Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   WindClan Patrols (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=64487)

wolfie June 10th, 2023 10:12 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck; left green eye and right blue eye ★
ೃ⁀➷ @Alchemist Kitsune @RunningInTheHeather @ameko

Cowtuft was sitting outside his den, urgently awaiting the patrols he sent out and their return. His feathery tail curled around himself, and he didn't move an inch. He really wanted to know their exact return! He was a worried lad when it came to any delays, he absolutely needed those herbs lest worse fall upon his clanmates. Even if it took long, Cowtuft was going to wait.

Which was why he was super glad when the first patrol came back early! He started to let out happy squeaks as they approached him, each dropping their herbs at his paws. His large paws were stomping against the ground, a sign of his happiness - though he wasn't all aware of it. Shuffling the herbs close to himself, Cowtuft dipped his head in gratitude. "Thank you.. thank you!!!" He gestured, tapping his paw against his chin twice and pulling it away. With that, they were dismissed.

Undertaker June 12th, 2023 04:49 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
@Lillian [technically still hunting but wanted to get this report done quickly. Will make sure to have Leechscar and Moorpaw drop off their prey once the RP is finished.]

"Fallownose." The bulky dark gray warrior walked in, giving his scarred chest a few quick licks. "Moorpaw and I finished hunting, no trouble, aside from Crowflutter. I know I saw her hunting, but I'm sure where she got to while I was busy hunting with Moorpaw." The tom gave a brief report seeing no need to go into great detail about it. Assuming there would be no question needing answers, Leechscar padded off to go take a nap.

sol. June 12th, 2023 04:59 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
Sunskip padded out of the herb storage. She had already put down her herbs, but didn't see Cowtuft or Lightningpaw anywhere inside. She ought to report on the safe side.

The sun-pelted molly looked around, trying to find the massive white tom that acted as Windclan's head healer. Surely, he wouldn't have left camp, right?

Ah. Sunskip managed to find him and padded over, her natural smile tugging on her face. "Hiya Cowtuft." She said. "I'm not sure if Berryfrost reported in yet, but our patrol got back not too long ago. We put the marigold and cobwebs in the herb storage." She pointed in the direction of the medicine den.

If that was the end of it, she'd leave the tom alone, returning to the warrior's den with a friendly wave of her tail.

[ @x ghostie ]

[ @Rose / @*Galaxy_Cats* - for your reference and the mention of your characters, no need to reply. it would have been ooc for sun not to report in. ]

Moonraven June 12th, 2023 10:43 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Dreamlight made her way back to camp, pleased with their catch. Someone was going to be happy about the hare. Plus, she got a training date with Slatepaw. She had been a little bitter about losing Barelybite, but that tom had been totally pawful during the fire. Wherever he was she hoped that safe, and maybe return to WindClan one day.

"Fallownose, I completed my first patrol as a patrol leader." The chubby, short, warrior announced chest puffed out. Then she recalled that she should probably tell him what happened, this was no time for bragging. "Slatepaw and I hunting a big hare, and Moonwhisker got two rabbits. It was a good hunting patrol, no trouble or nothing." Dreamlight purred, awaiting praise. She better get praised for this, it was hella stressful.

"Oh, and Slatepaw's mentor is doing a dungy job of training her. She didn't know how to hunt at all. I'll tell my mother if you or Slatepaw don't first." She was hoping Slatepaw did since it was her training that as slowing down because of it.
@Lillian [almost forgot the patrols were due today]

Omari June 14th, 2023 07:59 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

After leaving her prey at the prey pile, she went to search for Fallownose to report back on their successful hunt. That and another pressing matter–the fact that it seemed like Goldenpaw didn’t currently have a mentor actively training him.

Once she found the clan’s deputy, she padded over with a friendly smile, calling his name softly as she approached. “Fallownose, our hunt was a success. We each caught a piece of prey–Dapplebreeze caught two small rabbits, Goldenpaw caught a finch and I caught a mouse.”

The molly paused for a moment before she lowered her voice. “...Now, I’m not completely sure, here, but I don’t think Goldenpaw’s mentor has been actively training him. He hunted very well, but he just.. Didn’t seem very confident in his own skills. I just thought I’d let you know.”

[ @Lillian , this was of course before Goldenpaw’s mentor reassignment !! ]

Radetzky June 16th, 2023 07:37 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Slightpoppy padded up with her mouth full of herbs. She dropped them infront of her paws, 2 yellow flowers and 3 mushrooms. "Me and Halfpaw are back, my apologies for the late return. Smokethroat never showed up, so we had to go without them." For a moment she felt bad, but quickly dismissed the feeling. She paused for a bit, thinking. We, um.. also found a cave behind the water fall as we searched for mushrooms. We found the mushrooms, but also some.. very strange.. symbols on the cave walls.." She said, shrugging off the uneasy feeling that she had felt in the cave. "I don't know, it's probably nothing. It was just.. strange .. that's all. We got you the herbs at least. Take a look, hopefully it's the right ones." The molly added, knowing she barely knew anything about herbs.

