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iliri August 8th, 2023 12:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
Purrks: Herbal Knowledge - Tier 1 | The Collector [active] | Mind Reader [active]


Springpaw’s heart ached as she heard the sorrow drenching in her leader's voice, Springpaw’s lips curling into a small frown as Bumblestar made her request. It wasn’t hard for Springpaw to tell that the leader cared deeply for the molly, and it was quite clear as ice that she was wanting to know if she was going to be alright. “Of course, I’ll make sure to keep you updated on her status.” she retorted, her tone even as she spoke. She didn’t want to say anything further about the matter for it would make the leader more upset that she already was in the given situation. Springpaw herself had already been worrying that Gentledoe was going to make a fine recovery, but it was good enough that she would be able to keep in mind that she’ll let Bumblestar know of her current status. “I’ll be sure to let her know when she wakes up that you're hoping that she pulls through, only if that’s completely alright with you.” she spoke again, her lips briefly curling upwards into a short, content smile to hopefully make the conversation more uplifted than what it currently was. The currently gloomy atmosphere could definitely use some encouragement from how it currently was.

At least the current state of gloom was uplifted when the leader showed her appreciation for the answer that Springpaw gave her, the young calico’s smile lifting up more from the leader’s offer to help around with the den in case both of the medicine cats needed it, Springpaw eagerly nodding from her offer. “Of course! I'll swing right by to come get you in case we are ever in a dire need of an extra pair of paws in the den. I really appreciate the offer, thank you.” she drifted her eyes shut with content, grinning from ear to ear. “However, if you want any ideas on some herbs that could help you out in case you are by yourself, I can offer you some that I learned! It would do you some good in case you have yourself stuck in some trouble and neither Drizzlecloud or I are able to get there in time to help you. Although, I don’t think that’ll happen quite often as far as I can tell.” she gave out a rumbled, raspy purr, whisking the white tip of her tail as she rambled on thoughtfully. She would definitely give out some herbal remedies for the leader if she wanted, and it would give her some notice of how far she is in her training. That’s something that Springpaw thought would do her leader some good.

Springpaw’s brief moment of optimism paused when the leader had begun to speak about her injuries, the calico listening on her response and slowly nodding away from her retort. Well, if Bumblestar was fine, then that was good. It meant that she wasn’t going to risk dying at some point due to an infection possibly spreading out through any of her healing wounds. Of course, if anything were to ever happen to the leader, they always had Alderstep, right? He would be able to help keep the clan in check while Bumblestar was off getting her injuries checked out or something along the lines of that. Nonetheless, at least Springpaw got informed that Bumblestar was healing up well. “Well, at least you're healing up well. I’m sure that Drizzlecloud would have already tried to drag you back into the medicine den if that weren’t the case. She did that with Alderstep and boy was she ticked off when he didn’t bother to go see if his wounds were alright. She was more angry than a badger.” Springpaw explained, silently gesturing the amount of ‘how ticked Drizzlecloud was’ with a foreclaw. It was a small line scraped along the dirt, but it was more than enough to gesture how ticked off the molly can get if no one gets into the den if they bore any crucial injuries. “That little snippet alone was more than enough to teach me to never get on my mentor's bad side.” she snorted, rolling her shoulders briefly as she prepared to tuck her paw back beneath herself.

However, the little action was paused when she noticed that the leader had subtly pushed the shrew over towards her direction, puzzlement welling up in the calico’s eyes. Her lips quivered as she felt a question abruptly rolling up her throat, only to shut her jaws when the leader had already begun to answer her succumbing questions. Blinking incessantly, the calico briefly glanced down towards the shrew before looking back up towards the leader, a smile growing among her lips, “Thanks, Bumblestar.” She extended a forepaw and grew the shrew closer to her, looking back down towards the shrew. She wasn’t going to eat it yet before she left the den. She didn’t want to make any potential messes inside of her leader’s den now, did she? It wasn’t hard for the young molly to see how potentially awkward it made the sudden situation, but she didn’t decide to mention it, only to clear her throat as she averted her eyes back up towards the direction of Bumblestar. “So… how does it feel living inside of a den like this? Does it feel comfortable? I mean, you sleep inside of a log so it has to feel like some sort of home, right? If the questions are weird, you don’t need to answer them. Just curious, that’s all.” it was a question that had been threatening to slip her mouth the moment she entered the den, but she wasn’t quite sure if it would exactly be appropriate to ask. Of course, her ongoing curiosity got the best of her, and it slipped anyways. It wasn’t like she could really help it, after all.


@dino. [ #air ]

elaif August 10th, 2023 09:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
Letting his large white paws guide his way back into camp, Cracklepaw dropped off his trophy in the apprentice den. Knowing Bumblestar wouldn't allow his trophy to remain, he shoved the pelt under his heap of bedding and hoped for the best. Now he could only pray his prize would remain hidden from any snitches that dare snoop around his nest. Moving on, he briefly glanced at the nursery; silently contemplating if he should tell Mapleface about his return. Though tempting, he decided against it. He was currently a bloody mess, and the sight would probably send her into a panic. He certainly didn't want that. Hmmm.. He supposed seeing his sister would have to wait... So, in the meantime he chose to speak to Bumblestar.

Padding up to the entrance, his eyes glowed in the half light. Sticking his head into the den, he let a small grin flicker across his bloody face. " Bumblestar! GUESS WHAT!" he began, not caring to check if the leader was even awake. It was obvious his news was far more important than her stupid sleep! Any sensible person would know that! The tom huffed out a laugh as he decided her guess wasn't worth his time, so generously filling her in with a proud expression, he spoke "I killed someone! But not just ANYONE, no, no, NO! I KILLED SHADOWCLAN FILTH THAT WAS TRESPASSING!! HA!" Cracking up with laughter, a bit of mania lit his eyes. " I did it ALL by myself! THEY DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE! " Shoulders shaking, he let his laughter draw on for a second or two before deadpanning a flat grin in her direction; Cackles abruptly falling quiet." So.... Are you proud of me Bumblestar?" Eyes wide, he anticipated an answer. All his hard and amazing work should, and would be appreciated! Everyone needed to know how loyal he was, and how willing he was to SHRED anyone that threatened Thunderclan!

// @dino. \\

Watermeloon August 13th, 2023 07:17 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Ghostpaw traipsed in, her muscles bunched in a slight wary pose, in case the leader's den had traps or anything to protect the valuable ThunderClan leader. She was gonna tell the Bumblestar why she could totally be a Hornet. She relaxed her pose forcibly, her brush of a tail sweeping the ground, clearly longer than her strong legs. Taking a deep breath that rustled the lynx-points of her ears, the silvery 'paw stepped forwards, and barely caught herself from tripping over her massive paws. yeesh, gotta get that fixed up, or I'll look like a dumb tottering kit finding her paws, Ghostie thought, irritation quickly tamped down.

"Right, sorry about that, Bumble...star. These paws can sometimes get in the way, though they are good for other things. I just popped in to kinda explain why I'm a good candidate for a Hornet. Permission to proceed?" the apprentice asked, her flicking ears betraying her apprehensiveness. Worry that she would be turned down. Cuz after all, she was a newcomer, right?

No. She had every right to be a Hornet as much as any Clanborn kitty. She had experience and drive, so the 'paw hoped that was good enough to be considered as a candidate.

beau August 13th, 2023 10:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1451614)
You know, Bumblestar really couldn't decide if she liked cats just barging into her den whenever they wanted or cats who waited patiently outside more. The former was rarely surprising, she could hear whoever it was coming from a mile away if she really strained her ears, but it was also sometimes irritating; on the other paw, having a heads up was nice, but she didn't want to coax someone to step inside as if they were going to catch fire the second they pushed past the lichen.

She poked her head out through the current of vegetation to twitch her whiskers at Wolfmist. "Don't just stand out there, you doofus. C'mere, I don't wanna talk to you through a wall of leaves." Leaves. Lichen. Same thing, right? Whatever.

Doofus? That was a new one. Wolfmist would have to ask Pebbleshine, she probably knew what it meant.

When was the last time he saw Pebs?

Having been officially granted permission, the warrior padded in. “We found a shallow ravine.. but I don’t think it’s viable territory for now. There was a group of, ah, coyotes..?” At least, he thought that’s what they were. He’d only ever heard stories about coyotes, but the description seemed to match. “We didn’t want to risk the fight.” Hopefully that was the right decision - perhaps a bit more meek than what a warrior should do but he knew firsthand how nasty canines could be and he’d have to be dragged down into that ravine before he attempted to fight any of those mutts.

[ sorry for the late reply! ]

dino. August 14th, 2023 01:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Rani (Post 1452500)


Well it was nice Bumblestar could have a little mercy for the poor kicked puppy at least so Mudhound happily forgot and moved on. Dwelling wasnt their thing anyway.

The continued jabs got some poking right back, though it was intentional on Mudhounds end, the fluff for brains did not have the.... Zest? To be really pointedly sassy. Thats why the ditz's response was only sassy on accident "Thats why I want you to eat the squirrel! I think its an eating thing! Grandma always said I never stopped eating as a kit and grew like a weed so I think you didnt eat as much and stayed little! The trick is you gotta eat until your belly is super full even if youre not hungry! If you do Im sure you'll grow bigger and not be just under Dawnstars belly!" Not how it works Mudhound also an unintentional oof? Like it wasnt meant to be harmful but that was like cuttingly sassy especially when you know it was honest and meant to be advice?

It'd also explain why Mudhound, despite joining moons ago and upkeeping a rigorous warrior lifestyle kept a fair amount of pudge on their cheeks and belly. Like they werent fat or out of shape, just carrying some chub from an outsider life that obviously fed well.

"Also, whatsa shrimp? Is that what the call your" The warrior nodded to their entire body "deal thing?" Mudhound meant transgender, not knowing the word but that too could be taken as unintentionally sassy and not just brainlessly honest. Foot meet mouth but it was probably a very good thing the subject was changed.

The big and flashy comment got a giggle but the question on family got the tripod to full on perk up, eyes suddenly brighter.
"You dont know Bumble-sis? Our entire family was from shadowclan, our siblings are the only ones to be born out of there in like three generations? Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, and our great grands were all born in shadowclan but like most ended up leaving later in life. Mom left as Dogpaw and became Dogspirit in thunderclan, Grandma Houndspirit or Houndsong left before even then but joined thunderclan with mom. Grandpa Bumblebelly (youre named after him) left and joined riverclan but Grandma said she didnt mind that. The great grands were bad so they dont matter."
Hornetstings 'deal had been explained to the tripod but honestly they didnt think he really mattered, he was dead and a jerk, let him be forgotten.

"I can explain more if you wanna know, its kinda interesting."

"It's not an eating thing, I'm pretty sure I just got unlucky," Bumblestar countered, ears swiveling out and back around. "Stop it with that or I'm gonna make you eat this instead of subtly suggesting it. Plus, I already murdered Dawnstar once, 'n I can do it just as easily again. Bein' smaller helps. I could just get underneath her and-"

She cut herself off. She had a feeling that describing how she could essentially disembowel a cat would make Mudhound ill, even if that cat was Dawnstar, and she didn't want to be the cause of that if she could help it. Instead, Bumblestar rolled her shoulders and cleared her throat. "Nevermind."

Mudhound's next comment made her tilt her head, eyes narrowing in confusion. "What- 'deal thing'?" she echoed, not really understanding the question. "Y'mean the being small?"

