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Empress Of Evil December 24th, 2016 03:29 AM

Re: The Starcave
Crimsontiger watched as Patchkit walked back to join the others. She still remembered the day she joined the ranks of StarClan. It wasn't very long ago. The day she joined StarClan, she was still stricken by grief over her terrible mistake. But, she'd kept her head high and that's how she hoped to keep it. Taking a deep breath, Crimsontiger started to walk forward. "Greetings Russetswirl. I'm Crimsontiger though you wouldn't know me, I was part of ShadowClan", Crimsontiger said, giving the soon-to-be leader a warm smile. The black furred warrior dipped her head as a sign of respect. "With this life, I give you forgiveness. Use it to forgive those who do wrong or harm to you or your clan", Crimsontiger said. She reached forward to touch noses with the russet coloured warrior, she could feel the energy of the life rush through her and pass on to him. The meaning that came with this life meant a lot to her, she just hoped that Russetswirl would be able to use the life wisely. "Don't forget, there may be times where you need forgiveness to", Crimsontiger said. Then she gave one final dip of her head before walking back to take her place among the starry pelted ancestors.

Fel December 24th, 2016 04:27 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 94559)
Crimsontiger watched as Patchkit walked back to join the others. She still remembered the day she joined the ranks of StarClan. It wasn't very long ago. The day she joined StarClan, she was still stricken by grief over her terrible mistake. But, she'd kept her head high and that's how she hoped to keep it. Taking a deep breath, Crimsontiger started to walk forward. "Greetings Russetswirl. I'm Crimsontiger though you wouldn't know me, I was part of ShadowClan", Crimsontiger said, giving the soon-to The black furred warrior dipped her head as a sign of respect. "With this life, I give you forgiveness. Use it to forgive those who do wrong or harm to you or your clan", Crimsontiger said. She reached forward to touch noses eith the russet coloured warrior, she could feel the energy of the life rush through her and pass on to him. The meaning that came with this life meant a lot to her, she just hoped that Russetswirl would be able to use the life wisely. "Don't forget, there may be times where you need forgiveness to", Crimsontiger said. Then she gave one final dip of her head before walking back to take her place among the starry pelted ancestors.

Though it was hard to see such a young kit in Starclan, it was also terrible to see young warriors- in fact, just seeing anybody in here reminds him that they had to die to end up in this starry place, and that their time in the living world had come to a close. His next visitor was young, but not a kit nor an apprentice- a Shadowclan cat, named Crimsontiger. He had received five of his nine lives now, and his sixth would be the one of forgiveness, something that resonated within himself as being an emotion he'd experienced countless times. Every single day his sister had made a mistake, or been terrible towards him, he forgave her for her actions, until he finally took a stand for himself and what he believed in. The idea of forgiving others was a mysterious thing, and something to be handled with care. Letting her touch his nose, he stepped back in a rush of a seemingly strange feeling, multiple waves of pain which came to a complete stop, mellowing out before they acted up again. It shows how to mellow out those who had wronged you, and to show them this life, one of forgiveness and gratitude. Fur bristling in uncomfort as the waves rushed through his body, they eventually ebbed so some sort of stop as he let out a sigh. "I'll use it well, I promise." You can count on me, Crimsontiger.

Ever December 24th, 2016 07:20 PM

Re: The Starcave
Once the other cat had stepped back she knew it was her turn. It was with a heavy hard that she would present this life, she would present a life that ruined hers. If only she'd received what this new leader was, maybe she wouldn't be sitting in Starclan regretting many of her actions. The long-furred calico stepped forward, her body shimmering. Her olive eyes were kind and open, nothing like they were back when she'd spent her time with the living in Riverclan. It made her look younger in many ways. "Russetswirl, I will present you with a life of clear-mindedness. Use it to keep devastation and sorrow from taking control of your life. Live freely and judge as little as possible." She touched her nose to his forehead, then stepped back and paused for a moment. Her eyes were filled with a bittersweet feeling. It was her kits that had risen to the height of the evil era that reigned the forest, her fault for having blamed them at a young age of terribly things. It was her fault in her heart that it had happened at all. "You'll make a great leader, believe in yourself." She whispered softly, then the calico molly stepped back again, letting him take in her words, the life and move to his last.

