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FlashFanatic February 26th, 2017 07:39 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 165464)
{ @TehDerpyShoelace I'm sorry for the late reply, I haven't been really active the past few days but my activeness should be going up soon. Btw, is the love-triangle plot going to happen still?}

Blizzardfoot trampled over towards the ThunderClan border, inhaling the scents that were close by. She could smell a patrol coming around her way, but she just moved around it. The molly padded forwards, keeping her senses sharp, waiting for the right tom to come by.

Pineshadow. The pair didn't get to talk much during the gathering, due to the cramped circumstances. There were just way too many cats there- way too many conversations, and although she usually enjoyed the lasting company of others, she still wanted privacy. Especially with Pineshadow.

It would be nice if Pine and her had some alone time. Their border meetings were always so short. They were always interrupted by other cats, or pulled apart by some other force. Blizzardfoot generally didn't complain, but she couldn't help but feel a longing to spend some time with him.

"Hi!" She chirped, when her eyes finally laid onto the tom she hoped to see. The ThunderClan tom seemed quite lost in thought, as if he were daydreaming in the distance. "Pine, are you okay?"

{Yeah, I don't think that is going to happen.}

Pineshadow, sulking in the bushes, was a funny sight to see. He was always annoyed at how him and Blizzardfoot never got to spend any time together. The last time they tried talking was at the gathering, but it was way to loud and cramped. They couldn't really share their feelings for eachother when they are at a loud, cramped gathering. The time before that, the fire had started, which then he had to go and help his clan. He just hoped that this time they had some time alone.

That also striked another problem. If they had time alone, what would they talk about? Events that happened? How much they love eachother? To Pineshadow, he was a pretty boring cat. Eat, sleep, hunt, fight. That was pretty much his normal routine, the life of a clan cat. While the brown tabby was thinking, he didn't realize that Blizzardfoot was there. Then, he heard someone. His first instinct was to run away, but then he realized that someone was asking if he was okay. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He said in a grumpy voice, not fully aware that Blizzardfoot was there. When he looked up, he saw The pretty white cat. "Oh!" He said, and jumped backwards in surprise. "i didn't realize it was you?"

Pineshadow started laughing, and collapsed to the ground in a fit of laughter. He didn't care how dumb he looked, only because it was Blizzardfoot that was there. Then he realized how dumb he actually looked. Blizzardfoot probably thought that he went crazy between now and the gathering. It wasn't often that he burst into maniacal fits of laughter. The brown tabby got up, and swiftly cleaned his fur. "Sorry about that." He said, trying to sound formal. He bit his lip, trying not to burst into laughter again. "So, how are you?" He asked, trying his bst to change the subject.

{Oh my long wow}

FlashFanatic March 4th, 2017 12:32 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by TehDerpyShoelace (Post 185208)
{Yeah, I don't think that is going to happen.}

Pineshadow, sulking in the bushes, was a funny sight to see. He was always annoyed at how him and Blizzardfoot never got to spend any time together. The last time they tried talking was at the gathering, but it was way to loud and cramped. They couldn't really share their feelings for eachother when they are at a loud, cramped gathering. The time before that, the fire had started, which then he had to go and help his clan. He just hoped that this time they had some time alone.

That also striked another problem. If they had time alone, what would they talk about? Events that happened? How much they love eachother? To Pineshadow, he was a pretty boring cat. Eat, sleep, hunt, fight. That was pretty much his normal routine, the life of a clan cat. While the brown tabby was thinking, he didn't realize that Blizzardfoot was there. Then, he heard someone. His first instinct was to run away, but then he realized that someone was asking if he was okay. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He said in a grumpy voice, not fully aware that Blizzardfoot was there. When he looked up, he saw The pretty white cat. "Oh!" He said, and jumped backwards in surprise. "i didn't realize it was you?"

Pineshadow started laughing, and collapsed to the ground in a fit of laughter. He didn't care how dumb he looked, only because it was Blizzardfoot that was there. Then he realized how dumb he actually looked. Blizzardfoot probably thought that he went crazy between now and the gathering. It wasn't often that he burst into maniacal fits of laughter. The brown tabby got up, and swiftly cleaned his fur. "Sorry about that." He said, trying to sound formal. He bit his lip, trying not to burst into laughter again. "So, how are you?" He asked, trying his bst to change the subject.

{Oh my long wow}

{ @Gusty }

Gusty March 5th, 2017 03:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border
@TehDerpyShoelace [whoops]

Blizzardfoot watched Pine's realization with interest. It was such a small thing to laugh about, but it brought the molly joy. "Oh, silly." She muttered playfully, flicking her tail in amusement. "You don't need to be sorry. I do things like that all the time."

She paused before answering the next question. "And yeah, I'm doing well. Life's getting a little bit too monotone for my liking. I wish something exciting could happen." Her eyes wandered to the tom's soft eyes. "What about you? Is it the normal? Do you have, umm, a mate or anything like that?" She asked the last part semi-awkwardly, with flattened ears. Time passed between the gathering and now. Who knows what happened then?

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 12:24 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border
@Random Melody

A large multi-colored tom walked through the edges of the Riverclan border. It wasn't his turn to take patrols, but he felt like getting away from the clan for some silence, for some alone time. It wasn't that Mixedfur hate his clan. He loved his clan, really. He truly would do anything to protect them.

But even the giant tom got tired. Though he was a friendly and respectable giant, he had a temper that he needed to keep bay. Although he had a nice time playing with the kits, and taking care of the elders. He really would had loved to climb up the tallest tree, and nap on the branch. That sounded like a heavy dream that kept moving away from him. Floating on a cloud.

Mixedfur shook his head out his thoughts. He had to pay attention since he allowed himself to be out here for a while. Just looking into the distance where Thunderclan was set. He never thought highly of the cheap riffraffs, as he liked to call them. He also never cared much for their presence. Mixedfur always thought of them as stealing poachers, thinking of their kills that were somehow taken.

He always blamed Thunderclan. It was always thunderclan. Riverclan was filled with the good cats. All the cats that would go to Starclan someday, but thunderclan seemed evil. Just like the other clans.

Not that Mixedfur didn't respect the other clans. Because of the warrior code, he had too. He had neutral respect for the other leaders and their clans, really. It was embedded in him, ever since he was a small kit, that riverclan was forever best and the other clans could compare to anything less. He remembered his parents always telling him that before he became a warrior. Before he even became an apprentice!

It was natural for the thought to grow within him. And, he gradually begin to believe it all. After all, wasn't it true? That riverclan was the best and the clans could compare to anything less?

Again, he was lost in his thoughts. And, he blamed Thunderclan for making him distracted. The large tom sat up from his seat, his fur becoming downy and clinging to him. He begin to walk around, slowly. Noticing every detail of observing his territory, and to protect his clan from any outsiders.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 12:36 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 201734)
@Random Melody

A large multi-colored tom walked through the edges of the Riverclan border. It wasn't his turn to take patrols, but he felt like getting away from the clan for some silence, for some alone time. It wasn't that Mixedfur hate his clan. He loved his clan, really. He truly would do anything to protect them.

But even the giant tom got tired. Though he was a friendly and respectable giant, he had a temper that he needed to keep bay. Although he had a nice time playing with the kits, and taking care of the elders. He really would had loved to climb up the tallest tree, and nap on the branch. That sounded like a heavy dream that kept moving away from him. Floating on a cloud.

Mixedfur shook his head out his thoughts. He had to pay attention since he allowed himself to be out here for a while. Just looking into the distance where Thunderclan was set. He never thought highly of the cheap riffraffs, as he liked to call them. He also never cared much for their presence. Mixedfur always thought of them as stealing poachers, thinking of their kills that were somehow taken.

He always blamed Thunderclan. It was always thunderclan. Riverclan was filled with the good cats. All the cats that would go to Starclan someday, but thunderclan seemed evil. Just like the other clans.

Not that Mixedfur didn't respect the other clans. Because of the warrior code, he had too. He had neutral respect for the other leaders and their clans, really. It was embedded in him, ever since he was a small kit, that riverclan was forever best and the other clans could compare to anything less. He remembered his parents always telling him that before he became a warrior. Before he even became an apprentice!

It was natural for the thought to grow within him. And, he gradually begin to believe it all. After all, wasn't it true? That riverclan was the best and the clans could compare to anything less?

Again, he was lost in his thoughts. And, he blamed Thunderclan for making him distracted. The large tom sat up from his seat, his fur becoming downy and clinging to him. He begin to walk around, slowly. Noticing every detail of observing his territory, and to protect his clan from any outsiders.

Splashheart padded along the border, her ears pricked up. The blue-gray she-cat gave her pelt a shake, her nose twitching as she took in the smells. Since she was at the RiverClan border she could smell fish, and - Yuck! Who would want to eat something that smelled so vile? A RiverClan cat, those mangy otter-cats.

Splashheart snickered at her own thought, letting herself relax as she continued on, head held high. The faint scent of a RiverClan cat hit her nose, which wrinkled almost immediately as she suppressed a groan, but pressed on, trying not to breathe in the smell too much.

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 12:45 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 201745)
Splashheart padded along the border, her ears pricked up. The blue-gray she-cat gave her pelt a shake, her nose twitching as she took in the smells. Since she was at the RiverClan border she could smell fish, and - Yuck! Who would want to eat something that smelled so vile? A RiverClan cat, those mangy otter-cats.

Splashheart snickered at her own thought, letting herself relax as she continued on, head held high. The faint scent of a RiverClan cat hit her nose, which wrinkled almost immediately as she suppressed a groan, but pressed on, trying not to breathe in the smell too much.

Mixedfur padded along, taking in the scenery. He always thought it was beautiful. From the blue colored sky, to the soft green-yellowish grass. He just loved to look at it. Appreciate it, unlike most cats.

When he smelled a certain scent, he choked down a hiss. His eyes immediately came into contact with a thunderclan cat. He could smell the foreign scent on her pelt. She even looked like a stealing poacher in his opinion! This did not sit well with him.

''Halt!'' He called. His voice deep with authority. He padded up to her, standing tall, but looking down into her eyes. He wanted to appear menacing, to display dominance. ''I have no right to stop you from doing your...duties.'' He looked her up and down as if checking her out. Inwardly, he wanted to find something to judge her about, but she didn't seem like an aggressive type. Again, the eyes could be deceiving. ''Just making sure you don't cause any trouble. I know how you...''He hissed lowly. ''Thunderclan cats do it.'' He flicked his tail, twitching it out of annoyance. Just to think he would had some alone time! Now, he had another nuisance to get rid of! Hopefully!

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 09:23 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 201751)

Mixedfur padded along, taking in the scenery. He always thought it was beautiful. From the blue colored sky, to the soft green-yellowish grass. He just loved to look at it. Appreciate it, unlike most cats.

When he smelled a certain scent, he choked down a hiss. His eyes immediately came into contact with a thunderclan cat. He could smell the foreign scent on her pelt. She even looked like a stealing poacher in his opinion! This did not sit well with him.

''Halt!'' He called. His voice deep with authority. He padded up to her, standing tall, but looking down into her eyes. He wanted to appear menacing, to display dominance. ''I have no right to stop you from doing your...duties.'' He looked her up and down as if checking her out. Inwardly, he wanted to find something to judge her about, but she didn't seem like an aggressive type. Again, the eyes could be deceiving. ''Just making sure you don't cause any trouble. I know how you...''He hissed lowly. ''Thunderclan cats do it.'' He flicked his tail, twitching it out of annoyance. Just to think he would had some alone time! Now, he had another nuisance to get rid of! Hopefully!

Splashheart's eyes narrowed as the Tom stopped her, making the she-cat roll her blue eyes. Great, now the RiverClan scent was all up her nose! Curling her lip, the blue/gray she-cat stepped back, nose wrinkled in disgust. Then her eyes widened and her ears shot up. "How us ThunderClan cats do it? She narrowed her eyes into a glare at the other warrior, her tail thrashing. "Im not gonna cause any trouble. If anything you're the one causing the trouble stopping me from patrolling." She sniffed, nose still wrinkled up as she tried not to inhale too much.

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 11:24 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 201870)
Splashheart's eyes narrowed as the Tom stopped her, making the she-cat roll her blue eyes. Great, now the RiverClan scent was all up her nose! Curling her lip, the blue/gray she-cat stepped back, nose wrinkled in disgust. Then her eyes widened and her ears shot up. "How us ThunderClan cats do it? She narrowed her eyes into a glare at the other warrior, her tail thrashing. "Im not gonna cause any trouble. If anything you're the one causing the trouble stopping me from patrolling." She sniffed, nose still wrinkled up as she tried not to inhale too much.

Mixedfur did not like the attitude of this she-cat. He always was respected because he always gave respect. At least in his clan it was always a great deal of respect. And, he wondered if all thunderclan she-cats were this way. He slightly looked away from her in a pompous act, rolling his eyes in the process. Hearing her words made him laugh. And, he snickered. ''Of course. I had to stop you before you think about stealing our prey. Thunderclan cats are not at all innocent, in the least.'' The large tom slowly bowed down to glare at the female before him. She looked disgusted, evidently. Maybe suffocating in the well-known scent of fish. The best food in the world to Mixedfur! Besides, he wasn't taking a liking to her scent either, feeling offended in the same matter as she was. After staring her down with his yellow eyes further, he slowly turned around. He let his guard down. He knew she was not a threat. This made him mumbled something inaudible to hear, ''As long as you stay on YOUR side of the border. Then, everything shall be good.'' The tom said loudly, and clearly. He walked a few paces away from her, but he always kept his eyes lingering on her next move.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 12:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 201976)

Mixedfur did not like the attitude of this she-cat. He always was respected because he always gave respect. At least in his clan it was always a great deal of respect. And, he wondered if all thunderclan she-cats were this way. He slightly looked away from her in a pompous act, rolling his eyes in the process. Hearing her words made him laugh. And, he snickered. ''Of course. I had to stop you before you think about stealing our prey. Thunderclan cats are not at all innocent, in the least.'' The large tom slowly bowed down to glare at the female before him. She looked disgusted, evidently. Maybe suffocating in the well-known scent of fish. The best food in the world to Mixedfur! Besides, he wasn't taking a liking to her scent either, feeling offended in the same matter as she was. After staring her down with his yellow eyes further, he slowly turned around. He let his guard down. He knew she was not a threat. This made him mumbled something inaudible to hear, ''As long as you stay on YOUR side of the border. Then, everything shall be good.'' The tom said loudly, and clearly. He walked a few paces away from her, but he always kept his eyes lingering on her next move.