Whatever they meant wasn't really a concern to her. Her attention was dragged away from it anyways when Mudhound carried on about ShadowClan. No, of course she didn't know. How could she know? Her mother died and she could hardly remember her face; any potential father was never around, or never showed himself if he was; her siblings were either dead or gone; Mudhound was the only blood she had near her.

Her tail tapped the ground behind her. "I didn't... realize I was named after somebody." Hadn't expected it to be a RiverClanner, either. Interesting.

"Why were our great grandparents bad?"

dino. August 14th, 2023 01:16 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Leafí (Post 1453878)
Letting his large white paws guide his way back into camp, Cracklepaw dropped off his trophy in the apprentice den. Knowing Bumblestar wouldn't allow his trophy to remain, he shoved the pelt under his heap of bedding and hoped for the best. Now he could only pray his prize would remain hidden from any snitches that dare snoop around his nest. Moving on, he briefly glanced at the nursery; silently contemplating if he should tell Mapleface about his return. Though tempting, he decided against it. He was currently a bloody mess, and the sight would probably send her into a panic. He certainly didn't want that. Hmmm.. He supposed seeing his sister would have to wait... So, in the meantime he chose to speak to Bumblestar.

Padding up to the entrance, his eyes glowed in the half light. Sticking his head into the den, he let a small grin flicker across his bloody face. " Bumblestar! GUESS WHAT!" he began, not caring to check if the leader was even awake. It was obvious his news was far more important than her stupid sleep! Any sensible person would know that! The tom huffed out a laugh as he decided her guess wasn't worth his time, so generously filling her in with a proud expression, he spoke "I killed someone! But not just ANYONE, no, no, NO! I KILLED SHADOWCLAN FILTH THAT WAS TRESPASSING!! HA!" Cracking up with laughter, a bit of mania lit his eyes. " I did it ALL by myself! THEY DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE! " Shoulders shaking, he let his laughter draw on for a second or two before deadpanning a flat grin in her direction; Cackles abruptly falling quiet." So.... Are you proud of me Bumblestar?" Eyes wide, he anticipated an answer. All his hard and amazing work should, and would be appreciated! Everyone needed to know how loyal he was, and how willing he was to SHRED anyone that threatened Thunderclan!

// @dino. \\

The metallic stench of blood flooded her nose, and Bumblestar was on her feet with a curse tumbling from her lips before Cracklepaw even breached the lichen barrier. She was just about to shoulder her way out of her den when the little freak shoved his head past the vegetation. Her eyes flickered over him, taking in the blood spattered across his face. Starsdammit.

She stuck her head out past his, scanning the clearing, then quickly attempted to tug him past the curtain. "Get in here before someone sees you."

why did this have to be her problem to deal with. he was creepy she didn't want to why couldn't alderstep be here so she could pawn him off on him uGH DARN RESPONSIBILITIES

She stared at him again, eyes narrowed as she studied him. His explanation was a relief, if anything - at least it wasn't a Clanmate, or someone who had been across the border (although that was a possibility that she absolutely would believe that explanation, too, because she wasn't entirely sure what to think of this).

It took her a moment to muster up the ability to speak. "You killed a ShadowClan rat trespassing on our land," she said flatly, just to reassure herself that she'd heard him right. "By yourself." Which meant that he was out of camp alone, which was already one rule broken, which meant... oh, confound it all, she was too tired to deal with this. And, in all honesty, if it was ShadowClan, she really couldn't be inspired to care whatsoever.

Bumblestar sat back, visibly relaxing a mild amount. Spiderthroat had killed Ivysnake. Now Cracklepaw had killed some nameless nobody... which still meant one less warrior for ShadowClan. Her whiskers twitched. "Good job. Glad you were there to catch the rat, even if you aren't supposed to be out and about by yourself." A slight tilt of her head. "How'd you manage it 'n what'd you do with the body after?"

elaif August 14th, 2023 07:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Being slightly offended at getting shoved into the leaders den, he grunted a note of defiance. Eyes refocusing in the dim light of the den, Cracklepaw surveyed the smaller than expected living space. Wow... THIS is where the leaders slept? Ugh! Why was it so pathetic? Sitting up against the walls, he thanked the gods Bumblestar was the size of a freaking rat, because if she was any bigger, they'd both be breathing down each others spines. Okay... Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration... But still, this den was to small for his likings.

Grumbling at her stupid questions, he rolled his eyes. " No, I had a whole herd of foxes help me slay them!" he spat sarcastically, " YES! Of course I killed them by myself! Is your faith in my battle superiority that little? So naive of you to believe! But never the matter, I hope I was able to put your RIDICULOUS assumptions to rest." hoarse voice grating into a slight growl, the tom kneaded his black claws into the ground. Silently spilling his frustration, he half heartedly listen to the rest of what she had to say. Her praise was was nothing note worthy, but what could you expect from an unbeliever of his skills? How ignorant could this hairball be? ALL THIS WORK JUST SO HE COULD GET A 'GOOD JOB'!?ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS!

Although his mood was damped by her oh-so-thoughtful thanks, he felt his spirits lift at her other questions and remarks. " I managed because I'm ME of course! My skills were far greater than the Shadowclan scum! They were so caught up in their own ditzy world, I beat them at their own game! My stealth brought the slimy shadow lurker to their knees! Pathetic creature... " giggling once more, his eyes grew distant as he recalled the battle. It was hardly even a fight! He put an end to the fool far faster than he had expected. Who knew surprise attacks were so.... Lethal. Snapping back to reality; he moved onto the next set of questions; another ugly grin pulling his lips back to reveal shining teeth. " What did I do with the body? HA! I'll tell you alright!" scooting a little bit closer as if to tell a secret, Cracklepaw looked Bumblestar dead in the eyes. " After parting the head from it's miserable shoulders, I SKINNED IT'S CORPSE! JUST LIKE THEY DO TO US! HA! And then I left the body at the border... SO. EVERYONE. COULD. SEE. IT. Brilliant aren't I!? " Biting back more laughter, the apprentice dug his claws into the earth. Surely Bumblestar would be impressed now! He had done ALL of that just to protect Thunderclan! Or... At least thats what he told her. His true intentions didn't really involve her or Thunderclan... But it was the best explanation he could give.

// @dino. \\

Rani August 16th, 2023 11:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1455060)
"It's not an eating thing, I'm pretty sure I just got unlucky," Bumblestar countered, ears swiveling out and back around. "Stop it with that or I'm gonna make you eat this instead of subtly suggesting it. Plus, I already murdered Dawnstar once, 'n I can do it just as easily again. Bein' smaller helps. I could just get underneath her and-"

She cut herself off. She had a feeling that describing how she could essentially disembowel a cat would make Mudhound ill, even if that cat was Dawnstar, and she didn't want to be the cause of that if she could help it. Instead, Bumblestar rolled her shoulders and cleared her throat. "Nevermind."

Mudhound's next comment made her tilt her head, eyes narrowing in confusion. "What- 'deal thing'?" she echoed, not really understanding the question. "Y'mean the being small?"

Whatever they meant wasn't really a concern to her. Her attention was dragged away from it anyways when Mudhound carried on about ShadowClan. No, of course she didn't know. How could she know? Her mother died and she could hardly remember her face; any potential father was never around, or never showed himself if he was; her siblings were either dead or gone; Mudhound was the only blood she had near her.

Her tail tapped the ground behind her. "I didn't... realize I was named after somebody." Hadn't expected it to be a RiverClanner, either. Interesting.

"Why were our great grandparents bad?"

Silly Bumble-sis! Mudhound had just chatted with you about preferable skulls! You needed to learn that they werent a cat that was really bothered by much of anything. Gore and murder were whatever as long as they were morally in the clear. And Dawnstar was a meanie bully who deserved it until she left everyone alone! So that kind of murder was totally in the clear.

But its not like Mudhound could explain all that without knowing why their sister had stopped explaining in the first place. So all they did was stick their tongue out at Bumblestars snarking before cocking their head in confusion at the sudden stop of the train of thought.

It was easily moved on from anyways.
"The deal thing! You know the thing! The ummmm." How to explain this without stepping on tails because for all Mudhound did not know the word the maine coon was well aware this was a sensitive subject for some cats. Not to them, the tripod just corrected people if misgendered and fully planned to have kittens once they figured out why no one ever struck their fancy as a mate (ah the joys of not knowing what demi-sexuality is.... Background confusion until you suddenly figured it out. Someone really needed to explain all this stuff to Mudhound they were way to old to be stumbling through this). Ok on topic time to be tactful in this "The now my sister thing? That thing. Is that what being a shrimp is? Because if so Im totally ok with you being a shrimp and will tell everyone whos a jerk youre a shrimp and Im proud of you and beat them up if theyre still mean." Ok not exactly tactful but that was probably the best phrasing you should expect out of the fluff-for-brains.
"If you want that and stuff. You like fighting so Im in if youd rather me drag jerks to you so you can beat them up for not being ok youre a shrimp."
It was the thought that counted?

To be honest though the lack of knowledge from Bumble-sis on her heritage kinda messed with Mudhound. They werent used to being the 'knowledgeable' one and Bumblestar seemed more like the type to know or at least have an idea of things (things that werent always agreed with but things she was deadset on nonetheless). So her not knowing anything seemed..... Abnormal. Did no one in the clan even remember Dogspirits origins to tell her? Or did she not ask at all? Both were strange thoughts to the warrior and werent dwelled on for long. Not their business in a way, Bumble-sis asking now was.
"Yeah you were named after Grandpa Bumblebelly! He was a nice guy who loved kits and Grandma always said they were kinda soul-mates but in a not super romantic way? It didnt make sense to me but he loved her and had kits with her but not love love because he was more tom focused? I dunno but he joined riverclan and became a queen there after leaving Shadowclan."
Mudhound wished she'd been able to meet him. They were certain they wouldve gotten along.

The question about the great-grands however earned a wince. It wasnt a bad topic just... Not a fun one.
"Um ok the great-grandparents..... Hornetsting and Nightcry. Hornetsting was just a bad tom from everything Ive been told. Nightcry was better but e-na-bled him a ton." That word in particular was obviously taught and not used a lot from how the warrior sounded it out from memory. "They were Bumblebellys parents and forced him to be with his first mate Silvertear and have kits as soon as he was a warrior. She wasnt a strong cat but 'good shadowclan blood'(?) and so a 'good fit'. But their kits Hornetkit and Waspkit died and it broke Silvertear and she ran. Bumblebelly got with Houndsong after but Hornetsting was an horrible violent cruel ruler until he..... Died? I cant remember what Grandma said happened to him."
It was lucky Mudhound didnt ever meet him, it wouldve ended in a fight they probably wouldnt win.

"...... I dont think I like this topic actually.... Can we change it?" Knowing they were related to bad cats wasnt something that warmed Mudhounds heart.

dino. August 20th, 2023 11:01 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Starfinder (Post 1454521)

Ghostpaw traipsed in, her muscles bunched in a slight wary pose, in case the leader's den had traps or anything to protect the valuable ThunderClan leader. She was gonna tell the Bumblestar why she could totally be a Hornet. She relaxed her pose forcibly, her brush of a tail sweeping the ground, clearly longer than her strong legs. Taking a deep breath that rustled the lynx-points of her ears, the silvery 'paw stepped forwards, and barely caught herself from tripping over her massive paws. yeesh, gotta get that fixed up, or I'll look like a dumb tottering kit finding her paws, Ghostie thought, irritation quickly tamped down.

