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windtail November 8th, 2021 09:21 AM

Re: Haven Springs
silverstripe looked around at the place and thought about exploring it

Galaxy_ November 8th, 2021 09:42 AM

Re: Haven Springs
STORMPELT and Bramblepaw

Both tom's walked in and looked at the water it was HOT! Stormpelt purred. Bramblepaw slashed into the water as stormpelt sat down.

duCky November 8th, 2021 09:45 AM

Re: Haven Springs

The apprentice quickly followed their leader in excitement, wondering what cool thing Kestrelstar had planned for his clan last time. Some cats seemed excited, but the majority of them seemed a bit unsure, and Fogpaw wasn’t sure why. Kestrelstar was great! Why be unsure about anything?

Fogpaw got a bit startled at the sudden announcement, but they quickly looked around in awe at what the leader was presenting before them. Hot springs!! Kestrelstar had found hot springs!

The apprentice quickly ran over and dipped their paw in the soothing hot water. Yes, it was definitely super hot at first, but now they could finally get their swimming training done without being freezing! Stepping fully into the water, Fogpaw sat down on one of the rocks, completely unaware of the chilly air moving around them.

“Thanks Kestrelstar!”, they exclaimed, “You’re the best!”

Peril November 8th, 2021 09:49 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Cherryflight :heartbounce: | Open | by a pool
The brown warrior made her way through the crowd. Reaching a spring, she lay down gingerly beside it. Her muscles ached, she'd been doing too much work lately. She'd forgotten her apprentice. She'd worried over the other Clans too much to be healthy for her mind. She'd worried about her own Clan even more. She just wanted to curl up and sleep for moons on end. She closed her eyes as the warm steam dampened her fur, sighing in content.

[ @im a cat, if you want Lightpaw to come by and say hello you can. Cherry'll most likely apologize lots.]

poppy November 8th, 2021 09:51 AM

Re: Haven Springs
| @Angelique :heartbounce:|

It was unlike the massive silver and white tom to take part in social events such as this. He didn´t ever see the point in being social, it just caused stress and anger, and his toleration and patience for those emotions and the cat who caused them was... very low. Blizardwind slunk into the new slice of territory, watchful slate blue eyes fixed steely on Kestrelstar. That same shame bubble up inside him. He left. Him. A senior warrior who hadn´t been away from this territory for longer than two days in the 65 moons he had been apart of RiverClan for, left. To find his dumb, wayward apprentice and his bratty siblings. And now, here he was again. No family, no apprentice. His skin prickled with coolness, but he also noticed how as he got closer to the springs, he began to warm. To sweat. Fuuun.

He was lonely. It was easy to identify his emotions to trace them back to loneliness. He growled under his breath. It was his fault he lost Petuniapaw, but didn´t Kestrelstar leave, too? And he had an apprentice at that time too, an active one, one who hadn´t left the Clan, and Kestrelstar left. He left, not because he wanted to find those important to him, but because he needed time to ¨collect his thoughts¨. It made Blizzardwind.... angry. His blood began to heat, and he set his jaw firmly. No, he wasn´t going to make a scene. He would be mature about this, even if it infuriated him beyond belief. He had left the Clan, after all. But because Petuniapaw was gone, he had no ties to the Clan, therefore... therefore he could go where he needed to go to find her.

All of these thoughts were very stressful, so he shoved them to the back of his mind, and sank into the water, the warmness shooting shots up his veins. He groaned, body quickly adapting to the warmth. This was nice. Could he stay here forever?

Cracking on eye open, he looked around, and then saw a familiar, small white cat. Unconsciously, his slate blue eyes widened and he almost didn´t recognize her. Petuniapaw. He pulled himself out of the spring, and quickly padded over to her. ¨Petuniapaw.¨ He said, sidling up to stand a fox length away from her side. There she was. He thought she was dead, until Kestrelstar informed him that she was, in fact, alive. Joy sparked beneath his pelt, and he couldn´t help the grin.

But his smile faded almost immediately when he saw how troubled she was. What had happened to her?

dino. November 8th, 2021 09:52 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Tumblepaw warily followed after his mentor, unsure of where in the world he was taking them. A small part of him couldn't help but wonder if this was another raid, but the rundown stretch of a rotting Twoleb bridge told him otherwise. This wasn't part of the usual territory, as far as he was aware - but if Kestrelstar was excited about it, then it was probably going to be good, right?

