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FadedShadow October 7th, 2016 09:12 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
Fallenpaw sat by the apprentice's den, gnawing on a small robin. She gazed at the sky then lay her head on her paws, purring slightly as the food moved through her stomach.

Hexict October 8th, 2016 09:05 AM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
[ QUOTE=Empress Of Evil;992]
Mistygaze knew that Birchtail was right with some of the things he mentioned. Although, I wonder how many medicine cats followed the mate and kits rule. Stormlight couldn't have, he was too....commited...Mistygaze thought. Despite the unknown fact Stormlight actually had broken that rule. "i know....there are definitely some downfalls for being a medicine cat. But what's the point of me being a warrior? I'm half blind afterall! I'm useless since I keep crashing into things" Mistygaze thought. Her blind left eye normally got her worked up about things and always made her frustrated. She always really wishes that she had never been born with a blind eye. But you can't change the past....

Birchtail sighed and watched Mistygaze. "Anyone can be a warrior, there are some cats that are fully blind and are able to fulfill their warrior duties," he pointed out. "They learn how to hunt and fight... you could do that too," the dusty warrior's gaze flicked towards the medicine den, but then quickly returned to his friend. "Why are you even talking about this? Is it because you want to be medicine cat?" He furrowed his brows at this, still not seeing what was so great about being a medicine cat. Would Lemonstar even choose her as medicine cat? What happens if she gets her hopes up and someone else gets chosen? He didn't want Mistygaze to get disappointed if not chosen, so he silently willed her t see how warrior life was truly better than that of a medicine cat's.

Caligo Everton October 8th, 2016 02:50 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
she walked up to a friendly looking cat. "hello who are you?"

-can someone step up and help me out. trying to enter this rp. :)-

Empress Of Evil October 8th, 2016 03:00 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
[ QUOTE=Hexict;3207][ QUOTE=Empress Of Evil;992]
Mistygaze knew that Birchtail was right with some of the things he mentioned. Although, I wonder how many medicine cats followed the mate and kits rule. Stormlight couldn't have, he was too....commited...Mistygaze thought. Despite the unknown fact Stormlight actually had broken that rule. "i know....there are definitely some downfalls for being a medicine cat. But what's the point of me being a warrior? I'm half blind afterall! I'm useless since I keep crashing into things" Mistygaze thought. Her blind left eye normally got her worked up about things and always made her frustrated. She always really wishes that she had never been born with a blind eye. But you can't change the past....

Birchtail sighed and watched Mistygaze. "Anyone can be a warrior, there are some cats that are fully blind and are able to fulfill their warrior duties," he pointed out. "They learn how to hunt and fight... you could do that too," the dusty warrior's gaze flicked towards the medicine den, but then quickly returned to his friend. "Why are you even talking about this? Is it because you want to be medicine cat?" He furrowed his brows at this, still not seeing what was so great about being a medicine cat. Would Lemonstar even choose her as medicine cat? What happens if she gets her hopes up and someone else gets chosen? He didn't want Mistygaze to get disappointed if not chosen, so he silently willed her t see how warrior life was truly better than that of a medicine cat's.[/QUOTE]

Mistygaze kinda froze for a second at that question. She simply...shrugged. "I guess I do..." Mistygaze trailed. She had always dreamt of it as a kit and nothing ever happened. But why stop dreaming now? Might as well since the clan currently had no medicine cat. "I mean, I guess i'll just keep hoping as I always have. If I don't get it, I don't get it" She said finally, carefully thinkig about her words. "I'm sure whoever gets it, me or not will do a wonderful job though" She said, in a bit of a brighter tone. Mistygaze restrained herself from showing that what she really wanted to say was 'Yes of course!', but by the looks of it Birchtail probably wouldn't seem to happy about that. She was pretty sure he looked quite...uncertain? Is that how she should explain the way he looked? She just went with uncertain not thinking of any other word.

RedHead October 8th, 2016 07:35 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
{Silvy's post}
Whitehawk emerged from the warriors den, issuing his way into the clearing. His chest raised and fell as he inhaled the fresh morning air. He loved mornings, especially since everything is so fresh smelling. Dew clung to the soft grass on this warm morning, which tended to stick to the white warrior’s fluffy coat as he padded through. He was headed toward the fresh-kill pile, yellow orbs locked on the rather small pile with hunger. Whitehawk honestly hated the sight of dead animals, it brought sympathy and unfortunate thoughts. Although these dead animals will feed the Clan and keep them strong, so Whitehawk deals with his pickiness.
The white tom frowned suddenly, losing hunger as he inspected the pitiful pile. It was still early; so it was understandable why the pile would be so empty, but SkyClan has been seriously lacking in the food department lately. He took note of a small mouse and sighed. He might as well eat it before it goes bad and becomes a waste - which would bring absolute despair to Whitehawk’s mind. So he gently picked up the mouse between his jaws. Thank you StarClan, for this food you bless us with. It was habit for Whitehawk to thank StarClan constantly, for he is super loyal to the code. It’s not something he normally stresses about, it’s just a little thing he prefers to do. A little effort and appreciation never hurt anybody, right?
Once he finished searching the pile, Whitehawk noticed an important figure - Lemonstar. A friendly smile appeared on his muzzle, sea-shell pink ears perking with interest, He;d been willing to personally congratulate the new leader, but he knew that Lemonstar would be busy. He did not seem very busy now, so going along with luck, Whitehawk greeted him. “Good morning, Lemonstar.” He recalled knowing him before his leadership as Lemonwhisper, but never really got the chance to get to know him. Hopefully Lemonstar wasn't expecting any privacy, ‘cause if he were than Whitehawk totally mucked up his attempt for friendship.