"Right, sorry about that, Bumble...star. These paws can sometimes get in the way, though they are good for other things. I just popped in to kinda explain why I'm a good candidate for a Hornet. Permission to proceed?" the apprentice asked, her flicking ears betraying her apprehensiveness. Worry that she would be turned down. Cuz after all, she was a newcomer, right?

No. She had every right to be a Hornet as much as any Clanborn kitty. She had experience and drive, so the 'paw hoped that was good enough to be considered as a candidate.

Bumblestar drew her tongue over a paw pad as Ghostpaw entered, and she lifted a single eyebrow in question. The apprentice still seemed as clumsy as when she'd first run into her.

Bumblestar cleared her throat and lifted her head fully, fixing Ghostpaw with an unreadable look. "Gonna be pretty upfront with you before you jump into things, I'm not really lookin' for brand new apprentices for the rank," she said with a flick of her tail. "Especially considering you've just joined us. But you seem eager enough, so, sure, hit me with it."

dino. August 20th, 2023 11:05 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by naiad (Post 1454809)

Doofus? That was a new one. Wolfmist would have to ask Pebbleshine, she probably knew what it meant.

When was the last time he saw Pebs?

Having been officially granted permission, the warrior padded in. “We found a shallow ravine.. but I don’t think it’s viable territory for now. There was a group of, ah, coyotes..?” At least, he thought that’s what they were. He’d only ever heard stories about coyotes, but the description seemed to match. “We didn’t want to risk the fight.” Hopefully that was the right decision - perhaps a bit more meek than what a warrior should do but he knew firsthand how nasty canines could be and he’d have to be dragged down into that ravine before he attempted to fight any of those mutts.

[ sorry for the late reply! ]

Bumblestar drew back to give him space to enter, and twitched an ear at the news he presented. Ugh, coyotes again? She'd thought they were done dealing with all that, but apparently not. At least they weren't near the territory this time.

"Disappointing about the location," she muttered, "but good call on your part. Don't want to get anyone hurt unnecessarily. Maybe it'll be something to check out in the future. If that's it, you're good to go. Thanks for taking the trek out there."

dino. August 20th, 2023 11:10 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Leafí (Post 1455288)

Being slightly offended at getting shoved into the leaders den, he grunted a note of defiance. Eyes refocusing in the dim light of the den, Cracklepaw surveyed the smaller than expected living space. Wow... THIS is where the leaders slept? Ugh! Why was it so pathetic? Sitting up against the walls, he thanked the gods Bumblestar was the size of a freaking rat, because if she was any bigger, they'd both be breathing down each others spines. Okay... Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration... But still, this den was to small for his likings.

Grumbling at her stupid questions, he rolled his eyes. " No, I had a whole herd of foxes help me slay them!" he spat sarcastically, " YES! Of course I killed them by myself! Is your faith in my battle superiority that little? So naive of you to believe! But never the matter, I hope I was able to put your RIDICULOUS assumptions to rest." hoarse voice grating into a slight growl, the tom kneaded his black claws into the ground. Silently spilling his frustration, he half heartedly listen to the rest of what she had to say. Her praise was was nothing note worthy, but what could you expect from an unbeliever of his skills? How ignorant could this hairball be? ALL THIS WORK JUST SO HE COULD GET A 'GOOD JOB'!?ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS!

Although his mood was damped by her oh-so-thoughtful thanks, he felt his spirits lift at her other questions and remarks. " I managed because I'm ME of course! My skills were far greater than the Shadowclan scum! They were so caught up in their own ditzy world, I beat them at their own game! My stealth brought the slimy shadow lurker to their knees! Pathetic creature... " giggling once more, his eyes grew distant as he recalled the battle. It was hardly even a fight! He put an end to the fool far faster than he had expected. Who knew surprise attacks were so.... Lethal. Snapping back to reality; he moved onto the next set of questions; another ugly grin pulling his lips back to reveal shining teeth. " What did I do with the body? HA! I'll tell you alright!" scooting a little bit closer as if to tell a secret, Cracklepaw looked Bumblestar dead in the eyes. " After parting the head from it's miserable shoulders, I SKINNED IT'S CORPSE! JUST LIKE THEY DO TO US! HA! And then I left the body at the border... SO. EVERYONE. COULD. SEE. IT. Brilliant aren't I!? " Biting back more laughter, the apprentice dug his claws into the earth. Surely Bumblestar would be impressed now! He had done ALL of that just to protect Thunderclan! Or... At least thats what he told her. His true intentions didn't really involve her or Thunderclan... But it was the best explanation he could give.

// @dino. \\

The following news was considerably less joyous.

Something in Bumblestar's gut twisted. He'd decapitated the corpse, skinned it, left it at the border. What else? Was that it?

Ugh, she wanted to smack that grin right off his face. It was like the desire to bap Alderstep on the head, except this warranted something much more forceful and unkind. Her tail curled over her flank as she exhaled, trying to gather her thoughts.

"Y'know, you might be more useful than I thought you were." A twitch of her whiskers as she looked past her nose at him. "Maybe you 'n I can take some time to scrape together a training session. The hell did you even do with the pelt, anyway? Leave it at the border with the body?"

dino. August 20th, 2023 12:15 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by ares (Post 1453072)
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
Purrks: Herbal Knowledge - Tier 1 | The Collector [active] | Mind Reader [active]


Springpaw’s heart ached as she heard the sorrow drenching in her leader's voice, Springpaw’s lips curling into a small frown as Bumblestar made her request. It wasn’t hard for Springpaw to tell that the leader cared deeply for the molly, and it was quite clear as ice that she was wanting to know if she was going to be alright. “Of course, I’ll make sure to keep you updated on her status.” she retorted, her tone even as she spoke. She didn’t want to say anything further about the matter for it would make the leader more upset that she already was in the given situation. Springpaw herself had already been worrying that Gentledoe was going to make a fine recovery, but it was good enough that she would be able to keep in mind that she’ll let Bumblestar know of her current status. “I’ll be sure to let her know when she wakes up that you're hoping that she pulls through, only if that’s completely alright with you.” she spoke again, her lips briefly curling upwards into a short, content smile to hopefully make the conversation more uplifted than what it currently was. The currently gloomy atmosphere could definitely use some encouragement from how it currently was.

At least the current state of gloom was uplifted when the leader showed her appreciation for the answer that Springpaw gave her, the young calico’s smile lifting up more from the leader’s offer to help around with the den in case both of the medicine cats needed it, Springpaw eagerly nodding from her offer. “Of course! I'll swing right by to come get you in case we are ever in a dire need of an extra pair of paws in the den. I really appreciate the offer, thank you.” she drifted her eyes shut with content, grinning from ear to ear. “However, if you want any ideas on some herbs that could help you out in case you are by yourself, I can offer you some that I learned! It would do you some good in case you have yourself stuck in some trouble and neither Drizzlecloud or I are able to get there in time to help you. Although, I don’t think that’ll happen quite often as far as I can tell.” she gave out a rumbled, raspy purr, whisking the white tip of her tail as she rambled on thoughtfully. She would definitely give out some herbal remedies for the leader if she wanted, and it would give her some notice of how far she is in her training. That’s something that Springpaw thought would do her leader some good.

Springpaw’s brief moment of optimism paused when the leader had begun to speak about her injuries, the calico listening on her response and slowly nodding away from her retort. Well, if Bumblestar was fine, then that was good. It meant that she wasn’t going to risk dying at some point due to an infection possibly spreading out through any of her healing wounds. Of course, if anything were to ever happen to the leader, they always had Alderstep, right? He would be able to help keep the clan in check while Bumblestar was off getting her injuries checked out or something along the lines of that. Nonetheless, at least Springpaw got informed that Bumblestar was healing up well. “Well, at least you're healing up well. I’m sure that Drizzlecloud would have already tried to drag you back into the medicine den if that weren’t the case. She did that with Alderstep and boy was she ticked off when he didn’t bother to go see if his wounds were alright. She was more angry than a badger.” Springpaw explained, silently gesturing the amount of ‘how ticked Drizzlecloud was’ with a foreclaw. It was a small line scraped along the dirt, but it was more than enough to gesture how ticked off the molly can get if no one gets into the den if they bore any crucial injuries. “That little snippet alone was more than enough to teach me to never get on my mentor's bad side.” she snorted, rolling her shoulders briefly as she prepared to tuck her paw back beneath herself.

However, the little action was paused when she noticed that the leader had subtly pushed the shrew over towards her direction, puzzlement welling up in the calico’s eyes. Her lips quivered as she felt a question abruptly rolling up her throat, only to shut her jaws when the leader had already begun to answer her succumbing questions. Blinking incessantly, the calico briefly glanced down towards the shrew before looking back up towards the leader, a smile growing among her lips, “Thanks, Bumblestar.” She extended a forepaw and grew the shrew closer to her, looking back down towards the shrew. She wasn’t going to eat it yet before she left the den. She didn’t want to make any potential messes inside of her leader’s den now, did she? It wasn’t hard for the young molly to see how potentially awkward it made the sudden situation, but she didn’t decide to mention it, only to clear her throat as she averted her eyes back up towards the direction of Bumblestar. “So… how does it feel living inside of a den like this? Does it feel comfortable? I mean, you sleep inside of a log so it has to feel like some sort of home, right? If the questions are weird, you don’t need to answer them. Just curious, that’s all.” it was a question that had been threatening to slip her mouth the moment she entered the den, but she wasn’t quite sure if it would exactly be appropriate to ask. Of course, her ongoing curiosity got the best of her, and it slipped anyways. It wasn’t like she could really help it, after all.


@dino. [ #air ]

Relief made Bumblestar's ears tip slightly sideways. "I appreciate that. Been really worried about her." The words kind of hurt to say out loud, and caught in her throat before she cleared it. Gentledoe was a rare beacon of light these days. She didn't want to lose that.

Her head tipped forward gratefully as Springpaw answered her next request. "Works just fine for me. I'm just a few dens away if you ever need me for anything. Uh, herb-related or otherwise." Like just to talk, or relax, or... something. Any excuse to do something different, really.

At the brief anecdote about Alderstep and Drizzlecloud, Bumblestar barked out a laugh. "Well, Alderstep's about as grumpy as a badger, so I guess they cancel each other out," she joked. "In all seriousness, though, good to see she's getting into the groove of things. By the sounds of it, at least. You, too." She hoped so. She needed ranks with solid heads on their shoulders more than ever right now. "Remind me never to piss Drizzlecloud off."

Once Springpaw drew the shrew towards her, Bumblestar settled her chin on her paws, blinking up at the apprentice from her splayed out position on the den's floor. "Eh. It's good enough, I guess. It's private for the most part, it's quiet... been thinkin' of adding some decorations to spruce it up a bit, though." A skull would be cool but... "You got any ideas of what I could add to it?"

dino. August 20th, 2023 12:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Rani (Post 1456194)

Silly Bumble-sis! Mudhound had just chatted with you about preferable skulls! You needed to learn that they werent a cat that was really bothered by much of anything. Gore and murder were whatever as long as they were morally in the clear. And Dawnstar was a meanie bully who deserved it until she left everyone alone! So that kind of murder was totally in the clear.

