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Beam July 14th, 2017 11:54 AM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 320371)

Timid pinned her ears down at the slight tone he was using towards her. She felt that she was making him angry--when she tried hard not to. This she cat liked to leave in one piece. Timid stepped back for a moment, looking around at her surroundings. ''I-I d-din-didn't say y-you were a kit.'' She cleared her throat. Though, in her eyes, he was young. And, it still amazed her how he could survive out in this wild without worrying that something might strike him. Give him a disease. That he would suddenly drop dead. Upon hearing his name, her own ears had shot up, and she almost lifted her tail--something that she definitely did not want to do. She was not the dominant one. So, she refrained herself and allowed her tail to swish lowly under her.

''Fennec!'' She echoed. . ''As in the fennec fox?'' She tilted her head slightly. This had amazed--and amused her. Timid knew a lot about the forest. At least, the species of all sorts of animals. In fact, she could go on and on about the many different species that this wonderful world they shared. However, the world wasn't a wonderful place. It was harsh at the moment where she was located. ''That's so cool! I wish I was named after an animal! The fennec fox has really large ears, you know. They're so cute! And, they mainly come out at night. I know that the fox is an enemy for a cat, but I can't help, but gush about how--oh...right. You want to know about the Syndicate...'' She trailed off.

Timid had heard his other questions, but she was hoping to get out of answering them. The Syndicate was no place to be, in Timid's opinion. Many cats had accepted it being their home. And, Timid was forced to because it was the only place she knew. ''It's not another clan,'' She says, taking a seat on her haunches as she looked at her tail once more. It was still pretty close to her, left askew as her eyes clouded over. ''It's more of a...group where cats are thrown in for their evil ways. It's ruthless!'' She shook he head rapidly, like she was trying to get a fly off her face. Timid had never been to one of the clans before, but she heard stories about them. Good...bad, it didn't matter. It seemed like the clans were the best place to be, considering who she was and her rank within the syndicate. ''It's called the Dusk Syndicate...and I really should get back there. I'm suppose to be hunting to feed the fighters...and if I go back without a catch...I..'' The she cat felt her entire body shaking, and she couldn't even force herself to continue the words. Maybe, it was a bad idea that she was telling him this. On the other hand, Timid felt that she was warning him, trying to save his life to stay away from the ruthless beasts of the inferno.

Fennec gave a small laugh as Timid informed him about the fennec fox, which he was named after."What gave it away?" he asked playfully. His large cream ears perked up as she explained why she was gushing about them. His tail curled in amausment, but it was quickly set back down when she trailed off.

He couldn't help it but to let out a small sigh of relief when she told him it was not a clan- but it was more like a deep exhale then a sigh. Either way, he was glad he wasn't talking to a Clan cat. But nonetheless, how did she know what a clan was? He shook his head and listened as she went on. "Ruthless.." he echoed quietly , momentarily staring at the ground infront of his paws befor who shifted his gaze back to Timid as she explained further.

He paused for a moment, forming a reply. The 'Dusk Syndicate' didn't seem like the right place for Timid. She didn't seem like she belonged in the middle of a group of so-called evil cats. Fennec watched her shake for a moment, no way was Timid supposed to be part of a Syndicate like that."You don't seem so ruthless. And to me, it seems like those Syndicate Cats are using you. If it were me, I wouldn't go back. Why should you? You obviously hate that place." He nodded no finish off his sentence.

But Fennec knew what Timid felt like- well, possibly knew. All his life he had wanted to leave the place his mother and father had Called his home, but he was scared if he and his sisters would, his parents would come back and find him. There would've been sever consequences to that particular action: if they were caught. Was that wa sTimis was feeling now? Afraid the Dusk Syndicate would punish her for leaving? Fennec remembered the day he left, well, was more dragged out by Holly. His parents were hunting, it was after what happened to Swift, and Holly took off after saying those words to him... Fennec followed her, and after it happened, he just left. It was almost days later when he fully realized he had left his life behind. It was about a moon or two when he settled down here. He had only been under his ferns since new-leaf.

He looked at Timid, "it's better to leave and not think about it. If that place scares you and you despise it, you shouldn't go back. Trust me, it's better that way."

Brilliance July 14th, 2017 08:02 PM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Beam (Post 320790)
Fennec gave a small laugh as Timid informed him about the fennec fox, which he was named after."What gave it away?" he asked playfully. His large cream ears perked up as she explained why she was gushing about them. His tail curled in amausment, but it was quickly set back down when she trailed off.

He couldn't help it but to let out a small sigh of relief when she told him it was not a clan- but it was more like a deep exhale then a sigh. Either way, he was glad he wasn't talking to a Clan cat. But nonetheless, how did she know what a clan was? He shook his head and listened as she went on. "Ruthless.." he echoed quietly , momentarily staring at the ground infront of his paws befor who shifted his gaze back to Timid as she explained further.

He paused for a moment, forming a reply. The 'Dusk Syndicate' didn't seem like the right place for Timid. She didn't seem like she belonged in the middle of a group of so-called evil cats. Fennec watched her shake for a moment, no way was Timid supposed to be part of a Syndicate like that."You don't seem so ruthless. And to me, it seems like those Syndicate Cats are using you. If it were me, I wouldn't go back. Why should you? You obviously hate that place." He nodded no finish off his sentence.

But Fennec knew what Timid felt like- well, possibly knew. All his life he had wanted to leave the place his mother and father had Called his home, but he was scared if he and his sisters would, his parents would come back and find him. There would've been sever consequences to that particular action: if they were caught. Was that wa sTimis was feeling now? Afraid the Dusk Syndicate would punish her for leaving? Fennec remembered the day he left, well, was more dragged out by Holly. His parents were hunting, it was after what happened to Swift, and Holly took off after saying those words to him... Fennec followed her, and after it happened, he just left. It was almost days later when he fully realized he had left his life behind. It was about a moon or two when he settled down here. He had only been under his ferns since new-leaf.

He looked at Timid, "it's better to leave and not think about it. If that place scares you and you despise it, you shouldn't go back. Trust me, it's better that way."

Timid felt her ears perk up at him as she glanced back up at him with a small smile. His ears were quite as large as a fennec fox, that definitely gave it away as to why he was named after them, and his pelt color was another hint. She still thought it was cool though--his name. It made him appear fearless, but when others heard her name? They could already tell what she was. And, wonder what her timid state brought.

She flicked her ears upon hearing his words. Yet, he was right. She didn’t belong there, but it was the only place she knew. Besides the twoleg place, and that was definitely not the place she wanted to be. Timid didn’t know what she wanted. She was quite indecisive, and she felt comfortable at the tom’s words. But, she also knew he wouldn’t understand why she couldn’t leave. Well, she could leave, but she didn’t have the courage to. She wasn’t like him. She could hunt. She wasn’t a bad hunter, but who would protect her when danger lurked around? Timid could not fight. She knew she would not survive on her own. She was only taught to hunt, and that’s what she lived for.

The small golden cat got to her paws, shifting uncomfortably under the green grass that felt comfortable to her paws. ‘’It’s not that easy.’’ She said, folding her ears back. Of course, she knew she was being used by the fighters. Every one of the hunters were. They were only there to bring food, so their fighters would strengthen up, prepare for another battle if needed. ‘’Do I look like I can be feared?’’ She snorted in amusement, almost laughing but stopping herself. Timid knew she would be anything except Ruthless, and all the synonyms that followed along the word. She had no type of strength in her. She was scared of everything. Everyone knew this, but she was one of the sweetest cats around. Yet, she had no protection, so she tried to keep herself hidden from the hawk’s eye.

‘’I wish I can leave,’’ She looked at him once again, her green eyes softened. ‘’But...I really don’t want to talk about it. If I don’t get back with some type of catch, I’m a goner.’’ She huffed. She was ready to walk further away, but at his voice and his words, Timid pinned her ears once again to her head. He sounded like he knew where she was coming from. She wanted to ask about his past, but figured she would be too nosy in doing so, so she kept her maw shut. ‘’If I don’t go back, where you think I’ll call home?’’ She asked. She couldn’t just up and leave the Syndicate without knowing where she would go.

Badly, the she cat felt that she could trust the tom, but trust was a delicate thing. Easy to lose, hard to gain. Timid was from the Syndicate. She didn’t trust any cat, but she took his words in consideration. Looking back, the she cat could see the hounds of trees, knitted close together creating somewhat of a dark place, of fallen shadows. That’s where she needed to head back, but not now. ‘’Um...what type of prey runs around here? Do you mind if I hunted here to bring something back?’’ She asked, trying to remain polite. Her voice was always soft, sweet, and kind. Especially generous. She had hoped the tom would be nice enough to allow her to hunt on his territory. She knew territory was scarce, and cats didn’t like the fact of sharing. But, she was desperate. Desperate to hold on to a life she wished she wasn’t living.

Beam July 15th, 2017 11:01 AM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 321266)

Timid felt her ears perk up at him as she glanced back up at him with a small smile. His ears were quite as large as a fennec fox, that definitely gave it away as to why he was named after them, and his pelt color was another hint. She still thought it was cool though--his name. It made him appear fearless, but when others heard her name? They could already tell what she was. And, wonder what her timid state brought.

She flicked her ears upon hearing his words. Yet, he was right. She didn’t belong there, but it was the only place she knew. Besides the twoleg place, and that was definitely not the place she wanted to be. Timid didn’t know what she wanted. She was quite indecisive, and she felt comfortable at the tom’s words. But, she also knew he wouldn’t understand why she couldn’t leave. Well, she could leave, but she didn’t have the courage to. She wasn’t like him. She could hunt. She wasn’t a bad hunter, but who would protect her when danger lurked around? Timid could not fight. She knew she would not survive on her own. She was only taught to hunt, and that’s what she lived for.

The small golden cat got to her paws, shifting uncomfortably under the green grass that felt comfortable to her paws. ‘’It’s not that easy.’’ She said, folding her ears back. Of course, she knew she was being used by the fighters. Every one of the hunters were. They were only there to bring food, so their fighters would strengthen up, prepare for another battle if needed. ‘’Do I look like I can be feared?’’ She snorted in amusement, almost laughing but stopping herself. Timid knew she would be anything except Ruthless, and all the synonyms that followed along the word. She had no type of strength in her. She was scared of everything. Everyone knew this, but she was one of the sweetest cats around. Yet, she had no protection, so she tried to keep herself hidden from the hawk’s eye.

