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Tundra January 26th, 2018 02:04 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!
[Mine isn’t a Warrior OC this time]

Dakota is my wolf OC. He is a brown wolf, with a darker brown back/tail stripe. Underneath his tail is white. He also has hazel tail stripes, and hazel spots on his back. His front paws are white, back paws are black. His ears are cream with a black stripe. He has green eyes, and his jaw is black.

Dakota’s sister; Laika is a orange wolf. She had a black back stripe that runs down to her tail. She has black paws and black ears. Her muzzle is grey, her eyes are green.

Dakota’s older sister; Faith is a light brown wolf with darker brown stripes on her back. Her ears are the same shade of color, along with her paws. She has green eyes.

Dakota’s Mother; Melody is a grey wolf with a black tail stripe. She has white paws and black ears. Her eyes are a light blue.

Dakota’s Father; Mako is a white wolf with a black design on his back. He has a black tail tip, along with black front paws and ears. His hindpaws are orange. His muzzle is black and his eyes are blue.

Dakota’s younger brother; Orbit is a black wolf with white paws. He has a grey black stripe that runs down his tail. His eyes are green.
His sister, Laika, accidentally killed their younger brother, Orbit when they are playing in the forest. Laika bumped into him and he tumbled down a slope and into the river. Laika and Dakota tries to save him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

They made it home safely. Their sister, Faith asked where Orbit was. Dakota explained how Laika killed orbit on accident. Faith, being the type of wolf she was at that age, ran and told her parents. Melody and Mako confront the two wolves and Mako shames Laika. As he is shaming Laika, he calls her a murderer. Melody stands there and watches. Dakota jumps in to defend Laika, but Mako tells him to stand back. Heartbroken by this, Laika runs away.

A few years pass, and Laika is grown. She goes to the den, and finds Faith there eating. Faith jumps up and attacks immediately, calling her a murder. Laika fights back and eventually kills her. She chuckles and tells Faith that she is a murder now, and that she plans to kill everyone in the family. Those were the last words Faith heard, then it was over.

Mako and Dakota are hunting near the river. Dakota spots a orange pelt flash through the trees. He tells his father, and Mako tells him to ignore it. They continue hunting, and a few seconds later, Laika jumps out from behind a tree and makes an attempt to attack Dakota. Mako jumps in the way and they begin to fight. Mako tells Dakota to go back to the den, He obeys and runs.

When he gets back he finds Faith laying in the grass, dead. He takes a step back, then turns and runs back to Mako. When he gets there he races forward as Mako is pushed off the edge. Dakota skids and grabs Mako’s scruff. He makes an attmpt to pull Mako back over, but fails and looses grip.

Dakota watches as his father disappears into the quick-flowing water. He looks over his shoulder and finds Laika running away. Dakota runs after her.
A few minutes pass, and he spots his mother walking to the den. He calls a warning, but it was too late. Laika was already attacking. Due to Melody being caught off-guard, she couldn’t react and was killed. Laika laughed and darted away, leaving Dakota alone.

Dakota buries the bodies and begins following Laika’s scent. He follows the trail for hours, and eventually comes to a cliff. He calls his sisters name and looks around. A few moments later, Dakota is pinned to the ground with his head hanging over the cliff. Laika laughs and prepares to kill him.

Dakota kicks her stomach, flipping her over the cliff. As Dakota climbed to his paws, Laika grabs his hind paw and drags him over along with her. Dakota and Laika fight underwater. Dakota overpowers her and “kills” her. He grabs her scruff and hauls her to shore. He apologizes and leaves her there.

Laika wakes up and laughs. She had pretended to die when Dakota attacked, just so she could finish what she had started. Laika got to her paws and followed Dakota’s scent all the way back to the den. She stands in the entrance and calls Dakota’s name.

Dakota turned around. He is shocked and tells her that he killed her. Laika explains how she faked it and attacks again. Dakota fights back, but is overpowered. As Laika is about to kill him, he doesn’t react, but just lays there. He shuts his eyes and waits for death, but when nothing happened, he opens his eyes again. He sees Laika crying instead. She spares him and Dakota is about to thank her. Laika kills herself by slicing her throat.

Dakota goes and buries her outside, then sits next to her grave quietly. He sits there for an hour before going back into the den and tries to fall asleep. When he fails, he sits up and looks around. He thought about all the death that Laika had brought to him and lets out a howl.
Okay, so as a pup, Dakota was happy and cheerful. But as years passed, he slowly grew more and more depressed. When Laika came back and began murdering his family, that only made it worse.

Dakota doesn’t like fighting unless absolutely necessary. When all of his family was murdered, he went out to find Laika and fight her, to make her pay for what she’s done.

[I’ll edit later]

Mango January 26th, 2018 02:34 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 461136)
[Mine isn’t a Warrior OC this time]

Dakota is my wolf OC. He is a brown wolf, with a darker brown back/tail stripe. Underneath his tail is white. He also has hazel tail stripes, and hazel spots on his back. His front paws are white, back paws are black. His ears are cream with a black stripe. He has green eyes, and his jaw is black.