Splashheart had to laugh at his words, rolling her eyes as she did so. "Why would I steal your prey?" She asked with a giggle. There was no anger in her tone, merely sounding amused. She smirked as the tom turned away. "First off I cant handle the smell of your stinky fish, much less want to eat it. And as for not being innocent, you're right, im trouble. But I know the warrior code." She raised an eyebrow at the Tom, her smirk vanishing as a serious look crossed her face. "And believe me, I have no intent on crossing into your territory." She scoffed, turning her head away from him. "If I did it would mean i'd have to smell your stench and I dont want that."

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 02:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202009)
Splashheart had to laugh at his words, rolling her eyes as she did so. "Why would I steal your prey?" She asked with a giggle. There was no anger in her tone, merely sounding amused. She smirked as the tom turned away. "First off I cant handle the smell of your stinky fish, much less want to eat it. And as for not being innocent, you're right, im trouble. But I know the warrior code." She raised an eyebrow at the Tom, her smirk vanishing as a serious look crossed her face. "And believe me, I have no intent on crossing into your territory." She scoffed, turning her head away from him. "If I did it would mean i'd have to smell your stench and I dont want that."

Mixedfur was highly offender, and he tried to muster up his pride to not cross the border and pin the female to her place. He never pinned a female down, always respecting them, but this one was getting on his nerves. She was setting him on edge. ‘’How dare you say our fish is stinky!?’’ He shouted lowly at her. He didn’t want to cause a disturbance around them. Then, the large tom snickered. ‘’Trouble, huh?’’ And, once again he looked the feline over. She had grey and white fur. She had blue eyes. Yet, she did not look to be much trouble to him, as she claimed. ‘’You don’t even look harmful. Why don’t you go climb a tree or something? Stay out of danger.’’ He lashed his tail at insulting her. Mixedfur didn’t fear her. He had nothing to fear.

The large tom then made out a scoff at her next set of words, still offended. ‘’My scent stinks, huh?’’ He narrowed his eyes, and decided to mock her. He ran back over to her, stopping in front of her. Even though he was within the thunderclan border, he did not care. Instead, he allowed himself to brush alongside the female hoping that his scent would cling to her as if she been a riverclan cat all her life. When he backed away from her, he whispered huskily in her ear, ‘’How’s that for a stinky stench?’’ A purr rumbled from his throat.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 02:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202139)

Mixedfur was highly offender, and he tried to muster up his pride to not cross the border and pin the female to her place. He never pinned a female down, always respecting them, but this one was getting on his nerves. She was setting him on edge. ‘’How dare you say our fish is stinky!?’’ He shouted lowly at her. He didn’t want to cause a disturbance around them. Then, the large tom snickered. ‘’Trouble, huh?’’ And, once again he looked the feline over. She had grey and white fur. She had blue eyes. Yet, she did not look to be much trouble to him, as she claimed. ‘’You don’t even look harmful. Why don’t you go climb a tree or something? Stay out of danger.’’ He lashed his tail at insulting her. Mixedfur didn’t fear her. He had nothing to fear.

The large tom then made out a scoff at her next set of words, still offended. ‘’My scent stinks, huh?’’ He narrowed his eyes, and decided to mock her. He ran back over to her, stopping in front of her. Even though he was within the thunderclan border, he did not care. Instead, he allowed himself to brush alongside the female hoping that his scent would cling to her as if she been a riverclan cat all her life. When he backed away from her, he whispered huskily in her ear, ‘’How’s that for a stinky stench?’’ A purr rumbled from his throat.

Splashheart scowled at him. "For your information, I am quite capable of causing trouble!" She huffed in annoyance, slightly offended by his remark. If he's making fun of my height, i'll.. Her thoughts trailed off when she heard him scoff, annoyance making her fur prickle.

"Yeah, it do--What are you doing?" Splashheart's eyes blazed as she watched him cross the border, but before she could even think to unsheath her claws he was brushing his fur against hers. She coughed, her nose wrinkling in disgust as she pulled back, eyes slitting at the Tom. Though she felt warmth rush to her face, her ears growing hot as he purred in her ear. She shook her head, stopping the thoughts before they even came. This was a RiverClan cat for StarClan's sake!

Scowling, she lifted a paw to her nose to try and block out the stench that now clung to her fur. "You fur-brain!" She hissed. "What am I gonna say to my Clanmates when I come back smelling like a yucky RiverClan cat? 'Oh the smell? Yeah a RiverClan tom decided to rub against me!'? Ugh, as if the stench wasnt bad enough now they're gonna suspect something!" She spat, her ears flattening to her skull as she gave him a glare.

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 02:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202147)
Splashheart scowled at him. "For your information, I am quite capable of causing trouble!" She huffed in annoyance, slightly offended by his remark. If he's making fun of my height, i'll.. Her thoughts trailed off when she heard him scoff, annoyance making her fur prickle.

"Yeah, it do--What are you doing?" Splashheart's eyes blazed as she watched him cross the border, but before she could even think to unsheath her claws he was brushing his fur against hers. She coughed, her nose wrinkling in disgust as she pulled back, eyes slitting at the Tom. Though she felt warmth rush to her face, her ears growing hot as he purred in her ear. She shook her head, stopping the thoughts before they even came. This was a RiverClan cat for StarClan's sake!

Scowling, she lifted a paw to her nose to try and block out the stench that now clung to her fur. "You fur-brain!" She hissed. "What am I gonna say to my Clanmates when I come back smelling like a yucky RiverClan cat? 'Oh the smell? Yeah a RiverClan tom decided to rub against me!'? Ugh, as if the stench wasnt bad enough now they're gonna suspect something!" She spat, her ears flattening to her skull as she gave him a glare.

Mixedfur found the small she-cat amusing. He gave her a charming, teasing-like smile at her sudden outburst. ‘’If it’s ANYTHING, you smell A LOT better.’’ He praised her, rolling his eyes when she tried to cover out the scent.

His ears perked, and he did wonder what the thunderclan cats might think when they saw her again. With her smelling of a riverclan cat. They could think the worse. Fearing that she went off with a riverclan tom and ended back there pregnant. The thought was farfetched, but to Mixed everything that thunderclan did was farfetched.

Mixedfur shrugged. ‘’I guess you’ll be staying out of your clan for a while.’’ His voice grew deep, again wrapping around a sense of authority. ‘’It’s not that bad. On your end at least. But with me? I’m horrified that I’m even stuck with you! But, at least I don’t have to smell your starclan forsaken scent.’’ The thunderclan scent was still lingering on her faintly, but since he was in the thunderclan territory, the stench was wavering in his nostrils. He wanted to throw back up his lunch.

Again, the large mixed-colored tom was offended. And, he stared at her with a dull look in his eyes. He found her behavior pathetic, but it entertaining. She made him laugh inside. He cleared his throat, pulling himself closer to her. ‘’We’re not bad, you know. You’ll get used to it.’’ The tom snickered, enjoying the aggressive state that the small she-cat was in.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 03:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202158)

Mixedfur found the small she-cat amusing. He gave her a charming, teasing-like smile at her sudden outburst. ‘’If it’s ANYTHING, you smell A LOT better.’’ He praised her, rolling his eyes when she tried to cover out the scent.

His ears perked, and he did wonder what the thunderclan cats might think when they saw her again. With her smelling of a riverclan cat. They could think the worse. Fearing that she went off with a riverclan tom and ended back there pregnant. The thought was farfetched, but to Mixed everything that thunderclan did was farfetched.

Mixedfur shrugged. ‘’I guess you’ll be staying out of your clan for a while.’’ His voice grew deep, again wrapping around a sense of authority. ‘’It’s not that bad. On your end at least. But with me? I’m horrified that I’m even stuck with you! But, at least I don’t have to smell your starclan forsaken scent.’’ The thunderclan scent was still lingering on her faintly, but since he was in the thunderclan territory, the stench was wavering in his nostrils. He wanted to throw back up his lunch.

Again, the large mixed-colored tom was offended. And, he stared at her with a dull look in his eyes. He found her behavior pathetic, but it entertaining. She made him laugh inside. He cleared his throat, pulling himself closer to her. ‘’We’re not bad, you know. You’ll get used to it.’’ The tom snickered, enjoying the aggressive state that the small she-cat was in.

"Like i'd believe that." Splashheart spat, her ears flat to her head. Her eyes hardened, the Tom seemed amused, and that thought was enough to make the tingling feeling his smile gave her, go away. She scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

The stench that now clung to her fur made her want to barf, and she couldnt imagine her Clanmates reaction. And Snowsong, what's she gonna think? The thought sent an almost panicked feeling through the she-cat before it dissolved. Snowsong was the deputy, but she was also her sister. Maybe she'd take Splashheart's word for it. But at the same time Splash had a tendency to lie, to cover up things and sometimes she was caught in a lie. The thought made her blood run cold once more, her fur prickling with unease. I'll tell the truth, i'll tell them everything....Besides, they know I hate those mangy RiverClan cats right? Snowsong especially, and Foxthorn can vouch that I would never....Do anything with one of the otter-cats.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she went back to glaring at the Tom, nose wrinkled. "Wha--I cant just not go back to camp, mousebrain." She growled at him, forcing her fur flat. The Tom was so ignorant - Did he have any idea what kind of trouble she could get into? He wouldnt care, Her lip curled briefly. He's a RiverClan cat, they only care for themselves.

The she-cat rolled her eyes again at his next sentence, feeling her anger rise back up but this time she managed not to get as furious as before. A scowl riddled her face as she eyed the colorful Tom, the blue/gray she-cat's dark blue eyes mere slits. "At least I dont smell like..." She didnt finish her sentence, her words ending in a groan. "Okay, so I do smell like a rotten fish now. Ugh." She huffed out, shaking her head. She watched, her expression guarded as he moved closer to her. Again she felt the heat rise up to her face, her ears flicking back. As she studied him she did have to admit he was a well-looking Tom, sturdy looking and muscular, as plump as all RiverClan cats..

Stop it, mouse-brain. Splashheart mentally cursed herself, shaking her head and snapping back to reality in time to hear his next words. The she-cat glared at the Tom in front of her, her expression hostile. "Get used to your fishy stench?" She rolled her eyes. "Well now I have to until it wears off, thanks to you."

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 03:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202180)
"Like i'd believe that." Splashheart spat, her ears flat to her head. Her eyes hardened, the Tom seemed amused, and that thought was enough to make the tingling feeling his smile gave her, go away. She scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

The stench that now clung to her fur made her want to barf, and she couldnt imagine her Clanmates reaction. And Snowsong, what's she gonna think? The thought sent an almost panicked feeling through the she-cat before it dissolved. Snowsong was the deputy, but she was also her sister. Maybe she'd take Splashheart's word for it. But at the same time Splash had a tendency to lie, to cover up things and sometimes she was caught in a lie. The thought made her blood run cold once more, her fur prickling with unease. I'll tell the truth, i'll tell them everything....Besides, they know I hate those mangy RiverClan cats right? Snowsong especially, and Foxthorn can vouch that I would never....Do anything with one of the otter-cats.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she went back to glaring at the Tom, nose wrinkled. "Wha--I cant just not go back to camp, mousebrain." She growled at him, forcing her fur flat. The Tom was so ignorant - Did he have any idea what kind of trouble she could get into? He wouldnt care, Her lip curled briefly. He's a RiverClan cat, they only care for themselves.

The she-cat rolled her eyes again at his next sentence, feeling her anger rise back up but this time she managed not to get as furious as before. A scowl riddled her face as she eyed the colorful Tom, the blue/gray she-cat's dark blue eyes mere slits. "At least I dont smell like..." She didnt finish her sentence, her words ending in a groan. "Okay, so I do smell like a rotten fish now. Ugh." She huffed out, shaking her head. She watched, her expression guarded as he moved closer to her. Again she felt the heat rise up to her face, her ears flicking back. As she studied him she did have to admit he was a well-looking Tom, sturdy looking and muscular, as plump as all RiverClan cats..

Stop it, mouse-brain. Splashheart mentally cursed herself, shaking her head and snapping back to reality in time to hear his next words. The she-cat glared at the Tom in front of her, her expression hostile. "Get used to your fishy stench?" She rolled her eyes. "Well now I have to until it wears off, thanks to you."

Mixedfur found her humorous. Yet, annoying. ‘’Then, don’t.’’ He told her flatly, getting up from his spot, and going back over to his side of the border. He flicked his tail towards her, slightly looking back and throwing her a smirk. ‘’But, you’re not following me. So, good luck with whatever you’re going to do. It was nice knowing you, beautiful.’’

Mixedfur took one last look at the small she-cat, embracing in his victory. He hoped she learned her lessons of being an intolerant she-cat! They he had profound respect for any cat that crossed his path--within his own clan-- he was not the least bit happy with how this she-cat was acting towards him. And, he didn’t even know her name! He wondered what he would call her, and figured that it didn’t matter. It might be a one time opportunity that they would meet anyway.

The large tom found a tree, a good distance away from the she-cat. The tree was somewhat in the middle, on the side of Riverclan, yet bordering thunderclan. He raked the tree with his claws, and pondered how he was going to get up there.

Swiftly, he did jump onto the first branch, and he jumped once again until he landed on the top branch, hidden from the eyes of others. He did still see the she-cat, and he felt a bit of sorry for her. Having to ruin her chance at going back to her clan without getting in trouble for smelling like a...what? A rotten fish? This made him laugh loudly, as he couldn’t contain himself. Then, his sorry mode went away, and he assumed she deserved it for acting in such a way.

