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Cosmo January 14th, 2018 06:30 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454511)
He smiles “ no need. It will heal in time besides I know how to use herbs and stuff to heal. So no need to worry about me, besides I do have some cats who follow me. They see me as some boss and I let them. I can depend on them if it does come down to it.” He Says kindly as he begins to look at Iriss “ come my dear” he purrs playfully as he begins to walk. “ now than..” he says looking up at the building, and soon he begins to yell “ amor! Bring shadow! We’re going hunting!” He purrs loudly

Iriss had kept quiet the entire conversation, just waiting for it to be over. But now that it actually was, Iriss had forgotten what she had wanted to do, and was perfectly content with going hunting. She got up and followed Hades. Hunting was one of the things she did not miss about clan life. The big hunting patrols, and they're noisy sounds that scared away the prey. It had been terrible. Only when it was her mentor and her did she accept more than one cat hunting at the same time. But somehow it was different around Hades and his friends or followers. She wasn't sure about his love yet, as she had not met the other cat, but the rest of them seemed good.

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 07:00 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454205)
Joining late
Quinoa padded through the grass, as silently as she could manage. Her white tail swayed behind her, rustling the growth of the meadow. She was nearing the abandoned school house now, and she smelled lots of fresh scents. It must be a rest stop, she thought. Although it seemed like visitors were here, scents of danger and authority ran thick with the smells of fear and blood. Quinoa briefly thought of turning back. It could be a lone rouge, one that attacked. Worse, it could be a pack of rouges. She approached the crumbling brick walls, hearing mews and hisses from inside. She had no idea if any cat was outside. The last thing she needed was an encounter, or a fight. But if they forced one, she was ready to give it.
The beautiful shecat slowly approached, her nose twitching harshly from the mingling scents. Kittypet, rouge, loner, and even a clan cat were all here. Quinoa hissed. She had had more than one fight with clancats. They had some moves, but didn’t think outside the box too much. She soon saw cats come into view.
A handsome burly tom was standing above a small cat, the clan cat visitor. A shecat was standing near them, not too close. The tom was a silver cat with a white underbelly. He was covered in scars and an open wound. He was arched menacingly, but had a strange warmth in his eyes that was different.
Quinoa couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she figured enough out that the large tom was dealing with the kit. The golden cat was looking on, watching.
Quinoa began to turn away from the cats. These cats were a group, and they looked strong enough to kill a fox. Quinoa didn’t want to get on their bad side. She soon heard the toms voice raise, and Quinoa paused, pricking her dove brown ears. If only she could get closer...

The tom and kit nodded to each other, and they padded off. A new shecat followed from behind, this one very cautiously. As the trio padded closer, their conversation became more comprehendible. They were going hunting.
Quinoa flicked her tail, the long grass rattling noisily. She turned around, not realizing what a ruckus she was making. She slid down into crouching position, hoping not to be seen. Hopefully, no one had heard her.

red_inactive January 14th, 2018 01:48 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454511)
He smiles “ no need. It will heal in time besides I know how to use herbs and stuff to heal. So no need to worry about me, besides I do have some cats who follow me. They see me as some boss and I let them. I can depend on them if it does come down to it.” He Says kindly as he begins to look at Iriss “ come my dear” he purrs playfully as he begins to walk. “ now than..” he says looking up at the building, and soon he begins to yell “ amor! Bring shadow! We’re going hunting!” He purrs loudly


Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454519)
hearing the yell, osirus looked down. his eyes narrowed and he huffed impatiently. has nobody noticed me yet? he lowered his head and growled silently. maybe i'll follow them. they're going hunting, yes? ears flat, osirus slithered town the bell tower, a mere shadow against the building. he rolled his eyes quickly before leaping to the ground, shaking out his pelt and darting into the forestry. his paws were quick and light, making no sound as he searched for a place to hide. having been around hades multiple times, he knew of all the places that the other tended to hunt around, so osirus went straight for one of those. if hades did not show up with any of his 'new friends,' then he would go around until he did find them.
all he wanted was to prove how well of a servant he was to his sire.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) ]
[ i mean having no replies helps to bleed his personality out a bit, as he's a new character, so y'know. aNd this also helps me to find my muse, which is what i've been lacking this past month. ]

Cress flicked her ears up and she looked out towards the courtyard. Shadow squirmed excitedly at the prospect of learning to hunt, even at her small size, and Cress couldn't help but smile down at her daughter warmly. Getting up and out of the warm nest, Cress stretched out and flicked her tail to beckon Shadow to follow Cress out into the courtyard where everyone was waiting. Cress walked out, matching Shadow's pace; despite being the cruel and gruesome cat she was, she genuinely cared about those who managed to make their way into her cold, black heart and wasn't about to let them go anytime soon. She had heard Hades admit that if anyone came to challenge him in these next few days, or maybe even weeks, he might not survive... and the thought was awful. If anyone did come, Cress would dispatch them quickly enough to protect the tom she begrudgingly loved. "Hello, Dear." She nodded at Hades, not saying a word as she watched Osirus slinking away into the shadows. She knew Osirus' little 'game' and didn't want to spoil it for the darling young tom. She was vaguely impressed that he had been able to keep out of Hades' sight for so long but didn't comment on it either way.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 01:56 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 454659)
Cress flicked her ears up and she looked out towards the courtyard. Shadow squirmed excitedly at the prospect of learning to hunt, even at her small size, and Cress couldn't help but smile down at her daughter warmly. Getting up and out of the warm nest, Cress stretched out and flicked her tail to beckon Shadow to follow Cress out into the courtyard where everyone was waiting. Cress walked out, matching Shadow's pace; despite being the cruel and gruesome cat she was, she genuinely cared about those who managed to make their way into her cold, black heart and wasn't about to let them go anytime soon. She had heard Hades admit that if anyone came to challenge him in these next few days, or maybe even weeks, he might not survive... and the thought was awful. If anyone did come, Cress would dispatch them quickly enough to protect the tom she begrudgingly loved. "Hello, Dear." She nodded at Hades, not saying a word as she watched Osirus slinking away into the shadows. She knew Osirus' little 'game' and didn't want to spoil it for the darling young tom. She was vaguely impressed that he had been able to keep out of Hades' sight for so long but didn't comment on it either way.

