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Pitou October 8th, 2022 12:28 AM

Re: October Gathering
**Cougarivy of Shadowclan**

The small commander enforcer bounced into the clearing. Elmshadow had moved to the front of the group quickly. She didn’t doubt that he did so because of her. She seemed to be on his mind lately, though reluctantly, it only made sense to her that he got going quickly in an attempt to avoid her, hide from his true feelings. That was okay by Cougarivy, he’d come around. A persistent smile clung to her face the whole journey, even as they slipped out onto the sandy beaches that housed the Seastones. She weaves her way through the other Shadowclanners who were already finding their places to put herself along the outside where she could watch most of the gathering but still had a clear view of both Dawnstar and Elmshadow. She sat down but her tail twitched restlessly from trying to keep herself still.

Ember Paw October 8th, 2022 05:50 AM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by NinjaBloss (Post 1278938)
The Enforcer padded onto the sandy beach ahead of most other ShadowClan cats. She glanced around and immediately noticed a ThunderClan cat who was here before Sparrowstar. Well, why not have some fun?

The brown tabby padded over to the warrior and raised an eyebrow condescendingly. "What will Sparrowstar think that you decided to arrive here before the rest of ThunderClan? Or wait... did she die already like her predecessors?"

@Ember Paw

The Toyger quietly made his way onto the beach and took a spot in the shadows cast by the Seastones. Hopefully no one would bother him. He didn't like being around so many cats, but he enjoyed the gossip and drama at the Gatherings.


" Hold your tongue furball.... " SilkFur hissed, her fur puffing out slightly. They gray she-cat had ran ahead of her leader and clan, so she could try and find someone. But that someone wasn't here. SilkFur's neck fur bristled as she dug her claws into the soil.
GingerStep gave up in trying to talk to SorrelFlare and padded over to stand beside VixenSnarl. " As much as I want to claw this smug worm's face off, we can't do anything to her. There must be peace at the gathering. " she mewed. SilkFur nodded smugly and GingerStep hissed at her. " That also means you need to stop asking for a fight! " she hissed.

RavensCall October 8th, 2022 06:53 AM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Darkclaws (Post 1278941)

Darkpaw padded into the sandy clearing and briefly looked around. They were the first ones here, which he hadn't expected. From what he had heard, when they actually showed up, ShadowClan was generally the last ones to come. However, this gave him time to check out the surroundings before the area was full of bustling bodies and lots of noise. Inhaling a deep breath, he allowed the unfamiliar scents to wash over him, smelling the stale scents of the other clans and the scent of the sea. Not wanting to get into any trouble for wandering around the Seastones, the young tom found himself a semi-secluded spot and sat down while he waited for the other clans to show up.


Ashpaw gazed around Seastones. My first gathering! she thought excitedly. I wonder what the other clans are like. Oh StarClan that sounds like I might be into some random dingus from another clan! That would not end well! Ashpaw was not planning to end up as an idiot deserter because she was loyal and cared that WindClan had saved her and gave her a home, and friends, and family. Great. Now I’m getting sentimental, she thought, but she was fine with it because it was a good feeling. “Ohkay, Ashpaw,” the albino muttered,”Time to interact with some cats from other clans.” Oh! There was one! A very large, muscular looking one. His face definetely gave away that he was apprentice, which was weird, because NO APPRENTICE SHOULD BE THAT BUFF!! He had black fur and blue eyes. He smelt weird. “Hello cat from another clan,” Ashpaw meowed,”I’m Ashpaw. I’m a WindClan apprentice. I’ve only just become an apprentice, how bout you?”


Ian October 8th, 2022 02:12 PM

Re: October Gathering
Vixensnarl chuckled as Silkfur puffed herself up in anger. "My my, so easy to rile up. No wonder the Clans don't take you seriously," she purred out, smirking at Silkfur, though it turned to a frown as Gingerstep came over. "Gingerstep, when has ShadowClan ever cared about the peace at Gatherings? Dawnstar has killed Outsiders before, and there have been fights, yet StarClan never did anything about it. I really don't care what you think. Besides, I'm not going to be the one to start the fight."