Mixedfur laid down on the branch, his tail swishing slightly behind him. He continued to stare at the feline, noting her grouchy mood that he had caused. Somehow he found her intriguing, and he watched her every move, wondering what her next plan was. From above, he teased her, ‘’You could always swim the scent off, sweetness, if it bothers you that much!’’ He called out, and laughed lowly.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 04:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202201)

Mixedfur found her humorous. Yet, annoying. ‘’Then, don’t.’’ He told her flatly, getting up from his spot, and going back over to his side of the border. He flicked his tail towards her, slightly looking back and throwing her a smirk. ‘’But, you’re not following me. So, good luck with whatever you’re going to do. It was nice knowing you, beautiful.’’

Mixedfur took one last look at the small she-cat, embracing in his victory. He hoped she learned her lessons of being an intolerant she-cat! They he had profound respect for any cat that crossed his path--within his own clan-- he was not the least bit happy with how this she-cat was acting towards him. And, he didn’t even know her name! He wondered what he would call her, and figured that it didn’t matter. It might be a one time opportunity that they would meet anyway.

The large tom found a tree, a good distance away from the she-cat. The tree was somewhat in the middle, on the side of Riverclan, yet bordering thunderclan. He raked the tree with his claws, and pondered how he was going to get up there.

Swiftly, he did jump onto the first branch, and he jumped once again until he landed on the top branch, hidden from the eyes of others. He did still see the she-cat, and he felt a bit of sorry for her. Having to ruin her chance at going back to her clan without getting in trouble for smelling like a...what? A rotten fish? This made him laugh loudly, as he couldn’t contain himself. Then, his sorry mode went away, and he assumed she deserved it for acting in such a way.

Mixedfur laid down on the branch, his tail swishing slightly behind him. He continued to stare at the feline, noting her grouchy mood that he had caused. Somehow he found her intriguing, and he watched her every move, wondering what her next plan was. From above, he teased her, ‘’You could always swim the scent off, sweetness, if it bothers you that much!’’ He called out, and laughed lowly.

Splashheart scowled at him, watching the Tom make his way back across the border. Okay, he wanted to dance? Fine. Lets dance. She growled under her breath, watching him make his way toward a tree and climb up. Her mind flashed back to his earlier words, and once more her ears heated up as she remembered he'd called her 'beautiful'.

He's just trying to get to me. Splashheart scoffed and turned away, tail lashing. She pushed the Tom out of her mind, thinking hard. She'd go to Foxthorn, her brother would believe her. He, after all, knew how deeply Splash hated the RiverClan cats. And then he'll help me come up with a way to get that stinkin' Tom back. She mused. Once again she was reminded of how much she stunk now, and her nose wrinkled up even more as she sighed.

They were going to suspect something, she knew. And Snowsong? Well the deputy was her sister but Splashheart had to remind herself that she had duties now too, a whole new responsibility and she had to take it seriously, not give her siblings free rides. You know what? Let them suspect something. Whats the worse they can do, ridicule me? They cant kick me out of the Clan just because I smell like a otter-cat!

Splashheart smirked at the thought, but was snapped out of it when she heard the Tom's voice again. It sent annoyance prickling through her, his teasing tone made her grit her teeth as she turned her head back to glare at him. "Ha, ha, ha, very funny." She slitted her eyes up at the tom, tail lashing. "Like it would work. And even if it would work, I dont know how to swim."

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 04:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202231)
Splashheart scowled at him, watching the Tom make his way back across the border. Okay, he wanted to dance? Fine. Lets dance. She growled under her breath, watching him make his way toward a tree and climb up. Her mind flashed back to his earlier words, and once more her ears heated up as she remembered he'd called her 'beautiful'.

He's just trying to get to me. Splashheart scoffed and turned away, tail lashing. She pushed the Tom out of her mind, thinking hard. She'd go to Foxthorn, her brother would believe her. He, after all, knew how deeply Splash hated the RiverClan cats. And then he'll help me come up with a way to get that stinkin' Tom back. She mused. Once again she was reminded of how much she stunk now, and her nose wrinkled up even more as she sighed.

They were going to suspect something, she knew. And Snowsong? Well the deputy was her sister but Splashheart had to remind herself that she had duties now too, a whole new responsibility and she had to take it seriously, not give her siblings free rides. You know what? Let them suspect something. Whats the worse they can do, ridicule me? They cant kick me out of the Clan just because I smell like a otter-cat!

Splashheart smirked at the thought, but was snapped out of it when she heard the Tom's voice again. It sent annoyance prickling through her, his teasing tone made her grit her teeth as she turned her head back to glare at him. "Ha, ha, ha, very funny." She slitted her eyes up at the tom, tail lashing. "Like it would work. And even if it would work, I dont know how to swim."

‘’You don’t know how to swim!?’’ He laughed from the tree, flipping onto his back as his laughter grew louder. He found it hysterical that she didn’t know how to swim! Yet, he knew because she wasn’t a riverclan cat. After all, it took him a lot--a lot of practice to climb better. Which, he still was a rookie at, but he still climbed the tree!

‘’You’re hilarious!’’ His laughter stopped, and he left out a deep purr. ‘’That’s what you get for trying to play lion, sweetheart. Stick to being a little kitty. The good kind, like the one you are.’’ He gently picked up his paw and begin licking it. He found his scent pleasant to be around. After all, he lived for the sweet taste of fish. The power food that included protein. And, he could not believe his ears that such a cat would dislike FISH!!

Suddenly, the large tom jumped down from the tree, and once again padded up to the female, circling her as if she were prey. His eyes scanned different parts of her body--the parts he liked, the parts he didn’t like. Not like he didn’t like much about her. Though he would never admit this aloud. Silently, he thought to himself that if she were a riverclan she-cat, he would had already claimed her as his mate, but she wasn’t. Yet, she was still there.

‘’I would offer to teach you how to swim,’’ He says, stopping to stare into her eyes. After examining what he could about her, he felt pleasant. This she-cat couldn’t even harm him if she tried! ‘’But, you seem to be lacking...hmmm...manners?’’ He thought aloud, smirking. ‘’You know, the politeness that parents teach kits at a young age? I don’t know what branch you fell off of in order to forget that lesson.’’ Mixedfur chuckled, lowly. ‘’But, I wouldn’t mind reteaching it to you. I’m a good teacher.’’ His voice was deep and low, menacing yet seductive. With his claws steady outstretching and retracting, he knew he was getting under her fur. And, he liked getting under her fur. He wondered if she would ever attack, or if she knew her limits. It was fun watching what she would do next, and those little glances that he saw her making at him, made his confidence reach its peak. ‘’Another thing is never feed a tom’s ego,’’ He purred once again in her ear. ‘’You’re bound to heat up.’’ And, he wondered if she did. He also wondered how far he could push his limits until she cracked.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 05:02 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202248)

‘’You don’t know how to swim!?’’ He laughed from the tree, flipping onto his back as his laughter grew louder. He found it hysterical that she didn’t know how to swim! Yet, he knew because she wasn’t a riverclan cat. After all, it took him a lot--a lot of practice to climb better. Which, he still was a rookie at, but he still climbed the tree!

‘’You’re hilarious!’’ His laughter stopped, and he left out a deep purr. ‘’That’s what you get for trying to play lion, sweetheart. Stick to being a little kitty. The good kind, like the one you are.’’ He gently picked up his paw and begin licking it. He found his scent pleasant to be around. After all, he lived for the sweet taste of fish. The power food that included protein. And, he could not believe his ears that such a cat would dislike FISH!!

Suddenly, the large tom jumped down from the tree, and once again padded up to the female, circling her as if she were prey. His eyes scanned different parts of her body--the parts he liked, the parts he didn’t like. Not like he didn’t like much about her. Though he would never admit this aloud. Silently, he thought to himself that if she were a riverclan she-cat, he would had already claimed her as his mate, but she wasn’t. Yet, she was still there.

‘’I would offer to teach you how to swim,’’ He says, stopping to stare into her eyes. After examining what he could about her, he felt pleasant. This she-cat couldn’t even harm him if she tried! ‘’But, you seem to be lacking...hmmm...manners?’’ He thought aloud, smirking. ‘’You know, the politeness that parents teach kits at a young age? I don’t know what branch you fell off of in order to forget that lesson.’’ Mixedfur chuckled, lowly. ‘’But, I wouldn’t mind reteaching it to you. I’m a good teacher.’’ His voice was deep and low, menacing yet seductive. With his claws steady outstretching and retracting, he knew he was getting under her fur. And, he liked getting under her fur. He wondered if she would ever attack, or if she knew her limits. It was fun watching what she would do next, and those little glances that he saw her making at him, made his confidence reach its peak. ‘’Another thing is never feed a tom’s ego,’’ He purred once again in her ear. ‘’You’re bound to heat up.’’ And, he wondered if she did. He also wondered how far he could push his limits until she cracked.

Splashheart just watched in silence as he laughed, allowing a sigh to escape her as she rolled her eyes. Boy im gonna be here a while. She thought. Okay, so she didnt know how to swim, big deal! Why should she? ThunderClan cats didnt hunt fish so there was no reason to get their fur wet.

Watching in silence as the Tom made his way towards her, she just sat down and curled her tail over her paws, not saying a single word. He seemed to be assessing her, checking her out, and the thought made her snort slightly. So the big bad otter-cat likes me. She didnt want to feel warm at the thought, but she did. Well he's outta luck. Im not breaking the warrior code for this flea-bag. He can go find him a pretty RiverClan otter-cat! She watched in silence as he stopped and stared at her, flicking her ears at his words. Her nose wrinkled. There was no way she was setting foot in that river, whether he offered or not!

Splashheart opened her mouth to retort but ended up taking in a sharp breath. Blood roared in her ears, which slowly flattened to her skull. He wasnt directly bringing up her parents, was he? Was he right? Did not having her parents around while she was growing up....Make her.....Disrespectful? Hateful? Guarded? Distant? She flinched, all her confidence vanishing all at once.

This time she felt nothing when he purred at her, just a cold feeling. Maybe she was being a bit rude. Splashheart spoke her mind and sometimes forgot that it may offend others. She could at least try to be nice, even if this cat had gotten her all stinky...Okay. She took a deep breath, straightening up. Lets see how this works for me.

"Maybe I am," She responded to his comment a little too late, no longer meeting his gaze as she stared toward the river. Her voice was no longer cold, her eyes no longer blazing with anger. In fact she looked almost emotionless. Thinking, she chose her next words carefully. "And you're right. Parents should teach their kits manners, though mine werent around while I was little. But that doesnt excuse my behavior." She finally looked at him. "Though in my defense you havent been all that polite, either."

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 05:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202277)
Splashheart just watched in silence as he laughed, allowing a sigh to escape her as she rolled her eyes. Boy im gonna be here a while. She thought. Okay, so she didnt know how to swim, big deal! Why should she? ThunderClan cats didnt hunt fish so there was no reason to get their fur wet.

Watching in silence as the Tom made his way towards her, she just sat down and curled her tail over her paws, not saying a single word. He seemed to be assessing her, checking her out, and the thought made her snort slightly. So the big bad otter-cat likes me. She didnt want to feel warm at the thought, but she did. Well he's outta luck. Im not breaking the warrior code for this flea-bag. He can go find him a pretty RiverClan otter-cat! She watched in silence as he stopped and stared at her, flicking her ears at his words. Her nose wrinkled. There was no way she was setting foot in that river, whether he offered or not!

Splashheart opened her mouth to retort but ended up taking in a sharp breath. Blood roared in her ears, which slowly flattened to her skull. He wasnt directly bringing up her parents, was he? Was he right? Did not having her parents around while she was growing up....Make her.....Disrespectful? Hateful? Guarded? Distant? She flinched, all her confidence vanishing all at once.

This time she felt nothing when he purred at her, just a cold feeling. Maybe she was being a bit rude. Splashheart spoke her mind and sometimes forgot that it may offend others. She could at least try to be nice, even if this cat had gotten her all stinky...Okay. She took a deep breath, straightening up. Lets see how this works for me.

"Maybe I am," She responded to his comment a little too late, no longer meeting his gaze as she stared toward the river. Her voice was no longer cold, her eyes no longer blazing with anger. In fact she looked almost emotionless. Thinking, she chose her next words carefully. "And you're right. Parents should teach their kits manners, though mine werent around while I was little. But that doesnt excuse my behavior." She finally looked at him. "Though in my defense you havent been all that polite, either."

Mixedfur stood rigid for a while at the she-cat’s words, and his ears flattened. He stepped away from her before sitting down, his tail curling around him like a protective bush. ‘’I’m sorry about your parents.’’ He says, solemnly. ‘’I didn’t have my for my whole life. I mean, my mother left to be with some shadowclan tom before he killed her. My dad never took care of after my mom left-’’ He quickly interrupted himself, wondering why he was telling this she-cat his business in the first place.

Weren’t they natural rivals anyway? Living in different clans and such? But it was still no excuse to mention her parents in any way. Yet, it wasn’t like he knew that she lost her parents! This still made him feel an emotion within that he didn’t want her to see. As long as he remained stoic, he was good.

Then again, she was doing just that. Acting emotionless. Acting as if she wasn’t hurt. She was right. He wasn’t being polite. And, he was accusing her of not being polite! Though he was never polite to other clan cats. He always thought less of them--his riverclan blood flowing through him.

As the quietness started to seep in, Mixedfur cleared his throat. ‘’I-I could still teach you...to swim, if you’d like.’’ He suggested. His voice was low, and this time kind. Maybe if she just waddled in the water a bit, the stench would come off, and she’d be able to go back to her clan.

But, would he see her again?

Did he want to see her again?

She seemed to be going on patrols a lot, and he wondered if she did it constantly. Maybe, he could go on patrols just to see her. She was indeed fascinating in his eyes, and he wished to get to know her more. Her challenging state was a bit wary to him. It made him uncomfortable, but he knew that it was wrong. He would be walking in the same path this his mother took, minus killing his mate part. He wouldn’t do that. Even though his dad was killed two moons after his warrior’s ceremony, he couldn’t forsaken him as if mom had done.

It was indifferent.

It was wrong.

