a sort of blur, and not the kind that he liked either. Not a cool blur, as in one where he would feel perfectly comfortable spinning around, but one of those strange ones where you can't sort out the lies from the truth. He kept his sage hues fixed on the clearing, his tail twitching every once in a while in an aggravated manner, and his expression struggling to keep calm. He hated it when he panicked, and he knew he had a tendency to do so under stressful situations. Right now, the stress was very real to him. This wasn't a game anymore, this wasn't something that he could run away from and pretend that he was perfectly fine. That everybody was perfectly fine, and that there was no point in struggling anymore because everything was going to be alright. No, pretty soon Pinekit was going to have to choose his own path to take. Whether that may lead him towards or away from Adderpaw, he was going to have to pick one. The young tom's sage hues scanned the clearing for his companion/friend...he wasn't even sure what to call her anymore. Friend does sound nice...but companion is more of what she is at the moment, just another cat for me to use...he thought with a small twitch of his tail. Why was it so easy for him to flicker back and forth through these emotions? And why, why was it so hard for him to forget about Adderpaw and yet so easy for him to remember her?

Starfall November 25th, 2016 10:08 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Rabbitpaws fur fluffed up when she heard singenights declaration "Nonsence!" She spat as she's stood up "starclan is what helps and guides the clan she to get stronger! They look at us as equals not as crowfood. If they really did believe that they were superior then they wouldn't send the medicine cats omens to help protect their clan." She reasoned, her green eyes gleamed with bewilderment and anger as she looked at singenight, her tail flicking violently back and fourth.

Dovecloud gasped in disbelief at singenights announcement "t-that's not true! I-I can't I have siblings in other clans." She said, her blue eyes flashed with worry. The silver she cat picked herself up with a grunt "you can't do this, you'll have the other three clans at your hide! What about the gatherings?" She asked as she looked around at the other cats for support.

The Cannibal November 25th, 2016 10:41 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 49410)
~for @Duskflight~

Pinekit sat in the clearing, the sleek chocolate furred tom's tail curled neatly around his paws, the tip twitching ever so slightly as it did when he was thinking about something. Truth be told, he didn't often have too deep of thoughts...at least, not before these unusual feelings of guilt and confusion had set in. They had given him a lot to think about, and he wasn't quite sure he liked all of it. Sure, maybe it was kind of nice to have someone care about him...and maybe it was kind of nice to care about someone else for once, but that was entirely beside the point. Wasn't it? Wasn't the original point of all this so that he could get some benefits from Adderpaw? And now that she was an apprentice, he could really begin his work. Forget about the fire, and how she had stuck close to him the whole time like a real friend...forget about how he hadn't wanted to leave her because he had been nervous to go off on his own...and if only I could forget how I was being so dang friendly to her. That's one thing that I won't ever be able to forget, is how stupidly nice I was. Ugh, why can't I be stronger about these things? He thought, his tail twitching a little faster and his ears tilting backwards. A sure sign of aggravation on him. I may as well look for Adderpaw. If I'm going to do this thing, I might as well do it right. Because she's just another cat. Right? He thought to himself, a glimmer of hope spreading through him at the thought. That was true; she was just another cat. There were dozens like her in the Clan. Actually...that last part may not have been true. Right, there were dozens of other cats. But like Adderpaw? No, there was only one Adderpaw, and she was his friend. His...friend. He wasn't quite sure how to react at the words that he was thinking at the moment.

He wasn't quite sure how to react to anything anymore. It was all a sort of blur, and not the kind that he liked either. Not a cool blur, as in one where he would feel perfectly comfortable spinning around, but one of those strange ones where you can't sort out the lies from the truth. He kept his sage hues fixed on the clearing, his tail twitching every once in a while in an aggravated manner, and his expression struggling to keep calm. He hated it when he panicked, and he knew he had a tendency to do so under stressful situations. Right now, the stress was very real to him. This wasn't a game anymore, this wasn't something that he could run away from and pretend that he was perfectly fine. That everybody was perfectly fine, and that there was no point in struggling anymore because everything was going to be alright. No, pretty soon Pinekit was going to have to choose his own path to take. Whether that may lead him towards or away from Adderpaw, he was going to have to pick one. The young tom's sage hues scanned the clearing for his companion/friend...he wasn't even sure what to call her anymore. Friend does sound nice...but companion is more of what she is at the moment, just another cat for me to use...he thought with a small twitch of his tail. Why was it so easy for him to flicker back and forth through these emotions? And why, why was it so hard for him to forget about Adderpaw and yet so easy for him to remember her?

Adderpaw woke up late, after all that has happened, the evacuation, coming back to find a new leader and a new deputy that outlawed Starclan.. Yes, she slept in late even though she knew that a good warrior would never do that, but truthfully, she felt like she was under a lot of stress. Her mentor was no where to be found and now they had a new leader and really, she had made no friends at all in the apprentice's den. So as she padded out of the apprentice's den, her face was sullen, a demeanor that Pinekit never would have ever seen her in; it was completely uncharacteristic of the upbeat, excitable kit that he knew, that everyone knew. Her paws almost seemed to drag on the ground right along with her tail, her head lowered slightly and her yellow eyes focused on the ground she was walking on. At the moment, the yellow tabby she-cat didn't feel like doing anything, it's not like her mentor would take her out for training, she didn't even know where he was. So far, being an apprentice was absolutely terrible. Adderpaw hated it. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, she was supposed to be trained pretty much daily, she should have a lot of friends, and they shouldn't have a new leader that outlawed Starclan, cats were being murdered if they even mentioned the warrior ancestors.

