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-   -   Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80703)

SuspiciousMindz March 31st, 2024 12:19 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
ShadowClan Warrior
Flock Together [T1] | Bilingual [T1] | The Collector

The warrior noted when Mossfreckle was back and ready to begin their lessons. The splotched warrior herded the kits who decided to chase the stick, back towards the pretty kitty. He was quick and sat at the back of the group to listen to the lesson as well. This also served as an extra set of eyes for any of the kittens who wanted to stray away or make bad decisions.

Fogwatcher would note the look of gratitude from Mossfreckle and a small smile would play on his maw at it. He couldn't hide it and averted his suddenly shy gaze.

Rainkit was herded back towards the rest of the kittens. Mossy had something exciting to show them! At least, that's how she understood the situation. The black and white she-kit sat within the group, staring wide-eyed at the berry on the ground before her. Intrusive thoughts told her to bite it, but she heeded the medicine cats words and didn't touch. She had to behave! Just like a good warrior would!

Slykit's question piqued her interest and she nodded. Rainkit also wanted to know why they were in the herb piles if they only caused harm.

Mica March 31st, 2024 08:45 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
she/her | 5 moons
[Blue-grey tabby with dark blue overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby [PERMANENTLY ACTIVE]
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· · ────────────── · ·
Birdkit was bumbled along under Freckle's paws, curiosity gleaming in her big big eyes. As the concept of Deathberries were explained to her, she eyed the shiny red orbs and considered for a moment what it would taste like. Probably bad, if Freckle was saying they were deadly. Well, she didn't want to eat anything that was yucky, so her usual desire to immediately chomp on it was assuaged. Birdkit noticed Rainpaw in the group from where she sat closest to Freckle. She was torn between going to sit by her sister and staying by Freckle, so she shuffled a little so she could be in between them. There, that was good! When Freckle opened the floor for questions, Birdkit piped up. "What if you touch it? Is it bad if you touch it??" She eyed Freckle's white paw hovering on top of the berry. She puffed up a bit, ready to bat his paw away and save him from harm if he accidentally touched it!!!

carmen April 1st, 2024 03:18 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]

this was wonderful, simply fantastic. one round in, and she already had a point. sure, it looked as if everyone else had come to the same conclusion she had, but never-the-less this was a win on her part. nodding at mossfreckle, serene expression hiding the rush of adrenaline that came with being right, she turned and left the clearing once more. unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), starlingstreak was yet to experience that which soothes the broken. but that was fine, there was a description for a reason, and luckily, starlingstreak had been in the territory enough to know a plant with fuzzy leaves and purple flowers. she just had to hope it was the right plant with fuzzy leaves and purple flowers.

navigating through the woods, she stopped at a patch of flowers, digging one up to take it back whole. even if this wasn’t it, it was rather pretty. perhaps she’d decorate her nest with it!

[ comfrey ]

gs29513 April 2nd, 2024 02:14 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
(Comfrey, +1 cobweb, +2 comfrey) @Katiethewolfchild
Returning to camp with a cobweb wrapped around his paw (thankfully he hadn't needed to go too far to find one, as hopping about was quite annoying) and the apprentices hopefully in tow, Shrewstep deposited the web of sticky stuff outside the medicine den. He didn't want to go bothering the kits and their lessons, goodness knew they were hard enough to get focused as it was, and certain past medicine cats had been territorial enough that he didn't want to risk angering Mossfreckle. Generally their medicine cat apprentice seemed more relaxed than his predecessors, but one never could tell.

With the second riddle heard, and a vague inkling that the deliberately accented 'come forth for comfort' was intended as a hint, Shrewstep thought that the herb in question might be comfrey. He didn't know what exactly it was used for so the information about its uses (a salve for the broken, whatever that meant) was wholly useless to him, but he did remember that it had purple flowers. That was probably enough to work off of, and with this in mind (he wasn't about to say his answer and help other cats) he strode out of the camp again. If the apprentices chose to follow that was fine, if not it was one them. He had to walk a bit farther this time around, as Mossfreckle and Lostspark had presumably picked the immediate vicinity clean, but he did manage to find two of the plants poking up among the needles. Picking them he called out Heading back now! in case the apprentices had wandered a bit, and then headed back to camp to deposit his findings outside the medicine den once again.

