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Galaxy Of Wisdom January 15th, 2018 09:27 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 455263)

A purr, clear as day arose from the she-cat as she simply stood up. Her amber hues glowed with amusement still, clearly unafraid of the felines before her. "Well of course you'd know I'm here, I wasn't hiding," she responded. The purr was still clear in her voice as she spoke. Blade had realized she stumbled upon yet another feline who thought they were big and bad. Blade never thought that of anyone, not even herself, she just knew she could fight if she needed to and that was it. Her smart mouth was normally the cause for it. "I've no purpose here though, I was just exploring and realized the old building here finally had residents. Came quite a shock so I had to see more," she finished, raising her tail in the air in a friendly gesture. Hades could continue his act as long as he wanted, Blade would play her act in return. She learned aggressive cats took it one of two ways; they either lighten up or straight out attack her. @Sasukewolf (madness)

Hades flicked his ear as his tail moved a bit as he looks at the molly, a beautiful molly one might say. It was obvious she was dangerous she had the look and act of a killer. The purr was a bit cold but it was enough to make the tom smiles softly. “ oh how I’m weak to the deadly beauty of cats. Fine. “ he says as his claws sheathed as he begins to look at her. “ you’re scent of that dusk syndicate right? Why are you here exploring when you should be getting revenge on clans that talk to the stars and hunt for the weak. Like order with laws of kits. “ he says coldly as he begins to walk up to her “ yet y’all are acting on revenge and bloodlust as well right? Such a mighty order until your fall later on. How pitiful but interesting nonetheless. I am Hades, the one who claims this land as my own along with my many loves that I hold dear and of course my kit shadow. “ he begins to stand in front of her with a soft smile “ but one last thing that I can’t help but notice. You’re amber eyes as beautiful as the flames of rage and power. Burning with a passion... like a killer.” He Says with a dark purr. “ tell me dear, what do you seek now?”

SuspiciousMindz January 15th, 2018 09:39 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

To be quite fair with you, Blade wasn't expecting the sudden flirting. Normally she was the one to provoke it, but this time it was the other way around. A nice change I suppose, she thought to herself as she stood a little taller when she noticed him start moving towards her. Her stance was rather elegant, but prepared to be attacked in the same way. It was an odd combination, yet she managed to pull it off. "The only revenge I seek is with a clan deputy and that's it. The clans mean nothing to me otherwise, I let them be for as long as I'm not ordered to attack," she spoke. She as rather vague about the situation, but she thought it was enough. It was a rare thing for any cat to hear anything of her background -- detail wise. Blade didn't even introduce herself, she allowed Hades to nickname her what he wished, she was used to that at least. "Many loves though? Seems a bit odd for a tom like you, but I won't judge. Seems a bit distracting from the whole goal of the complex way to survive out here. That's my opinion though and then again, I can't talk seeing as I've no love nor am I here to look for one," the purr in her voice stopped towards the ends of that statement. Instead, it was replaced with a hint of challenge, as if Blade was challenging this tom to catch her attention in that manner. When Hades did stand before her, she gave him a once-over but didn't say anything. She didn't answer the rest of his statements, leaving the conversation vague until he was willing to dig.
@Sasukewolf (madness)

pomegranate January 15th, 2018 09:45 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 455269)
Hades flicked his ear as his tail moved a bit as he looks at the molly, a beautiful molly one might say. It was obvious she was dangerous she had the look and act of a killer. The purr was a bit cold but it was enough to make the tom smiles softly. “ oh how I’m weak to the deadly beauty of cats. Fine. “ he says as his claws sheathed as he begins to look at her. “ you’re scent of that dusk syndicate right? Why are you here exploring when you should be getting revenge on clans that talk to the stars and hunt for the weak. Like order with laws of kits. “ he says coldly as he begins to walk up to her “ yet y’all are acting on revenge and bloodlust as well right? Such a mighty order until your fall later on. How pitiful but interesting nonetheless. I am Hades, the one who claims this land as my own along with my many loves that I hold dear and of course my kit shadow. “ he begins to stand in front of her with a soft smile “ but one last thing that I can’t help but notice. You’re amber eyes as beautiful as the flames of rage and power. Burning with a passion... like a killer.” He Says with a dark purr. “ tell me dear, what do you seek now?”

Quinoa slowly got to her paws. Teetering on three legs, she lurched away from the voices. She couldn’t stay here. Not with Hades and his group, and the newcomer. The new cat smelled of the Dusk Syndicate. She hated Clan cats, by the Dusk Syndicate was alright. She broke out of the woods, far away from Hades and the intruder. The sunlight reached her pelt, and she hobbled away from the schoolhouse. She spotted a small shed, crumbling and rotted. She reached the entrance, and smelled only mice and weeds. She scooped up some dirt and plants on the floor, and curled up in the dank structure. She laid her head on her paws, cradling her wounded leg with care. Her yellow eyes drooped closed. For the fourth time, she drifted into unconsciousness.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 15th, 2018 10:18 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 455275)