[ +2 yellow bells, +3 mushrooms ]

[ @x ghostie - Cowtuft ] [ @Alchemist Kitsune - Lightningpaw ] [ @Rogueheart - Halfpaw ]

Ragwort June 16th, 2023 07:56 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
, @x ghostie @Alchemist Kitsune @Radetzky

Halfpaw dropped the seedy weeds...

(he grabbed the seeding form of dandalion) 2+

Alchemist Kitsune June 17th, 2023 11:12 AM

Re: WindClan Patrols
| Lightningpaw |

Tail swaying lazily in the breeze, Lightningpaw lay on her side, her flank against the cool, grassy terrain of the camp grounds as a cat approached her. Turning her gaze upwards, the medicine cat apprentice quickly recognized Slightpoppy and Halfpaw, and a mild frown furrowed her brow. The smooth furred molly had been working in the medicine cat's den when her mentor had asked her to wait for the remaining patrol here, his urgency to get the herbs to their proper storage spots understandable. The quicker they went to the cool, underground burrow, the better preserved they would be. Unfortunately, this patrol not only didn't seem to have Cowtuft's urgency when it came to collecting the herbs in a timely fashion... they also seemed to be missing their patrol leader. Eyes narrowing at the sight, she dexterously stood, her motions swift as she remained in place, waiting for the patrol to come to her with an explanation.

Upon approach, Slightpoppy was quick to drop plentiful herbs before her - the mushrooms were of instant fascination to the calico, having never used them for healing, before - and provide information as to their tardiness. Smokethroat had never shown up. Well... it was good to know that at the very least their tardiness was due to an attempt to follow protocol as opposed to a complete disregard for it. The news of the cave behind Twilight Falls was also interesting to her, and potentially of interest to the leader as well. Whiskers twitching, emolliated in her disappointment as far as Slightpoppy's tardiness went, Lightningpaw nodded.

"Yellow bells and mushrooms. Yes. Both among the herbs Cowtuft told me, thank you. I'll look for Smokethroat later and speak to him on his lacking display of responsibility. I'll also inform Twilightstar about the cave by the falls. Now as for you," Lightningpaw remarked, her gaze turning deadpanned as she stared at the two weeds dropped by her side.

What were these blooms anyways? After a moment's observation, she realized they were dandelions, but far younger than she'd ever seen them gathered. On top of being late, it seemed Halfpaw hadn't deemed it important enough to even try and find the right herbs. Sunfuzzies - could Cowtuft have named them an even sillier name to fit into serious conversations - yellow bells, and mushrooms. From a single, passing glance, these herbs didn't even remotely look like any of the herbs asked for, even by name alone, assuming Cowtuft hadn't described them. And if he hadn't - doubtful as it was - it was always a simple matter of asking before heading out. This seemed like a half-hearted attempt to get the patrol over and done with as a best case scenario, at least as far as Lightningpaw was concerned.

"These are dandelion blooms. Was there a lack of sunfuzzies, yellow bells, or mushrooms in the area?" the medicine cat apprentice asked as she turned her gaze from the weeds to the apprentice and warrior before her.

Considering the bountiful amount of herbs Slightpoppy had brought, she assumed such was not the case. Still, she preferred to err with a side of caution. If there was a low quantity of herbs, the medicine cat would have to be informed immediately. If not, however... either Halfpaw had only grabbed these as a last minute attempt to appear as if he was doing something, or Slightpoppy hadn't been paying attention to the apprentice... or both. Either way, there was definitely some explaining to do.


@Radetzky [Slightpoppy] | @Rogueheart [Halfpaw]

Ragwort June 17th, 2023 12:01 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
, @Alchemist Kitsune

Halfpaw shrugged "i don't get out much... do to mentor issues... honestly i have no clue what a sunfuzzy looks like... i thought, that this is fuzzy and round so maybe... " He trailed off.... the 3 legged apprentice abruntly sat down... "i'm just a dumbbell sorry" he said, looking remorse

Radetzky June 17th, 2023 06:00 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

It seemed like they'd got some herbs right at least. The sunfuzzies on the other paw - well that was apperantly just weeds. "Well, in our defense, the only description we got for the herb was sunfuzzies, since Cowtuft didn't have any visual example" The diluted calico had never heard of that herb before. She had hoped that Smokethroat would've had a better idea of what the herbs looked like, but then he didn't show up.. so Slightpoppy was left clueless on that one. She looked over at Halfpaw, then back to Lightningpaw. A bit annoyed at herself when feeling bad for the apprentice. She sighed, why did she have to feel bad for him? "It wasn't Halfpaw's fault, I'm pretty sure he's just as clueless about herbs as I am. If it's anyone's fault it's mine.. I should've checked what he had collected before we headed back" She forced out an apology. In the end, she was responsible of Halfpaw since Smokethroat hadn't shown up, so anything that happened was on her.