Morrigan April 3rd, 2024 08:33 AM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
Shadowclan kit

Giving Fogwatcher a cold glare as he waved a stick around in an attempt to play with the kits, Quietkit found herself resisting th urge to rake her claws down the tom's face out of pure irration. She found such activities a foolish waste of time that only cats who had nothing better to do with their lives would humour...unfortunately some of her siblings participated...well, she expected it to be honest but it was still humiliating.

Silently breathing a sigh of relief as Mossfreckle led them into the medicine den, the dark she-kit obediently followed. Cyan eyes now alight with curiosity she scanned every inch of the medicine den, making notes of all the herbs she saw. Who'd know when she needed to borrow some herself.

Attention immediately snapping to the crimson berrries that were placed on the ground in front of her, she studied them intrigued and her interest and piqued when she learned more about them. Deathberries? Straightforward much? Oh well, apart from the name she adored everything about these little herbs which was weird but how couldn't she like them? As far as herbs went these were pretty genius and very useful for things she would not mention. Though she was curious about were they grew she would most certainly avoid answering questions she wasn't fond of speaking so she decided she would just ask her mother when she got the opportunity.

Shadowclan warrrior
Purrks: Just a scratch and Shadow fiend(both inactive)

Placing the cobwebs just a few fox-lenghts away form the medicine den, Darkcloud immediately went of to find this pink-purple flower Mossfreckle had described, wasting no time celebrating her first triumph. She had absolutely no idea what this certain herb was, like she said her herb knowledge was very basic, so she had to go off description alone for this one.

Large, oval, fuzzy leaves and purple-pink, tubular, drooping flowers. Reapeating the appearance off the herb like a mantra in her mind, Dark soon found a p.ant that matched the description and carefully plucked it from the ground before returning to the medicine cat, plant hanging limply from her jaws.

Undertaker April 3rd, 2024 07:54 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
[+2 Comfrey]
The she-cat gradually walked to camp with three cobwebs tangled around her tail. Whether they were wrong or right, she wasn't certain, she had been a bit on the slow side of returning and only heard the the start of the next riddle. Dropping off the webs, Dawnstar found this one was a bit harder to place, so the leader found herself stuck going off the description more than anything.

The leader went over the description as she trailed some of the cats out of camp. The coloring alone made it easier to find, large, fuzzy, pinkish, good enough. Uncertain about whether he wanted just the flower or the whole thing, the leader dug a small patch and took the two flowers with her. She dropped the herbs alongside where she had left the cobwebs and waited for the next riddle.

Katiethewolfchild April 4th, 2024 11:52 AM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
(Comfrey) Eaglepaw kept searching for a warrior to leave camp with.

Flamepaw kept searching for a warrior to leave camp with too.

Katiethewolfchild April 4th, 2024 12:03 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
Twistedkit ignored the twig, as she felt too old to chase it. She was never planning on putting it in her mouth anyways. After all she was seven moons old. Too old to put random things in her mouth, despite her rank. So those were deathberries and they would kill you if you ate them. So she wouldn't eat them. Obviously.

Salamanderkit was too timid to get close to the strange, big, and scary cat to chase a stick. She was also far too timid to put random stuff in her mouth. Especially since she had to get really close to the strange, big, and scary cat to try to do that anyways.

Katiethewolfchild April 4th, 2024 12:14 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
(Comfrey) Spiderpaw searched for the herb, dependent on description. She grabbed some of what she thought was the right herband headed back to camp with Shrewstep and her brother, 'Little'paw when he called out.

Littlepaw searched for the herb, dependent on the description just like his slightly larger sister. He grabbed some of what he thought was the right herb and headed back to camp with the warrior and his sister, Spiderpaw.

