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ameko November 25th, 2016 04:43 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 49562)
Brokenpaw looked at his mentor and twiched his nose "cool, challenges are fun, and I'm not a mousebrain you don't have to walk me through it step by step, I know how to hunt." He said as he stood up and flicked his tail. "And ready set go!" He said and bounded off, his feet barely making a sound as he ran across the forest floor. The young apprentice spotted a vole and crouched, his tail swishing back and fourth as he crawled closer and closer. Finally the apprentice pounced on the vole and broke its neck, killing it swiftly. "Hah" he sighed out the new buried the body and bounded off in search of more prey.

Snakesnap curled his lip back at Brokenpaw's attitude. The warrior wasn't used to having to deal with an apprentice all the time. He trotted after the younger tom and kept his gaze locked on Brokenpaw's dwindling frame. After a moment, he glanced up at the sky and wonderered whether it was going to rain soon. Clouds were gathering; he hoped that the weather would not interfere with their quick session. Despite his rough exterior, Snakesnap valued his apprentice's education. Wait--where had Brokenpaw disappeared off to? While the snowshoe had been lost in his thoughts, his tuxedo clanmate had left the immediate area. Snakesnap cursed, sniffing the air for his apprentice. It took him a little while, but he finally caught his scent and followed the general direction of the smell. Snakesnap sent up a quick prayer to StarClan that Brokenpaw hadn't noticed his disappearance. That would be rather embarrassing, he thought. Catching sight of his clanmate, Snakesnap let out a quiet sigh of relief. He didn't think his absence was noticeable, but you never could be sure with apprentices. They saw everything. But it wasn't like the snowshoe cared about what other felt about him, of course; he had no reason to.

Celanawe Stormwalker November 25th, 2016 07:33 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Liquoris (Post 45480)
Ivythorn paused, and tilted her head a bit. "I.. I don't know what to say.." she said, speechless. Why was he being so nice to her? Everyone always said she was a weak link, the weakest in the small amount of weak links in Shadowclan. Yet, this complete stranger, was nicer to her than even her own mother was.

She stood, slowly walked up to the tom who she now could call friend, and nuzzled his shoulder a bit. "Thank you," she said, her voice cracking a bit. It was the first time she had said those words to anyone and truly meant it. It felt good to have a friend, even if this friend wasn't of any clan, much less her own.

Purring came from the tom as the she-cat nuzzled his shoulder, "No thanks ever needed. Promise for heart yearns for it." He craned his head over and gave the top of her head a small bump with his muzzle.

The tom drew his gaze over the last string of light before it vanished away, the dark encroached upon the land. His ears flicked at the change, hearing becoming more focused as he looked down to Ivythorn. "Clan will wonder of Ivythorn yes? Should be home this dark?" his mew with some concern as it fidgeted a bit to the surroundings.

Casual Scribbles November 25th, 2016 10:04 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Frostedflight padded mindlessly through the territory, heading toward Seastones. His heart beat faster as he thought of Rainberry. StarClan must have sent her, because he had not seen a single cat as beautiful as she. He closed his eyes and tried to remember her scent. Despite the RiverClan smell around her, she smelled rather pretty. He continued on until he reached Seastones.

BluBunnie November 26th, 2016 11:00 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 49402)
"Are you really?" Forestpelt asked, her expression becoming a lot lighter and her green hues flooding with both excitement and pain. Mainly because the mere mention of having a mate made her think of Dawnstripe, which was bittersweet at the moment. As much as she wanted to hate him, she couldn't...there was just nothing in her that allowed her to hate the young warrior. "Oh, well you know...I don't have an apprentice, so I don't do a whole lot. I hunt every once in a while, I tend to stick to myself a good deal of the time...before that I was involved in a relationship but it- it didn't work out." She mewed, lowering her hues away from his gaze. She began praying to StarClan that Amberstrike wouldn't ask her further questions. She didn't quite know his status on forbidden relationships at the moment, and she didn't want him to think less of her because of it. "How do you feel about forbidden relationships? I mean, the whole idea is a little, y'know..." Her voice trailed off, waiting for his reaction. Depending on what it was, she would either tell him or go ahead and continue keeping her previous romance with Dawnstripe a deeply hidden secret.