(also just fyi, we did get an extension from ghostie until the 16th^^)

[ @Alchemist Kitsune ] [ @Rogueheart ]

Alchemist Kitsune June 18th, 2023 11:00 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
| Lightningpaw |

The deadpanned look on Lightningpaw's face remained while Halfpaw spoke, completely unimpressed by his lack of... curiosity? Lightningpaw had been so desperate for any kind of knowledge ever since she was a kit, the idea of simply not asking when something new and unknown was presented to anyone was something she couldn't fathom. Her lack of emotion melted away, however, as the apprentice began insulting himself, clearly remorseful. While she had wanted him to realize he needed to ask in the future, she hadn't intended for him to feel so low that he genuinely believed he was a hare-brain. Having been unobservant and being a... dumbbell, as he'd put it, were too different things, and she didn't wish for him to go out of this feeling so put down over a mistake. She had always been a bit overly blunt, hadn't she?

Before she could assure Halfpaw that it was fine - in as professional a way as she could that didn't involve grabbing his little cheeks and telling him he was not a dumbbell - Slightpoppy intervened, providing more of an explanation. The silver lining of course being that there was no herb shortage in their new home. Relief twitching her whiskers, she nodded, her tail giving a lazy sway in the breeze. She had gathered one thing very clearly from all of this. Halfpaw's mentor was lacking, and Slightpoppy had merely been confused as far as the herbs went. She supposed... yellow, heavily petalled flowers could look like sunfuzzies - the name had still not stopped being funny - if one thought about their white, fuzzy shape once the petals went away.

"It's fine. Accidents happen," the apprentice mewed with a shrug, her gaze thoughtful, still mulling over Halfpaw's mentor comment. "I'm afraid any visual examples will be unavailable until we find some. Fire ate away at our stores. I'll bring it up with Cowtuft that we'll need to send for some in the future. Just remember though, if in doubt next time, feel free to drag me out of the medicine cat's den by my tail to ask me if you have to. I promise I don't bite... much," Lightningpaw purred, a mischievous grin lighting her face for a moment before she twitched her tail in dismissal. Unless there was anything more to add, they were done here.


@Radetzky [Slightpoppy] | @Rogueheart [Halfpaw]
| Yep, I was aware of the extension. There were never going to be any in character repercussions for either Slightpoppy or Halfpaw. Lightningpaw was just being Lightningpaw here, no worries. :heartbounce: |

Ian June 19th, 2023 11:40 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
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After returning from his eventful patrol and escorting Mistycloud to Twilightstar's den, the deputy leapt down to sit at the base of the Galewood while he waited for patrols to report.

Originally Posted by Octavia! (Post 1429860)
@~leafrabbit @absles @Lillian

Cliffjumper checked if Leopardpaw and Rabbiteye were with him. "Fallownose?" The flame coloured tom meowed, "Thunderglade is marked. ThunderClan scent was there, with a faint scent of blood.(Blackfir's murder) Most likely a border scuffle. Otherwise, the patrol went well."

As Cliffjumper approached he perked his ears in attention, listening with interest as the report was delivered. "I see. Thank you for letting me know. I haven't heard about any border scuffles, so I'll report this to Twilightstar."


Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 1432678)
@Lillian [technically still hunting but wanted to get this report done quickly. Will make sure to have Leechscar and Moorpaw drop off their prey once the RP is finished.]

"Fallownose." The bulky dark gray warrior walked in, giving his scarred chest a few quick licks. "Moorpaw and I finished hunting, no trouble, aside from Crowflutter. I know I saw her hunting, but I'm sure where she got to while I was busy hunting with Moorpaw." The tom gave a brief report seeing no need to go into great detail about it. Assuming there would be no question needing answers, Leechscar padded off to go take a nap.

Leechscar came to report next, and it seemed everything went well other than Crowflutter disappearing mid-patrol. "Good job. I'll keep an eye out for her return and talk to her about it."

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 1432838)

Dreamlight made her way back to camp, pleased with their catch. Someone was going to be happy about the hare. Plus, she got a training date with Slatepaw. She had been a little bitter about losing Barelybite, but that tom had been totally pawful during the fire. Wherever he was she hoped that safe, and maybe return to WindClan one day.

"Fallownose, I completed my first patrol as a patrol leader." The chubby, short, warrior announced chest puffed out. Then she recalled that she should probably tell him what happened, this was no time for bragging. "Slatepaw and I hunting a big hare, and Moonwhisker got two rabbits. It was a good hunting patrol, no trouble or nothing." Dreamlight purred, awaiting praise. She better get praised for this, it was hella stressful.

"Oh, and Slatepaw's mentor is doing a dungy job of training her. She didn't know how to hunt at all. I'll tell my mother if you or Slatepaw don't first." She was hoping Slatepaw did since it was her training that as slowing down because of it.
@Lillian [almost forgot the patrols were due today]

Fallownose couldn't help the purr of amusement that rumbled in his throat as Dreamlight puffed out her chest when she announced the patrol was completed. After having helped fight off one of the foxes in the Warren, he had figured leading a patrol would be no problem.