Dakota’s sister; Laika is a orange wolf. She had a black back stripe that runs down to her tail. She has black paws and black ears. Her muzzle is grey, her eyes are green.

Dakota’s older sister; Faith is a light brown wolf with darker brown stripes on her back. Her ears are the same shade of color, along with her paws. She has green eyes.

Dakota’s Mother; Melody is a grey wolf with a black tail stripe. She has white paws and black ears. Her eyes are a light blue.

Dakota’s Father; Mako is a white wolf with a black design on his back. He has a black tail tip, along with black front paws and ears. His hindpaws are orange. His muzzle is black and his eyes are blue.

Dakota’s younger brother; Orbit is a black wolf with white paws. He has a grey black stripe that runs down his tail. His eyes are green.
His sister, Laika, accidentally killed their younger brother, Orbit when they are playing in the forest. Laika bumped into him and he tumbled down a slope and into the river. Laika and Dakota tries to save him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

They made it home safely. Their sister, Faith asked where Orbit was. Dakota explained how Laika killed orbit on accident. Faith, being the type of wolf she was at that age, ran and told her parents. Melody and Mako confront the two wolves and Mako shames Laika. As he is shaming Laika, he calls her a murderer. Melody stands there and watches. Dakota jumps in to defend Laika, but Mako tells him to stand back. Heartbroken by this, Laika runs away.

A few years pass, and Laika is grown. She goes to the den, and finds Faith there eating. Faith jumps up and attacks immediately, calling her a murder. Laika fights back and eventually kills her. She chuckles and tells Faith that she is a murder now, and that she plans to kill everyone in the family. Those were the last words Faith heard, then it was over.

Mako and Dakota are hunting near the river. Dakota spots a orange pelt flash through the trees. He tells his father, and Mako tells him to ignore it. They continue hunting, and a few seconds later, Laika jumps out from behind a tree and makes an attempt to attack Dakota. Mako jumps in the way and they begin to fight. Mako tells Dakota to go back to the den, He obeys and runs.

When he gets back he finds Faith laying in the grass, dead. He takes a step back, then turns and runs back to Mako. When he gets there he races forward as Mako is pushed off the edge. Dakota skids and grabs Mako’s scruff. He makes an attmpt to pull Mako back over, but fails and looses grip.

Dakota watches as his father disappears into the quick-flowing water. He looks over his shoulder and finds Laika running away. Dakota runs after her.
A few minutes pass, and he spots his mother walking to the den. He calls a warning, but it was too late. Laika was already attacking. Due to Melody being caught off-guard, she couldn’t react and was killed. Laika laughed and darted away, leaving Dakota alone.

Dakota buries the bodies and begins following Laika’s scent. He follows the trail for hours, and eventually comes to a cliff. He calls his sisters name and looks around. A few moments later, Dakota is pinned to the ground with his head hanging over the cliff. Laika laughs and prepares to kill him.

Dakota kicks her stomach, flipping her over the cliff. As Dakota climbed to his paws, Laika grabs his hind paw and drags him over along with her. Dakota and Laika fight underwater. Dakota overpowers her and “kills” her. He grabs her scruff and hauls her to shore. He apologizes and leaves her there.

Laika wakes up and laughs. She had pretended to die when Dakota attacked, just so she could finish what she had started. Laika got to her paws and followed Dakota’s scent all the way back to the den. She stands in the entrance and calls Dakota’s name.

Dakota turned around. He is shocked and tells her that he killed her. Laika explains how she faked it and attacks again. Dakota fights back, but is overpowered. As Laika is about to kill him, he doesn’t react, but just lays there. He shuts his eyes and waits for death, but when nothing happened, he opens his eyes again. He sees Laika crying instead. She spares him and Dakota is about to thank her. Laika kills herself by slicing her throat.

Dakota goes and buries her outside, then sits next to her grave quietly. He sits there for an hour before going back into the den and tries to fall asleep. When he fails, he sits up and looks around. He thought about all the death that Laika had brought to him and lets out a howl.
Okay, so as a pup, Dakota was happy and cheerful. But as years passed, he slowly grew more and more depressed. When Laika came back and began murdering his family, that only made it worse.

Dakota doesn’t like fighting unless absolutely necessary. When all of his family was murdered, he went out to find Laika and fight her, to make her pay for what she’s done.

[Will be edited]

[I’ll edit later]

Oh gawd that literally puts you in the lead.

Tundra January 26th, 2018 02:42 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!
Oh wow...
I just wrote, and got carried away...

fresh January 26th, 2018 04:20 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!
i hope this counts. I just got home from school. @2018 Okapi

Storm is a red fox oc. She has black ears and a gray tail-tip. Her eyes are a bright teal. Her paws are black as well.

As a cub, she was snarky, sassy, and overall a huge handful. This lump of fur was the bravest, boldest, and snarkiest in the family. She'd jump in to a fight at a moment's notice.

Storm was once that way. As she grew older, her attitude changed. She became more strategic. More thoughtful. She thought more about the words cpming out of her mouth.

