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Jingle January 15th, 2017 10:31 PM

Re: The Starcave
Halestorm entered the cave, her green eyes wandering the darkness that surrounded her. She took a deep breath, stepping further and further into the depths. The future ShadowClan leader finally arrived at the crystal that shone dimly in the faint light seeping in from the cracks of the cave.

Ocean waves splashed along the side of the crevasses dug into cave from what felt like forever of torment from salt water. She closed her eyes and sat down at the crystal, looking at it in awe. Halestorm could share this special moment with her warrior ancestors.

She bent down and touched her nose to the crystal, loosing all consciousness before awaking in a place she had only dreamed of. Halestorm looked around and saw nine cats stepping down from Silverpelt, her eyes wide.

(Alright feel free to start!!)

@starfall @S A G I E @Stormiiix @Empress Of Evil @Pink Orca! @Nighty @fenic! @# Hashtag @Spirit

Fel January 15th, 2017 10:40 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 133075)
Halestorm entered the cave, her green eyes wandering the darkness that surrounded her. She took a deep breath, stepping further and further into the depths. The future ShadowClan leader finally arrived at the crystal that shone dimly in the faint light seeping in from the cracks of the cave.

Ocean waves splashed along the side of the crevasses dug into cave from what felt like forever of torment from salt water. She closed her eyes and sat down at the crystal, looking at it in awe. Halestorm could share this special moment with her warrior ancestors.

She bent down and touched her nose to the crystal, loosing all consciousness before awaking in a place she had only dreamed of. Halestorm looked around and saw nine cats stepping down from Silverpelt, her eyes wide.

(Alright feel free to start!!)

@starfall @S A G I E @Stormiiix @Empress Of Evil @Pink Orca! @Nighty @fenic! @# Hashtag @Spirit


There was about to become a new leader of Shadowclan, and Crimsonpaw was a bit overwhelmed with the thought that she'd be able to give a life. She was generally blunt and even rude towards others, but this was certainly something that she would be proud of- giving a leader one of their lives was an honor, really. Taking a deep breath, her dark russet pelt glittered with starlight as she stepped out into the landscape, looking towards the future leader with bright eyes. "Hello, Halestar- welcome to Starclan. My name is Crimsonpaw, and in my past life, I was known for being blunt and honest- to judge others harshly." She was making herself seem bad, but she didn't really care- the molly was happy that she'd be able to give a life, and didn't mind that it was of a trait some cats called flawed. "Of course, being too harsh and up-front is something which can be quite toxic, but the idea of judgement is a value that needs to stick with you through leadership- okay?"

Walking up to touch the deputy's nose quietly, she had to stand on her tip-toes in order to reach the tabby's face, grinning as she faced the leader. "With this, I give you the life of judgement. Use it with honor, and don't hesitate to rethink your stances on allies and enemies alike." And as soon as she gave the life, a rush of energy flew through her body- and it was over. Stepping down from her position, the apprentice took a step back before padding away, smiling towards the living cat as she took her place back in the sea of stars- awaiting the next life to be given.

Ludicrous Lunacy January 15th, 2017 10:47 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 133075)
Halestorm entered the cave, her green eyes wandering the darkness that surrounded her. She took a deep breath, stepping further and further into the depths. The future ShadowClan leader finally arrived at the crystal that shone dimly in the faint light seeping in from the cracks of the cave.

Ocean waves splashed along the side of the crevasses dug into cave from what felt like forever of torment from salt water. She closed her eyes and sat down at the crystal, looking at it in awe. Halestorm could share this special moment with her warrior ancestors.

She bent down and touched her nose to the crystal, loosing all consciousness before awaking in a place she had only dreamed of. Halestorm looked around and saw nine cats stepping down from Silverpelt, her eyes wide.

(Alright feel free to start!!)