"Good job Dreamlight. I'm sure everyone will be thankful now that the prey pile is finally getting stocked. As for Slatepaw, thank you for bringing that my attention. I'll speak with your mother about getting her reassigned."

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1433559)

After leaving her prey at the prey pile, she went to search for Fallownose to report back on their successful hunt. That and another pressing matter–the fact that it seemed like Goldenpaw didn’t currently have a mentor actively training him.

Once she found the clan’s deputy, she padded over with a friendly smile, calling his name softly as she approached. “Fallownose, our hunt was a success. We each caught a piece of prey–Dapplebreeze caught two small rabbits, Goldenpaw caught a finch and I caught a mouse.”

The molly paused for a moment before she lowered her voice. “...Now, I’m not completely sure, here, but I don’t think Goldenpaw’s mentor has been actively training him. He hunted very well, but he just.. Didn’t seem very confident in his own skills. I just thought I’d let you know.”

[ @Lillian , this was of course before Goldenpaw’s mentor reassignment !! ]

The fact that all of the hunting patrols reported and caught prey put the WindClan deputy in a good mood. StarClan knows they needed some luck after the fire, and it seemed like his prayers were answered. WindClan certainly wouldn't be starving anytime soon.

"Great! I'm glad we won't have to worry about lack of prey in our new home. As for Goldenpaw, I'll check in with him and make sure everything is all right," he reassured, giving Mousefern a soft smile before dismissing her.

Ian June 20th, 2023 11:23 PM

Re: WindClan Punishments
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Luckily it seemed like most of the patrols had done well, though there were still some cats he needed to talk to. Mainly the patrol to Whispering Wetlands he hadn't heard from, which was concerning. He had seen them head out, so either something happened or they slacked off. And of all the borders patrols to slack on, the one to the ShadowClan border was not it.

"Ashclaw, Pignut, Milkpaw, and Firepaw! I need to speak with you all. Goldenpaw, you as well."

@Queen_Coral @Ravensong @Wingnettle @Darkclaws @ameko

ameko June 23rd, 2023 07:57 PM

Re: WindClan Punishments
Goldenpaw »
Goldenpaw's head rose at the sound of Fallownose rattling off names, but his gaze was elsewhere, largely disinterested in what he had to say. Disinterested, that is, until his own name came out of the deputy's mouth! Green eyes shooting over to the gray tom, Goldenpaw padded quickly up to him and dipped his head in greeting. After taking a moment to clear his throat, he responded, "Yes?"

wolfie June 23rd, 2023 10:37 PM

Re: WindClan Punishments
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck; left green eye and right blue eye ★
ೃ⁀➷ @Nixey

After Cowtuft had found out the results of the herb patrols he had sent out, the tom discovered there was only one cat he truly needed to "punish". It was a surprise - typically, there was a struggle to have any finished patrols. Cowtuft poked his head into the warrior's den, blinking in the darkness. "S..mokethroat..?" The medicine cat softly spoke, ignoring the small trip of his words. Nonetheless, he could not be soft on his clanmates!! Moss-cleaning was on Smokethroat's plans for today now!

wolfie June 23rd, 2023 10:44 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck; left green eye and right blue eye ★
ೃ⁀➷ @sol.
|| sorry for the wait -- totally didn't see this report !! ||

Cowtuft perked up as a warrior approached him. He was simply enjoying the sun, unwrapping his injured leg in preparation to change his own dressings. He offered a smile in response, legging go of tugging off the cobwebs to respond properly to .. Sunskip, Cowtuft believed? If the cream and white voice along with her voice said anything. "Thank you..!!" He signed in response, bringing his paw up to his chin and bringing it down, then repeating. It was a little bit strange for the patrol leader to not be reporting, but Cowtuft didn't question. As long as nothing went wrong, it was great! With a nod, the gentle giant returned to what he was doing.

Ian June 24th, 2023 02:49 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
If you need an extension, let me know within three (3) days after the deadline
If you need to be replaced, let me know within two (2) days
Hunting patrols, have your character place their catch on the fresh-kill pile before reporting, or your character will be punished

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The slate-gray tom made his way out of the warriors' den with a yawn. Green-leaf was in full swing, and the warmth always made him a little lethargic. Fallownose gave himself a shake to wake himself up as he padded to the base of the Galewood to send out another round of patrols.

[Required Prompt: Everything is going well until you catch the scent of ThunderClan across the border. Someone crossed here, and recently, but they're not in sight anymore]

"Twilightstar [ @Moonraven ], I'd like you to lead the patrol to the ThunderClan Border. Take Berryfrost [ @Rose ] and Lightpaw [ @Silverfur & Co ] with you."

[Optional Prompt: Now that green-leaf is here it's hot. Anyone up for a mud fight to cool off?]
"Silentleap [ @RunningInTheHeather], take Fuzzyblossom [ @Catherine ], Fogaw [ @Lunalis ], and Cloverpaw [ @ares ] to patrol the ShadowClan Border."