‘’I wish I can leave,’’ She looked at him once again, her green eyes softened. ‘’But...I really don’t want to talk about it. If I don’t get back with some type of catch, I’m a goner.’’ She huffed. She was ready to walk further away, but at his voice and his words, Timid pinned her ears once again to her head. He sounded like he knew where she was coming from. She wanted to ask about his past, but figured she would be too nosy in doing so, so she kept her maw shut. ‘’If I don’t go back, where you think I’ll call home?’’ She asked. She couldn’t just up and leave the Syndicate without knowing where she would go.

Badly, the she cat felt that she could trust the tom, but trust was a delicate thing. Easy to lose, hard to gain. Timid was from the Syndicate. She didn’t trust any cat, but she took his words in consideration. Looking back, the she cat could see the hounds of trees, knitted close together creating somewhat of a dark place, of fallen shadows. That’s where she needed to head back, but not now. ‘’Um...what type of prey runs around here? Do you mind if I hunted here to bring something back?’’ She asked, trying to remain polite. Her voice was always soft, sweet, and kind. Especially generous. She had hoped the tom would be nice enough to allow her to hunt on his territory. She knew territory was scarce, and cats didn’t like the fact of sharing. But, she was desperate. Desperate to hold on to a life she wished she wasn’t living.

(oh my gosh you're like the best writer I've ever seen how do you write so well?!:0)
Fennec's ears shifted back as Timid replied. Of course it wasn't easy, that's why it was better not to think about it. But he understood where she was coming from, Fennec had gotten a big distraction from keeping his mind from dwelling over the fact he just left. His lips curling into a small smile as Timid spoke again. He tilted his head, she may have a point there, she seemed to have no scars which suggested she hadn't been in a fight. But still, he couldn't say you could be feared by fights you've been in: maybe Timid was really scary at times, Fennec just didn't know.

Fennec froze when Timid's soft green eyes looked at him again. He had never really looked at her irises up close before. So, his first thought was that her eye color was strikingly pretty: it reminded him of pine needles, in a way.. he shook his head slightly to get him to refocus, but the image of her eyes were still nagging in his head. "But what if you just simply don't go backwithout a catch. Timid, you clearly hate that Dusk Syndicate place."his voice was too rushed and desperate, he cringed as he realized what he must sound like, so he tried to double back and explain [B"]Look, you seem like a nice cat, so I don't want you to suffer while you regret not taking your chance to escape the Syndicate"[/B] His gaze flickered around around, an awkward feeling blossoming in his chest.

His head quickly swiveled to catch what Timid was saying. He frowned: he had no idea where he was going when he left, he sort of just stumbled his way through. "I didn't know where to go. I just found this place. I live here now. I bet you could find a place on your own, too." he nodded, a thought floating into his mind that made his ears fall back slightly. He resisted the urge to speak again, and just listened to what Timid had to say.

He sighed when Timid asked him her question; to be honest, he was slightly disappointed. Timid was practically insisting on getting back to a life she didn't like."Everything, really. I guess I don't mind." his usual sarcastic-tinged tone was flatter and less upbeat. He glanced back at Timid, slowly getting to his paws to walk the short distance back to his home.The previous thought swirled in his mind momentarily. He cleared his throat as a blushing-like feeling spread throughout him. "Well, also, you could always, um...stay with me?"He looked down at his paws quickly, the words just kind of slipped out of his mouth. Slowly he rose his gaze to see Timid's reaction.

He had previously always shared his home with either his parents or siblings, so this whole 'living alone' style was new for him. It wouldn't hurt to have some company, right? Fennec swallowed his awkward feeling, and tried to stand up straighter, his four paws flexing to make small marks in the ground. Just for a small emphasis as well as he was practically stumbling over every thought and action he had and did, he flashed a small smile back to Timid.

Brilliance July 17th, 2017 01:52 PM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Beam (Post 321662)
(oh my gosh you're like the best writer I've ever seen how do you write so well?!:0)
Fennec's ears shifted back as Timid replied. Of course it wasn't easy, that's why it was better not to think about it. But he understood where she was coming from, Fennec had gotten a big distraction from keeping his mind from dwelling over the fact he just left. His lips curling into a small smile as Timid spoke again. He tilted his head, she may have a point there, she seemed to have no scars which suggested she hadn't been in a fight. But still, he couldn't say you could be feared by fights you've been in: maybe Timid was really scary at times, Fennec just didn't know.

Fennec froze when Timid's soft green eyes looked at him again. He had never really looked at her irises up close before. So, his first thought was that her eye color was strikingly pretty: it reminded him of pine needles, in a way.. he shook his head slightly to get him to refocus, but the image of her eyes were still nagging in his head. "But what if you just simply don't go backwithout a catch. Timid, you clearly hate that Dusk Syndicate place."his voice was too rushed and desperate, he cringed as he realized what he must sound like, so he tried to double back and explain [B"]Look, you seem like a nice cat, so I don't want you to suffer while you regret not taking your chance to escape the Syndicate"[/B] His gaze flickered around around, an awkward feeling blossoming in his chest.

His head quickly swiveled to catch what Timid was saying. He frowned: he had no idea where he was going when he left, he sort of just stumbled his way through. "I didn't know where to go. I just found this place. I live here now. I bet you could find a place on your own, too." he nodded, a thought floating into his mind that made his ears fall back slightly. He resisted the urge to speak again, and just listened to what Timid had to say.

He sighed when Timid asked him her question; to be honest, he was slightly disappointed. Timid was practically insisting on getting back to a life she didn't like."Everything, really. I guess I don't mind." his usual sarcastic-tinged tone was flatter and less upbeat. He glanced back at Timid, slowly getting to his paws to walk the short distance back to his home.The previous thought swirled in his mind momentarily. He cleared his throat as a blushing-like feeling spread throughout him. "Well, also, you could always, um...stay with me?"He looked down at his paws quickly, the words just kind of slipped out of his mouth. Slowly he rose his gaze to see Timid's reaction.

He had previously always shared his home with either his parents or siblings, so this whole 'living alone' style was new for him. It wouldn't hurt to have some company, right? Fennec swallowed his awkward feeling, and tried to stand up straighter, his four paws flexing to make small marks in the ground. Just for a small emphasis as well as he was practically stumbling over every thought and action he had and did, he flashed a small smile back to Timid.

{Awwww thank you :heartbounce: I LOVE your writing style c; There's a lot of great writers on here, and as you get used to writing, it just develops even more <3 }

Timid felt her ears lay flat against her head. She avoided staring at the tom for the simple fact; she knew he was right, but she also know the battles when it came to living in such an inferno place. The disgrace the cats lived in, and the way they were treated. Everyone was an inferior. Her, especially. Though the commander and the guards were given the highest respect. In all honesty, she felt that he was showing genuine care. That he knew this place was bad, and he was urging her to get away. Timid almost smiled. The key word being; almost. Instead she perked her ears and listened to his words. She found comfort at first, but her nose scrunched up. Why did it sound like he was begging her to not go back? His voice held a desperate edge to it, one that Timid failed to understand for a second. Why did he care if she wanted to go back or...upon his next words, she did understand. He thought she was a nice cat. Too nice to be in a place like that. Though Timid didn't choose that place. It was where she was left to die, but luck brought her to be raised there. Luck...bad luck.

“Well...it's a very strict place...I don't think you would understand.” She shook her head once more, getting to her paws as she continued to observe her surroundings. One thing she was good at? Scenting prey. Predicting what type of animals lingered around in this lush gorgeous piece of land. At first she held her muzzle in the air, getting a whiff of the wind just to make sure the wind wouldn't blow her scent towards any other prey. She had high hopes before she returned back to the Syndicate. She was scared that they might run her off, scare her more than she already was, or even nip at her incessantly with their sharp teeth. That would hurt her, make her even more obedient than she already was. Timid was a helper. When she was given a break from hunting, she often found herself in the healer’s den to help her friend Ryker. He always had been kind to her. Shown her that she had nothing to be afraid of whenever she was with him. She wished the other cats of the Syndicate was more like him. ‘’It’s more about law and order. We follow a strict code so no one has to suffer...but we do everyday. And, I’m scared to leave!’’ Her large eyes appeared widen, her pupils dilating. That was the truth. She was a coward to leave the Syndicate--because what if there was a place much worse than the Syndicate that she stumbled upon? With her ears flattened to her head, the she cat looked down, holding a miserable gaze as her soft paw pads stood upon the delicate dirt. ‘’Until you lived in the Syndicate, you would understand what I mean…’’ her voice was hollow, trailing off as she thought about past events. Living in a life of constant trauma brought her into a rough state of depression, but she knew how to hide it well. Fennec didn’t live in the Syndicate, and she hoped he never would. Even though he seemed to have a rough edge to him, she wouldn’t want him to live in a place that is constant darkness, and having superiors think for you because you are simple puppet following instructions.

At his next words, the she cat seemed to brighten up for a second. She engaged in her surroundings, the fresh scents filling her nostrils. She loved every bit of this place, and it was her first time stumbling across it. She was quite distracted chasing that bird. Birds were a treat within the Syndicate. They hardly come into that dark place. Timid had been determined to catch it. Only...she lost it, and perhaps found something better. A friend...is that what she wanted to call him? ‘’You sure do live in a mighty gorgeous place!’’ She turned back to look at him, giving off a genuine smile. ‘’I wish I could live in a place like this...but, not every cat gets lucky.’’ That was the truth, and this was what Timid knew. She seen cats die, many like herself because they were weak. Timid chose the path to be a hunter, where she would be valued because she caught prey, but those weaklings who wanted to be a fighter? Who had the much courage, the confidence that they would be strong. She even saw a queen kill her own kit because it was a runt. The Syndicate was a...rough place, but it was all that she had known, and she was scared to leave it because she knew that there might be a place much worse than where she was now.