@starfall @S A G I E @Stormiiix @Empress Of Evil @Pink Orca! @Nighty @fenic! @# Hashtag @Spirit

Jess stood among the ranks of StarClan cats, clearly both pleased and shocked to be standing there in front of the soon-to-be leader. Her fur and eyes glittered, and she smiled, though with faint sadness. This was the sister she had stolen from Squirrelleap--The sister she had stolen from Mousey. Her eyes watered and she blinked back tears. This isn't the time to be sentimental. "Sorry," she whispered inaudibly. She glanced at the others for confirmation that she could go forth and give her life. Seeing no obljection, she stepped forward.
"You must hate me. You'd be right to hate me," she murmered quietly to Halestorm.

Jingle January 15th, 2017 10:48 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 133085)

There was about to become a new leader of Shadowclan, and Crimsonpaw was a bit overwhelmed with the thought that she'd be able to give a life. She was generally blunt and even rude towards others, but this was certainly something that she would be proud of- giving a leader one of their lives was an honor, really. Taking a deep breath, her dark russet pelt glittered with starlight as she stepped out into the landscape, looking towards the future leader with bright eyes. "Hello, Halestar- welcome to Starclan. My name is Crimsonpaw, and in my past life, I was known for being blunt and honest- to judge others harshly." She was making herself seem bad, but she didn't really care- the molly was happy that she'd be able to give a life, and didn't mind that it was of a trait some cats called flawed. "Of course, being too harsh and up-front is something which can be quite toxic, but the idea of judgement is a value that needs to stick with you through leadership- okay?"

Walking up to touch the deputy's nose quietly, she had to stand on her tip-toes in order to reach the tabby's face, grinning as she faced the leader. "With this, I give you the life of judgement. Use it with honor, and don't hesitate to rethink your stances on allies and enemies alike." And as soon as she gave the life, a rush of energy flew through her body- and it was over. Stepping down from her position, the apprentice took a step back before padding away, smiling towards the living cat as she took her place back in the sea of stars- awaiting the next life to be given.

Halestar took a small breath, letting the works sink in. She would keep those words in her heart forever, as she always tended to be very harsh with her words and with her judgements. She felt the life rush into her like a strong rush of wind, blowing her long fur back as she stood.

"Thank you, Crimsonpaw." she mewed faintly, looking at the apprentice with green eyes. "I will keep that with me forever."

Jingle January 15th, 2017 10:52 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Pink Orca! (Post 133091)
Jess stood among the ranks of StarClan cats, clearly both pleased and shocked to be standing there in front of the soon-to-be leader. Her fur and eyes glittered, and she smiled, though with faint sadness. This was the sister she had stolen from Squirrelleap--The sister she had stolen from Mousey. Her eyes watered and she blinked back tears. This isn't the time to be sentimental. "Sorry," she whispered inaudibly. She glanced at the others for confirmation that she could step forward and give her life. Seeing no obljection, she stepped forward.
"You must hate me. You'd be right to hate me," she murmered quietly to Halestorm.

Halestar watched, green eyes wide as she saw Jess. She took a step back and watched the she-cat approach her, waiting for what she was going going to say- and what this life will mean to her. She knew this cat so well, and she bit her lip as she saw her once again.

Ludicrous Lunacy January 15th, 2017 11:03 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 133096)

Halestar watched, green eyes wide as she saw Jess. She took a step back and watched the she-cat approach her, waiting for what she was going going to say- and what this life will mean to her. She knew this cat so well, and she bit her lip as she saw her once again.

"It's a pity I never before got to tell you, to show you, what made be steal your brother and sister. You will only ever know your brother in death becaue of my recklessness, but there was always a meaning..." She broke off, stretching her nose halfway towards Halestorm-- she wasnt about to spring forward and force a cat who had every right to mistrust her to accept her life. Jess closed her eyes briefly and meowed, "With this life, should you accept it, I give you compassion." And to the Dark Forest with my soul if she doesn't accept this, that'd be fun. "Oh, sorry, only eight lives!" "Use it forever, and keep it in your heart. It is the reason you have your sister back--the reason we do not allow kits to die. What I did was overkill, but..." She took a deep breath, and said, "Use it wisely when you have to chose for yourself and your Clan."