[Optional Prompt: Achoo! Looks like someone on the patrol is having seasonal allergies.]
"Longmoor [ @GANDERGOOSE ], head to the RiverClan Border with Dawnbreeze[ @Honey_Shimmer ] and Aspenstrike [ @jupiter ]. Be careful as last time I was there one of their warriors was asking to join and got caught, so they might be hostile."

[Optional Prompt: Why are there clouds on the ground?? Oh wait, it's a sheep! Don't they usually travel in herds, though?]
"Floatingleaf [ @Silvershadow13 ], hunt at Sunset Grove with Tigerpaw [ @CreeperLover649 ]."

[Optional Prompt: Ewww, something stinks! Do you investigate, or continue on with the patrol?]
"Deadmoon [ @gs29513 ], take Swallowwing [ @Cheesy da Cheese ] hunting with you at the Sky Glade."

[Optional Prompt: For once, the wind is actually nice instead of almost blowing you off your paws. Unfortunately, it's blowing away from you instead of toward you, making it harder to hunt]
"Sleekgaze [ @endlessskies ], head to Windy Hills and see what prey you can find with Cedarpaw [ @Froggy ]."

bubble[error]. June 24th, 2023 02:53 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

{ @Silvershadow13 }

Tigerpaw heard her name called for patrol. She raced over. "Floatingleaf! I'm here!" The warrior-sized-and-aged apprentice called, looking for the warrior.

SpiritWolf_yt June 24th, 2023 03:06 PM

Re: WindClan Punishments
[ I tried i'm sorry!]

Ashclaw perked as hi name and his patrol was called, the tom padded over standing tall."Fallownose I can explain the delay" he said

gs29513 June 24th, 2023 03:11 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
Hearing her name called by Fallownose, Deadmoon rousted herself from her nice patch of shade beside the nursery and made her way towards the deputy. She was going hunting, which was probably better than border patrols. Border patrols were either terribly boring or violently exciting, and she much preferred the stimulating but typically safe environment of the more central parts of their territory. She had heard Berryfrost’s name called just before hers. The molly seemed nice, her being her daughter-in-law apprentice's....something was an equally positive surprise. Simple in nature, seeing as her and Berryfrost had never really interacted before she had returned, but perfectly delightful nonetheless.

She wasn't on her patrol though, so there was no point looking around as she undoubtedly made her way from wherever she had been to find her patrol-mates, Lightpaw and Twilightstar. She was instead looking for Swallowwing, a very nice name in her opinion. It had a nice symmetry about it, and fit smoothly together, seeing as swallows had wings. Hopefully her clanmate would be as affable as the name seemed to convey. No telling until Swallowing appeared though. For now she just had to wait for her patrolmate to arrive, and they could set off for Sky Glade. @Cheesy da Cheese

Silverfur & Co June 24th, 2023 03:52 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
Lightpaw shifted feeling nervous as was her first patrol but nodded and was ready to go with berryfrost. @Rose

Rose June 24th, 2023 07:49 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Berryfrost had never felt so fidgety in her life. Okay, that was a lie. There had been many times the small, speckled molly had succumbed to being a nervous wreck, and today was most definitely one of those. She'd been approaching her father, to ask for his opinion.. on her relationship with Snowybreeze. As much as Berryfrost loved Snowybreeze, she still wanted Peachfrost and Fallownose's blessings.

Except, by the time Berryfrost had made it halfway across the clearing, Fallownose had started calling out patrols. Freezing in place, Berryfrost felt the moment exactly her father noticed her - and then placed her on patrol with. . . Twilightstar.

See, Berryfrost had nothing against her leader - in fact, she adored the lilac molly for all she did in WindClan - but oh stars, she... felt like she was going to throw up. A patrol. With her leader. If there was any time Berryfrost wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, this was it. Feeling nauseated, the smaller-than-average warrior scurried over to Lightpaw, wishing she could share the apprentice's enthusiasm. "We can go once- once T- Twilightstar gets here."

[ @Moonraven - Twilightstar / @Silverfur & Co - Lightpaw ]

wendigo June 24th, 2023 08:19 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
┌── •✧• ──┐
Brown manx trans w/ green eyes
└── •✧• ──┘

Silentleap flicked his ears.
Woohoo! Patrols!

And to the ShadowClan border?

"Okay, uh.." he mumbled a bit, "Fuzzyblossom [ @Catherine ]!" He yelled out.
"Fogpaw [ @Lunalis ]? Cloverpaw [ @ares ]? Where are you guys?"

Madelaine June 24th, 2023 09:08 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
Fuzzyblossom felt paws vibrating the ground and she looked up to see the Windclan deputy. Was it time for patrols? Her thoughts went after when she read her name on Fallownose's lips. Cool! She looked around to see if anyone would come up to her. She disn't really get the names of her clanmates she was on patrol with. The deaf she-cat would allow them to come to her otherwise she wouldn't know who he meet up with.