The tom had given her permission to hunt in his territory, and she was grateful for that. She purred at this, and almost instantly began trying to follow a trail. Or, locate anything in the area. She was hoping to find a bird. Perhaps, a starling? Or, did she want a finch? Maybe even a lapwing. A bird sounded tasty, even if she wouldn’t be allowed to eat it, but once she held it in her mouth, she would feel satisfied of the juices coming onto her maw. Timid was ready to take off, get her catch and go back before they noticed she was gone too long, but his next words had caught her--completely off guard. ‘’Stay?’’ She tilted her head, staring up at him with her dark irises. ‘’...With you?’’ Would she really want to stay in a place...such as this? It was beautiful here, but she was still frightened. The Syndicate were hounds, they’ll locate anyone that gone astray. ‘’I don’t know.’’ She felt her whiskers twitching. It was a huge proposal, and one that she felt her heart stopping for a moment. She always had problems with deciding something. She always felt that she would make the wrong decision, but wouldn’t she be much safer with Fennec? Or, what if it was the complete opposite. What if she were a complete burden to him? The she cat staggered backwards for a second upon the thought. ‘’I don’t want to be a regret. It’s so beautiful here--you probably want it to yourself.’’ Her gaze lingered on him as she caught sight of his eyes. ‘’Though I would love it if you showed me around,’’ She tilted he head once more at him. Getting to know the place seemed like a lot of fun to her. Such a beautiful place that she would love to remember. Perhaps...maybe, I’ll change my mind.

Beam July 17th, 2017 09:12 PM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 323553)

{Awwww thank you :heartbounce: I LOVE your writing style c; There's a lot of great writers on here, and as you get used to writing, it just develops even more <3 }

Timid felt her ears lay flat against her head. She avoided staring at the tom for the simple fact; she knew he was right, but she also know the battles when it came to living in such an inferno place. The disgrace the cats lived in, and the way they were treated. Everyone was an inferior. Her, especially. Though the commander and the guards were given the highest respect. In all honesty, she felt that he was showing genuine care. That he knew this place was bad, and he was urging her to get away. Timid almost smiled. The key word being; almost. Instead she perked her ears and listened to his words. She found comfort at first, but her nose scrunched up. Why did it sound like he was begging her to not go back? His voice held a desperate edge to it, one that Timid failed to understand for a second. Why did he care if she wanted to go back or...upon his next words, she did understand. He thought she was a nice cat. Too nice to be in a place like that. Though Timid didn't choose that place. It was where she was left to die, but luck brought her to be raised there. Luck...bad luck.

“Well...it's a very strict place...I don't think you would understand.” She shook her head once more, getting to her paws as she continued to observe her surroundings. One thing she was good at? Scenting prey. Predicting what type of animals lingered around in this lush gorgeous piece of land. At first she held her muzzle in the air, getting a whiff of the wind just to make sure the wind wouldn't blow her scent towards any other prey. She had high hopes before she returned back to the Syndicate. She was scared that they might run her off, scare her more than she already was, or even nip at her incessantly with their sharp teeth. That would hurt her, make her even more obedient than she already was. Timid was a helper. When she was given a break from hunting, she often found herself in the healer’s den to help her friend Ryker. He always had been kind to her. Shown her that she had nothing to be afraid of whenever she was with him. She wished the other cats of the Syndicate was more like him. ‘’It’s more about law and order. We follow a strict code so no one has to suffer...but we do everyday. And, I’m scared to leave!’’ Her large eyes appeared widen, her pupils dilating. That was the truth. She was a coward to leave the Syndicate--because what if there was a place much worse than the Syndicate that she stumbled upon? With her ears flattened to her head, the she cat looked down, holding a miserable gaze as her soft paw pads stood upon the delicate dirt. ‘’Until you lived in the Syndicate, you would understand what I mean…’’ her voice was hollow, trailing off as she thought about past events. Living in a life of constant trauma brought her into a rough state of depression, but she knew how to hide it well. Fennec didn’t live in the Syndicate, and she hoped he never would. Even though he seemed to have a rough edge to him, she wouldn’t want him to live in a place that is constant darkness, and having superiors think for you because you are simple puppet following instructions.

At his next words, the she cat seemed to brighten up for a second. She engaged in her surroundings, the fresh scents filling her nostrils. She loved every bit of this place, and it was her first time stumbling across it. She was quite distracted chasing that bird. Birds were a treat within the Syndicate. They hardly come into that dark place. Timid had been determined to catch it. Only...she lost it, and perhaps found something better. A friend...is that what she wanted to call him? ‘’You sure do live in a mighty gorgeous place!’’ She turned back to look at him, giving off a genuine smile. ‘’I wish I could live in a place like this...but, not every cat gets lucky.’’ That was the truth, and this was what Timid knew. She seen cats die, many like herself because they were weak. Timid chose the path to be a hunter, where she would be valued because she caught prey, but those weaklings who wanted to be a fighter? Who had the much courage, the confidence that they would be strong. She even saw a queen kill her own kit because it was a runt. The Syndicate was a...rough place, but it was all that she had known, and she was scared to leave it because she knew that there might be a place much worse than where she was now.

The tom had given her permission to hunt in his territory, and she was grateful for that. She purred at this, and almost instantly began trying to follow a trail. Or, locate anything in the area. She was hoping to find a bird. Perhaps, a starling? Or, did she want a finch? Maybe even a lapwing. A bird sounded tasty, even if she wouldn’t be allowed to eat it, but once she held it in her mouth, she would feel satisfied of the juices coming onto her maw. Timid was ready to take off, get her catch and go back before they noticed she was gone too long, but his next words had caught her--completely off guard. ‘’Stay?’’ She tilted her head, staring up at him with her dark irises. ‘’...With you?’’ Would she really want to stay in a place...such as this? It was beautiful here, but she was still frightened. The Syndicate were hounds, they’ll locate anyone that gone astray. ‘’I don’t know.’’ She felt her whiskers twitching. It was a huge proposal, and one that she felt her heart stopping for a moment. She always had problems with deciding something. She always felt that she would make the wrong decision, but wouldn’t she be much safer with Fennec? Or, what if it was the complete opposite. What if she were a complete burden to him? The she cat staggered backwards for a second upon the thought. ‘’I don’t want to be a regret. It’s so beautiful here--you probably want it to yourself.’’ Her gaze lingered on him as she caught sight of his eyes. ‘’Though I would love it if you showed me around,’’ She tilted he head once more at him. Getting to know the place seemed like a lot of fun to her. Such a beautiful place that she would love to remember. Perhaps...maybe, I’ll change my mind.

Fennec frowned, knowing that Timid was right. He didn't understand the Syndicate, why should he be asking? All he imagine din his head were dark, showing trees and a red and black misty gloom cast over a tumble of brambles bordering a clearing. The cats, well, he imagined torn ears and scars and missing eyes. One person ordering everyone around and forcing Timid to hunt for them. He shivered at the thought, if Fennec were to ever step foot in that place, he felt like he wouldn't last a day without getting punished or whatnot, more of his temper than his strength. He was just one of the lucky ones living in the forest.

Well, not entirely lucky. His childhood was rough. Watching his mother grow into something evil after what she did. Fennec would've forgiven his mom for her sudden outburst that started it all, but she was like a pebble and a mountainside, one little fleck of a rock ca cascade down and knock bigger ricks down until the whole mountain was a thundering avalanche. Where was Fennec in the middle of that avalanche, though? he was buried underneath, very shallow though, and the rocks shifted of him to move out. That was lucky: he had a clear escape. But still, the scars were still there and the memories were still fresh.

When Timid spoke again, he felt a sense of empathy. Anyone was scared to leave a place they called home. Including him. He was speechless for this matter, he couldn't say 'you shouldn't be scared', because he was getting fear of the Syndicate just by verbally hearing about it, Timid should be scared. But that didn't hep. He couldn't say 'then don't leave', because timid deserved mor ethen to be bosses around by an evil leader. Instead, he just nodded, "I understand."

Fennec's ears perked up when Timid's voice hung in the air again. His tail curled when she complimented him. He beamed at the smile she gave him, and returned it back to her, trying to look genuinely happy and friendly. His smile came more naturally when Timid wished she lived here: that gave her a perfect reason to accept his hospitality. Fennec didn't know why, but because Timid needed a home, he practically handed her his whole shelter. His tail Then suddenly fell flat again when she commented on how lucky he was.

Like he had thought of before: he wasn't really lucky. He had stumbled upon this place. It seemed heavenly, and he usually took the views for granted. Yes, it was a place to live, but why he was there: he had left his past behind him. Though every night he saw the faces of his family happy and smiling, until he got to the point in his train of thought that they were grimacing, or shouting in pain, or scared, or frightening. Luck was a delicate thing, sometimes karma counted as luck, sometime people were just lucky, others were just not. He had a bad past, he got to live here without anything but his mind to remind him of his family. Some cats got everything. They were perfect. Others, for some reason, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time and became miserable. With all these counters in his head, Fennec just declared himself normal. His younger ages were unlucky, yet his older were looking towards a silver lining. Neutrally Facing All The Bad Luck.

Fennec felt his blushing feeling return when Timid responded to his prompt. Fennec kept calm, nodding when he needed to. His hopes started to slowly build up every time Timid paused and spoke. The more timid stared at him with her green irises the more nervous he got; as well as eager for the answer. His hoped dropped a few levels when Timid answered, "Oh. Okay.." He trailed off awkwardly. He had no idea of how to continue the conversation without looking like a total fool, so he stayed silent after that. He placed a regular, welcoming, and ambiguous expression on his face, even though he felt a little disappointed, Timid still could say yes to him.

He bit his lip. Why was he so desperate for Timid to stay with him? Evidently, he was doing a deed for a cat in need. Yet he felt desperate, why did he want Timid to stay with him so badly? He inhaled, he had no idea why. He would just leave it at that.

"It such a big area, Timid."He replied. Did he want this place all to himself? He twitch this whiskers and peered at Timid welcomingly, his eyes relaxed and his tail tip curling, "I don't want it all to myself, all the other cats around should have a piece too."he paused for a moment, taking in the sunlit pine trees and the almost glowing flora around him. Timid was right, this place was beautiful. Fennec had a jolt of surprise as Timid's eyes found his for a second; his ears perked up and he felt his tail wave.

