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dino. December 18th, 2016 10:38 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 82868)
( @Tiny Moony You could join as long as Foxy’s okay with it)
Pastelle narrowed her eyes, feeling her stomach flutter with uneasiness; this was not a good situation. She should always be in power, not submissiveness. It wasn’t like she was the Omega of a wolf pack, listening to higher rank’s orders. Slash wasn’t in control yet. She didn’t have to tell this tom the truth. She didn’t have to do anything for anybody. Thinking this gave her a new sense of freedom.

“Oh, poor Slash. You want to know something from me? You want me to answer your question? Well, guess what. I’m not going to tell you it.” Pastelle said in a sickly sweet voice. It was so, so simple for the molly to tell the truth about Skyfur. One small sentence, and she’d obey Slash’s command. But on the other hand, it was so wrong. “If you want me to listen to your foolish commands, you’d have to obey mine too.”

If Slash wanted to murder her, he shouldn’t just squeeze out information at the last minute. He should just go at it. Insecure, this little tomcat. It was probably the reason the tortoiseshell wasn’t in a pool of blood right now.

Slash's muzzle twitched as if he was just barely suppressing a snarl. "Fine," he hissed through gritted teeth. "But your answer first." He examind his clawz as if he were bored. "I think its safer to tell me than to not. You don't want to see me when I'm angry," he added in a silky purr. "After all, I am QUITE the killer. Poor Skyfur. A shame her kit never got to be with her for more than a few moons, eh?" He smirked, his tail twitching back and forth. (@Tiny Moon I'm good with it! Just watch Slash... he can be a bit... touchy)

monfang December 19th, 2016 07:12 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by FoxyFanGirl (Post 82912)
Slash's muzzle twitched as if he was just barely suppressing a snarl. "Fine," he hissed through gritted teeth. "But your answer first." He examind his clawz as if he were bored. "I think its safer to tell me than to not. You don't want to see me when I'm angry," he added in a silky purr. "After all, I am QUITE the killer. Poor Skyfur. A shame her kit never got to be with her for more than a few moons, eh?" He smirked, his tail twitching back and forth. (@Tiny Moon I'm good with it! Just watch Slash... he can be a bit... touchy)

Onyx had been watching their whole conversation, and he finally had enough. He stepped out and presented him self calmly, though some anger was brewing beneath this deathly gaze. He disliked this tom trying to control everyone, and him saying HE was quite the killer meant he knew nothing.
The Syndicate has four guards, him, his two brothers, and his friend Lucifren. They just might be his only known 'friend' despite his mate. They have had his back, and he respected Lucifren for it. Onyx was one f the most feared of them all. And him being a rank just below the co-commander, meant he gave the orders to the Fighters and below.
Taking in a breath, he let an emotionless smile creep onto his maw.
"You're Slash, right? Well, I have heard much about you. You were the one who attacked Bleddyn's daughter, Zia, right?" he asked.
"If you were 'quite the killer', you wouldn't have just attacked her. She would be dead."
Letting out a snicker, the black oriental sat on his haunches, and looked at Pastelle.
"Do me a favor, and obey the feared. Not the foolish." he said, and a growl filled the word 'foolish'.

dino. December 19th, 2016 08:09 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony (Post 84830)

Onyx had been watching their whole conversation, and he finally had enough. He stepped out and presented him self calmly, though some anger was brewing beneath this deathly gaze. He disliked this tom trying to control everyone, and him saying HE was quite the killer meant he knew nothing.
The Syndicate has four guards, him, his two brothers, and his friend Lucifren. They just might be his only known 'friend' despite his mate. They have had his back, and he respected Lucifren for it. Onyx was one f the most feared of them all. And him being a rank just below the co-commander, meant he gave the orders to the Fighters and below.
Taking in a breath, he let an emotionless smile creep onto his maw.
"You're Slash, right? Well, I have heard much about you. You were the one who attacked Bleddyn's daughter, Zia, right?" he asked.
"If you were 'quite the killer', you wouldn't have just attacked her. She would be dead."
Letting out a snicker, the black oriental sat on his haunches, and looked at Pastelle.
"Do me a favor, and obey the feared. Not the foolish." he said, and a growl filled the word 'foolish'.

Slash snarled. "Who do you think you are? Coming here and telling me what to do? Get out before I rip your ears off!" he yowled. His eyes gleamed murderously. "Its been a while since I had someone who I actually WANTED to kill. And as for Zia, well... I must be getting a little rusty, eh?" He took a step forward. "Now," he hissed, "you can either get you tail out of here or I can MAKE you."

monfang December 19th, 2016 09:29 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by FoxyFanGirl (Post 84869)
Slash snarled. "Who do you think you are? Coming here and telling me what to do? Get out before I rip your ears off!" he yowled. His eyes gleamed murderously. "Its been a while since I had someone who I actually WANTED to kill. And as for Zia, well... I must be getting a little rusty, eh?" He took a step forward. "Now," he hissed, "you can either get you tail out of here or I can MAKE you."