@Ember Paw

Dark October 8th, 2022 02:27 PM

Re: October Gathering

Darkpaw’s nose twitched as the scent of WindClan washed towards him from someone approaching him, but he chose to ignore them at first. However, he didn’t really have a choice after they had decided to speak to him. He turned towards the apprentice who disturbed him and gave them a quick lookover. Turned out, the young cat was an albino she-cat with blue eyes. Unimpressed, Darkpaw glanced towards Dawnstar for a moment, unsure if he should be interacting with them or not, and then turned his attention back to Ashpaw. Narrowing his eyes slightly he addressed them “I’m Darkpaw, of ShadowClan,” he mewed “I’ve been an apprentice for a few moons now.” “I don’t think your leader would be too happy about you arriving before her,” The young tom said in a low whisper. Though he didn’t know this cat, he couldn’t help but try not to draw attention to them, he was acutely aware of how brutal his clanmates could be when it came to those who didn’t do what they were supposed to and wanted to spare her from that.

RavensCall October 9th, 2022 02:53 AM

Re: October Gathering
Ashpaw chuckled awkwardly. “I guess I was that excited to see the other clans,” she admitted.

Rose October 9th, 2022 08:05 PM

Re: October Gathering
Post Count: 12/100
(Open :heartbounce:)

Larkpaw slunk onto the beach behind her Clanmates like a living shadow, barely distinguishable from her dark surroundings despite the rather obvious markings on her fur. When the grey-ish brown apprentice considered it safe to slip out of the shadows, she ducked into view, fiery amber eyes raking over the gathered cats. Moonlight filtered over the young she-cat’s pelt, making her entirely visible, but she merely stood there, watching. Huh, no Clan other than ShadowClan seemed to be out here today. For her first Gathering, that fact was oddly disappointing.

Another quick once-over of the clearing had Lark reconsidering her earlier disappointment. Hmm. Perhaps she had overlooked some cats after all. Like that singular apprentice who smelled of WindClan. Larkpaw would know that scent anywhere, since Dawnstar had taken her to WindClan’s border and specifically told her to be able to brand it into memory. Watching the WindClanner interact with Darkpaw-, one of Larkpaw’s denmates-, the former loner couldn’t help but tilt her head in question. She wanted to march over and bombard the other apprentice with logical questions, like why the WindClan apprentice was here alone when her Clan was evidently not. Or why she was bothering one of ShadowClan’s apprentices when he so definitely did not want to speak with her. Instead, Larkpaw merely grinned to herself, white fangs flashing in the dim light. Oh, yes, she was amused. But she wouldn’t bother the pair for now, she’d just watch from afar until she deemed that approaching could no longer be resistible.

Speaking of resistible… Well, her thought process was not necessarily related in the least but Lark’s gaze swamped the cluster of cats once again, picking out each and every one of them, and taking note of whichever she deemed worthy of attention or impotence. Such as Vixensnarl, who was dealing with a… ThunderClan cat who was making a fuss? Well, eager, were they? Larkpaw’s grin only grew wider with heightened mirth. These cats had just waltzed past their leaders and into the Gathering without properly waiting for orders. Wow, what a Clan. As far as Larkpaw knew, no one from ShadowClan had dared walk before Dawnstar, and the young, mostly inexperienced apprentice couldn’t help but puff out her chest with pride as she relished the fact that ShadowClan was probably the most disciplined between the four.

[ Won’t mention everyone that I mentioned in my post, but going to ping @Darkclaws & @SpookyCloud the Pumpkin because Darkpaw and Ashpaw were mentioned more than once- ]

sock October 9th, 2022 08:13 PM

Re: October Gathering
Darkray yawned, rolling his eyes at the cats that passed him. Yes, they were his clan, but the black tom didn't care. They were still annoying.


Dark October 10th, 2022 04:32 AM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by SpookyCloud the Pumpkin (Post 1279300)
Ashpaw chuckled awkwardly. “I guess I was that excited to see the other clans,” she admitted.


Originally Posted by Katulaura (Post 1279694)
Post Count: 12/100
(Open :heartbounce:)

Larkpaw slunk onto the beach behind her Clanmates like a living shadow, barely distinguishable from her dark surroundings despite the rather obvious markings on her fur. When the grey-ish brown apprentice considered it safe to slip out of the shadows, she ducked into view, fiery amber eyes raking over the gathered cats. Moonlight filtered over the young she-cat’s pelt, making her entirely visible, but she merely stood there, watching. Huh, no Clan other than ShadowClan seemed to be out here today. For her first Gathering, that fact was oddly disappointing.

