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Poppystep March 28th, 2018 04:43 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Hiya, this is my first RP post on here! Hope to become a good part of this clan soon! ^^))

Alderpool gave a soft yawn as he settled his haunches into the clearing, the scent of the river nearby gave him a sense of relaxation. His amber gaze was rested onto his paws as his mind was clouded with casual thoughts. The thin tom had slept poorly last night and he still felt a bit of fatigue. Ever since he woke up he had been daydreaming and dazing off often. Maybe a stroll in the territory and a hunting trip might distract him from his sleepy state, Alderpool suggested to himself.

Euonym March 28th, 2018 04:53 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Boba Fett (Post 487010)

Brackenpaw nodded. They had seen cats like Robinpaw before, so they knew she'd probably be the talkative type based on what she was saying and how much she was saying, though you could never be sure with anyone really,"Yes. I'm Brackenpaw! Nice to meet you Robinpaw," they nodded. And since Brackenpaw wasn't a very good conversation starter they just went along with Robinpaw's subject of 'ears',"Yes, I believe that I have Kittypet origin, more specifically Scottish Fold origin. Those are cats with ears like mine," they explained, not ashamed whatsoever that they might have Kittypet blood. Then they smiled,"Tell me something about yourself!" they said, sounding cheerful.

[You think Robin and Bracken will end up being friends or enemies. Well, actually, Bracken doesn't dislike anybody, it's just a matter of whether Robin likes them or not XD]

『 OOC: Let's hope I remember what I wrote T-T

Robinpaw's honestly cool with anyone as long as they don't try to show off, bully, or suddenly tell her off for her often erratic/let loose behavior.
◸ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ◹
She was most definitely the talkative kind of cat: even when she was a kit and unable to form proper words, her mother told her that she was often mewling or making hilarious scowls whenever she was berated for trying to climb on her siblings. Robinpaw tried her best to focus on what Brackenpaw was saying, hiding her confusion when they would explain how they thought they were part kittypet and something about folds? Honestly, she should try to listen to people more, but... she really couldn't wrap her head around what people talked about half the time.

The marbled tabby blinked, her gaze fully refocused as she offered a small, toothy grin comprised of ivory fangs. "If you're a kittypet, then you're the toughest one I've ever heard of. I bet most of them wouldn't even want to think about catching fish or sleeping on dirt."

There was a small pause as the other enthusiastically asked about her, an almost prideful swell making her puff out her chest as her smile only grew. "Well... truthfully, there's nothing much about me. I was born 'n raised here. My apprenticeship was held back because I had a problem behaving when I was younger; believe it or not, way worse than I have it now. Ma said I used to talk the ears of off people when they spoke to me, and before I could talk, I was always mewling about something. What else?" The she-cat paused, her expression thoughtful as her gaze shifted down slightly, only to perk when she seemed to have more to say. "Oh, and I want to be the best fighter ever! Or even better: I want to be the biggest cat in RiverClan so no other clans will even dare to step past our borders!" Her tail lashed, a gleam in her eyes that read excitement and hope. "I'd say I want to be the best hunter too, but fishing is slow and boring to me."
◺ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ◿

Pluto March 28th, 2018 09:12 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Minnowtail laid in the clearing by herself. The warriors den seemed hot and outside was perfect for now. She watched the camps hustle and bustle and listened to the bird song that was far away. It seemed peaceful. Placing her thin tail around her body, she fell into a nap in the shade.

Seraphon March 29th, 2018 03:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Euonym (Post 487056)
『 OOC: Let's hope I remember what I wrote T-T

Robinpaw's honestly cool with anyone as long as they don't try to show off, bully, or suddenly tell her off for her often erratic/let loose behavior.
◸ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ◹
She was most definitely the talkative kind of cat: even when she was a kit and unable to form proper words, her mother told her that she was often mewling or making hilarious scowls whenever she was berated for trying to climb on her siblings. Robinpaw tried her best to focus on what Brackenpaw was saying, hiding her confusion when they would explain how they thought they were part kittypet and something about folds? Honestly, she should try to listen to people more, but... she really couldn't wrap her head around what people talked about half the time.