To be quite fair with you, Blade wasn't expecting the sudden flirting. Normally she was the one to provoke it, but this time it was the other way around. A nice change I suppose, she thought to herself as she stood a little taller when she noticed him start moving towards her. Her stance was rather elegant, but prepared to be attacked in the same way. It was an odd combination, yet she managed to pull it off. "The only revenge I seek is with a clan deputy and that's it. The clans mean nothing to me otherwise, I let them be for as long as I'm not ordered to attack," she spoke. She as rather vague about the situation, but she thought it was enough. It was a rare thing for any cat to hear anything of her background -- detail wise. Blade didn't even introduce herself, she allowed Hades to nickname her what he wished, she was used to that at least. "Many loves though? Seems a bit odd for a tom like you, but I won't judge. Seems a bit distracting from the whole goal of the complex way to survive out here. That's my opinion though and then again, I can't talk seeing as I've no love nor am I here to look for one," the purr in her voice stopped towards the ends of that statement. Instead, it was replaced with a hint of challenge, as if Blade was challenging this tom to catch her attention in that manner. When Hades did stand before her, she gave him a once-over but didn't say anything. She didn't answer the rest of his statements, leaving the conversation vague until he was willing to dig.
@Sasukewolf (madness)

Hades smiles “ a deputy huh? That’s the one next in line to lead huh? What did this one do? Did they break your heart or stole something from you hmm? Or maybe they just embarrassed made you weak with simple attacks?” He purrs playfully as d begins to walk around her “ to survive is to kill. I’ve killed enough, I have many loves because I know for sure I’m most likely to die sooner or later.. I don’t want them to be alone. I want them to have each other as I die in battle. “ He says calmly as he stands by her smiling at her. “ oh? No love huh? “ he says calmly as he laughs softly. “ than that’s a problem daring when I see someone who is as elegant as the moon and as beautiful and shining as the sun I can’t simply ignore it. Daring I want you, you’re a killer like I. A monster hidden behind smiles and beauty and I’m than willing to awaken that beast within. “ he says with a soft purr as he begins to walk forward a bit before turning to look her. “ so don’t worry daring I accept your challenge. Do whatever it takes to keep that heart of yours from beating because I’m not holding back than again when it comes to love. I never hold back “ he says in a dark husky voice.

SuspiciousMindz January 15th, 2018 10:35 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

It was in that moment, a small huff of air came from the she-cat. "What makes you assume I'm such a killer, Prince Charming? That's a big accusation from the simple Dusk Syndicate statement," she replied, her tone full of curiosity. Her head turned slightly as he walked around her, her orbs following him until he stood beside her. She, again, didn't answer his question, it appeared to go over her head as he began talking about 'his loves'. It was an odd way to see things and she wondered if those felines were actually okay with it, or if they were just acting like they were so they didn't have to leave. Felines do strange things for survival and so far, he's proven that statement true too. When he took a few steps forward, she didn't. She simply met his gaze, unflinching. Challenge accepted? another new one. "Holding back would simply make it harder for you. You accepted a challenge you can't win, assuming there was challenge to begin with," she replied simply, her brow raising and her tail flicking behind her. Her chin lifted up a little as a small grin crossed her muzzle.

@Sasukewolf (madness)

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 15th, 2018 11:20 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 455291)

It was in that moment, a small huff of air came from the she-cat. "What makes you assume I'm such a killer, Prince Charming? That's a big accusation from the simple Dusk Syndicate statement," she replied, her tone full of curiosity. Her head turned slightly as he walked around her, her orbs following him until he stood beside her. She, again, didn't answer his question, it appeared to go over her head as he began talking about 'his loves'. It was an odd way to see things and she wondered if those felines were actually okay with it, or if they were just acting like they were so they didn't have to leave. Felines do strange things for survival and so far, he's proven that statement true too. When he took a few steps forward, she didn't. She simply met his gaze, unflinching. Challenge accepted? another new one. "Holding back would simply make it harder for you. You accepted a challenge you can't win, assuming there was challenge to begin with," she replied simply, her brow raising and her tail flicking behind her. Her chin lifted up a little as a small grin crossed her muzzle.

@Sasukewolf (madness)

He smiles “ the way you hold yourself. Like a slient Assassin proud and true but deadly. “ he says calmly as he looks at her “ I can smell the call of death on you. Or maybe it’s mine” he says with a soft purr as he begins to looks around a bit his ears pick up a bit than he looks at her. “ no holding back will make it more difficult for you. To tease is enjoyable to me and say whatever you want. My heart is big enough for plenty my dear... I don’t have much time anymore and if I were to fight you I would most likely die either way due to this injury. I know plenty of tricks my dear, or should I saw my cold queen “ He says as he begins to turn around. “ may all those old enough to kill and love join me here. In the building of death and desire under the stars that no longer shine on our dark deeds. May the moon fade and the sun dim to the sins of what we’ve done. Let darkness hold you close my dear” He looks at her and smiles a dark smile as the wind picks up a bit moving though his white and sliver fur showing more scars and the wound on his neck. He almost looked like a angel in a way but his eyes held a dangerous glow the mark of the angel of death. How sweet.