Fel December 24th, 2016 10:10 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Ever (Post 95465)
Once the other cat had stepped back she knew it was her turn. It was with a heavy hard that she would present this life, she would present a life that ruined hers. If only she'd received what this new leader was, maybe she wouldn't be sitting in Starclan regretting many of her actions. The long-furred calico stepped forward, her body shimmering. Her olive eyes were kind and open, nothing like they were back when she'd spent her time with the living in Riverclan. It made her look younger in many ways. "Russetswirl, I will present you with a life of clear-mindedness. Use it to keep devastation and sorrow from taking control of your life. Live freely and judge as little as possible." She touched her nose to his forehead, then stepped back and paused for a moment. Her eyes were filled with a bittersweet feeling. It was her kits that had risen to the height of the evil era that reigned the forest, her fault for having blamed them at a young age of terribly things. It was her fault in her heart that it had happened at all. "You'll make a great leader, believe in yourself." She whispered softly, then the calico molly stepped back again, letting him take in her words, the life and move to his last.

Finally, another cat he'd known, albeit it was only in passing, really. It was Wateredge, a Riverclan molly who'd died during the dark era. It was unknown, the cause of her death, but it was a tragedy. She had friends and family who must have missed her, though he didn't know the extent of care that her family gave towards her when she passed. Dipping his head in respect for the older Starclan cat, he could see some sort of distress in the warrior's gaze as she pulled away from him, his next life waiting a few seconds before it really started to kick into him. It was like he was frozen when it happened- trapped in a glass box, where he could see out into the crowds of his ancestors, but he was being seen as nothing but a breathing statue. The tom was trapped in a feeling of his own emotions, disillusioning himself. Taking in a few deep breaths, the life's meaning slowly began to sink into his mind, and it was as if he was raising a paw and cutting the glass to shreds, shattering the barrier put together by his emotions and his past thoughts. The ability to use a clear mind to his advantage, and not to distract himself with personal feelings- a life the leader really needed, after being forced to fight against his own sister in the liberation battles. Shreds of pain rippled across his paws, but it was less than the previous lives- more like the pain of reality, and the harshness of seeing through logic more than emotion- logos over pathos. "...You too." He stumbled over his words as he talked to the former Riverclan cat, still shaken by that latest life- it was meaningful, and it was harsh as well.

Hexict December 25th, 2016 06:21 AM

Re: The Starcave

After Wateredge has stepped back, a dark grey tabby then stepped up to take her place and give Russetswirl a life. He hadn't been in Starclan long and was nervous about giving a leader one of their lives. He had watched the other cats as they had offered the newer leader a life, but they had seemed to confident - like they deserved to give Russetswirl a life. But he had only been here for a short time and even then he didn't know their cat before him.

But nonetheless, he held his head high and watched Russetswirl with an - almost - unwavering autumn gaze. He had went over what he would say countless times since being informed that he would be giving a life to a new leader so he could to get it right. He didn't wish to mess anything up,not only to keep from embarrassing himself, but what if it also affected the life given?

"Russetswirl," Northpath's voice was hardly even shaking as he took a deep breath to continue. "I am Northpath of Thunderclan, though we have never officially met," the tabby introduced himself before continuing on to give him a life. Will he think it's strange that he doesn't know some of these cats that are giving him lives? The former medicine cat apprentice wondered. "With this life, I give yo the gift of Confidence."

"Use to this to make decision for the best of the clan. Sometimes making decisions can be hard and there may not seem like a right way, but you must be confident in yourself and stand by your decision, because that's when you'll know if it was the right call. Starclan can't hold your paw through you leadership - though we will try to assist when we are needed - so you can not expect us to just show up and solve something that you are having trouble with.That is all on you," Northpath offered a small smile. The younger tom knew what it was like to not have Starclan there but he hoped the same wouldn't happen to Russetswirl... or ever for that matter.

He gently placed his nose on Russetswirl's forehead, having to go on the tips of his paws and stretch out his next to do so. "But note: being confident if different than being cocky - cocky decisions will endanger both you and your clan," Northpath warned as he stepped back among the other stars.

Fel December 25th, 2016 11:34 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 95784)

After Wateredge has stepped back, a dark grey tabby then stepped up to take her place and give Russetswirl a life. He hadn't been in Starclan long and was nervous about giving a leader one of their lives. He had watched the other cats as they had offered the newer leader a life, but they had seemed to confident - like they deserved to give Russetswirl a life. But he had only been here for a short time and even then he didn't know their cat before him.

But nonetheless, he held his head high and watched Russetswirl with an - almost - unwavering autumn gaze. He had went over what he would say countless times since being informed that he would be giving a life to a new leader so he could to get it right. He didn't wish to mess anything up,not only to keep from embarrassing himself, but what if it also affected the life given?

