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Brunch December 16th, 2016 07:30 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den
Nodding quietly towards Geckoleaf, Arctickit rushed towards the stock of herbs that littered the shelves of the den. He nosed through a few piles of leaves before finally deciding on a pile of large foliage; Arctickit wasn't familiar with the terms that Geckoleaf used. The beech leaves hung from his jaws, scents of herbs permeating from the folds of the leaves. Arctickit skidded over to the medicine cat, his eyes flickering with curiosity as he set the leaves down before Geckoleaf, his eyes floating over the wounds of the warrior, a slight shuttered struck him; he was a little squeamish towards the sight of the gore, though tried not to notice it as he asked; "What else do you need me to?" his voice was his normal, high-pitched squeak, his ears flicking, gesturing to Foxtail.

Clover December 20th, 2016 12:17 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den
"Nothing, darling. Your help is much appreciated. If you really wanted to, you could get some prey for the patients,"she mewed softly, before taking the packet from the young tom. Taking the herbs, Geckoleaf unwrapped it quickly, and chewed it into a thick paste, which she applied with sharp, deft movements to the shallow stomach wound. Making sure her patient was still unconscious, so that her work would remain unhampered, she then reached towards her side, where a pile of cobwebs and catchweed lay, discarded in her haste to clean the wounds. Grabbing a wad of the white bandaging material, she packed it into the wound, to staunch leftover bleeding, and hold in the poultice. The feline then applied a top layer of cobweb, just to keep the wadding in place. To secure the bandaging, she used the small burrs, which were painless but effective. Geckoleaf then moved a step away from Foxtail, to survey her work. Realizing it was too loose, and the bandaging would easily slide from off its place, she secured it further, just as a fail safe.

Clover December 22nd, 2016 06:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den
(sorry for the double post! this is for a roleplay with frisk-)

After assuring that her patients were all treated, and resting comfortably, Geckoleaf trotted towards the back of her den, a pile of herbs sitting scattered on the floor after her frantic flurry to prepare for the influx of patients after the battle to regain RiverClan's freedom. Surveying the mess, she let out a soft sigh; there was work to be done, and much of it. Sitting down, she began to sort the plants, mindlessly. Fennel, burdock, daisy, ginger. On and on this went. Time passed, and she felt nothing. After spending hours doing this, she had learned how to ignore reality and retreat into her own mind.
But this time, something strange happened. She felt her body tighten up, the muscles in her back and legs contracting, and she involuntarily adopted a rigid stance. Her mind felt tugged, and she realize what the sensation was; she was being pulled into a dream by StarClan. Instantly, Geckoleaf relaxed. She knew that they had something to tell her, but what she could not guess.
Soon, she was enveloped in a trance-like dream. Images flashed rapidly before her, and then their speed slowed. She saw things; the color red, a deep russet, with dark swirling patterns traced across it. A pair of yellow eyes, deep and luminous. And then, she saw a cat; she recognized who it was. Russetswirl, whom she had met only in passing. He was standing on the highrock, with a proud look on his face. And then, it morphed and shifted again. She saw an ancient-looking tom, who she had no idea of his name. He seemed to move towards her, smoothly, and she heard him say; "Restore the ranks. Your clan must be lead." At the end of his sentence, the she-cat awoke again, where she had been before, her paw raised as if to sort herbs.
Geckoleaf knew what she had to do. She had to make Russetswirl the leader.

Brunch December 25th, 2016 11:47 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den
Large gray eyes peered into Geckoleaf's den, soon to be followed by a large, black body. Cougarstorm was just barely able to configure his large form into his love's den; though it was difficult, the large warrior manage to squirm his way in. The silver tail tip of Cougarstorm twitched impatiently as he pondered across the den with his eyes, searching for Geckoleaf. "Geckoleaf," Cougarstorm called quietly, waiting for the she-cat to appear, "I need to talk to you..."

wren December 25th, 2016 11:56 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den
( Oahh I see the love birds in action!! *puts paws on mouth* OML I must keep this secret! I'm serious though I'm done with the gawking.. *runs away* )

Clover December 26th, 2016 12:09 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 96915)
Large gray eyes peered into Geckoleaf's den, soon to be followed by a large, black body. Cougarstorm was just barely able to configure his large form into his love's den; though it was difficult, the large warrior manage to squirm his way in. The silver tail tip of Cougarstorm twitched impatiently as he pondered across the den with his eyes, searching for Geckoleaf. "Geckoleaf," Cougarstorm called quietly, waiting for the she-cat to appear, "I need to talk to you..."