This was tested one day in a battle with rats. There seemed to be thousands of them. They fatally wounded Storm but, miraculously, she survived, thanks to her quick thinking.

Her sister Heled was the bossiest. She was younger than Storm, but acted older. She was sandy-white with blue eyes. Over time her eyes switched to amber, as most young animals do.

Storm had unusually hooked claws to help her coimb trees, something no other fox could do. In a different book, called The Chosen, I wrote about how each animal was gifted a power to help them survive. It was pretty good. Or so I thought back then.

Now? Not so much. Definetly not so much. My writing was, pardon my french, horrible. I was a horrible writer back then.

Storm's "ma" was Cloud, a dark gray fox with white paws. Her mate, Storm's "pa", was... actually, I never came up with a name for him. Let's call him Robin.

Being one of the "Chosen", Storm got a human companion to adventure with her. His name was Fox. He was snarky and stubborn as well. He had a bunch of brothers and sisters, but no mother, according to the novel.

Keep in mind that this was a long time ago. The plot itself was genius, actually, just the way I wrote it seemed... not good. Should I write it again now, this would actually be a best-selling-worthy book.

Upon meeting her companion, the entire "Shop" (the place where Travelers go to hope to be Chosen), burns to the ground. During this endeavor Storm gets bitten by a venomous dragon and is nearly killed/ eaten. According to the book, she literally sits therenas the poison eats her away and the dragon just watches.

Again. Could've written this better. This was back in, like, 3rd-5th grade. I have somehow matured a whole bunch since then. And along with my mental maturity, my writing has matured as well.

Moving on, though. Storm is saved by Fox and his brothers. She meets the brothers' Chosen, who I can't remember their names. They then travel home on a weird beast thing. Storm comments that it was frightening, but amazing at the same time.

The huge family's house ends up to be a tiny, cozy little house with rolling fields and a horse stable. And a weird beast stable. They go inside and Storm meets the father. They then eat food and fall asleep.

And right thwre is when the book ends! Yayyyy!

Mango January 27th, 2018 06:59 AM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!
*cough* theirs a tie for for first place aughhhhhh....*
@Flameleaf and @blue jellie
Third place is @~Wild Moon~
Flame and Blue either I can scheme up a only one of you can get the point challenge or both say you tie, also ~Wild~ your prize is anything in the KK bank under 500KK, I pay. First and second since I'm not paying for both to get first place prize either do the final challenge I'll scheme up so first can get an item from KK bank under 1000KK and second under 700KK or both under 700KK prize. @Sienna Dragon got fourth place and can request anything from the KK under 300 KK, @littledragon0625 got fifth place and can request something under 200KK all who participated and didn't win can request something under 100KK. Either VM me what you want or post it on this thread!!!

fresh January 27th, 2018 08:37 AM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 461320)
*cough* theirs a tie for for first place aughhhhhh....*
@Flameleaf and @blue jellie
Third place is @~Wild Moon~
Flame and Blue either I can scheme up a only one of you can get the point challenge or both say you tie, also ~Wild~ your prize is anything in the KK bank under 500KK, I pay. First and second since I'm not paying for both to get first place prize either do the final challenge I'll scheme up so first can get an item from KK bank under 1000KK and second under 700KK or both under 700KK prize. @Sienna Dragon got fourth place and can request anything from the KK under 300 KK, @littledragon0625 got fifth place and can request something under 200KK all who participated and didn't win can request something under 100KK. Either VM me what you want or post it on this thread!!!

I originally had 25 points before I wrote the paragraphs, and then I wrote 14 paragraphs. So I should have 39 points, right?

Ariii January 27th, 2018 08:55 AM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 461320)
*cough* theirs a tie for for first place aughhhhhh....*
@Flameleaf and @blue jellie
Third place is @~Wild Moon~
Flame and Blue either I can scheme up a only one of you can get the point challenge or both say you tie, also ~Wild~ your prize is anything in the KK bank under 500KK, I pay. First and second since I'm not paying for both to get first place prize either do the final challenge I'll scheme up so first can get an item from KK bank under 1000KK and second under 700KK or both under 700KK prize. @Sienna Dragon got fourth place and can request anything from the KK under 300 KK, @littledragon0625 got fifth place and can request something under 200KK all who participated and didn't win can request something under 100KK. Either VM me what you want or post it on this thread!!!

I can't believe I got Fourth!!

Tundra January 27th, 2018 01:45 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!
@2018 Okapi
@blue jellie won, she should have 39 points, not 35

Mango January 27th, 2018 03:13 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 461414)
@2018 Okapi
@blue jellie won, she should have 39 points, not 35


Originally Posted by blue jellie (Post 461333)
I originally had 25 points before I wrote the paragraphs, and then I wrote 14 paragraphs. So I should have 39 points, right?

Four weren’t about your character, they were simply stating that it was a few years old and stuff and how “bad it was and how I could write it so much better” I think that is what you said.

Tundra January 27th, 2018 03:44 PM

Re: 25 days of 2018!!
Oh ye...
I just noticed

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