"Yeah... " Amberstrike felt his pelt heat up. He tried to meet his sisters gaze as she looked away. A frown appeared on his maw, "I am sorry sister.."He nuzzled her neck and stopped after she has asked her question. He thought for a few moments before he answered, "I think.. If you really love the cat then you should be together..." He smiled a bit and hoped his sister wouldn't hate him for his answer. Amberstrike seemed like a very cold cat but he was a sucker for love and he was a huge romantic.

Teza November 26th, 2016 04:25 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by MaskedBandits (Post 49825)
"I'm not going back." Mulberrypaw was surprised she said that. What. Are. You. Doing?! "If I have to live in a Clan where mentors hit apprentices and leaders don't listen to warriors... then I won't live in a Clan. Maybe... I'm not cut out for this lifestyle." The anger faded from her eyes as she spoke. She was still panting from when Badgerstripe had pounced on her, full-force, but she was as clear minded as ever. I think. "I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I wasn't the apprentice you wanted me to be. But I can't live here anymore." She found herself pausing, waiting for her mentor to say something. I shouldn't wait. I should just leave now. But... I have to let him do something... even if I get hurt again.

The tabby tom paused in his return to camp, and turned around. "If you feel you cannot live here, then leave, but if you ever think to come back, we will rip you to shreds," he said. "You don't even know how to properly hunt yet, what makes you think you can survive outside the clan's territory?" he asked, turning around and walking up to her, standing tall in front of her. "You are no disappointment, Mulberrypaw. You have the potential to become the greatest warrior Shadowclan's ever seen, but you have to be patient and take the time to listen to what I'm saying." His tone turned to the soft side as he said his little encouragement. "I'm hard on you so that you will get used to it. Shadowclan has a new leader, one who I'm not entirely sure will lead us to greatness. I don't want to see any cat hurt because of this, especially not our clanmates," he said softly in her ear. "Now go back to camp and think about what I've said, Mulberrypaw. Maybe the elders need some ticks picked off of them, and don't think I'm being nice. This is a hard truth you will either deny or accept."


Originally Posted by Celanawe Stormwalker (Post 50256)
Purring came from the tom as the she-cat nuzzled his shoulder, "No thanks ever needed. Promise for heart yearns for it." He craned his head over and gave the top of her head a small bump with his muzzle.

The tom drew his gaze over the last string of light before it vanished away, the dark encroached upon the land. His ears flicked at the change, hearing becoming more focused as he looked down to Ivythorn. "Clan will wonder of Ivythorn yes? Should be home this dark?" his mew with some concern as it fidgeted a bit to the surroundings.

The tortoiseshell she-cat let out a sigh. "Yes, I should be getting back," she admitted. "Where will you go, though?" she asked, unsure about what lies outside of the Shadowclan territory. "Will you be okay?" She then realized that she sounded like an annoying kit. "Sorry, I'm just not used to having someone to care about," she said, giving her chest fur a few more embarrassed licks.

MaskedBandits November 26th, 2016 04:45 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Liquoris (Post 51824)
The tabby tom paused in his return to camp, and turned around. "If you feel you cannot live here, then leave, but if you ever think to come back, we will rip you to shreds," he said. "You don't even know how to properly hunt yet, what makes you think you can survive outside the clan's territory?" he asked, turning around and walking up to her, standing tall in front of her. "You are no disappointment, Mulberrypaw. You have the potential to become the greatest warrior Shadowclan's ever seen, but you have to be patient and take the time to listen to what I'm saying." His tone turned to the soft side as he said his little encouragement. "I'm hard on you so that you will get used to it. Shadowclan has a new leader, one who I'm not entirely sure will lead us to greatness. I don't want to see any cat hurt because of this, especially not our clanmates," he said softly in her ear. "Now go back to camp and think about what I've said, Mulberrypaw. Maybe the elders need some ticks picked off of them, and don't think I'm being nice. This is a hard truth you will either deny or accept."