"Of course ill show you around." he purred, maybe if she saw the territory, she'd want to stay and accept his hospitality offer, "You'll love it." He stood on his four paws, his tail sweeping behind him as he started to slowly walk in the direction of the aspen trees that were commonly littered around the territory. He watched Timid for her next response. It could be just this tour of the territory that could convince her to leave the syndicate. This small thing could make her life better, like the flap of a butterfly's wings could cause or cease a hurricane. It was possibly the small things that could affect Timid's life, and Fennec wanted it to be a positive event.

Brilliance July 18th, 2017 01:14 PM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Beam (Post 324191)
Fennec frowned, knowing that Timid was right. He didn't understand the Syndicate, why should he be asking? All he imagine din his head were dark, showing trees and a red and black misty gloom cast over a tumble of brambles bordering a clearing. The cats, well, he imagined torn ears and scars and missing eyes. One person ordering everyone around and forcing Timid to hunt for them. He shivered at the thought, if Fennec were to ever step foot in that place, he felt like he wouldn't last a day without getting punished or whatnot, more of his temper than his strength. He was just one of the lucky ones living in the forest.

Well, not entirely lucky. His childhood was rough. Watching his mother grow into something evil after what she did. Fennec would've forgiven his mom for her sudden outburst that started it all, but she was like a pebble and a mountainside, one little fleck of a rock ca cascade down and knock bigger ricks down until the whole mountain was a thundering avalanche. Where was Fennec in the middle of that avalanche, though? he was buried underneath, very shallow though, and the rocks shifted of him to move out. That was lucky: he had a clear escape. But still, the scars were still there and the memories were still fresh.

When Timid spoke again, he felt a sense of empathy. Anyone was scared to leave a place they called home. Including him. He was speechless for this matter, he couldn't say 'you shouldn't be scared', because he was getting fear of the Syndicate just by verbally hearing about it, Timid should be scared. But that didn't hep. He couldn't say 'then don't leave', because timid deserved mor ethen to be bosses around by an evil leader. Instead, he just nodded, "I understand."

Fennec's ears perked up when Timid's voice hung in the air again. His tail curled when she complimented him. He beamed at the smile she gave him, and returned it back to her, trying to look genuinely happy and friendly. His smile came more naturally when Timid wished she lived here: that gave her a perfect reason to accept his hospitality. Fennec didn't know why, but because Timid needed a home, he practically handed her his whole shelter. His tail Then suddenly fell flat again when she commented on how lucky he was.

Like he had thought of before: he wasn't really lucky. He had stumbled upon this place. It seemed heavenly, and he usually took the views for granted. Yes, it was a place to live, but why he was there: he had left his past behind him. Though every night he saw the faces of his family happy and smiling, until he got to the point in his train of thought that they were grimacing, or shouting in pain, or scared, or frightening. Luck was a delicate thing, sometimes karma counted as luck, sometime people were just lucky, others were just not. He had a bad past, he got to live here without anything but his mind to remind him of his family. Some cats got everything. They were perfect. Others, for some reason, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time and became miserable. With all these counters in his head, Fennec just declared himself normal. His younger ages were unlucky, yet his older were looking towards a silver lining. Neutrally Facing All The Bad Luck.

Fennec felt his blushing feeling return when Timid responded to his prompt. Fennec kept calm, nodding when he needed to. His hopes started to slowly build up every time Timid paused and spoke. The more timid stared at him with her green irises the more nervous he got; as well as eager for the answer. His hoped dropped a few levels when Timid answered, "Oh. Okay.." He trailed off awkwardly. He had no idea of how to continue the conversation without looking like a total fool, so he stayed silent after that. He placed a regular, welcoming, and ambiguous expression on his face, even though he felt a little disappointed, Timid still could say yes to him.

He bit his lip. Why was he so desperate for Timid to stay with him? Evidently, he was doing a deed for a cat in need. Yet he felt desperate, why did he want Timid to stay with him so badly? He inhaled, he had no idea why. He would just leave it at that.

"It such a big area, Timid."He replied. Did he want this place all to himself? He twitch this whiskers and peered at Timid welcomingly, his eyes relaxed and his tail tip curling, "I don't want it all to myself, all the other cats around should have a piece too."he paused for a moment, taking in the sunlit pine trees and the almost glowing flora around him. Timid was right, this place was beautiful. Fennec had a jolt of surprise as Timid's eyes found his for a second; his ears perked up and he felt his tail wave.

"Of course ill show you around." he purred, maybe if she saw the territory, she'd want to stay and accept his hospitality offer, "You'll love it." He stood on his four paws, his tail sweeping behind him as he started to slowly walk in the direction of the aspen trees that were commonly littered around the territory. He watched Timid for her next response. It could be just this tour of the territory that could convince her to leave the syndicate. This small thing could make her life better, like the flap of a butterfly's wings could cause or cease a hurricane. It was possibly the small things that could affect Timid's life, and Fennec wanted it to be a positive event.

Timid hopped on her paws to scramble after him. She did want to see this territory, and no way did she want to be left behind. Timid didn't like being alone. She always feared that something might jump out at her or snatch her up. Anything worse that could happen. Timid was an extreme sweetheart--never would even hurt a fly, though this contradicts with her prey hunting. Since she proved to be excelled in hunting. The she cat hates taking life from creatures, and every time she was successful at catching something, she prayed to thank for the food. Now, the Syndicate did not believe in Starclan, but Timid liked to believe that there was a higher power. She wanted to believe in Starclan because Starclan, or whatever greater power had kept her alive when she could had died so many times. Under the glare of that strong fighter, in the jaws of that ungrateful queen, or even minor hunting accidents when she sprained her hind paw one time. As far as Timid knew, she was blessed. “I'm excited to see this place!” She managed to walk slowly next to him, making sure to follow him, but her eyes never left the scenery. The beautiful scenery that laid around them.

The she cat flicked her tail, continuing to walk alongside Fennec. She found every aspect of the sun’s light to be beautiful as it hit their surroundings. She found everything to be simply stunning, and she wished she held this piece to her life. But, if I stayed, surely someone would be looking for me? That's what she was scared about. Timid didn't want anyone hurt, and Syndicate cats looking for her was never good. Timid knew how to stay out of trouble. And, if she were in the inevitable trouble, she would know how to hide from it. It was a big area. That was something she could see clearly. “All this territory and you would want to sure this place?” Her voice was squealing, on a high pitched note than her original sounding, but she always got like that when she was excited. “I would never share this!” She exclaimed, which had been the actual truth. She did not notice the enthusiasm in her voice for the hostile indication. Possibly, she sounded rude. “I suppose that's the Syndicate talking in me,” she shook her head vigorously. “Those cats don't like to share. At all. No food. No nest. No anything, unless its claws, and they're swiping it against your face. That's the only thing they would share. The drama and the violence.” Unconsciously, the small cat unsheathed her claws. They were dull at the moment, not very sharp, so she relied on the softness of her paws to lock her prey and catch it. A Timid thought about sharpening them against a tree, but she was afraid they would hurt.

Shaking her head once more to rid her thoughts, the feline bounced forward, her small paws keeping at a trot. Greenery lands, the sun shining in just the right places, and as she continued walking, a strong scent of squirrel flared upon her, and the feline tensed up for a moment. Squirrel would be the perfect meal to bring back to the Syndicate--truly another piece of luxury the Syndicate hardly ever had. On the other hand, Timid felt that she didn't want to go back, yet she still was not convinced. She was confused. Very indecisive, and always feared for the worst. It was contradicting how this feline wanted to be a brightness for everyone, yet she carried a high pessimistic nature to her. Usually coming from her frightened state, and being raised in the Syndicate. She was taught to never think for herself, and simply hunt. Or, when the time came, to be taken in as a mate to bear future hunters or fighters in the Syndicate. The thought repulsed Timid. She hardly thought about the future, whether it would come to be. She tried to stay focused on the present because this was where her time landed. Time that would be wasted when thinking of the future. Or, even the past.

“How, did you ever even find this place?” She asked, turning to look at him. She was a curious cat, wanting to learn much about her new friend. He was kind. She liked him. He wasn't hounding her down, or being bossy with her, or even nipping at her when she did something wrong. He was showing her his home--the home he'd been willing to share. “Where do you even sleep? And, how is the weather here? Does it snow?” She shivered, her voice light. Timid didn't like the cold. Whenever the snow did come she would bury herself deep in a hole to maintain warmth. Another thing that the syndicate cats never shared. “Do twolegs come around here? Other cats?” Now, she was rambling, asking every question that erupted in her mind. And, it was getting closer to one question that she was begging to ask him: Where do you come from?

Timid wondered what was his backstory. He was young, living on his own. She figured at his age that he would have parents nearby, but she didn't see anyone. As far as she knew, they were the only two here. She was positive that she would be able to scent another cat if they were nearby, but nope. She was still near Fennec, lightly brushing her pelt against his. Even in a place as gorgeous as this, she was still quite...Timid. “Are there anything we should be worried about? Like sicknesses or diseases? Predators?” Her voice was shaky, her shivering state more heavy, as she leaned in closer to him. Her gaze caught sight of every movement, hearing the sound of the birds callings, or the insects croaking. “You don't have healers here. How do you even get better without someone helping you?” Back in the Syndicate, her own friend was a healer. Ryker was a young one, learning still. Not that much older than this tom beside her, actually. “Ryker is a healer. He's very kind to me, and he always helped me feel better whenever I was sick.” She softly, said. “I always hung out with him whenever I wasn't sent to hunt, and learned a few things from observing him.” She smiled at the fond memories. Ryker was literally the only cat that she would find herself next to, believing that he could be the one to protect her. Yet, Ryker had one eye and duties to tend to than play bodyguard to a scaredy cat.

“It must be lonely out here for you, right?” He was the only cat she came across, no hint or scent of a passerby. She wrinkled her nose, maybe that was why he invited her to stay with him. Well, apart of it. He thought she was a nice cat to be living in the Syndicate. And, it still made the young she cat’s heart flutter slightly. She never really received compliments within the Syndicate. Nice compliments, that is. Though there were the multiple occasionally flirting crew that loved to tease her. Something that Timid hated, yet she was afraid of them. Of course, they were fighters, so she never did anything to taunt them or ignore them. That would only make them even more angry, and as for Timid? She preferred to walk away without the bruises. Yet, this tom was showing her utter kindness, and it made her happy that she could feel appreciated. And, she thanked him for that, thinking that she should live with him. Live with him until it was discovered that she was gone. She could live with him and grow a deep friendship. Maybe, that was something they both could like. One less lonely cat…

Yet, there were always something to worry about. And, what they thought would be a cloudless blue day, anything could strike. A rain storm like no other. Timid was afraid of what could happen, or the consequences that would follow. And, here she was. Still debating on what she wanted to do.