Another quick once-over of the clearing had Lark reconsidering her earlier disappointment. Hmm. Perhaps she had overlooked some cats after all. Like that singular apprentice who smelled of WindClan. Larkpaw would know that scent anywhere, since Dawnstar had taken her to WindClan’s border and specifically told her to be able to brand it into memory. Watching the WindClanner interact with Darkpaw-, one of Larkpaw’s denmates-, the former loner couldn’t help but tilt her head in question. She wanted to march over and bombard the other apprentice with logical questions, like why the WindClan apprentice was here alone when her Clan was evidently not. Or why she was bothering one of ShadowClan’s apprentices when he so definitely did not want to speak with her. Instead, Larkpaw merely grinned to herself, white fangs flashing in the dim light. Oh, yes, she was amused. But she wouldn’t bother the pair for now, she’d just watch from afar until she deemed that approaching could no longer be resistible.

Speaking of resistible… Well, her thought process was not necessarily related in the least but Lark’s gaze swamped the cluster of cats once again, picking out each and every one of them, and taking note of whichever she deemed worthy of attention or impotence. Such as Vixensnarl, who was dealing with a… ThunderClan cat who was making a fuss? Well, eager, were they? Larkpaw’s grin only grew wider with heightened mirth. These cats had just waltzed past their leaders and into the Gathering without properly waiting for orders. Wow, what a Clan. As far as Larkpaw knew, no one from ShadowClan had dared walk before Dawnstar, and the young, mostly inexperienced apprentice couldn’t help but puff out her chest with pride as she relished the fact that ShadowClan was probably the most disciplined between the four.

[ Won’t mention everyone that I mentioned in my post, but going to ping @Darkclaws & @SpookyCloud the Pumpkin because Darkpaw and Ashpaw were mentioned more than once- ]


Darkpaw nodded in understanding, of course it could be expected that a young cat such as the one before him would be excited to see the other clans, but they couldn’t allow that ot get the better of them. “Well, just a fair warning for next time, I’d avoid doing that,” the dark tom mewed “Also try not to talk to any of the other ShadowClan cats until Twilightstar arrives, they’re not nearly as nice or understanding as I am,” he warned. He didn't know why he was trying to help Ashpaw out, but he just didn't want the poor she-cat to be ridiculed by the clan with no one to defend her. Of course, if it did come to that, he wouldn't dare defend her, lest he become a target himself and lose favor in the eyes of the cats in positions of power though he wouldn't ridicule her either. 'I'll just remain neutral' he decided, nodding to himself a bit 'Well unless of course Dawnstar or Cougarivy or even Cinderblaze get involved' he shuddered to think about trying to defy one of these cats. His comfortable position in the clan would be in jeopardy!

Scanning the clearing they were in to see if any of his clanmates were watching the awkward interaction he was having with Ashpaw, he saw Larkpaw looking over in his direction. ‘She seems to be enjoying this’ he thought with a hint of bitterness, flicking his tail towards her in an attempt to try to get her attention. The large apprentice hoped that she'd notice and maybe she’d be able to help him out with this situation, as he wasn’t particularly great when it came to dealing with other cats.

RavensCall October 10th, 2022 05:57 AM

Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Darkclaws (Post 1279825)


Darkpaw nodded in understanding, of course it could be expected that a young cat such as the one before him would be excited to see the other clans, but they couldn’t allow that ot get the better of them. “Well, just a fair warning for next time, I’d avoid doing that,” the dark tom mewed “Also try not to talk to any of the other ShadowClan cats until Twilightstar arrives, they’re not nearly as nice or understanding as I am,” he warned. He didn't know why he was trying to help Ashpaw out, but he just didn't want the poor she-cat to be ridiculed by the clan with no one to defend her. Of course, if it did come to that, he wouldn't dare defend her, lest he become a target himself and lose favor in the eyes of the cats in positions of power though he wouldn't ridicule her either. 'I'll just remain neutral' he decided, nodding to himself a bit 'Well unless of course Dawnstar or Cougarivy or even Cinderblaze get involved' he shuddered to think about trying to defy one of these cats. His comfortable position in the clan would be in jeopardy!

Scanning the clearing they were in to see if any of his clanmates were watching the awkward interaction he was having with Ashpaw, he saw Larkpaw looking over in his direction. ‘She seems to be enjoying this’ he thought with a hint of bitterness, flicking his tail towards her in an attempt to try to get her attention. The large apprentice hoped that she'd notice and maybe she’d be able to help him out with this situation, as he wasn’t particularly great when it came to dealing with other cats.

Ashpaw sighed. “Guess I’ll wait for everyone else in my clan to come first,” she meowed.

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