He purrs happily when he saw them come out. “ hello mi amor” he purrs as he looks at shadow “ and what’s this? I said bring shadow yet all I see is a warrior. Are you playing tricks on me love?” He teases warmly. Hades may be a killer, a rouge only built on pain and suffering yet. He found himself giving in to a little emotion called love and he truly didn’t want to lose it. Shadow despite not being his own was like a daughter to him, and he would gladly lay down his life for her and every love he has. Now he was just excited to finally teach shadow something along with his love Cress, he purrs proudly as he begins to step forward and lean down a bit licking the kits nose “ ahh never mind now that I get a closer look on this brave warrior I see little shadow!” He says playfully as he begins to lay down in front of her patting her nose a bit with his tail. “ now than little one, ready to hunt with me and your new friends of course with your beautiful mother as well.” He Says standing up nuzzling Cress a bit as he stands by her.
@Mystical @Spiral Whirl

lio January 14th, 2018 02:05 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
huffing dramatically, osirus climbed up a tree once he got to the hunting area. his eyes glimmered mischievously, tail flicking. pressing himself down, he hid within the dark branches and simply waited. heartbeats passed and he hrew increasingly agitated, nostrils flaring. stupid relationships. always keeping everybody behind. i couldn't care less about having a mate. it's all a waste of worthless time! osirus's eyes rolled before they closed, annoyance seeping through him. love is such a vile thing. a dark chuckle was breathed from him. if i had the power, i would tear apart every single little felines' hearts, leaving them hopeless and begging for mercy.
but i would give them none.

red_inactive January 14th, 2018 02:13 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454666)
He purrs happily when he saw them come out. “ hello mi amor” he purrs as he looks at shadow “ and what’s this? I said bring shadow yet all I see is a warrior. Are you playing tricks on me love?” He teases warmly. Hades may be a killer, a rouge only built on pain and suffering yet. He found himself giving in to a little emotion called love and he truly didn’t want to lose it. Shadow despite not being his own was like a daughter to him, and he would gladly lay down his life for her and every love he has. Now he was just excited to finally teach shadow something along with his love Cress, he purrs proudly as he begins to step forward and lean down a bit licking the kits nose “ ahh never mind now that I get a closer look on this brave warrior I see little shadow!” He says playfully as he begins to lay down in front of her patting her nose a bit with his tail. “ now than little one, ready to hunt with me and your new friends of course with your beautiful mother as well.” He Says standing up nuzzling Cress a bit as he stands by her.
@Mystical @Spiral Whirl


Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454675)
huffing dramatically, osirus climbed up a tree once he got to the hunting area. his eyes glimmered mischievously, tail flicking. pressing himself down, he hid within the dark branches and simply waited. heartbeats passed and he hrew increasingly agitated, nostrils flaring. stupid relationships. always keeping everybody behind. i couldn't care less about having a mate. it's all a waste of worthless time! osirus's eyes rolled before they closed, annoyance seeping through him. love is such a vile thing. a dark chuckle was breathed from him. if i had the power, i would tear apart every single little felines' hearts, leaving them hopeless and begging for mercy.
but i would give them none.

Cress chuckled and nudged Hades. "Perhaps we should head off without the compliments, darling." She said casually, watching Shadow jump up and down with excitement.

"I'm gonna catch the most mouse-es!" Shadow declared, much to Cress' chagrin. The molly had been trying to teach Shadow proper grammar but it wasn't working as well as she hoped. "And Imma give the biggest one to Osirus cause he's cooler than you two." She stuck her tongue out at Cress and Hades teasingly before bounding off into the territory, Cress close behind.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 02:23 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 454681)
Cress chuckled and nudged Hades. "Perhaps we should head off without the compliments, darling." She said casually, watching Shadow jump up and down with excitement.

"I'm gonna catch the most mouse-es!" Shadow declared, much to Cress' chagrin. The molly had been trying to teach Shadow proper grammar but it wasn't working as well as she hoped. "And Imma give the biggest one to Osirus cause he's cooler than you two." She stuck her tongue out at Cress and Hades teasingly before bounding off into the territory, Cress close behind.

Hades chuckled a bit as he watches shadow, purring happily when he heard her however when he heard who he was going to give a mouse to. That tiny feeling called: fatherly protection kicked in. “ Cress what does she mean by that? Does she love osirus?!” He Says showing a bit of anger as he begins to look around seeing a tree nearby the place he believed would be best to hunt at. He yowls loudly “ Osirus! You have some explaining to do my friend!” He hisses loudly quickly walking towards the hunting area looking up at the tree “ I swear if you’re playing with my daughter. I’m going to tear you apart!” He hisses. Of course this was normal, the tom was very overprotective over his little shadow and he would overreact over the smallest thing nearly all the time. He just loved the little one and he didn’t want some tom stepping in and taking what’s his!
I had to X3

red_inactive January 14th, 2018 02:29 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454686)
Hades chuckled a bit as he watches shadow, purring happily when he heard her however when he heard who he was going to give a mouse to. That tiny feeling called: fatherly protection kicked in. “ Cress what does she mean by that? Does she love osirus?!” He Says showing a bit of anger as he begins to look around seeing a tree nearby the place he believed would be best to hunt at. He yowls loudly “ Osirus! You have some explaining to do my friend!” He hisses loudly quickly walking towards the hunting area looking up at the tree “ I swear if you’re playing with my daughter. I’m going to tear you apart!” He hisses. Of course this was normal, the tom was very overprotective over his little shadow and he would overreact over the smallest thing nearly all the time. He just loved the little one and he didn’t want some tom stepping in and taking what’s his!
I had to X3

Cress stared incredulously at Hades before shaking her head and following after Shadow who was giggling at her father's behavior. "Shadow, you have some explaining to do." She said sternly, falling into step with Shadow who continued laughing.

"Osirus is the best at hide and seek." Shadow explained. "He's hard to find and finds me easily. You and papa are awful at hide and seek!" She pounced on a leaf and tore at it. "Plus, he's funny." She finished.

"... Do you like him?"

"Huh? No!" Shadow stared at her mother in surprise. "He's like a big brother!"

"Oh. Okay. Good."

wolfie January 14th, 2018 03:14 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454686)
Hades chuckled a bit as he watches shadow, purring happily when he heard her however when he heard who he was going to give a mouse to. That tiny feeling called: fatherly protection kicked in. “ Cress what does she mean by that? Does she love osirus?!” He Says showing a bit of anger as he begins to look around seeing a tree nearby the place he believed would be best to hunt at. He yowls loudly “ Osirus! You have some explaining to do my friend!” He hisses loudly quickly walking towards the hunting area looking up at the tree “ I swear if you’re playing with my daughter. I’m going to tear you apart!” He hisses. Of course this was normal, the tom was very overprotective over his little shadow and he would overreact over the smallest thing nearly all the time. He just loved the little one and he didn’t want some tom stepping in and taking what’s his!
I had to X3


Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 454690)
Cress stared incredulously at Hades before shaking her head and following after Shadow who was giggling at her father's behavior. "Shadow, you have some explaining to do." She said sternly, falling into step with Shadow who continued laughing.

"Osirus is the best at hide and seek." Shadow explained. "He's hard to find and finds me easily. You and papa are awful at hide and seek!" She pounced on a leaf and tore at it. "Plus, he's funny." She finished.

"... Do you like him?"

"Huh? No!" Shadow stared at her mother in surprise. "He's like a big brother!"

"Oh. Okay. Good."