"Russetswirl," Northpath's voice was hardly even shaking as he took a deep breath to continue. "I am Northpath of Thunderclan, though we have never officially met," the tabby introduced himself before continuing on to give him a life. Will he think it's strange that he doesn't know some of these cats that are giving him lives? The former medicine cat apprentice wondered. "With this life, I give yo the gift of Confidence."

"Use to this to make decision for the best of the clan. Sometimes making decisions can be hard and there may not seem like a right way, but you must be confident in yourself and stand by your decision, because that's when you'll know if it was the right call. Starclan can't hold your paw through you leadership - though we will try to assist when we are needed - so you can not expect us to just show up and solve something that you are having trouble with.That is all on you," Northpath offered a small smile. The younger tom knew what it was like to not have Starclan there but he hoped the same wouldn't happen to Russetswirl... or ever for that matter.

He gently placed his nose on Russetswirl's forehead, having to go on the tips of his paws and stretch out his next to do so. "But note: being confident if different than being cocky - cocky decisions will endanger both you and your clan," Northpath warned as he stepped back among the other stars.

He'd heard of Northpath- well, at least when he was still an apprentice, really. It was at the last gathering the clans had had, that there was a new medicine cat's apprentice in Thunderclan. Apparently, since his appointment, the tom had also died- possibly in Thunderclan's very own liberation, the one fight he'd missed, since the tom seemed quite young to still have his full name with him. Dipping his head in respect for the former medicine cat, he couldn't believe how many cats resided here who didn't seem to deserve death- nobody here deserved it.

Letting himself pad just a bit closer towards Northpath, the warrior's body felt like a volcano as he was given his eighth life, erupting with the feeling of pride in both himself and his clan, the feeling that he'd be able to do anything, and that he believed in himself and others with all his heart. It was confidence, the ability to be happy about yourself in the choices you make, and having faith that they're the right thing to do. It's the feeling you get as you rush into battle, sure that you're about to win against whoever you're facing, that you'll be able to come out alive.

It reminded him of when he was younger, when he had faith in every single action he took, and when he brought confidence to the table during every patrol, every battle he fought in, tooth and claw. "I'll use it well." He told Nothpath as the tom began to step back, smiling with the same boost of confidence given by that life.

BEAR. December 25th, 2016 11:45 AM

Re: The Starcave
Although his turn had passed, the sight of the former medicine cat apprentice roused an old curiosity in the faded spirit. "Who let him in here..?" Aconiteheart murmured, unapproving of the tom that blatantly and senselessly violated the code he swore to uphold. Giving a life to a leader was a privilege, not a right, and allowing one who couldn't have a lick of self control to guide the future leader seemed detrimental in the long run. "I didn't know we allowed those that redundantly broke the code to participate in a leader ceremony."

Zero December 26th, 2016 06:24 PM

Re: The Starcave
(AH! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot T.T)

Royalwatcher stepped up last, moving forward to take Northpath's place in front of Russetswirl. He offered a small smile to the deceased ThunderClan medicine cat as he passed, almost as if to say that he did a fine job of giving the life.

The orange tabby then met Russetswirl's gaze steadily. "You don't know me, but I am Royalwatcher. I died a long time ago, in the beginning of the first evil era. I watched from here as the clans recovered from the first reign; it was a hard journey, but they made it, and, under your leadership, I know your clan will recover this time as well."

He cleared his throat, and then spoke the ancient words. "With this life I give you resilience. Use it to help your clan recover from these hard times, and any more that happen along your path." He leaned forward and touched his nose to the other tom's forehead before slowly stepping back and disappearing into the mist.

(I have no idea if I'm suppose to do the naming thing too since I'm last? I'm gonna leave it like this just in case you had other plans.)

Hexict January 11th, 2017 04:06 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 95927)
Although his turn had passed, the sight of the former medicine cat apprentice roused an old curiosity in the faded spirit. "Who let him in here..?" Aconiteheart murmured, unapproving of the tom that blatantly and senselessly violated the code he swore to uphold. Giving a life to a leader was a privilege, not a right, and allowing one who couldn't have a lick of self control to guide the future leader seemed detrimental in the long run. "I didn't know we allowed those that redundantly broke the code to participate in a leader ceremony."

(you should probably alter/take down this post since North didn't break any rules ^w^)

NightWarrior4Life January 13th, 2017 12:17 PM

Re: The Starcave
AcornFlame padded around the cave, trying to sleep so StarClan could reach him in his dreams. "Please StarClan, I don't think you quite understand...I was sent her...to learn more about my future!" Silence. Except for the dripping of water from the ceiling. "I need a prophecy...a guide, something!" Still nothing. He jumped in a puddle on anger, splattering it's silky clear surface all over the walls.

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