Dolomedes April 4th, 2024 01:16 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
| She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow listened carefully to the oriental apprentice as he announced the next herb riddle and this one had the molly kind of stumped to be honest, though they expected most of the herbs to stump them. They really should learn some basic aid just in case a situation calls for it. No matter, the warrior shook away her training thoughts to listen even more carefully to the description since that was all she could really go off of for this herb. Okay, okay, they think that they know what matches that…comfrey right? They weren’t sure and once more called any accompanying apprentices to follow them out of camp as they went in search of some comfrey, trying to pull from their mind any memory of past herb patrols where she was tasked to find comfrey as to have an idea to find it in the territory without taking too long.

Eventually, though, Moonmeadow was able to find the herb and smiled as she took the comfrey from its place and lifted it away from the soil. Ta da!! She was getting a hang of this herb thing! Well, at least they were doing better than they thought they were going to do. Waiting for any of the apprentices if they happened to join her to collect some of their own, Moonemadow began to make her way back to camp, mouth full of the comfrey. As she reentered camp she was pleased to see that most other cats had collected comfrey as well. She seemed to have just arrived a little bit later than most of the other groups. Well, she wasn’t late so no harm done. She dropped off the herbs and then went back to her original spot to sit and wait for the next herb riddle.

[ + 2 Comfrey ]
[ Riddle: Comfrey ]

[ -@- ]

| He/him | ShC kit | Moons: 2 | No purrks |

Ashkit, despite all of the reassurances and comforts of the cats around him at his fear, almost wanted to just run away anyways but with a look towards Bleedingkit who seemed to want to go join the lesson he decided he would tolerate being close to the bad place as long as he didn’t have to go into the bad place. The bi-colored kit stomped his way over to where the rest of kits were gathering and playing to lesson to the strange cat’s lesson, Mossfreckle, as he had now been named in Ashkit’s mind, but he would continue calling Mossfreckle ‘Strange cat’ because he was. Any cat that willingly went into the bad place willingly was weird but working and going there everyday was strange. “[/B]Fine. I’ll stay/[/B]” He said with a huff, stamping one of his little paws in the soil beneath him as though it was something intimidating to do. It wasn’t.

Ashkit listened as the Strange cat walked the group of rowdy kittens through the lesson. Deathberries, what a bad name, and why would something like that be in the bad place if the bad place wasn’t a bad place like the cats around him were trying to convince him. Well, he was just being confirmed to be right, but the little feline didn’t say as much as he still wanted to hear what the Strange cat was saying about them. They could easily kill someone. Why was he being told he was wrong? What. Then he turned his green eyes onto a kit he didn’t know the name of as she asked a question that Ashkit was curious to hear the answer to.
[ Sorry this is sooooo rushed /w\ I meant to do this yesterday ]

Rani April 4th, 2024 01:42 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
Shadowclan Kit | He/Him | 2 Moons | Just a Scratch

Well that was enough for Bleedingkit! He was enough of a follower and a people pleaser that he already hadnt wanted to leave camp and make the adults upset at him and with the encouragement (and so promises of praise and being like, Bleedingkits favorite thing) the kittens focus happily shifted to joining in on the activity.

"See Ashkit! We be ok, lets go see!" The other kitten hadnt wanted to go because she was scared of the medicine cats den right? Maybe Bleedingkit could help with that "If Mister Moss is mean Ill tell on her to Mama! Mama's Mister Moss' boss so Mister Moss! Ashkit doesnt like Dieing so none of that or I tell!" There, problem solved and there was no reason to be scared~ The little bengal shot the other kitten a wide grin before he wobbled over flanking her, excited to learn.

So from what Bleedingkit understood eating the red berries was bad even if they did look yummy. Made sense and he was satisfied after giving them a sniff to make sure he'd not forget the scent, but with everyone asking questions the little bengel felt he needed to as well.

Despite the shaking and how he wobbled with the motion a little paw raised in the air, wiggling, until it caught Mossfreckles attention before the kitten asked "Where you find Dead-berries? Is there a bad bush that makes them to run away from?"