Wolfpaw shifted the weight to his other leg, he didn't think Shadow would be a kit. He had already guess Cress was one of Hades' lovers. He couldn't help but feel extremely awkward and a bit confused. Who was Osirus? He inhaled a big breath, before letting it out. He played with a tuft of loose grass in the ground, focusing all his attention on the grass. To any cat it may seem boring but right now to Wolfpaw, it was a life savior. He didn't have to talk, mostly on his part which would be for the best. He couldn't help let out a small chuckle at what Hades did. The tom didn't have exactly overprotective parents, barely knew his sister either. So, Wolfpaw was just used to seeing other cats be overprotective over others. He never felt the need to protect anyone. Well but his mother, she was a expectation.

Cosmo January 14th, 2018 03:33 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

[Just going to mention everyone cause I'm not quite sure whats going on]
@Sasukewolf (madness) @Rubinaito @Spiral Whirl

Iriss was sitting near Wolfpaw, she couldn't help but back up a bit from Cress, Shadow and Hades. She had determined that Cress was Hades mate, but anything about kits had been left out. She wasn't confused by the behavior of the two of them, they acted like perfectly normal parents, overly protective of their daughter. She was sitting on the outskirts of the main conversation, for she didn't really consider herself a member of their family, so she wasn't adding to the conversation, but she couldn't help but listen to it. She realized suddenly, that the apprentice was not among the voices. She looked around until she spotted him fiddling with a piece of grass. She got up and walked over to him. "Confused?" She asked him, sitting down next to the younger tom.

wolfie January 14th, 2018 03:42 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 454721)

[Just going to mention everyone cause I'm not quite sure whats going on]
@Sasukewolf (madness) @Rubinaito @Spiral Whirl

Iriss was sitting near Wolfpaw, she couldn't help but back up a bit from Cress, Shadow and Hades. She had determined that Cress was Hades mate, but anything about kits had been left out. She wasn't confused by the behavior of the two of them, they acted like perfectly normal parents, overly protective of their daughter. She was sitting on the outskirts of the main conversation, for she didn't really consider herself a member of their family, so she wasn't adding to the conversation, but she couldn't help but listen to it. She realized suddenly, that the apprentice was not among the voices. She looked around until she spotted him fiddling with a piece of grass. She got up and walked over to him. "Confused?" She asked him, sitting down next to the younger tom.

Wolfpaw blinked when Iriss sat next to him, he haven't talk to her yet. Or tried. "Yeah." He replied, lifting his gaze to see her before turning back to the tuft of grass. He wasn't really good with small talk. Well he learned that the less you speak, you don't have many chances of saying something offensive. While Wolfpaw didn't care if he did back at the clan. The outsiders were just different. He shrugged his shoulders a little, a bad habit of the apprentice. Wolfpaw decided to ask a question just because she was trying to make effort to talk to him. "Who.. who is this `Osirus` cat?" By now, well what he had picked up he was assuming he was just a shy but dangerous cat. Or something like that. "Is he just shy?" He added. His bushy tail curled up against his side.

lio January 14th, 2018 04:32 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
eyes narrowing, osirus stepped from his hiding place. "those who would think that i shall even consider loving another feline are mistaken. love is such a," he paused, thinking, "strange thing." better safe than sorry. "i merely like shadow as a little sister." ears swivelling, osirus turned to the unfamiliar cats with a malicious smirk. "who is osirus, eh? i am." he leaped from his spot atop the branches, claws unsheathed as he landed. "so, hades, these are those new friends of yours in which i heard earlier? they seem rather pitiful to me." sitting by shadow, osirus purred darkly. "i'm a follower of hades. he is my king, for i am his servant. but this mere servant can do far more than what my role may place upon me. cress is my queen, and shadow my princess. they are my only family."

"and the only ones that i won't kill."

his eyes glinted with pure insanity, darkness oozing from every word he spoke. osirus chuckled before sheathing his claws and dipping his head toward hades. "hello, sire. i see that you have become injured once again," he flattened his ears disapprovingly before turning to cress, "and hello to you too, fair lady. is there anything you wish for me to do today?" his head cocked to the side as he waited.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Rubinaito @Spiral Whirl @Mystical ]
[ am i missing anyone ? ]

Static January 14th, 2018 04:37 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454781)
eyes narrowing, osirus stepped from his hiding place. "those who would think that i shall even consider loving another feline are mistaken. love is such a," he paused, thinking, "strange thing." better safe than sorry. "i merely like shadow as a little sister." ears swivelling, osirus turned to the unfamiliar cats with a malicious smirk. "who is osirus, eh? i am." he leaped from his spot atop the branches, claws unsheathed as he landed. "so, hades, these are those new friends of yours in which i heard earlier? they seem rather pitiful to me." sitting by shadow, osirus purred darkly. "i'm a follower of hades. he is my king, for i am his servant. but this mere servant can do far more than what my role may place upon me. cress is my queen, and shadow my princess. they are my only family."

"and the only ones that i won't kill."

his eyes glinted with pure insanity, darkness oozing from every word he spoke. osirus chuckled before sheathing his claws and dipping his head toward hades. "hello, sire. i see that you have become injured once again," he flattened his ears disapprovingly before turning to cress, "and hello to you too, fair lady. is there anything you wish for me to do today?" his head cocked to the side as he waited.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Rubinaito @Spiral Whirl @Mystical ]
[ am i missing anyone ? ]

(I have Pacific,but she's just now coming.she's a follower of hades)
Pacific stood up,worried this was taking to long,but that was mostly because of her bordom.She followed the trail Hades had taken and paused,smelling someone familiar.She looked around for Hades and saw him still with the cats,unscathed,and turned around about to leave.She felt satisfied with the answer she had gotten coming here,and saw no need to inturupt.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 04:45 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454781)
eyes narrowing, osirus stepped from his hiding place. "those who would think that i shall even consider loving another feline are mistaken. love is such a," he paused, thinking, "strange thing." better safe than sorry. "i merely like shadow as a little sister." ears swivelling, osirus turned to the unfamiliar cats with a malicious smirk. "who is osirus, eh? i am." he leaped from his spot atop the branches, claws unsheathed as he landed. "so, hades, these are those new friends of yours in which i heard earlier? they seem rather pitiful to me." sitting by shadow, osirus purred darkly. "i'm a follower of hades. he is my king, for i am his servant. but this mere servant can do far more than what my role may place upon me. cress is my queen, and shadow my princess. they are my only family."