He scooted his way to the front of the crowd to peer at two pools, ears perked up in interest. They seemed shallow enough to stand in, so swimming wouldn't be a problem, at least around the outer edges. Kestrelstar said games were welcome, but a moment to relax was just as tempting. Tumblepaw padded forward and cautiously dabbed at the water with a forepaw. Warm, but not overwhelmingly so. He slipped into the pool, shuddering involuntarily as the water slipped over his shoulders, but resorted to resting his chin on the stone lip with a sigh and closed his eyes. Stars, I could get used to this.

Rani November 8th, 2021 12:50 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Sunsetbloom had decided that Junipersong defiantly had the right idea. The maine coon molly was going to create the biggest splash possible into this warm oasis because there was only one thing to do in the water on a day like this.... Start a splash fight! So after galloping forward and flinging herself into the air Sunsetbloom landed with a large splash creating a wave of water headed right to her fellow giant cat. She quickly resurfaced with a rancorous laughter joy ringing out over the springs for all to hear before calling out. "Beloved! Come join me this is fabulous! I still havent re-payed you for beating me in that splash fight during our first meeting~ I am declaring a watery fight the likes of which the world has never seen! I am the queen of the spring and all those that wish to challenge me will fall to my mighty splashes!" Perhaps it was a bit silly for a full grown warrior to start a splash fight but the brown and white molly was know for being a tad silly. What did it matter though, this was a time for fun and joy Kestrelstar said it himself so a splash fight in such wonderful warm water was totally fitting. Waiting for her darling Palehound to respond Sunsetbloom didnt waste any time grinning wide at Junipersong and sticking her tongue out at her hoping to bait the molly into a water fight.

@Rainquail @Dizerel (open to anyone who wants to water fight!)

Rani November 8th, 2021 01:19 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Padding hessitently towards the spring Snakeheart stopped a cats length away cocking his head at the body of water. It was steaming? And warm apparently.... This was strange so strange how could water be warm if the area around it wasnt, it was leafbare or nearly so, how could the pools be warm without the sun to heat it? Ever a cat trained to think the tom scooted forward slowly before gently dipping a paw in before he retracted it in shock. It was warm! Like actually warm how was this possible???? Snakeheart was right next to the ponds now huddled on the lip of the overhang and one pawstep from going in but he refused to. He was too busy sniffing the water trying to figure this whole thing out, noting the strange but not bad scent the water had. A pink tongue flicked out to taste it and nose barley a mouse length from the edge the tom hummed in confusion as the odd taste he couldnt place. It wasnt strong enough to be a worry but it was obviously something odd to do with the waters strange properties! What was even going on here?!?!

Snakeheart perched at the lip of a small overhang, one hard shove from flying into the water was completely unaware of the world around him. Captivated with this puzzle in front of him.

(Closed for grim)

marshy November 8th, 2021 01:48 PM

Re: Haven Springs
// @Rani


Sparrowskip was excited to see the reward Kestrelstar had planned for the clan and was surprised to see, a hot spring?? Sparrowskip wasn't even sure how Kestrelstar had managed to find such a place but, it wasn't like he was complaining or anything. As he looked around he saw Snakeheart standing nearby and he decided that it was as good a time as ever to catch up with the young tom. As he neared closer though, the kit inside him laughed maniacally as he noticed how close Snakeheart was to the hotspring. Sparrowskip wasn't usually one to do this buut, he hadn't had any real fun in a while and this might just be his chance. He put on the warmest smile he could muster and padded up to Snakeheart. "Snakeheart hey! Its been a bit, how're you holding up?"

error November 8th, 2021 02:33 PM

Re: Haven Springs

At the call of her gray leader, the silver smokey she-cat padded over, and listened intently on the announcement of the springs. She smiled. Some warm pools to just lay in? Finally, something relaxing. Slipping in, she sighed, letting the hot water warm her pelt. Stars, it has been a long time since she had lay to calm down.



As the announcement was made of the warm pools, her eyes it up. The russet-colored she-cat had such a thin pelt, she had been freezing this past month. She gently padded in, letting the pool warm her body. She grinned, closing her eyes in satisfaction.


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