The tortoiseshell she-cat let out a sigh. "Yes, I should be getting back," she admitted. "Where will you go, though?" she asked, unsure about what lies outside of the Shadowclan territory. "Will you be okay?" She then realized that she sounded like an annoying kit. "Sorry, I'm just not used to having someone to care about," she said, giving her chest fur a few more embarrassed licks.

"Then I know what I need to do." Mulberrypaw gave one last look at her mentor. "You're right. I can't fight. I can't hunt. But I can learn." She lifted her eyes to meet his gaze for the last time. "My decision... My opinion... My choice is to deny." She raised her tail, and turned around, padding off into the pines. Goodbye, ShadowClan. Maybe... We just weren't ment for each other after all. She didn't know where she'd go, or how she'd learn anything, but knew she could, and would. This isn't my end. This is my beginning.

ConfusedCas November 26th, 2016 07:21 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Heronback continued on the path he walked time and time again, but this time he wasn't alone. He could feel Honeybranch by his side, which made him even more nervous. I'm going to tell her. That was the plan at least. He had feelings for the ginger she-cat for awhile now. She was beautiful, clever, and actually understood him unlike every other cat in Shadowclan. They came to a tall bracken wall with a small opening in it with lichen hanging at the entrance. We're here. He sat down in front of the wide stream that ran through the clearing and thought for a long moment. His heart thudded in his chest, he was almost worried if Honeybranch could hear it. When it came to planning battle strategies, Heronback was the one to go to. Revenge, he had it covered. But love... He was completely ignorant in how to deal with love. "H-Honeybranch," He started carefully, "I'm glad we could come back here, and be alone."

Ivy November 26th, 2016 07:45 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Honeybranch smiled easily at him, but her heart thudded in her chest like it was running for its life. She was concerned for Heronback, but also he had the same feeling of anxiety as her companion. "I am too. It's nice to get away from all the commotion in the clan, huh?" The molly agreed, leaning against the thin framed tom. "Heronback, I'm a little scared. Blazingnight is certainly a good leader, but why does she always seem a little on edge? You've talked to her, don't you think shes holding something back from us?" She wanted her friend to loosen up and hopefully steering his mind away would help.

Teza November 26th, 2016 11:06 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by MaskedBandits (Post 51846)
"Then I know what I need to do." Mulberrypaw gave one last look at her mentor. "You're right. I can't fight. I can't hunt. But I can learn." She lifted her eyes to meet his gaze for the last time. "My decision... My opinion... My choice is to deny." She raised her tail, and turned around, padding off into the pines. Goodbye, ShadowClan. Maybe... We just weren't ment for each other after all. She didn't know where she'd go, or how she'd learn anything, but knew she could, and would. This isn't my end. This is my beginning.

Badgerstripe nodded, then sat down. He would wait for her to come back for a day, and after that, if he saw her, he'd kill her. It wouldn't be all that hard. At least, it shouldn't be, right? She's just an apprentice, one who hasn't had any training yet. Then again, did he even want to train her? She ran out on him just because he hit her a couple times when she messed up. If she could run from that, then she would only run from battle when she was needed most. 'Oh well, if she comes back I'll train her, if not, then I won't.'

ConfusedCas November 27th, 2016 12:56 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 52181)
Honeybranch smiled easily at him, but her heart thudded in her chest like it was running for its life. She was concerned for Heronback, but also he had the same feeling of anxiety as her companion. "I am too. It's nice to get away from all the commotion in the clan, huh?" The molly agreed, leaning against the thin framed tom. "Heronback, I'm a little scared. Blazingnight is certainly a good leader, but why does she always seem a little on edge? You've talked to her, don't you think shes holding something back from us?" She wanted her friend to loosen up and hopefully steering his mind away would help.

Heronback glanced away, recalling the memories of his patrol with Blazingnight. She didn't say much to indicate really anything was bugging her, but she did seem tense... He shrugged with a sigh, "I'm not sure. I'm going to go on another patrol with her and see what I can find out." He tilted his head, a new found curiousness entering his dark cobalt blue eyes. "What do you think about her choice to abandon Starclan?" The tuxedo tom asked, watching her every move closely. Heronback pondered the idea of having a debate with the lovely she-cat. He figured it would be awfully thrilling but he had to find out what they disagreed on first.

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