"and the only ones that i won't kill."

his eyes glinted with pure insanity, darkness oozing from every word he spoke. osirus chuckled before sheathing his claws and dipping his head toward hades. "hello, sire. i see that you have become injured once again," he flattened his ears disapprovingly before turning to cress, "and hello to you too, fair lady. is there anything you wish for me to do today?" his head cocked to the side as he waited.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Rubinaito @Spiral Whirl @Mystical ]
[ am i missing anyone ? ]

Hades eyes glowed dangerously as he looks at Osirus “ Osirus I don’t think I’ve given you permission to judge my mistakes.” He Says coldly as he begins to step forward and growl dangerously looking at Osirus “ but you’re lucky. My loves like you and my daughter.. likes you too.” He Says with a soft sigh. As he looks at Cress and shadow “ y’all can start hunting. It seems like I need to teach someone some-“ his claws unsheathed as he looks at osirus “ ... “ he sighs softly as his claws sheathed. “ just stay kind today osirus, they’re new and will most likely become worthy of staying here. Don’t start anything dumb and do be kind. I’ll stay with Cress and shadow. You tend to our guests and answer any questions they have. Unless you would like to be taught a lesson?” He asks coldly as his claws digged into the ground. He truly did respect and cared for osirus but lately since he’s brought in more cats. He’s been rather rude and out of place which has been annoying Hades a bit but his love for the tom keeps him from hurting the Tom. For now he’ll let it slide and enjoy the day with his mate however he can’t help but feel worried for him and his guest. Hopefully it’s not what he thinks, he begins to walk up to Cress and shadow “ let’s go. “ He Says calmly. Than he sees Pacific “ oh Pacific stay with osirus and the guests for now. I need to speak to my love alone for a while.” He Says calmly.
@Spiral Whirl

wolfie January 14th, 2018 04:59 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454793)
Hades eyes glowed dangerously as he looks at Osirus “ Osirus I don’t think I’ve given you permission to judge my mistakes.” He Says coldly as he begins to step forward and growl dangerously looking at Osirus “ but you’re lucky. My loves like you and my daughter.. likes you too.” He Says with a soft sigh. As he looks at Cress and shadow “ y’all can start hunting. It seems like I need to teach someone some-“ his claws unsheathed as he looks at osirus “ ... “ he sighs softly as his claws sheathed. “ just stay kind today osirus, they’re new and will most likely become worthy of staying here. Don’t start anything dumb and do be kind. I’ll stay with Cress and shadow. You tend to our guests and answer any questions they have. Unless you would like to be taught a lesson?” He asks coldly as his claws digged into the ground. He truly did respect and cared for osirus but lately since he’s brought in more cats. He’s been rather rude and out of place which has been annoying Hades a bit but his love for the tom keeps him from hurting the Tom. For now he’ll let it slide and enjoy the day with his mate however he can’t help but feel worried for him and his guest. Hopefully it’s not what he thinks, he begins to walk up to Cress and shadow “ let’s go. “ He Says calmly. Than he sees Pacific “ oh Pacific stay with osirus and the guests for now. I need to speak to my love alone for a while.” He Says calmly.
@Spiral Whirl


Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454781)
eyes narrowing, osirus stepped from his hiding place. "those who would think that i shall even consider loving another feline are mistaken. love is such a," he paused, thinking, "strange thing." better safe than sorry. "i merely like shadow as a little sister." ears swivelling, osirus turned to the unfamiliar cats with a malicious smirk. "who is osirus, eh? i am." he leaped from his spot atop the branches, claws unsheathed as he landed. "so, hades, these are those new friends of yours in which i heard earlier? they seem rather pitiful to me." sitting by shadow, osirus purred darkly. "i'm a follower of hades. he is my king, for i am his servant. but this mere servant can do far more than what my role may place upon me. cress is my queen, and shadow my princess. they are my only family."

"and the only ones that i won't kill."

his eyes glinted with pure insanity, darkness oozing from every word he spoke. osirus chuckled before sheathing his claws and dipping his head toward hades. "hello, sire. i see that you have become injured once again," he flattened his ears disapprovingly before turning to cress, "and hello to you too, fair lady. is there anything you wish for me to do today?" his head cocked to the side as he waited.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Rubinaito @Spiral Whirl @Mystical ]
[ am i missing anyone ? ]

Wolfpaw almost, just almost hissed at Osirus. He didn't like being called pitiful. The tom had a short temper. His timer slowly ticked, his tail lashing. "I thought you were just too scared to talk to your `sire`. After all, who hides from someone they protect? It not like I would kill Hades, foolish move on my part." He meowed back to him. He was obviously not liking being around this much cats. As he heard what Hades said about having to speak with his love, Wolfpaw shook his head a little. He didn't think he could handle being around cats for much longer but he had to. I mean, it would looked strange for him to walk away. Plus he was interested. Wolfpaw sheathed his claws that he didn't even know he unsheathed. Walking a little away from the others, before sitting back down. Waiting for the hunt to begin. He sighed, scowling to himself. Was he the youngest here, well if you didn't count the kit? Wolfpaw wasn't really use to this.

Static January 14th, 2018 05:02 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454793)
Hades eyes glowed dangerously as he looks at Osirus “ Osirus I don’t think I’ve given you permission to judge my mistakes.” He Says coldly as he begins to step forward and growl dangerously looking at Osirus “ but you’re lucky. My loves like you and my daughter.. likes you too.” He Says with a soft sigh. As he looks at Cress and shadow “ y’all can start hunting. It seems like I need to teach someone some-“ his claws unsheathed as he looks at osirus “ ... “ he sighs softly as his claws sheathed. “ just stay kind today osirus, they’re new and will most likely become worthy of staying here. Don’t start anything dumb and do be kind. I’ll stay with Cress and shadow. You tend to our guests and answer any questions they have. Unless you would like to be taught a lesson?” He asks coldly as his claws digged into the ground. He truly did respect and cared for osirus but lately since he’s brought in more cats. He’s been rather rude and out of place which has been annoying Hades a bit but his love for the tom keeps him from hurting the Tom. For now he’ll let it slide and enjoy the day with his mate however he can’t help but feel worried for him and his guest. Hopefully it’s not what he thinks, he begins to walk up to Cress and shadow “ let’s go. “ He Says calmly. Than he sees Pacific “ oh Pacific stay with osirus and the guests for now. I need to speak to my love alone for a while.” He Says calmly.
@Spiral Whirl

Pacific turned around after hearing her name.She nodded in understanding."Ok then.I will leave you two alone." She said,and walked over to osirus and the new cats.She didn't say much,but did nod in greeting so she wouldn't be to rude.