lio January 15th, 2018 12:10 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
bounding through the forest, osirus clawed every little thing that got in his way. was he annoyed? no, that was an understatement. he was furious. measly little felines can't deal with some fright? pitiful. so, so pitiful. his tail lashed and he stopped under a dark tree, crouching down. thorn-sharp claws tore at the ground below as he mumbled nonsensical insults about the others. mindless, dirty pieces of mouse dung. i couldn't care less about if they jumped off a cliff. growling lowly, osirus rolled onto his side. they better be gone soon. with that thought in mind, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

SuspiciousMindz January 15th, 2018 12:45 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 455328)
He smiles “ the way you hold yourself. Like a slient Assassin proud and true but deadly. “ he says calmly as he looks at her “ I can smell the call of death on you. Or maybe it’s mine” he says with a soft purr as he begins to looks around a bit his ears pick up a bit than he looks at her. “ no holding back will make it more difficult for you. To tease is enjoyable to me and say whatever you want. My heart is big enough for plenty my dear... I don’t have much time anymore and if I were to fight you I would most likely die either way due to this injury. I know plenty of tricks my dear, or should I saw my cold queen “ He says as he begins to turn around. “ may all those old enough to kill and love join me here. In the building of death and desire under the stars that no longer shine on our dark deeds. May the moon fade and the sun dim to the sins of what we’ve done. Let darkness hold you close my dear” He looks at her and smiles a dark smile as the wind picks up a bit moving though his white and sliver fur showing more scars and the wound on his neck. He almost looked like a angel in a way but his eyes held a dangerous glow the mark of the angel of death. How sweet.

Blade rolled her eyes a little, sitting herself down. "You're probably just smelling yourself. These claws are innocent, marked with blood from those who deserve death... Or those we think deserve death. I find some kills hard, but only because evidence says these cats are innocent, but a jobs a job," she countered, the friendliness of her tone slowly dissipating. "Not everyone enjoys that type of darkness following them around, you're trained or born into it. The trained ones are the foolish ones," she spoke. Blade truly believed that those who chose to train for this life were foolish, she would've chosen a different path had she not been the daughter of the co-commander. Now, the following nickname Hades gave her, made her scoff. The queen part was a little too far now. "You've a different queen to worry about, the names Blade. Short and simple." she concluded, her amber orbs averting from the feline for once to glance towards the building he claimed.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 15th, 2018 12:56 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 455347)

Blade rolled her eyes a little, sitting herself down. "You're probably just smelling yourself. These claws are innocent, marked with blood from those who deserve death... Or those we think deserve death. I find some kills hard, but only because evidence says these cats are innocent, but a jobs a job," she countered, the friendliness of her tone slowly dissipating. "Not everyone enjoys that type of darkness following them around, you're trained or born into it. The trained ones are the foolish ones," she spoke. Blade truly believed that those who chose to train for this life were foolish, she would've chosen a different path had she not been the daughter of the co-commander. Now, the following nickname Hades gave her, made her scoff. The queen part was a little too far now. "You've a different queen to worry about, the names Blade. Short and simple." she concluded, her amber orbs averting from the feline for once to glance towards the building he claimed.

He laughs softly “ they come seeking fame and fortune. They seek to take my loves and my home, I accepted the challenge and they die or live to work under me. “ he looks up “ I wasn’t trained in darkness I was born into it yet... I don’t remember when or how. I hardly remember anything of my past. All I can remember remember is a dead body before me and the fast beating of my heart... to this day I get dreams of things I know i didn’t do yet. I remember them as if I knew it my whole life... for you see my memory... well the memory of most of my past is unclear. Empty and unstable. All I remember now is what I did now, as hades as the lover of Cress, father of shadow and lover of many others... yet I somehow feel... unsure. Unworthy of such things... I feel unworthy of all of this yet .. I don’t know why. I know killing is bad and I only do it now to protect my homes and loves yet... some part of me says I don’t deserve it.. and I just don’t know why.” He says thoughtfully as he looks at her. “ yet you’re scent is familiar to me. The scent of clan and dusk is something I know for some reason yet ... I don’t know why.” He Says calmly almost sadly as he smiles softly “ as you wish blade of dusk. Would you like to rest? We have plenty of room in the old building. Just go and find a place... I need some time alone..” he says coldly as he begins to turn around. @Suspiciousmindz @Rubinaito
Whenever y’all not busy :3

pomegranate January 15th, 2018 03:33 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 455276)

Quinoa slowly got to her paws. Teetering on three legs, she lurched away from the voices. She couldn’t stay here. Not with Hades and his group, and the newcomer. The new cat smelled of the Dusk Syndicate. She hated Clan cats, by the Dusk Syndicate was alright. She broke out of the woods, far away from Hades and the intruder. The sunlight reached her pelt, and she hobbled away from the schoolhouse. She spotted a small shed, crumbling and rotted. She reached the entrance, and smelled only mice and weeds. She scooped up some dirt and plants on the floor, and curled up in the dank structure. She laid her head on her paws, cradling her wounded leg with care. Her yellow eyes drooped closed. For the fourth time, she drifted into unconsciousness.

