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Quasar August 8th, 2020 12:53 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by Corruptx (Post 777247)
[ @hope @Mumble ]

Relief swept over the mottled she-cat, and she couldn't help but mutter a few quiet words of sheer gratefulness to herself. "Oh, thank the stars,"she breathed, the words - for the most part - emitted under her breath. "So uh, I guess I should follow you now, eh?"

Duskpaw furrowed her eyebrows as she gazed at this...sparrowsnap? That sounded about right. She still wasn't quite used to the whole naming thing, but oh well. She hesitantly stepped out into the open, an ear twitching as she listened to see if any other cats were with her. "So... you're gonna join Riverclan too? Actually, I just, er, I actually just joined myself" she sheepishly smiled, sucking her head. She might be making a fool of herself, but she didn't really mind. Actually, she kind of did, but not as much as she usually would, for some strange reason.

@hope (so sorry for the late response!)

Leucos August 13th, 2020 02:22 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@Zesty Mango

Where...where was she? Rat sat on her rump in weird and rather scary area, different smells swamped her nostrils which gave her mixed feelings , the last thing she remembered was Cherrymist dropping her off and saying she'll be back with food. " m-m...mamma? " she tested only to hear the songs of birds. Rising to her paws "MOMMA!" she yelled now panicking and starting to get teary . She didn't know what to do...why was she alone..why would her mother do this?

Mango August 13th, 2020 02:28 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by NIGHTOWL (Post 782569)
@Zesty Mango

Where...where was she? Rat sat on her rump in weird and rather scary area, different smells swamped her nostrils which gave her mixed feelings , the last thing she remembered was Cherrymist dropping her off and saying she'll be back with food. " m-m...mamma? " she tested only to hear the songs of birds. Rising to her paws "MOMMA!" she yelled now panicking and starting to get teary . She didn't know what to do...why was she alone..why would her mother do this?

Salmonsong had been out hunting when she came across a kit abandoned, she realized the kit’s mother must have abandoned her so she padded over to the kit and gave a smile,” Hello dear, did your mama leave you here?“ she asked gently.

Leucos August 13th, 2020 02:58 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@Zesty Mango

She jumped and got into a crouch as her fur spiked up. Who was this cat?! She was HUGE! Somewhat the same size as momma was..was this a clan cat like she used to be? "momma said she w-went to get food...th-that was a while ago..." she didn't know what abandoned ment . Her nose twitched as she caught the scent of the she cat. "...w-who..Who are you scary cat? " she asked as she tried to sink in to the ground more.

Mango August 13th, 2020 09:57 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by NIGHTOWL (Post 782627)
@Zesty Mango

She jumped and got into a crouch as her fur spiked up. Who was this cat?! She was HUGE! Somewhat the same size as momma was..was this a clan cat like she used to be? "momma said she w-went to get food...th-that was a while ago..." she didn't know what abandoned ment . Her nose twitched as she caught the scent of the she cat. "...w-who..Who are you scary cat? " she asked as she tried to sink in to the ground more.

Salmonsong forced herself not to laugh,” I’m Salmonsong. I’m a Riverclan warrior, don’t worry we don’t hurt kits. What’s your name dear? “ she asked. She was waiting a minute hoping the mother of this kit would return. She wasn’t going to chase the queen off, but she’d politely warn her to not trespass, no harm in babysitting a loner kit.

Leucos August 13th, 2020 10:30 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@Zesty Mango

Salmsonsong? She cocked her head at that..it sounded just like her mothers! So she is a clan cat! She belonged to riverclan? Her eyes widened her mamma told her a raid story ... "y-you meanies! You raided mommas old c-clan! How could you?" she meowed as she puffed out her fur.
Atleast they don't hurt kits like her! Maybe this adult cat was nicer.
Her name? Oh "my names Rat...or I think. It's what mamma calls me! " she smiled . She kinda liked her name, even though whenever she heard it it was in a annoyed tone or snappy or. ..you know.

Mango August 13th, 2020 10:52 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by NIGHTOWL (Post 783039)
@Zesty Mango

Salmsonsong? She cocked her head at that..it sounded just like her mothers! So she is a clan cat! She belonged to riverclan? Her eyes widened her mamma told her a raid story ... "y-you meanies! You raided mommas old c-clan! How could you?" she meowed as she puffed out her fur.
Atleast they don't hurt kits like her! Maybe this adult cat was nicer.
Her name? Oh "my names Rat...or I think. It's what mamma calls me! " she smiled . She kinda liked her name, even though whenever she heard it it was in a annoyed tone or snappy or. ..you know.

Salmonsong realized the kit’s mother was from Shadowclan,” Well, Ratkit. Your mama’s clan was threatening us, we had to defend ourselves. ” she explained hopefully Ratkit’s mother would return. She didn’t want to carry this kit to Shadowclan’s camp to return them, but since the mother left her, maybe she could take the kit to Riverclan instead? Maybe she’d just give the kit the choice of which clan. Well she’d tell Ratkit about both clans.

Leucos August 13th, 2020 11:01 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@Zesty Mango

She pouted and stomped ,she wanted to defend her mommas clan and her mother in general "that's not what she told me. You even raided when they were healing! " she whined. Then she gave a confused look Ratkit? She shook her head at that , that's not her name. Not at all.
"She doesn't say ratkit, only rat! Why is it so hard to..." then she realized she might have been pushing it too far. Her ears folded only to hang her head "I'm sowwy..." she somewhat whispered .

Mango August 13th, 2020 11:28 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by NIGHTOWL (Post 783066)
@Zesty Mango

She pouted and stomped ,she wanted to defend her mommas clan and her mother in general "that's not what she told me. You even raided when they were healing! " she whined. Then she gave a confused look Ratkit? She shook her head at that , that's not her name. Not at all.
"She doesn't say ratkit, only rat! Why is it so hard to..." then she realized she might have been pushing it too far. Her ears folded only to hang her head "I'm sowwy..." she somewhat whispered .

Salmonsong flicked her tail,” Shadowclan was being naughty and attacking helpless clans, so we protected the helpless clans by reminding your clan that they need to respect the other clans.” she meowed,” If your mother is from Shadowclan, that means you probably should have a proper clan name. No need to apologize dear.“ she meowed. Hopefully this kits mother would show up soon so she can head home at the end of the day, it wasn’t a big deal babysitting.

Leucos August 13th, 2020 11:47 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
@Zesty Mango

Wait..momma didn't say that though....was she lying to me?
Shadowclan sounded horrible when salmonsong said that. But she was sure they were a good clan..although if that is how they acted..bullying others..She didn't wanna be apart of that.
"shadow-meanies....but good meanies...right?" she was trying to have it all make sense. Trying to defend.
She gave a huff though "she's not anymore....She left .." Rat meowed with a tail flick. Attention span wearing thin the kit grew restless and turned around to look behind her "where's momma....I'm hungry..." then an idea popped up that scared her as she faced the warrior again "you didn't hurt her did you?" she squeaked .

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