The marbled tabby blinked, her gaze fully refocused as she offered a small, toothy grin comprised of ivory fangs. "If you're a kittypet, then you're the toughest one I've ever heard of. I bet most of them wouldn't even want to think about catching fish or sleeping on dirt."

There was a small pause as the other enthusiastically asked about her, an almost prideful swell making her puff out her chest as her smile only grew. "Well... truthfully, there's nothing much about me. I was born 'n raised here. My apprenticeship was held back because I had a problem behaving when I was younger; believe it or not, way worse than I have it now. Ma said I used to talk the ears of off people when they spoke to me, and before I could talk, I was always mewling about something. What else?" The she-cat paused, her expression thoughtful as her gaze shifted down slightly, only to perk when she seemed to have more to say. "Oh, and I want to be the best fighter ever! Or even better: I want to be the biggest cat in RiverClan so no other clans will even dare to step past our borders!" Her tail lashed, a gleam in her eyes that read excitement and hope. "I'd say I want to be the best hunter too, but fishing is slow and boring to me."
◺ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ◿

[Sorry, this most be just as rushed as the previous one, I gotta go soon! X3]

Brackenpaw smiled,"The best fighter in the Clan is a good goal. Though, you'd have to beat me to it," they purred in amusement,"In fact, I think you'd have to race pretty much every cat in RiverClan to that!"

[Nvm, this post was even more rushed... Much much more rushed... X3]

RedHead March 29th, 2018 06:10 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 486603)

A Tuxedo tom was lying just outside the apprentice’s den, grooming his pelt with long strokes of his tongue. He had just been running through a part of the territory that had more trees than the rest of the territory. Now his pelt had twigs sticking out of it and the occasional leaf. Of course, Pleasantpaw was always in such a messy state, due to his adventurous personality, but he did prefer to have a clean pelt. He liked to look refined and neat. It made him feel professional and he liked it.
Pleasantpaw was done after a few more minutes and quickly rose to the paws. The apprentice couldn’t sit down for long. He was born for adventure and he needed to move. After scanning his pelt once more, he padded away, satisfied with his appearance. The tom walked to the fresh kill pile, deciding that he wanted something to eat after a day of adventuring and hunting. Shellfeather had decided not to take him out for training and instead, had told him to hunt for the clan. He had not complained. It meant that he had more time to explore the territory and sit around camp, watching everyone and learning their secrets. As the black and white tom reached the pile, he suddenly changed his mind and decided that he wasn’t actually feeling that hungry. It’d be better to wait for later when I’m hungrier, he thought. The tom was smart and he liked to think carefully about everything that he did. Which was why he had changed his mind and decided to wait till he was starving to eat. That was when he would really need the prey. There was no need to waste prey.
Now that it was clear to him that he wasn’t hungry, he would have to find something else to do instead. His gazed around the camp, searching for someone who looked like they could do with a chat. But really, it was an opportunity for Pleasantpaw to find out more about his clanmates, in both a good way and a bad way. His amber hues finally landed on an unfamiliar she-cat. He frowned. He thought he knew the name of basically everyone in the clan, but apparently not. Curious, he started making his way towards the she-cat, eager to know who she was.
After making sure he had a cool and calm expression on his face, he approached the other apprentice. “Hey,” he greeted in the friendliest voice that he could muster. “I’m Pleasantpaw. I believe we haven’t met before,” he introduced politely.