Beam July 21st, 2017 03:22 PM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 324768)

Timid hopped on her paws to scramble after him. She did want to see this territory, and no way did she want to be left behind. Timid didn't like being alone. She always feared that something might jump out at her or snatch her up. Anything worse that could happen. Timid was an extreme sweetheart--never would even hurt a fly, though this contradicts with her prey hunting. Since she proved to be excelled in hunting. The she cat hates taking life from creatures, and every time she was successful at catching something, she prayed to thank for the food. Now, the Syndicate did not believe in Starclan, but Timid liked to believe that there was a higher power. She wanted to believe in Starclan because Starclan, or whatever greater power had kept her alive when she could had died so many times. Under the glare of that strong fighter, in the jaws of that ungrateful queen, or even minor hunting accidents when she sprained her hind paw one time. As far as Timid knew, she was blessed. “I'm excited to see this place!” She managed to walk slowly next to him, making sure to follow him, but her eyes never left the scenery. The beautiful scenery that laid around them.

The she cat flicked her tail, continuing to walk alongside Fennec. She found every aspect of the sun’s light to be beautiful as it hit their surroundings. She found everything to be simply stunning, and she wished she held this piece to her life. But, if I stayed, surely someone would be looking for me? That's what she was scared about. Timid didn't want anyone hurt, and Syndicate cats looking for her was never good. Timid knew how to stay out of trouble. And, if she were in the inevitable trouble, she would know how to hide from it. It was a big area. That was something she could see clearly. “All this territory and you would want to sure this place?” Her voice was squealing, on a high pitched note than her original sounding, but she always got like that when she was excited. “I would never share this!” She exclaimed, which had been the actual truth. She did not notice the enthusiasm in her voice for the hostile indication. Possibly, she sounded rude. “I suppose that's the Syndicate talking in me,” she shook her head vigorously. “Those cats don't like to share. At all. No food. No nest. No anything, unless its claws, and they're swiping it against your face. That's the only thing they would share. The drama and the violence.” Unconsciously, the small cat unsheathed her claws. They were dull at the moment, not very sharp, so she relied on the softness of her paws to lock her prey and catch it. A Timid thought about sharpening them against a tree, but she was afraid they would hurt.

Shaking her head once more to rid her thoughts, the feline bounced forward, her small paws keeping at a trot. Greenery lands, the sun shining in just the right places, and as she continued walking, a strong scent of squirrel flared upon her, and the feline tensed up for a moment. Squirrel would be the perfect meal to bring back to the Syndicate--truly another piece of luxury the Syndicate hardly ever had. On the other hand, Timid felt that she didn't want to go back, yet she still was not convinced. She was confused. Very indecisive, and always feared for the worst. It was contradicting how this feline wanted to be a brightness for everyone, yet she carried a high pessimistic nature to her. Usually coming from her frightened state, and being raised in the Syndicate. She was taught to never think for herself, and simply hunt. Or, when the time came, to be taken in as a mate to bear future hunters or fighters in the Syndicate. The thought repulsed Timid. She hardly thought about the future, whether it would come to be. She tried to stay focused on the present because this was where her time landed. Time that would be wasted when thinking of the future. Or, even the past.

“How, did you ever even find this place?” She asked, turning to look at him. She was a curious cat, wanting to learn much about her new friend. He was kind. She liked him. He wasn't hounding her down, or being bossy with her, or even nipping at her when she did something wrong. He was showing her his home--the home he'd been willing to share. “Where do you even sleep? And, how is the weather here? Does it snow?” She shivered, her voice light. Timid didn't like the cold. Whenever the snow did come she would bury herself deep in a hole to maintain warmth. Another thing that the syndicate cats never shared. “Do twolegs come around here? Other cats?” Now, she was rambling, asking every question that erupted in her mind. And, it was getting closer to one question that she was begging to ask him: Where do you come from?

Timid wondered what was his backstory. He was young, living on his own. She figured at his age that he would have parents nearby, but she didn't see anyone. As far as she knew, they were the only two here. She was positive that she would be able to scent another cat if they were nearby, but nope. She was still near Fennec, lightly brushing her pelt against his. Even in a place as gorgeous as this, she was still quite...Timid. “Are there anything we should be worried about? Like sicknesses or diseases? Predators?” Her voice was shaky, her shivering state more heavy, as she leaned in closer to him. Her gaze caught sight of every movement, hearing the sound of the birds callings, or the insects croaking. “You don't have healers here. How do you even get better without someone helping you?” Back in the Syndicate, her own friend was a healer. Ryker was a young one, learning still. Not that much older than this tom beside her, actually. “Ryker is a healer. He's very kind to me, and he always helped me feel better whenever I was sick.” She softly, said. “I always hung out with him whenever I wasn't sent to hunt, and learned a few things from observing him.” She smiled at the fond memories. Ryker was literally the only cat that she would find herself next to, believing that he could be the one to protect her. Yet, Ryker had one eye and duties to tend to than play bodyguard to a scaredy cat.

“It must be lonely out here for you, right?” He was the only cat she came across, no hint or scent of a passerby. She wrinkled her nose, maybe that was why he invited her to stay with him. Well, apart of it. He thought she was a nice cat to be living in the Syndicate. And, it still made the young she cat’s heart flutter slightly. She never really received compliments within the Syndicate. Nice compliments, that is. Though there were the multiple occasionally flirting crew that loved to tease her. Something that Timid hated, yet she was afraid of them. Of course, they were fighters, so she never did anything to taunt them or ignore them. That would only make them even more angry, and as for Timid? She preferred to walk away without the bruises. Yet, this tom was showing her utter kindness, and it made her happy that she could feel appreciated. And, she thanked him for that, thinking that she should live with him. Live with him until it was discovered that she was gone. She could live with him and grow a deep friendship. Maybe, that was something they both could like. One less lonely cat…

Yet, there were always something to worry about. And, what they thought would be a cloudless blue day, anything could strike. A rain storm like no other. Timid was afraid of what could happen, or the consequences that would follow. And, here she was. Still debating on what she wanted to do.

(I wrote this on mobile so I'm sorry if there's typos..) Fennec walked alongside Timid as she scanned the scenery. His tail hung straight out, but slightly more elevated: he guessed that he was pleased,but he never really controlled his tail anyways. After a few glances around of his own, looking at all the towering pines washed in sunlight, he looked back at Timid. For right now, he knew it was best to let her take it all in silently without him pointing out every little thing, looking at nature was always better with little to no talking at first. Instead of guiding her around vocally, he instead tried to mirror her pace, attempting to make his foot in synch with her foot, so they could have the same stride. Fennec could really never destroy that habit, but after he walked symmetrically to Timid's footsteps, he purposely skipped up and fell into his own steps.

Fennec remembered when he had first wandered alongside these very tree trunks. He was still in shock after the event that happened, so he didn't take in the scenery until the feelings passed, but everything was so sunny and green and welcoming. He pressed his pads deeper into the grass and the earth, Dew streaking the fur on his paws to make it darker. Fennec had always thought his fur looked extremely odd when it was wet. He turned a light brown, and in his reflection in the puddles always surprised him: it was like he was staring at another cat. Fennec jumped out of his wandering thoughts when Timid's voice rang out to him. Fennec tilted his head, he really wasn't sure of sharing. But he was positive he'd be okay if another cat was in this territory, if he cat was nice enough and didn't pick the tree right next to him. He had his spot, anyone could have theirs. Fennec cracked a smile when Timid spoke again, if Timid wanted to stay here, she would have to somewhat share with him. His ears pinned back to his skull when Timid apologized, he didn't like it, 'Syndicate' and Timid would never and should never be in the same sentence, it wasn't right. "There's no Syndicate in you, Timid." he voiced more quietly than he would usually speak. He couldn't see this golden green-eyed cat in a clan of bloodthirsty, scarred rouges. He could see Timid's vision. Unfriendly. Extremely Unfriendly. Even the name sounded unfriendly.

He purses his lips, he had a certain and sudden distaste for the Syndicate, and he didn't know why. No, he did know why, he just didn't want to admit it to himself. The Syndicate was practically a group full of his parents, well, his mother. Every single cat must've been like his mother, inflicting pain in ways he couldn't imagine. In a way, Fennec and Timid shared the same cats in their life.

Fennec's tail dropped when Timid asked another question. He found this places in the Ashes of a tragedy, running away accidentally from his past. From his Syndicate. He was almost going to ask Timid if it was okay to not reply, but then she asked other question. His answers could mask his first one. "I kind of just stumbled upon it." He replied as casually as he could, was his voice too scared? Was his voice to strong? He licked his lips and answered again, "I've only been here since new-leaf, I sleep under some ferns and a pine tree, so it's pretty nice and cool out here. I'm not sure if it snows here, but I'm guessing. Cause of the altitude." he paused for a moment and scanned the pines, usually, conifers grew in the mountains. But he guessed he was above sea level, that's why the pines we're here, and aspens. That meant there was water, which hinted snowfall. "Haven't seen a twoleg around these parts. A cat comes by once or twice."the only time he'd seen a twoleg was back at his old kithood shelter. Some would go by on these small, hard things with two circular, black, spinning things that carried them forward.And the only cat he'd seen recently here was Timid.

He couldn't help but feel a happy feeling spread throughout him as Timid's pelt brushed against his, he had earned her trust enough for her to, what?Use him for safety? He wasn't sure, but he knew it was good. He hid the glint in his eye when Timid said 'we', maybe this territory was convincing her. "Theres altitude sickness, but we're kinda lower. And no common predators, really"he mewed insulted, hoping Timid wouldn't start shaking in fear again, (I'm just going to base this territory off somewhere I know that has pine/aspen forests?:o) he decided not to mention the time he saw mountain lion tracks and a fox den when he first arrived, but that was months ago... "Well, there obviously the pine forest food chain, but I haven't seen anything really dangerous around here. Sometimes there's a herd of deer or elk. I've heard there's been moose and bison sightings. And a bear, but I don't believe that one." He winced, he probably shouldn't have brought up the time he heard of a beat walking through. Either way, black bears were way less dangerous than those "grizzly bears" passers were gossiping about, but he knew grizzly bears didn't live where he was.