@Dolomedes @Fawn<3

elio April 4th, 2024 06:47 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]

Event [#event]

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat apprentice


Oriental shaped ears perked to take in the surprising amount of questions that the kits asked, words tumbling over each other as each bright eyed face started enamoured or horrified at the sight of the crimson berry that rested ever so gently under his white tipped paw, ”Deathberries are known to kill cats in seconds, Sleepykit, so as sad as it is, there is very little you are able to do so this best to prevent consumption in the first place,” a pause as he flipped through the questions in his starry mind, ”the berries are okay to touch though, in the end it is best to leave them alone and let Lostspark and I - and the select few we send out - to handle the berries and other poisonous herbs. As for the bush Bleedingkit, it’s a large and branchy tree that looks kind of like a pine tree,” seeing that there was no more questions the freckled medicine cat apprentice moved on to acknowledge the forever queen who had come in along with some of the straggling kits, ”Your presence is always welcome here Nightshiver, I will always appreciate an extra set of paws - especially when it come to the future of our clan.” Rolling options over in starry mind the oriental shaped feline contemplated the attention span of the kits gathered before him, he had one more herb with him so he would proceed onto lesson two before he stood and delivered the second to last riddle, ”Our next herb is Deadly Nightshade - or simply Nightshade - it has distinctive vivid purple flowers with erect yellow centers and once the blooms die the wilted buds form dark almost black berries that stick out from a star shaped flower looking bit that attaches them to the stem of the plant. Similar to Deathberries, Nightshade kills very quickly so it’s better to leave it be, cats will usually present usual signs such as gagging and vomiting and will be dead within a matter of minutes,” the freckled herbalist stood and stretched momentarily before continuing on, ”I am going to place these in storage and grab the last herb for our lessons then deliver the next rounds riddle, be good for Nightshiver.” Scooping the Deathberries and Nightshade gently up in his maw Mossfreckle padded from the mouth of the medicine den and into the belly, eyes blinking as his mossy hues adjusted to the ever dimming depths, the two poisonous herbs were placed in their proper place and in their place the feline grabbed a delicate purple flower before padding once again to the mouth of the den - eyes blinking the whole way as they readjusted to the afternoon sun, ”Fogwatcher, please keep an eye on this flower,” his tones where a throaty purr but they held a weight of authority within them, ”do not let its pretty features fool you.”


Mossy hues watched felines filter in and out for a moment, to his delight many had comfrey laden in their maws, ”Warrior and apprentices of Shadowclan lend me your ears,” Mossfreckle yowled from where he stood half way between the medicine den and the clearing - most of his focus still on the kits which he had positioned in his peripheral… he trusted Nightshiver and Fogwatcher but insecurity was raking at his tattered heart… it was better safe than sorry - ”the next riddle is as such - Rats!! But there is always ’morrow and the herb is a tall, leafy stemmed plant with flat-topped/ dome-shaped clusters of white flowers with yellow centers ,” for the time being the freckle spotted apprentice sat for a moment, curling his feathery tail over his dainty white tipped paws and watched the cats return out in yet another endeavour. Assured that the felines were off on their task, the oriental shaped medicine cat apprentice padded on diligent white tipped paws back to the medicine cat’s den and the awaiting gathered fluff balls.


❀⊱ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ⊰❀

* All post will be made in this thread with a mention of where they are headed if you chose a place other than Shadowclan Territory for apprentices and up and the medicine den for kits
* IC your cat can find herbs based off of the description, I fully understand that some of these herbs will be unknown to your character. To get a point all you need to do is put your answer in brackets in bold at the top of your post, if the herb is correct OOC your character will net + 1 of such and you will get a point.
* Please only post once between each Mossfreckle post regarding to your task (post all participating characters at once) - for apprentices and warrior this will be returning and waiting for the next riddle for kits it will be going with Mossfreckle to the medicine cat’s den and then once per each lesson.
* You can join at anytime but if you are an apprentice and up you need to wait for the next riddle (round two) to participate, for kits you have until the first lesson post to join - just make a note you are joining in the den (IC Mossfreckle would prefer that participating kits attend all the lesson, however)
* Please note that IC Mossfreckle will scold kits who try to put the herbs in their mouth, these herbs are dangerous and will kill your kit your kit if consumed, if you are looking to do suck please seek other mean as this event is meant for clan engagement and not as a way to dispose of unwanted characters.
* points will be tallied at the end of the event

