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monfang January 4th, 2017 05:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Dark Rose (Post 114468)
Honeypaw chuckled, following Lionpaw.
Splashpaw bounced after her, Foxpaw, Snowpaw, Goldenpaw and Blackpaw at her side.
Roarpaw stood up, grinning. "My siblings come at last!"
"Roarkit!" Honeypaw's eyes lit up.
"Roarpaw." Roarpaw smiled.
"You're alive!" Splashpaw squealed, running forward.
"I expected something stupid but wow." Blackpaw grinned.
"My brotha'!" Foxpaw nudged Roarpaw.
"My brotha'!" Roarpaw grinned.
Snowpaw smiled "Oh Roarpaw."
"Where have you been?" Goldenpaw nuzzled her brother, who nuzzled each of them.
"I told you where I was going before I left." Roarpaw's gaze met Honeypaw's. "I went to find our parents.
Honeypaw looked at him, silent, but the smile on her face fell.

Feircestorm then stepped from behind the bush, and looked at them. His gaze landed on Honeypaw, and a small smile crossing his maw. He said nothing, but the giant maine coon flicked his tail.
Lionpaw, Oakpaw, Palepaw, Frostpaw, and Coonpaw watched in silence.

Random Melody January 4th, 2017 05:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Tiny (Post 114478)

Feircestorm then stepped from behind the bush, and looked at them. His gaze landed on Honeypaw, and a small smile crossing his maw. He said nothing, but the giant maine coon flicked his tail.
Lionpaw, Oakpaw, Palepaw, Frostpaw, and Coonpaw watched in silence.

Swiftbreeze stepped out beside her mate and stared at her kits, a smile on her face.
"....And, I found them." Roarpaw looked at his parents, then his siblings with a smile.
Foxpaw gasped, even Splashpaw had no words. Blackpaw went rigid with shock, and Goldenpaw and Snowpaw only stared, mouths agape.
Honeypaw's gaze flickered from Swiftbreeze to Fiercestorm. Her eyes were wide, like her siblings, but there was an unreadable expression in her gaze. Almost disbelief, as if she wasn't sure these were really her mother and father. Fear, like they would disappear if she moved or spoke and that would be it.

monfang January 4th, 2017 05:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Dark Rose (Post 114503)
Swiftbreeze stepped out beside her mate and stared at her kits, a smile on her face.
"....And, I found them." Roarpaw looked at his parents, then his siblings with a smile.
Foxpaw gasped, even Splashpaw had no words. Blackpaw went rigid with shock, and Goldenpaw and Snowpaw only stared, mouths agape.
Honeypaw's gaze flickered from Swiftbreeze to Fiercestorm. Her eyes were wide, like her siblings, but there was an unreadable expression in her gaze. Almost disbelief, as if she wasn't sure these were really her mother and father. Fear, like they would disappear if she moved or spoke and that would be it.

After a moment, Feircestorm stepped forward. "Well, no hugs?" he purred.

Random Melody January 4th, 2017 06:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Swiftbreeze smiled.
"MOM! DAD!" As one, Foxpaw, Splashpaw, Goldenpaw, Snowpaw, and even Blackpaw leaped on their parents, grinning widely.
Honeypaw didn't move, the puzzled, disbelieving look in her eyes turning to joy. But she stayed where she was, not speaking.
"You okay sis?" Roarpaw nudged her.
"Yeah." Honeypaw smiled faintly.

