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constellation May 23rd, 2024 03:59 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
She/her {Rc} Queen

Redwater padded up, grumbling.

[ @squidz ]

ophelia May 23rd, 2024 05:11 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
[ @squidz ]

A meek voice rang out across the clearing, and Beastflame turned his head from his perch on a nearby stone to find Berrypaw requesting assistance for an herb patrol. Recently, the large tom had garnered a large amount of respect for the work of the medicine cats due to his own experiences, but even if that weren't the case he still would have offered to help. The grey warrior had much to prove nowadays.
Beastflame pulled himself to his paws and leapt off the rock, landing heavily on the dirt and padding over slowly. He was still sore and tired from his...adventure, but the medicine cats had done a nice job patching him up. "I'm up for it," he rumbled, settling nearby to await further instruction.

taillow May 23rd, 2024 08:41 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
she/her | riverclan deputy | 28 moons
There was something so... prideful at seeing cats come at the call of Berrypaw. From the side of camp where Dusklion had been sitting she had watched with a thoughtful expression. Her muscles had been tensed, ready to rip the ears off any cat that dared to disrespect the young cat - but so far her Clan was surprising her. Good. She knew that with the tensions now at an all time high between RiverClan and WindClan (Twilightstar's words echoed through her head at the gathering, and Dusk had to stifle the sharp stab of guilt) they would need all the herbs they could get.

...And as much as she hated to admit it, the deputy knew she needed to work on repairing her reputation within the Clan. Part of her wondered if her brother would join this call; she hadn't seen much of him since their talk after the meeting and it made her feel... well, she wasn't sure. Rising to her paws the small dark tabby padded over, casting a glance at the cats gathered. She didn't stop in front of them, and instead kept going until she was able to flank the young cat. Dusk wasn't sure how Berrypaw would take it, and gave her a small, cautionary glance and the start of a smile.

"Best to perhaps go out in groups, just incase," the deputy offered her input with a glance towards Breezy. After a bit of it lingering she then returned to watch Berrypaw."Tell us what you guys need, kid, 'n we'll help you 'n Mists stock that den so full it'll spill out into camp." A little attempt at humor and a slightly bigger smile towards Berrypaw (she tried to ignore the look the young she-cat had given her at the gathering as the Clan had departed), after bringing her gaze to those who had gathered. She gave them all an appreciative nod, standing tall (well, as tall as she could) next to her fellow high rank.

Hearing grumbling coming from Redwater however had her eyes narrowing slightly, a silent warning for the queen to knock off whatever had her grouchy. Dusklion intended to let Berrypaw (and Mists, if she ended up coming too) take the reigns on this situation - but if her Clanmates started acting like fish-brains she'd have no problem putting a quick stop to it.

[ Berrypaw - @squidz ] [ Seabreeze - @Dolomedes ] [ Goldfish - @zBlaze ]
[ Falconflight - @Morrigan ] [ Duskleaf - @Seamrog ] [ Redwater - @constellation ] [ Beastflame - @ophelia ]

finley !! May 24th, 2024 08:48 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
purrks ; the collector , herbal knowledge t2
15 moons . one lame leg
tags ; @redshiftreign - i thinkk we talked abt this
trigger warnings for this post: none

cobwebpaw stretched, waking up from the quick nap she had taken before preparing for her night hunting lesson. eveningthaw had promised to take her out, and she was thinking of getting in some tracking and stalking practise along the way. tiredly exiting the apprentice den, her eyes glimmered in the dark, darting around for the older warrior.

constellation May 24th, 2024 02:48 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
She/her // 21 moons // Queen // “Go away.”

Redwater stared at Dusklion with a bored expression plastered over her usual grimace, and turned back towards Berrypaw.

“Sigh. I can lead one of the patrols, if you need.” she said darkly, her usual sarcastic energy gone. Tiredness hadn’t overcome her yet, and it never will. She straightened and adjusted her paws around her swollen belly. Herbs would distract her from her… kits.

“I’m fit enough!” she barked when she saw Berrypaw’s hesitant expression. “Don’t—“ oh yeah. Dusklion. She halted her rant and looked away from the kind-of-menacing-and-terrifying deputy and coughed awkwardly.

“I’ll go wherever you want… Berrypaw.” She said, trying to keep the snarl out of her voice.

[ @squidz — Berrypaw // @starry — Mistyshard // @Dolomedes — Seabreeze // @zBlaze — Goldfish // @Morrigan — Falconflight // @Seamrog — Duskleaf // @ophelia — Beastflame ]

Fish May 24th, 2024 06:09 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Adderpaw flopped over on her side

Minkuu May 25th, 2024 09:32 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Other Emberfang activity post (because i believe the other one was in a thread that got deleted)

lark. May 25th, 2024 03:42 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Blackfrost wondered mildly if the fresh-kill pile needed stocking. A quick glance showed that it would likely be fine for now, but she headed out into the territory regardless — a few more to the pile certainly wouldn't hurt.

starry May 25th, 2024 04:23 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Warm amber hues shone with pride as Mistyshard watched her apprentice speak to the whole of RiverClan. She let out a little purr and leaned down to whisper into Berrypaw's ear.
"You're doing amazing. That was perfect."
With a friendly nod, she turned her attention to the cats gathering. There were quite a few, which was good. She bobbed her head towards Dusklion and Seabreeze, showing them that she agreed with the deputy's advice of going out in groups.

"Since there's quite a lot of cats gathered, I suppose I'll split the group up into two smaller ones instead of a giant one. That will increase our chances of finding herbs. First, how about.. Dusklion ( @taillow ), can you head to the territory with Redwater ( @constellation ) - and make sure to keep an eye on her - as well as Seabreeze ( @Dolomedes ), Eaglepaw ( @Mica ) and Goldfish ( @zBlaze )?"
For the others, we'll be headed to Sleepy Thicket. Berrypaw ( @squidz ), you'll help me lead the patrol.. we can take Beastflame ( @ophelia ), Falconflight ( @Morrigan ), Duskleaf ( @Seamrog ) and Morningmimic ( @Ladiebugg )."

She took a deep breath, hoping everyone had latched onto that. However, before they started gathering into their groups and taking off, she'd need to describe some basic herbs.
"Stick around for a moment more- I need to tell you about the herbs we'll be looking for. So first, cobwebs and moss, I expect everyone knows what those look like. Then poppy seeds. They come from a poppy flower, which is bright red with a dark center. Marigold, which is a yellow-orange flower with many leaves on its stem. Coltsfoot, a daisy like flower which is yellow with many small, rectangle shaped leaves. It grows low to the ground. Some dock, which is a low groing leafy green plant that usually comes in clusters. And lastly borage. It is an odd looking plant covered in leaves which has a star shaped flower. The flower can be a range of shades, from blue to purple.
I expect you all will be able to split this up in a way we get some of everything. With that, you can break off. And make sure to listen to your patrolmates, especially Dusklion, Berrypaw and me."

Nodding, she let her tail stick high in the air as she made her way out of camp and towards Sleepy Thicket.

( this post probably makes 0 sense but i'm gonna go sleep now and worry abt that tommorow )

( @/mica @/ladiebugg i mentioned you even though your cats didnt volunteer because you volunteered in rp finder )
( While this isn't like an official patrol and there is no set due date, Misty will want the assigned cats to come back with herbs before the evacuation begins. )

paedyn May 25th, 2024 05:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
Larkthroat and Rosehawk existed.

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