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Gold April 18th, 2019 06:17 PM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Coriander (Post 588610)
"Wha-" The large tom hardly had time to open his mouth, and suddenly Ivyheart was on top of him, tearing out his fur. He let out a screech of pain and slammed his body to the ground, trying to jar the other cat off.

"Nope! Just give it up, and you won't have to die. You're injured enough already. I won't judge you if you forfeit!" There was a small glimpse of sympathy in her eyes. Ivyehart didn't want to kill Lizardstripe, but if it was for her Clan's safety, she would do it.

dino. April 19th, 2019 05:34 AM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Gold (Post 588680)

"Nope! Just give it up, and you won't have to die. You're injured enough already. I won't judge you if you forfeit!" There was a small glimpse of sympathy in her eyes. Ivyehart didn't want to kill Lizardstripe, but if it was for her Clan's safety, she would do it.

Lizardstripe growled, long and low, as he lay on the ground. His chest heaved as he panted for breath. A long silence stretch between them for a moment, broken only by the din of the battle, and then he snarled, “Fine. I forfeit. You win.

Gold April 19th, 2019 06:44 AM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Coriander (Post 588748)
Lizardstripe growled, long and low, as he lay on the ground. His chest heaved as he panted for breath. A long silence stretch between them for a moment, broken only by the din of the battle, and then he snarled, “Fine. I forfeit. You win.

"Good, now shall I find some cobwebs for you?" We're not savages! We should be gracious, win or loose! Ivyheart thought.

dino. April 19th, 2019 11:18 AM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Gold (Post 588754)

"Good, now shall I find some cobwebs for you?" We're not savages! We should be gracious, win or loose! Ivyheart thought.

Lizardstripe stared at her incredulously, then scowled again and scrambled up. "No," he muttered. "I won't accept pity from my opponent." With an angry flick of his tail he pushed past her and limped into the underbrush, almost disappearing into the shadows as he slunk away.

silvertail000 April 19th, 2019 07:15 PM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Gold (Post 588575)

Ashecho screeched with pain as Grandpaw leaped on top of her. Oh, StarClan, help me! she thought, but she knew that she would probably join them. Why do I deserve to die this young?

"Don't worry," he said. "You'll be fine if you don't complain." He tried another couple blows to her muzzle.

graves April 19th, 2019 08:24 PM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Peachy (Post 588633)

the sound of cats fighting broke goosepaw’s slumber. the medicine cat apprentice peeked sheepishly out from her den, eyes widening at the horror before her. for a moment she thought it was another replay of the dream she'd been having, but unlike before it was played out as a whole, not in bits and pieces. this was no dream. this was real. she knew that dream meant something! if only she had said something to daydream.. but then again, goosepaw had never witnessed war before. while it was exactly how she pictured, it didn't happen the way she thought it would. it was so sudden and abrupt. she always thought wars were expected and prepared for, not just out of the blue like this. and..upon closer examination, it looked like her own clanmates were attacking? “d-daydream?” she called out for her mentor, who should have been sleeping beside her. “bite me if im wrong, but i think we’re being attacked by our own clanmates?!” her voice cracked out of panic. she had no combat training whatsoever, so goose had no odds of winning a fight. she was small, too. the air felt thinner, and her head began to spin. "day, im scared..."

she stood there frozen at the entrance.

the night had been quiet, almost silent. for once daydream could sleep, which did not come easy to them. but recently they had been feeling so, so tired, they passed out before goosepaw had even come back that night from her day out alone. so.. being awaken with screams and yowls were alarming to them. they were on their paws and alert, looking for their apprentice. when they found her, they simply stood over her in protection as they gazed out into the clearing. their own clanmates.. who could they even trust anymore? they nudged goosepaw quickly into a corner of the area, moving fast,"head low, move quickly. if anything they will want to attack their medicine cats since we are the clans health line, aslong as youre with me, nothing will happen to you."

Moon Lily April 19th, 2019 08:51 PM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Branch of Life (Post 588294)
Forestshade sprinted down away, anxiety ridden. Did he know? If he did, he sure paid no attention to it. He knew he was going to fight somecat. Who will it be? He didn’t look at where he was going, he just wanted to chase all of these thoughts away. He stopped at the entrance and turned around . He didn’t want to leave. So, he hurled himself back into the fight. The Havana Brown knew this was where a cat would see him and make him their target. Forestshade took a deep breath, his eyes were dark with anxiety. Even though his paws were shaking with fear, his tail was flicking with anger. He turned in a circle around himself that forced others to move away from him and he could see all around him.


Raventuft prepared himself for battle as he slunk around the camp. Should he do this? Yes. He didn't know how Kiwibounce would react, but she was on patrol, so she wouldn't be back for a while. He sharply turned his head at the sound of pawsteps. Finally... He thought. He crouched in the ferns near him, and focused on the cat's brown fur. Aim, crouch, pounce, go! He launched himself into the air, howling and spitting with fury. "Better run!" He snarled.

Gold April 19th, 2019 11:26 PM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Coriander (Post 588806)
Lizardstripe stared at her incredulously, then scowled again and scrambled up. "No," he muttered. "I won't accept pity from my opponent." With an angry flick of his tail he pushed past her and limped into the underbrush, almost disappearing into the shadows as he slunk away.

" 'Kay, suit yourself! Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!" Ivyheart called to her defeated foe.

Gold April 19th, 2019 11:29 PM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Silver Something (Post 588894)
"Don't worry," he said. "You'll be fine if you don't complain." He tried another couple blows to her muzzle.

"Well, if I don't make it out alive," Ashecho told Grandpaw, "You were an enemy I loved to hate, and I know that I died for a good cause, protecting those I love. Goodbye, ThunderClan, remember me!" Ashecho wanted her last words to be remembered for years to come, as she put up her final fight for survival.

vellichor April 20th, 2019 07:49 AM

Re: ShadowClan's Clash

Originally Posted by Gemini (Post 588223)

as she landed on him she felt... unsettled everybody had said it would be difficult but she needed this. Moonpaw had to prove that SHE was more then nothing she couldn’t say she knew what she was doing. As she rolled off she knew that this battle would be so... hard to win. That she was small and weak compared to the larger leader, but she would have to use her size to her advantage. She took her head down and ducked into a small shape lower to the ground as she tried to dive under the tom, as she did so she thrust her noodle limbs up in hopes to at least stun him so she could get a hit in. She was small yes, but she knew how to get at least a few hits in. Moonpaw couldn’t even figure out the words to say anything, she just felt like she was falling as her paws faced into the air, “I must prove I’m not weak..” she muttered. As her blue eyes became a bit glazed in fear. She respected Windystar no doubt, but the clans suppressed cats like her. The weak ones. The runts. She had to do this, she HAD to do this

Windystar was still confused. What in the name of StarClan was this cat doing? Was she upset? Why was she attacking him? Only at this time did other battles catch the large felines eye. ‘Oh.’ This was an attack on ShadowClan. And Moonpaw was attacking... him? Why not a more experienced cat, or a warrior for that matter? Maybe they were taking advantage of his kind nature. Maybe they knew that he wouldn’t dare harm Moonpaw. He shifted his focus back to his attacker, preparing for defense. Too late, he watched at the apprentice said under him and thrust her limbs up. He took the blow, grunting and falling over. He attempted to get up quick, but his large size slowed him. He heard the she-cats words, and spluttered. "You aren’t weak, Moonpaw!" Windy cried, his expression that of confusion and emotion. The leader was an emotional cat overall, but this unexpected attack had put him over the edge.

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