{Crow's Post}
The pretty she-cat padded out of the warriors den, trailing a white tom who's name she couldn't quite remember, if she'd ever known it in the first place. Her paws skipped along the ground as Sweetleaf happily pranced out, reveling in the cool breeze. Her shorthaired pelt had always done better in the cold, and at one point this greenleaf- which had been especially hot- she'd actually passed out from heat stroke. Leaf-fall was her favorite season, and not just for the temperature- she also loved to watch the trees change in color, blazing with scarlets and oranges that could be found nowhere else.

She watched as the white tom grabbed a mouse and settled next to a yellow tom- the new leader, right? Hadn't he been a kittypet once- and joined at about the same time as her? She had a vague memory of those events occurring, but perhaps her imaginative mind was running wild again. As she got closer, she decided on a plan of action that was sure to bring some amusement to herself, if no one else, and flirt with the new leader. She stepped closer to the tom- Lemonstar?- and began.

Sweetleaf purred, looking over the tom with obvious flirtatiousness in mind. "Us former kittypets really are the best-looking among us, it seems," the she-cat said, hoping desperately he had been a kittypet to avoid embarrassment. He'd said something about it in his speech, she believed, but she'd forgotten by now- her memory wasn't the best. The Ragdoll made herself comfortable on the springy grass, sleek pelt refracting light as she lay on her stomach.

{My post}
Lemonstar was taking another bite of the squirrel as he heard pawsteps coming towards him. He lifted his head, swallowing the bite he had taken. He recognized the warrior as Whitehawk, whom he knew a little, but not that much. At his greeting, Lemon nodded and smiled. "Good morning to you too Whitehawk." Spotting the mouse at the warriors paws, Lemonstar felt instantly bad. "I'm not going to eat this squirrel alone, would you like some?" He asked, pushing it towards Whitehawk. That sentence was an invite for the warrior to sit down and visit.
His attention was turned towards a beautiful she-cat who had just pranced over, her fur shining and eyes bright. At her comment, Lemonstar let out a little laugh, a smirk crawling onto his face. As she settled down beside him, Lemonstar made a comment of his own. "Yes, we really are." He purred with amusement. "Although some of the pure-bred warriors have good looks as well. He paused, then remembered his manners. "Sweetleaf, right?" He asked the molly, flicking his gaze back to Whitehawk to show that the other tom was still invited into the conversation.

Ivy October 9th, 2016 08:09 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
Crowflight licked his mate's soft fur. "I was wondering if we could ever start a family, Paledusk? Smallwing and I wanted to, but since....she passed, we never got a chance to. He wiggled his eyebrows with a purr. (So exuasted after a four hour car ride ;-;)

Gone October 9th, 2016 08:23 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 5586)
Crowflight licked his mate's soft fur. "I was wondering if we could ever start a family, Paledusk? Smallwing and I wanted to, but since....she passed, we never got a chance to. He wiggled his eyebrows with a purr. (So exuasted after a four hour car ride ;-;)

Paledusk blushed at the proposition, but looked in his eyes and nodded. "I-It would be a pleasure to start a family with you." She mewed shyly, pressing her muzzle into his warm fur and letting what was probably the loudest purr she ever let out, licking his chest happily.

Ivy October 9th, 2016 09:25 PM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
Crowflight simply winked at her. "So tell me, what was your impresssion of me when you first found out smallwing and I becsme mates?" In order to reassure her that he still loved her, he entwined their tails.

goddess of ducks October 10th, 2016 08:54 AM

Re: SkyClan Clearing
Cliffheart padded away from the fresh kill pile, a small vole dangling from his jaws. He walked away with a slight limp that dampened his speed a little, bit didn't bother the gruff warrior. Cliffheart sat down near the warriors den and eased himself to the ground. Slowly, he ripped apart the vole and soon devoured the small creature. He swiped his tongue over his maw and began to give his fur a quick cleaning before he began training his apprentice.

The Cannibal October 10th, 2016 09:15 AM

Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by SilverNight (Post 1317)
Lavendersun sorely issued her way out from the warrior's den. Her little fight with Avocetrose last night absolutely drained her. She may have allowed her to have the last word, but Lavender still felt that she has done the most damage. Definitely. Remembering her dirty work, Lavendersun perked up a bit and strutted her way over the center of camp. Her soft diluted glowed brightly in the morning sunshine - finally spotless from the mud and twigs, and she tended to keep it that way. Basking silently in the morning light, Lavendersun stopped briefly to chose her breakfast. Obviously being picky, the faded tortoiseshell would shake her head or tighten her nose toward anything she found distasteful. Once she finally settled on a plump rabbit; much like the one from her first meeting with Avocetrose, she gracefully swerved toward the first sunny spot she found appealing.
Although on the way there, her sapphire eyes suddenly glued on a familiar black-and-white figure grooming in the distance. No, she wasn't in her spot this time, but just seeing her from across the clearing built anger within her. Deciding not to bother, Lavendersun stuck up her snout and plopped herself down onto the sunny patch of dew-fresh grass. Setting her breakfast down, the pretty she-cat leaned over and took a clean bite of her fat rabbit. Every so often Lavendersun would flash a glare over at Avocetrose, and made sure that every time her enemy glanced her way, she would flash her a cheeky/teasing smile; ears drawn back. She wanted her to know that nothing she said had gotten to her. Meaningless words. I bet your 'thorns' aren't very effective against my beautiful turtle shell, hm? She metaphorically referenced from their previous conversation.

{Small bump for @frisk!}

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