Fennec looked at her in interest as she spoke of her healer friend Ryker. So after all there were good cats in the Syndicate, and Timid seemed to pick up some knowledge that could help him if he ever got hurt... of course, if Timid decided to stay in his little area.

Lonely. Fennec stayed world less for a few moments, running the word through his head. Lonely. He wouldn't be lonely if it weren't for the turn of events, he wouldn't be lonely if his mother never did her action, he wouldn't be lonely if His mother wouldnt have unsheathed her claws that day. Everything seemed really against him, determined to leave him lonely. He missed everyone, except for his mother. His father seemed okay, except for the part where he left the three kits in the time of need. Fennec swallowed and blinked, clearing the misty starts of tears in his eyes. "Yeah, sometimes." He nodded, then realized he sounded vauge, "Well ever since my family, I mean, ever since I began to live in my own I've missed my family's company. I've missed talking I them." He avoided his family as much as possible, although the part at the end was true. He did miss talking to his siblings. "So I'm pretty open for giving my place as a shelter, it wouldn't hurt. Right?" he kept his tone light. He should stop rambling, Timid already knew he was just doing a kind gesture for her, he would always find that kind gesture part of him. He remembered the two kits that he guided to find their mother. He thought of Holly and Swift, and how much his siblings needed a kind gesture. He wanted to be the one to give the aid others need, because once he needed it, and no one was around to give it.

Clearing the thoughts from his head, he wondered if he should ask Timid about something. He decided against his thoughts. Slightly, he began to veer right towards the spot he would show Timid. Hopefully, she would enjoy the hideaway as much as he Did the first time he had seen the place. Judging by the way she looked around, all of the colors and sights and sounds would amaze her. Fennec looked down at his feet, he shouldn't be trying to hard to change the she-cats mind, instead, he relaxed his shoulders. All he was doing was a friendly tour for Timid. His steps gained a small bounce to them,"almost there. You'll love this place."

Brilliance July 22nd, 2017 06:52 AM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Beam (Post 328056)
(I wrote this on mobile so I'm sorry if there's typos..) Fennec walked alongside Timid as she scanned the scenery. His tail hung straight out, but slightly more elevated: he guessed that he was pleased,but he never really controlled his tail anyways. After a few glances around of his own, looking at all the towering pines washed in sunlight, he looked back at Timid. For right now, he knew it was best to let her take it all in silently without him pointing out every little thing, looking at nature was always better with little to no talking at first. Instead of guiding her around vocally, he instead tried to mirror her pace, attempting to make his foot in synch with her foot, so they could have the same stride. Fennec could really never destroy that habit, but after he walked symmetrically to Timid's footsteps, he purposely skipped up and fell into his own steps.

Fennec remembered when he had first wandered alongside these very tree trunks. He was still in shock after the event that happened, so he didn't take in the scenery until the feelings passed, but everything was so sunny and green and welcoming. He pressed his pads deeper into the grass and the earth, Dew streaking the fur on his paws to make it darker. Fennec had always thought his fur looked extremely odd when it was wet. He turned a light brown, and in his reflection in the puddles always surprised him: it was like he was staring at another cat. Fennec jumped out of his wandering thoughts when Timid's voice rang out to him. Fennec tilted his head, he really wasn't sure of sharing. But he was positive he'd be okay if another cat was in this territory, if he cat was nice enough and didn't pick the tree right next to him. He had his spot, anyone could have theirs. Fennec cracked a smile when Timid spoke again, if Timid wanted to stay here, she would have to somewhat share with him. His ears pinned back to his skull when Timid apologized, he didn't like it, 'Syndicate' and Timid would never and should never be in the same sentence, it wasn't right. "There's no Syndicate in you, Timid." he voiced more quietly than he would usually speak. He couldn't see this golden green-eyed cat in a clan of bloodthirsty, scarred rouges. He could see Timid's vision. Unfriendly. Extremely Unfriendly. Even the name sounded unfriendly.

He purses his lips, he had a certain and sudden distaste for the Syndicate, and he didn't know why. No, he did know why, he just didn't want to admit it to himself. The Syndicate was practically a group full of his parents, well, his mother. Every single cat must've been like his mother, inflicting pain in ways he couldn't imagine. In a way, Fennec and Timid shared the same cats in their life.

Fennec's tail dropped when Timid asked another question. He found this places in the Ashes of a tragedy, running away accidentally from his past. From his Syndicate. He was almost going to ask Timid if it was okay to not reply, but then she asked other question. His answers could mask his first one. "I kind of just stumbled upon it." He replied as casually as he could, was his voice too scared? Was his voice to strong? He licked his lips and answered again, "I've only been here since new-leaf, I sleep under some ferns and a pine tree, so it's pretty nice and cool out here. I'm not sure if it snows here, but I'm guessing. Cause of the altitude." he paused for a moment and scanned the pines, usually, conifers grew in the mountains. But he guessed he was above sea level, that's why the pines we're here, and aspens. That meant there was water, which hinted snowfall. "Haven't seen a twoleg around these parts. A cat comes by once or twice."the only time he'd seen a twoleg was back at his old kithood shelter. Some would go by on these small, hard things with two circular, black, spinning things that carried them forward.And the only cat he'd seen recently here was Timid.

He couldn't help but feel a happy feeling spread throughout him as Timid's pelt brushed against his, he had earned her trust enough for her to, what?Use him for safety? He wasn't sure, but he knew it was good. He hid the glint in his eye when Timid said 'we', maybe this territory was convincing her. "Theres altitude sickness, but we're kinda lower. And no common predators, really"he mewed insulted, hoping Timid wouldn't start shaking in fear again, (I'm just going to base this territory off somewhere I know that has pine/aspen forests?:o) he decided not to mention the time he saw mountain lion tracks and a fox den when he first arrived, but that was months ago... "Well, there obviously the pine forest food chain, but I haven't seen anything really dangerous around here. Sometimes there's a herd of deer or elk. I've heard there's been moose and bison sightings. And a bear, but I don't believe that one." He winced, he probably shouldn't have brought up the time he heard of a beat walking through. Either way, black bears were way less dangerous than those "grizzly bears" passers were gossiping about, but he knew grizzly bears didn't live where he was.

Fennec looked at her in interest as she spoke of her healer friend Ryker. So after all there were good cats in the Syndicate, and Timid seemed to pick up some knowledge that could help him if he ever got hurt... of course, if Timid decided to stay in his little area.

Lonely. Fennec stayed world less for a few moments, running the word through his head. Lonely. He wouldn't be lonely if it weren't for the turn of events, he wouldn't be lonely if his mother never did her action, he wouldn't be lonely if His mother wouldnt have unsheathed her claws that day. Everything seemed really against him, determined to leave him lonely. He missed everyone, except for his mother. His father seemed okay, except for the part where he left the three kits in the time of need. Fennec swallowed and blinked, clearing the misty starts of tears in his eyes. "Yeah, sometimes." He nodded, then realized he sounded vauge, "Well ever since my family, I mean, ever since I began to live in my own I've missed my family's company. I've missed talking I them." He avoided his family as much as possible, although the part at the end was true. He did miss talking to his siblings. "So I'm pretty open for giving my place as a shelter, it wouldn't hurt. Right?" he kept his tone light. He should stop rambling, Timid already knew he was just doing a kind gesture for her, he would always find that kind gesture part of him. He remembered the two kits that he guided to find their mother. He thought of Holly and Swift, and how much his siblings needed a kind gesture. He wanted to be the one to give the aid others need, because once he needed it, and no one was around to give it.

Clearing the thoughts from his head, he wondered if he should ask Timid about something. He decided against his thoughts. Slightly, he began to veer right towards the spot he would show Timid. Hopefully, she would enjoy the hideaway as much as he Did the first time he had seen the place. Judging by the way she looked around, all of the colors and sights and sounds would amaze her. Fennec looked down at his feet, he shouldn't be trying to hard to change the she-cats mind, instead, he relaxed his shoulders. All he was doing was a friendly tour for Timid. His steps gained a small bounce to them,"almost there. You'll love this place."

His words were quiet, but she definitely heard him. Having to strain her ears in order to hear what he had to say. There's no Syndicate in you, Timid. She flattened her ears to her head for a moment, quite flustered, but she didn't allow this to show. What he said, was true...right? Sure, she had been raised in the Syndicate, learning their ways, and staying in her place, but she wasn't the kind to be so aggressive to another cat. She hardly could fight--or fend for herself, so she looked to others to do it for her. Which was why she would had never made a great fighter. Hunter? More likely. If the cats who didn't like her had a say in what she could be, Timid feared she would be bait for the fighters. So, they could use her to push her around or abuse her delicate frame. It was more than once when Timid would dream about this nightmare. Since he were much bigger than her, Timid tried her best to keep up with him, but since her legs were pretty small, she found herself lingering behind. She soaked in her surroundings, still in awe at such a gorgeous scenery. This was a place she wished to live, but the feline felt that she really didn't have a choice in anything she wanted to do with her life.

As the she cat explored the place more, she found it very tempting to accept his offer. She didn't know how long it would last, but she was happy that she would be able to live in such a scenery and not have to be scared for her life...right? Timid had constant fears. She was scared at practically...everything. Which was no surprise since she was Timid. Possibly, she wondered if she had a different name, would she still have the same fears as she did now? Desperately, she wanted to speak up. Allow her voice to be heard, but she wasn't a lion. No one would listen to a she cat that was quite the small one. That looked innocent beyond recognition. And, especially one who didn't hold a high rank--but, this tom. He seemed to understand her. He was giving her comfort. That was something rare that was given to her, and she was grateful of such kindness. At his words, she swiveled her head quickly towards him, trotting up to keep pace with him, but gradually fell back again. You kinda just stumbled here? That wasn't the answer she was hoping for. Probably some exaggerated story of action and adventure that lead him to this place. Though he was telling the truth, so that's all that mattered. ''Snow is cold...'' She said, quietly as her paws trailed alongside him. ''It causes hypothermia-- And, you know what hypothermia cause? Death.'' The she cat felt herself shivering. Perhaps, she was over-exaggerating, but she had been so afraid, she didn't know what else to do. Timid didn't like the snow, that was for sure. But as he answered her next question, the she cat flicked her tail. Twolegs--she weren't afraid of. She just didn't like them. Something was off about those Nofur critters that walked on two legs. She never really had an encounter with one, and she hoped that she wouldn't need to have one.