Settingpaw continued to pace, this time focusing on keeping her mouth shut. She didn’t want to look like a loser with no friends, but the truth was, Settingpaw had no idea how to make friends. She’d been a loner the majority of her kithood, and only had ever lived with one other cat. Whom had been older than her, like an older sister. Flicking her ears uncomfortably, Settingpaw wondered how she could make friends. She knew how to talk to others, yes she was excellent at that, but she didn’t know how to let others in. She didn’t know how to be personable. Something she found to be necessary in interactions with possible friends.
But Settingpaw wasn’t the type of cat to open up. She’d been closed off to others most of her life, and there was no other way she knew.
Settingpaw was so lost in her thoughts about how friendship worked that she didn’t even hear the other cat approaching. When he spoke, Settingpaw halted in her pacing, and while her front paws stopped, her hind ones didn’t, causing her to trip over her own paws, and fall to the ground.
Well, so much for good first impressions... Settingpaw got back to her paws, a lot less dignified than she wanted to be due to the muddy ground.
“Well I haven’t met many cats, so that makes sense.” She meowed, scanning the tomcat with her blue eyes, before boldly making eye contact. She wouldn’t let her little “embarrassment” embarrass her.

Captain March 29th, 2018 09:31 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
A gentle, crisp hummed tune uttered from the black-furred tomcat as he headed into the familiar camp’s spacious clearing after a successful hunting trip that he had just concluded, holding a plump silver-hued fish in his jaws that was swinging back and forth in the firm grip of his teeth. Being out there alone gave him time to think and reflect on this bittersweet memories that he had once shared with his beloved Talonfang, who joined the stars about three moons ago. It saddened him that everyone, including him, had seemed to move back into a normal routine already from such a tragedy, but he believed it was what she would have wanted in the end. The warrior was honestly glad to still be able to hunt with the ache in his bones after that badger incident that had almost caused the death of one of his clanmates. They were lucky enough that he had been out taking a simple walk by himself and had heard the distressful situation at paw. Nonetheless, both of them had escaped with their lives, but he wished he could say that they escaped without injuries as well - but that would just be impossible when it came to badgers. Nasty, vicious creatures that they were by nature. Sproutwhisker dipped his head to a few cats that he passed by before dropping the silver fish among the others in the fresh-kill pile within the center of camp. That would certainly feed a hungry mouth or two. He glanced around for a moment, his amber-hued eyes shining in the sunlight - what to do now? He could only wonder. Perhaps a nice nap in the shade would do him well. His kittens were busy with training and his dear friends occupied with their own personal lives, so of course the tomcat found himself on his own for the time-being. He shook his head at the thought and stuck to his positive vibes as he staggered over to a nice shaded space under a tree on the edge of camp, taking it easy on the aches and pains that still haunted his body.

Barnabas March 29th, 2018 11:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Ryder (Post 487554)
A gentle, crisp hummed tune uttered from the black-furred tomcat as he headed into the familiar camp’s spacious clearing after a successful hunting trip that he had just concluded, holding a plump silver-hued fish in his jaws that was swinging back and forth in the firm grip of his teeth. Being out there alone gave him time to think and reflect on this bittersweet memories that he had once shared with his beloved Talonfang, who joined the stars about three moons ago. It saddened him that everyone, including him, had seemed to move back into a normal routine already from such a tragedy, but he believed it was what she would have wanted in the end. The warrior was honestly glad to still be able to hunt with the ache in his bones after that badger incident that had almost caused the death of one of his clanmates. They were lucky enough that he had been out taking a simple walk by himself and had heard the distressful situation at paw. Nonetheless, both of them had escaped with their lives, but he wished he could say that they escaped without injuries as well - but that would just be impossible when it came to badgers. Nasty, vicious creatures that they were by nature. Sproutwhisker dipped his head to a few cats that he passed by before dropping the silver fish among the others in the fresh-kill pile within the center of camp. That would certainly feed a hungry mouth or two. He glanced around for a moment, his amber-hued eyes shining in the sunlight - what to do now? He could only wonder. Perhaps a nice nap in the shade would do him well. His kittens were busy with training and his dear friends occupied with their own personal lives, so of course the tomcat found himself on his own for the time-being. He shook his head at the thought and stuck to his positive vibes as he staggered over to a nice shaded space under a tree on the edge of camp, taking it easy on the aches and pains that still haunted his body.