But its not like Mudhound could explain all that without knowing why their sister had stopped explaining in the first place. So all they did was stick their tongue out at Bumblestars snarking before cocking their head in confusion at the sudden stop of the train of thought.

It was easily moved on from anyways.
"The deal thing! You know the thing! The ummmm." How to explain this without stepping on tails because for all Mudhound did not know the word the maine coon was well aware this was a sensitive subject for some cats. Not to them, the tripod just corrected people if misgendered and fully planned to have kittens once they figured out why no one ever struck their fancy as a mate (ah the joys of not knowing what demi-sexuality is.... Background confusion until you suddenly figured it out. Someone really needed to explain all this stuff to Mudhound they were way to old to be stumbling through this). Ok on topic time to be tactful in this "The now my sister thing? That thing. Is that what being a shrimp is? Because if so Im totally ok with you being a shrimp and will tell everyone whos a jerk youre a shrimp and Im proud of you and beat them up if theyre still mean." Ok not exactly tactful but that was probably the best phrasing you should expect out of the fluff-for-brains.
"If you want that and stuff. You like fighting so Im in if youd rather me drag jerks to you so you can beat them up for not being ok youre a shrimp."
It was the thought that counted?

To be honest though the lack of knowledge from Bumble-sis on her heritage kinda messed with Mudhound. They werent used to being the 'knowledgeable' one and Bumblestar seemed more like the type to know or at least have an idea of things (things that werent always agreed with but things she was deadset on nonetheless). So her not knowing anything seemed..... Abnormal. Did no one in the clan even remember Dogspirits origins to tell her? Or did she not ask at all? Both were strange thoughts to the warrior and werent dwelled on for long. Not their business in a way, Bumble-sis asking now was.
"Yeah you were named after Grandpa Bumblebelly! He was a nice guy who loved kits and Grandma always said they were kinda soul-mates but in a not super romantic way? It didnt make sense to me but he loved her and had kits with her but not love love because he was more tom focused? I dunno but he joined riverclan and became a queen there after leaving Shadowclan."
Mudhound wished she'd been able to meet him. They were certain they wouldve gotten along.

The question about the great-grands however earned a wince. It wasnt a bad topic just... Not a fun one.
"Um ok the great-grandparents..... Hornetsting and Nightcry. Hornetsting was just a bad tom from everything Ive been told. Nightcry was better but e-na-bled him a ton." That word in particular was obviously taught and not used a lot from how the warrior sounded it out from memory. "They were Bumblebellys parents and forced him to be with his first mate Silvertear and have kits as soon as he was a warrior. She wasnt a strong cat but 'good shadowclan blood'(?) and so a 'good fit'. But their kits Hornetkit and Waspkit died and it broke Silvertear and she ran. Bumblebelly got with Houndsong after but Hornetsting was an horrible violent cruel ruler until he..... Died? I cant remember what Grandma said happened to him."
It was lucky Mudhound didnt ever meet him, it wouldve ended in a fight they probably wouldnt win.

"...... I dont think I like this topic actually.... Can we change it?" Knowing they were related to bad cats wasnt something that warmed Mudhounds heart.

Bumblestar blinked. "Uh. Oh. Uh, yeah, no, I don't really know what that's called, never cared to give that much thought. 'Shrimp' is just like... an expression, I guess?" How could she explain this without making it sound weird? "It's somethin' I picked up in Twolegplace a long time ago. Just means someone's tiny. Where you might as well be big as a mountain, I'm a shrimp compared to you." She reached out to give Mudhound another light prod and then wrinkled her nose. "I don't actually know what a shrimp is. I didn't think to ask."

At their next quip, she snorted. "Nah, don't worry about that. I don't care what idiots say about me. They're not smart enough to warrant thinking about."

Once Mudhound started getting into the explanation, though, she settled down and tilted her head, paying as much attention as possible. It was... not the happiest history. Interesting to know she was named after someone like that, but where she thought she'd feel some kind of, well, something, she instead felt nothing at all. "Huh. Interesting. Well, y'know, bad interesting, but still interesting."

Her expression softened just a touch after they asked to move on, and she leaned forward to gently headbutt them in the shoulder. "Sure. What else do you wanna talk about?"

Watermeloon August 21st, 2023 07:50 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
Ghostpaw shuffles her outrageously sized paws, nervousness coming in odd surges. "Ah... Okay, so here's the thing. I've been missing protecting cats. Since young, I was forever shielding my brother and his oddball 'Clan', made up of a ton of prey animals, some streetcats, and a fox cub. Not easy job, that. But I did it, and so now, I'm hoping to do the same for my new Clan. ThunderClan. I know protecting isn't just claws and teeth, but also diplomacy. A way to solve problems without bloodshed. Words work just as well as fighting." Ghostpaw pauses, sneaking a peek at Bumblestar.

"It's just nice to see everyone happy at the end of the day... Safe. That feeling... It keeps me going, I guess. And I've been looking for another chance, to just feel... It's empty, with nothing there for me to shield. I... miss it." Ghostpaw never thought she would ever say that. It was pretty irritating with the maniacs, but... How had she never realised how much it meant to her? That word. Protect. Lovely feeling.

She could do a great job, yes yes, if she was given the opportunity. Ghost was gonna give it her all. Her life, maybe. Lost in thought, she drifted to Whisper. I'm gonna make you proud, brother. But... What if... There was a no? Oh well. Ghostpaw hoped that word wouldn't come up.

bubble[error]. August 22nd, 2023 08:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

~~ Cherrypaw - She/Her - ThunderClan Apprentice ~~
-- A calico/tortoiseshell she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes --
Purrks: Mind Reader

{ @Dino }

It was a day like any other for Cherrypaw. The young Molly was sitting alone in the camp clearing, cleaning her paws, her mind taking her over. That was a really good walk with Drizzlecloud... I think we had so much fun... She brought her head up, thinking carefully for a while, looking around. Hmmm... Next target... Bumblestar. She just wanted to have the high ranks take a break and enjoy the world. A simple walk would do it... However... This could go very badly.

The calico/tortoiseshell she-cat found herself shaking slightly as she made her way to the leader's den. Please don't be mad at me, please don't be mad at me, please don't be mad at me... She kept repeating. Taking a deep breath, the apprentice stuck her head inside the den. "Excuse me, Bumblestar?" She spoke, her voice shaking slightly. "I... Hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me... J-just through the territory... Not too far..." Please don't be mad at me...

Beaan August 23rd, 2023 07:23 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

You figure he would think twice about applying for hornet after the meeting and the battle. Bumblestar killed beanstar. But hell, he didn't care! they knew bumblestar would figure things out. "hey, Bumblestar? Can we talk?" they asked once they reached the den entrence.

[Sorry it's so bad!!]
@dino. [Bumblebu... star! BUMBLESTAR]

elaif August 25th, 2023 10:27 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
|Beefed Up Tier 1: Inactive | Just A Scratch |

He might be more useful? Was he not useful before? No, probably not... Just not useful to her that is... Eyes narrowing at the words, Cracklepaw bit back a scoff. As if training with her was a privilege! Ha! She was no more than a warrior with a fancy title. Were her skills more advanced then the commoners like himself? Hmmm, probably not, but he was quite eager to find out. "Intriguing offer I must admit," he sniffed "Do what you'd like." Dismissing that small fragment of the conversation, he let the next question be answered with a bout of silence.

"The hell did you even do with the pelt, anyway?"

Uhummm.... How was he supposed to answer that? He maintained a cool and calm exterior, but internally, he was panicking. Oh no... If he told Bumblestar that he not only took it into camp, but shoved it underneath his nest she'd make him take it back! HE COULDN'T LOOSE HIS TROPHY! HE HAD PLANS FOR IT! Mental abode whirling for an answer, Cracklepaw absent mindedly shredded a piece of moss under his claws. Another slice of silence hung in the air before he actually spoke. " Very good question... " he coughed, " Well, I did what any practical and sensible cat would've done. " he drawled " After putting the Shadow fiend out of commission, I was tempted to utilize the pelt, but nearly decided against it. In the end I concluded the best way to reveal our revenge, is by letting them discern it at as close as possible... " Hoping that his big brain vocabulary was far to distracting to recognize that he pretty much danced around the question, Cracklepaw cleared any anxiety in his gaze. He didn't really lie... At least, he didn't think he lied... Actually he wasn't even sure what he spat out. Looking back, his rambling made little to no sense. But that was the point! Maybe Bumblestar would think he was having brain failure so she could let him go without anymore prying questions? Yes, that was a good enough goal... It was better of her to think that he was a mindless heathen than her figure out his true motive.

| @dino. |

iliri August 25th, 2023 08:32 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
Purrks: Herbal Knowledge - Tier 1 | The Collector [active] | Mind Reader [active]


Springpaw nimbly nodded from the leader’s appreciation towards her request, simply remaining quiet about it. It wasn’t hard to hear the hurt that was itching in her leader’s voice when she spoke about being worried about Gentledoe’s wellbeing. It was understandable, yet sad in a way. A lot of cats seemed to be worried for the brown-furred molly’s wellbeing. Especially her and Drizzlecloud. Her stomach clenched from the past conversation that had welled from both her and her mentor, remembering how distraught her mentor looked just from simply applying the poultice to Gentledoe’s gnarly wounds from them both sitting there in the suspending silence silently waiting for Gentledoe to wake up. The brief thought of the molly almost completely tossed the young calico into a deep rabbit hole, making her thoughts twist and twirl like a dancing ballerina from the thought of trying to make sure that Gentledoe was going to be okay. Stars, hopefully that was going to be the case. Oriental-shaped ears grew alert when the mood drastically changed when the leader mentioned that she could visit the leader for any potential help in the medicine den in case there was anything important that was to be needed—anything that was obviously herb-related or anything close to that, of course. At least Bumblestar didn’t seem to be the squeamish type—obviously—or else they would be risking some patients not having anything done for them or anything close to advance. Yeesh, that would just be absolutely catastrophic, don’t you think?

The sudden bark of laughter that escaped the scarred molly’s lips was quick to grasp Springpaw’s attention, her blue gaze focusing directly onto Bumblestar’s jade-green hues as the molly laughed. Then again, Springpaw couldn’t help but snort right along with the leader as she voiced out her opinions of how both of them definitely canceled each other out. To be quite honest, Springpaw couldn’t agree more to the leader’s comment. “Quite agreed,” she mused, her lips curling into an uptight smile, “I should totally tell you about any other potential times that Drizzlecloud has to drag someone’s butt into the den because they won’t do it themselves. I feel like it’ll give off some enlightenment for the both of us from the current state of events.” Springpaw explained, the white tip of her bushy tail twitching daintily as she imagined out the thoughts. Drizzlecloud making sure whoever is trying to drag themselves away from being checked up actually gets themselves checked out? Definitely something she wouldn't wanna deal with, but it would be funny nonetheless, especially with her uncle being involved in such a thing like that. He was always grumpier than an aggravated porcupine; always acting like a cat snuck a thorn into his nest or if he slept on the wrong side of his nest. The medicine apprentice almost snorted at the thought, but she held herself back, her ears taking in the scarred molly’s next set of words as she grabbed her attention rather quickly.