(Not going to mention sence sasuke did already)

lio January 14th, 2018 05:11 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
reluctantly, osirus nodded. "yes, sire. hello, pacific." he frowned and sighed, padding forwards with a tense stance. it was forcibly kind, with a false smile and all. he may be injured but he's still strong. looking back, osirus gazed at shadow, making a funny face in order to make her laugh. his tail swayed and he sat down gently. shadow was the only one who could really break through his stone-solid heart, making him laugh and smile. she was like a little sister to him, and he felt the need to protect her as if they were actually family. little shadow, he thought, trying to calm himself down. "now then. what is all your names? as you have heard, i am osirus. i hide from hades to prove myself of my skill. tell me, would you allow yourself to be seen in the wide open when you are hunting?" his nose twitched. stupid cats. why has he allowed them here? i want to feel the flesh between my claws as they scream in agony! brooding, osirus scanned everyone around him before settling and forcing himself to obey hades's command.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Swiftheart @Spiral Whirl @Mystical @Rubinaito ]

Static January 14th, 2018 05:18 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454819)
reluctantly, osirus nodded. "yes, sire. hello, pacific." he frowned and sighed, padding forwards with a tense stance. it was forcibly kind, with a false smile and all. he may be injured but he's still strong. looking back, osirus gazed at shadow, making a funny face in order to make her laugh. his tail swayed and he sat down gently. shadow was the only one who could really break through his stone-solid heart, making him laugh and smile. she was like a little sister to him, and he felt the need to protect her as if they were actually family. little shadow, he thought, trying to calm himself down. "now then. what is all your names? as you have heard, i am osirus. i hide from hades to prove myself of my skill. tell me, would you allow yourself to be seen in the wide open when you are hunting?" his nose twitched. stupid cats. why has he allowed them here? i want to feel the flesh between my claws as they scream in agony! brooding, osirus scanned everyone around him before settling and forcing himself to obey hades's command.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Swiftheart @Spiral Whirl @Mystical @Rubinaito ]

Pacific didn't respond because she already knew this cat.She didn't like him,but he did respect Hades,much like she did,so she accepted him.She responded to the question though without hesitating."If your prey xees you,it would flee,so if you don't like chasing your prey to much,then you shouldn't let yourself be seen." Pacific said,sitting down and curling her tail around her paws.

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 05:22 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
Quinoa sighed. She walked after the cats, and entered to forest. They seemed to have more cats by the second. She tried to remember how many. There was the scarred tom, the golden shecat, now with a black kit, a clan cat, another angry tom, another shecat, and another one... Too many. She flicked her ear, heading deeper into the forest. Quinoa left the cats behind, the tom and golden molly and kit grouped together, the leftovers another group. Her stomach growled as mice, vole, and rabbit scents crossed her nose. She needed to hunt.
Quinoa rather enjoyed long hunts over fights, the calming lure of flesh and food drowning out all other worries. Those cats seemed bloodthirsty, with the mounds of cat bodies and bones out in the fields. She liked fights enough, and was proficient enough at them, but they were okay. Quinoa crouched down as she saw a tan rabbit nibbling on grass in a glen. She licked her lips, creeping closer on silent paws. The scar on her front leg flexed painfully. Her pale yellow eyes narrowed. Her cream tail held still. She pricked her ears and heard cats approaching. She hissed. They might ruin her hunt! And more than anything, find her.

wolfie January 14th, 2018 05:24 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Swiftheart (Post 454808)
Pacific turned around after hearing her name.She nodded in understanding."Ok then.I will leave you two alone." She said,and walked over to osirus and the new cats.She didn't say much,but did nod in greeting so she wouldn't be to rude.

(Not going to mention sence sasuke did already)


Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454819)
reluctantly, osirus nodded. "yes, sire. hello, pacific." he frowned and sighed, padding forwards with a tense stance. it was forcibly kind, with a false smile and all. he may be injured but he's still strong. looking back, osirus gazed at shadow, making a funny face in order to make her laugh. his tail swayed and he sat down gently. shadow was the only one who could really break through his stone-solid heart, making him laugh and smile. she was like a little sister to him, and he felt the need to protect her as if they were actually family. little shadow, he thought, trying to calm himself down. "now then. what is all your names? as you have heard, i am osirus. i hide from hades to prove myself of my skill. tell me, would you allow yourself to be seen in the wide open when you are hunting?" his nose twitched. stupid cats. why has he allowed them here? i want to feel the flesh between my claws as they scream in agony! brooding, osirus scanned everyone around him before settling and forcing himself to obey hades's command.

[ @Sasukewolf (madness) @Swiftheart @Spiral Whirl @Mystical @Rubinaito ]

Now that Wolfpaw didn't exactly fairly like Osirus so far, he wouldn't reply. Not even with his name. If the tom wanted to know, ask Hades or someone else. Wolfpaw didn't answer his question, letting himself glare. These cats weren't sensitive. Not by what Hades had told him. His expression was blank, emotionless once again. He seem to be ignoring Osirus now, like a sign that if he did Osirus wouldn't pry him like Wolfpaw did with him. The apprentice was quick to change his emotion these days. Even if he was scowling inside, he seriously just wanted to hunt. Then go look around and go back to the clan. Wolfpaw knew it wouldn't be that easily. Socializing was always something that made things go slower. Sometimes he didn't mind it but sometimes he did.

Cosmo January 14th, 2018 05:37 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454793)
Hades eyes glowed dangerously as he looks at Osirus “ Osirus I don’t think I’ve given you permission to judge my mistakes.” He Says coldly as he begins to step forward and growl dangerously looking at Osirus “ but you’re lucky. My loves like you and my daughter.. likes you too.” He Says with a soft sigh. As he looks at Cress and shadow “ y’all can start hunting. It seems like I need to teach someone some-“ his claws unsheathed as he looks at osirus “ ... “ he sighs softly as his claws sheathed. “ just stay kind today osirus, they’re new and will most likely become worthy of staying here. Don’t start anything dumb and do be kind. I’ll stay with Cress and shadow. You tend to our guests and answer any questions they have. Unless you would like to be taught a lesson?” He asks coldly as his claws digged into the ground. He truly did respect and cared for osirus but lately since he’s brought in more cats. He’s been rather rude and out of place which has been annoying Hades a bit but his love for the tom keeps him from hurting the Tom. For now he’ll let it slide and enjoy the day with his mate however he can’t help but feel worried for him and his guest. Hopefully it’s not what he thinks, he begins to walk up to Cress and shadow “ let’s go. “ He Says calmly. Than he sees Pacific “ oh Pacific stay with osirus and the guests for now. I need to speak to my love alone for a while.” He Says calmly.
@Spiral Whirl

@Spiral Whirl
Iriss smiled at Wolfpaw, she too was confused by the amount of cats in the place. Personally she just wanted everyone to go home, leaving her and like three other cats. She felt rather left out of the group, and uncomfortable around Osirus. "I'm Iriss." She growled coldly, for if any cat was rude to her, she was rude to them in return. She was in general a nice cat, but she was easily frustrated. She couldn't stand cats criticizing her skills and being rude. But the fact that Hades seemed to be all right with the terrible tom made Iriss hold back from leaping on him and attacking him. She sat near Wolfpaw, knowing that it wasn't like Hades was going to let his friend or follower attack guests.

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 05:39 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454834)
Quinoa sighed. She walked after the cats, and entered to forest. They seemed to have more cats by the second. She tried to remember how many. There was the scarred tom, the golden shecat, now with a black kit, a clan cat, another angry tom, another shecat, and another one... Too many. She flicked her ear, heading deeper into the forest. Quinoa left the cats behind, the tom and golden molly and kit grouped together, the leftovers another group. Her stomach growled as mice, vole, and rabbit scents crossed her nose. She needed to hunt.
Quinoa rather enjoyed long hunts over fights, the calming lure of flesh and food drowning out all other worries. Those cats seemed bloodthirsty, with the mounds of cat bodies and bones out in the fields. She liked fights enough, and was proficient enough at them, but they were okay. Quinoa crouched down as she saw a tan rabbit nibbling on grass in a glen. She licked her lips, creeping closer on silent paws. The scar on her front leg flexed painfully. Her pale yellow eyes narrowed. Her cream tail held still. She pricked her ears and heard cats approaching. She hissed. They might ruin her hunt! And more than anything, find her.

