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BEAR. September 21st, 2020 08:30 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Hailstorm, Hailstorm. Wait -

That was.. actually a name he recognized from a previous Gathering. "So this rogue attacked her." The vagrant Icestar was so bent out of shape over. Interesting! Maybe there was truth to this.. "Shows how well-loved she was, if her Clan just stood by and watched her get slaughtered." A new deputy? That was something else, too. "Did Beastboy die?" he asked, curious. It didn't occur to him Icebrains might've demoted the Frostslayer.

Regardless, when Icestar woke up he was sure she'd be in a fouler mood than a squished toad. Fantastic. "Well, when she recovers from her lost life I'm sure ShadowClan will be as annoying as ever." He was pretty sure she wasn't on her last life, so it was just a matter of time before she woke up. "You wanted to come back, Cherrykit?"

[ @kittygirl ]

kittygirl September 21st, 2020 08:37 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Lilysnap eyes softened and she shook her head when he said she’d come back, ”she was confirmed dead before I left, and yes please I just want to come home...all this chaos..I’ve been so unhappy with my life...it feels like everything is against me..” her words trailed off, she wanted to keep venting, but she doubted he’d listen or anything. She was trying not to cry again.
She just needed a hug so bad, but she shook out her fur and nervously laughed, “oh and sorry it’s lilysnap now, I don’t really like being called lilysnap though. I guess I really liked the name my mother gave me...how’s...hailkit by the way..?” She hoped he had grown up in riverclan...but he might have died like deerkit..


BEAR. September 21st, 2020 09:25 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
"How is she dead?" Lionstar had to laugh a little at that - what a crazy thought. "She had more than one life, I'm sure. Icebrains was dense but.. not suicidal, she wouldn't have let some traitor take her down." It was.. weird, in some way. The thought of Icestar being dead. She had been leader longer than he was. He could clearly recall the day he met her gross, stinky ass as she stomped into his camp like she owned the place.

No, she wasn't dead. Cherry..Lily? This kit was incorrect, had mistaken her death. Cats could be wrong. He wasn't. "If everything was against you, I'd have kicked you out without giving you a chance to talk." Emotional as always. At least she seemed to have matured some, though he wished she had the capacity to reflect on her own choices. Maybe they could work on that now that she wasn't a blindly stupid baby..

"Hailkit." He hardly remembered the face to go along with the name. "Disappeared. Came back. Disappeared again. Could never find him, eventually stopped bothering to keep an eye out." If he returned, great. Lionstar wasn't convinced - a hawk probably got him. "As long as you behave yourself, I'll allow you to come back.. but I'm not calling you Lily. It's.. well, I don't like it for you. You're a cherry." Has always been a cherry. He didn't know why it got changed and didn't care. He'd fix it.

She'd need a swimming lesson and probably be shown how to fish, but those weren't anything worth stripping her rank from her. "You'll be.. Cherryflight, to recognize the growth you've gone through over these past moons. You have risen above expectations, and I hope you only continue to go further." Going through most of the Clans hopefully would make her less inclined to risk her position in RiverClan again. "When we get to camp, I want you to seek out Sparrowskip. You might remember him as Sparrowkit.. or paw? I don't recall. He's one of Dirtfur's sons, the only one who's still around. Let him know he'll be teaching you how to swim and fish. I think you'll like him."

Because there was a difference between father and son. Sparrowskip fought hard to prove his loyalty and dedication to the Clan after Dirtfur betrayed them, whereas Dirtfur sunk further and further into the earth and disappointment. Sparrowskip was unlikely to lead Cherryflight astray.

[ @kittygirl ]

kittygirl September 21st, 2020 10:02 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Her eyes lit up and she smiled big, and even laughed a little, ”Won’t you be in for a big surprise next gathering.” she partly mumbled.

Cherryflight dipped her head to lionstar, “Thank you so much for this lionstar...I was so mad at you before..but I understand now it was for the best that I didn’t live in riverclan at the time, although it did cause more trauma then I’d have thought. In the end everything lead me back to here, so maybe you’re right...maybe not everything is against me.” she felt, ok now. She got her name back...her home back and soon and hopefully her friends. But there was one more cat she was curious about.

“Sorry If I’m asking a lot of questions, but there is one more cat I’m curious about, hows...sugarapple? Is she still around?” she lifted her head and stood up, she was ready to follow him and he could walk and talk.


BEAR. September 22nd, 2020 01:41 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Icestar's potential death was no laughing matter right now - in Lionstar's eyes it was unconfirmed, and the thought alone was strange after seasons of harassing the fat dung-heap. If she was truly gone, in a way - he would miss her if only because pissing her off was fun.

Bringing up Sugarapple made him pause in thought in his walk back to camp, trying to gather his recollections of the missing queen. "After you were sent to WindClan, she was never quite the same. The sickness you had stayed around the Clan awhile, eventually killed a bunch of kits and she took it all very hard. That and with kits disappearing too.. I don't think she could handle it anymore. She vanished a moon and a half ago, I'm guessing she just needed to get away from everything for awhile." Lionstar imagine she'd return, she just needed some time. And he couldn't blame her - if he could take a vacation, he would. "She'll be back, I'm sure. She's not the kind of cat to give up and drop everything on a whim."

[ @kittygirl - we can continue this in the clearing? ]

BubbleFish~ September 23rd, 2020 02:39 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@soot @Jessica1917
Skykit ran ahead of PalePounce and BasilPaw, stumbling on her way, following the ShadowClan reek, until she got to the border where the putrid scent was strongest. "Yech! this place is stinky! REALY stinky!"

Jessica1917 September 23rd, 2020 02:49 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Basilpaw padded after the enthuesiastic kit. "That I agree on," she said, giggling. She was a little nervous. She really didn't want to leave skykit by herself.

BubbleFish~ September 23rd, 2020 03:19 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@Jessica1917 @soot

"Do we realy have to go in there? it smells like a rump!" Exclaimed Skykit. If this was where she was to go, she would rather go back to the loud-water! at least that didn't smell!

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 10:30 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Leafpool scans the border for shadowclan. "if they step as a paw over our border." murmers leafpool. She walks up and down the riverclan shadowclan border and checks for any shadowclan scents. "i guess i should head back to my clan and hunt for the elders," she swishes her tail and walks away towards her home.

duckie October 2nd, 2020 04:28 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh


Sootflare nodded as Spiderpaw eagerly approached. Maybe a bit... too eager, but he could make do. There were too many cats in their clan completely unwilling to get any job done for him to start complaining about the others being too eager. She was a bit squeaky though. They could work on that.

He would lead the way out into the territory and past, all the way to the border. "Right then," he meowed, glancing back as he walked, "I know Lionstar's picked you up among his... project apprentices, but just what is it you're needing before you can be promoted?"

[ @hope ]

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