Starfall January 4th, 2017 06:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 110137)
Falconclaw's own green hues narrowed once more, the calmness leaving them and he opened his maw to give her a sharp retort before stopping. That wouldn't work. A sharp answer was not the way to speak to a clanmate, and certainly not one like Amberwish...to him, it seemed the more frustrated he was, the angrier she seemed to become. "I never said you couldn't. These cats are not idiots; they are quite intelligent. Not that you aren't, but they are capable of pure evil. You may be able to hold your own but against them you are probably helpless." Falconclaw mewed with an unreadable expression. He guessed that the ginger she cat probably wouldn't take that very well. It wouldn't surprise me. She definitely needs to learn to keep her mouth shut- she'll go too far one day. Offend the wrong cats. And she won't have a single cat on her side to tell her when she's overdoing it- I certainly won't. If she's mousebrained enough to mess with a Dark Forest supporter, she doesn't deserve the protection I can provide. The tom thought with a low hiss, although it was inaudible.
"Well it is a pleasure to meet you, Amberwish. You are quite the...interesting warrior, I suppose. It's not every day I am accused of being a Dark Forest supporter, and it is not every day that I meet a cat as spirited as yourself." Falconclaw mewed with another half smile. It was awkward, and almost painful to watch...though whether that was because of his half smile or because his whole posture was one of discomfort, as though he were hiding some great secret from her. "Oh no, leaf-bare is my absolute favorite season. I absolutely adore the freezing cold and wetness, don't you?" Falconclaw asked. He had meant it as a sarcastic comment, although because of his deeper, more authoritive voice, it sounded quite serious. Anyone who happened to look at him and hear what he had just spoken might have been quite confused, as the two didn't quite add up.
"Yes, I know. That is why I cautioned you against them earlier. I was not trying to offend you and I apologize if I did so. I was simply hoping to discourage you from trying to be a hero. You would do well to remember that these cats are not loyal to ThunderClan. They will not hesitate to attack a clanmate; or rather, as I believe they now view us...traitors." Falconclaw mewed in a calm tone. The tom glanced over at his companion in an almost sly manner, although he did not mean it to come across that way. If anything he was merely trying to see his companion and new acquaintance- a cat he was beginning to consider as a possible friend. She certainly seemed as though she could use one. And Falconclaw knew that he did...he had no friends at the moment, not after the battle. He would never be friends with a Dark Forest supporter. That would be too much of a shock for him to take.

(They are in TC- Dapplestar is leader of WC, so I'm just going to forget that last part.)

{whoops! Sorry, and sorry for the late reply}
Amberwish narrowed her eyes at the tom, holding back the urge to snap at the tom. Instead of loosing her temper she let out a sigh and turned her head, pouting as she thought about the tom she remark. At his second remark she folded her ears against her head and looked back at Falconclaw with a sheepish grin "Yeah, sorry about that....it's, well, with everything that's been happening and....um.......I'm sorry."she said, smiling awkwardly at the warrior. Ignoring the tom she remark about leaf-bare, instead she turned her amber gaze to the tunnel that lead to the territory, hope fluttered in the mollys heart,she didn't know why, but it did, and it didn't go away until she heard the word 'traitor' roll off the other Warriors toung. She quickly swung her head around, anger flashed in her amber hue she before she realized what he was saying, she loosened up her shoulders and gave the tom a sad smile "I know, it's reckless, but no body's doing anything about it. It's painful to watch, our own clans rotting from the inside out. I hate just watching from the sidelines, whining about something then doing nothing about it. If we're Warriors, then why not act like them? Warriors are supposed to protect their clan, even if it costs them their lives. If we have.... traitors in the clan, if they are a possible threat, then it's our job to drive them out once we know that they do pose a threat. I may not look like much, I may not be the strongest, but that doesn't mean I won't try." she said, for the second time in her life, no emotion was evident on her face, all of it was poured into her deceleration. She knew that she couldn't do it alone, but if she hadn't to, she would, even if it broke her, even if it wounds her badly inside out, even if it kills her, she would do anything to keep the innocent and honorable alive and well.

monfang January 4th, 2017 06:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Dark Rose (Post 114658)
Swiftbreeze smiled.
"MOM! DAD!" As one, Foxpaw, Splashpaw, Goldenpaw, Snowpaw, and even Blackpaw leaped on their parents, grinning widely.
Honeypaw didn't move, the puzzled, disbelieving look in her eyes turning to joy. But she stayed where she was, not speaking.
"You okay sis?" Roarpaw nudged her.
"Yeah." Honeypaw smiled faintly.