Quinoa awoke suddenly, quaking from the nightmare of her previous sleep. It had been in a clearing of darkness and death. Hades had been looming over her. Cress and the other cat, Shadow, had been jeering from across the glen, cackling with malice. Hades had been slowly slashing out her eyes, and gourging her underbelly. Quinoa had awoke, sweat beading on her brow. She was positive she still felt blood around her, and wounds on her body. She growled. She had to leave. If anyone found her here... she shied away from that thought. If a cat was out hunting, or smelled her scent, they could be on her in a flash. She was too weak to defend herself. For goodness sake, if anyone was just out on a STROLL. Even if she attacked first, the odds were nine to one. Roadkill.

She pricked her ears. A mouse was nibbling on a weed. The rodent hadn’t seen her nest in the shadows, and she shot out one paw. The mouse darted away. I’m going to starve here! She thought. Stuck in an enemies territory, surrounded by killers. Wounded and unable to fight, and unable to feed herself. Death stared her right in the face, laughing.

SuspiciousMindz January 16th, 2018 01:54 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 455353)
He laughs softly “ they come seeking fame and fortune. They seek to take my loves and my home, I accepted the challenge and they die or live to work under me. “ he looks up “ I wasn’t trained in darkness I was born into it yet... I don’t remember when or how. I hardly remember anything of my past. All I can remember remember is a dead body before me and the fast beating of my heart... to this day I get dreams of things I know i didn’t do yet. I remember them as if I knew it my whole life... for you see my memory... well the memory of most of my past is unclear. Empty and unstable. All I remember now is what I did now, as hades as the lover of Cress, father of shadow and lover of many others... yet I somehow feel... unsure. Unworthy of such things... I feel unworthy of all of this yet .. I don’t know why. I know killing is bad and I only do it now to protect my homes and loves yet... some part of me says I don’t deserve it.. and I just don’t know why.” He says thoughtfully as he looks at her. “ yet you’re scent is familiar to me. The scent of clan and dusk is something I know for some reason yet ... I don’t know why.” He Says calmly almost sadly as he smiles softly “ as you wish blade of dusk. Would you like to rest? We have plenty of room in the old building. Just go and find a place... I need some time alone..” he says coldly as he begins to turn around. @Suspiciousmindz @Rubinaito
Whenever y’all not busy :3

Out of the sheer thought of introducing or explaining herself to more felines, Blade had to turn away the offer and stick to the edge of the tree line. It was better that way. She could only handle one angry feline at a time and it smelled like there were several here. "I'll be fine here. The trees are my home and sanctuary, the building couldn't offer anymore than these trees could," she responded to Hades as he was turning away. She wouldn't follow the tom, oh no, she'd simply allow him to walk away and if they never talked again, she wouldn't miss him. That's how it rolled with her in complete honesty. She might make it fun and tell him of her shack... But not today and definitely not now. "I'll see you around then?" she replied, her gaze meeting his fur as he moved.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 16th, 2018 02:08 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
Okay y’all going to break this thing in half!! Will make a other thread for best friends and followers in a building nearby hades own!
And this one will be for lovers and family only!!
@sprial whirl
I will provide link soon! Sorry about this y’all

pomegranate January 16th, 2018 02:11 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 456120)
Okay y’all going to break this thing in half!! Will make a other thread for best friends and followers in a building nearby hades own!
And this one will be for lovers and family only!!
@sprial whirl
I will provide link soon! Sorry about this y’all

No, I understand! It’s true. Hades needs to spend time meeting his future ‘loves’ but can’t keep neglecting his friends and followers. ) :3

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 16th, 2018 02:15 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
Thank you ;^; http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/...ad.php?t=13877
Here is your new home!!

Cosmo January 17th, 2018 11:29 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

@Sasukewolf (madness)

Iriss had climbed out the window of her loft room and up into the highest branches of the tree that grew beside the broken but beautiful building. Though the window opened only to to the very lower part of the tree, Iriss considered herself a very good climber, and if she was around the top few branches she must have been. She wasn't as high as she could be, not really the highest, but more around the roof of the place, she had narrowed her different colored eyes against the wind that blew in the higher places in the tree. Her thin layer of snow colored fur ruffled and she was starting to feel cold, but she had promised herself she wasn't going back inside until she saw Hades entering the building. She may not have liked clan life, and she did consider herself a friend of the clans, but she had learned a few things there. One of the things was that you always help your clanmates. Hades had let her stay in his place, so she felt responsible for helping with things, even if she was going a little far by waiting until he entered the building to return to her soft bed of feather and moss.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 17th, 2018 01:25 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 456688)

@Sasukewolf (madness)

Iriss had climbed out the window of her loft room and up into the highest branches of the tree that grew beside the broken but beautiful building. Though the window opened only to to the very lower part of the tree, Iriss considered herself a very good climber, and if she was around the top few branches she must have been. She wasn't as high as she could be, not really the highest, but more around the roof of the place, she had narrowed her different colored eyes against the wind that blew in the higher places in the tree. Her thin layer of snow colored fur ruffled and she was starting to feel cold, but she had promised herself she wasn't going back inside until she saw Hades entering the building. She may not have liked clan life, and she did consider herself a friend of the clans, but she had learned a few things there. One of the things was that you always help your clanmates. Hades had let her stay in his place, so she felt responsible for helping with things, even if she was going a little far by waiting until he entered the building to return to her soft bed of feather and moss.