[ @RunningInTheHeather; @Lunalis; @ares; ]

QueenOtter June 25th, 2023 01:06 AM

Re: WindClan Patrols
- Sleekgaze [ She/Her ] -

Patrols? Sleekgaze scowled. She'd rather take a nap instead of going hunting! Annoyed, she called angrily to the apprentice. 'Cedarpaw! Get here this instant!' Sleekgaze scanned the clearing and sniffed indignantly. Boring, boring. And so unfair! She let out a sigh filled with bitterness, and flattened her ears resentfully. At least I'm leading it.

wendigo June 25th, 2023 09:10 AM

Re: WindClan Patrols
┌── •✧• ──┐
Brown manx trans w/ green eyes
└── •✧• ──┘
Ft. Fuzzyblossom [ @Catherine ], Fogpaw [ @Lunalis ], & Cloverpaw [ @ares ]

Silentleap caught eye of Fuzzyblossom.
Why didn't she respond to his call?
That's when he realized.

She's deaf!
You're an idiot!

Silentleap ran up to Fuzzyblossom, and waved his tail.
He then looked around, waiting for the rest of the patrol so they could set off.

iliri June 25th, 2023 11:03 AM

Re: WindClan Patrols
• Cloverpaw •
scarred cream-and-white molly with disabled hind leg and blind right eye; aqua blue eyes and folded dark brown ears with a darker rim along the edges


Patrols? Gee, it’s been a while since the scarred molly herself had done any type of patrolling. Not since she was just a young apprentice that was filled with life and glee. Shaking off the thought, Cloverpaw hobbled herself to both of her clan-mates, both seemingly unfamiliar to the eldest apprentice’s eyes. Fuzzyblossom wasn’t anywhere familiar to the young molly and neither really was Silentleap. She guessed that she’ll just have to deal with patrolling with a couple of cats that she didn’t really have much of notice of, she supposed. With a quick swipe of her tongue, she silently hobbled her way towards the direction of both felines, giving a silent grunt in greeting. She never was much of a fan of border patrols, especially having to deal with walking around ShadowClan’s border. Not since many moons ago of the rather infamous Dawnstar incident and the subsequent eventful death of Ashfeather. That was something that Cloverpaw wished to keep out of her mind.

Now, they just gotta wait for… Fogpaw was it? Cloverpaw guessed it was a young apprentice who needed training, like her in a way. But except Cloverpaw’s situation was dire unlike Fogpaw’s. Then again, it wasn’t like Cloverpaw knew much cats ever since she came back. Briefly were recognizable to her own eyes, unfortunately. She huffed out silently as she sat down, promptly wrapping her tail around her paws as her disabled hind leg splayed itself out on the ground. Too bad she’ll probably have to lift herself back up here soon, but Cloverpaw wouldn’t mind at least taking a minute or so to wait for Fogpaw to show up.


@RunningInTheHeather @Catherine @Lunalis [deeply apologize for the late reply! I was out camping! ]

Silverfur & Co June 25th, 2023 12:17 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Rose (Post 1436886)

Berryfrost had never felt so fidgety in her life. Okay, that was a lie. There had been many times the small, speckled molly had succumbed to being a nervous wreck, and today was most definitely one of those. She'd been approaching her father, to ask for his opinion.. on her relationship with Snowybreeze. As much as Berryfrost loved Snowybreeze, she still wanted Peachfrost and Fallownose's blessings.

Except, by the time Berryfrost had made it halfway across the clearing, Fallownose had started calling out patrols. Freezing in place, Berryfrost felt the moment exactly her father noticed her - and then placed her on patrol with. . . Twilightstar.

See, Berryfrost had nothing against her leader - in fact, she adored the lilac molly for all she did in WindClan - but oh stars, she... felt like she was going to throw up. A patrol. With her leader. If there was any time Berryfrost wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, this was it. Feeling nauseated, the smaller-than-average warrior scurried over to Lightpaw, wishing she could share the apprentice's enthusiasm. "We can go once- once T- Twilightstar gets here."

[ @Moonraven - Twilightstar / @Silverfur & Co - Lightpaw ]

Lightpaw was excited and notices berryfrost nervous like behavior. "It's ok miss berryfrost miss twilightstar is amazing. No need be nervous. Ok?" She mews looking at Berryfrost. Lightpaw had known twilightstar a little since she was a kit she had a fascination with giving other cats flowers at the time. She was still trying to adjust to the new borders. A bit nervous on the new border patrol but knows it would be ok because berryfrost and twilightstar was going to be with her.

Lunalis June 25th, 2023 12:21 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
Fogpaw was sleeping on a sunlit rock when she heard her mentor Silentleap call out her name, she woke up in a snap, and fell off the rock, and stumbled over to the waiting group. "I sorry" she said as she sat down, "But the rock was too good of a chance to pass up." she yawned for a couple of seconds, and got a sudden burst of energy, "We're going on a patrol, i've never been on one of those before, I sure i'll do just fine!" She said beaming with excitment. "Oh, right where are my manners", she dips her head at Silentleap, Fuzzyblossom, and Cloverpaw, "For those of you who don't know me i'm Fogpaw", she then waved her paw at Fuzzyblossom, "Alright, now that we're here lets get this patrol started!" She said cheerfully.