Sweetsoul walked out of the warriors den with a yawn, her one eye gazing around the camp. She moved towards the fresh kill pile as her stomach growled as she walked. Once she got to the pile she pulled out a vole before walking over to a shady spot in the Riverclan clearing. Sweetsoul was the kibd of cat that didn't like crowds and she was the one that you had to talk to first before ahe actually talked to you. The molly glanced over at Sproutwhisker, wanting to go over, but she couldn't find the best way to do so, so she just stayed where she was. She took a bite out of the vole, her good ear flicked as she ate her freshly killed vole. Sweetsoul knew Sproutwhisker for a while now and even though he had saved her life once she still couldn't get over her fear and just go talk to her. 'Come on Sweetsoul! Go and talk to him,' thought Sweetsoul. The warrior finished her food before walking over to the tom. "Er...Hi Sproutwhisker." meowed Sweetsoul, her eye resting on the other warrior.

Pluto March 29th, 2018 11:19 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 487581)

Sweetsoul walked out of the warriors den with a yawn, her one eye gazing around the camp. She moved towards the fresh kill pile as her stomach growled as she walked. Once she got to the pile she pulled out a vole before walking over to a shady spot in the Riverclan clearing. Sweetsoul was the kibd of cat that didn't like crowds and she was the one that you had to talk to first before ahe actually talked to you. The molly glanced over at Sproutwhisker, wanting to go over, but she couldn't find the best way to do so, so she just stayed where she was. She took a bite out of the vole, her good ear flicked as she ate her freshly killed vole. Sweetsoul knew Sproutwhisker for a while now and even though he had saved her life once she still couldn't get over her fear and just go talk to her. 'Come on Sweetsoul! Go and talk to him,' thought Sweetsoul. The warrior finished her food before walking over to the tom. "Er...Hi Sproutwhisker." meowed Sweetsoul, her eye resting on the other warrior.

Minnowtail eyes landed on Sweetsoul as she awoke from her nap. I ought to go say hi, she thought, until her gaze landed on her mid-conversation with the tom Sproutwhisker. I'll wait later to do that. I'm going to let this spark blossom into a raging fire, her thoughts turned giddy as she got up to groom her messy fur.

Captain March 29th, 2018 11:28 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 487581)

Sweetsoul walked out of the warriors den with a yawn, her one eye gazing around the camp. She moved towards the fresh kill pile as her stomach growled as she walked. Once she got to the pile she pulled out a vole before walking over to a shady spot in the Riverclan clearing. Sweetsoul was the kibd of cat that didn't like crowds and she was the one that you had to talk to first before ahe actually talked to you. The molly glanced over at Sproutwhisker, wanting to go over, but she couldn't find the best way to do so, so she just stayed where she was. She took a bite out of the vole, her good ear flicked as she ate her freshly killed vole. Sweetsoul knew Sproutwhisker for a while now and even though he had saved her life once she still couldn't get over her fear and just go talk to her. 'Come on Sweetsoul! Go and talk to him,' thought Sweetsoul. The warrior finished her food before walking over to the tom. "Er...Hi Sproutwhisker." meowed Sweetsoul, her eye resting on the other warrior.