From the back of the den appeared a small small tabby, ears perked upwards in anticipation of the conversation, whatever it may be. Quickly, the young medicine cat trotted towards Cougarstorm, her pace swift and expectant. "Yes?" she inquired softly, her voice quiet and mellow, hard to be heard above the rustle of cats outside, but loud in constrast to the silent of her den. "Is something wrong?" Geckoleaf mewed, seemingly impervious to the fact that Cougarstorm was not in distress, but simply needing to talk to her.

Brunch December 26th, 2016 12:15 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 96926)

From the back of the den appeared a small small tabby, ears perked upwards in anticipation of the conversation, whatever it may be. Quickly, the young medicine cat trotted towards Cougarstorm, her pace swift and expectant. "Yes?" she inquired softly, her voice quiet and mellow, hard to be heard above the rustle of cats outside, but loud in constrast to the silent of her den. "Is something wrong?" Geckoleaf mewed, seemingly impervious to the fact that Cougarstorm was not in distress, but simply needing to talk to her.

At the appearance of his love, Cougarstorm smiled slightly; his grin warm and sweet. The tom kept his warm gray eyes affixed to Geckoleaf, anticipating her inquiry. "G-Geckoleaf," he stumbled over his words clumsily, " y-you know how we love each other." Cougarstorm kept himself quiet, wanting the medicine cat to respond before he continued. For some reason, at that moment, Cougarstorm-- who was normally very outgoing, was defeated to a hasty, muttering mess.

Clover December 26th, 2016 12:18 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 96930)
At the appearance of his love, Cougarstorm smiled slightly; his grin warm and sweet. The tom kept his warm gray eyes affixed to Geckoleaf, anticipating her inquiry. "G-Geckoleaf," he stumbled over his words clumsily, " y-you know how we love each other." Cougarstorm kept himself quiet, wanting the medicine cat to respond before he continued. For some reason, at that moment, Cougarstorm-- who was normally very outgoing, was defeated to a hasty, muttering mess.

As her gaze settled upon his face, she watched it alight with happiness, and her tail swished in response; she loved it when she smiled and hated seeing him down. But at the moment, something curious happened; he seemed to lose his composure, and be reduced to a babbling mess, albeit a sweet one a that. "Yes, darling? What is it?" she murmured, head tilting to the side, as she attempted to elicit a cohesive response from her lover.

Brunch December 26th, 2016 12:29 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 96932)

As her gaze settled upon his face, she watched it alight with happiness, and her tail swished in response; she loved it when she smiled and hated seeing him down. But at the moment, something curious happened; he seemed to lose his composure, and be reduced to a babbling mess, albeit a sweet one a that. "Yes, darling? What is it?" she murmured, head tilting to the side, as she attempted to elicit a cohesive response from her lover.

Cougarstorm hung his head slightly in abashment; he knew that his unintelligible babbling could be seen as rude, the last thing he wanted to do was embarass himself. His warm gray gaze fell on Geckoleaf, noticing she was waiting for him to reply. "Well, I was wondering if you would like--" Cougarstorm suddenly cut himself off as he wandered around the den before continuing, "-- to have kits with me.." The warrior knew the love that he held for the she-cat was foridden, but he couldn't help himself. He loved her.

Clover December 26th, 2016 12:36 AM

Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 96936)
Cougarstorm hung his head slightly in abashment; he knew that his intelligible babbling could be seen as rude, the last thing he wanted to do was embarass himself. His warm gray gaze fell on Geckoleaf, noticing she was waiting for him to reply. "Well, I was wondering if you would like--" Cougarstorm suddenly cut himself off as he wandered around the den before continuing, "-- to have kits with me.." The warrior knew the love that he held for the she-cat was foridden, but he couldn't help himself. He loved her.

Geckoleaf stiffened, her body running rigid. "Cougar-we can't. It's not that I don't love you- I really do, with my whole soul, but what would their life be like? They'd be nursed by some other she-cat, and they'd never know their mother, and you'd be distant enough. Even if it was someone we both knew and trusted, I just couldn't do that to them. I-... I'm so sorry. I know it tears you apart, and me too... But we can't be parents. I have duties, and so do you. This clan provides for us as we must do for it." She stopped for a moment, realizing how she sounded. Like the clan took priority over their love, over everything they held dear. "I want kits. I do. But we can't have them now. Not here- we just got a new leader, and the four clans are in ruins.." Her voice trailed off, voice thick with emotion. "I love you so much. But we just cant." The feline averted her gaze; she couldn't look at Cougarstorm, and see the emotion he carried in his eyes, his want to have kits, his love and desire for her, and his hurt that she had refused him something he held so dear.

(since we were going to have them fight in the clearing or forest, and then gecko comes back to arctic, maybe instead arctic comes in after they finish fighting?)

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