Feel free to vm if you have any questions or concerns :heartbounce:

@Dust @SuspiciousMindz @Dark @vellichor @ItsATryp @naiad @Madelaine @furrensic @Dirtfur @Undertaker @Estelle @nykyrian @Silverware @Abyssopelagic @Willowfern @Rani @gs29513 @fading @JackHunt_17 @iliri @Willie Warf @LostInTheOrchids @Frozen Reign @Poprock @poppy @Fritter @Wintersun @Levi 99 @starry @Tiabirb @staurn @carmen @Nixey @Pitou @Swiftheart <3 @nyx @Galaxy_ @Lillith @taillow @bubble[error]. @Bean @Tecumori @Zei @SpiritWolf_yt @sol. @MockingRabbit @Wingnettle @Alchemist Kitsune @Ashwing @Rose @Caspian @Faith. @Streamtail @Red Dawn @Sakura. @lem~ @wendigo @hermeswind @Spookez. @SeonghwasBunnyEars @Scourge2346 @Ymir @FruitBatz @Cinnamon~ @Eden @Morrigan @Snowyfeathr @Omari @Katiethewolfchild @roo! @Spider-in-the-corner @Cubeisdagoat @Carrot @Zorua @Ladieratt @ChaosBringer. @hades. @R0ttenC4ndy @Neptune. @lane @Wyv3rn @peachfuzz~ @RavensCall @Sleek @Snips @Theodore_510 @silas @paris @Fish @Mica @hawkboi @JenxyMoo99 @Starphobia @*_Athena_* @spoon_ @Blueberry^^^Galaxy @Woody @ThePrettyPurpleDemon @lunartranquility @Kuwu @endlesshax @Samantha @Desert Rain Frog @Firestar512 @.Sunshine. @Fealixx_SIO @Moon Shark @Kieran. @lys.luvbot @lesbianism @Naila @chickadee @Collieheart @MangofDoom @arrow. @Marigoldwhisper @Artemis @StormyDays @ShadeCosmic @Myling @f0rg0tt3n_v0id @Beanz @Epiales @alec @IntrovertIRL @Never @Fawn<3 @MoonCat @kittycatburmise @MaplestrikeWCUE @ashstar1 @RoboPrism @Dolomedes @Littlesun0112 @zozelen @Moondapple @bramblemask @Blazing @JuniperSeed @20874 @ramen @DaffodilFlight @Cubehadtomakeanotherone @SootyPatootie

nyx April 5th, 2024 03:42 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]



tags; ( n/a )

she/they / shadowclan apprentice / mood switches


Windflowerpaw frowned. She didn't understand the riddle much, but guessed it was a clue for what it did. She headed off anyways, looking for any flower that was white and dome looking.

Finding something that could be it, she nipped some off and took it with her.

+2 comfrey, +1 yarrow


gs29513 April 6th, 2024 03:34 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
(+2 Wild Garlic)(Yarrow?)
Shrewstep had coped well with the first two riddles but was beginning to struggle quite a bit more as Mossfreckle evidently upped their difficulty. He really lacked anything to go on now, and so was left blinking in bemusement as the other cats hustled about camp and back out again. Perhaps he should have gone along for the kit lessons, he might have learned something instead of being on this wild goose chase! But no, he was a warrior, a rather old one at that, and had to be chasing herbs. The only thing he perhaps understood was the reference to rats. There was some plant cats had to roll in after encounters with rats, and while he had no idea whether it had white flower or anything of the sort, it certainly had a distinctive smell he was able to track down. Not particularly wanting to get that taste in his mouth Shrewstep settled for scratching about at the base of the plant in hopes of digging it up or something. Shockingly, this sort of worked. It had a strange, white lump on the bottom, but at least he hadn't needed to get any of the grass-looking but spicy-tasting plants juices onto his tongue. With two of the herbs-he-didn't-quite-know carefully held in his maw, he headed back to camp and dropped them outside the medicine den. Poor Mossfreckle was going to have to do a bit of sorting things once this strange scavenger hunt was over.