GANDERGOOSE June 25th, 2023 01:07 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols
Longmoor arched her back in a deep stretch, her whiskers pulling back as she listened to Fallownose assign patrols. RiverClan? What terrible luck ... She thought with a small flick of her tail, shoulders slumping as she turned to look for the rest of her patrol.

Her features scrunched when she couldn't find Dawnbreeze or Aspenstrike, and she ultimately decided she wasn't going to run around looking for them. Instead, Longmoor sat down in a spot where she hoped the two would be able to find her, looking around expectantly as cats dispersed and began to meet up with their clanmates for their own patrols.

[ @Honey_Shimmer -- Mention for Dawnbreeze ] [ @jupiter -- Mention for Aspenstrike ]
[ First patrol so please lmk if I do anything wrong TwT ]

poppy June 25th, 2023 01:21 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

The tall former ThunderClan leader left the warrior's den, pricking her ears at the deputy's call. She still was wary of the gray tom, and made an effort to avoid him best she could after their last exchange. She disliked him and didn't agree with his bias in a situation that required a less... Explosive reaction, but she respected her Clan enough to show up for patrols.

Approaching Longmoor, she lowered her head in greeting, waiting for Dawnbreeze.

( @GANDERGOOSE @Honey_Shimmer)

Moonraven June 25th, 2023 09:16 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

The WindClan leader lifted her head from where she sat underneath her den by the roots of the Galewood. Her ears jerked upwards, alert, as she noticed Fallownose calling out patrols. The first patrol he called out was one for ThunderClan and it seemed that she was expected to lead it. Her maw twisted into a bit of a scowl. She didn't mind leading the border patrol, but she'd much rather avoid dealing with ThunderClan.

Still, ignoring her personal disdain, the lilac-gray feline swiftly gathered her paws underneath her and padded over to where she found Berryfrost and Lightpaw standing together. She immediately noticed Berryfrost's unease and caught the end tail of what Lightpaw was saying to the warrior. So it was the pressure of patrol with the clan leader that was eating at Berryfrost.

"I don't bite, no need to be so nervous." Twilightstar meowed, pausing in front of the pair with an amused smile on her maw. Twilightstar had more than a few cats grow nervous around her presence, she didn't really understand it. She wouldn't call herself impressive or all that awe-inspiring, but still nervous they remained.

"Come on, let's get moving, Lightpaw stay close." Twilightstar urged, deciding against continuing to draw attention to Berryfrost's nerves. The molly was trained by the former medicine cat and called the current deputy father, one would think she'd be used to having influential figures around her. Regardless, hopefully, the walk to the border would loosen the warrior up or at least make it so she didn't look like she was going to vomit at any given second.
@Rose [Berryfrost] @Silverfur & Co [Lightpaw]

Silverfur & Co June 25th, 2023 10:40 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 1437233)

The WindClan leader lifted her head from where she sat underneath her den by the roots of the Galewood. Her ears jerked upwards, alert, as she noticed Fallownose calling out patrols. The first patrol he called out was one for ThunderClan and it seemed that she was expected to lead it. Her maw twisted into a bit of a scowl. She didn't mind leading the border patrol, but she'd much rather avoid dealing with ThunderClan.

Still, ignoring her personal disdain, the lilac-gray feline swiftly gathered her paws underneath her and padded over to where she found Berryfrost and Lightpaw standing together. She immediately noticed Berryfrost's unease and caught the end tail of what Lightpaw was saying to the warrior. So it was the pressure of patrol with the clan leader that was eating at Berryfrost.

"I don't bite, no need to be so nervous." Twilightstar meowed, pausing in front of the pair with an amused smile on her maw. Twilightstar had more than a few cats grow nervous around her presence, she didn't really understand it. She wouldn't call herself impressive or all that awe-inspiring, but still nervous they remained.

"Come on, let's get moving, Lightpaw stay close." Twilightstar urged, deciding against continuing to draw attention to Berryfrost's nerves. The molly was trained by the former medicine cat and called the current deputy father, one would think she'd be used to having influential figures around her. Regardless, hopefully, the walk to the border would loosen the warrior up or at least make it so she didn't look like she was going to vomit at any given second.
@Rose [Berryfrost] @Silverfur & Co [Lightpaw]

"Alright miss twilightstar." Lightpaw mews excited a little n pads after her.

Spookez. June 26th, 2023 09:33 AM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Cedarpaw trotted over. Well I can see she had a bad day "I'm here."

(Sorry for it being so late)

wendigo June 26th, 2023 11:24 AM

Re: WindClan Patrols
┌── •✧• ──┐
Brown manx trans w/ green eyes
└── •✧• ──┘
Ft. Fuzzyblossom [ @Catherine ], Fogpaw [ @Lunalis ], & Cloverpaw [ @ares (No worries! Hope it was fun!)]

Silentleap waved his tail to Fogpaw.

"So, since we're all here, let's get going! To the ShadowClan Border!"

