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starry February 9th, 2024 01:39 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
nvm ignore this pls i forgot abt this and made a new charrie :sob:

Possible Future Names: Snowkit/Pikekit (after snowleap/pikestar) Kestrelkit (after kestrelstar) Gingerkit (after gingerfrost/star.. after skimming over some posts i figured he was notable to birdy?) Blizzardkit (after the most amazing bliz obv) Flickerkit (after flickerpaw)
I’m open to anything !! Just love the idea of them being named after someone significant in Bird’s life lol

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

In the beginning, I plan on having Faith be a very open and sweet kit who is extremely caring for her clanmates - especially her family. She is loving and well-mannered, always wanting to make a great impression. As much as she tries to at times, Faith just cannot be rude. No matter who she's talking to, no matter what they say or do to her. If anyone is mean to her she’ll probably just cry and run away but not say anything against it because she’s too scared. With her family she’s a really big sweetheart who loves them more than anything. I am imagining she’ll look up to Bird and Kes, and she'll frequently bring her parents and siblings gifts. Wether that's flower crowns, pretty shells, etc. prepare for Faith so have a whole gift storage she's waiting for a chance to use. Also whenever someone's feeling down she's gonna run over and give them a million hugs & let them cry on her shoulder until they feel better. I think she'd try to understand a lot of things and really wreck her mind over them, but in the end, she's pretty naive and innocent and doesn't get how stuff works yet.

This would just be her personality as a kit. As she grows older, I was thinking she'd have some cats use her for her way too sweet personality. Not to drastic things at first, maybe just using her for doing their chores such as cleaning ticks off elders or other simple things during her apprenticeship. At some point she's going to be completely overworked with cracked pawpads and pained muscles from doing so much along with her training. She would go to Birdsnow or Kestrelskies to confess her struggles to either of them and they'd give her a little pep talk. While she would still be quite unsure about having a new attitude to things and not just saying "of course" to everything, I think this would be an interesting character development. Maybe at some time she gets really angry at someone and regrets it after. I don't know, I just think it would help her with getting more resilient and independent in the future. Just an idea if she ends up getting picked ofc.


Appearance: A small, chubby molly with short fur and big round eyes. Her base color is a dark grey, which is accompanied by light, almost faded silver-grey swirls. Her eyes are a mix of dark blue and light blue along with big black pupils.

Preferred Order: I'd like youngest the most, if not probably middle because I don't think faith would fit the older sibling role so well. I'd imagine her as more of a cat who looks up to her siblings a lot!!

Closing Note: Just wanted to say I absolutely adore Bird and Kes and I'm super excited to see this happen. Regardless of wether I'm getting picked or not, I will really enjoy following these kits' journey and reading more Birdkes development. "Aunt" Misty is also gonna be very happy for Birdy and Kes hehe. She'll definitely be eyeing those kits for some interactions. Can't wait for this top happen, you both are amazing rpers and birdkes kits finally happening is sothrilling :love4:

Mentions: @poppy @sol.

iliri February 9th, 2024 02:00 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
… interesting :eyes:

*longfire* February 9th, 2024 05:26 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
Name: Jaykit
Gender: female
Appearance: placeholder
Personality: kind sweet caring, unsure at times, cautious, easily spooked
Plot Ideas?: nothing dramatic right now in kithood really, probably when she’s older I’ll create something that would cause mental issue or physical problem
Preferred order (youngest, oldest, middle etc): very much the youngest
Other: nope
@poppy @sol.

Beaan February 9th, 2024 05:30 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
"A secret story,
Somewhere in time
An unsolved mystery,
Playing in your mind"

Featherkit II Fallenkit
A snowy white she-cat with crystalline blue eyes and one blue spot on her eye, and a lame leg

"A time for action,
A fire we must light
A new beginning,
A tale we must write"

Fallen/Feather was caught in a housefire as a kitten, and was burned on her back leg, causing her to have a limp. Sadly, she was the only survivor, and wanted to get far away from where fire can hurt her. Enter: RiverClan. All about water. Her logic? Surrounded by water = fire no hurt her. Also from the fire was so much smoke, that she barely speaks. When she does, it is hoarse and very quiet. She is a mamas girl, meaning that she would become very close to Bird and Kes. She is a purebred ragdoll from a breeder, so she has very silky fur and is very affectionate to others. Once someone breaks her trust, it is hard for her to regain it.

Wingnettle February 10th, 2024 03:06 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
@Estelle this is our occasion!! What do you think?

elio February 10th, 2024 05:13 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)

Imma do two for options and because I had another idea (just pick whichever you prefer (if any lol)/lh/nbr)

Name: loonkit (named for his pattern)
Gender: tom
Appearance: grey-blue ticked tabby with muted blue eyes (shhhhh… ignore the green eyes in the picture lol) https://64.media.tumblr.com/1b58db93...qfdb3_1280.jpg
Personality: Loonkit is a very curious and brave little guy. He is always up for a fun game, story or lesson. However, he has a soft and playful side and will always let you know how much he cares about you… even it it means being a tad needy for attention.
Plot Ideas?: Very young (1 moon) kit who wondered into Riverclan territory after being told by his bio mother to stay away form the woods because of clan cats… but what can I say he wanted to prove they were not scary. After being found by bird and Kes he begs them to let him stay in the clan.
Preferred order (youngest, oldest, middle etc): youngest or middle, he wants to be the “favourite”
Other: :heartbounce:

Name: Puffinkit
Gender: She-cat
Appearance- mainly white calico with green eyes
Personality: Bubbly is the one one word to describe Puffinkit. She is always energetic and curious and tends to flit around. She is extremely sweet and well-mannered… well as well mannered as a little one can be. Puffinkit always wants to be the center of attention but is somehow willing to share the spotlight: if only for the praise of doing so… but progresss nonetheless.
Plot ideas: maybe a rebellious phase where her curious nature makes her seek out her birth family - she will come back after seeing from an outside view the boring and pampered life that Kittypets live. Additionally, maybe a forbidden romance (preferably not getting her killed but yea).
Prefered order: oldest
@poppy @sol.

Spider. February 10th, 2024 05:36 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
Name: Leach-kit
Gender: Tom
Appearance: a black tabby with blue green eyes
Personality: a quiet and sweet kit
Plot Ideas?: i might make him die young idk yet (like maybe 21 moons)
Preferred order (youngest, oldest, middle etc): any
Other: deaf in the right ear
@poppy @sol.Name:

alec February 10th, 2024 05:59 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
ugh i know i shouldnt but placeholder mayhaps

occultation February 12th, 2024 01:53 AM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)

Yoshdo February 12th, 2024 04:45 PM

Re: Taking them under our wings (KIT FINDER)
Name: Fallen(kit) warrior name idea is Fallensnow
Gender: he/him
Appearance: Darkgray main pelt white dapples all over him a lightgray muzzle going up to his forehead
Personality: Out going loves going on adventures
Plot Ideas?: what ever you want but he fell out of a tree
Preferred order (youngest, oldest, middle etc):
Other: any of them

He is based on a baby bird we took care of. The bird was a common grackle nestling. I based his personality off him too. He was like my little brother. I named the bird Expectations. Expectations died though. The branch his nest was on fell during a very windy thunderstorm. Expectations Walked all the way to the other side of our house to find his parents. After a while we put him back in his nest. It was in 2021.

Here is a link to an image of what he would look like anyone can view



@poppy @Sol

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