The she cat darted her eyes at the lovely place, her ears stayed turned to Fennec as she heard him. So far, she was liking everything that was coming out his maw. It made her pleased that there weren't many troubles to worry about. Until...that was, when he mentioned elk, dear...and a bear!? The she cat almost stood frozen to her spot, shivering much more noticeably than she would had liked to. The thought of a bear roaming this area had scared her. It made her want to get out of here. It made her believe that this place was too good to be true. And, the fact that this tom casually said it--like it wasn't a big thing!

''A bear!'' Timid shrieked, lowering her body to the ground. She was ready to panic. Ready to bolt, but then Fennec said he didn't believe it. He hadn't seen the bear, and maybe if she kept close to him...she wouldn't see it either? Timid frowned, but she slowly padded back up to Fennec, a tight lump in her throat. ''I hope there are no bears here! I can't even stand heights, let alone large animals!'' She whined, almost whimpering. She was acting like a kit, and she knew she was, but she couldn't help it. Fennec seemed brave to her, someone who knew how to fend for himself, but Timid was far from it. Oh no! I'll only be a burden in his eyes... she gave a quick sad glance towards the tom, heaving out a sigh of desperation.

Though her mind was everywhere, the she cat decided to continue to check out the place. Her ears stayed on alert, in case she needed to take some sort of cover. She stayed close to Fennec--probably a bit too close. She tried her best to stay in line with his paw steps as she brushed her fur against him. If she wasn't being so frightened, she would had noticed the soft texture of his pelt. But, she was too caught up, believing that something might strike up sooner or later. It made her wary of the place, but also reminded her that no place would be too safe. One thing the small she cat did catch was the part about his family. That had interested her...only because she didn't see him. Besides that, he had brought them up. Would it had been appropriate for her to ask about them? She figured it would be. Fennec knew a bit about her, and she also wanted to get to know him. So far, he seemed to play the part of a mysterious kind stranger. She wanted to know his true origins. Who was he? Of course, he was Fennec, but stripped down to his inner soul--who was he?

As the she cat padded beside him, relishing in the feeling that their pelts were touching, she turned her head to give him an innocent stare. One of curiosity. ''Why did you leave your family--if, you miss talking with them?'' She twitched her nose. It didn't make any sense to her. If he missed his family's company, why did he leave? Surely, it wasn't because he was forced to go. That made Timid's ears pin to her head, but she wanted to know the truth instead of assuming such. Anything could had happen as to why he left his family.

Beam July 22nd, 2017 01:23 PM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 328726)

His words were quiet, but she definitely heard him. Having to strain her ears in order to hear what he had to say. There's no Syndicate in you, Timid. She flattened her ears to her head for a moment, quite flustered, but she didn't allow this to show. What he said, was true...right? Sure, she had been raised in the Syndicate, learning their ways, and staying in her place, but she wasn't the kind to be so aggressive to another cat. She hardly could fight--or fend for herself, so she looked to others to do it for her. Which was why she would had never made a great fighter. Hunter? More likely. If the cats who didn't like her had a say in what she could be, Timid feared she would be bait for the fighters. So, they could use her to push her around or abuse her delicate frame. It was more than once when Timid would dream about this nightmare. Since he were much bigger than her, Timid tried her best to keep up with him, but since her legs were pretty small, she found herself lingering behind. She soaked in her surroundings, still in awe at such a gorgeous scenery. This was a place she wished to live, but the feline felt that she really didn't have a choice in anything she wanted to do with her life.

As the she cat explored the place more, she found it very tempting to accept his offer. She didn't know how long it would last, but she was happy that she would be able to live in such a scenery and not have to be scared for her life...right? Timid had constant fears. She was scared at practically...everything. Which was no surprise since she was Timid. Possibly, she wondered if she had a different name, would she still have the same fears as she did now? Desperately, she wanted to speak up. Allow her voice to be heard, but she wasn't a lion. No one would listen to a she cat that was quite the small one. That looked innocent beyond recognition. And, especially one who didn't hold a high rank--but, this tom. He seemed to understand her. He was giving her comfort. That was something rare that was given to her, and she was grateful of such kindness. At his words, she swiveled her head quickly towards him, trotting up to keep pace with him, but gradually fell back again. You kinda just stumbled here? That wasn't the answer she was hoping for. Probably some exaggerated story of action and adventure that lead him to this place. Though he was telling the truth, so that's all that mattered. ''Snow is cold...'' She said, quietly as her paws trailed alongside him. ''It causes hypothermia-- And, you know what hypothermia cause? Death.'' The she cat felt herself shivering. Perhaps, she was over-exaggerating, but she had been so afraid, she didn't know what else to do. Timid didn't like the snow, that was for sure. But as he answered her next question, the she cat flicked her tail. Twolegs--she weren't afraid of. She just didn't like them. Something was off about those Nofur critters that walked on two legs. She never really had an encounter with one, and she hoped that she wouldn't need to have one.

The she cat darted her eyes at the lovely place, her ears stayed turned to Fennec as she heard him. So far, she was liking everything that was coming out his maw. It made her pleased that there weren't many troubles to worry about. Until...that was, when he mentioned elk, dear...and a bear!? The she cat almost stood frozen to her spot, shivering much more noticeably than she would had liked to. The thought of a bear roaming this area had scared her. It made her want to get out of here. It made her believe that this place was too good to be true. And, the fact that this tom casually said it--like it wasn't a big thing!

''A bear!'' Timid shrieked, lowering her body to the ground. She was ready to panic. Ready to bolt, but then Fennec said he didn't believe it. He hadn't seen the bear, and maybe if she kept close to him...she wouldn't see it either? Timid frowned, but she slowly padded back up to Fennec, a tight lump in her throat. ''I hope there are no bears here! I can't even stand heights, let alone large animals!'' She whined, almost whimpering. She was acting like a kit, and she knew she was, but she couldn't help it. Fennec seemed brave to her, someone who knew how to fend for himself, but Timid was far from it. Oh no! I'll only be a burden in his eyes... she gave a quick sad glance towards the tom, heaving out a sigh of desperation.

Though her mind was everywhere, the she cat decided to continue to check out the place. Her ears stayed on alert, in case she needed to take some sort of cover. She stayed close to Fennec--probably a bit too close. She tried her best to stay in line with his paw steps as she brushed her fur against him. If she wasn't being so frightened, she would had noticed the soft texture of his pelt. But, she was too caught up, believing that something might strike up sooner or later. It made her wary of the place, but also reminded her that no place would be too safe. One thing the small she cat did catch was the part about his family. That had interested her...only because she didn't see him. Besides that, he had brought them up. Would it had been appropriate for her to ask about them? She figured it would be. Fennec knew a bit about her, and she also wanted to get to know him. So far, he seemed to play the part of a mysterious kind stranger. She wanted to know his true origins. Who was he? Of course, he was Fennec, but stripped down to his inner soul--who was he?

As the she cat padded beside him, relishing in the feeling that their pelts were touching, she turned her head to give him an innocent stare. One of curiosity. ''Why did you leave your family--if, you miss talking with them?'' She twitched her nose. It didn't make any sense to her. If he missed his family's company, why did he leave? Surely, it wasn't because he was forced to go. That made Timid's ears pin to her head, but she wanted to know the truth instead of assuming such. Anything could had happen as to why he left his family.

Fennec just had to say the words, Timid, this small golden cat beside him, didn't being in a dark forest filled with those cats. She deserved to have panic life, where she could make her own choices. But that wasn't up to Fennec, it was up to her. He slowed down his pace slightly, making sure Timid could catch up to him. Everyday, he wished that he had a choice- well, he did, he just never took up on it. It would pain him to know that Timid had the world infant of her to run away from the claws of the Syndicate, but she turned back and walked right back to the pain and regretted it for the rest of her life. Maybe thats what happened to his father, but he knew nothing of what happened to him, and he sure would maybe like to know. The only hint he had was that small, russet cat....

Fennec stayed silent, maybe history was convincing enough. But he knew stumbling upon it had a huge space where a backstory would be. He just didn't want to fill it in. Its not like he didn't trust Timid, well, he did trust her but they've only know each other for what, half an hour or so? He didn't feel ready to share his backstory, and he never found anyone share it to. Maybe it was overreacting, keeping it away, but it was a large kind of 'secret' to keep. as much as he wanted to tell someone, he didn't, because what happened in his past belonged to him and if he told anyone, they'd fan over him like a helpless little kit. It wouldn't help, because when he was a helpless little kit, no on cared about him then. But when everything done, cats would seem to care. It didn't fit his situation, so he didn't want to handout his past. He knew he dint want to hand out his past...

Fennec stopped when Timid began to speak again, a slight shiver shaking her, he faltered for a moment, his mouth wide open and mouthing starts to a reassuring sentence, "No one is going to die of hypothermia. Its all okay." he told her, watching her so make sure she was doing fine, he really didn't know how to adress the situation. Did Timid need support or someone to tell her its not real? He swallowed nervously, he kept his mouth shut after that.

He winced when he mentioned the bear, and immediately the guilty feeling took place when Timid visibly quivered beside him. His four spiked on his neck in alarm, he didn't want Timid to be scared, and it was stupid of him to say something like that, [B]"No- theres no bears. Empty words, uh- i don't believe it there no bears here." he assured her, stopping for her as she crouched on the ground. Fennec didn't want Timid to be scared, be he int know how to prevent her feeling frightened. Suddenly he felt himself slightly ranting, but with no purpose, maybe Timid would feel calmer if he talked about something. "The deer and elk are so nice. They're, whats the word? yes- there really majestic. You'll see, have you seen any deer or elk? They're so beautiful, we'll probably see one where I'm taking you." the descriptive words felt odd in his mouth, but he hoped that Timid could imagine a doe in a sunny aspen grove, like the first time he'd seen one. It was scary at first, he den mention that, but his eyes were instantly glued to the deer, any animal part of the deer family seemed so captivating to him. So different to every skittering creature and natural again the forests.

