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Fish April 22nd, 2024 06:00 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
Right so this might be a little naughty but Adderpaw sneaked over and found a group of reeds to hide herself behind. She wanted to peek at who was gathering to see who her next lionhearts would be. Oh did she wish she was a moon older, she would go right up to them. Knowing Dusk and Fading they weren't going to make an exception for Adder since she was almost old enough. What a shame. Then she heard the test was going to be done at a twolegs den and not somehow in camp. She wanted to pout but she didn't have the right to. Well at least she liked the look of some of these warriors, all she wished for was that she talked to them a bit.

chickadee April 22nd, 2024 06:32 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
28 Moons || RiverClan || He/Him
The Gentle Giant

As Bearsnout heard Dusklion’s call he stood up from steadily padded over from across the camp. The big tom listened thoughtfully to what Dusklion had to say. She was completely right, Lionhearts had been dwindling recently, when they should be a bigger force of RiverClan’s finest. It’d been that way since they were established, and now should be no different.

RiverClan was a complete mess. Any sensible cat was aware of that much. It was frustrated that the other Clans, and even their Clanmates didn’t take anything seriously it seemed. They needed strong responsible cats to lead the Clan. That much was obvious.

So Dusklion decided to set up an event to scout out Lionhearts? Interesting. This would force everyone to be on their best behavior and try to showcase all their strengths without outright begging or demanding for a role. That’s how it oughta be. The Lionhearts were a merit based group. This would be the perfect challenge for cats like himself who wanted the chance to prove themselves.

The brown tom smiled as he followed Dusklion out of the camp, and despite his age, he couldn’t help but feel jittery at the idea of becoming a Lionheart, getting to be the best of the best. He remembered looking up to them as a kit, practically idolizing them. Now he had a possible chance to do even more for the home he cherished so dearly.

. . .

Blazing April 22nd, 2024 08:09 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]

Would she be eligible to become a Lionheart?

Perhaps not the best warrior of all time, the molly thought she did well being a loyal and hardworking warrior of RiverClan. Mayhaps not as ambitious as some others, aiming for the higher ranks, she was dedicated to what she did and tried her best to ensure her duties were done on time. Maybe this is a chance... to test herself. Though confident that she could do quite well, it's inevitable to think that out of all the warriors of RiverClan, both young and old, she may not succeed. She wasn't as experienced and devoted compared to a few of the others, too. Not to mention not having an apprentice yet.

Paddling out from the shades of the lush trees at the edge aside, her blue eyes glinted as she settled down somewhere in the middle of the group of enthusiastic Riverclanners. Her tail flickered as she remained quiet and calm, studying her clanmates one by one, greeting her acquaintances or friends, and mainly waiting for the event to happen. Pigeonpelt's ears flickered and before long, looked down at the ground.

Littlesun0112 April 22nd, 2024 09:15 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
Minnowsplash’s head flicked up. A call for Lionhearts? It seemed like a good idea to participate. They sprang to their paws and padded after Dusklion.

Toya Todoroki April 23rd, 2024 08:49 AM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
Martenburr paddled over... This Seemed interesting and the chance to become a Lionheart to better help out his clan was something he wasn't going to miss out on.

burntToast April 23rd, 2024 11:04 AM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 21 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter

__________________________________________________ __
Mudsmoke looked up from where he had been trying to rest in a shady spot of the clearing, the sound of warriors murmuring and more importantly Dusklions announcement had drawn his attention. Stretching out his paws and yawning, the tom hefted himself into a sitting position. He scratched behind his ear before facing the direction of the commotion and perking his ears, listening to the head lionhearts words.

An opportunity to become a Lionheart? Like everyone else it seems, Mud'Smoke's first impulse was to jump to his paws and race after Dusklion and take on this challenge, when did you ever get an opportunity like this?? Despite this Mudsmoke didn't move when Dusklion left the clearing, his brain told him not to. Sure this was a great opportunity but it was also a big responsibility that Mud'smoke wasn't sure he would be able to uphold. Of course he wanted to be a Lionheart, I mean who doesn't? But this was important for his clan, a rank only the best warriors got and he wasn't one of them.

Mud'Smoke quietly watched as most of his clanmates left following the head Lionheart out of camp, he himself had to fight the urge to do so aswell. Turning away he layed back down and tried to continue his nap but the thought of this opportunity slipping through his paws was gnawing at the back of his mind and against his better judgement he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he did go. Maybe he could atleast try, there was a low percentage of chance that he would make it but what's the harm done in that? Who knows maybe he would do good as a lionheart. Now doubt was also gnawing at him, great. "I guess there's no hurt in trying" He sighed, finally making up his mind. He would give this whole thing a good attempt and if he made it, that would be great! If he didn't, well that just means a better warrior than him got the role and that is what is best for the clan. Rising to his paws, Mud'smoke followed Dusklion out of camp.
__________________________________________________ __

Morrigan April 23rd, 2024 01:28 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
Riverclan warrior

Lifting her head up from where she was napping, a look of interest came across Silkwisp's features at Dusklion' call. An event to find Lionhearts? Cool. She wasn't really one to be the ambitious type but it'd be fun to try! Besides her friend was one so if she gained the rank they could hang out more which would be sick!

The tall she-cat instantly rose to her paws and bounded after Dusklion. An abandoned twoleg nest, Silk had never seen one of those before, so it would sure be interesting to see one. She wondered what how the future Lionhearts would be selected but her excitemesnt soon clouded her thoughts and she completely focused on following the rest of the group.

Dust April 23rd, 2024 02:38 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]

[ Cherryswirl - 54 Moons]
She/Her | Chaotic Good | Warrior
Go With The Flow [Active]

Wiggling her toes into the ground, Cherryswirl heaved herself up from where she had been resting as she heard Dusklion call about a potential lionheart search. And an abandoned house? As long as there were no twolegs running about the place, Swirls was along for the ride. She had her fair share of them for the past however long it had been. Her joints creaking with effort, she quickly trailed after the growing group of warriors. It took slightly more effort to swallow back a lingering guilt though...

starry April 23rd, 2024 03:02 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]
Hearing Dusklion’s call, Mistyshard curiously poked her head out of the healer’s den. An event to look for additions to the lionheart team? She bobbed her head up and down thoughtfully, trotting out of her den on light paws when she saw that Fadingsun was joining. A quick smile was shot his way before she let her one amber orb sweep over the crowd. So many warriors... that was great. RiverClan really needed these new additions to their ranks; she felt half bad for leaving Dusklion almost by herself but medicine cat was also an important role to fill.

“Well, this ought to be interesting,” she mewed to Fadingsun, clear-spoken words accompanied by a tip of her head. Once she noticed that Dusklion was departing the began bounding after the head lionheart, keeping to the back of the crowd and staying close to Fadingsun. This would be compelling to watch.

[ @occultation - Fading ]

kittycatburmise April 23rd, 2024 11:48 PM

Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]

Irisfrost's ears pricked at Dusklion's call. The chance to become a Lionheart? Irisfrost couldn't say she wasn't interested. She had always been an ambitious cat, even if those ambitions were tucked away close to her heart, invisible to the causal eye. And she was intrigued about what the task Dusklion had set for them would be.

The warrior padded over to the group, surveying the cats that have already gathered. Plenty seemed interested; who would be invested in the role was to be seen. Many cats dreamed of power, but when receiving it buckled under the pressure. Just look at the past few leaders. Irisfrost was reliable; she could handle the role.

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