Not expecting them all, Feircestorm's eyes widened as they tackled him, and he tumbled backward. He laughed, and looked at Honeypaw, reaching over with a large paw and pulling her over.
Lionpaw watched with his siblings, smiling. Honeypaw gained her parents while he just lost his, but he didn't care. Honeypaw was happy. Stretching, he looked at Coonpaw and smiled. "Go catch up with Roarpaw." he said and turned.
"Where are you going?" she asked.

mapledash January 4th, 2017 07:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Liquoris (Post 114042)
'Oh great, one's coming,' she thought. She attempted to avoid eye contact, up until the other she-cat started talking to her. She simply glared at her, hoping she'd simply go away. She quickly turned her attention back to watching the other kits playing, hoping that would be enough to get the other kit to go away.

She looked at the other kit with a weird face, did they hear her or were they just really creppy standing there? She took a step further and poked the kit on the muzzle. "Helloo~ Are you dead?" she asked with a smile and a hit of amusement in her voice. "Are you the ghost of ratnight comming to hunt us?" She wanted to make this kit play with her, but they seemed deaf at first. She moved her face right in front of theirs, and she smelled the she.

lone January 4th, 2017 07:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 112194)
Storkpaw wiggled his haunches, waiting for her attack, when he noticed her disturbed gaze. It took him a moment to think back back over his words, to figure out what exactly he had said that had upset her. He sighed inwardly as he remembered her breakdown when Ashstar disappeared and Ratnight returned. He had. Supported her then, why was he so mouse brained and careless that he had brought it up, especially when he knew it was a sensitive matter with her. He watched her carefully, waiting to see how her emotions would develope. Fortunately for him, he watched her discontent turn to mischief again and continue the game. "Maybe not necessarily evil, just...maybe different than your normal leader." He said tilting his head as he thought up some rules for himself. "Maybe kits could be apprentices at a younger age, and no loners allowed to join the....Clans." He trailed off, immediately catching himself, though too late. He closed his eyes in embarrassment. He himself was originally a loner by descent, and was brought here. "Never mind, scratch that rule, loners are allowed to join, under certain circumstances." He corrected himself. "Wait, wait wait, are you being prideful in taunting me in this way? No claws! Such madness! But if you shall, then I shall be honorable and do so as well." He flexed his claws, ripping up some dirt, before he attacked. He jumped forwards, more in a scare tactic rather than fighting one, and landed two mice length away from her, pushing his wide grin towards her. "No claws it is then." He said slyly.

"Hmm...that doesn't sound bad. If I can defeat you, maybe I'll take that 'kits become apprentices at a younger age.'" Owlkit looked a good deal happier, as though she had almost forgotten this was a game. That she were in a fierce battle in this game, and that if she didn't fight she was going to lose. "Honorable? You? I thought you were, but now that you have tried to take my throne from me my...loyal...servant, I have to say that I no longer believe in your honor. Or loyalty. Even though I like your rules, I believe you are not a fit leader and I will fight you to win." Owlkit mewed. Her tail lashed fiercely and she scowled. Her grey blue hues twinkled in a friendly manner, although it was hard to catch through her playfully fierce scowl.

Owlkit jumped, struggling not to unsheathe her claws as she jumped into the air and came back down, her tail whipping at the air in a ferocious manner. Although it was hard for her to look ferocious when she was nervous, and it showed on her expression. The kit sighed, glancing at the tom as though to see if he had noticed. She had the feeling that he probably had...it would have been pretty hard for him to just ignore it. The she cat darted towards him, taking a flying leap through the air.

She was aiming for the tom's back, and she missed her mark just barely, landing behind him. The she cat began to bat at his tail as though she were indeed a very young kit, playing with her Mother or sibling's tail in the nursery. She thought of Storkpaw as an older brother...except he was better than a brother, she just didn't know how to explain it. Perhaps it was because they had never fought before and she sincerely doubted that they ever would. That made her feel better, and she continued to play with his tail, batting at it with her soft paws, almost forgetting that they were in the middle of a game and Storkpaw might pin her again at any second.