Bumblestar was thinking that she was fitting into her new role quite well? The calico had to briefly think for a moment to contemplate the words that escaped the leader’s mouth, her head tilting to the side in thought as she pondered about the thought. To be quite honest, she had been growing adjusted to her new—well, it didn’t feel new, but she may as well call it that for the time being—quite well in her own personal opinion. She had already began learning different techniques and herbal remedies from a StarClan member not so long ago and she already began sharing some of those techniques with Drizzlecloud herself. Not to mention, but she could easily feel that she was starting to grow a connection with some of the other cats within her clan. Alderstep being one of them, of course. The tom-cat didn’t show it verbally, but he definitely cared for a lot of his clan-mates. Heck, even he cared for her and he didn’t even bother to show it—except when he would sometimes act like he suddenly became her dad or something like a paternal figure to her. It was a little ackward, but Springpaw didn’t pay much attention towards it. He was like an uncle and she supposed uncles did that sort of thing with their nieces. She never had an uncle before, so it probably felt natural to feel that way even if it was a little weird when he would act like he was her dad at times.

Springpaw’s thoughts on the matter quickly dwindled away when she watched Bumblestar think about the question that escaped the apprentice’s mouth, the calico almost perking up in interest as she awaited to see what the leader was going to respond with. And, with the answer she received… it was to be expected. It was a little quiet, and it did look a little lonesome. The medicine apprentice slowly glanced to look around at the dark, cocoa-colored rigged walls that surrounded the den; the faint smell of sodden wood eliminating off the log as Springpaw further took in her surroundings. The soft cool soil that decorated most of the den’s floor was more than enough to make Springpaw plentifully realize that Bumblestar definitely needed to add in some stuff to her den. It looked almost depressing in a way to just be sitting in here all alone without any sort of decoration along the wooden walls or along the ground. It was just sad. At least Bumblestar was considering adding some decorations to it though, it definitely needed it. It was a little bit of a surprise to the young calico when the leader had asked for the calico’s personal opinion for what could be added into the rather gloomy area. Hmm, well, Springpaw wasn’t necessarily one of the most decorative cats to ask for any decorating, but it was something that had never truly come across her mind before. She was going to definitely need to think about that…

“Hmm… Well, what colors do you like? I was actually planning on going out here soon and maybe drag Alderstep along with me to search for some things to bring back to camp. Of course, I am going to collect some herbs to help restock the herb storage, but it wouldn’t hurt to bring back some stuff, right?” Springpaw rambled, looking in the leader’s direction before continuing, “Although… for some suggestions maybe I could suggest that you could collect some cardinal or blue jay feathers. They are both really pretty and would definitely stand out in your den. Of course, if anything that’s pretty like that wouldn’t really fit your taste, you totally don’t have to go along with what I suggested. It’s just a little idea!” The young calico casted a large grin in replication of her words, her head tilting to the side. Now, with them being on the topic of decorating, she definitely should be thinking of decorating the medicine cat den at some point as well. Would Drizzlecloud agree with it though? Hopefully, because the den already looked dark and creepy—except for the stream—when it became night. Plus, it's already super hard to see at night! Why not let it shine when there’s some stuff that makes it pop out more?


@dino. [sorry! school has been an absolute pain to get responses out :sob: !]

dino. August 26th, 2023 04:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Starfinder (Post 1457437)
Ghostpaw shuffles her outrageously sized paws, nervousness coming in odd surges. "Ah... Okay, so here's the thing. I've been missing protecting cats. Since young, I was forever shielding my brother and his oddball 'Clan', made up of a ton of prey animals, some streetcats, and a fox cub. Not easy job, that. But I did it, and so now, I'm hoping to do the same for my new Clan. ThunderClan. I know protecting isn't just claws and teeth, but also diplomacy. A way to solve problems without bloodshed. Words work just as well as fighting." Ghostpaw pauses, sneaking a peek at Bumblestar.

"It's just nice to see everyone happy at the end of the day... Safe. That feeling... It keeps me going, I guess. And I've been looking for another chance, to just feel... It's empty, with nothing there for me to shield. I... miss it." Ghostpaw never thought she would ever say that. It was pretty irritating with the maniacs, but... How had she never realised how much it meant to her? That word. Protect. Lovely feeling.

She could do a great job, yes yes, if she was given the opportunity. Ghost was gonna give it her all. Her life, maybe. Lost in thought, she drifted to Whisper. I'm gonna make you proud, brother. But... What if... There was a no? Oh well. Ghostpaw hoped that word wouldn't come up.

Bumblestar watched and listened with an unreadable expression. The apprentice was good at speaking, but it wasn't anything new or stand-out to her. Once Ghostpaw was finished, she shifted in her position, sitting up a little taller.

"You've got admirable intentions," she said with a shrug. "But if you're lookin' for something to protect, focus on learning how to do that for the Clan as a whole for right now. Once you've gotten a little further in your training 'n you're getting closer to your warrior name, come talk to me again, yeah?"

dino. August 26th, 2023 04:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Bean_The_Cat (Post 1458558)

You figure he would think twice about applying for hornet after the meeting and the battle. Bumblestar killed beanstar. But hell, he didn't care! they knew bumblestar would figure things out. "hey, Bumblestar? Can we talk?" they asked once they reached the den entrence.

[Sorry it's so bad!!]
@dino. [Bumblebu... star! BUMBLESTAR]

Bumblestar glanced up from rearranging her nest as Wildtwist called through the lichen curtain. She still couldn't decide if she preferred cats waiting outside to speak to her or just barging in - she did know that she hated having to go fetch them.

"Entrance is open," she called out, tone flat. "C'mon in, not gonna bite ya." Well, maybe. Only if they irritated her.

val August 26th, 2023 07:36 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
At this point, Alderstep wouldn't be surprised if the whole of ShadowClan had the impulse to chomp on his throat. He just felt mildly lucky to not have died, though considering he hadn't the first time, maybe it was just the world's way of saying he certainly wasn't going in that way.

Regardless, he had that gross bloody feeling on his chest, both from his neck injury and the new scratch that resided there. He blinked his eyes clear of the sticky stuff that was getting into them from his muzzle wound, and pushed through the lichen entrance. He was too tired to hiss his displeasure (please, Bumblestar, just get rid of that, for star's sake).

"Bumblestar," he greeted roughly, eye twitching in irritation at the pain in his throat that amplified whenever he talked. Back to this again, he supposed. "Three ShadowClan cats on territory. Shypaw, Feathernose, Ghostpaw, Rateye, 'nd Brokenheart helped. Fought them off," Alderstep informed, breathing in deeply, catching the stale-ish scents of cats who had been here in the past few days. "Was just me 'nd Shy at first," he added in contrary. "No deaths."

Paws. White paws and rusty stains on them, multi-colored fur in between his claws. Alderstep stared down at them, frown tugging at his lips. They're messy, more so than usual. He lethargically blinked and looked back up at Bumblestar, wondering if she'd said anything. He stared vacantly. Hopefully, she had no questions. He was tired.


Watermeloon August 26th, 2023 08:02 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1459643)
Bumblestar watched and listened with an unreadable expression. The apprentice was good at speaking, but it wasn't anything new or stand-out to her. Once Ghostpaw was finished, she shifted in her position, sitting up a little taller.

"You've got admirable intentions," she said with a shrug. "But if you're lookin' for something to protect, focus on learning how to do that for the Clan as a whole for right now. Once you've gotten a little further in your training 'n you're getting closer to your warrior name, come talk to me again, yeah?"

" Okay. Thanks for listening, I guess. Goodbye. " Ghostpaw awkwardly shuffles out butt first, keeping her unsettling haze on the leader. Once she's put, the apprentice stares a bit longer, and swishes her fluffy tail, padding, no, tripping away.

Beaan August 27th, 2023 05:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

He sighed before padding in. "Just wanted to make sure I wasn't bothering you, Bumblestar!" he explained before sitting a little ways from the entrance. "So, I heard what you said at the meeting, and It is strange how so many cats asked DURING THE MEETING LIKE-" he paused, realizing he got carried away. They licked their chest in embaressment before resuming. "Sorry. Anyways, I figured i should wait until after the meeting so, here I am," he said, standing up now. "I present myself to you for the hornet rank," they said to the leader. "I want to help my clan, and I know that warriors do the same, but hornets. They do so much more! And I would get an opportunity to work with you, Our leader, as well as do much more. I feel I am suitable for the rank. But," he sat back down, green eyes soft. "If you don't choose me, that is fine. You are my leader, and I respect your choice, no matter what."

[On a scale of 1/10, how would you rate Wild as a cutie?]
@dino. [Bumblebu... star! BUMBLESTAR]

dino. August 28th, 2023 12:11 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by CreeperLover649 (Post 1458147)

~~ Cherrypaw - She/Her - ThunderClan Apprentice ~~
-- A calico/tortoiseshell she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes --
Purrks: Mind Reader

{ @Dino }

It was a day like any other for Cherrypaw. The young Molly was sitting alone in the camp clearing, cleaning her paws, her mind taking her over. That was a really good walk with Drizzlecloud... I think we had so much fun... She brought her head up, thinking carefully for a while, looking around. Hmmm... Next target... Bumblestar. She just wanted to have the high ranks take a break and enjoy the world. A simple walk would do it... However... This could go very badly.

The calico/tortoiseshell she-cat found herself shaking slightly as she made her way to the leader's den. Please don't be mad at me, please don't be mad at me, please don't be mad at me... She kept repeating. Taking a deep breath, the apprentice stuck her head inside the den. "Excuse me, Bumblestar?" She spoke, her voice shaking slightly. "I... Hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me... J-just through the territory... Not too far..." Please don't be mad at me...

Oh. Huh. A pipsqueak in her den. That didn't happen very often. Bumblestar lifted her head and blinked at Cherrypaw as the apprentice entered. A walk?? Her tail twitched, and she was half-tempted to deny the offer, but...

"Sure, what the hell." She rose to her feet and shook out her fur. "I'm followin' you. Lead the way."

dino. August 28th, 2023 12:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Leafí (Post 1459099)
|Beefed Up Tier 1: Inactive | Just A Scratch |

He might be more useful? Was he not useful before? No, probably not... Just not useful to her that is... Eyes narrowing at the words, Cracklepaw bit back a scoff. As if training with her was a privilege! Ha! She was no more than a warrior with a fancy title. Were her skills more advanced then the commoners like himself? Hmmm, probably not, but he was quite eager to find out. "Intriguing offer I must admit," he sniffed "Do what you'd like." Dismissing that small fragment of the conversation, he let the next question be answered with a bout of silence.

"The hell did you even do with the pelt, anyway?"

Uhummm.... How was he supposed to answer that? He maintained a cool and calm exterior, but internally, he was panicking. Oh no... If he told Bumblestar that he not only took it into camp, but shoved it underneath his nest she'd make him take it back! HE COULDN'T LOOSE HIS TROPHY! HE HAD PLANS FOR IT! Mental abode whirling for an answer, Cracklepaw absent mindedly shredded a piece of moss under his claws. Another slice of silence hung in the air before he actually spoke. " Very good question... " he coughed, " Well, I did what any practical and sensible cat would've done. " he drawled " After putting the Shadow fiend out of commission, I was tempted to utilize the pelt, but nearly decided against it. In the end I concluded the best way to reveal our revenge, is by letting them discern it at as close as possible... " Hoping that his big brain vocabulary was far to distracting to recognize that he pretty much danced around the question, Cracklepaw cleared any anxiety in his gaze. He didn't really lie... At least, he didn't think he lied... Actually he wasn't even sure what he spat out. Looking back, his rambling made little to no sense. But that was the point! Maybe Bumblestar would think he was having brain failure so she could let him go without anymore prying questions? Yes, that was a good enough goal... It was better of her to think that he was a mindless heathen than her figure out his true motive.

| @dino. |

Bumblestar squinted at him. Yeah, nope, didn't like that or trust it whatsoever. "That's a really vague answer," she stated flatly. "Not sure I like it or not 'cause I don't even know what it means." If she ended up having to scour the camp for some half-hidden pelt from a ShadowClan corpse, she was going to be pissed. That was not how she wanted to spend her time.