Mica April 6th, 2024 05:53 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
she/her | 6 moons
[Blue-grey tabby with dark blue overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby [PERMANENTLY ACTIVE]
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Oh thank goodness, Freckle said they were okay to touch as long as they were careful. Her fluffed fur calmed a bit, and she was able to sit (mostly) still while he brought out a new herb and began talking about it. Birdkit listened intently as Freckle talked about the dangerous berries, describing them and giving a warning that they were very deadly. Birdkit eyed them. They didn't look very deadly! Personally, Birdkit thought it was dumb that some herbs were poisonous when they looked so tasty. Who thought of that?? Birdkit had half the mind to ask that question but Mossfreckle stowed the herbs away and asked an unfamiliar cat to watch over them while he went to give instructions for the other cats. Nuh-uh! Birdkit popped up to her paws and skittered after Mossfreckle. She didn't say anything, only kept by his paws as he called out orders.

Morrigan April 7th, 2024 03:04 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
Shadowclan kit

Another lethal herb, and quite an eye-catching one this time. Quietkit's interest was growing by the second as she surveyed the deadly nightshade with subtle admiration. She'd noticed that there was a pattern with these plants, the prettiest ones always seemed to be the most dangerous ones. Fooling cats with their looks and then ending them in an instance, quite an amazing tactic if you ask her.

Shadowclan warrrior
Purrks: Just a scratch and Shadow fiend(both inactive)


Confusion clouding her amber gaze as Mossfreckle described the herb, Darkcloud didn't have a clue what herb this was so she'd have to have a pretty good guess and hope she got it right. Returning to the territory again, Dark searched intently for this mystery herb.

SuspiciousMindz April 7th, 2024 08:43 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
ShadowClan Warrior
Flock Together [T1] | Bilingual [T1] | The Collector

The warrior was very content with watching over the flower for the pretty kitty. He wouldn't be tasked with this if it weren't important, so he guarded the flower while Mossfreckle tended to the next riddle. His tail waved across the ground behind him as he sat. His gleaming eyes running over each curious kitten. This was a good idea. The best idea, actually. The more knowledgeable the clan, the better off they were!

Rainkit sat and listened. She'd remember those herbs. She'd remember the description of them and know what they do to cats. Honestly, the idea of a quick death appealed to her. It might be a bit morbid for her age, but her little mind was already filled with darker thoughts she locked away. This information would just add to that. She'd have to remember these herbs for when, or if, she'd ever need them.

Her dazzling blues watched the medicine cat walk away for a moment to address the other cats. Then they'd settle on the last flower, a pretty purple one that Fogwatcher was guarding very closely. She wouldn't be able to get near it as long as he was there, which was a good thing in this instance.

Rani April 7th, 2024 11:45 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
Shadowclan Kit | He/Him | 2 Moons | Just a Scratch

Ok so a bad berry bush existed and Bleedingkit was going to avoid it! As well as the new flower Mossfreckle brought out. Did all bad plants look pretty? Because these herbs all looked nice and not evil-harmful but actually were. Hmmm maybe Bleedingkit should just never touch a plant unless his Mama instructed him it was ok to... That sounded smart.

The little bengal had a question though, raising a wobbly paw again and asking "If dead-berries and night-plant are bad why have them? And why put them in the planty place with the good plants?" Bleedingkit just didnt get why they kept bad plants around at all if they were so bad?

carmen April 8th, 2024 08:42 AM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]

snakes and turtles, she had no idea what that was. starlingstreak sat in thought, trying her best to drudge the plant from the muck that was her memory. looking back up, it appeared that most of the remaining cats had dissapeared from the clearing. rats. jumping from her place in thought, she ran into the forest, head lowered as she observed the undergrowth. yellow and white, lovely. perhaps it would be better if more cats were knowledgeable about herbs and their uses, but that was an issue for the plebians, she was above all that, being famous and all. snatching up the first white plant she found, the tortoiseshell raced back to camp. “i’m not late! perfectly on time, as always!”