Maybe he could find a nice riverclan she-cat to love and to settle down with. The thunderclan she-cat was not an option. But he would love to be her friend. At least a distance friend instead of an enemy. Even though they were suppose to be enemies. ‘’I’ll be more kind. I promise.’’ He stated, and a ghost of a smile flickered onto his maw.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 05:55 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202311)

Mixedfur stood rigid for a while at the she-cat’s words, and his ears flattened. He stepped away from her before sitting down, his tail curling around him like a protective bush. ‘’I’m sorry about your parents.’’ He says, solemnly. ‘’I didn’t have my for my whole life. I mean, my mother left to be with some shadowclan tom before he killed her. My dad never took care of after my mom left-’’ He quickly interrupted himself, wondering why he was telling this she-cat his business in the first place.

Weren’t they natural rivals anyway? Living in different clans and such? But it was still no excuse to mention her parents in any way. Yet, it wasn’t like he knew that she lost her parents! This still made him feel an emotion within that he didn’t want her to see. As long as he remained stoic, he was good.

Then again, she was doing just that. Acting emotionless. Acting as if she wasn’t hurt. She was right. He wasn’t being polite. And, he was accusing her of not being polite! Though he was never polite to other clan cats. He always thought less of them--his riverclan blood flowing through him.

As the quietness started to seep in, Mixedfur cleared his throat. ‘’I-I could still teach you...to swim, if you’d like.’’ He suggested. His voice was low, and this time kind. Maybe if she just waddled in the water a bit, the stench would come off, and she’d be able to go back to her clan.

But, would he see her again?

Did he want to see her again?

She seemed to be going on patrols a lot, and he wondered if she did it constantly. Maybe, he could go on patrols just to see her. She was indeed fascinating in his eyes, and he wished to get to know her more. Her challenging state was a bit wary to him. It made him uncomfortable, but he knew that it was wrong. He would be walking in the same path this his mother took, minus killing his mate part. He wouldn’t do that. Even though his dad was killed two moons after his warrior’s ceremony, he couldn’t forsaken him as if mom had done.

It was indifferent.

It was wrong.

Maybe he could find a nice riverclan she-cat to love and to settle down with. The thunderclan she-cat was not an option. But he would love to be her friend. At least a distance friend instead of an enemy. Even though they were suppose to be enemies. ‘’I’ll be more kind. I promise.’’ He stated, and a ghost of a smile flickered onto his maw.

Splashheart's ears flicked as he spoke again, and she managed a faint smile as he cut himself off, easily seeing he didnt want to reveal anymore than he already had. And why should he? They were from different Clans, they were natural rivals. She understood that, but she had told some of his story, she might as well reveal at least a bit of hers.

"My mother and father disappeared when I was a kit, leaving me and my siblings in ThunderClan basically as orphans." She looked down for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Time passed and we just assumed they were dead, they never came back. My brother had gone after them and he hadnt returned either, so we thought..." She trailed off, and shook her head. "But he came back a few days before my warrior ceremony. They were with him. The others were overjoyed but I failed to see why they bothered to come back. They left us." Pain filled her eyes briefly, and she looked away quickly. "My other brother ended up killing my father, throwing him to dogs. My mother is still around but I...We dont talk." With that she was guarded again, her mental walls building back up as she looked back at the Tom. She was quiet after that, then her ears pricked when he cleared his throat, offering to teach her how to swim. Splashheart managed a faint smile, letting out a small chuckle as she looked toward the river.

"I dont know....The only time i've ever been in contact with water, besides drinking it or when its raining, is when I fell into the river when I was an apprentice." She mused, then blinked, realizing the Tom didnt even know her name. "Im Splashheart, by the way. My name's quite ironic, isnt it," She grinned at him. "And i'll be nicer too."

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 07:16 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202324)
Splashheart's ears flicked as he spoke again, and she managed a faint smile as he cut himself off, easily seeing he didnt want to reveal anymore than he already had. And why should he? They were from different Clans, they were natural rivals. She understood that, but she had told some of his story, she might as well reveal at least a bit of hers.

"My mother and father disappeared when I was a kit, leaving me and my siblings in ThunderClan basically as orphans." She looked down for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Time passed and we just assumed they were dead, they never came back. My brother had gone after them and he hadnt returned either, so we thought..." She trailed off, and shook her head. "But he came back a few days before my warrior ceremony. They were with him. The others were overjoyed but I failed to see why they bothered to come back. They left us." Pain filled her eyes briefly, and she looked away quickly. "My other brother ended up killing my father, throwing him to dogs. My mother is still around but I...We dont talk." With that she was guarded again, her mental walls building back up as she looked back at the Tom. She was quiet after that, then her ears pricked when he cleared his throat, offering to teach her how to swim. Splashheart managed a faint smile, letting out a small chuckle as she looked toward the river.

"I dont know....The only time i've ever been in contact with water, besides drinking it or when its raining, is when I fell into the river when I was an apprentice." She mused, then blinked, realizing the Tom didnt even know her name. "Im Splashheart, by the way. My name's quite ironic, isnt it," She grinned at him. "And i'll be nicer too."

Mixedfur listened to her story, finding it unpleasant to hear, but a part of him felt happy that she was safe. He hadn’t grown up around siblings, and he didn’t know if his mother had any more kits after leaving for shadowclan. His father was too stuck up to take in another mate. A part of Mixedfur was happy that his dad loved his mother very much--even after she deceived him. Another part of him felt as if his dad was wasting a happy life away from not wanting a mate. Growing old and lonesome was just not Mixedfur’s forte. He already grew up lonely. He wasn’t going to die that way.

‘’It’s an honor to meet you, Splashheart.’’ He smiled brightly at her. ‘’I’m Mixedfur. Pretty stupid name,’’ he chuckled, ‘’But hey! At least you could tell why I have it.’’ His fur was a huge indication as to why he had the name, with it being mixed into all sorts of different colors as if he were painted on a canvas. He did find her name funny especially since she didn’t like the water, but it was unique. ‘’Splashheart.’’ He repeated her name, and slowly begin to savor it as if he were eating his favorite piece of food.

‘’I think if you just try it out...you’ll like it.’’ With saying that he slowly approached a nearby river. One that separated the borders of thunderclan and riverclan. He padded in, his fur getting drenched. He was a natural swimmer, being born in riverclan. The parents loved to take their kits out for swimming lessons. A vital traditions of riverclan.

As he got used to the water temperature, he stared back up at Splashheart. ‘’Come on, secret lover.’’ He teased and mocked her. ‘’The water’s warm. You’ll thank me in the end!’’ He winked towards her. ‘’Don’t you want to get that stench out your fur?’’ He snickered, and continued to pad around the blue water, hoping that the she-cat would join him. ‘’I’ll hold your paws. I promise! I won’t let you go unless you want me too.’’

Being nice was never harmful to the tom. In fact, he didn’t know why he was ever impolite when he first encountered her. Because of her residence. Because of the clan she resided in. That was why. Yet, that didn’t matter. He started liking Splashheart as an individual.

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 07:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202420)

Mixedfur listened to her story, finding it unpleasant to hear, but a part of him felt happy that she was safe. He hadn’t grown up around siblings, and he didn’t know if his mother had any more kits after leaving for shadowclan. His father was too stuck up to take in another mate. A part of Mixedfur was happy that his dad loved his mother very much--even after she deceived him. Another part of him felt as if his dad was wasting a happy life away from not wanting a mate. Growing old and lonesome was just not Mixedfur’s forte. He already grew up lonely. He wasn’t going to die that way.

‘’It’s an honor to meet you, Splashheart.’’ He smiled brightly at her. ‘’I’m Mixedfur. Pretty stupid name,’’ he chuckled, ‘’But hey! At least you could tell why I have it.’’ His fur was a huge indication as to why he had the name, with it being mixed into all sorts of different colors as if he were painted on a canvas. He did find her name funny especially since she didn’t like the water, but it was unique. ‘’Splashheart.’’ He repeated her name, and slowly begin to savor it as if he were eating his favorite piece of food.

‘’I think if you just try it out...you’ll like it.’’ With saying that he slowly approached a nearby river. One that separated the borders of thunderclan and riverclan. He padded in, his fur getting drenched. He was a natural swimmer, being born in riverclan. The parents loved to take their kits out for swimming lessons. A vital traditions of riverclan.

As he got used to the water temperature, he stared back up at Splashheart. ‘’Come on, secret lover.’’ He teased and mocked her. ‘’The water’s warm. You’ll thank me in the end!’’ He winked towards her. ‘’Don’t you want to get that stench out your fur?’’ He snickered, and continued to pad around the blue water, hoping that the she-cat would join him. ‘’I’ll hold your paws. I promise! I won’t let you go unless you want me too.’’

Being nice was never harmful to the tom. In fact, he didn’t know why he was ever impolite when he first encountered her. Because of her residence. Because of the clan she resided in. That was why. Yet, that didn’t matter. He started liking Splashheart as an individual.

Splashheart let out a soft chuckle at the Tom, "Its unique. I like it. Mixedfur." She smiled a little bit, her gaze running over Mixedfur's pelt, and her smile widened. "And I can definitely tell why you have it!"

Pausing, she watched as he padded to the water, and while doubtful, she stood up and followed, tilting her head just slightly. She watched him wade into the water, looking vaguely curious as she watched him, a smile on her face. "Weeelll..." She stretched the word out hesitantly, but ultimately her decision was set.

"Fine. And I guess the smell isnt that bad when you get used to it," The she-cat admitted, her blue eyes sparkling as she flashed the Tom a grin. The earlier hostility was gone as quickly as it had come, and she had to admit that maybe not all RiverClan cats were that bad. And I need to stop calling them otter-cats, She thought with a smirk.

"Aright, promise you wont let me drown?" Splashheart asked with a teasing glimmer in her eyes as she smiled at Mixedfur, delicately reaching out and touching the water with a paw. It was cold, but she kept her paw where it was, assuming she would get used to the temperature. "I guess this isnt so bad." She mused, mostly to herself as she padded forward more, still slightly hesitant to go all the way into the water. "The water does feel quite nice..."

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 08:32 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202453)
Splashheart let out a soft chuckle at the Tom, "Its unique. I like it. Mixedfur." She smiled a little bit, her gaze running over Mixedfur's pelt, and her smile widened. "And I can definitely tell why you have it!"

Pausing, she watched as he padded to the water, and while doubtful, she stood up and followed, tilting her head just slightly. She watched him wade into the water, looking vaguely curious as she watched him, a smile on her face. "Weeelll..." She stretched the word out hesitantly, but ultimately her decision was set.

"Fine. And I guess the smell isnt that bad when you get used to it," The she-cat admitted, her blue eyes sparkling as she flashed the Tom a grin. The earlier hostility was gone as quickly as it had come, and she had to admit that maybe not all RiverClan cats were that bad. And I need to stop calling them otter-cats, She thought with a smirk.

"Aright, promise you wont let me drown?" Splashheart asked with a teasing glimmer in her eyes as she smiled at Mixedfur, delicately reaching out and touching the water with a paw. It was cold, but she kept her paw where it was, assuming she would get used to the temperature. "I guess this isnt so bad." She mused, mostly to herself as she padded forward more, still slightly hesitant to go all the way into the water. "The water does feel quite nice..."

Mixedfur seen Splashheart getting into the water, and he wadded over to her to nudge her in faster. He didn’t want her to back out last minute when the fun was beginning to start! ‘’It’s not going to bite you. And, I promised, didn’t I?’’ He narrowed his eyes playfully at her before going back into the cool stream himself.

The water always seemed to cool him, and as he helped her into the water, he kept his paws around her. One paw was neatly in the crook under her arm, as he pulled her closer to him. He needed his other paw to move around in the water, and he whispered into her ear. ‘’Now just paddle. Kick back and forth. Do it gently first though.’’ His voice was soft. He wanted her to feel safe, not tense in his hold.

He remembered his own mother teaching him how to swim when he was really young. ‘’I promise I won’t let you go.’’ He says, and from the corner of his eyes, he made sure no other cats were around to their moment. After all, the both of them would get into trouble, and most cats interpret what was truly going on. He was simply teaching her how to swim. Something he shouldn’t be doing since she was a thunderclan cat, but he couldn’t help but teach her how. He liked holding onto her fur, that was now halfway drenched. For some odd reason he liked the feeling of being tangled with her. He liked it alot. He could admit this in his head, but he would never say it aloud.

He didn’t know much about her life or whatever she did in her clan. Yet, she didn’t know the same about him, but that didn’t matter at the moment. He was teaching her to swim. ‘’In case you ever fall in the water again, then you’ll be able to save yourself in case no one is there to save you, so it’s good to know how to swim.’’ He says and gently his face brushed the side of her as he tried to see how her paws were doing in the front. ‘’Make sure you always move your paws as well. Along with your hind legs, your front paws are your steerings as well.’’

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 08:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202481)

Mixedfur seen Splashheart getting into the water, and he wadded over to her to nudge her in faster. He didn’t want her to back out last minute when the fun was beginning to start! ‘’It’s not going to bite you. And, I promised, didn’t I?’’ He narrowed his eyes playfully at her before going back into the cool stream himself.

The water always seemed to cool him, and as he helped her into the water, he kept his paws around her. One paw was neatly in the crook under her arm, as he pulled her closer to him. He needed his other paw to move around in the water, and he whispered into her ear. ‘’Now just paddle. Kick back and forth. Do it gently first though.’’ His voice was soft. He wanted her to feel safe, not tense in his hold.

He remembered his own mother teaching him how to swim when he was really young. ‘’I promise I won’t let you go.’’ He says, and from the corner of his eyes, he made sure no other cats were around to their moment. After all, the both of them would get into trouble, and most cats interpret what was truly going on. He was simply teaching her how to swim. Something he shouldn’t be doing since she was a thunderclan cat, but he couldn’t help but teach her how. He liked holding onto her fur, that was now halfway drenched. For some odd reason he liked the feeling of being tangled with her. He liked it alot. He could admit this in his head, but he would never say it aloud.

He didn’t know much about her life or whatever she did in her clan. Yet, she didn’t know the same about him, but that didn’t matter at the moment. He was teaching her to swim. ‘’In case you ever fall in the water again, then you’ll be able to save yourself in case no one is there to save you, so it’s good to know how to swim.’’ He says and gently his face brushed the side of her as he tried to see how her paws were doing in the front. ‘’Make sure you always move your paws as well. Along with your hind legs, your front paws are your steerings as well.’’