He begins to walk up to the building soon, he sees her and began to walk up to her looking up towards her. “ daring I heard you call. Are you in need of me?” He asks with a soft purr as he begins to climb up to her and soon begins to stand in a branch by her. He smiles happily at her “ do you seek me my dear?” He asks with a soft purr as he begins to lay down as well. His claws digging in the bark a bit as he looks at her. “ speak my dear what do you wish from me?”

Cosmo January 17th, 2018 03:01 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 456743)
He begins to walk up to the building soon, he sees her and began to walk up to her looking up towards her. “ daring I heard you call. Are you in need of me?” He asks with a soft purr as he begins to climb up to her and soon begins to stand in a branch by her. He smiles happily at her “ do you seek me my dear?” He asks with a soft purr as he begins to lay down as well. His claws digging in the bark a bit as he looks at her. “ speak my dear what do you wish from me?”

Iriss looked up at Hades, remembering how she had called him moments before she had gotten up into the tree. But hearing him call her darling and my dear, took her mind instantly away from that and she found herself blushing. She looked away for a second until she calmed down so he wouldn't notice. "Uh, I was just so confused by the multitude of cats that I was wondering where you were." She answer half-honestly. She had been confused by the amount of cats crowded around all over the place, and she had been wondering where he was, but she had not mentioned that she wanted to make sure he was safe. He wouldn't understand. At least, she didn't think he would. She didn't know him very well. Iriss shivered a big shaking her pelt while she was doing it to make it seem like she was just trying to get something off her. She just hoped he didn't notice she was cold. Iriss liked the view and liked to just gaze at things, but the nice cat that Hades was Iriss highly doubted he would let her stay outside if she was cold. She had to remind herself she was a quest.

nyaanyaaowo January 18th, 2018 11:24 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 456120)
Okay y’all going to break this thing in half!! Will make a other thread for best friends and followers in a building nearby hades own!
And this one will be for lovers and family only!!

So what should I do?

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 18th, 2018 12:33 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by nyaanyaaowo (Post 457400)
So what should I do?

You’re enemy or future mate? :3

nyaanyaaowo January 18th, 2018 12:58 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 457427)
You’re enemy or future mate? :3

Enemy :3

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 18th, 2018 12:59 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by nyaanyaaowo (Post 457434)
Enemy :3

Than they’ll be at the new home :3

nyaanyaaowo January 18th, 2018 01:04 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 457436)
Than they’ll be at the new home :3

Alright, thanks! :3

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 19th, 2018 10:41 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 456809)

Iriss looked up at Hades, remembering how she had called him moments before she had gotten up into the tree. But hearing him call her darling and my dear, took her mind instantly away from that and she found herself blushing. She looked away for a second until she calmed down so he wouldn't notice. "Uh, I was just so confused by the multitude of cats that I was wondering where you were." She answer half-honestly. She had been confused by the amount of cats crowded around all over the place, and she had been wondering where he was, but she had not mentioned that she wanted to make sure he was safe. He wouldn't understand. At least, she didn't think he would. She didn't know him very well. Iriss shivered a big shaking her pelt while she was doing it to make it seem like she was just trying to get something off her. She just hoped he didn't notice she was cold. Iriss liked the view and liked to just gaze at things, but the nice cat that Hades was Iriss highly doubted he would let her stay outside if she was cold. She had to remind herself she was a quest.

Hades laughs softly as he begins to jump to her branch and began to lay down by her trying to keep her warm. He purrs softly “ cold?” He asks playfully as he lays his head down on her. Purring softly as he smiles at him “ tell me is something on your mind?” He asks playfully

Cosmo January 20th, 2018 06:42 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 458469)
Hades laughs softly as he begins to jump to her branch and began to lay down by her trying to keep her warm. He purrs softly “ cold?” He asks playfully as he lays his head down on her. Purring softly as he smiles at him “ tell me is something on your mind?” He asks playfully

Iriss looked at him in confusion. "Excuse me, don't you already have a mate?" Iriss asked. She had heard him say loves, but she highly doubted he had multiple mates already. Did Cress know about the multiple loves thing? Because Cress didn't seem like the nicest cat, and Iriss was pretty sure if she did anything to make Cress mad, she could consider herself dead. She wasn't annoyed, or mad at Hades, she was just confused. She did't know it was possible to be so confused about one cat. She had been confused when there had been many cats a few days before, or possibly that day, Iriss couldn't remember because she had left and taken so many naps things had just blurred together. She had made a friend, a enemy, and started to dislike one cat, and she had been unbelievably confused. But now she was even more confused, and she was only talking to one cat.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 20th, 2018 09:46 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 458541)

Iriss looked at him in confusion. "Excuse me, don't you already have a mate?" Iriss asked. She had heard him say loves, but she highly doubted he had multiple mates already. Did Cress know about the multiple loves thing? Because Cress didn't seem like the nicest cat, and Iriss was pretty sure if she did anything to make Cress mad, she could consider herself dead. She wasn't annoyed, or mad at Hades, she was just confused. She did't know it was possible to be so confused about one cat. She had been confused when there had been many cats a few days before, or possibly that day, Iriss couldn't remember because she had left and taken so many naps things had just blurred together. She had made a friend, a enemy, and started to dislike one cat, and she had been unbelievably confused. But now she was even more confused, and she was only talking to one cat.

