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Rani November 5th, 2020 06:09 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Alright that was good Marigoldpaw seemed at least receptive to listening. "The warrior code is the code every cat must try and live by in order to live a peaceful life as a clan cat and is a code you are expected to follow. However,,,, its rather.... vague. at best. While you should have no issue following it due to this the responsibility falls on you to create your own sort of personal code to dictate how you want to be as a warrior and how you want to live your life. You can choose not to do this sure, but those that don't tend to live weak willed and dull lives unmoored from a purpose and meaning. Your code should be your own and make sense to you, something you can stick to even through difficult times and decisions." Adderfangs gaze drifted from where they were fixed on Marigoldpaw, staring off into the distance emptily. She'd, she'd seen the effects of a listless life all too personally in the fate of her mother. A good queen and a kind cat sure but she was always strangely dull and empty cat who just drifted away.

Snapping herself out of it she focused again "My code is this. Protect your clan from all thing with everything you can. Stay strong, your clan relies on you and you should never be a burden. Guide the younger generations well, they are the future. Stand up for what is right, no matter the cost. And finally be kind, it doesn't take much and can change a cats life with very little.
It may sound overly sentimental bit this has made me the cat I am today able to face down any threat and in control of my own life."
Adderfang waited for a moment to allow the apprentice to absorb. "This is a discussion and your opinions are important. So tell me what are your thoughts on all this? Remember there are no wrong answers and I will not get angry at you for what you think."


Caramel November 5th, 2020 09:42 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by Elementals (Post 841131)
~Foggybrook of SHC~

The molly retrieved many of the mossballs that rolled back to her or were in her range and kept trying to aim her mossballs at Sparrowpaw. She expected at least 1 or 2 to hit him but apprentices could easily surprise her with zero touching them. Reminded her of the time that she chased Silentpaw trying to booping and tickle him. That was funny. She stopped as soon as she scented another cat. A Riverclanner? she thought, "did any of the moss get too close or something? She made sure they didn't so it couldn't be that." She popped into a bush and popped out to see what they needed. After all, they both were on each other's sides so no need to pick a fight over little things.

"HOI THERE!" she greeted, "Did ya need something?"

{ @Rainquail @Goldensnail}


Originally Posted by Rainquail (Post 841121)
After her swimming lessons with Silverpool, Halfpaw became distracted by some sort of ground critter, and she followed it, entranced by its movements..... by the time she lost sight of it and she took a good look around.... she was lost and wasn't too sure how to get home.... or even where she was.
She waddled for a bit more, scenting other cats. They smelled different..... but maybe they could help her? She was starting to get a little spooked being on her own.

@Goldensnail @Elementals

Sparrowpaw jumped over the first mossball but accidentally landing on top of the second leading to the third hitting him. He raised his paw and smacked back the next before rolling away from the 5th and getting hit by another one. But then Foggybrook stopped chucking mossballs at him and he perked his head up. Sparrowpaw spotted a stranger, some she-cat that he did not recognize. Sniffing a little, he realized she didn't smell like Shadowclan. Was she...an intruder?! The apprentice could recognize the stinky, fishy scent of Riverclan from the gathering. The tabby wrinkled his nose and stepped back a little, looking at the new comer with a suspicious look.

Abyssopelagic November 5th, 2020 10:33 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Halfpaw nearly leapt out of her fur as the older stranger shouted jubilantly, greeting her, while the smaller, closer to her size cat gave her a suspicious look, nose wrinkling in distaste.
Definitely clan cats, or at least the apprentice aged one was, give the look of distrust and the defensive stance. Yeah, definitely.
She took a step back, not wanting to cause trouble.
"Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your training. I was on my way back home, but I'm pretty certain I got lost."
Yeah, definitely.
Dogflame took her out once.... to the WindClan border. Maybe..... she could use that to.... coordinate where she was? Make her way there and find home through that way. Not easy by any means but it made more sense than to wander around aimlessly and hope to eventually go the right way.

@Elementals @Goldensnail

Elementals November 5th, 2020 09:21 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
~Foggybrook of SHC~

The molly didn't judge her apprentice when they got 6 moss balls to the body. Not when she nearly got flinged across the battlefield. That would be one joy of a story to tell. Oh? This Riverclanner got lost? Kinda reminded her of her one time pet rock named Sap got lost and never returned. It was a fine rock, Sap. Shame that Sap never came home after.

"Nahhh, you aren't disturbing! Never really been into Riverclan before but the camp should be near the over there and past that weird pond thing the Catsnail Pond or something," she mewed while collecting the mossballs, "hmm... where is your mentor?'

{ @Goldensnail @Rainquail }

Caramel November 6th, 2020 09:59 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by Elementals (Post 842064)
~Foggybrook of SHC~

The molly didn't judge her apprentice when they got 6 moss balls to the body. Not when she nearly got flinged across the battlefield. That would be one joy of a story to tell. Oh? This Riverclanner got lost? Kinda reminded her of her one time pet rock named Sap got lost and never returned. It was a fine rock, Sap. Shame that Sap never came home after.

"Nahhh, you aren't disturbing! Never really been into Riverclan before but the camp should be near the over there and past that weird pond thing the Catsnail Pond or something," she mewed while collecting the mossballs, "hmm... where is your mentor?'