[ yarrow ]

Katiethewolfchild April 8th, 2024 08:37 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
[yarrow] Eaglepaw looked for a warrior that she could leave camp with.

Flamepaw looked for a warrior to leave camp with.

Spiderpaw gathered what she thought was the herb with Shrewstep and 'Little'paw.

Littlepaw gathered what he though was the right herb with Spiderpaw and Shrewstep. @gs29513

Twistedkit listened. So Nightshade had purple flowers with a yellow center? She felt wrong being treated as a kit even though she ranked as one, as she was seven moons old. Her rank didn't make being treated like a little kit feel any less embarrassing.

Salamanderkit listened. She remained at the back, not bothering to peek around the larger and older kits as the big, scary, and strange cat described what nightshade looked likr. She was far too timid to ask any questions or even consider trying to eat the plants, which was stupid. Why would you try to eat something if you didn't know what it was especially if it would make you... whatever dead was.. The moon old kit might not know what dead was, but did know that it was probably something bad.

Dolomedes April 9th, 2024 11:22 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
| She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend | Beefed Up Tier 1 |

Moonmeadow listened to the medicine apprentice's next herbal riddle and found herself mostly stumped. Though 'marrow, that sounded like something that the feline was sure that they have heard before. They twisted the word in their mind as they moved from the camp and out into the territory in search of this herb by description, though as she made her way into the familiar terrain it came to her with a snap. Yarrow! That's why it sounded so familiar. To be clear, Moonmeadow still had no info on the herb after the name besides the description they were given just now but at least she got the name somewhere in her memory. Soon after the warrior stumbled upon the herb that was named and collected some swiftly before heading back to camp.

[ Yarrow ]
[ + 2 Yarrow ]


The kit listened to the medicine cat in training's words.

Estelle April 15th, 2024 11:49 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]

Sleepykit watched the red berry, it’s image engraving itself in her mind. Kill in seconds… The berries were lethal, a small part of her intrigued by this notion. How could such a small and innocent looking berry be this dangerous? At least they were safe to touch, as made evident by Mossfreckle touching it, it’s bush described as being large a branchy, much like a little pine tree. Well, it was evident that none of the plants in this course were to be consumed. Vibrant blue eyes flickered upwards at the mention of Deadly Nightshade – or just Nightshade – before looking back down once more to carefully observe that herb, too. Purple flowers with an erect, yellow centre – dark, blackberry-like buds when the flower wilted, sticking out of it like a star. Another plant that killed in an instant. Gagging, vomiting – signs of impending death upon consumption of the plant, it nearly sent a shudder down the kit’s spine, the thought. Blue eyes looked around the ground of kits seated, observing their reactions before her eyes briefly fell on Nightshiver, who gave Mossfreckle a grateful nod for allowing her to stay. She took to mind the notion of deathberries and nightshade – their appearances, their dangers. Stars forbid any kits ever find them. When Mossfreckle disappeared, seemingly leaving the kits in her charge – which wasn’t much different from her day-to-day – she smiled, silently keeping an eye on the kits. They were being good, that was a pleasure to see.

Undertaker April 16th, 2024 07:04 PM

Re: Riddle me this… [Herb Gathering Event]
[ +4 yarrow ]
Dawnstar walked off as soon as she heard Mossfreckle's latest riddle. She was moving a little late thanks to her roleplayer's forgetfulness, but it seemed she still had a little time to look around. Dawnstar wasn't sure about this herb but grabbed the cluster of white flowers that appeared most similar to the description. Wrong or right, she assumed the herb could be used somehow. Dawnstar returned to camp, dropping the flowers with the rest of the herbs collected.

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