He smiles “ yes I do. Multiple mates, I still have room for one more “ He Says purring softly as his tail waved a bit as he begins to lick Iriss nose. “ don’t worry she won’t be mad or anything she knows my heart and how I can love many beautiful angels ... and she does tend to flirt with them too but still I love her deeply and I love you deeply as well but of course if you can accept my love.” He says as he begins to stand up a bit. “ so tell me little angel become my mate? My love amongst the loves that have captured my heart like you did “

Cosmo January 21st, 2018 07:46 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 458575)
He smiles “ yes I do. Multiple mates, I still have room for one more “ He Says purring softly as his tail waved a bit as he begins to lick Iriss nose. “ don’t worry she won’t be mad or anything she knows my heart and how I can love many beautiful angels ... and she does tend to flirt with them too but still I love her deeply and I love you deeply as well but of course if you can accept my love.” He says as he begins to stand up a bit. “ so tell me little angel become my mate? My love amongst the loves that have captured my heart like you did “

Iriss for once in her life was speechless. She had never really been asked anything that she was positive would change her life forever. She was really only used to questions that she could give smart, prickly remarks to. But she couldn't deny that she felt the same way towards Hades. It was a feeling she had never felt before. She cared for him deeply, but she was also concerned, for what if he had more than one mate and she had only met one. What if the other hostile mates wanted to kill her. She wanted to say yes, but she wanted to say no, so instead she just asked a question. "How many mates do you have right now?" Iriss asked, even though she knew she was not answering his question yet.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 24th, 2018 12:28 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 459117)

Iriss for once in her life was speechless. She had never really been asked anything that she was positive would change her life forever. She was really only used to questions that she could give smart, prickly remarks to. But she couldn't deny that she felt the same way towards Hades. It was a feeling she had never felt before. She cared for him deeply, but she was also concerned, for what if he had more than one mate and she had only met one. What if the other hostile mates wanted to kill her. She wanted to say yes, but she wanted to say no, so instead she just asked a question. "How many mates do you have right now?" Iriss asked, even though she knew she was not answering his question yet.

He thinks a bit “ ... well for now one. But she knows about my desire to gain more loves. I don’t have a lot of time in this world so.. I wish to make you my mate “ he smiles softly “ I will soon have many loves and I will ensure they won’t fight each other... I don’t have a lot of time... especially now more than ever”

Cosmo January 24th, 2018 02:57 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 460424)
He thinks a bit “ ... well for now one. But she knows about my desire to gain more loves. I don’t have a lot of time in this world so.. I wish to make you my mate “ he smiles softly “ I will soon have many loves and I will ensure they won’t fight each other... I don’t have a lot of time... especially now more than ever”

Iriss turned her gaze away from Hades, looking around at the darkening sky and observing the beauty. She looked at the other branches of the tree with it's small white blossoms and shivered in the cold. She wasn't sure, she wanted to have a permanent home, a family, and love, but she also wanted adventure. She wanted to be able to go all over the place. To be free. The joy of watching the beauty of everything around her, every night in a different place. Would she give that up? Yes. Iriss turned back to face Hades and smiled. "I accept." She purred gently as she never had since she had left WindClan.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 25th, 2018 06:15 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 460444)

Iriss turned her gaze away from Hades, looking around at the darkening sky and observing the beauty. She looked at the other branches of the tree with it's small white blossoms and shivered in the cold. She wasn't sure, she wanted to have a permanent home, a family, and love, but she also wanted adventure. She wanted to be able to go all over the place. To be free. The joy of watching the beauty of everything around her, every night in a different place. Would she give that up? Yes. Iriss turned back to face Hades and smiled. "I accept." She purred gently as she never had since she had left WindClan.

He smiles softly as he leans forward and nuzzles his nose with her “ thank you my love. I will forever walk with you no matter what my love” He says with a soft purr as he nuzzles his head with hers purring happily

Cosmo January 25th, 2018 06:14 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 460632)
He smiles softly as he leans forward and nuzzles his nose with her “ thank you my love. I will forever walk with you no matter what my love” He says with a soft purr as he nuzzles his head with hers purring happily

Iriss nuzzled his chin affectionately, purring softly. She was happy, but she was still cold. She shivered, and took a leap onto a lower branch. She leaped down one more and was right next to the window she had left open. "Coming?" She asked looking up at him and smiling. Iriss decided she needed to calm down. The tree would always be her calm down place, but with Hades up there it couldn't be. Even if she loved him, he was a cause for her confusion.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 29th, 2018 11:49 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 460883)

Iriss nuzzled his chin affectionately, purring softly. She was happy, but she was still cold. She shivered, and took a leap onto a lower branch. She leaped down one more and was right next to the window she had left open. "Coming?" She asked looking up at him and smiling. Iriss decided she needed to calm down. The tree would always be her calm down place, but with Hades up there it couldn't be. Even if she loved him, he was a cause for her confusion.