Splashheart was unable to help a small giggle as he nudged her into the water, feeling his paws wrap around her. He was drenched, but she didnt care; So was she. His scent suddenly didnt bother her, her nose wasnt wrinkled anymore as she smiled at him. "Of course it wont. Water doesnt have teeth," She purred with a smile, looking down as she watched the water lap around her paws, her back paws moving in the water in order to stay above the water, even though Mixedfur was holding onto her. She wouldnt admit it, but she didnt want him to let go, and not just because she was in the water now.

"Yeah, you promised alright." Splashheart flashed him a grin, beginning to paddle her front paws as well as instructed. It was like running but in water, she kinda liked it. His voice warmed her all over, sending a calm feeling of comfort through the blue/gray she-cat.

She lifted her head, continuing to paddle as she looked at the Tom. The water was making her fur flow gently in every direction, her paws moving through the water easily and she could still feel his paws around her, and she liked it alot. She liked feeling her fur pressed up against his, she liked him holding her. "I know. I trust you." She purred softly, looking around briefly. What an awkward position it would be if one of her siblings showed up. Especially Snowsong, For a moment she was nervous at the thought, but ultimately realized Snow would be too busy with her deputy duties to come patrolling at the moment. She let herself relax, her paws moving almost unconsciously now. This felt normal, this felt right.

Smiling, Splashheart turned her attention back to Mixedfur, ears pricked up as she listened to him. "That makes sense," She chuckled. "Knowing how to swim has its advantages, more than just catching fish," She smiled at the Tom, continuing to paddle her paws even though he was still holding onto her. "Trying new things is always fun." She raised an eyebrow at a sudden thought. "Maybe I could try eating a fish. We have a river of our own back through the forest near our camp, and nobody really goes there...So maybe I could try catching a fish there, just to see what its like. I cant really judge it without knowing what it tastes like, right?" She admitted, then smiled at him. "Just like I shouldnt judge you without knowing what you're like. Im real sorry for how I acted before." She said warmly.

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 09:24 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202493)
Splashheart was unable to help a small giggle as he nudged her into the water, feeling his paws wrap around her. He was drenched, but she didnt care; So was she. His scent suddenly didnt bother her, her nose wasnt wrinkled anymore as she smiled at him. "Of course it wont. Water doesnt have teeth," She purred with a smile, looking down as she watched the water lap around her paws, her back paws moving in the water in order to stay above the water, even though Mixedfur was holding onto her. She wouldnt admit it, but she didnt want him to let go, and not just because she was in the water now.

"Yeah, you promised alright." Splashheart flashed him a grin, beginning to paddle her front paws as well as instructed. It was like running but in water, she kinda liked it. His voice warmed her all over, sending a calm feeling of comfort through the blue/gray she-cat.

She lifted her head, continuing to paddle as she looked at the Tom. The water was making her fur flow gently in every direction, her paws moving through the water easily and she could still feel his paws around her, and she liked it alot. She liked feeling her fur pressed up against his, she liked him holding her. "I know. I trust you." She purred softly, looking around briefly. What an awkward position it would be if one of her siblings showed up. Especially Snowsong, For a moment she was nervous at the thought, but ultimately realized Snow would be too busy with her deputy duties to come patrolling at the moment. She let herself relax, her paws moving almost unconsciously now. This felt normal, this felt right.

Smiling, Splashheart turned her attention back to Mixedfur, ears picked up as she listened to him. "That makes sense," She chuckled. "Knowing how to swim has its advantages, more than just catching fish," She smiled at the Tom, continuing to paddle her paws even though he was still holding onto her. "Trying new things is always fun." She raised an eyebrow at a sudden thought. "Maybe I could try eating a fish. We have a river of our own back through the forest near our camp, and nobody really goes there...So maybe I could try catching a fish there, just to see what its like. I cant really judge it without knowing what it tastes like, right?" She admitted, then smiled at him. "Just like I shouldnt judge you without knowing what you're like. Im real sorry for how I acted before." She said warmly.

Mixedfur stared at Splashheart, questioningly as his ears twitched. ‘’I hope you didn’t just think we only used the river to catch fish.’’ He gave an airy laugh. ‘’I mean, it is one of our hunting sources, but...the river is more than an eating area.’’ As he continued to hold onto her, he wondered if she was ready for him to let go. He could see that she was getting the hang of it. Swimming was pretty easy.

‘’I think you should try fish. It’s pretty tasty.’’ He licked his maw, imagining the meat in his mouth. ‘’I know us otter-cats love it!’’ He smirked at her, teasing.

When he heard her purr, he wondered if his ears were playing a joke on him. It felt as if distant bells of a sweet sound rung in his ears, and he wished to hear it again. But, he wouldn’t push it to her. He was just getting to know her, and he liked her company. Clearing his throat, he said, ‘’You’re getting a good hang of it. You’re doing well.’’ He brushed himself against her, even though her pelt was wet. His was wet also. Drenching, and he hate when it drenched. Whenever his pelt was heavy with water, it took a while to dry. If he shook it clean, he would look like an oversized pick bush. He didn’t want the embarrassment.

At her next words, he gave a small smile, shaking his head lightly. ‘’No need to apologize. I was quite rude as well, but,’’ A purr rumbled from deep within him as he brushed against her ears again. ‘’I’ll forgive you even MORE if you give me a lick.’’ He winked. ‘’Just a simple one. You don’t seem to mind the scent anyway. Got used to it, beautiful?’’ For some odd reason, he confidence washed upon him once more, and he felt his flirty side taking over. He would never just simply flirt with a riverclan she-cat. He knew them in and out. He held a lot of respect for them, but different she-cats from other clans, intrigued him. Like the one he was holding. ‘’No one has to know. It’ll be our little secrets. Perhaps then we could explore,’’ He winked once more, teasing. ‘’The lands, I mean. We could explore the lands and see what the day will bring us.’’

Random Melody March 16th, 2017 10:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202519)

Mixedfur stared at Splashheart, questioningly as his ears twitched. ‘’I hope you didn’t just think we only used the river to catch fish.’’ He gave an airy laugh. ‘’I mean, it is one of our hunting sources, but...the river is more than an eating area.’’ As he continued to hold onto her, he wondered if she was ready for him to let go. He could see that she was getting the hang of it. Swimming was pretty easy.

‘’I think you should try fish. It’s pretty tasty.’’ He licked his maw, imagining the meat in his mouth. ‘’I know us otter-cats love it!’’ He smirked at her, teasing.

When he heard her purr, he wondered if his ears were playing a joke on him. It felt as if distant bells of a sweet sound rung in his ears, and he wished to hear it again. But, he wouldn’t push it to her. He was just getting to know her, and he liked her company. Clearing his throat, he said, ‘’You’re getting a good hang of it. You’re doing well.’’ He brushed himself against her, even though her pelt was wet. His was wet also. Drenching, and he hate when it drenched. Whenever his pelt was heavy with water, it took a while to dry. If he shook it clean, he would look like an oversized pick bush. He didn’t want the embarrassment.

At her next words, he gave a small smile, shaking his head lightly. ‘’No need to apologize. I was quite rude as well, but,’’ A purr rumbled from deep within him as he brushed against her ears again. ‘’I’ll forgive you even MORE if you give me a lick.’’ He winked. ‘’Just a simple one. You don’t seem to mind the scent anyway. Got used to it, beautiful?’’ For some odd reason, he confidence washed upon him once more, and he felt his flirty side taking over. He would never just simply flirt with a riverclan she-cat. He knew them in and out. He held a lot of respect for them, but different she-cats from other clans, intrigued him. Like the one he was holding. ‘’No one has to know. It’ll be our little secrets. Perhaps then we could explore,’’ He winked once more, teasing. ‘’The lands, I mean. We could explore the lands and see what the day will bring us.’’

"Interesting," Splashheart smiled a bit, looking at Mixedfur with a smile on her maw. "I guess it makes sense. Im sure you guys love to swim," She giggled, relaxed as her paws paddled easily, churning in the water. She was getting the hang of this, and in all honesty, she liked it!

"Im sure fish is good....Maybe. But im telling you, nothin' beats the taste of anice, fresh, plump vole!" Splashheart purred, then let out a small laugh as he next words, a grin on her face. "Otters arent all that bad, take it as a compliment," She winked at him, smirking.

She felt the Tom brush up against her even more, and couldnt help but lean into him as well, her paws stopped paddling for a brief second before she reminded herself to keep them moving. But she didnt want Mixedfur to let go of her, even though he was drenched. She smiled contentedly, feeling a small, quiet purr rumble in her chest. So what if he was a RiverClan cat? She could have friends from other Clans right? The warrior code is overrated anyway. This is just between me and him.

She picked her ears as he spoke again, and smiled a little bit, turning her head to look at him, her nose inches from his. She raised an eyebrow, her head cocking to the side as she gave a flirty smile. "Just a lick, huh?" She smiled, watching the confidence sparkle in his eyes, feeling her own build up as her flirtatious side took over. She was used to his scent by now and it was almost...Tempting, almost. She grinned at Mixedfur, her ears flicking as the purr in her chest grew.

"Just between us. Nobody else needs to know." Splashheart giggled. "As for exploring, well as long as we stay hidden, I dont see a problem, charming." She winked, then reached her head forward and gave his nose a quick lick, a smile on her face. "Just between us." She repeated, her voice now a whisper as she grinned coyly at him.

Brilliance March 16th, 2017 11:15 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202578)
"Interesting," Splashheart smiled a bit, looking at Mixedfur with a smile on her maw. "I guess it makes sense. Im sure you guys love to swim," She giggled, relaxed as her paws paddled easily, churning in the water. She was getting the hang of this, and in all honesty, she liked it!

"Im sure fish is good....Maybe. But im telling you, nothin' beats the taste of anice, fresh, plump vole!" Splashheart purred, then let out a small laugh as he next words, a grin on her face. "Otters arent all that bad, take it as a compliment," She winked at him, smirking.

She felt the Tom brush up against her even more, and couldnt help but lean into him as well, her paws stopped paddling for a brief second before she reminded herself to keep them moving. But she didnt want Mixedfur to let go of her, even though he was drenched. She smiled contentedly, feeling a small, quiet purr rumble in her chest. So what if he was a RiverClan cat? She could have friends from other Clans right? The warrior code is overrated anyway. This is just between me and him.

She pricked her ears as he spoke again, and smiled a little bit, turning her head to look at him, her nose inches from his. She raised an eyebrow, her head cocking to the side as she gave a flirty smile. "Just a lick, huh?" She smiled, watching the confidence sparkle in his eyes, feeling her own build up as her flirtatious side took over. She was used to his scent by now and it was almost...Tempting, almost. She grinned at Mixedfur, her ears flicking as the purr in her chest grew.

"Just between us. Nobody else needs to know." Splashheart giggled. "As for exploring, well as long as we stay hidden, I dont see a problem, charming." She winked, then reached her head forward and gave his nose a quick lick, a smile on her face. "Just between us." She repeated, her voice now a whisper as she grinned coyly at him.

Mixedfur didn’t actually think the she-cat would lick him.

He didn’t believe she would actually have the nerve to do that!

He sat stunned for a second as a stupid smile danced across his face. He let out a deep chuckle as he returned the favor by licking the back of her neck slowly and gently. ‘’I’ll keep that in mind...vole, you say?’’ He asked. ‘’Sounds delicious already.’’ He gave his maw another lick, and lightly bumped his nose into hers. ‘’How about we ditch this river. If I get anymore wet...it’s gonna take me weeks to get dry!’’ It was exaggerated, but that’s what it felt like to Mixedfur. He hated the rain, especially when it dampened his fur. Even though he loved the water, he didn’t like his coat getting plenty wet. It made him angry. ‘’We’ll explore a bit. You know, probably find a nice spot to relax.’’

The warrior begin wadding to the shore, keeping a tight hold on the female. He knew that she could most likely swim there herself, but he didn’t feel like letting her go. As they got closer to the shallow end of the stream, he let her go gently, and he slowly padded out, his steps heavy. He couldn’t shake the water out of his fur. That would be too much, and his fur would be everywhere...something he did not like.

Mixedfur knew that he would have to wing it, and he sighed deeply. He shot a flirty look towards Splashheart as he watched her, his eyes displaying amusement. He began padding up to the warrior, appearing larger than her. He leaned his head down and wrapped his head around the back of her neck, emitting warmth into her. The water was nice, but it was still cold. At least to him. He knew she wasn’t a swimmer, but that would change soon--hopefully.

As he stayed in that spot, he gave a few rough licks at the back of her scruff before slowly backing away from her. ‘’You good? You okay? Nothing hurting you? Nothing bothering you?’’ He asked her, looking her over to check for any bruises. ‘’I know we were just in the water, and I kept a tight hold on you and all...but I just wanted to make sure nothing happened while in that water. Fish can be pretty aggressive, believe it or not.’’ He rolled his eyes at the thought. ‘’If these voles you talk about are good. I might just have to stick to them.’’ He winked at her.

Random Melody March 17th, 2017 12:40 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202594)

Mixedfur didn’t actually think the she-cat would lick him.

He didn’t believe she would actually have the nerve to do that!

He sat stunned for a second as a stupid smile danced across his face. He let out a deep chuckle as he returned the favor by licking the back of her neck slowly and gently. ‘’I’ll keep that in mind...vole, you say?’’ He asked. ‘’Sounds delicious already.’’ He gave his maw another lick, and lightly bumped his nose into hers. ‘’How about we ditch this river. If I get anymore wet...it’s gonna take me weeks to get dry!’’ It was exaggerated, but that’s what it felt like to Mixedfur. He hated the rain, especially when it dampened his fur. Even though he loved the water, he didn’t like his coat getting plenty wet. It made him angry. ‘’We’ll explore a bit. You know, probably find a nice spot to relax.’’

The warrior begin wadding to the shore, keeping a tight hold on the female. He knew that she could most likely swim there herself, but he didn’t feel like letting her go. As they got closer to the shallow end of the stream, he let her go gently, and he slowly padded out, his steps heavy. He couldn’t shake the water out of his fur. That would be too much, and his fur would be everywhere...something he did not like.