{ @Goldensnail @Rainquail }


Originally Posted by Rainquail (Post 841455)
Halfpaw nearly leapt out of her fur as the older stranger shouted jubilantly, greeting her, while the smaller, closer to her size cat gave her a suspicious look, nose wrinkling in distaste.
Definitely clan cats, or at least the apprentice aged one was, give the look of distrust and the defensive stance. Yeah, definitely.
She took a step back, not wanting to cause trouble.
"Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your training. I was on my way back home, but I'm pretty certain I got lost."
Yeah, definitely.
Dogflame took her out once.... to the WindClan border. Maybe..... she could use that to.... coordinate where she was? Make her way there and find home through that way. Not easy by any means but it made more sense than to wander around aimlessly and hope to eventually go the right way.

@Elementals @Goldensnail

Sparrowpaw was still staring down the riverclan she-cat with an attempt at a menacing glare. The fish-brain got lost he thought, but for an odd reason he was interested in how she got managed to get lost in Riverclan territory of all places, from what he had seen there weren't many trees there. The shadowclan apprentice glanced over at where he assumed Riverclan territory was, curiousity pricked at his pelt. He glanced back at the...Riverclan she-cat.
"Y-Yeah, where's your mentor?" He paused, "S-Shouldn't they keep an eye on their own apprentice?"

Abyssopelagic November 7th, 2020 04:58 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
//She got her name change, but I won't be swapping in role play since this happened before, but for her activity, I'm labeling it with her new one

Halfpaw sputtered.
How was she going to explain wandering away from Silverpool?
"We were going back when I had to, uh.... go. I got lost from there."
She was not admitting she got distracted by a bug, so she was gonna lie about that part.
"I'm, eh, Halfpaw, by the way. Uhm, which border is this? I've only been to our border with Windclan. I think I can find my way back if I know where it is from here."
So this was.... ThunderClan or ShadowClan. She'd never seen the border for either, so she wouldn't know the difference. Maybe these cats would be nice enough to help turn her around the right way.
They seemed nice, though, so maybe a small chat wouldn't hurt her.

@Elementals @Goldensnail

Elementals November 8th, 2020 03:01 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
~Foggybrook of SHC~

Foggybrook blinked in surprise. Their mentor didn't even bother teaching them how to identify other cats yet? Oi oi, hopefully they learn about it soon because it will be hectic when the Full-moon gathering comes. The molly smiled as she listened carefully to the Riverclanner's dialogue.

"We're Shadowclanners teehee," the molly informed, "not 100% sure but I believe your camp is just past the ahem Catsnail pond is it?"

{ @Rainquail @Goldensnail }

Wolfgirl8 November 8th, 2020 03:19 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Marigoldpaw absently nodded her head along. Yeh yeh the warrior code. Blah. Blah. Given to us by starclan so we don't do evil stuff or whatever. I already know this. I had to listen to elders drone on and one about it! Wait-wait-wait. The warrior code is vague!? What? How! It's basically telling you what to do and what not to do. Thouhg as Marigoldpaw recalled the code she noticed how....vague some parts were. Hmph seems my mentor was right.

Marigoldpaw wasn't sure how she felt about this conversation nor did she have much an idea were this was heading. The golden furred apprentice was quite happy with not becoming a mindless practically lifeless cat but did she have too make up her own code? Well....maybe. Or wait were all you motives your thoughts on what not to do and what to do already your "code"? Hmmm possibly. If so Marigoldpaw kind of had a code...sort of.

Marigoldpaw snapped back out of her thoughts as Adderfang continued to speak. The golden apprentice had a feeling whatever her mentor would say next was important. Marigoldpaw agreed with some of the things in Adderfang's code but not all. "Alright then!" Marigoldpaw said after hearing she could say whatever she thouht about Adderfang's code. Her mentor better be ready for a beating.

"Your kindness rule is...fine but I will never be kind to Windclan scum or at least not their leader! I guess I'd pardon the kits and some apprentices." The lime eyes she-cat spat, fur bristling at the thought of Twilightstar. "Oh and what does standing up for what you believe matter if you die huh? Then you're dead and useless!" Marigoldpaw said continuing on before Adderfang could speak. The golden she cat paused to get her breath. Unbeknownst to Adderfang or even Marigoldpaw the golden apprentice was subconsiously starting to form her own code. The first part of her code was to protect Shrikepaw and Shadowclan with her life! She was still working on the others...
( @Rani )

Rani November 9th, 2020 06:29 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Addefang blinked a couple times in the face of all this enthusiasm before breaking into a rare rough chuckle "I suppose it can be viewed as a bit stupid to some yes. But thats part of the point. It seems you've got the beginning of your own code there too; Kindness is easy and my foes don't deserve it but kits and the innocent are not part of the fight. Maybe thats a line of your code or maybe thats still not it and you want to tweak it. You dont need to know your own code word for word more often then not you already have one subconsciously but laying it out will help give you direction."

She cracked a small grin at Marigoldpaws outbursts about the worth of her own life, it would keep her alive in the future no doubt. "Thats an interesting way to look at it, though some find purpose in dying for a cause living for one will definitely mean you end up doing it for longer. What about your views on leadership and orders? What else do you find is very important to you?" Adderfang asked looking down at her student proudly. Passion true passion was hard to find and yet the younger cat had it in spades. Together they would find the core of that and give her the framework to shape herself around that steel core of self, as Adderfang herself once did. Moments like this were what the warrior lived for.

BEAR. November 12th, 2020 02:50 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
As they neared the border, Lionstorm tasted the air to make sure the frog-brains hadn't done anything stupid.

"What do you know about ShadowClan, Spottedpaw?"

[ @Noface ]

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