Huffing out dully, Adderpaw trekked to the edge of the clearing and laid down, simply staring at her paws, her face blank and somewhat emotionless. Right now, if she needed anything, it was a friend to talk to. A shoulder to lean on. Most of the time she was a strong she-cat, but even the strongest of cats needed a shoulder to lean on when times got hard. But she would never ask another cat for that. Would Pinekit talk with her? Or would he simply ask to be trained to get the benefits, or walk away seeing that she wasn't her usual self.

judas November 25th, 2016 11:10 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
[Open role play]
Featherheart sat in the clearing, She let Flickerkit and Kinkkit run around. She coughed a little bit, Featherheart looked around for Dovekit. She sighed, cleaning her self up. Dapplestar was gone, and everything was falling apart.

lone November 25th, 2016 11:51 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 49451)
Adderpaw woke up late, after all that has happened, the evacuation, coming back to find a new leader and a new deputy that outlawed Starclan.. Yes, she slept in late even though she knew that a good warrior would never do that, but truthfully, she felt like she was under a lot of stress. Her mentor was no where to be found and now they had a new leader and really, she had made no friends at all in the apprentice's den. So as she padded out of the apprentice's den, her face was sullen, a demeanor that Pinekit never would have ever seen her in; it was completely uncharacteristic of the upbeat, excitable kit that he knew, that everyone knew. Her paws almost seemed to drag on the ground right along with her tail, her head lowered slightly and her yellow eyes focused on the ground she was walking on. At the moment, the yellow tabby she-cat didn't feel like doing anything, it's not like her mentor would take her out for training, she didn't even know where he was. So far, being an apprentice was absolutely terrible. Adderpaw hated it. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, she was supposed to be trained pretty much daily, she should have a lot of friends, and they shouldn't have a new leader that outlawed Starclan, cats were being murdered if they even mentioned the warrior ancestors.

Huffing out dully, Adderpaw trekked to the edge of the clearing and laid down, simply staring at her paws, her face blank and somewhat emotionless. Right now, if she needed anything, it was a friend to talk to. A shoulder to lean on. Most of the time she was a strong she-cat, but even the strongest of cats needed a shoulder to lean on when times got hard. But she would never ask another cat for that. Would Pinekit talk with her? Or would he simply ask to be trained to get the benefits, or walk away seeing that she wasn't her usual self.

Pinekit grinned upon seeing Adderpaw coming from the apprentices' den, and got to his paws to go and ask her as subtly as possible if she could train him. That way, he would already have some experience when he became an apprentice. But something was wrong. Adderpaw didn't look as...happy as she usually did. She looked tired, and worn out...and was she really sad? He had never seen the apprentice upset before, at least not upset to the verge of tears. She had always appeared excited and full of life, as...amusing as that was, Pinekit had also found it strange. He had known that there was no possible way that Adderpaw could be this happy forever, no possible way that she could be so- well, full of life. But seeing his friend upset was a strange and new thing, and he wasn't quite sure he liked it as much as he thought he would. Cautiously he began to approach her, his expression concerned. He didn't even have to pretend this time; he was really concerned about what was going on with her. "Adderpaw? Is everything okay, you seem a little...off." He mewed, not able to think of a better word. 'Upset' might have been a good word to use, but the tom was not one to be comforting. Therefore, he had done his best to make her feel better under the circumstances. His thoughts almost instantly turned to the new leader of WindClan. Singenight...a cat who had outlawed StarClan. He was unsure whether he agreed with this or not, and the confusion only added to his already strange emotions. He didn't like it one little bit, especially because he was unused to having these strange, unwanted, and especially uncomfortable feelings that made him feel like more of a jerk than he actually was. He didn't feel like now would be a perfect time for him to mention his plans...

And it especially wasn't a good time for him to be acting. He ought to drop the act now. Altogether. At least, just until Adderpaw was back to herself, and then he could go back to his own...well, own fake self. Of course as soon as he dropped his act, he felt all the familiar emotions of frustration coming to him. His hues lost their glaze, revealing a sudden depth to them that might have been described as somewhat sad, and lost. It revealed every single emotion that he had been hiding from her, and he was not in the mood to explain them at the time. Hopefully Adderpaw would notice this, and leave him be. Pinekit thought for a moment, wondering if he should push his plans further. He knew he had agreed with himself to leave it for now, but this was everything he was working for! Still, my act is a good friend. But I dropped the act! Oh great, what should I do now...? he thought to himself, waiting for Adderpaw's response.

Crumbleless November 25th, 2016 12:20 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Cedarwillow glared at the new leader with growing hatred and unsheathed her claws her anger over working her before she yowled out," There should be no change! Starclan should always be respected as the greater and you will destroy this clan without Starclan to guide you!" The she-cat dug her claws into the ground digging up earth as she yanked at the bare scorched ground. Starclan help me!
Cedarwillow then moved through the whirl of cats and faced the evil leader with her eyes locked on him,"I will never let you become leader!" She yowled before moving even closer so she was about a few mouselengths in front of Breezerock,"Even if it means I have to die!" It sounded harsh but the Starclan loyal warrior had to be a spark for the others.

Ravenpelt grinned pride surging through him at Singenight's speech. It was this change he had always wanted since it was obvious the other three clans had always thought of Windclan as weak but in reality Windclan was the one with a strong leader that could provide things their former leader Dapplestar couldn't,"Singenight! Singenight!" He chanted hoping the loyal cats would catch on and cheer for the evil leader and his wonderful change.
Then the tom noticed the cats who were glaring at the leader and leaped to his feet with a hiss,"You Starclan believers are ! Those dead cats are weak. They can't even stop a fire!" The tom glanced around the clearing at all the cats,"Starclan let your loved ones die! They get to stay in their sanctuary while we're down here barely surviving in this treacherous place! I bet it was another clan's fault that this fire even happened." Ravenpelt was obviously not going to calm down until these Starclan believers believed in some living cats for once.

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