She didn't want to deal with it right now, though. Blissful ignorance, until it came back to bite her, and then she'd handle it. "Whatever, I don't really have the energy to care right now. Just don't do anything stupid with it. Go clean yourself up before someone catches you lookin' like you just took a bath in someone's blood. Thanks for handling that intruder."

She knew he was expecting something more from her, some sort of grand gesture. Too bad for him that she didn't feel like giving him one.

dino. August 28th, 2023 12:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by ares (Post 1459387)
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
Purrks: Herbal Knowledge - Tier 1 | The Collector [active] | Mind Reader [active]


Springpaw nimbly nodded from the leader’s appreciation towards her request, simply remaining quiet about it. It wasn’t hard to hear the hurt that was itching in her leader’s voice when she spoke about being worried about Gentledoe’s wellbeing. It was understandable, yet sad in a way. A lot of cats seemed to be worried for the brown-furred molly’s wellbeing. Especially her and Drizzlecloud. Her stomach clenched from the past conversation that had welled from both her and her mentor, remembering how distraught her mentor looked just from simply applying the poultice to Gentledoe’s gnarly wounds from them both sitting there in the suspending silence silently waiting for Gentledoe to wake up. The brief thought of the molly almost completely tossed the young calico into a deep rabbit hole, making her thoughts twist and twirl like a dancing ballerina from the thought of trying to make sure that Gentledoe was going to be okay. Stars, hopefully that was going to be the case. Oriental-shaped ears grew alert when the mood drastically changed when the leader mentioned that she could visit the leader for any potential help in the medicine den in case there was anything important that was to be needed—anything that was obviously herb-related or anything close to that, of course. At least Bumblestar didn’t seem to be the squeamish type—obviously—or else they would be risking some patients not having anything done for them or anything close to advance. Yeesh, that would just be absolutely catastrophic, don’t you think?

The sudden bark of laughter that escaped the scarred molly’s lips was quick to grasp Springpaw’s attention, her blue gaze focusing directly onto Bumblestar’s jade-green hues as the molly laughed. Then again, Springpaw couldn’t help but snort right along with the leader as she voiced out her opinions of how both of them definitely canceled each other out. To be quite honest, Springpaw couldn’t agree more to the leader’s comment. “Quite agreed,” she mused, her lips curling into an uptight smile, “I should totally tell you about any other potential times that Drizzlecloud has to drag someone’s butt into the den because they won’t do it themselves. I feel like it’ll give off some enlightenment for the both of us from the current state of events.” Springpaw explained, the white tip of her bushy tail twitching daintily as she imagined out the thoughts. Drizzlecloud making sure whoever is trying to drag themselves away from being checked up actually gets themselves checked out? Definitely something she wouldn't wanna deal with, but it would be funny nonetheless, especially with her uncle being involved in such a thing like that. He was always grumpier than an aggravated porcupine; always acting like a cat snuck a thorn into his nest or if he slept on the wrong side of his nest. The medicine apprentice almost snorted at the thought, but she held herself back, her ears taking in the scarred molly’s next set of words as she grabbed her attention rather quickly.

Bumblestar was thinking that she was fitting into her new role quite well? The calico had to briefly think for a moment to contemplate the words that escaped the leader’s mouth, her head tilting to the side in thought as she pondered about the thought. To be quite honest, she had been growing adjusted to her new—well, it didn’t feel new, but she may as well call it that for the time being—quite well in her own personal opinion. She had already began learning different techniques and herbal remedies from a StarClan member not so long ago and she already began sharing some of those techniques with Drizzlecloud herself. Not to mention, but she could easily feel that she was starting to grow a connection with some of the other cats within her clan. Alderstep being one of them, of course. The tom-cat didn’t show it verbally, but he definitely cared for a lot of his clan-mates. Heck, even he cared for her and he didn’t even bother to show it—except when he would sometimes act like he suddenly became her dad or something like a paternal figure to her. It was a little ackward, but Springpaw didn’t pay much attention towards it. He was like an uncle and she supposed uncles did that sort of thing with their nieces. She never had an uncle before, so it probably felt natural to feel that way even if it was a little weird when he would act like he was her dad at times.

Springpaw’s thoughts on the matter quickly dwindled away when she watched Bumblestar think about the question that escaped the apprentice’s mouth, the calico almost perking up in interest as she awaited to see what the leader was going to respond with. And, with the answer she received… it was to be expected. It was a little quiet, and it did look a little lonesome. The medicine apprentice slowly glanced to look around at the dark, cocoa-colored rigged walls that surrounded the den; the faint smell of sodden wood eliminating off the log as Springpaw further took in her surroundings. The soft cool soil that decorated most of the den’s floor was more than enough to make Springpaw plentifully realize that Bumblestar definitely needed to add in some stuff to her den. It looked almost depressing in a way to just be sitting in here all alone without any sort of decoration along the wooden walls or along the ground. It was just sad. At least Bumblestar was considering adding some decorations to it though, it definitely needed it. It was a little bit of a surprise to the young calico when the leader had asked for the calico’s personal opinion for what could be added into the rather gloomy area. Hmm, well, Springpaw wasn’t necessarily one of the most decorative cats to ask for any decorating, but it was something that had never truly come across her mind before. She was going to definitely need to think about that…

“Hmm… Well, what colors do you like? I was actually planning on going out here soon and maybe drag Alderstep along with me to search for some things to bring back to camp. Of course, I am going to collect some herbs to help restock the herb storage, but it wouldn’t hurt to bring back some stuff, right?” Springpaw rambled, looking in the leader’s direction before continuing, “Although… for some suggestions maybe I could suggest that you could collect some cardinal or blue jay feathers. They are both really pretty and would definitely stand out in your den. Of course, if anything that’s pretty like that wouldn’t really fit your taste, you totally don’t have to go along with what I suggested. It’s just a little idea!” The young calico casted a large grin in replication of her words, her head tilting to the side. Now, with them being on the topic of decorating, she definitely should be thinking of decorating the medicine cat den at some point as well. Would Drizzlecloud agree with it though? Hopefully, because the den already looked dark and creepy—except for the stream—when it became night. Plus, it's already super hard to see at night! Why not let it shine when there’s some stuff that makes it pop out more?


@dino. [sorry! school has been an absolute pain to get responses out :sob: !]

A smile tugged at Bumblestar's lips as Springpaw recounted Drizzlecloud's surprisingly fiery temperament - at least, that's what she assumed from that little anecdote. Good to hear her head healer had a solid head on her shoulders and was willing to showcase authority when it called for it; made things easier for Bumblestar in the long run.

Typical tension completely gone, she turned over onto her side to nibble at a piece of bark stuck between her claws as Springpaw went on about potential decorations for her den. "Well, I like orange," she answered simply. "'N red, too. Sometimes blue, but it's gotta be the right color. Maybe you 'n I could go out lookin' for stuff one of these days. Cardinal feathers might be neat." A pause, then she added, "What do you think about skulls? There's a branch pokin' out over the den's entrance, I wanna find something cool to hang off there. I think a skull would be neat. Maybe I could put plants or feathers in the eyeholes. You think that would look cool? Or no?" Great, now she was just rambling. "I don't really know what I wanna do. But I do know I want a skull somewhere."

dino. August 28th, 2023 12:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by navarra (Post 1459739)
At this point, Alderstep wouldn't be surprised if the whole of ShadowClan had the impulse to chomp on his throat. He just felt mildly lucky to not have died, though considering he hadn't the first time, maybe it was just the world's way of saying he certainly wasn't going in that way.

Regardless, he had that gross bloody feeling on his chest, both from his neck injury and the new scratch that resided there. He blinked his eyes clear of the sticky stuff that was getting into them from his muzzle wound, and pushed through the lichen entrance. He was too tired to hiss his displeasure (please, Bumblestar, just get rid of that, for star's sake).

"Bumblestar," he greeted roughly, eye twitching in irritation at the pain in his throat that amplified whenever he talked. Back to this again, he supposed. "Three ShadowClan cats on territory. Shypaw, Feathernose, Ghostpaw, Rateye, 'nd Brokenheart helped. Fought them off," Alderstep informed, breathing in deeply, catching the stale-ish scents of cats who had been here in the past few days. "Was just me 'nd Shy at first," he added in contrary. "No deaths."

Paws. White paws and rusty stains on them, multi-colored fur in between his claws. Alderstep stared down at them, frown tugging at his lips. They're messy, more so than usual. He lethargically blinked and looked back up at Bumblestar, wondering if she'd said anything. He stared vacantly. Hopefully, she had no questions. He was tired.


It felt like every single time Alderstep came into her den, he was covered in blood.

Bumblestar's eye narrowed and she scrambled to her feet, immediately taking note of her deputy's disheveled appearance and the rasp in her voice. Starsdammit, what was the problem now? Oh, of course it was ShadowClan. A furious growl rose in her throat and she quickly huffed it away.

"At least you're all alright." The relief in her voice was mostly veiled by growing ire. “I wanna find their camp and raze it to the ground. Set it on fire, get a pack of wolves to do the job for us, SOMETHING. They’re startin’ to really piss me off, Alderstep, I swear to the skies." Bumblestar’s claws scraped gouges into the den floor as her tail lashed behind her. Dawnstar had been fun at first, but now she was just a nerve-grinder, and one of these days Bumblestar was going to tear her off that grand pedestal of hers and stomp her so far under the ground, she wouldn’t be able to climb back out. "I- starsdammit." Deep breaths, deep breaths, it's FINE, she only wants to murder somebody, totally FINE.

"If that's all that happened, make sure everyone goes to see Drizzlecloud 'n Springpaw if they haven't already. That includes you, too. Don't make me drag you over there."

bubble[error]. August 28th, 2023 01:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1460387)
Oh. Huh. A pipsqueak in her den. That didn't happen very often. Bumblestar lifted her head and blinked at Cherrypaw as the apprentice entered. A walk?? Her tail twitched, and she was half-tempted to deny the offer, but...

"Sure, what the hell." She rose to her feet and shook out her fur. "I'm followin' you. Lead the way."

(So sorry for the short post I am eating lunch at school)

*Cherrypaw gave a sigh of relief and lead the way to the territory*

dino. August 28th, 2023 01:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Bean_The_Cat (Post 1460177)

He sighed before padding in. "Just wanted to make sure I wasn't bothering you, Bumblestar!" he explained before sitting a little ways from the entrance. "So, I heard what you said at the meeting, and It is strange how so many cats asked DURING THE MEETING LIKE-" he paused, realizing he got carried away. They licked their chest in embaressment before resuming. "Sorry. Anyways, I figured i should wait until after the meeting so, here I am," he said, standing up now. "I present myself to you for the hornet rank," they said to the leader. "I want to help my clan, and I know that warriors do the same, but hornets. They do so much more! And I would get an opportunity to work with you, Our leader, as well as do much more. I feel I am suitable for the rank. But," he sat back down, green eyes soft. "If you don't choose me, that is fine. You are my leader, and I respect your choice, no matter what."