As he laid there in the cooled and loosened dirt underneath the tree, the black-furred tomcat wondered how his friends were doing, especially Pinewhisker, who he hadn’t spoken to since the meeting between the four of them in the middle of the night at the borders three moons ago. He had just lost his mate and his kittens were still young, but they had all been there to support him in the end. He had told Pinewhisker some advice in order to go after his own crush - Needlescar of Shadowclan. The young brown-striped tomcat was always the quiet, nervous type of their friend group and Sprout could only hope that he wouldn’t get cold paws around her. Flintheart and Hawkfeather seemed happy enough in their own lives, even though Flint seemed quieter than usual around them - perhaps it was just the drama of the forest getting to him though. His tail twitched back and forth beside him as he thought about many things, watching as small leaves and dust particles drifted through the air before him, carried by the warm Newleaf breeze. Soon enough, however, Sproutwhisker noticed another figure out of the corner of his vision - a familiar face too - as the female walked over to him. Sweetsoul, the shecat that he had saved from that vicious badger not long ago. The poor feline had suffered far greater than he did in the ordeal, but that didn’t make him feel any different towards her. Most cats would get horrified at her scars, but Sproutwhisker didn't mind. It wasn’t her fault nor was it his either. She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. “Hello, Sweetsoul.” The quiet male said with a respectful dip of his head and a softened smile coming to his expression, “Care to join me? This spot is just lovely to watch the leaves blow in the breeze with the start of Newleaf around the corner.” He offered, ear twitching once or twice before he spoke once more, “How are you doing though? Feeling better from the incident?” He chose his words rather carefully and only offered kindness and support towards the cat standing in front of him now.

Empress Of Evil March 31st, 2018 12:34 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 487474)

Settingpaw continued to pace, this time focusing on keeping her mouth shut. She didn’t want to look like a loser with no friends, but the truth was, Settingpaw had no idea how to make friends. She’d been a loner the majority of her kithood, and only had ever lived with one other cat. Whom had been older than her, like an older sister. Flicking her ears uncomfortably, Settingpaw wondered how she could make friends. She knew how to talk to others, yes she was excellent at that, but she didn’t know how to let others in. She didn’t know how to be personable. Something she found to be necessary in interactions with possible friends.
But Settingpaw wasn’t the type of cat to open up. She’d been closed off to others most of her life, and there was no other way she knew.
Settingpaw was so lost in her thoughts about how friendship worked that she didn’t even hear the other cat approaching. When he spoke, Settingpaw halted in her pacing, and while her front paws stopped, her hind ones didn’t, causing her to trip over her own paws, and fall to the ground.
Well, so much for good first impressions... Settingpaw got back to her paws, a lot less dignified than she wanted to be due to the muddy ground.
“Well I haven’t met many cats, so that makes sense.” She meowed, scanning the tomcat with her blue eyes, before boldly making eye contact. She wouldn’t let her little “embarrassment” embarrass her.

Pleasantpaw watched with a blank expression as the she-cat tripped to the ground, the faintest hint of amusement glimmering in his yellow eyes. He didn’t offer the other apprentice a paw. He didn’t try to help her up in any way actually. He should’ve been a gentleman, but he didn’t act. He was too busy being impressed with himself.
“I knew that my amazing presence could be a bit of a shock to some cats, but to be able to knock a cat down? Now that’s impressive,” he murmured to himself, looking very pleased with himself. There wasn’t a single bit of modesty that could be detected in his eyes, voice or smile. He was truly impressed with himself. The tom thought very highly of himself so it wasn’t particularly shocking to him that he had managed to be so impressive once again, although the she-cat might’ve considered him to be a bit strange. Pleasantpaw took no notice of any reaction that the apprentice had nor did he make any comment on it. Instead he simply turned his attention back the she-cat and and patiently waited for her to get back onto her paws.
“I see,” he said quietly. “Are you new around here?” he asked curiously. It would make sense if she were a newcomer. The fact that she was already about his age yet hadn’t met many cats didn’t make much sense. Well actually it did make sense, but she would at least know what the names of the cats her age were right? Even if she hadn’t met them personally she surely would’ve heard of them from apprentice ceremonies and in the apprentice’s den. The only possible reasons that he could think of for this were that either she was really, really shy, or she was indeed new to the clan. He met her eyes as she locked gazes with him. He didn't look away. He stared back at her, his expression blank as usual, and even looking a little bit bored.

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