He laughs softly as he jumps down to her, “ yep~” he purrs happily as he licks her nose playfully as he begins to push the window open a bit to let her in. “ angels first” he purrs happily as he begins to sit down his tail waved a bit as he looks out ...he felt like something was coming something big. His eyes glowed softly as he looks at her “... I shall get everyone inside soon i believe a storm is coming “

Cosmo January 29th, 2018 11:56 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 462105)
He laughs softly as he jumps down to her, “ yep~” he purrs happily as he licks her nose playfully as he begins to push the window open a bit to let her in. “ angels first” he purrs happily as he begins to sit down his tail waved a bit as he looks out ...he felt like something was coming something big. His eyes glowed softly as he looks at her “... I shall get everyone inside soon i believe a storm is coming “

Iriss entered, smiling softly, still confused but happy enough to be okay with that. Suddenly she stopped and turned. "A storm?" She asked, her pelt bristling. "Okay." Iriss hated storms. Sometimes it only rained, that was okay. But by the way Hades was talking it sounded as if he meant a bigger storm. Lightening and Thunder perhaps. Those type of storms were the ones she hated. They caused destruction. She walked over, her body posture stiff and shut the window more. He could come in through the main entrance once he got everybody. Plus, it would be more protection if he was right and there actually was a storm. She padded over to her bed and sat down. She was no longer cold, but she was stiff.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 29th, 2018 12:30 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 462108)

Iriss entered, smiling softly, still confused but happy enough to be okay with that. Suddenly she stopped and turned. "A storm?" She asked, her pelt bristling. "Okay." Iriss hated storms. Sometimes it only rained, that was okay. But by the way Hades was talking it sounded as if he meant a bigger storm. Lightening and Thunder perhaps. Those type of storms were the ones she hated. They caused destruction. She walked over, her body posture stiff and shut the window more. He could come in through the main entrance once he got everybody. Plus, it would be more protection if he was right and there actually was a storm. She padded over to her bed and sat down. She was no longer cold, but she was stiff.

He nods slowly “ yes ... but something..” he shakes his head “ it’s most likely a small one either way. We should be ready for anything.” He Says as he begins to walk up to her licking her head a bit “ don’t worry I’m here to protect you. I am Hades after all a tom gotta be feared if he gotta a home and beautiful mates like this” he says playfully

Cosmo January 29th, 2018 12:55 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 462117)
He nods slowly “ yes ... but something..” he shakes his head “ it’s most likely a small one either way. We should be ready for anything.” He Says as he begins to walk up to her licking her head a bit “ don’t worry I’m here to protect you. I am Hades after all a tom gotta be feared if he gotta a home and beautiful mates like this” he says playfully

Iriss purred in amusement. There were a few cats that lived with Hades. About three currently and a lot more to come. They were a family and she trusted that he would protect all of them. Iriss would help, with clan cat blood she felt that if any cat was threatening were she currently lived she could harm them by right. Technically she could never harm a storm but just thinking about it made her feel better. "I know, hopefully it's only a little storm." She purred, though not entirely convinced. She wasn't sure if Hade's himself believed that it was only going to be a small storm. That was really what worried her.

pomegranate February 2nd, 2018 06:33 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
Quinoa emerged from the shed, slinking into the long grass. He rpaw felt better, and tonight she was going to escape. A storm was brewing in the moist air, and the grass swayed in the gusty wind. She padded through the meadow, passing the abandoned school house. Her bloody scent was strong, and Hades was inside. She needed to get as far as possible. If she was caught, she would be dead. She slunk past the structure, pausing against a wall to breathe. A light rain patterned against her. She went on. Standing a few foxlengths away from the entrance, her white tail a flag for any nearby cats. Hades was near. And his mates. She needed to run.