Galaxy_ June 26th, 2023 12:36 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1436770)
Hearing her name called by Fallownose, Deadmoon rousted herself from her nice patch of shade beside the nursery and made her way towards the deputy. She was going hunting, which was probably better than border patrols. Border patrols were either terribly boring or violently exciting, and she much preferred the stimulating but typically safe environment of the more central parts of their territory. She had heard Berryfrost’s name called just before hers. The molly seemed nice, her being her daughter-in-law apprentice's....something was an equally positive surprise. Simple in nature, seeing as her and Berryfrost had never really interacted before she had returned, but perfectly delightful nonetheless.

She wasn't on her patrol though, so there was no point looking around as she undoubtedly made her way from wherever she had been to find her patrol-mates, Lightpaw and Twilightstar. She was instead looking for Swallowwing, a very nice name in her opinion. It had a nice symmetry about it, and fit smoothly together, seeing as swallows had wings. Hopefully her clanmate would be as affable as the name seemed to convey. No telling until Swallowing appeared though. For now she just had to wait for her patrolmate to arrive, and they could set off for Sky Glade. @Cheesy da Cheese

Swallowing would be looking around until he spotted Deadmoon he started to walk towards her and when he got close enough he meowed a greeting and say down by her. "I'm ready whenever you are." He meowed warmly. Looking at her with a soft smile on his a face as he curled his tail around his paws.

Rose June 26th, 2023 07:13 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 1437233)

The WindClan leader lifted her head from where she sat underneath her den by the roots of the Galewood. Her ears jerked upwards, alert, as she noticed Fallownose calling out patrols. The first patrol he called out was one for ThunderClan and it seemed that she was expected to lead it. Her maw twisted into a bit of a scowl. She didn't mind leading the border patrol, but she'd much rather avoid dealing with ThunderClan.

Still, ignoring her personal disdain, the lilac-gray feline swiftly gathered her paws underneath her and padded over to where she found Berryfrost and Lightpaw standing together. She immediately noticed Berryfrost's unease and caught the end tail of what Lightpaw was saying to the warrior. So it was the pressure of patrol with the clan leader that was eating at Berryfrost.

"I don't bite, no need to be so nervous." Twilightstar meowed, pausing in front of the pair with an amused smile on her maw. Twilightstar had more than a few cats grow nervous around her presence, she didn't really understand it. She wouldn't call herself impressive or all that awe-inspiring, but still nervous they remained.

"Come on, let's get moving, Lightpaw stay close." Twilightstar urged, deciding against continuing to draw attention to Berryfrost's nerves. The molly was trained by the former medicine cat and called the current deputy father, one would think she'd be used to having influential figures around her. Regardless, hopefully, the walk to the border would loosen the warrior up or at least make it so she didn't look like she was going to vomit at any given second.
@Rose [Berryfrost] @Silverfur & Co [Lightpaw]


Originally Posted by Silverfur & Co (Post 1437261)
"Alright miss twilightstar." Lightpaw mews excited a little n pads after her.


With a meek, entirely embarrassed nod, the speckled female slipped out after her two companions. "Sorry," She murmured softly - mostly to thin air. Berryfrost didn't even know if anyone had heard her, but she didn't mind it. So long as she got this chance to leave camp and look for Snowybreeze instead of sitting around obsessively and waiting for him at the camp entrance. Wondering after the disappearance of her beloved made her feel sick all over again. Where was he? Why'd he up and left without telling her?

Blinking back into reality, the mismatched-eyed molly trailed quietly after her patrolmates, not making a sound unless she couldn't help it.

[ Thought I'd just get this out quickly so you can post at the border. ]

Silvershadow13 June 26th, 2023 08:30 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by CreeperLover649 (Post 1436748)

{ @Silvershadow13 }

Tigerpaw heard her name called for patrol. She raced over. "Floatingleaf! I'm here!" The warrior-sized-and-aged apprentice called, looking for the warrior.


upon hearing her name, the brown and white feline approached the seemingly warrior aged apprentice,
"You ready"

bubble[error]. June 26th, 2023 09:13 PM

Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Silvershadow13 (Post 1437577)


upon hearing her name, the brown and white feline approached the seemingly warrior aged apprentice,
"You ready"

*Tigerpaw nodded*

Ian June 29th, 2023 09:25 PM

Re: WindClan Punishments
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Goldenpaw and Ashclaw both came over after he called. While he was slightly confused as to why Pignut, Milkpaw, and Firepaw weren't with him, he decided to give the warrior a chance to explain after he addressed Goldenpaw.

"Goldenpaw, I was informed by Mousefern that you caught a finch on the patrol, but it was not placed on the prey pile. Did you take it to the elders or queens, or did you happen to eat it yourself?"

He hoped it was the latter and that Goldenpaw's mentor had taught the apprentice not to eat before the elders, kits, and queens. Once he got the apprentice's response, he nodded to Ashclaw so the Guardian could explain why they were delayed and where his patrolmates were.

@Queen_Coral @ameko

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