[On a scale of 1/10, how would you rate Wild as a cutie?]
@dino. [Bumblebu... star! BUMBLESTAR]

Oh, well this was interesting. Bumblestar sat at attention as Wildtwist spoke. An amused snort left her. "Beats me as to why cats can't listen," she said with a shrug. "Their problem in the end, not mine. Appreciate you for being sensible and waiting, that counts for something."

He was interested, too. Good to know. "As far as I've seen, you've been pretty solid so far." A tilt of her head. "You're present around camp, you're doing things right, you're dedicated. Tell you what, I wanna take you out for a spar 'n we'll go from there. That sound good to you?"

[ 10/10 so squishable ]

Beaan August 28th, 2023 04:08 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Wildtwist's eyes lit up with happiness. He could become a hornet if he spared? Alright! "Thank you, Bumblestar. Sounds like a plan. Should we go now?" he asked the leader. He knew a spar would be hard. Bumblestar was an experienced leader, but they knew they could do it. Even if they couldn't, they would still be proud. His green eyes beamed with pride.

[true, very squishable]
@dino. [Bumblestar]

val August 28th, 2023 06:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1460403)
It felt like every single time Alderstep came into her den, he was covered in blood.

Bumblestar's eye narrowed and she scrambled to her feet, immediately taking note of her deputy's disheveled appearance and the rasp in her voice. Starsdammit, what was the problem now? Oh, of course it was ShadowClan. A furious growl rose in her throat and she quickly huffed it away.

"At least you're all alright." The relief in her voice was mostly veiled by growing ire. “I wanna find their camp and raze it to the ground. Set it on fire, get a pack of wolves to do the job for us, SOMETHING. They’re startin’ to really piss me off, Alderstep, I swear to the skies." Bumblestar’s claws scraped gouges into the den floor as her tail lashed behind her. Dawnstar had been fun at first, but now she was just a nerve-grinder, and one of these days Bumblestar was going to tear her off that grand pedestal of hers and stomp her so far under the ground, she wouldn’t be able to climb back out. "I- starsdammit." Deep breaths, deep breaths, it's FINE, she only wants to murder somebody, totally FINE.

"If that's all that happened, make sure everyone goes to see Drizzlecloud 'n Springpaw if they haven't already. That includes you, too. Don't make me drag you over there."

The last time he'd been in here, reporting about some annoying shadowrat, Bubmlestar had rambled on and on about her murderous desires. Seemed about normal, so Alderstep did his best to wait it out. He might've made a snarky comment about how he was, like, maybe-bleeding. And she was. Ranting. And keeping him here. But whatever. Up was down, and down was up, and he was still tired, so he kept quiet just this once.

"I 'rdered them to," he mumbled affirmatively, feeling the floor drop out from under his paws in a nauseating way. Whoa. Alderstep nodded, and wow. Dizzy. Time for sleep. "Wouldn' dream of 't," he said in final reply, turning back around to leave. He almost bashed his nose on the log wall, but he managed to get out of the den miraculously.

dino. August 30th, 2023 11:32 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
Bumblestar's fur bristled as she stormed into camp, tail lashing behind her. Usually walks helped calm her down, but not in this case, apparently. A certain cat had really succeeded in ticking her off.

"CRACKLEPAW!" she thundered, a snarl turning her tone rough as she made her way across the clearing. "Get out here, now! I want to see you in my den!" She almost wished he would give her a reason to drag him out, and she shouldered through the lichen curtain to wait for him.


elaif August 30th, 2023 10:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
|Beefed Up Tier 1: Inactive | Just A Scratch |

Uh oh...
The amber set of eyes slowly widened as Bumblestars voice boomed across the clearing. She sounded mad... Really mad. Swallowing the bolder that rested in his throat, Cracklepaw peeked out of the apprentices den; face shrouded beneath the concealing leaves. He was more than just a little tempted to remain where he stood, but the consequences of not heeding her order scared him even more than a possible punishment. So, with those thoughts in tow, he began his miserable journey to her den. On the way there, A couple of thoughts crossed his mind. The little musings slowly came to soothe his heavy shoulders as they continued to circuit around his brain. Why was he getting in trouble again? Because he had kindly returned what remained of the the foul intruder he had slaughtered. Now what was wrong with that? That was BEYOND him! He was doing both Shadowclan and Bumblestar a favor! He returned the Shadow Lurkers missing hairball, and he helped Bumblestar show them that Thunderclan wasn't messing around! They meant business! He simply proved that Thunderclan could be just as (or more) violent as Shadowclan! See? That wasn't so bad was it? Of course it wasn't! Bumblestar was just jealous that she didn't come up with this idea.

Attitude restored at the revelation, his feeble, and hunched over scampering was quickly transferred back into his confident stride. Head held high and his countenance wrinkled into a scowl, he dipped into the den. Eyes surveying the leader, he plopped down and sniffed. "What do you want?" knowing the answer to his own question, he skipped ahead. " I hope you know I'm not going to apologize... Apologizing is for sniveling cowards. And last time I checked.. I'm not a coward." lifting his large white paw, he dropped his gaze to examine the set of freakishly long black claws. "But nevertheless, you can begin your endless yammering, you hag. Just know I probably won't take your scolding to heart." Mind already made up, he returned his narrowed gaze back to his leader. Whatever punishment that would follow his words, were undeserved. And he'd make sure Bumblebrat would get an earful on why she was overreacting and treating him unfairly, and that was that.

|Mentions: @dino. |


dino. August 30th, 2023 11:04 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by elaif (Post 1461600)
|Beefed Up Tier 1: Inactive | Just A Scratch |

Uh oh...
The amber set of eyes slowly widened as Bumblestars voice boomed across the clearing. She sounded mad... Really mad. Swallowing the bolder that rested in his throat, Cracklepaw peeked out of the apprentices den; face shrouded beneath the concealing leaves. He was more than just a little tempted to remain where he stood, but the consequences of not heeding her order scared him even more than a possible punishment. So, with those thoughts in tow, he began his miserable journey to her den. On the way there, A couple of thoughts crossed his mind. The little musings slowly came to soothe his heavy shoulders as they continued to circuit around his brain. Why was he getting in trouble again? Because he had kindly returned what remained of the the foul intruder he had slaughtered. Now what was wrong with that? That was BEYOND him! He was doing both Shadowclan and Bumblestar a favor! He returned the Shadow Lurkers missing hairball, and he helped Bumblestar show them that Thunderclan wasn't messing around! They meant business! He simply proved that Thunderclan could be just as (or more) violent as Shadowclan! See? That wasn't so bad was it? Of course it wasn't! Bumblestar was just jealous that she didn't come up with this idea.

Attitude restored at the revelation, his feeble, and hunched over scampering was quickly transferred back into his confident stride. Head held high and his countenance wrinkled into a scowl, he dipped into the den. Eyes surveying the leader, he plopped down and sniffed. "What do you want?" knowing the answer to his own question, he skipped ahead. " I hope you know I'm not going to apologize... Apologizing is for sniveling cowards. And last time I checked.. I'm not a coward." lifting his large white paw, he dropped his gaze to examine the set of freakishly long black claws. "But nevertheless, you can begin your endless yammering, you hag. Just know I probably won't take your scolding to heart." Mind already made up, he returned his narrowed gaze back to his leader. Whatever punishment that would follow his words, were undeserved. And he'd make sure Bumblebrat would get an earful on why she was overreacting and treating him unfairly, and that was that.

|Mentions: @dino. |


Five seconds in and she already wanted to bite him to shut him up.

"For once, shut your starsdamned mouth and stop talking," Bumblestar snapped at him. "I'm not asking you to apologize, I'm telling you that that stunt you pulled was a real crappy idea on your part and I'm pissed about it." A deep breath in, a deep breath out. "And I'm trying to explain it to you in a way that your sand-grain-sized-brain will actually understand."

Stamping down the urge to swat him, she ran her tongue over her jaws. "You were a complete bee-brain tonight. Pulling that kind of thing in the middle of a Gathering, are you kiddin' me? Look, I don't care what you or anyone else does on your own time, but you can't go around flaunting it. Consequences exist, idiot, and whatever results from whatever game you're playing isn't gonna be pretty, especially if Dawnstar comes after our tails to prove a point, 'cause that's absolutely something she would do."

Bumblestar stared him down, hoping that she could somehow telepathically beam the message into Cracklepaw's apparently-non-existent-brain. "You're banned from Gatherings; if I see you at one from here on out, you're done. I don't want you outta camp by yourself anymore, 'n if I catch you, or someone else does, you're done. You do one more thing to piss me off, and you're done, you understand? You've got so much potential to be useful to ThunderClan, but you choose to shove it aside 'n pull crap like this instead. This is your last warning. I won't have you drag us down with your hare-brained antics."

She should claw him to drive the point home, she really should.

elaif August 31st, 2023 02:03 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
|Beefed Up Tier 1: Inactive | Just A Scratch |

Lower jaw clenching at her words, the apprentice continued to stare daggers at the leader. The impulsive decision to interrupt her seething words was great, but not greater than his former fears. Blinking dully into the distance, he let his mind slip into a temporary coma. Wow, this was a waste of his time. He could've been sleeping right about now, but no... of course Bumblestar had to speak her mind on something so insignificant. The words droned at meaningless pace in his head. There wasn't a point listening to something he had heard countless of times. By this time he logged each and every word away; letting it flow into one ear and out the other.

Taking his time to shuffle through Bumblestars words, he caught a hold of something that he couldn't hold his tongue on. Squawking out a laugh, he raised a bemused brow at the molly. " You stupid little creature," he snorted " How will my accomplishments be seen if I don't 'flaunt' them? You seem to be keen on hiding the obvious sins of Thunderclan. But what you don't realize, is that whatever is done in the dark will be exposed. I simply revealed my actions sooner than your preferred time." His undignified expression fanned over his leader while a small smirk played at his maw. " I assure you the consequences don't worry me, and they shouldn't bother you either. Weren't you the one confident in keeping the other clans at bay?" voice holding a bit of accusations, he eyed her up and down. " Dawnstar and her goons shouldn't even perpetrate the fringes of your mind. Not unless all of your big talk of Thunderclan not taking crap from anyone was all lies? I didn't take you for a lair, Bumblestar. But I suppose I could be wrong. " Shrugging lightly, he whisked his tail over his paws.

" To add to this; I understand your concern of drawing unnecessary attention towards us, but you must look at the bigger picture. My actions are simply our small steps into success. The more we bruise and batter the other clans, the sooner they understand that we aren't playing around. We won't be respected, we'll be feared! Something that Thunderclan hasn't been for countless of years! Every single missing leader, every single joke of a deputy has stained out reputation. But we can can erase it all by taking charge now! Kick them while they're weak, make then bleed from the past scars, rip them apart until they BEG for mercy!" the words left the back of his throat through clenched teeth. He didn't care if Bumblestar refused to take him seriously, he didn't care if she turned him away while scoffing at his reasons. If she didn't take want to take action, then he would do it himself. And wouldn't stop until his very life was ripped out of him. Bumblestar was proving to be someone who could lead this broken and wretched clan to victory, but all she needed was a little push. All she needed was to see that they were this close to victory, and all they needed to do was take initiative.