@Broken Madness

Twilight01 February 2nd, 2018 11:08 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
Hemlock padded out of the bushes, pushing through them disgustedly. She had just been kicked out of a different rouge pack after she had been caught killing one of them and she was in an angry mood. Traveling for days with hardly any rest, food, or water made her cranky. She sat down and promptly began licking her matted fur. Her beautiful coat was married by dirt and neglect. She licked it furiously, taking her anger out onto her coat of fur. After successfully licking her coat completely clean she turned around and looked for something to kill. She still brooded and needed to take out her anger on something. Lucky for any cats close by her deadly gaze fell upon a sparrow that was pecking at some seeds on the forest floor. Hemlock closed in on the bird and at just the right moment, pounced. Her paws slammed into the bird, effectively disabling it. Instead of bending her head down to kill the bird she looked around the tree. Keeping one powerful paw on the bird she grabbed two sturdy sticks with her teeth. Slowly she pierced each of the birds wings, the membrane pinned to the ground with the sticks. Hemlock smiled a sadistic one and extended a claw. The bird had stopped struggling at this point and cawed with a faint cry as Hemlock dragged one large claw across the birds chest. It cried out in pain making Hemlock smile even more. Taking great care not to break the muscles she peeled back as many feathers from the bird as possible. The exposed bird's red body quivered in pain and the bird had ceased its cries. The only way to tell that it was alive was the faint rise and fall of the birds red chest. Hemlock watched in gleeful silence as the birds red blood seeped into the ground below and the faint quivering of it's chest stopped. Hemlock licked her claws clean and felt light-hearted at the bird's death. She opened her mouth to do it again but scented cats instead. Warily she stalked out of the trees where two cats, obviously lovers, talked to each other. Hemlock grinned, it would be fun to kill these cats, their screams would give her good dreams for months, but first the game. She sauntered towards the tom and winked seductively at him, "Hey handsome."

@Broken Madness
Wooooo I got around to posting on this thread!! Also inspiration for the bird scene comes from Enders Game. You'll know what I mean.)

pomegranate February 3rd, 2018 11:01 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 463929)
Quinoa emerged from the shed, slinking into the long grass. He rpaw felt better, and tonight she was going to escape. A storm was brewing in the moist air, and the grass swayed in the gusty wind. She padded through the meadow, passing the abandoned school house. Her bloody scent was strong, and Hades was inside. She needed to get as far as possible. If she was caught, she would be dead. She slunk past the structure, pausing against a wall to breathe. A light rain patterned against her. She went on. Standing a few foxlengths away from the entrance, her white tail a flag for any nearby cats. Hades was near. And his mates. She needed to run.

@Broken Madness

She felt her paw burn with the effort of dragging along. She could smell Hades scent nearby. His mate, a newcomer, and him were all everywhere. Her white tail and light brown pelt stood out against the grass. She paused again for a break. She had only gone 2 feet. At this rate, a mouse could catch her, nonetheless Hades and his... group. She flattened herself against the ground, waiting silently for a cat to pass her by. Once the cats had left, she would continue. Except, there was one problem. Her wound had started bleeding again, and the smell of blood was stronger than cat. Now she had really gone and done it.

@Broken Madness

Galaxy Of Wisdom February 3rd, 2018 11:08 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 464229)

She felt her paw burn with the effort of dragging along. She could smell Hades scent nearby. His mate, a newcomer, and him were all everywhere. Her white tail and light brown pelt stood out against the grass. She paused again for a break. She had only gone 2 feet. At this rate, a mouse could catch her, nonetheless Hades and his... group. She flattened herself against the ground, waiting silently for a cat to pass her by. Once the cats had left, she would continue. Except, there was one problem. Her wound had started bleeding again, and the smell of blood was stronger than cat. Now she had really gone and done it.

@Broken Madness

Hades smells blood and almost immediately he begins to jump down running towards the smell, Soon she sees her and immediately walks up to her “ what happened?! Who did this? Who dares hurts my mate and runs away with it?” He growls loudly as he steps forward and begins to smell her wound a bit than she looks at her “ what happened?” He asks worryingly the wind already picking up.

pomegranate February 3rd, 2018 11:23 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Broken Madness (Post 464240)
Hades smells blood and almost immediately he begins to jump down running towards the smell, Soon she sees her and immediately walks up to her “ what happened?! Who did this? Who dares hurts my mate and runs away with it?” He growls loudly as he steps forward and begins to smell her wound a bit than she looks at her “ what happened?” He asks worryingly the wind already picking up.

He must be dillusional, Quinoa thought. Or maybe she was dillusional. Her head swayed and her vision swam. She looked up at Hades. “No, no one. I-I tripped...” Her voice faded away. The sky was gray, and the rain fell harder. She saw his blue gaze peircing her pelt before she closed her eyes. “Rock. It was... sharp.” Quinoa felt like an idiot. Caught, and wounded. She braced her paw against the ground, and pulled herself to her feet. “I’m sorry. I have to get back to the shed.” She tried to walk towards the shed, but it faded back against the rain. She turned, and the shed was now next to her. Where was it, again? She asked herself. “Which way is it?” She asked Hades, looking at him with confusion.

pomegranate February 3rd, 2018 12:02 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 464258)

He must be dillusional, Quinoa thought. Or maybe she was dillusional. Her head swayed and her vision swam. She looked up at Hades. “No, no one. I-I tripped...” Her voice faded away. The sky was gray, and the rain fell harder. She saw his blue gaze peircing her pelt before she closed her eyes. “Rock. It was... sharp.” Quinoa felt like an idiot. Caught, and wounded. She braced her paw against the ground, and pulled herself to her feet. “I’m sorry. I have to get back to the shed.” She tried to walk towards the shed, but it faded back against the rain. She turned, and the shed was now next to her. Where was it, again? She asked herself. “Which way is it?” She asked Hades, looking at him with confusion.

@Broken Madness

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