Jingle January 15th, 2017 11:52 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Pink Orca! (Post 133115)
"It's a pity I never before got to tell you, to show you, what made be steal your brother and sister. You will only ever know your brother in death becaue of my recklessness, but there was always a meaning..." She broke off, stretching her nose halfway towards Halestorm-- she wasnt about to spring forward and force a cat who had every right to mistrust her to accept her life. Jess closed her eyes briefly and meowed, "With this life, should you accept it, I give you compassion." And to the Dark Forest with my soul if she doesn't accept this, that'd be fun. "Oh, sorry, only eight lives!" "Use it forever, and keep it in your heart. It is the reason you have your sister back--the reason we do not allow kits to die. What I did was overkill, but..." She took a deep breath, and said, "Use it wisely when you have to chose for yourself and your Clan."

The Maine Coon nodded, letting the life sink into her. She would be compassionate, she would show compassion in all she should. Her tail flicked as she accepted the life, closing her eyes for a moment before letting out a few works like velvet. "Thank you."

Sage January 16th, 2017 05:42 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 133196)

The Maine Coon nodded, letting the life sink into her. She would be compassionate, she would show compassion in all she should. Her tail flicked as she accepted the life, closing her eyes for a moment before letting out a few works like velvet. "Thank you."

Clearsight approached Halestar calmly. She looked over Halestar slightly before staring into Halestar's eyes. "Hello, Halestar. I am Clearsight, though you wouldn't know me, I was once know for walking through life blindly, not thinking of the consequences." She meowed. "The gift of clear sight is one that should stick with you always- whether you are leader of ShadowClan or not."
She grew closer to Halestar until they were she was a mouse-length away. "With this life, I give you clear sight through life and whatever may follow." She touched her nose to Halestar's and pulled away a few moments later. She dipped her head to Halestar and turned away to go join the others in the territories of StarClan.

Jingle January 16th, 2017 09:40 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by S A G I E (Post 133342)
Clearsight approached Halestar calmly. She looked over Halestar slightly before staring into Halestar's eyes. "Hello, Halestar. I am Clearsight, though you wouldn't know me, I was once know for walking through life blindly, not thinking of the consequences." She meowed. "The gift of clear sight is one that should stick with you always- whether you are leader of ShadowClan or not."
She grew closer to Halestar until they were she was a mouse-length away. "With this life, I give you clear sight through life and whatever may follow." She touched her nose to Halestar's and pulled away a few moments later. She dipped her head to Halestar and turned away to go join the others in the territories of StarClan.

Halestar nodded and uttered a short thank you to Clearsight, she would use this throughout her whole time leading ShadowClan back to its former self. She hoped that it would become the clan that everyone in the forest would know would be strong and powerful. The upcoming leader shifted and took a deep breath, letting the new life sink it. It was an odd feeling, having all these cats give you something that few would ever get.

Starfall January 16th, 2017 10:53 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 133422)

Halestar nodded and uttered a short thank you to Clearsight, she would use this throughout her whole time leading ShadowClan back to its former self. She hoped that it would become the clan that everyone in the forest would know would be strong and powerful. The upcoming leader shifted and took a deep breath, letting the new life sink it. It was an odd feeling, having all these cats give you something that few would ever get.

Ivymask padded twords the new leader, nothing but honor and respect gleamed in his blue hues, his paws tingled wit his excitement knowing that he was helping his clan, even in his after life "You may not remember me, we only crossed paths once or twice,but my name is Ivymask." he stated, a soft smile plastered on his face, he took one step closer to the molly so they were only a mouse length apart "Some consider the Truth an awful thing, hurting others in it wake, but it is more than that, as I am sure you will find out as you lead. The pain of Truth will only last a moment, but the wisdom and experience it gives you will last a life's time, use that experience to lead Shadowclan forward." he said gently, he lifted his head slightly to touch noses with the new leader, "With this life I give you Truth, never be dishonest with your clan, for the truth will always prevail." he said, pulling back a few moments later, he dipped his head and gave her one last smile before he turned to go join his comerads, joy blossomed in his heart, happy for the fact he was able to help his clan, that he was able to give it a little push forward, even if it was a little push, it meant the world to the Siamese.

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