Onyx let a grin creep onto his face.
"Try me." he replied.
"I know people like you. Thy always die. I have been here for a while, and you wanna know why? Because, my friend, I have been not only wise but feared. Now, please, try me. Try and kill me and I will end you like I ended Bleddyn. Like I ended many clan cats, and let me tell you I even fought Singenight, so please, try me. You won't live to see the break of dawn." he replied. No snarl, no growl, no hatred. He hid it all well.
"If you want to lead, become feared." he finished.

dino. December 19th, 2016 09:35 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony (Post 84942)

Onyx let a grin creep onto his face.
"Try me." he replied.
"I know people like you. Thy always die. I have been here for a while, and you wanna know why? Because, my friend, I have been not only wise but feared. Now, please, try me. Try and kill me and I will end you like I ended Bleddyn. Like I ended many clan cats, and let me tell you I even fought Singenight, so please, try me. You won't live to see the break of dawn." he replied. No snarl, no growl, no hatred. He hid it all well.
"If you want to lead, become feared." he finished.

Slash seemed to calm down slightly. "Do you know," he began slowly, "of the nursery tale about one cat who killed 6 Clan cats? If you do, do you know who that cat was?"

731 December 19th, 2016 09:44 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
In some part of the territory, a fluffy tom with a white colored fur and black brownish markings, named Darkface walked in the territory, he just don't know where he are, he travelled in a long time, he felt a scent of anothers animals, but, he noticed a felt of anothers cats, he scratched the ground furious, the tom hardly find a prey for him and when he found a good place for hunt, cats was in this place to probably attack him, the tom hided in some bushes.

monfang December 19th, 2016 10:13 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by FoxyFanGirl (Post 84948)
Slash seemed to calm down slightly. "Do you know," he began slowly, "of the nursery tale about one cat who killed 6 Clan cats? If you do, do you know who that cat was?"

"Some say it was a guard, some say it was a fighter, some say it was a commander. But if you know of that tale then you must know who told it." Onyx began.
"That tale is older then I, older then you. I'm sure even Renn grew up to it." Onyx took in a breath, knowing the tale by heart.
"But the name is always the same. Story goes a ruthless killer named Scar traveled to the clans at dusk and attacked anyone who was alone. One day he went into ThunderClan, and a few warriors tried to stop him, but failed. 6 dead by his claws, and he ran off, leaving an 'x' on their shoulders. He was never seen after that, and some say he had kits before his ultimate demise from an upcoming commander."

dino. December 19th, 2016 10:47 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony (Post 84987)

"Some say it was a guard, some say it was a fighter, some say it was a commander. But if you know of that tale then you must know who told it." Onyx began.
"That tale is older then I, older then you. I'm sure even Renn grew up to it." Onyx took in a breath, knowing the tale by heart.
"But the name is always the same. Story goes a ruthless killer named Scar traveled to the clans at dusk and attacked anyone who was alone. One day he went into ThunderClan, and a few warriors tried to stop him, but failed. 6 dead by his claws, and he ran off, leaving an 'x' on their shoulders. He was never seen after that, and some say he had kits before his ultimate demise from an upcoming commander."

Slash shook his head. "All exaggerations," he sighed. "It was actually me. When I was 10 mons old, I killed them. Tossed one into the gorge. She miraculously survived, so I finshed her myself." He bared his teeth. "A shame. They fought well."

monfang December 19th, 2016 11:02 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by FoxyFanGirl (Post 85039)
Slash shook his head. "All exaggerations," he sighed. "It was actually me. When I was 10 mons old, I killed them. Tossed one into the gorge. She miraculously survived, so I finshed her myself." He bared his teeth. "A shame. They fought well."

Onyx closed his eyes. "Oh, fool... Foolish indeed. You won't be feared, you won't be leader. The next one to step onto the mound is either Rook or me. And with my experience verses his, It's a tie. But you won't be anywhere close. I have fought for moons. Fighting for my sister and brothers. We have seen commanders come and go since we were brought into the syndicate when we were 12 moons." he looked up and his blue eyes shone a hypnotizing deep blue.
"But I will not tolerate the name of my father casted aside for you child's play. He has killed many more than you, and yet he is forgotten." he snarled. Standing, he lowered his body slightly, and bean to circle him.
"Obey the strong, the feared. Conquer the weak and mild. I will accomplish that goal, starting with you. You are not strong nor feared. I am. It's up to you, Slash, obey me, and become my follower, and you will be rewarded, or die by the claws of those who do! You will be rewarded greatly for your work done under my name, I swear it." he said.

dino. December 19th, 2016 11:26 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony (Post 85049)

Onyx closed his eyes. "Oh, fool... Foolish indeed. You won't be feared, you won't be leader. The next one to step onto the mound is either Rook or me. And with my experience verses his, It's a tie. But you won't be anywhere close. I have fought for moons. Fighting for my sister and brothers. We have seen commanders come and go since we were brought into the syndicate when we were 12 moons." he looked up and his blue eyes shone a hypnotizing deep blue.
"But I will not tolerate the name of my father casted aside for you child's play. He has killed many more than you, and yet he is forgotten." he snarled. Standing, he lowered his body slightly, and bean to circle him.
"Obey the strong, the feared. Conquer the weak and mild. I will accomplish that goal, starting with you. You are not strong nor feared. I am. It's up to you, Slash, obey me, and become my follower, and you will be rewarded, or die by the claws of those who do! You will be rewarded greatly for your work done under my name, I swear it." he said.

Slash tilted his head and was silent for a few moments, then replied, "Now why would I follow you? I don't need any rewards. I have all I possibly can have. I need nothing." Then he turned back to Pastelle and mewed, "Now. Your answer?" @Gusty.

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