Starfall January 4th, 2017 08:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
{Open RP}
Daypaw pushed his way through the tunnel that lead into the Skyclan clearing, his golden pelt slightly dusted and ruffled from running through the territory. A medium sized mouse swang from his jaws as he padded over to the fresh kill pile, dropping off his catch.The golden tom looked at the pile before shaking his head and padding away, finding a sunny patch and laying himself down with a soft grunt. His blue gaze raked across the clearing, it flickered with sleepiness and curiosity. The golden tom neatly wrapped his paws and rested his muzzle upon his paws. The apprentice let out a sigh and closed his eyes, he let his mind wander, he began to think of the Liberation, of Skyclan, of the EE supporters, but every time he thought of the cats who supported the EE, his mind always drifted back to his brother. He felt guilty, so guilty, he hated it, he couldn't let go of the fact that his own brother supported the EE, even though he helped end it, he couldn't forget, no matter how hard he tried to get rid of the thought, it was still burned in the back of his head. The young apprentice twiched his eyebrows as he thought of his formerly mentor, the way he died, what he said before he died, he would never forget it, he couldn't, it was just as bad as his memory of his brother. He didn't want tom get rid of them though, it's wat made him....him, it's what fourmed the decisions he make and decisions he will make, and he was okay with it. Daypaw let out a snort and opened his eyes, sadness flashing through the blue orbs before it was quickly replaced with curiosity and excitement, looking in the direction of the territory. He couldn't wait until he got another mentor, until he could practice his skills again. Excitement bubbled in his stomach, quickly extinguishing the flames of despair, he picked himself up and lifted his chin, not caring about all the Warriors and apprentices looking at him in confusion "I won't loose to these negative emotions, I won't let the past actions effect my future! I refuse to be beaten and laughed at by the darkness!" he declared , rather loudly in fact, to any cat who was listening, he didn't care I felt he sounded insane, loony, mad, he wanted to get his opinion across, let everyone know what he was thinking, saw what was in his mind, he had to, he was speaking for two. He flicked his tail and looked at the apprentices den and pictured his brother, nightpaw, sleeping peacefully in his nest, his scar red, irritated. He let out a sigh and folded his ears against his head and lowered his eye lids, he wished, he hoped, that his brother would get better, that his brother would speak up for himself, say what was on his mind.....talk to him, his only family member that was left, the only one that was alive. The golden tom let out another sigh and looked around, taking in all the strange looks from all the other cats and making a mental not to himself, reminding himself to speak louder, make them even more confused.

Starfall January 4th, 2017 08:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by mapledash (Post 113917)
Mapledash came near the entrance to the apprentice's den and peeked his head inside. The smell of the den remembered him his good days when he trained with his own mentor, and how lazy he was about it at first. He looked around in the gloom, but there were so much apprentices still sleeping. Their chattering overcame the sound of his apprentice, and he couldn't tell if they were here. "Jaypaw! You're in here? It's training day, I'll see you in the training cave." he called. He hoped his apprentice remebered this was the day they were suposed to do their hunting practice. This would be his third lesson, so he would need to catch at least two or three preys this time to show his improvement, unless he gets bad luck. He left the den without waiting for an answer and headed for the training cave. --Maybe they DO remember are are waiting for me in there? Who knows.-- he realised for a moment as he padded away and out in the territory.

(I know this is short but I don't really know how I can make this any longer :P)

{nah that's fine <3 }
Jaypaw lifted his head and looked groggily at the den enterance, annoyance washed over him, thinking it wasn't just a loud apprentice before realizing it was his mentor. The silver tom picked himself up with a grunt and shook the moss off 'Why must it always be so early in the morning?' he questioned, not bothering to clean himself before pushing his way through the brambles of the entrance, small tufts of silver fur sticking to the thorns and branches. He stopped in the middle of the clearing and looked around, hoping to spot Mapledash, after a few moments he realized what the warrior said Andy gasped "Foxdung!" he snapped before quickly darting out to the training cave, realizing he was late. It took a few seconds before he finally made it, gasping and out of breath "Sorry, I'm really....a morning bird as one would say." he wheezed out before letting out a snort and straightening his stance, not caring about how ruffled and dirty his pelt was 'It dosent matter, it'll get dingy and muddy later anyways, this isn't training anyways.' he thought, his blue eyes flashed with excitement before he went back to his emotionless expression, awaiting orders from his mentor.

{Next post in training cave???? Sorry should I have posted there's instead?}

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