Suddenly, the rabbit ran. Quinoa hissed, leaping after it. She ran left and right, the rabbit lurching away at the last second. She neared the cats, and her heart pounded. She gave a last attempt, launching off her back legs. She landed on the rabbit, sliding into a holly bush. She slid out on the other side, finding herself in a clearing. She rammed into something warm and furry, and it wasn’t the rabbit. After awhile of blinking and trying to comprehend the situation, she opened her eyes. She found herself staring into the one blue eye of the scarred tom, under the gaze of the golden Molly and her kit.
I don’t think I’m hungry anymore, she thought, gulping.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 05:43 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454856)
Suddenly, the rabbit ran. Quinoa hissed, leaping after it. She ran left and right, the rabbit lurching away at the last second. She neared the cats, and her heart pounded. She gave a last attempt, launching off her back legs. She landed on the rabbit, sliding into a holly bush. She slid out on the other side, finding herself in a clearing. She rammed into something warm and furry, and it wasn’t the rabbit. After awhile of blinking and trying to comprehend the situation, she opened her eyes. She found herself staring into the one blue eye of the scarred tom, under the gaze of the golden Molly and her kit.
I don’t think I’m hungry anymore, she thought, gulping.

Hades eye widened a bit when something rammed into him, he suddenly laughs loudly. “ I ain’t no rabbit dear” he says pushing her off slowly as he stands tall in front of her. “ I don’t remember giving y’all permission to hunt on my land girl. Can’t find a better place to hunt?” He asks almost darkly as his claws digged into the ground.

red_inactive January 14th, 2018 05:57 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454856)
Suddenly, the rabbit ran. Quinoa hissed, leaping after it. She ran left and right, the rabbit lurching away at the last second. She neared the cats, and her heart pounded. She gave a last attempt, launching off her back legs. She landed on the rabbit, sliding into a holly bush. She slid out on the other side, finding herself in a clearing. She rammed into something warm and furry, and it wasn’t the rabbit. After awhile of blinking and trying to comprehend the situation, she opened her eyes. She found herself staring into the one blue eye of the scarred tom, under the gaze of the golden Molly and her kit.
I don’t think I’m hungry anymore, she thought, gulping.

Cress gazed down at Quinoa with an amused gleam in her eyes. "Hold on Hades," She purred, her gaze glinting maliciously. "Why don't we wait for the poor girl to explain herself?" She wove her tail around Quinoa as she circled her, her own claws staying sheathed for the time being despite her want to lash out at the intruding rogue. "Introductions would be proper," She added, moving back to Hades' side. "My name is Cress, this is Hades, and this little kit is our darling little Shadow."

Shadow, who had giggled at Osirus' facial expressions as he reluctantly moved over to sit with the others was now silent, studying the new cat with intrigue. The gleam in her eyes was vaguely unsettling for a young kit, just as malicious and amused as her mother's. Shadow knew she couldn't fight anyone- yet- however, she was itching to see her mother or father destroy the intruder. After all, Quinoa hadn't been given the permission to be on their land, much less hunt.

@Sasukewolf (madness)

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 06:07 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 454877)
Cress gazed down at Quinoa with an amused gleam in her eyes. "Hold on Hades," She purred, her gaze glinting maliciously. "Why don't we wait for the poor girl to explain herself?" She wove her tail around Quinoa as she circled her, her own claws staying sheathed for the time being despite her want to lash out at the intruding rogue. "Introductions would be proper," She added, moving back to Hades' side. "My name is Cress, this is Hades, and this little kit is our darling little Shadow."

Shadow, who had giggled at Osirus' facial expressions as he reluctantly moved over to sit with the others was now silent, studying the new cat with intrigue. The gleam in her eyes was vaguely unsettling for a young kit, just as malicious and amused as her mother's. Shadow knew she couldn't fight anyone- yet- however, she was itching to see her mother or father destroy the intruder. After all, Quinoa hadn't been given the permission to be on their land, much less hunt.

@Sasukewolf (madness)

Quinoa’s pelt burned hot with embarrassment. She rose as dignified as she could, growling.
“My name is Quinoa.” She hissed at Cress and Hades. She unsheathed her claws, noticing that Hades had done it too. “And I’m on your land because? Well,” Quinoa flattened her ears. “Because I can. I don’t believe you ever marked it. But I guess your nasty scent should have declared it well enough,” she spat.
She bushed her fur, but inside her heart was racing. She noticed the kit was blinking unbelievingly at her, and Quinoa instantly relaxed, putting down her defenses.
“And I guess I should have stayed off,” She murmered, backing off. She glanced halfheartedly at her prey, then reluctantly pushed the large rabbit to the small kit. “As payment for trespassing,” She growled.

lio January 14th, 2018 06:26 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
osirus's expression seemed to be shadowed by the bloodlust he felt. "hello, iriss," his purr was deep and unsettlingly sweet, fur rippling along his spine. "remember, little kitties. i may not be able to attack now, but one wrong movement and i will not hesitate, no matter the consequence." osirus growled before suddenly smiling brightly. "now then, how about we play a game to pass the time. any suggestions?" he gazed at the others, eyes piercing, daring them to not answer. hades may intimidate him into being obedient, but he could suffer the consequence of just getting a little taste of blood. i better get a taste soon, or else i'll go insane. so many cats, so little battle. too many living creatures. somebody needs to die.

[ @Spiral Whirl @Mystical @Swiftheart ]

Static January 14th, 2018 06:32 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454916)
osirus's expression seemed to be shadowed by the bloodlust he felt. "hello, iriss," his purr was deep and unsettlingly sweet, fur rippling along his spine. "remember, little kitties. i may not be able to attack now, but one wrong movement and i will not hesitate, no matter the consequence." osirus growled before suddenly smiling brightly. "now then, how about we play a game to pass the time. any suggestions?" he gazed at the others, eyes piercing, daring them to not answer. hades may intimidate him into being obedient, but he could suffer the consequence of just getting a little taste of blood. i better get a taste soon, or else i'll go insane. so many cats, so little battle. too many living creatures. somebody needs to die.

[ @Spiral Whirl @Mystical @Swiftheart ]

Pacific stood up,tail lashing.She was tired of this monster telling her what to do when he didn't even compare to how strong Hades was."Let's just hunt!We can see who catches the most if you really want to play a game,but games are a waste of time!" She snarled at him.

wolfie January 14th, 2018 06:42 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Swiftheart (Post 454923)
Pacific stood up,tail lashing.She was tired of this monster telling her what to do when he didn't even compare to how strong Hades was."Let's just hunt!We can see who catches the most if you really want to play a game,but games are a waste of time!" She snarled at him.