His feelings on being banned from the gathering wasn't too troubling. The only reason why he liked going, was to harass cats other than his clan mates. This would give him time to help Mapleface babysit her demon spawn. A slightly minor loss, but it was tolerable.
The yellow hues found Bumblestar again as she tossed out the word 'potential'. Wait, really? Did she actually say he had potential? Aside from already knowing he was the most useful guy around, he found it intriguing that Bumblestar admitted it herself. Eh... It was probably nothing. She may of just said that to keep him from misbehaving again. And to be quite honest... It worked to an extent. " Hmmm- I suppose I could keep my behavior intact. Although that isn't a promise, I'll play your game for the time being." Could he though? Could he go a day without freaking out over something? That was an interesting thought... A thought that would soon be put to test

Eyes flashing once more, he regarnered his consciousness back to the small, scarred leader that sat before him.

| @dino. |
(Yikes... So I accidentally went on a prattle with him, I didn't plan on it being so long, srry about that:sob: )

dino. August 31st, 2023 02:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by elaif (Post 1461777)
|Beefed Up Tier 1: Inactive | Just A Scratch |

Lower jaw clenching at her words, the apprentice continued to stare daggers at the leader. The impulsive decision to interrupt her seething words was great, but not greater than his former fears. Blinking dully into the distance, he let his mind slip into a temporary coma. Wow, this was a waste of his time. He could've been sleeping right about now, but no... of course Bumblestar had to speak her mind on something so insignificant. The words droned at meaningless pace in his head. There wasn't a point listening to something he had heard countless of times. By this time he logged each and every word away; letting it flow into one ear and out the other.

Taking his time to shuffle through Bumblestars words, he caught a hold of something that he couldn't hold his tongue on. Squawking out a laugh, he raised a bemused brow at the molly. " You stupid little creature," he snorted " How will my accomplishments be seen if I don't 'flaunt' them? You seem to be keen on hiding the obvious sins of Thunderclan. But what you don't realize, is that whatever is done in the dark will be exposed. I simply revealed my actions sooner than your preferred time." His undignified expression fanned over his leader while a small smirk played at his maw. " I assure you the consequences don't worry me, and they shouldn't bother you either. Weren't you the one confident in keeping the other clans at bay?" voice holding a bit of accusations, he eyed her up and down. " Dawnstar and her goons shouldn't even perpetrate the fringes of your mind. Not unless all of your big talk of Thunderclan not taking crap from anyone was all lies? I didn't take you for a lair, Bumblestar. But I suppose I could be wrong. " Shrugging lightly, he whisked his tail over his paws.

" To add to this; I understand your concern of drawing unnecessary attention towards us, but you must look at the bigger picture. My actions are simply our small steps into success. The more we bruise and batter the other clans, the sooner they understand that we aren't playing around. We won't be respected, we'll be feared! Something that Thunderclan hasn't been for countless of years! Every single missing leader, every single joke of a deputy has stained out reputation. But we can can erase it all by taking charge now! Kick them while they're weak, make then bleed from the past scars, rip them apart until they BEG for mercy!" the words left the back of his throat through clenched teeth. He didn't care if Bumblestar refused to take him seriously, he didn't care if she turned him away while scoffing at his reasons. If she didn't take want to take action, then he would do it himself. And wouldn't stop until his very life was ripped out of him. Bumblestar was proving to be someone who could lead this broken and wretched clan to victory, but all she needed was a little push. All she needed was to see that they were this close to victory, and all they needed to do was take initiative.

His feelings on being banned from the gathering wasn't too troubling. The only reason why he liked going, was to harass cats other than his clan mates. This would give him time to help Mapleface babysit her demon spawn. A slightly minor loss, but it was tolerable.
The yellow hues found Bumblestar again as she tossed out the word 'potential'. Wait, really? Did she actually say he had potential? Aside from already knowing he was the most useful guy around, he found it intriguing that Bumblestar admitted it herself. Eh... It was probably nothing. She may of just said that to keep him from misbehaving again. And to be quite honest... It worked to an extent. " Hmmm- I suppose I could keep my behavior intact. Although that isn't a promise, I'll play your game for the time being." Could he though? Could he go a day without freaking out over something? That was an interesting thought... A thought that would soon be put to test

Eyes flashing once more, he regarnered his consciousness back to the small, scarred leader that sat before him.

| @dino. |
(Yikes... So I accidentally went on a prattle with him, I didn't plan on it being so long, srry about that:sob: )

Bumblestar's claws came out and dug into the bark below her feet, and for a moment she imagined that she was ripping them through both of Cracklepaw's freakishly large ears to teach him how to shut the hell up. Hadn't she just warned him? And now it seemed as if he were intentionally pissing her off.

where was the nearest lake she wanted to drown him in it

"Clearly you don't understand how these things work." Her voice was low, laced with anger and vexation just barely contained. A loud Bumblestar was bad; a quiet Bumblestar was worse. "And you seem awfully intent on making things ten times harder for me and everyone else around you in the wake of war. So until you learn to control yourself, you can tag along with Mapleface around camp. Enjoy a moon as Cracklekit. No patrols, no training, no outside excursions. Make yourself useful by cleaning up around here. If I catch you breaking rules, bothering others, or just generally being a freakin' nuisance, I'll have you removed 'n make sure you aren't able to come back. Now get the hell out of my den. This will be your final warning. Don't ever try to test me again."

Goopysharkboi September 1st, 2023 04:25 AM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
Rateye quietly and hesitantly stepped towards the entrance of the den. "Miss Bumblestar, ma'am..? Is it alright for me to enter? I understand if it isn't, I just... I haven't had an apprentice yet and I wanna train one of the next ones." His soft voice rang through the cave. He seemed nervous about this. "I feel like training an apprentice would help me learn more about mentoring and even possibly train one so well that they are just as good as me in combat.

Rani September 2nd, 2023 06:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1457172)
Bumblestar blinked. "Uh. Oh. Uh, yeah, no, I don't really know what that's called, never cared to give that much thought. 'Shrimp' is just like... an expression, I guess?" How could she explain this without making it sound weird? "It's somethin' I picked up in Twolegplace a long time ago. Just means someone's tiny. Where you might as well be big as a mountain, I'm a shrimp compared to you." She reached out to give Mudhound another light prod and then wrinkled her nose. "I don't actually know what a shrimp is. I didn't think to ask."

At their next quip, she snorted. "Nah, don't worry about that. I don't care what idiots say about me. They're not smart enough to warrant thinking about."

Once Mudhound started getting into the explanation, though, she settled down and tilted her head, paying as much attention as possible. It was... not the happiest history. Interesting to know she was named after someone like that, but where she thought she'd feel some kind of, well, something, she instead felt nothing at all. "Huh. Interesting. Well, y'know, bad interesting, but still interesting."

Her expression softened just a touch after they asked to move on, and she leaned forward to gently headbutt them in the shoulder. "Sure. What else do you wanna talk about?"

Ah, so they were both oblivious! Mudhound gave a sage nod at the admission of having no clue what things were called, well used to being completely out of the loop in specific words and the origins of said other words. Words in general were hard ok?

Hard but fun! "Yeah there's some fun words in the twolegplace! I picked up a few that are really fun to say but cats usually get confused when I say them so I dont! The cat who taught me was super old and talked weird though.... I wonder what was up with that." He said he used to live very far away and his twolegs took him in a metal thing like a monster but he was in it for a super long time and when they got out the entire world was different. Mudhound didnt really understand what he meant but they'd liked his funny meowing. "If he was here he'd probably say stuff like uhhhh...." Here they affected a weird accent "Goodness Mudhound youre such a flibbertigibbet! All your malarky is giving me the collywobbles and making me rather bumfuzzled! At least youre not a snollygoster like that whippersnapper Beanstar though. Hrmph complain about the weather and stuff." The warrior grinned at their sister like what they just said made total sense, which to be fair it did, to them who'd been taught what this stuff means.

Ah the weirdness of Mudhound stuck again. Knew what these bizarre words meant but shrimp or even 'elaborate' was enough to stump them.
They then moved on with no explanation.

"Yeah I bet you could beat any jerks up if they tried to make fun of you though." The tripod idly scratched a floppy ear, tongue bleping out "I bet you couldve beat Hornetsting to crying, thatd serve him right." A happier thought about that whole mess perhaps but Mudhound wasnt still happy Bumblestar moved things on.

Plus they got a head bump out of it! Return fire was immediately unleashed with the warrior trying to bump their own large flat head against their sister in turn. Issue is..... The maine coon was quite a bit bigger, had little concept of their own strength, and had a very thick skull. Many could attest to that last one. So the affectionate bump may be a bit harder then warranted.... Oops and not that Mudhound noticed.

"Hmmmm...." The tripod seemed a bit stumped on what to speak on for a moment (how rare) before perking up "Weeeeelll I dont have a ton to talk on left really but what about maybe a wrap up talk about our favorite preys or things we like to do? So were not at least ending on a bad note."

fade September 4th, 2023 12:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
Heaven is correct
Heaven says
Heaven says
You are in d̶̟͂ǎ̶̡ň̴̰ġ̴̙e̶̹̾r̶̡̃

Purrk(s): Silver Tongue [ Disabled ]
Ragged furred, deep brown tabby bobtail, a patch of scarring cover burn’s muzzle and left side of burn’s face
Burn/Burnself Neopronouns Only [AMAB] || 27 Moons Old || Warrior of Thunderclan
[ Mention(s): @dino. ]

Entering the den briskly, the cat cleared burn’ s throat after tapping a paw on the dens opening to alert the shecat of burn’s presence. “Bumblestar? I am filled with boredom, do you need anything done around camp? Should I go ask Drizzlecloud if she needs any extra herbs? Sitting still is not something I find attractive, so name something and I’ll get it done” The warrior mews, ears perked to full attention, amber eyes widened as they adjusted to the dimmer light, this den was…quite gloomy if Singesmoke had been one to comment on it’s design. The log that was used at its walls was…an interesting choice.

iliri September 5th, 2023 08:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
Purrks: Herbal Knowledge - Tier 1 | The Collector [active] | Mind Reader [active]


Crimson. Foxes. Death. It was all engorged into her mind. Skyrocketing into the den faster than a speeding jet, the calico struck her way through the lichen that hung over the den as fear-drenched eyes scanned across the den. Her dream had to have some sort of meeting to it, right? Foxes that smelt horribly of ShadowClan, those vile beings killing her clan-mates and tossing them around like they were simply rubbish was more than enough to stick to her brain like helpless glue. “B-Bumblestar,” she croaked, fighting against the itching in her throat as she shuffled herself towards the leader, fighting the unbridled staggering breaths that escaped her lungs as she approached the scarred molly, trying her hardest to hold still as her lips quivered, eyes twinkling with pure fear and bittersweet panic. “F… f-foxes! F-foxes by border… ShadowClan… dream! I… I had a dream about foxes being in ThunderClan territory… smelling heavily of ShadowClan… I-I think StarClan sent it to me. I’m not sure, but it felt… so surreal.” A quiet shudder surpassed her lips as she felt her voice almost break entirely as she spoke, the eleven moon old feline fighting the bitter taste of panic and fear that thrummetted throughout her body. A part of her screamed for her to explain the dream in more detail; to let Bumblestar know what she truly witnessed, but she had to keep her jaws as shut as she could without rambling the thought seamlessly to the leader. She just had to believe her first.


@dino. [terrified spring go brrr]

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