Fennec sighed in relief when she began to walk again with him, even if it was right next to him. He didn't really mind when his fur brushed hers, but he made sure he didn't accidentally bump her tail, because he had a hunch it would be the most awkward action that could happen while walking, so he kept it out behind him, his tail tip taunting the ground. He stopped his thoughts from wandering to his backstory for the millionth time today by just focusing on his breathing and glancing at Timid once in a while, keeping his brain occupied. He tilted his head at her curious stare.

Then a lump caught in his throat as Timid asked hr question. If he had a chance to hide his sudden emotion, it slipped away. His pupils shrunk and his eyes widened, giving him a nervous look, and his eras pitched in and filed backwards, but didn't touch his head. He, as of now, was facing the truth of what happened to him. And he couldn't exactly lie to Timid, she would see him through before he even attempted to speak. He forced his ears forward and shot a glance at Timid, "I had to leave." Fennec said simply, his tone was a little shyer and snappier than he expected, but he couldn't take it back, t was out there. He might as well said 'something happened and i had to escape.'he cleared his throat awkwardly, he didn't want to spill to Timid the real reason: Something happened to his family member, he chased after her, and ended up stumbling in shock to this place. but that still want entirely the whole truth. "I miss them everyday. But I had no choice."

Brilliance July 24th, 2017 01:37 AM

Re: Fennec's Hideaway

Originally Posted by Beam (Post 328970)
Fennec just had to say the words, Timid, this small golden cat beside him, didn't being in a dark forest filled with those cats. She deserved to have panic life, where she could make her own choices. But that wasn't up to Fennec, it was up to her. He slowed down his pace slightly, making sure Timid could catch up to him. Everyday, he wished that he had a choice- well, he did, he just never took up on it. It would pain him to know that Timid had the world infant of her to run away from the claws of the Syndicate, but she turned back and walked right back to the pain and regretted it for the rest of her life. Maybe thats what happened to his father, but he knew nothing of what happened to him, and he sure would maybe like to know. The only hint he had was that small, russet cat....

Fennec stayed silent, maybe history was convincing enough. But he knew stumbling upon it had a huge space where a backstory would be. He just didn't want to fill it in. Its not like he didn't trust Timid, well, he did trust her but they've only know each other for what, half an hour or so? He didn't feel ready to share his backstory, and he never found anyone share it to. Maybe it was overreacting, keeping it away, but it was a large kind of 'secret' to keep. as much as he wanted to tell someone, he didn't, because what happened in his past belonged to him and if he told anyone, they'd fan over him like a helpless little kit. It wouldn't help, because when he was a helpless little kit, no on cared about him then. But when everything done, cats would seem to care. It didn't fit his situation, so he didn't want to handout his past. He knew he dint want to hand out his past...

Fennec stopped when Timid began to speak again, a slight shiver shaking her, he faltered for a moment, his mouth wide open and mouthing starts to a reassuring sentence, "No one is going to die of hypothermia. Its all okay." he told her, watching her so make sure she was doing fine, he really didn't know how to adress the situation. Did Timid need support or someone to tell her its not real? He swallowed nervously, he kept his mouth shut after that.

He winced when he mentioned the bear, and immediately the guilty feeling took place when Timid visibly quivered beside him. His four spiked on his neck in alarm, he didn't want Timid to be scared, and it was stupid of him to say something like that, [B]"No- theres no bears. Empty words, uh- i don't believe it there no bears here." he assured her, stopping for her as she crouched on the ground. Fennec didn't want Timid to be scared, be he int know how to prevent her feeling frightened. Suddenly he felt himself slightly ranting, but with no purpose, maybe Timid would feel calmer if he talked about something. "The deer and elk are so nice. They're, whats the word? yes- there really majestic. You'll see, have you seen any deer or elk? They're so beautiful, we'll probably see one where I'm taking you." the descriptive words felt odd in his mouth, but he hoped that Timid could imagine a doe in a sunny aspen grove, like the first time he'd seen one. It was scary at first, he den mention that, but his eyes were instantly glued to the deer, any animal part of the deer family seemed so captivating to him. So different to every skittering creature and natural again the forests.

Fennec sighed in relief when she began to walk again with him, even if it was right next to him. He didn't really mind when his fur brushed hers, but he made sure he didn't accidentally bump her tail, because he had a hunch it would be the most awkward action that could happen while walking, so he kept it out behind him, his tail tip taunting the ground. He stopped his thoughts from wandering to his backstory for the millionth time today by just focusing on his breathing and glancing at Timid once in a while, keeping his brain occupied. He tilted his head at her curious stare.

Then a lump caught in his throat as Timid asked hr question. If he had a chance to hide his sudden emotion, it slipped away. His pupils shrunk and his eyes widened, giving him a nervous look, and his eras pitched in and filed backwards, but didn't touch his head. He, as of now, was facing the truth of what happened to him. And he couldn't exactly lie to Timid, she would see him through before he even attempted to speak. He forced his ears forward and shot a glance at Timid, "I had to leave." Fennec said simply, his tone was a little shyer and snappier than he expected, but he couldn't take it back, t was out there. He might as well said 'something happened and i had to escape.'he cleared his throat awkwardly, he didn't want to spill to Timid the real reason: Something happened to his family member, he chased after her, and ended up stumbling in shock to this place. but that still want entirely the whole truth. "I miss them everyday. But I had no choice."

The small she cat knew that the tom was such a...secret. A mystery that she wondered what confidential information he was hiding behind his orbs. She didn't want to pry into his business, but it was tempting. It was tempting to want to know much about him, but Timid knew her limitations. She would pry until she was yelled at, then she knew to shut up. Because this golden cat did not like to be yelled at. She slumped next to Fennec, trying her best to stay in line with him. Her ears folded to her head, and she stayed silent.

The thought of bears strolling around through her still made her slightly afraid. There were hardly any bears in the Syndicate. In fact, there were not any animals within the syndicate. It was such a tough place to find food, since the land was so barren. Sometimes Timid felt bad for Halite. He was such an odd character, that she felt pity for him more than sorry. Especially with the recent lost war with Skyclan. Timid could remember that day when she patiently, but anxiously awaited for the fighters to get back and declared they won the fight...but they didn't. They were all fallen, all worn out, and the sight made Timid recoil inwardly. She thought the fighters were great at...well, fighting. Then again, she didn't know the codes of the clan very well. Or, their fighting technique.

She had been lost in her thoughts. Lost in nature. The deer and elk were...majestic? Timid twitched her nose, tilting her head for a second as she imagined that 'deer' and 'elk' were majestic. One thing that Timid did love was observing other species. She knew a lot about other species, which were a bit odd if she told another cat. Though this was something that she liked to keep to herself. So far, the place still looked like a new home. Her bright graze flickered every aspen tree in sight, and she could smell the scents of nearby prey. Perfect for eating. Now that she was thinking about food, she could feel her stomach tightening. Yet, she couldn't figure out if she was truly hungry or that as each second was passing, she was wasting time to getting back to the Syndicate to feed the fighters.

Timid perked her ears at the toms reassurance. She gave a soft smile. ''Well, you have been here longer than I have.'' She gave an awkward chuckle, but she was the slightest of convinced. She heaved in a great sigh, and she forced herself to believe this tom. After all, nothing was wrong with Fennec. He just seemed...out of place. Like he didn't belong here. Timid wanted to be seen as a friend, but she was still from the Syndicate. So, it was understandable to her that he didn't trust her much. But, being Timid. She had nothing to hide. Her life could be seen in her eyes if looked upon closer.

She was scared.

Simple as that. When he talked about the bears, Timid felt herself flinch for a second. ''But, you said that there had been reports of one being seen!'' She said, her eyes taking on a pleading turn. ''Just because you didn't see it, don't mean others didn't.'' Her voice remained soft, timid-like, always scared. She never tried to stray too far, but perhaps her words had been a bit...hurtful. She wanted to believe the tom and not question his actions, or his words. If he didn't see a bear, then maybe the bear didn't make it known to where he was. ''But-- uh! Maybe...you're right. No bears.'' She shrieked, but bounded after him.

But as he answered her question about his family, the she cat nodded. But, she knew something was well-hidden in his hues. He looked sad, almost. Timid didn't know how to make him feel better. She also didn't want to be the cause that he was remembering something...he didn't want to remember? It had confused her that he missed his family, but had to escape. Had someone threatened his family and took him away? So many questions had swirled in the young she cat's mind, and every now and then she would turn her head to Fennec, about to ask him a question, but fight against it because she would only be playing into his business. His voice was harsh when he answered her. Very vague. So, she figured he didn't want to talk about it. ''Oh.'' Was all she really could say. If she said anything else, perhaps he would had became agitated and yelled at her. As stated before, yelling made Timid uncomfortable.

Timid stayed quiet for a while, her head downcasted on her paws. Her eyes flickered from her paws to his, acknowledging the difference that their paws held. It made her see how small and fragile she was. Then again, this could had been due to genetics. Ah, yes genetics. Timid never knew her mother or father. And, the queen that nursed her didn't look a thing like her. Besides, she knew this since the old queen constantly told her how much of a disgrace she was, and that she was forced to nurse her. Timid couldn't change the past, and she never became bitter from it. She focused solely on the future. Mainly being scared of what was to come. When her last days would be present. But, she shook her head from the depressing thoughts. Timid was scared--always, but depressing? Never. She was one of the most optimistic cats there were! The golden cat brought herself back to the presence, gazing at her companion for a short moment. ''Where are you taking me?'' Hopefully, a change of topic would bring back a friendlier atmosphere instead of the one they were currently in. Whatever this atmosphere they were in. He had mentioned this place he figured she would love. She felt bad that he was alone in this place. No one to talk to. Surely, he would had gone insane, and so maybe that was why he needed a companion. Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad to leave behind a place that was...controlling. Yet, she still didn't know if it were the right choice. Then again, when it came to Timid? She was indecisive and thought every choice she made was a bad one.

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