Originally Posted by tinyalienkid (Post 454916)
osirus's expression seemed to be shadowed by the bloodlust he felt. "hello, iriss," his purr was deep and unsettlingly sweet, fur rippling along his spine. "remember, little kitties. i may not be able to attack now, but one wrong movement and i will not hesitate, no matter the consequence." osirus growled before suddenly smiling brightly. "now then, how about we play a game to pass the time. any suggestions?" he gazed at the others, eyes piercing, daring them to not answer. hades may intimidate him into being obedient, but he could suffer the consequence of just getting a little taste of blood. i better get a taste soon, or else i'll go insane. so many cats, so little battle. too many living creatures. somebody needs to die.

[ @Spiral Whirl @Mystical @Swiftheart ]


Originally Posted by Mystical (Post 454853)

@Spiral Whirl
Iriss smiled at Wolfpaw, she too was confused by the amount of cats in the place. Personally she just wanted everyone to go home, leaving her and like three other cats. She felt rather left out of the group, and uncomfortable around Osirus. "I'm Iriss." She growled coldly, for if any cat was rude to her, she was rude to them in return. She was in general a nice cat, but she was easily frustrated. She couldn't stand cats criticizing her skills and being rude. But the fact that Hades seemed to be all right with the terrible tom made Iriss hold back from leaping on him and attacking him. She sat near Wolfpaw, knowing that it wasn't like Hades was going to let his friend or follower attack guests.

Wolfpaw could see Osirus was daring someone to speak to him, just when he was about to reply Pacific beat him to it. Sasifcition past his gaze that someone did. If he didn't have to, it was good with him. Truefully he was fine with silence and waiting for Hades or just hunting. Silence was calm, and not frustrating while a but eerily. It was welcoming for the apprentice. Wolfpaw looked at Iriss, before returning his gaze to the ground again. He was just tired of seeing Osirus' face to be honest. It kind of creeped him out, knowing he wouldn't hesitant to kill Wolfpaw if he made a wrong move. Not like Wolfpaw minded if it got the tom into trouble.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 06:54 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454891)
Quinoa’s pelt burned hot with embarrassment. She rose as dignified as she could, growling.
“My name is Quinoa.” She hissed at Cress and Hades. She unsheathed her claws, noticing that Hades had done it too. “And I’m on your land because? Well,” Quinoa flattened her ears. “Because I can. I don’t believe you ever marked it. But I guess your nasty scent should have declared it well enough,” she spat.
She bushed her fur, but inside her heart was racing. She noticed the kit was blinking unbelievingly at her, and Quinoa instantly relaxed, putting down her defenses.
“And I guess I should have stayed off,” She murmered, backing off. She glanced halfheartedly at her prey, then reluctantly pushed the large rabbit to the small kit. “As payment for trespassing,” She growled.

Hades suddenly begins to laugh loudly “ the smell of death is the marks of what’s mine.” He growls as he begins to step forward now looking dark almost evil even as his claws slide out as he just pushes the rabbit to the side roughly. “ this is my land girl. Whoever disrespects me is automatically set for death. “ he says darkly and he stands in front of her looking at her with cold dangerous eyes. “ so either apologize and stand down, or you and I are going to talk a other way.” He Says coldly with hardly any expression on his face. As he looks at the girl “ one.” He starts counting down.

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 06:58 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454948)
Hades suddenly begins to laugh loudly “ the smell of death is the marks of what’s mine.” He growls as he begins to step forward now looking dark almost evil even as his claws slide out as he just pushes the rabbit to the side roughly. “ this is my land girl. Whoever disrespects me is automatically set for death. “ he says darkly and he stands in front of her looking at her with cold dangerous eyes. “ so either apologize and stand down, or you and I are going to talk a other way.” He Says coldly with hardly any expression on his face. As he looks at the girl “ one.” He starts counting down.

“Three” Quinoa snarls, then suddenly launches at him, her claws unsheathed. She didn’t want to hurt him, but if she needed to, she would.

lio January 14th, 2018 07:08 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
with a glare, osirus stood up. "fine. we can hunt, your royal highness." the words dripped with sarcasm and hate, as he had never really liked pacific. or any of hades's other followers, for that matter. they all proved to be worthless and a waste of breath to him. exhaling a dramatically annoyed breath, he leaped into the treetops once again. "you know what? this group of feeble felines is getting rather boring. i think i'm going to go off on my own. watch your backs, little kitties," osirus drawled before disappearing into the forest. his tail lashed irritably, eyes narrowed. idiotic. useless. just a waste of precious space. they'd be better off dead, in my opinion. he snorted, laughing quietly. just a few more bodies to add to the collection. oh, how he wanted to claw an eye out, or better yet, leave them immobile and screaming for mercy until he just leaves them to die alone. that would be lovely.

[ @Swiftheart @Spiral Whirl @Mystical ]

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 07:14 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454956)
“Three” Quinoa snarls, then suddenly launches at him, her claws unsheathed. She didn’t want to hurt him, but if she needed to, she would.

He quickly moves to the side and tackles her from the side pinning her down with his claws at her throat. “ death it is” he growls loudly as he opens his mouth showing sharp teeth.

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 07:18 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454970)
He quickly moves to the side and tackles her from the side pinning her down with his claws at her throat. “ death it is” he growls loudly as he opens his mouth showing sharp teeth.

Quinoa writhes beneath his paws. She tries to pummel his underbelly, but she is trapped. Quinoa gives up, staring her eyes up to him. She closes them, sighing.
“I guess that’s my only choice,” She hisses. Suddenly, she swats at his good eye, no claws out. Hopefully, he tries to block.
Her paw doesn’t come near to his face. She truly is trapped.
“I give up” she whispered, her eyes connecting with the black kit next to Cress. Quinoa winks pitifully. She turns back to Hades. She stares at him, trying to calm her racing heart.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 14th, 2018 07:45 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Pouncepaw (Post 454973)
Quinoa writhes beneath his paws. She tries to pummel his underbelly, but she is trapped. Quinoa gives up, staring her eyes up to him. She closes them, sighing.
“I guess that’s my only choice,” She hisses. Suddenly, she swats at his good eye, no claws out. Hopefully, he tries to block.
Her paw doesn’t come near to his face. She truly is trapped.
“I give up” she whispered, her eyes connecting with the black kit next to Cress. Quinoa winks pitifully. She turns back to Hades. She stares at him, trying to calm her racing heart.

He laughs darkly as he suddenly gets off her “ the weak doesn’t deserve death as easily as that. Leave girl. You’re lucky today but the next you won’t be so lucky” He Says coldly as he turns around towards his mate and kit.

pomegranate January 14th, 2018 08:15 PM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 454992)
He laughs darkly as he suddenly gets off her “ the weak doesn’t deserve death as easily as that. Leave girl. You’re lucky today but the next you won’t be so lucky” He Says coldly as he turns around towards his mate and kit.