Mixedfur knew that he would have to wing it, and he sighed deeply. He shot a flirty look towards Splashheart as he watched her, his eyes displaying amusement. He began padding up to the warrior, appearing larger than her. He leaned his head down and wrapped his head around the back of her neck, emitting warmth into her. The water was nice, but it was still cold. At least to him. He knew she wasn’t a swimmer, but that would change soon--hopefully.

As he stayed in that spot, he gave a few rough licks at the back of her scruff before slowly backing away from her. ‘’You good? You okay? Nothing hurting you? Nothing bothering you?’’ He asked her, looking her over to check for any bruises. ‘’I know we were just in the water, and I kept a tight hold on you and all...but I just wanted to make sure nothing happened while in that water. Fish can be pretty aggressive, believe it or not.’’ He rolled his eyes at the thought. ‘’If these voles you talk about are good. I might just have to stick to them.’’ He winked at her.

Splashheart grinned at the shocked look on his face, her blue eyes glittering with amusement. Her purr grew as he returned the lick, feeling her fur warm up as she smiled. "Vole is delicious, take my word for it," She winked, smiling as she reached forward to touch her nose to his as well. "Good idea. I have short fur though so I could stay in the water longer." She purred teasingly. Sounds great to me."

She smiled happily as Mixedfur led her back to the shore, only letting her go when they were at the shallow part of the river. She tried not to frown in disappointment and climbed out after him with a smile, shaking out her soaked fur. "Brrrrr!" She said jokingly. "You know what, Mixedfur, I like swimming." She said with a warm smile.

A grin lit her maw as he padded over to her, and she reached up, stretching up on the tips of her paws and pressing her face into his neck as he wrapped his head around hers. She closed her eyes contentedly as she felt his tongue rasp down the back of her neck, a loud purr making its way into her throat, feeling warmed by both the action and his fur pressed against hers. He pulled back too soon, or so she thought when he did pull away. Disappointment made her pelt tingle, longing for his touch again, but she merely shook her head warmly.

"Im fine." Splashheart smiled coyly at him. "Not hurt at all. The fish are too scared of me to try anything, and no wonder!" The rather small blue/gray she-cat puffed out her chest mockingly, before giggling. "And I thought it was real nice of you holding onto me like that. You should do it more often," She winked back at him, smirking. "So what now? I could see if I can catch you a vole, and then you see if you can catch me a fish?" She grinned.

Brilliance March 17th, 2017 01:41 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202623)
Splashheart grinned at the shocked look on his face, her blue eyes glittering with amusement. Her purr grew as he returned the lick, feeling her fur warm up as she smiled. "Vole is delicious, take my word for it," She winked, smiling as she reached forward to touch her nose to his as well. "Good idea. I have short fur though so I could stay in the water longer." She purred teasingly. Sounds great to me."

She smiled happily as Mixedfur led her back to the shore, only letting her go when they were at the shallow part of the river. She tried not to frown in disappointment and climbed out after him with a smile, shaking out her soaked fur. "Brrrrr!" She said jokingly. "You know what, Mixedfur, I like swimming." She said with a warm smile.

A grin lit her maw as he padded over to her, and she reached up, stretching up on the tips of her paws and pressing her face into his neck as he wrapped his head around hers. She closed her eyes contentedly as she felt his tongue rasp down the back of her neck, a loud purr making its way into her throat, feeling warmed by both the action and his fur pressed against hers. He pulled back too soon, or so she thought when he did pull away. Disappointment made her pelt tingle, longing for his touch again, but she merely shook her head warmly.

"Im fine." Splashheart smiled coyly at him. "Not hurt at all. The fish are too scared of me to try anything, and no wonder!" The rather small blue/gray she-cat puffed out her chest mockingly, before giggling. "And I thought it was real nice of you holding onto me like that. You should do it more often," She winked back at him, smirking. "So what now? I could see if I can catch you a vole, and then you see if you can catch me a fish?" She grinned.

‘’Well, if I didn’t hold onto you, you might had drowned,’’ Mixedfur smirked as he came up to her again. He was glad that she was okay, and that she actually liked swimming! Who knew...a thunderclan cat...would like swimming? It certainly surprised him. He gave her a charming smile, ‘’So, you’re gonna be joining riverclan soon?’’ He teased, but he had hoped. She was most likely too loyal to her own clan to join him--Riverclan. And, he was fine at that. At least, that’s what he told himself.

As he began to rub himself on her, he noticed the scent he put on her earlier was linging off.He quickly jumped back from her, afraid that she might stench of fish again. ‘’I don’t want your clan getting suspicious, Splashheart.’’ He says, lowly, and sadly. ‘’We’re going to have to keep a good amount of distance from each other, but the day is still young!’’

Mixedfur mustered up a bright and generous smile her way. ‘’We’re definitely going to go through that! I’ll bring you a fish, and you’ll bring me a vole. I want to know if this food tastes as good as you claim it to be.’’ He shrugged lightly and turned back to the stream.

There was always plenty of fish there, and he found hunting on the edge a bit useful than going fully into the water. His fur was still drenched, and he wished to dry faster than the day allowed. He swiped at the water, trying to catch the best fish there. Splashheart deserved the best. Everything that was best.

His claws hooked around a nice sized trout and he carried it into his maw as he waited for her. ‘’Your fish, m’lady.’’ He sets it gently down at her paws, and looked up to meet her gaze. He quickly nosed her cheek, and nudged her to try the fish. ‘’It’s good for you! And filled with protein!’’ He winked. Lowly, he said, ‘’It’ll be good for our future kits,’’ It was only a light hearted joke because he loved to tease the female.

Random Melody March 17th, 2017 06:41 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202644)

‘’Well, if I didn’t hold onto you, you might had drowned,’’ Mixedfur smirked as he came up to her again. He was glad that she was okay, and that she actually liked swimming! Who knew...a thunderclan cat...would like swimming? It certainly surprised him. He gave her a charming smile, ‘’So, you’re gonna be joining riverclan soon?’’ He teased, but he had hoped. She was most likely too loyal to her own clan to join him--Riverclan. And, he was fine at that. At least, that’s what he told himself.

As he began to rub himself on her, he noticed the scent he put on her earlier was linging off.He quickly jumped back from her, afraid that she might stench of fish again. ‘’I don’t want your clan getting suspicious, Splashheart.’’ He says, lowly, and sadly. ‘’We’re going to have to keep a good amount of distance from each other, but the day is still young!’’

Mixedfur mustered up a bright and generous smile her way. ‘’We’re definitely going to go through that! I’ll bring you a fish, and you’ll bring me a vole. I want to know if this food tastes as good as you claim it to be.’’ He shrugged lightly and turned back to the stream.

There was always plenty of fish there, and he found hunting on the edge a bit useful than going fully into the water. His fur was still drenched, and he wished to dry faster than the day allowed. He swiped at the water, trying to catch the best fish there. Splashheart deserved the best. Everything that was best.

His claws hooked around a nice sized trout and he carried it into his maw as he waited for her. ‘’Your fish, m’lady.’’ He sets it gently down at her paws, and looked up to meet her gaze. He quickly nosed her cheek, and nudged her to try the fish. ‘’It’s good for you! And filled with protein!’’ He winked. Lowly, he said, ‘’It’ll be good for our future kits,’’ It was only a light hearted joke because he loved to tease the female.

Splashheart grinned at him, amusement written all over her face. "Join RiverClan? Well usually i'd say 'No Way!' and hold my nose and act all disgusted but now....Maybe." She purred jokingly. A part of her knew deep down she couldnt, and another part of her was disappointed by that. She pushed that away, smiling at Mixedfur.

She pressed against him lightly, no longer minding the scent that clung to his fur, the one that was starting to wash off of hers. Then her eyes widened at the same time he quickly leaped back, and she turned her head to give her pelt a few quick licks. "Yeah, dont want them suspecting anything." She tried to chuckle. She didnt like that, she didnt want to keep her distance. Soon he'd be gone and they'd be separated, forced apart by the border once more, enemies just like they should be. She didnt want that.

His smile looked forced, and she could tell hers was, too. Then when he spoke again she couldnt help but grin, genuinely, tilting her head with a smirk. "Alright." Her gaze flickered toward the edge of the forest. "I think I smell a vole right now." She commented lowly as he padded off, starting forward.

Her fur was short, shedding the water with ease though she could still feel her fur was damp, and water drops dripped softly from her whiskers. She shook them off and paused quietly, her mouth opening to detect any scents. Sure enough her favorite smell filled her nose. Vole.

Without waiting she lunged, her claws hooking around the creatures tail. The rodent squeaked and squealed and writhed, though stood no chance against the she-cat, who gave its neck a quick nip. Pride warmed her all over as she grabbed the limp prey in her jaws, turning and trotting back to wher Mixedfur was waiting with a smirk.

"Here you go. The best food in the forest!" She purred out, dropping the prey at his paws before looking down at the fish. Her nose twitched, but didnt wrinkle, as she had gotten used to the scent by now. Hearing his remark, she had to laugh. Splashheart knew he was joking, but it still made her heart soar at the thought. Our future kits, She mused. "Definitely, little Fishkit and Volekit will grow up big and strong wont they?" She purred back with a teasing smirk, grinning coyly at him before gazing down at the fish, curiosity in her blue eyes.

Brilliance March 17th, 2017 07:15 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202690)
Splashheart grinned at him, amusement written all over her face. "Join RiverClan? Well usually i'd say 'No Way!' and hold my nose and act all disgusted but now....Maybe." She purred jokingly. A part of her knew deep down she couldnt, and another part of her was disappointed by that. She pushed that away, smiling at Mixedfur.

She pressed against him lightly, no longer minding the scent that clung to his fur, the one that was starting to wash off of hers. Then her eyes widened at the same time he quickly leaped back, and she turned her head to give her pelt a few quick licks. "Yeah, dont want them suspecting anything." She tried to chuckle. She didnt like that, she didnt want to keep her distance. Soon he'd be gone and they'd be separated, forced apart by the border once more, enemies just like they should be. She didnt want that.

His smile looked forced, and she could tell hers was, too. Then when he spoke again she couldnt help but grin, genuinely, tilting her head with a smirk. "Alright." Her gaze flickered toward the edge of the forest. "I think I smell a vole right now." She commented lowly as he padded off, starting forward.

Her fur was short, shedding the water with ease though she could still feel her fur was damp, and water drops dripped softly from her whiskers. She shook them off and paused quietly, her mouth opening to detect any scents. Sure enough her favorite smell filled her nose. Vole.

Without waiting she lunged, her claws hooking around the creatures tail. The rodent squeaked and squealed and writhed, though stood no chance against the she-cat, who gave its neck a quick nip. Pride warmed her all over as she grabbed the limp prey in her jaws, turning and trotting back to wher Mixedfur was waiting with a smirk.

"Here you go. The best food in the forest!" She purred out, dropping the prey at his paws before looking down at the fish. Her nose twitched, but didnt wrinkle, as she had gotten used to the scent by now. Hearing his remark, she had to laugh. Splashheart knew he was joking, but it still made her heart soar at the thought. Our future kits, She mused. "Definitely, little Fishkit and Volekit will grow up big and strong wont they?" She purred back with a teasing smirk, grinning coyly at him before gazing down at the fish, curiosity in her blue eyes.

Fishkit and Volekit?" Mixedfur wrinkled his nose, and held in a chuckle at the names she given. He knew it was only because of the food they were going to try, but he still teased her on it. "You will never be able to name our kits. At all. You suck at names." He snickered, then sent her charming smile. Mixedfur bent down and he prodded the little rodent with his paw. He knew it was dead, but it was peculiar to him. This made him gulp, for he never tasted a vole. He only ate fish. He adored fish. "By the way, our kits will grow up on fish. No ands, ors, or, buts about it. Understand, sweet?" He said in a mocked authorities voice before he carefully tore a piece off the meat. It was as if he were hesitant--which he was, but after swallowing it down, he took a gander at it faster than the last. It was actually pretty good. It tasted like meat. It was different from fish, but it WAS meat. And, it was pretty good. A weird type of good on his tongue but it was tasty.

As he finished the corpse, he licked his maw. "That wasn't...bad." He mewed, looking up at Spashheart as he stood up taller. "I feel bad if you do join Riverclan. You're leaving behind some tasty food!" The warrior teased her, and entered into a playful bow. His tail swished lightly behind him as his eyes never left her pelt. He longed to bury himself in it but instead thought otherwise. He feared that she would be too uncomfortable or that she would be going back.

What if her family comes looking for her? And seeing her with another cat? Another tom? Another clan? A lot of suspicion would arise, and they both would be in trouble.

Did he truly care that they would?

The mixed colored cat stared longingly at the female before him, and a quiet purr escape his throat before he made his decision. He passed up to her, rubbing his forehead to hers, and giving her a lick between her ears. "You're definitely an addiction. I need to stop concerning myself with you--before something bad happens." The tom replied with a charming smile. "How about we get away from here? Explore other territories for a change?" He thought it was a good idea. After all the two didn't have to worry about neighboring cats being nosy, and they would be alone. A pure rumbled through his throat loudly. They would be alone.

Random Melody March 17th, 2017 07:41 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202710)

Fishkit and Volekit?" Mixedfur wrinkled his nose, and held in a chuckle at the names she given. He knew it was only because of the food they were going to try, but he still teased her on it. "You will never be able to name our kits. At all. You suck at names." He snickered, then sent her charming smile. Mixedfur bent down and he prodded the little rodent with his paw. He knew it was dead, but it was peculiar to him. This made him gulp, for he never tasted a vole. He only ate fish. He adored fish. "By the way, our kits will grow up on fish. No ands, ors, or, buts about it. Understand, sweet?" He said in a mocked authorities voice before he carefully tore a piece off the meat. It was as if he were hesitant--which he was, but after swallowing it down, he took a gander at it faster than the last. It was actually pretty good. It tasted like meat. It was different from fish, but it WAS meat. And, it was pretty good. A weird type of good on his tongue but it was tasty.

As he finished the corpse, he licked his maw. "That wasn't...bad." He mewed, looking up at Spashheart as he stood up taller. "I feel bad if you do join Riverclan. You're leaving behind some tasty food!" The warrior teased her, and entered into a playful bow. His tail swished lightly behind him as his eyes never left her pelt. He longed to bury himself in it but instead thought otherwise. He feared that she would be too uncomfortable or that she would be going back.

What if her family comes looking for her? And seeing her with another cat? Another tom? Another clan? A lot of suspicion would arise, and they both would be in trouble.

Did he truly care that they would?

The mixed colored cat stared longingly at the female before him, and a quiet purr escape his throat before he made his decision. He passed up to her, rubbing his forehead to hers, and giving her a lick between her ears. "You're definitely an addiction. I need to stop concerning myself with you--before something bad happens." The tom replied with a charming smile. "How about we get away from here? Explore other territories for a change?" He thought it was a good idea. After all the two didn't have to worry about neighboring cats being nosy, and they would be alone. A pure rumbled through his throat loudly. They would be alone.

"Well thanks," Splashheart mocked, giggling. "I'd like to see you come up with better!" She watched with a smile as he took a hesitant bite, before tearing into the vole, and she smirked knowingly. "Hey otter-cat, I know its good but dont choke, kay?" She winked at him before ripping a piece off of the fish. The flavor sang on her tongue, and her blue eyes widened as she swallowed the bite in her mouth before taking another. Jeez! All this time I was hunting and eating voles when I could've been tearing into one of these! She thought with a small chuckle to herself. It was different from what she was used to, but a good different - It was delicious.

When she'd finished eating she licked her lips over and over again, the taste lingering in her mouth and making her want more. She looked up and cocked her head at the Tom, giving a small grin. "The fish wasnt bad either." She mewed, swiping her tongue over her jaws again longingly. "In fact, I found it quite...Amazing." She purred. Her eyes scanned over his pelt, longing to go over and rub against him but at the same time she knew she couldnt. But, she didnt see why she would have to leave right then, either. She had plenty of time.

Right now would be horrible timing for one of our Clanmates to find us, She thought in amusement. With Splashheart smelling like fish, asmell she absolutely loved now, and Mixedfur smelling faintly of vole? And worse, the Tom's scent still lingered on her fur slightly. She liked it, but her Clanmates may not if they did decide to come along now.

Splashheart smiled as he padded towards her, rising up to press her head slightly against his. A loud purr grew in her chest as she giggled. "You're quite addicting yourself," She purred with a grin up at him, tilting her head to the side with a warm smile. "Yeah, lets get out of here. The sooner we're alone the better." She winked, smirking.

Brilliance March 17th, 2017 10:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202718)
"Well thanks," Splashheart mocked, giggling. "I'd like to see you come up with better!" She watched with a smile as he took a hesitant bite, before tearing into the vole, and she smirked knowingly. "Hey otter-cat, I know its good but dont choke, kay?" She winked at him before ripping a piece off of the fish. The flavor sang on her tongue, and her blue eyes widened as she swallowed the bite in her mouth before taking another. Jeez! All this time I was hunting and eating voles when I could've been tearing into one of these! She thought with a small chuckle to herself. It was different from what she was used to, but a good different - It was delicious.

When she'd finished eating she licked her lips over and over again, the taste lingering in her mouth and making her want more. She looked up and cocked her head at the Tom, giving a small grin. "The fish wasnt bad either." She mewed, swiping her tongue over her jaws again longingly. "In fact, I found it quite...Amazing." She purred. Her eyes scanned over his pelt, longing to go over and rub against him but at the same time she knew she couldnt. But, she didnt see why she would have to leave right then, either. She had plenty of time.

Right now would be horrible timing for one of our Clanmates to find us, She thought in amusement. With Splashheart smelling like fish, asmell she absolutely loved now, and Mixedfur smelling faintly of vole? And worse, the Tom's scent still lingered on her fur slightly. She liked it, but her Clanmates may not if they did decide to come along now.

Splashheart smiled as he padded towards her, rising up to press her head slightly against his. A loud purr grew in her chest as she giggled. "You're quite addicting yourself," She purred with a grin up at him, tilting her head to the side with a warm smile. "Yeah, lets get out of here. The sooner we're alone the better." She winked, smirking.

Mixedfur didn't need to be told twice as he started to pad to an opened area, looking back to make sure she was following. A pleasant smile graced his muzzle, and he found himself staring at her longer than he intended. He begin looking ahead of them trying to find a decent spot where the two could settle down, perhaps talk, perhaps get to know each other more.

"So, you seemed to have found a new favorite food?" He smirked. "The vole was delicious, but we both know that fish is extremely better!" He exclaimed, and his gait carried more excitement in it. "Don't worry, I know you can be in denial. After all, you are a thunderclan cat." He somewhat liked the thunderclan cats now. Well, he liked the she cat from thunderclan. He found her intriguing to talk, and he adored listening to her voice.

Mixedfur longed for her to be apart of Riverclan where they didn't have to fear the neighboring cats or the consequences of the warrior code. They could live their lives out happily. Two normal cats enjoying a spark of life.

It was one thing he dreamed of yet he found himself dreaming all the time. He found himself dreaming constantly. Maybe one day he would find himself dreaming with her.

"There are a lot of things I want you to try," he winked. "Besides swimming." He hopped over a large rock swiftly as he continued to pad along. "I think your going to be amazed at the little adventures we're going to take. I believe it's an abandoned fox den around here somewhere." He stopped for a few seconds to eye her with a smile. "It could be our secret place. Then, again it was abandoned for years. Perhaps, we could make a comfortable nest and rest there for the rest of the day--unless you decide to leave early. I doubt my clan will even notice my absence, love." He says gently as he continued to rush along until the two came to medium sized den, a nice hole built as if it led underground. Mixedfur knew the different borders like the back of his paw, and he took a few sniffs as the air, just to persuade himself that the den was big enough and good enough for the two to be alone.

After much thinking Mixedfur shot his companion a look. "So," he kicked at a rock with his paw. "What do you think?"

Random Melody March 17th, 2017 10:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202771)

Mixedfur didn't need to be told twice as he started to pad to an opened area, looking back to make sure she was following. A pleasant smile graced his muzzle, and he found himself staring at her longer than he intended. He begin looking ahead of them trying to find a decent spot where the two could settle down, perhaps talk, perhaps get to know each other more.

"So, you seemed to have found a new favorite food?" He smirked. "The vole was delicious, but we both know that fish is extremely better!" He exclaimed, and his gait carried more excitement in it. "Don't worry, I know you can be in denial. After all, you are a thunderclan cat." He somewhat liked the thunderclan cats now. Well, he liked the she cat from thunderclan. He found her intriguing to talk, and he adored listening to her voice.

Mixedfur longed for her to be apart of Riverclan where they didn't have to fear the neighboring cats or the consequences of the warrior code. They could live their lives out happily. Two normal cats enjoying a spark of life.

It was one thing he dreamed of yet he found himself dreaming all the time. He found himself dreaming constantly. Maybe one day he would find himself dreaming with her.

"There are a lot of things I want you to try," he winked. "Besides swimming." He hopped over a large rock swiftly as he continued to pad along. "I think your going to be amazed at the little adventures we're going to take. I believe it's an abandoned fox den around here somewhere." He stopped for a few seconds to eye her with a smile. "It could be our secret place. Then, again it was abandoned for years. Perhaps, we could make a comfortable nest and rest there for the rest of the day--unless you decide to leave early. I doubt my clan will even notice my absence, love." He says gently as he continued to rush along until the two came to medium sized den, a nice hole built as if it led underground. Mixedfur knew the different borders like the back of his paw, and he took a few sniffs as the air, just to persuade himself that the den was big enough and good enough for the two to be alone.

After much thinking Mixedfur shot his companion a look. "So," he kicked at a rock with his paw. "What do you think?"

Splashheart chuckled and padded after him, a grin on her face. "Well I wont deny this. The fish was delicious." She purred, reaching the Tom's side and brushing her fur against his slightly. "Oh? Whats being in ThunderClan have to do with it?" She teased, smirking playfully at him.

She did want to be in RiverClan. That much she knew. It bordered ThunderClan, she'd e able to see her siblings on patrol and at gatherings...But was she really willing to leave her Clan just for this Tom? If I become pregnant, then I definitely will. She thought, gazing at Mixedfur a bit longer than she had intended to. Kits need to be with both their parents, and I could never cut him out of their lives, either. Then she almost laughed at the thought. I probably wont get pregnant. Maybe. But it wasnt hard to imagine it, tiny colorful furred bundles, a little she-kit looking just like Mixedfur and a little Tom looking like Splashheart. The thought warmed her all over. She thought of Eternal and a small wave of guilt flooded her senses before she shook it off.

She wanted a normal life. A life where, she could be with the Tom beside her, with fuzzy bundles surrounding her. Everything was always so hectic in ThunderClan. Someone was dying, someone was missing, someone ran away out of guilt for something they didnt do. Gyrestar was a good leader, and Snowsong was going to be a good deputy and hopefully the two together could turn things around, make things better for the Clan, but Splashheart wanted more. She wanted a life of her own, and not worry constantly about looking over her shoulder every second. Blackstorm is still out there. She shuddered at the thought slightly.

Mixedfur snapped her out of her thoughts, the blue-gray she-cat looking up with a smile as he spoke to her. "I see no reason to leave early when things are just getting fun," She purred. "Im usually out on patrol for a while anyway so my siblings wont worry." She looked at the fox den, a smile on her face. It looked big enough for the two of them to be alone together, the thought warmed her all over as she purred.

"I love it." Splashheart grinned, looking up at the Tom. "Lets rest here."

monfang March 17th, 2017 11:01 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border
{permission to enter? xD like when they are running eternal hears them and spies on them? lol}

Brilliance March 17th, 2017 11:19 AM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202779)
Splashheart chuckled and padded after him, a grin on her face. "Well I wont deny this. The fish was delicious." She purred, reaching the Tom's side and brushing her fur against his slightly. "Oh? Whats being in ThunderClan have to do with it?" She teased, smirking playfully at him.

She did want to be in RiverClan. That much she knew. It bordered ThunderClan, she'd e able to see her siblings on patrol and at gatherings...But was she really willing to leave her Clan just for this Tom? If I become pregnant, then I definitely will. She thought, gazing at Mixedfur a bit longer than she had intended to. Kits need to be with both their parents, and I could never cut him out of their lives, either. Then she almost laughed at the thought. I probably wont get pregnant. Maybe. But it wasnt hard to imagine it, tiny colorful furred bundles, a little she-kit looking just like Mixedfur and a little Tom looking like Splashheart. The thought warmed her all over. She thought of Eternal and a small wave of guilt flooded her senses before she shook it off.

She wanted a normal life. A life where, she could be with the Tom beside her, with fuzzy bundles surrounding her. Everything was always so hectic in ThunderClan. Someone was dying, someone was missing, someone ran away out of guilt for something they didnt do. Gyrestar was a good leader, and Snowsong was going to be a good deputy and hopefully the two together could turn things around, make things better for the Clan, but Splashheart wanted more. She wanted a life of her own, and not worry constantly about looking over her shoulder every second. Blackstorm is still out there. She shuddered at the thought slightly.

Mixedfur snapped her out of her thoughts, the blue-gray she-cat looking up with a smile as he spoke to her. "I see no reason to leave early when things are just getting fun," She purred. "Im usually out on patrol for a while anyway so my siblings wont worry." She looked at the fox den, a smile on her face. It looked big enough for the two of them to be alone together, the thought warmed her all over as she purred.

"I love it." Splashheart grinned, looking up at the Tom. "Lets rest here."

‘’I suppose thunderclan cats aren’t all that bad,’’ He teased, and gently flicked her with his tail as he hurried inside the small den. He enclosed himself to a deep corner, and waited for the she-cat to make her appearance. As long as she was closed to the wall of the den, where it was safe from any outside intruders.

One thing Mixedfur always worried about was safety. Since he brought her out here to this den, he would make sure left with her as the same condition as to how he got her. The den was bit dusty. Filled with dirt, per usual. And, his nose twitched at the smell. Dried leaves laid on the floor in a messy heap, but it would be useful to make a nest that they could snuggle in together. As he began digging the leaves into a messy nest for the two to lay on, he made sure it would be soft enough for her to lay upon.

‘’I think that’ll be good enough for you.’’ The tom nods as he nudged Splashheart into the abandoned fox den, and helped her get comfortable. He laid down, leaning himself into her. ‘’Are you cold?’’ He his maw curled into a smirk, as he allowed his thick pelt to comfort her. Although he appeared larger than her, he bent down his head, giving her a smile. ‘’Are you sure you’re going to be okay here? No one to worry about? At all?’’ Desperation was in his eyes, but his voice was as smooth as it had always been. A deep type of smooth that seemed odd to hear at first, but would get used to after some time.

‘’I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.’’ How many times have he stressed that issue already? He bent his head down to begin giving the nape of her neck gentle rasp licks as if he were in the moment of grooming her.

At the moment, she was his center of attention, and he wouldn’t allow himself to be discouraged or interrupted by anyone around them. A purr begin rumbling through his throat as he pulled his tongue away from her, and laid down on his side, facing her. He gently pawed at her, looking at her through his yellow orbs. ‘’I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here right now. With you.’’ He said slowly, and earnestly. And, he feared that someone might find them, but he knew they wouldn’t. As he picked himself up again, and bumping his head into her, he continued to shower her licks.

@monybab Goessssss aheadsssss xD This might get interesting...

Random Melody March 17th, 2017 12:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 202792)

‘’I suppose thunderclan cats aren’t all that bad,’’ He teased, and gently flicked her with his tail as he hurried inside the small den. He enclosed himself to a deep corner, and waited for the she-cat to make her appearance. As long as she was closed to the wall of the den, where it was safe from any outside intruders.

One thing Mixedfur always worried about was safety. Since he brought her out here to this den, he would make sure left with her as the same condition as to how he got her. The den was bit dusty. Filled with dirt, per usual. And, his nose twitched at the smell. Dried leaves laid on the floor in a messy heap, but it would be useful to make a nest that they could snuggle in together. As he began digging the leaves into a messy nest for the two to lay on, he made sure it would be soft enough for her to lay upon.