Quinoa pants. She had just escaped death. In fact, she didn’t escape. She narrowed her eyes at Hades. He had let her go. She had been right. That glimmer in his eye she had seen, it was more than just anger. Maybe he didn’t want to kill. Hades was a rumored monster. Was it really true? Quinoa limped away defeated. She stumbled, wrenching her paw. It was probably sprained. Cursing, she lay bloodied in the clearing unable to move. She turned her face away, unwilling to show anyone but herself her defeat. A hot tear came to her eye, and she lay silent. She tried pitifully to drag herself away, but couldn’t bring herself to do even that. She turned to the kit, and Quinoa winked again. Perhaps the kit, Shadow, was it? could help her. Or not, if she was just as rude and malicious as her father.

After awhile, her hearing conked out. She thought she heard the trio pad away, but wasn’t sure. Quinoa painfully was washed into darkness. She had brief memories of her past homes and friends. Am I going to die? She was almost so stupid she hated herself.

After a long time had passed, Quinoa blinked open her eyes. It wasn’t even that long, she realized. The light hadn’t even changed a bit. She licked her paw, and it stung. It was swelling badly, and hurt like the devil. Caused by the devil, she thought, casting an evil glare at Hades. Quinoa collapsed, and had never felt more humiliated in her life. She lay her head on the cold grass, and felt as if this moment had gone on forever. Why can’t it just end? She thought angrily. This was annoying. She felt her head go blank again, and this time, for real, she passed out.

SuspiciousMindz January 15th, 2018 08:48 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

A slender grey and white feline stood at the edge of the trees, her amber orbs amused as she watched a fight break out within the cats she stumbled upon. She didn't say a word, didn't move, just sat there and watched. The only thing to move was her tail tip, indicating she was thinking. She was known by many as Blade. A very good ally to have if you could work the agreement out of her.

Now, Blade was notorious in the Dusk Syndicate. An assassin amongst fighters, however no one had proof of this, it was mere rumors. "The rouge who could disappear into thin air, the one known to kill for cats and leave no evidence behind." She'd even met a few loners who've heard of her, so her name was out there, but she denied it all. A mysterious creature to say the least. Quite the character too, but these cats would figure that out when they notice her. Perhaps one would recognize her? Who knew.
@Sasukewolf (madness)

pomegranate January 15th, 2018 09:05 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)
Quinoa woke up drowsily, for the third time. She had been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past few hours. Her stomach growled loudly, and she hissed at her paw. Thankfully, the rabbit she had flattened yesterday was still in the clearing, and Quinoa dragged it towards her with her good paw. She dug in, eating relentlessly. The flesh was cold and stale, but she didn’t care. The scents of Hades and his mate were gone, except the faint wisp left over. She rolled over, trying to get up. It was hopeless. She never should have come to Hades’s home. She had been kicked out of her last forest, and had foolishly seemed out a home in those cursed cats land. She was such an idiot. She licked her injured paw. I’m such a wimp! She thought. It wasn’t sprained, but she could still barely walk. It hurt like crazy though.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 15th, 2018 09:08 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 455242)

A slender grey and white feline stood at the edge of the trees, her amber orbs amused as she watched a fight break out within the cats she stumbled upon. She didn't say a word, didn't move, just sat there and watched. The only thing to move was her tail tip, indicating she was thinking. She was known by many as Blade. A very good ally to have if you could work the agreement out of her.

Now, Blade was notorious in the Dusk Syndicate. An assassin amongst fighters, however no one had proof of this, it was mere rumors. "The rouge who could disappear into thin air, the one known to kill for cats and leave no evidence behind." She'd even met a few loners who've heard of her, so her name was out there, but she denied it all. A mysterious creature to say the least. Quite the character too, but these cats would figure that out when they notice her. Perhaps one would recognize her? Who knew.
@Sasukewolf (madness)

( Yay!! :3)
Hades eyes glowed a bit as he flicked his ear a bit looking towards the line of trees, first he saw nothing than he caught it. The small move of a tail, with it a small growl came up as he begins to step forward and speak loudly. “ I know you’re there! Come out and speak your purpose here! I am in no mood for games my friend so it better be good.” He Says loudly and darkly.
The tom was indeed feared and once fought a warrior of the dusk syndicate no only did the tom dare to flirt with one of his loves but had to guts to ask him to join him, that tom no longer lives and it was a easy kill. Yet a other gift for his love, hades only really had his name to be known anything else was rare especially about his past and his family before he became a killer. Once was a roaming killer ending lives with his old friend valentine now he reminds here keeping this home safe from many. Now he was getting annoyed so many are coming especially when he’s not exactly at his best. His claws digged into the ground as he growls “ ... come out now!” He hisses now getting impatient from waiting

pomegranate January 15th, 2018 09:12 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 455253)
( Yay!! :3)
Hades eyes glowed a bit as he flicked his ear a bit looking towards the line of trees, first he saw nothing than he caught it. The small move of a tail, with it a small growl came up as he begins to step forward and speak loudly. “ I know you’re there! Come out and speak your purpose here! I am in no mood for games my friend so it better be good.” He Says loudly and darkly.
The tom was indeed feared and once fought a warrior of the dusk syndicate no only did the tom dare to flirt with one of his loves but had to guts to ask him to join him, that tom no longer lives and it was a easy kill. Yet a other gift for his love, hades only really had his name to be known anything else was rare especially about his past and his family before he became a killer. Once was a roaming killer ending lives with his old friend valentine now he reminds here keeping this home safe from many. Now he was getting annoyed so many are coming especially when he’s not exactly at his best. His claws digged into the ground as he growls “ ... come out now!” He hisses now getting impatient from waiting

Quinoa had heard the cat going through the trees, and Quinoa quickly dragged herself into the shelter of a holly bush in the nick of time. The gray shecat had just walked by. Not only that, but she heard Hades’s yowl from outside the forest. She wanted to get away badly, but couldn’t move fast enough. She stayed underneath the holly bush, hoping that Hades and the newcomer would go away quickly.

SuspiciousMindz January 15th, 2018 09:17 AM

Re: Hades home ( open to all)

A purr, clear as day arose from the she-cat as she simply stood up. Her amber hues glowed with amusement still, clearly unafraid of the felines before her. "Well of course you'd know I'm here, I wasn't hiding," she responded. The purr was still clear in her voice as she spoke. Blade had realized she stumbled upon yet another feline who thought they were big and bad. Blade never thought that of anyone, not even herself, she just knew she could fight if she needed to and that was it. Her smart mouth was normally the cause for it. "I've no purpose here though, I was just exploring and realized the old building here finally had residents. Came quite a shock so I had to see more," she finished, raising her tail in the air in a friendly gesture. Hades could continue his act as long as he wanted, Blade would play her act in return. She learned aggressive cats took it one of two ways; they either lighten up or straight out attack her. @Sasukewolf (madness)

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