‘’I think that’ll be good enough for you.’’ The tom nods as he nudged Splashheart into the abandoned fox den, and helped her get comfortable. He laid down, leaning himself into her. ‘’Are you cold?’’ He his maw curled into a smirk, as he allowed his thick pelt to comfort her. Although he appeared larger than her, he bent down his head, giving her a smile. ‘’Are you sure you’re going to be okay here? No one to worry about? At all?’’ Desperation was in his eyes, but his voice was as smooth as it had always been. A deep type of smooth that seemed odd to hear at first, but would get used to after some time.

‘’I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.’’ How many times have he stressed that issue already? He bent his head down to begin giving the nape of her neck gentle rasp licks as if he were in the moment of grooming her.

At the moment, she was his center of attention, and he wouldn’t allow himself to be discouraged or interrupted by anyone around them. A purr begin rumbling through his throat as he pulled his tongue away from her, and laid down on his side, facing her. He gently pawed at her, looking at her through his yellow orbs. ‘’I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here right now. With you.’’ He said slowly, and earnestly. And, he feared that someone might find them, but he knew they wouldn’t. As he picked himself up again, and bumping his head into her, he continued to shower her licks.

@monybab Goessssss aheadsssss xD This might get interesting...

(XDD Goes right ahead! This will be hilarious XDDD)
"He finally admits!" Splashheart joked, padding in after him. The she-cat was grinning teasingly, an amused glitter in her blue eyes as she gazed around the den. It was nice, big enough for the two of them. Alone,She almost purred at the thought.

Watching as he got to work making the nest comfortable, she let her gaze rake over his body, watching the muscles ripple under his colorful pelt. A smile made its way onto her maw as she watched him, almost unconsciously. She was sure that where they were at now, nobody would find them, right? The she-cat relaxed, watching Mixedfur with an intrigued look in her blue eyes.

"Thanks," Splashheart purred, softly as the Tom nudged her into the nest. She let herself sink down into it comfortably, sighing in content. The smile on he face grew as Mixedfur laid beside her, and she found herself leaning into him gently. "Hmm, not cold. And im perfectly fine and yes, certain nobody is gonna come here." She laughed softly, grinning playfully at the Tom.

He wanted her to be comfortable. The thought warmed her all over, inside and out as she smiled brightly up at him. "And I thank you for that." She lifted her head slightly, giving his cheek a few soft licks and purring as she felt his tongue rasp down her neck once more.

Splashheart rolled onto her side comfortably as he laid down, reaching out a paw to place on the Tom's chest softly. "Me either," She said warmly. "In fact, im debating on never going home." She added, half jokingly and half seriously. She giggled as he stood back up, bumping his head into her and licking her again. The blue-gray she-cat raised her head, enjoying the affection and occasionally returning the licks on the Tom's cheeks and nose, the purr in her chest only getting louder and louder.

monfang March 17th, 2017 01:04 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border
{ @Random Melody @NoireRose }
Eternal had been padding around the territory, thinking about things. He had to clear his mind on things, trying to get past the events that happened only moons ago. He felt as if he had drifted far from his family, and he really didn't like the thought, however he wasn't going to leave them. Not again.

Keeping to the overgrowth he head a familiar voice along with one he did not know. Perking his hears he honed his hearing and heard Splashheart, talking with another. Smiling, he almost padded out before he heard a part of their conversation, a piece that made his heart drop. I'm debating on never going home... His ears flattened against his head at the words and he padded silently to a bush and peered through, seeing the two.

He gasped at the scents of RiverClan and knew the tom was not of ThunderClan. His green eyes flickered as he watched, anger and sadness filling his head. Sure they hadn't hung out much since they returned to ThunderClan but he liked her, he always had. They were best friends and they started becoming more, then the fight with Blackstorm and they drifted apart but that was mostly his fault.

He felt like jumping out, confronting them, but he stayed hidden, for he couldn't move. He was in disbelief. Was this even Splashheart? Was this tom even RiverClan? They were on the border but then again the scents of ThunderClan would have still been stronger than what he's smelling. He decided to just spy on them, see what was happening before he did anything.

Brilliance March 17th, 2017 05:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 202824)
(XDD Goes right ahead! This will be hilarious XDDD)
"He finally admits!" Splashheart joked, padding in after him. The she-cat was grinning teasingly, an amused glitter in her blue eyes as she gazed around the den. It was nice, big enough for the two of them. Alone,She almost purred at the thought.

Watching as he got to work making the nest comfortable, she let her gaze rake over his body, watching the muscles ripple under his colorful pelt. A smile made its way onto her maw as she watched him, almost unconsciously. She was sure that where they were at now, nobody would find them, right? The she-cat relaxed, watching Mixedfur with an intrigued look in her blue eyes.

"Thanks," Splashheart purred, softly as the Tom nudged her into the nest. She let herself sink down into it comfortably, sighing in content. The smile on he face grew as Mixedfur laid beside her, and she found herself leaning into him gently. "Hmm, not cold. And im perfectly fine and yes, certain nobody is gonna come here." She laughed softly, grinning playfully at the Tom.

He wanted her to be comfortable. The thought warmed her all over, inside and out as she smiled brightly up at him. "And I thank you for that." She lifted her head slightly, giving his cheek a few soft licks and purring as she felt his tongue rasp down her neck once more.

Splashheart rolled onto her side comfortably as he laid down, reaching out a paw to place on the Tom's chest softly. "Me either," She said warmly. "In fact, im debating on never going home." She added, half jokingly and half seriously. She giggled as he stood back up, bumping his head into her and licking her again. The blue-gray she-cat raised her head, enjoying the affection and occasionally returning the licks on the Tom's cheeks and nose, the purr in her chest only getting louder and louder.

‘’Never going home, huh?’’ Mixedfur lowly says as he continued to lick her. His ears were ringing at the thought of it, but it could had only been played off as a joke. Right? It sounded like a joke. Maybe. However, Mixedfur purred anyway, just from being around the female. ‘’So you’re gonna stay here?’’ He pulled himself away, joking himself. He then leaned back into her, ‘’Or, you wanna come back with me?’’ The vibration in his throat was deep with affection and excitement.

‘’Your safety is my priority. First and foremost.’’ The tom soothed. He looked her over once again with his striking yellow orbs, and just stared at her for a bit. His ears twitched as he thought he heard something outside, but thought nothing of the sort. His attention was solely on the feline in front of him.

‘’I mean, if you do come with me...think of all the fish you could eat.’’ He joked, and pressed his nose into the side of her face, as a chuckle rumbled deep from within him. ‘’I bet you’d be a perfect mother to Volekit and Fishkit.’’ This made him laugh once more, thinking of the earlier conversation they had. It did make him think. A lot on it. Although there were other capable she-cats in riverclan; he didn’t want them. He believed since he grew up around the scent of water, of fish of the other she-cats, his interest bore him. He had some good friends in riverclan--of both genders. He was secretly happy to meet another from a different clan. Let alone a she-cat. It was something different about her.

Mixedfur pulled himself back before he got carried away. He looked towards the entrance of the den, an eerie feeling settled within him, but he kept Splashheart guarded, so in case trouble did happen; he would be attacked first. The large tom shook his head to rid the thoughts, and he turned back to the light of his life. Just looking into her eyes made all his worries disappear, and a bright smile appeared on his maw. He whispered into her ear, leaning into her, ‘’So, what do you want to do?’’ He teased, but quickly added, ‘’Or, talk about?’’


Random Melody March 17th, 2017 07:36 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by NoireRose (Post 203107)

‘’Never going home, huh?’’ Mixedfur lowly says as he continued to lick her. His ears were ringing at the thought of it, but it could had only been played off as a joke. Right? It sounded like a joke. Maybe. However, Mixedfur purred anyway, just from being around the female. ‘’So you’re gonna stay here?’’ He pulled himself away, joking himself. He then leaned back into her, ‘’Or, you wanna come back with me?’’ The vibration in his throat was deep with affection and excitement.

‘’Your safety is my priority. First and foremost.’’ The tom soothed. He looked her over once again with his striking yellow orbs, and just stared at her for a bit. His ears twitched as he thought he heard something outside, but thought nothing of the sort. His attention was solely on the feline in front of him.

‘’I mean, if you do come with me...think of all the fish you could eat.’’ He joked, and pressed his nose into the side of her face, as a chuckle rumbled deep from within him. ‘’I bet you’d be a perfect mother to Volekit and Fishkit.’’ This made him laugh once more, thinking of the earlier conversation they had. It did make him think. A lot on it. Although there were other capable she-cats in riverclan; he didn’t want them. He believed since he grew up around the scent of water, of fish of the other she-cats, his interest bore him. He had some good friends in riverclan--of both genders. He was secretly happy to meet another from a different clan. Let alone a she-cat. It was something different about her.

Mixedfur pulled himself back before he got carried away. He looked towards the entrance of the den, an eerie feeling settled within him, but he kept Splashheart guarded, so in case trouble did happen; he would be attacked first. The large tom shook his head to rid the thoughts, and he turned back to the light of his life. Just looking into her eyes made all his worries disappear, and a bright smile appeared on his maw. He whispered into her ear, leaning into her, ‘’So, what do you want to do?’’ He teased, but quickly added, ‘’Or, talk about?’’


Splashheart giggled. "I cant stay here without you." She smirked, tail flicking side to side as she smiled at the Tom. "Going back with you doesnt seem like such a bad idea!" She purred, bumping her head against his gently.

"Aww, thats so sweet." She giggled, hearing his next sentence. A purr rumbled in her chest as she rasped her tongue up his cheek, a smile on her face. For a moment she thought she'd heard something but she shook it off, ears flicking toward the sound anyway.

Splashheart chuckled to herself as Mixedfur brought up the silly names she'd came up with, lightly flicking her tail at his shoulder. "Yeah! Volekit, Fishkit, Mousekit and Squirrelkit." She laughed, amused as she tilted her head. Her eyes ran over the Tom, a warm smile on her face. Again she thought of Eternal but the thought was gone when Mixedfur spoke again. She loved to listen to his voice, it soothed her.

"Mmm," She hummed in thought, disappointment flickering through her blue eyes briefly as he pulled back a little. She followed his gaze toward the entrance, unable to help the feeling someone was watching them. "I hope the fox isnt here." She whispered, but there was a joking glitter in her eyes. She noticed how Mixedfur was in a guarded, a protective stance. The thought warmed her all over, as a smile lit her face slightly. Shaking her head, the she-cat reached forward so she could give his ears a few licks. "I dont know. What do you wanna do, or talk about?"

Brilliance March 17th, 2017 08:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 203204)
Splashheart giggled. "I cant stay here without you." She smirked, tail flicking side to side as she smiled at the Tom. "Going back with you doesnt seem like such a bad idea!" She purred, bumping her head against his gently.

"Aww, thats so sweet." She giggled, hearing his next sentence. A purr rumbled in her chest as she rasped her tongue up his cheek, a smile on her face. For a moment she thought she'd heard something but she shook it off, ears flicking toward the sound anyway.

Splashheart chuckled to herself as Mixedfur brought up the silly names she'd came up with, lightly flicking her tail at his shoulder. "Yeah! Volekit, Fishkit, Mousekit and Squirrelkit." She laughed, amused as she tilted her head. Her eyes ran over the Tom, a warm smile on her face. Again she thought of Eternal but the thought was gone when Mixedfur spoke again. She loved to listen to his voice, it soothed her.

"Mmm," She hummed in thought, disappointment flickering through her blue eyes briefly as he pulled back a little. She followed his gaze toward the entrance, unable to help the feeling someone was watching them. "I hope the fox isnt here." She whispered, but there was a joking glitter in her eyes. She noticed how Mixedfur was in a guarded, a protective stance. The thought warmed her all over, as a smile lit her face slightly. Shaking her head, the she-cat reached forward so she could give his ears a few licks. "I dont know. What do you wanna do, or talk about?"

‘’You won’t have to worry. I’m never leaving, you.’’ He told her in a low gentle tone, and rubbed his head against hers as she bumped her head into his. ‘’I think you should highly consider it.’’ The tom mused. ‘’Just think of all the fun we could have! Riverclan isn’t that bad, you know. A lot of friendly cats. I’m sure they’ll warm up to you.’’ Mixedfur stated, confidently. He had hoped that he could swipe up the she-cat as his own. He imagined everything they could do together- go swimming, fishing, running around and explore...perhaps even raising a family. The thought lingered there for a while before he shook his head, and turned his attention back to the feline next to him.

‘’Please, don’t.’’ He laughed. ‘’Our kits would hate you if you named them such. Although Squirrekit doesn’t sound like a bad name. It’s pretty cute.’’ The large tom brushed his side against her, and added. ‘’So, you want a lot of kits? All those names seem to be many,’’ He teased, thinking of the four names she came up with. Though he wanted kits, he always questioned whether he would be a good father. Usually he loved spending time in the nursery to tell the kits stories, but those were others’ kits, none were his. If it were his kits, it would be ten times worse, yet ten times better. Life would be definitely. Perhaps grand. He could imagine himself playing with them, cuddling them, telling them stories. All of the sorts that warmed his heart.

Mixedfur stared out the entrance again, and at her comment, his ears perked. He highly doubted it would be a fox. The den was abandoned for a reason...right. ‘’I’m sure it’s not a fox. We’re probably just paranoid.’’ He chuckled, joking.

Mixedfur twitched his ears as he felt Splashheart’s warm tongue around them. His eyes half-lidded and he felt at peace as a goofy smile spread across his muzzle at the attention he was seeking. He cleared his throat and answered playfully, ‘’I’m a tom of action,’’ He winked, a playful tint in his voice. ‘’And, as of the moment, the only thing I’m doing is taking care of you.’’ He rolled over onto his back, so that he was looking up at the ceiling of the den. His eyes rolled over to her, a smile placed on his muzzle. ‘’Why must you make me so happy? As if I’m some new tom?’’ A purr rumbled in his throat. ‘’I know I’m not the only tom out here that has eyes on you...is there someone else?’’ He asked, a sincere spark in his orbs. ‘’If there is...what if you do choose to leave with me? Wh-What’s going to happen then? I honestly don’t deserve you. You deserve so much better. To be in the company of a better tom.’’ His words broke his heart, but they were true. ‘’Yet. You’re here with me.’’ He quietly added.

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